= AUDIOMATIC PuoToFAcr' FolJ"r J ltt 6 o = I t- o = a 3 c I o 3 J{ r'l 3 o GENERAL INFORMATION E' trt F The Audiomatic Modei A-900 is a dual-track monaural tape recorder and play two or four track prerecorded stereophonic tapes. are: player. It wili Model A-900 features push-button control for each tape transport mode. These modes Rewind, Record, Stop, Play, and Fast Forward. Double track recording is used, giving two fuli length recordings on a reel of tape. Any size reel up to ?" can be used. A record level indicator is provided to simplify the record level settlng. New recordings can be made on previously recorded tape since the erase head is automatically positioned when the record button is depressed. Monaural recordings can be made from a radio, televj.sion receiver, or phonograph in addition to those made directly from the microphone. This recorder has two tape speeds, ?.50 inches per second, and tracks, the recording time is as follows: 3. ?4 inches Using both Reel Size 5" (600 ft. ) ?" (1200 ft. ) Connect this recorder to a 3.75 Speed ?.50 Speed 2 hour I hour l/ 2 hours ll? volt, per second. I hour 60 cycles, AC supply only. Supplied By: Continental lambic I nc., 6842 W. Archer, Chicago, lllinois v, l-t -l ctr cJr HCDWARD W. SAlUtS & -.U The lieting of any available replacement part herein does not constitute in any case a recommendation, warranty or guarantyby Howard W. Sams & Co,, Inc., as to the quality and suitability of such replacement part. The numbers of these parts have been compiled from information furnished to Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., by the manufacturers of cQ4?? e G O.r I N |E. lndianapolis the particular t1rye 6, lndiana .rrl € of replacement part listed. Repro- duction or use, without express permission, of editorial or E t-r -t pictorial content, in any manner, le prohibited. No patent liability is assumed wlth reepect to the uee of the lnforma- tion contained herein. @ tgOt Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. , Indianapolis 6, Indiana. Printed tn U.S. of Amerlca DATI 12 - 61 sET 558 CJI rotDtR TAPE INDICATOR SPEED CONTROL RECORD LOCK SPEAKER MONITOR LEFT CHANNEL CONTROLS RECORD LEVEL INDICATOR TONE VOLUME REWIND RECORD STOP PLAY FAST FWD. Fig. l. Audiomatic A-900 with cabinet top removed. TECHN I CAL SPECIF I CATI ONS AUDIOMATIC MODEL A.9OO Amplifier Stereo Input: InSTOP position, both serve as low level inputs for using the recorder as a complete amplifier' For stereo, both are used; monaurally, either can be Recording used. Input: For recordingdirectlyfrom radio or TV or from the Model P-902 phonograph. Sing A-Long InPut: Permits use of microphone when playing tape or reeords" 2 Ext. spkrs: For earphone monitoring or operation of external speaker system. Also can be used as variable outputs for feeding external amplifier or builtin Hi-Fi systems. Volume Controls (Two): Bothbass andtreble compensated. Independently controls output of each channel. Output: 6 watts peak (stereo). C g o Fig. 2. Top View of mechanism with baseplate overlay removed. >= bt gi o = E' Tube Complement: 1--5y3, 2-Power ECC82 /L2AV7, 2--ECL82/68M8. Supp1y: Heavy duty, transformer type, hum and noise shielded. 11?VAC, 112 watts. Frequency Response: 40 to 15,000 cps @ 7 L/2 ips + 3 db. Bias Frequency: 80r000 cycles, for distortion-free recording. Tone Controls (Two): Full range, from maximum brilliance to rich bass tone. Independent control of each channel for best listening pleasure. General Record Indicator: Easy view, tube type (tuning eye). Size: Harmonic Distortion: Weight: 5% at peak output. Speakers: 2--5" x 7" heavy permanent magnet, extended range matched speakers. Acoustically baffled with On-Off monitoring switch" Chassis: Heavy aluminum, fully shielded. Signal To Noise Ratio: 40 db minimum" rll F L87/9"xg 3/4,'x15L/4" 39 lbs. Storage Compartment: For tape, reels, AC cord, and microphone. Public Address System: Can be used while recording. AC Outlet: Located on rear panel. Provides AC outlet for phonograph, etc. .Tl o I Duplicating Tapes: Using two units exact copies can be made. m v \JT Wow and Flutter: Standard Accessories: l-Humi-Seal Crystd Microphone, 1-?" empty reel, 1-5" reel of tape, f-instruction bookr 1warranty certificate. Acces sories Available: Patch cords - for recording from radio, phono, TV. Duplicating cords Tape.Transport - for copying tapes. .35% Tape Indicator: By integral numbers, easily reset, giving