The Oscillating Torque On A Three-Phase Induction Generator Connected To A Single-Phase Distribution System R.G. de Mendonça (MSc), L. Martins Neto (Dr.), J.R. Camacho (PhD) Electrical Machines Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Campus Santa Mônica, Uberlândia, 38400-902, MG, BRAZIL e.mail: Abstract - This paper presents a time domain model for the three-phase induction generator feeding a single-phase (two-wire) system. The purpose of this work is to access oscillation modes inside the induction machine. These oscillation modes will be impossible to detect when using frequency domain techniques. A 2 HP three-phase induction generator is used for the digital simulation. From this study becomes clear the existence of such torque oscillations. models[1]. However, the frequency domain technique is not suitable for the behavioral analysis of an induction generator concerning torque oscillations inside the machine. To cover this gap this paper has been designed to present a mathematical model developed to make possible a time domain analysis[2],[3],[4]. This model allows this study by showing the behavior of the oscillating electromagnetic torque inside the three-phase induction generator. Index terms - Induction generator, single-phase system, rural consumers. I. INTRODUCTION Countries with such large areas of agricultural land like Brazil, where electrical energy consumers in rural areas is characterized by: small consumers in kWh/month; small quantity of consumers per km of electrical network; small maximum simultaneous demand of electrical energy, and limitations on financial resources for investments in electrification programs. These characteristics lead the electrical energy authorities to adopt high-voltage singlephase (one wire) and low-voltage (two-wire) electrical distribution systems. Due to a constant need to increase his demand for electrical energy, mainly in terms of maximum demand, the rural consumer can be constrained by particular characteristics of a single-phase system. However, in some regions with small hydro-electric energy availability, it will always be the possibility of electrical energy generation from small plants with threephase squirrel-cage induction machines. These machines will be connected to a single-phase distribution system in order to supply typical three-phase loads. Figure 1 – Connection diagram for the three-phase squirrel-cage induction generator. Connected to a single-phase distribution system. Previous work with a three-phase induction generator has been done with frequency domain mathematical Figure 2 – Demonstration of the internal rotating magnetic field in a threephase induction generator connected to a single-phase system. II. INDUCTION GENERATOR The proposed three-phase induction generator is connected to a single phase electrical distribution system. It is an ordinary induction machine with a squirrel cage rotor and stator phases displaced spatially by 120o and same number turns/phase. An adequate capacitance Cap is coupled between phases B and C, as in Figure 1. The objective is to obtain a reliable operating point for this unbalanced configuration, where the generator is delivering nominal power under nominal voltage. As described in reference [1], a balanced situation between generator phases can be obtained, and this balance is of fundamental importance concerning the connection of a three-phase induction generator in parallel with a single-phase voltage source. Through the frequency domain mathematical modeling proposed in [1], it is clear the good behavior for the proposed generator, in terms of "rms" values, where the voltage unbalance is not so accentuated. However, an interesting point not brought in picture in [1] is the behavior of electromagnetic torque inside the generator, for small voltage unbalancing the internal electromagnetic torque shows a swinging behavior. Those swings are related to the current unbalance in the generator phases as part of a unbalanced three-phase system. As a consequence this generator has different magneto-motrice forces (mmf) in each phase. This unbalancing allows the decomposition of the mmf distribution in such a way to obtain static and rotary magnetic field distribution, where the latter are of positive and negative sequence. The positive sequence magnetic field, BR1, under the three-phase symmetrical induction machine working principles, create indirectly a rotating magnetic field, BS1, of same sequence, in the machine's rotor. The same happen to the negative sequence magnetic field, BR2, creating another BS2. The above is illustrated in Figure 2, and can be seen clearly that: - The magnetic fields (BS1, BR1) and (BS2, BR2) shows a constant angular displacement between them, therefore the resulting aligning electromagnetic torque is constant; - The angular position between magnetic fields (BS1, BR1) and (BS2, BR2) changes periodically, therefore the electromagnetic torque is an oscillating value. The model presented in [1] doesn't allow the possibility of instantaneous analysis. The referenced model doesn't allow the analysis of generator internal electromagnetic torque, therefore in this work it is presented a time domain mathematical modeling. III. MATHEMATICAL MODEL Figure 1 shows the connection diagram for the threephase induction generator connected to a single-phase distribution system. From Figure 1 we have: d(Vb − Vc ) 1 .i Cap = dt Cap ic = −(ia + ib ) V = Va − Vc Va − Vb = R.i ab Vb − Vc = R.ibc Vc − Va = R.ica (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The induction generator voltage and current relationship is presented by the generic equation: v i = ri .i i + dλ i dt (7) where: vi , ii , ri , λi – are respectively voltage, current, resistance and coupled magnetic flux for one of the generator’s phase called. i index – represents one of the generator’s phase (stator abc – rotor ABC). The magnetic flux coupling are given by the following general equation: λi = (Li + Lii ).i + ∑ Lij .ii (8) i≠ j where: Li + Lii – generator’s phase i self inductance. Lij – generator’s mutual inductance between phases i and j. ii , ij – instantaneous currents of phases i and j , respectively. For the three-phase generator pictured in Figure 1, self and mutual inductances are given by [L] matrix as follows: [L1] [L] = [L 2] (9) A11 A12 0 A13 A14 A15 [L1] = A12 A22 0 A23 A24 A25 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 A13 A23 0 A33 0 [L2] = A14 A24 0 0 A33 0 A15 A25 0 0 0 A33 (10) (11) where: A11=2(Lss-Mss); A12= - (Lss+Mss); A13=Mss-MsR; A14=Mss-MsR; A15=0; A22= -2Mss; A23=0; A24=0; A25=0; A33=LRR. Lss - are the values of self inductances for any of the stator phases (a, b, c); LRR – are the values of self inductances for any of the rotor phases (A, B, C) referred to the stator; Mss – are the values of mutual inductances between stator phases (a, b, c); MsR - are the values of mutual inductances between stator phases (a, b, c) and rotor phases (A, B, C). Laa=Lbb=Lcc; Lab=Lac=Lbc; MaA=MbB=McC=M.cosθ (12) MaB= MbC= McA=M.cos(θ - 2π/3) MaC= MbA= McB=M.cos(θ + 2π/3) The three-phase induction equations are given by: generator mechanical dW R 1 = .(Tb − Tm ) dt J (13) dθ p = .WR dt 2 (14) Tm = p T ∂L .[I ] . .[I ] 4 ∂θ IV. DIGITAL SIMULATION (15) where: WR – rotor angular mechanical speed; θ - rotor electrical angular displacement; p – pole number; Tm – generator electromagnetic torque; Tb - turbine torque. Once having all the induction generator equations, digital simulations have been done in order to confirm the electromagnetic torque oscillations. Therefore, the benchmark was the three-phase induction motor used in [1], a three-phase induction machine with similar characteristics was taken, a 2 HP, 4 poles, 380/220 Volts, squirrel cage rotor, with equivalent circuit parameters given by Table 1. From the union of electrical (1) to (12) and mechanical (13) to (15) equations, can be obtained an equation system which represents the three-phase induction generator connected to a single-phase distribution system. The resulting matrix equation system is shown below: d [I '] d [L'] .[I '] (16) = [L']−1.[V '] − [R'] + dt dt where: [I’] - represents the current matrix (stator, rotor and load); [L’] - represents the inductance matrix (stator, rotor and load); [V’] - represents the voltage matrix (stator, rotor and load); [R’] – represents the resistance matrix (stator, rotor and load). TABLE 1. THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MACHINE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PARAMETERS. Stator Resistance 3,80±0,03Ω Rotor Resistance (referred to the stator) 3,01±0,03Ω Locked Rotor Reactance ( referred to the stator) Phase Magnetization Reactance Figure 4 – No-load induction generator speed, considering only the 1st spatial harmonic. The following simulations are obtained with the same capacitor used in [1], i.e., Cap = 95 µF in order to have an idea of its effect on the electromagnetic torque behavior inside the generator. 3,10±0,03Ω 75,15±0,7Ω Figure 5 – Phase “a” current, considering only the 1st spatial harmonic. Once simulated the case described in [1], with the utilization of 95 µF capacitor, through Figures 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 the electromagnetic torque, speed and generator stator's phase current time domain graphs. Through Figure 3 can be observed clearly the presence of oscillating torque around the turbine's nominal torque (7.5 N.m). Figure 3 – No load induction generator torque, considering only the 1st spatial harmonic. V. CONCLUSIONS Figure 6 – Phase “b” current, considering only the 1st spatial harmonic. However, it can be seen in Figure 4, that the generator speed oscillates expressively. Those oscillations can produce in a long term basis some stress damage in the shaft. From Figure 2 can be observed clearly that the heavy electromagnetic torque oscillations are the cause of highly oscillating rotational speed for this machine, as can be seen in Figure 3. With the use of frequency domain modeling it is not possible to see clearly these effects. Driving an induction generator in such conditions it is not advisable since it’s performance won’t be acceptable. So, it will be necessary to minimize these oscillations in order to be possible the use of three-phase induction generators connected to a single-phase (two-wire) distribution system. In order to minimize the problem, further studies are in progress taking advantage of the same philosophy already used for the asymmetrical three-phase induction motor. VI. REFERENCES [1] T. F. Chan; "Performance Analysis of a Three-Phase Induction Generator Connected to a Single-phase Power System.", IEEE – Transactions on Energy Conversion, September 1998, Vol 13 No. 3, pp 205213. [2] Mendonça, R.G.;Martins Neto, L; "Análise Comparativa de Desempenho: Motor de Indução Trifásico Simétrico e Motor de Indução Trifásico Assimétrico. Conjugados Oscilantes", XII Brasilian Automatic Control Conference – XII CBA. Vol I, pp. 243-247 – September 14-18, 1998 – Uberlândia, MG, Brazil. [3] Martins Neto, L.; Mendonça, R.G.; Camacho, J.R. and Salerno, C.H.; "The Asymmetrical Three-Phase Induction Motor Fed by Single Phase Source: Comparative Performance Analysis", IEEE-IEMDC - International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 1997. [4] Martins Neto, L.; Camacho, J.R. and Salerno, C.H. & Alvarenga, B.P., "Analysis of Three-Phase Induction Machine Inclunding Time and Space Harmonic Effects: The A,B,C Reference Frame", IEEE-PES - Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume 14, Number 1, pp. 80-85, March 1999. Figure 7 – Phase “c” current, considering only the 1st spatial harmonic. It can be observed in Figures 5, 6 and 7 the unbalancing in the stator windings phase currents. Those are the currents responsible for the mmf internal unbalance in the generator and as a consequence the creation of oscillating torque. From Figure 2 can be seen clearly the oscillating torque action inside the machine and through Figure 3 can be seen the damaging effects caused to the machine rotational speed originated by the internal unbalance inside the machine.