International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 Three Level DC-DC Boost Converter For High Conversion Ratio Ashwini S Musale Prof. Bapusaheb T Deshmukh Electronics Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad, India Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad, India Abstract— This paper present three level DC-DC boost converter topology for high conversion ratio. This topology is a combination of traditional boost topology with voltage multiplier. The Traditional boost converter is unable to provide high gain ratio since it has high voltage stress and high duty cycle, hence the three level DC-DC boost converter is used which gives the reliable high conversion ratio. The main advantage of proposed topology is output voltage can be increased by using the combination of capacitors and diodes at output side of the converter, without altering main circuit. Proposed circuit is used for high power application with severe duty cycle. The proposed three level dc-dc boost converter topology consists of 5 capacitors, 7 diodes, 2 inductors and a switch. The design parameters of proposed topology are input voltage, output voltage and duty cycle which are of the ratings 28V, 167V and 46% respectively. The verification of proposed topology is done by experimental results. in the input side to distribute the input current and voltage multiplier cell is adopted in the output side to achieve a high step up gain[11]. The great strides taken in the industrial applications of power electronics during recent years have demonstrated that this versatile tool can be of great importance in increasing production, efficiency & control. A converter uses a matrix of power semi conductor switches to converter electrical power at a high efficiency. Conventional DC-DC boost converter is not suitable for high voltage gain application because of high voltage stress and high duty cycle [8][9].In voltage-mode and current-mode control have been widely utilized for the control of switching dc–dc converters, which enjoy various benefits, such as small ripple, small steady-state error, and constant switching frequency. In[12]secondary rectification which helps to extend the converter voltage gain and reduce the turns ratio of transformer. When PWM generated topology is used in converters where as efficient bi-directional digital communication used switch mode power converters [13]. A boost converter using a power MOSFET has output of boost always greater than the input voltage. The DC-DC multilevel boost converter is proposed for not only for electrical drives application but also for inverter. The main advantage of proposed Switched inductor multilevel boost converter is high gain efficient with high duty cycle as compared to convectional multilevel boost converter. This topology is a modification of recently proposed boost multilevel converter. In this paper include three section I shows introduction of different topology are used for conversion of high gain application, Where as section-II implementation of traditional boost converter with added levels of capacitors and operation of modes, depends on switch (on and off). Section-III, It shows analysis of proposed topology and comparison with recent topology. Keywords—Boost converter; Votage multiplier; DC-DC converter; Switched inductors, floating output. I. INTRODUCTION Electricity being the basic need of day to day life, hence to fulfill the huge requirement of electricity it is better to use renewable energy sources (solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, etc).The output of renewable energy source such as Fuel cell, solar energy, wind energy, etc is having low voltage gain hence it is required to boost the output voltage for higher gain[1]. For example the output of solar system is only 12-24V DC but this voltage is not sufficient to use it for other applications, hence DC-DC multilevel boost converter is used for having higher voltage gain [2][3][4].Mostly renewable energy sources are used in grid or smart grid system, these energy sources standby with battery or without battery backup. This type of grid applications are used for high gain step-up dc-dc converters [6][7]. Power Electronics is the art of converting and controlling of electrical energy from one form to another form in an efficient and clean manner for convenient utilization [5]. In [10] operation of this topology is depend on continuous and discontinuous inductor current mode for reduced switching stress. In interleaved structure is employed 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE II. PROPOSED CONVERTER AND OPERATING MODE A. Block Diagram Multilevel DC-DC converter combines the function of conventional DC-DC converters and voltage multiplier as shown in Fig1. The gain of multilevel converter is