instantaneous s election. Record-Playback Head: Stacked in-Iine, combined Motor: ips. a m i c all y balanced, vibration free. Heavy duty, constant speed, 4-pole shaded--l?00 rpm. Contains lifetime, self-aligned, select fit oilite bearings. Motor mounted on special isolation Dyn Rapid forward and rewind. Tape Reel Size: 3tt, 5tt, or ?tt. Record Lock: Safety feature t/4 or L/2 ftack, fully shielded .0002 gaps. d Tape Speed: 3 3/4 and 1 L/2 or less-? t/2 ips speed. type floating mounts. to prevent accidental erasure. Erase: Patented permanent magnet, diagonal gap, positive, automatic. Controls: Flywheel: Balanced, zinc die cast. Unit Mounting Plate: Sturdy one piece aluminum die-cast metal-other parts placed for protection. Cooling: Fult pushbutton operation, all modes. 4" fan, forced ventilation. SPECIFICATIONS MODEL P-902 STEREOPHONIC PHONO DI SC.TURNTABLE ( ACCESSoRY ) Weight: Speeds: 3-speed manual turntable-33 l/31 45.- Approximately 8 lbs. and ?8 rpm. Cartri{ge: Size: Neutral Fosition: Case: 14tix8ttx5il. Stereophonlc cartridge with turnover needle. Portable with cover and handle. To prevent drive wheel '{l.at spots'when not in use. Cables: For either monaural or stereophonic reproduc- tion. SPECIF ICATIONS MODEL S-9OI DUAL EKTS{SION SPEAKIR5 ( ACCESSORY ) Carrying Case: E<tra Speaker jack: Erables use of both speakers monaurally for Portable, separates into two separate tone bal- greater volume and coverage. anced speakers. Case Complement: Weight: Approximately 18 lbs. Each unit consists of one-8" permanent magnet speaker and one-3" tweeter. Crossover network used in each unit. lO-Foot Leads: 2-used, for plugging into Audiomatic extension speaker jacks. 4 Size: L5 l/2" x 14" x 12". FUNCTIONS OF CONTROLS & PUSHBUTTONS 0n-0ff, Tone, Volume - Right Channel This is a dual control located at the extreme Iower right side of the top panel. The large outer rim controls the volumeof the sound from the right channel speaker when playing stereo. The small inner knob turns the Audiomatic 'bn" and also is used to adjust the tone from the right channel spealer. Speaker Monitor This controlislocated to the left of the ON-OFF switch. Itservesas a monitor control so that Jrou czul listen to sound as it is being recorded monaurally. Turning this control to the right (clockwise) turns on the left internal speaker. Turned to the left, the speaker is disconnected. TheSPEAKffi. MONITOR switch does not control the right internal speaker or extension speakers. Tone, Volume - Left Channel This, also, is a dual control, located at the extre'meleft on the top panel. The large outer rim controls the volume of the left channel speaker. The small innerknobisusedtoadjustthe tone from the left chan- Rewind Button This button is used to transfer the tape rapidly from the right (ta.ke-up) reel to the left (supply) reel at high speed. Record Button This button is used to start the Audiomatic recording any sound being fed to the tape from microphone, radio, TV, phonograph, or telephone. Note: TIIE RECORD LOCK MUST BE TURND BEFORE THE RECORD BUTTONCANBEDEPRESSED. Stop Button This button is us ed to stop tape travel after being ineitherthePLAY, RECORD, FORWARD, or REWIND modes. It is also a safety feature and must always be left pressed down when the recorder is not in use. Play Button This buttonis used to start the Audiomatic play- nel speaker. ing back any recording that is on the tape, monaural or stereophonic. Record Lock Foruard Button This knob serves to prevent recordings from being accidentally erased by pressing the RECORD This button is used to transfer the tape rapidly from the left reel to the right reel without recording pushbutton by mistake. NOTE: THIS KNOB MI'ST BE TURNED TOTHERIGHT (CLOCKWTSE) BEFORE THE RECORD BUTTON CAN BE DEPRESSED. Speed Control The SPEED knob should point to ?.50 or 3.?5 according to the speed desired. The Audiomatic has two tape speeds, 7.50-inches-per-second and 3.75inches-per-second. Insofar as quality of recording reproduction is concerned. Speed is an important factor. The higher the speed, generally, the greater will be the fidelity. Caution: DonotturntheSPEED knob unless the STOP button'is depressed. or playing back" Tape I ndicator c I o >= bT 8;i 3 o Setthe counter to zero by turning its reset knob toward the rear of the recorder when starting to record or play back a reel of tape. If the reading of the counter is nqted at various points in the tape travel, newprogram selections can be indexed, or previously recorded selections can be located with great accuracy. E llt F Record Level lndicator The RECORD LEVEL indicator gives a visual of the correct volume setting for the RECORD function. Adjustthel EFT CHANNEL VOLIJME control to the point where the RECORD LEVEL indicator does not quite close on peak passages. analysis REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS Ext. Spkrs. - Left and Right These jacks provide a connection for external speakers. When external speakers are used, the internal speakers are automatically disconnected. Sing A-Long By inserting the microphone plug into the Sing A-'Long jack, the operator can aecompary phonograph recordsormonaural tapes without his voice being recorded on the tape. Mic. lnput TT o I The microphone may be plugged into this jack rrt v for recording or for public address use. vr Recording lnput Stereo lnput This jaek is designed to connect the audio signals from a radio, phonograph, or television receiver to the recorder for recording purposes. thetwophonopick-up cables from a stereo phonograph to the recorder for playing stereo records. These input jacks are designed for connecting OPERATI NG I NSTRUCTIONS Preparation For Operation 1. Remove the AC power cord, reel of tape, empty reel, andthe microphone from the rear compartment. 2. Depress the STOP birtton. 3. Plug the AC cord into a convenient wall receptacle of the proper rating. 4. SetSPEEDcontrol lmob in the 3.75 or 7.50 position as desired. Caution: DonotturnSPEEDcontrol knob unless button is depressed. STOP When the forward or reverse buttons are depressed, the RECORD and PLAY buttons are locked io that they cannot be pressed down, with, the possibility of spilling tape. The buttons should always be pressed down firmly until they latch. The STOP button must be depressed before changing functions or speeds of the recorder. Important: Always depress the STOP button when the recorder is not in use. 2. With the STOP button depressed, turn the ON-OFF TONE control to the right (clockwise) until a click is heard. Allow the recorder to warm-up until the RECORD LEVEL indicator glows green. 3. Place the SPEED knob in the position desired. As a general rule, 3.?5-inches per second for voice, and ?.50-inches per second for music. 4. Turn the RECORD LOCK to the right with the left handandwiththe right hand depress the RECORD button--then release the RECORD LOCK. 5" While holding the microphone about 3-4-inches away from the mouth, speak in a normal tone of voice and adjust the LEFT' CHANNEL-VOLUME control to the point where the RECORD LEVEL indicator does not quite close on Peak Passages. Note: To monitor the sound being recorded, turn the SPEAKffiMOMTORcontroltothe right. Care f ar enough from the recorder to prevent squeal due to a- must be taken to keep the microphone coustic feedback. Rayind (< ) 0r Fast Forward (>) it is desirable to play a certain portion of again, it is not necessary to revind the over a tape entire reel. By depressing the rewind (<) button the tapewill reverse at a rapid speed. By depressing the fastforward (>) buttonthetapewilladvance at a rapid When Threading The Tape pan (left) making certainthereel slots catch the protrusions of the pan. 1. Placea reel of tape on the supply 2. Place an empty reel, the same sizeor larger, on the take-uppan (right). Again make certain the reel slots catch the protrusions of the Pan. speed. 3. Releasethe STOP button by pressing lightly on any one of the other four pushbuttons so that all buttons are in the released position. This releases the tape brakes, simplifying tape threading. Whileitis possible to record sound from an external source simply by placing the microphone in frontof thespeaker, thisis not recommended as backgroun<i noises will be recorded along with the desired 4. Unwind about 14-inches of tape from the supply reel. Hold a section of tape straight with both hands and insert the tape in the tape slot making sure that the dull coated side of the tape faces away from the the speaker voice coil terminals of the radio or TV receiver. For this purpose, a patch cord is available To Record From Radio 0r TV program material. For noisefree recordings, record directly from operator (toward rear of unit). frorn your Audiomatic dealer. 