depends upon the duty cycle of gate pulse and number of levels present in voltage multiplier. This proposed converter used for many application such as inverter, electrical drives, which required high output voltage more than input. Fig.3 Charged inductor L1, L2 through diode D6, D8 Fig.1Block diagram of multilevel DC-DC boost converter B. Multilevel Boost Converter The proposed topology of three level boost converter gives high gain floating output. Boost converter 5-capacitors, 7diodes, 2-inductor and 1-switch are required to design the circuit. As shown in above Fig.2 switch S, inductor L, diode D1 and C1 form the conventional boost converter stage. The output from the capacitor C1 is considered as first level output of multilevel DC-DC boost converter and is denoted as Vc1. The output from the capacitor C3, C5 is considered as second and third level output of multilevel DC-DC boost converter respectively. • When the inductors are charged, at the same time voltage across capacitor C1, charges the capacitor C2 through a diode D2, because D2 is forward biased. Fig.4 Charging of capacitor C2 through diode D2 • Input supply Vin and output side capacitors C1, C3 charges the capacitor C2 and C4 through Diode D4 is forward biased. Fig.2 Proposed topology of three level DC-DC boost converter C. Modes of Operation The operation of multilevel DC-DC boost converter (MBC) can be divided into two modes, one when switch S is ON and another when switch S is OFF. Mode 1(Switch is ON) • • When switch S is turned ON, the inductor L1 and L2 charged parallel by input voltage Vin through diode D6 and D8. Diode operate only one direction and first condition is unspecified capacitors are fully charged C1,C3, C5. Fig.5 Charging of capacitor C2, C4 through diode D4 Mode 2 (Switch is OFF) • When switch s is OFF, at that time Inductors L1 and L2 discharged in series therefore diode D6 and D8 are reversed biased and diode D7 and D1 are forward biased, capacitor C1 is charged by inductor L1 and L2 through diode D7 and D1. has finite internal resistance. Due to this internal resistance forward voltage drop takes place. Voltage drop across diode and switch is Vd. According to analysis, three level switched inductor dc-dc boost converter, ratio is Fig.6 Charging of capacitor C1 and discharge L1, L2 Again diode D7 & D3are forward biased the voltage across the inductors L1, L2 and capacitor C2 charges the Capacitor C1 and C3. When discharged capacitors C1, C3, C5 charges by using input side capacitors C2, C4. • Vout 2 + 4 D = Vin 1− D (1) Vout 1 = Vin 1 − D (2) When compare the proposed topology with recent topology is as followed • Simple boost converter • • • Multilevel boost converter Vout 3 = Vin 1 − D (3) Vout 1 + D = Vin 1 − D (4) Vout N (1 + D) = Vin (1 − D) (5) Switched inductor boost converter Switched inductor multilevel boost converter The above comparable points are draw the charts of gain verses duty cycle. Fig.7 Charging of capacitor C1, C3 through diode D3 • Inductors L1 and L2 and Capacitor C1 and C4 are charged by capacitor C1, C3 and C5 through Diode D7 and D5.When D7 and D5 are forward biased. Fig. 9 Voltage gain compare with output levels Fig.8 Charging of capacitor C1, C3, C5 through diode D5 III. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED BOOST CONVERTER In practical boost converter circuits, the switch and diodes The proposed topology is compared with the other researched topology, Fig 9 shows calculated values of duty cycle verses voltage gain in graphical manner. It means proposed topology shows three levels of multiplier circuit only changes the value of duty cycle, see the value of voltage gain. Fig 10shows the increased number level and see the effect of voltage gain. In proposed equation, first calculate the voltage gain for N=1, N=2, N=3 with changing duty cycle. Fig.13 Pulse width across switch Fig. 10 Voltage gain compare with different topology IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The proposed switched inductors DC-DC multilevel boost converter has been designed for three levels, input voltage is 28.1V, output voltage 167V.1.5mH inductors, 220µf capacitors, duty cycle 46%, switching frequency 50kHz used for designed the proposed converter. Fig.14 Input and Output voltage waveform V. CONCLUSION Fig.11Hardware module of proposed converter The above hardware module input side connect main supply to step down transformer 230/30V, bridge rectifier. The output of bridge rectifier is gives to boost circuit, control circuit, switched inductor and multilevel circuit serially links are done. After the attached components through probes DSO shows the results. A switched inductor boost converter is presented in this paper which has very large dc-dc conversion ratio at high duty cycle. 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