5. Insert the free end of the tape into the slot in the reel. While holding the tape in place, give the reel two or three turns to secure the tape to CORDING INPLII located on the rear panel of the Audio- hub of the empty the reel. Note: 3. Adjust the volume control of the radio or TV at normal roomvolume. Setthe tone control of the radio To Record From Microphone 6 matic. 2. Connect the patch cord alligator clips to the radio or TV receivers voice coil terminals. Do not route tape around tape post. 1. Insert the microphone plug into the MIC. jack cated on the rear Panel. 1. Insert the plug end of the patch cord into the RE- 1o- or TV at full treble. 4. Proceedwithrecordingas described under rllo Re- cord From Microphone'i. 2. Set the SPEH) knob to the speed at which the recording was made. 3. Place SPEAKER MOMTOR control in the 'bn" To Record From Phonograph 1. Plug one of the phono turntable output cables into theRECORDINGINPU'I jacklocated on the rear panel. 2. Insert AC cordfromphonographinto 11?V"A.C. outlet on rear panel. 3. Start turntable and proceed with recording as described under rTo Record From Microphone". Note: Themicrophone should not be connected to the Audio mati c when recording from another source. Also, when the recording is played backo thephonooutputcable should be removed from the RECORDING INPUT jack. position. 4. Adjust the RIGHT and LEFT VOLITME and TONE controls for desired listening level. Sing A-Long Use With Phono 1. Place a record on the turntable and plug one of the phono output cables into the jack on the back panel marked RECORDING INPUT. 2. Insert mic:rophone plug into the jack on the back panel marked SIIIG A-LONG. 3. Starttheturntableand adjust the LEFT CHANNELVOLUME control for desired listening level. To Use Second Track 1. Depress the STOP button 4. Sing into the microphone and adjust the RIGHT when the tape has been wound onto the take-up reel. CHANNEL-VOLUME control until the sounds coming from the right-hand speal<er blend rvith the music 2. Removetake-upreel, turn over, andplaceonsuppiy paJl. coming from the left-hand speaker. Sing A-Long Use With 3. Place empty reel on take-up pan. In addition to accompanying phonograph records, 4. Thread tape and proceed with recording viously described. Tape as pre- To Play Monaural Recordings CHANNEL-VOL IJME control. 1. Thread tape as described under "Threading The 2. Plug microphone into jack marked SING A-LONG, sing into microphone and advance RIGHT CHANNELVOLUME control to the point where your voice blends 2. Set the SPED knob to the speed at which the recording was made. position. 4. Turn the RIGHT CHANNEL-VOLIjME control to To Use As Public Address System 5. PressthePlAYbuttonand adjust the LEFT CHAN- With the STOP button pressed down, speak directly into the microphone, setting the LEFT CHAN- minimum. NEL-VOL UME and TONE controls for desired listening leveI. To Play Stereophonic Tape 1. Thread tape as described under 'lThreading The Tape". o >3 .bI gi o = Im with the music. Caution: You cannot record your voice along with the taped program. If the RECORD button is depressed, the tape will be erased. 3. Place SPEAKffi, MONITOR control in the "on" E tape and narrate at the same time. 1. Playthetapeinthenormal manner, adjusting LEFT Tape". c you can record monaural selections, then play the F NEL-VOLIIME and TONE controls for desired listening level and tone" Caution: Holdthemicrophoneasfar away as possible from the left speaker to prevent squeal due to acoustic feedback. DISASSTMBLY INSTRUCTIONS To Remove Unit From Case ( Ref er to Exploded View) 1. Remove push-on type speed shift knob (3), the top and bottom of dual control knobs (14), (16), (22), and (23), and the dummy dual control knobs (20) and (2a). 2. Removethetwoscrews, (9) and (10), from the front escutcheon (11). Remove escutcheon. 3. Remove screw (5) from rear escutcheon (6). Remove escutcheon. 4. Remove tape guide post (15). 5. Remove screws (18) that mount the front escutcheon mounting brackets" -rf 6. la1 Remove the two scre\rrs holding the unit in the cabinet (located at top of storage compartment)" o (t v \tr ?. Remove baseplate overlaY (12). To Remove Amplifier From Transport Mechanism 8. Remove the two serewsr located at front of baseplate, holding unit in cabinet. the amplifier chassis" 1. Remove the motor and power "U" shaped bracket Remove compartment. in storage "U" shaped bracket from storage comPartment. 2. Remove the four head terminals. Remove the four s crevfs holding the two sub-panels to the rear panel" chassis. 9. Removethefour screqrs holding 10. Push the two sub-panels through the holes in the 11. rear of the ca.binet. hea.d transformer plug from leads from the play-record 3. Remove tnto screws from each end of amplifier away from the transport mechanism and disconnect the play-record switch arm 4. Carefullylifttheamplifier link (104). 12. Lift tape transport and amplifier assembly partially out o] cabinet. Unplug four speaker leads and speaker monitor plug before removing unit completely' MECHAN I CAL A DJ U STMENTS Pressure Pad Adjustment Exploded View) ( Refer to TAPE 1, Remove front escutcheon (11). I 2. Depress the PLAY button. Do not turn the Audiomatic tbn". 3. Useapenciltype postal scale and check the amount necessary to just pull the right-hand pad awayfrom the play-record head (57)" The test should of pressure be made at the right-hand end of ttre pressure pad mounting spring. If necessary, adjust locked adjustment scielv'(42iuntil a reading of t 3/4'oz. *l/4-oz' is obtained. 4" The guide post pressure pad (Ieft-hand pad) is adjusted by bending the pressure pad spring (35). Adjust for minimum pressure against tape. Fig. 3. Erase head tape Path. (junctionof long diagonat slot and short vertical slot). 3. To adjust the level of the tape, loosen set screw (44) and rotate tape guide post (45) to move tape up or down. See H<Ploded View. See Figure Brake Shoe Adjustment Erase Head Adjustment 1. With tape properly thr eaded, turn r ecorder'bn " and depress the RECORD button. Allow tape to run for a f err seconds then turn recorder 'bff ", but leave RECORD button depressed. ( Ref er to ExPloded View) 1. Withall pushbuttons in the 'tp" position, the brake pads (90) should clear brake drums (10? and 109) by approximately 2. With front escutcheon (11) and rear escutcheon (6) removed, checkerase tread (52) to see if it is parallel with the taPe. 3" Check to see if the top edge of the tape coincides rvith the top end of the diagonal slot in the erase head t/8", 2. DepresstheSTOP button while observing the brake pads. Both brake pads must contact the brake drums at the same time and with equal pressure. 3. If necessary, adjust by bending brake spring (91). CLEAN ING The majority of defects, other than wear or breakage, can be traced to dirty surfaces. The play- recordtread (5?), capstan, andpressureroller (67) are subjectto an accumulation of tape coating oxide, which is worn off the tape as it passes these parts. This accumulation should be periodically removed since it Wipe will cause faint recording and poor playback'dirt is these surfaces carefully with a clean cloth. If caked or hard and will not come off with a dry cloth, dampen cloth with alcohol or lighter fluid. 7 Fig. 4. Bottom vi€r,v of transport mechanism. LUBRICATION All rotating parts are provided with generous sizeoilitebearings which are factory lubricated" Under normal use no further lubrication is necessary. In heavy duty service, the following parts should be lubricated once a ye:rr with a drop of # 10 motor oil: The basic rule is - do not over lubricate. Oil mustbekeptoff all rubber idlers, belts, and periphery of flyrheelandoff partsthatmighttransfer oil to them. 1. The top lubrieated. and bottom motor bearings" 2. The capstan bearing. 3" Pressure roller (67) bearings. 4. All idler 5. The reel pan bearings. Always wipe excess lubricant from parts that have been An occasional cleaning out of foreign matter unthe pushbuttons is desirable, and a drop of oil on the sliding lever members is advisable. C Io >- bI gi 3 der o C' m F and drive wheel bearings. ?t c) (:' Fig. 5. Bottom view of transport mechanism - motor mounting plate removd. m 7 t\tr / e @ Y sj @:---@ Y-,c I hRI f I @.----.---@ \v E I PH CG-) V H r# [N II ? * L_l ib l@li [tl-i-@ ii t4t,',,A t : I tit-L/," lt ri /Cr I r' tt rl t' I ,p, @6 A PHOTOFACT "EXPLODED" VIEW @Howrtd V. Srmr & Co., lnc. l96l ..-4_\ Fig. 6A. Exploded vierv of parts above baseplate. t0 C I bt gi o o = E, m F 6/ d A M/ PHOTOFACT "EXPLODED' VIEW oHowrrd V. Srmc & Co., lnc. l96l {,/ €oc -O\ (D (D 3c ltt (D / -Tl c) rt3 -:"*-, ]?1 7 Fig. 6 B. Exploded visrt 0f parts below baseplate. \tl tl Fig. 7. Top vieuv ELECTR I of motor mounting plate. CAL A DJU STMENTS 2. Clean pole pieces of play-record head (5?) with Hum Adjustment Place unit alcohol or lighter fluid. in PLAY position; Left Channel- 3. Thread alignment tape on recorder. Turn Left VOLUME at maximum and Left Channel-TONE at full bass. Connect a VTVM to the LEFT Ext. Spkr. jack. Setthe VTVM to AC, 3 volt scale, with a 3.3 ohm load resistor across the meter. Adjust hum control (R3) for mininium deflection on meter. Channel-VOLtIME TONE to to full treble. ma:rimum, ild Left Channel- 4" Conneet a VT\IM to LEFT Ert" Spkr. iack. Set the meter to AC, 3 volt seale, 5. Place reeorder in PLAY position, 7 t/Z-ineh per Play-Record Head Alignment second speed. DeereaseVOLUME to point where output is l-volt on meter. Turn play-record head ad- 1. Remove front escutcheon (11) and rear escutcheon justment screw (57, Fig. 2) until manimum point of deflection on meter is obtained. (6), TROUBLE CHART Cause Symptom Push buttons fail to latch into position. No drive in Play or Record. 1. Lock plate spring (80) disconneeted or 1o Connect or replace broken. spring (80). 1. Idlertensionsprings (138) disconneeted or broken. 1. Connect or 2. Idler slideplate Tape fails to wind on takeup reel during Playor Re- Remedy (124) bindingon bushing idler wheel (123) replaee springs (138). 2. Check slide plate (124) (126), thus prwenting from moving forward. andbushing (126) for burrs. Clean with alcohol. 1" Reel drive spring {70) loose, dismnnected, or broken. 1. Connect or 2. Reel pan shaft (2) binding. 2. Clean foreign matter from bearing surface and shaft with a clean cloth. replace spring (70). cord" Lubricate with one drop of # 10 motor oil. No Fast Forward or Rewind. t2 1. Idler lever tension spring (9?) disconor broken, thereby not actuating idler lever (100). nected 1. Connect or spring (97). replace TROUBLE CHART Symptom ( COnt,d} Cause Remedy 2. Idlerdrivebelt(118)broken or not properly connected. Tape spills whenStop but- ton is depressed during fast Forward or Rewind. '\ilow" during operation of recorder. "Flutt er " duringoper- ation of recorder. No erase or erase is incomplete. 1. Brake 2. Replace idler drive belt (118). 1. shoes out of adjustment. See "BrakeShoe Adjust- ment" under Mechanical Adjustments. 2. Brake pads worn out or missing. 2. Replace brake pads. 1. Brake return spring (92) disconnected or broken. 1. Connect or replace spring (92). 2. Check all driving surfaces for oil or foreign matter" alcohol. 1. Dirty play-record head (57), pressure pads, capstan shaft or pressure roller (6?). 1. Clean as described under 'Cleaning". 1. Erase head tension spring (40) discon- 1, Connect or and replace spring (40). nected or broken. 2. Erase 2. Clean with a cloth head (52) not adjusted properly" 2. See "Erase Head Adjustment" und er Mechanical Adjustments. Does not record. 1. Replace if 1. Faulty microphone or cord. 2. Faulty input jack. er necessarye checking recorder with another type of input, C 2. Check and replace if ne- >3 af t ce$sary. 3. 4. Open Motor and amplifier in- piay-record head (5?). t .lo 4. Check continuity. After ti3 checking for continuity, demagnetize head. Irt 3. Check tubes. Faulty tube. g o o (' F 1. Checkvoltages per sche- 1. Power supply defect. matic. operative" 2, Damaged 3. 2. Repair or replace. power cord. l. Defective On-Off switch. Replace switch. AFAMP/OUTPUT -rr o I m Fig. v 8. Top view of amplifier. \n 13 t4 Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Bottom view of amplifier showing capacitor locations' Bottom viav of amplifier showing resistor locations. € s!O= F6{ Eg Cr) e =H c a a o o = \o o{ @ =g L e =< oN oi t' -\ tl ? :z ts ro I o ts A N do = oo N ;E =z -o F.. eQ =.= =E o c) a d \erl g(9 J :|fl r tlt A\O z. E F d, 6= E9 A a 6 o 3EE <)E roE -o ll @ @ o F N - : @ V o o s o- =@EE nAr-+ S k Ere\, L-r r ls:/ \!1/ uO E@ oO x= E = @ rafr \-/G lzl @ @ :a @ F> l5; Ar : oo E : :z -JF-tt,' €t*E \g/: o N N o @388 E I I I I I I t__- I I I lsl r-t<t l3l I tEt 5t v€ OF o: Fig. I =8 FzF frE= =_ H.o.zc: I. v a N a= do- v o E Y, oF d il €o E o € c.{ J ct ze o @ @: o @U @ r-@ =J g(J = lll o66 z, G a 6 N k) :) N ? ? c o ts N ,ae\ o u e \E, o N \z o N 6\ \y x E E NE NE \eEl A v o N N tgl /.4\ : 3€ F :z E E o o o o 0 ) 2 U o ro 6t o.: roe c{o o o@ a E (9 z. 6 q d, u (J z F a U e () fi) si> drO @ Schematic 0f Audiomatic A-90C. o. c1 z u Z. z -22 U (-) d, o R q a !z >(J Cr oa trt3 -o E o a \zp@ o= cct I ,€t ,ffi 13 I l=?e; I-*'J 5@ PE sR CE tsg/ =/A i3 @, F= OF e(J CJ u -O F(') z.o (J FQ - o =z e, F o Jq u F 4 o z. o F -U 6 z o = (5 F z. o c ?2. oo Z.- >, - du a_o <oN e_ *;*; Eo> =H- =gr= 2=E Eao LDdoa d== -uu F== E O a <J 0n F U = z. (9 z. E u @ :z (J @ o r6 0= ac5 ; d = z. e F e u q b o-@. EEiirP =E E€ 5F: i lt eea tat o o = ..o ;o Eq -< 3 Io \r J = =EEEgi:E OT 2. i:siEeEe €EE:;*;E = != <; 6 T 5 E; E? E Ei EE3 se;EE;: ?; ?? EE€€HEF; 6; ESErg':EE qf E EEe E: lirisri ss.H*5E=E ; 15 IC o F m E' o = bl gi -n O 1g n m \rl MECHANICAL PARTS LIST Ref. Part No. No. 1 I 2 I 3 c-13.318-3 + | 5 I n-zzs+-s 5?-4C-606-4 o-rr.+so-r o I 7 I 73-2340-r lt| 73-2340-1 9 10 I | 57-1C-804-4 | sz-zc-ao+-+ 11 I C-35.1419-1 t2 I n-gs"r+so-r r3 | sz-oc-ors-s 14 I c-rr"eez-r 15 | a-sz.zoz 16 I e-es.r+es-r r7 I e-rs"ross-r 18 I SZ-ZC-AO+-r 19 I zs-zzt+-s zo I c-rr.+eo zr I tz-zzt+-s zz I c-rr"a+z-r 23 I S-eS.r+gs-r 24 I c-rs"alo 25 I TS-ZZSq-S 26 I e-sr"rros-r 21 | n-ss"tros-z 28 I B-35.1369-3 29 | e-er.reos-t 30 | e-ss.rros-s 31 I r-rr.nu I ShaJt Assry. Nylon Reel Pan & Shaft Assry. Speed Shift Knob FeIt Washer # 6-32 x 3,/8" O"H.IvlS. Rear Escutcheon Varnish Impregnated Washer Varnish Impregnated Washer # 8-32 x 1/4" T.H.IWS. # 8-32 x 1/4" T.H.M.S. Front Escutcheon Ass'y. Basepla.te Overlay SiIk Screen Assey. # 6-32 x 1" T.H.M.S" Dual Control Knob, Top Tape Guide Post Dual Control Knob, Bottom Front Escutcheon Mtg. Brkt. # 8-32 x 1/4" T.H"I\4S. FeIt Washer Control Knob, Dummy DuaI FeIt Washer DuaI Control Knob, ToP DuaI Control Knob, Bottom Control Knob, Dummy Dual Felt Washer Nylon ReeI Pan & I c-1s.318-3 tt I c-13.44s I Description I I I I I I Push Push Push Push Push Zt-ZZ+t-tAAp il35 |I u-,n.ruu 8-19.892 86 I e-sr.rs+ s7 I s-sr.ss+ 38 I SZ-rC-OOr-r 3e I c-rs.ars-z 40 | n-sr.aor 4r | 48-410-1 42 I 5?-16C-606-1 43 | n-u.eaz-r 44 I 57-343e-0 45 | e-sz.aoo 46 I 48-410-1 47 I e-:z.z6o 48 I e-sr.++e-z 4s I e-rs.rato-r 50 | sz-ros-ers-o 51 I Zr-ZZSr-e iz I c-ss.zso 53 | a-as.rzrs 54 I 57-1C-603-1 I ut I I as I ss uo I I ut I oz 63 l6 II I |I Assey., i B-32.309 B-33.404* 68 69 D- 35.1436-1 I I 70 I 7L I 75 76 I I I I I I B-19.858-1 77 78 ?9 80 B-19.859 B-31.33? 81 5?-21C-804-1 82 5?-21C-804-1 83 84 85 86 B-32.291 B- 31.498 B-19.1699 B-31.338 ot B-19"1 364-1 88 89 90 73-2231-5 57-6C-806-1 91 B-35"10?0-1 B- 31.338 B-35.1046 B-35.835 73-2241-148F B- 31.34 3 I I I I I I I I I I I o-rz Hex Nut + a-zz x 3,28" R.H.IvLS. Set Screw Tape Guide Post I # 6-32 He)<. Nut I Tape Guide Post Spacer I ntase Head Return Spring I Erase Head Mtg. Plate | + o-sz x 13,/16" R.H.IWS. I I I #6Int.Lockwasher I n"""" Head Assgy. Ass?yr I einch Roller Plate o-az x 3/16" B.H.M"s. | | *0Int.Lockwasher Tape Guide Lug Mounting Bracket, Record + Set Screv,/, Hex Nut Hex Nut Pushbutton Pushbutton Pushbutton Pushbutton 73 I I I I I I I I I I ] 92 93 94 95 96 9? 98 99 100 101 Bristol Retainer Bracket Lever Hinge Bracket Return SPring Locking Plate Spring # 8-32 x 1/4" B"H.IVLS"" Sems # 8-32 Sems x 1/4" B"H.l4S., Shouldered Washer 48-222r B-31.339 73-2340-1 Record Record Record Spring Record Lock Link Lock Lock Return Lock Mtg. Plate # I Int. Lockwasher # 8-32 x 3/8" R.H.]WS. Brake Pad, Felt Brake Spring Assey. Brake Return Spring Shift Plate Ass'y. Brake Slide Plate Ass'y. FIat Washer, Steel # 10-32 Hex, Elastic Stop Nut Idler Lever Tension Spring Varnish Impregnated Washer 73-2248-39 Phenolic Washer B-35.1051 Idler Lever Ass'!y. B-32.2?5-1 # 8-32 Hex Hd. Shouldered 102 103 B- 35-1452 5?-3698-0 104 105 106 c-1 3.25?-1 I Record Actuating Lever Assry. | + o-lz x8/16" Bristol Hd. I B-31.351 B-32.485 I Hd. + I Head I Spring, Record B-16.104 I B.H.M.S. I I 2 Screv,/ Plate E"as" Head Tension Spring + Pinch Roller Tension Spring "8" Ring, 3/16" Shaft Linen Washer Pressure Roller Shim Washer, Brass Baseplate & Bearing Assry. ReeI Drive Tension Spring Record Lock Shaft Record Lock Lever 12 I Pressure Pad Spring I t,/4 rract< Play-Record I neaa sz-toc-+oq-t I # 4-40 x 1/4" R.H.IvI.s" ts-zz+t-ts+ I FIat washer, Steel "-rn.nno sz-s+sg-o 67* I Assty., n-ro.zs+ n-rs.sas B-33.418B- 28.16 3 Record I | 65 66 Assry., | + 0-rz x 3/16" I Plavback Slide B- 31.360 I Rewind I r'"rt paa I r"tt n"a, Play-Record 64 I Record Slide Plate I I Assty., I Stop PIay Ass'?y., Fast Forward Push-On Stud Nut, 3/16" Stud FIat Washer Playback Actuating Lever I 32 I Button Button Button Button Button I Head O-fZ x 3/16" Bristol Hd. I s"t s"ruw I Tape-Guide Post, Right B-31.333 5 7- 3589-1 c-35.1050-1 57-3589-1 Switch Lever Asssy" # 8-32 x 3,/16" Bristol Hd. Set Screrf Switch Arm Link -FlY'rheel # 8-32 x 1/4" Set Screrv Bdstol Hd. Brake Drum & Bushing AssrY # 8-32 x 1/4" Bristol Hd. Set Scrertr 109 c-35.1050-1 110 57-3589-1 111 B-35.1044 Brake Drum & Bushing Assry. # 8-32 x 1,/4" Bristol Hd. Set Screw tt2 113 tl4 115 116 tLl llg * 119 120 t2l B-32.275-l Sub ldler Plate Assry. # 8-32 Hex Hd. Shoulder Screw Linen Washer B-28.163 B- 33.405 Sub 13-2254-6 Felt Washer B-28.16 3 B-35.1066 'B-28. * Sheave Idler Linen Washer 18I B-33.418-2 Pulley Assry. Idler Drive BeIt "E" Ring, 3/16 " Sha.ft Motor Pulley # 8-32 x 1/4" Bristol Hd. B-32" 288 57-3589-1 Set Screrv t22 B- 33.41 8- I23* B-33.408* t24 B-35.1064-1 2 "E" Ring, 3/16 Shaft Rubber Bonded Idler, 2 1/2" Dia. Idler Slide Plate Ass?y. MECHANICAL PARTS LIST ( Cont,di Ref. Part No. No. t25 57-6C-806-1 L26 L27 L28 129 130 131 t32 Description 73-2231-5 73-2241-t43 B-19.1431-1 B-32.291-1 B-31.32? No. Description 140 73-223L-5 t41 5?-6c-805-1 Flat Washer, Steel Flat Washer, Steel Idler Throw-Out Lever t42 B-19.863 143 73-223t-5 L44 L45 57-6C-805-1 5?-6C-805-1 Int. Lockwasher # 8-32 x 5/16" R"H.M.S. Drive Mtg. Plate Bracket # 8 Int. Lockwasher # 8-32 x 5/16" R.H"M.S. # 8-32 x 5/16" R"H"M"S" 146 D-35.1438 Drive Mtg. Plate & 141 B- 33.5 Digital Counter Shouldered Washer Idler Lift Compression B-33.40?-1 5?-1 C-603-1 73-2231-4 Part No. # 8-32 x 3/16r'R"ILM.S" Idler Slide Bushing # 8 Int. Lockwasher Spring 133 134 135 'Ref. '€"Washer # 6-32 x 3/16" B.IIM.S. # 6 Int. Lockwasher Bracket Assry. 148 r B-28. t49 36 175 * 150 "O" Ring Motor Mtg. Plate Shock Mount 136 B-19.961 Spring Clip 13? c-35.816-1 Speed Control Shaft Assey. 138 B-31.324 Idler Tension Spring, t52 35.1053- 2 B-19.86 (2 req.) Angle Brkt. for Mtg. Drive Assiy" 153 139 L54 B-33.534 B-33.643 2 #8 B-33.41 1 48-222L 151 155 Flat Washer # 10-32 Eastic Stop Nut Motor Assly. Nylon Cable Clamp 4" Fan Blade r Ref. No. 67, Presgure Roller, WALSCO part #l4b?. * nef. No. U8, Idler Drive Belt, WALSCO part #l4l0-0?. * Ref. No. 123, Rubber Bonded ldler, WALSCO part * Ref. No. 148, "O" Rlng, WALSCO Part #1410-0?. #1430. c I o >= ,io ! ti = o I llt F CABINET PARTS LIST c-35.1 3?5-1 c-35.1 3?6-1 c-35.L417-2 c-35.1450:1 B-19.864-2 20-2089-1 c-30.363-1 33.630-1 33.6 30-2 48-1C-20-0 48-2151 48-2220-r 5?-43C-608-4 57-43C-8 20-0 57-46c-612-4 Handle Plate Assembly Handle Assembly Monitor Switch Harness Ass'y. Baffle Assembly Cabinet Fastener Clips Plastic Beading, White 5!r x 7" Speaker, 3.2 ohm Plastic Bumper, White, 3rl8" Plastic Bumper, White, 3/4" #L/4-20 Hex Nut #8-32 Tinnerman Push-On Nut #8-32 x L7/32Kqs Hex Nut # xL/2 F"H.W.S. #8 xl l/4 F.H.W.S. #6 x 3/4 R"H"W.S. xL/2 ffi x 3/8 5?-66A-508-4 57-66A-606-0 #5 5?-3550 #8-32 x 1 1/4 Wing Shank Flat Washer Catch, Brass Covering Material (Outside) Covering Material (Inside) 73-224t-131 8?-31 70-1 503-l 93-1 503-1 93- 2 R"H.S.lvr.S" R.H.S.ilr"S" 503-1 93- 3 503-193-4 503-193-5 503-1 93-6 503-1 93-? 503-193-8 50?-85 2 50?-1026 50?-1027 50?-1028 509-231 .510-6-49 510-?8. 5-1 5-1 515-1 515-1 51 5-1 515-1 51 51 Covering Material (Inside R.H.) Covering Material (Inside L.H.) Covering Material (Bottom) Covering Material (Case R.H.) Covering Material (Case L.H.) Covering Material (Inside Compt. Front Mounting Rail Side Mounting Rail, R.H. Side Mounting Rail, L.H. Rear Mounting Rail Block Glue Block, L/2 x 1/2 x 4 Glue Block, l/2 x L/2 x 4 Front Panel 349 350 351 Side Panel, R.H. Side Panel, L.H" 352 Rear Panel 35 3 Top Panel Bottom Panel 354 518-65 520-100 537-83 'ft o 1g rfl F Partition Panel Filler Speaker Baffle \.n T7 ACCESSORY STEREO PHONO TURNTABLE MODIL P-902 PARTS LIST Part Part Description No. 503-192-1 503-192- 2 503-192- 3 504-25 Handle Plate B-19.1681 504-25 B-11.287 Motor Eloard B-20.241-t B-23.239 B- 33.599-4 B- 33.618-2 B-33"6 20-3 Description No. Slide Switch, S.P.D"T. Line Cord w/Pl,tgr 6r, GraY Terminal StriP Shielded Cord & Concentric Plug, 60", Gray Tone Arm Assembly (Black) 507-100?-3 s0?-100?-4 50?-100?-5 5L5-1214 Covering Material (ToP) Covering Material (Inside Lid) Covering Material (Bottom) Motor Board Mounting Rail, Rear Mounting Rail, Front Mounting Rail, Sides Rear Panel 5-1 2?5 515-1 2?6 515-1 355 Side Panel Top & Bottom Panel Handle AssemblY Plastic Beading (White) 33.630-1 Plastic Bumper (White) 3/8" 8-2499-1 D-35.1446-1 57-44C-612-4 48-1C-21-0 5?-43C-608-4 5?-66A-508-4 13-2241-t37 8?-3164-2 +l/4-20 Hex Nut 73-2240-L15 B-3.108- 2 Cabinet Assembly Motor Board Final AssemblY ffi x3/4 o"H.w.S. #6 Finishing Washer Paper Tubular Cap. 2.5 mfd @ 5ov Jack, Open Circuit, 2 Cond. t05-222 35.13 ?2 - 1 c-35.13?6-3 20- 2089-1 87- 31?0- 2 3 Speed Motor w/8" Turntable 51 P.G. Butt Connector Handle Plate AssemblY lfr xr/2 F.H.W"S. #5 R.II"S.IvtS" xl/2 B- #5/8 FIat Washer Tack, Brass Plt. Catch, Brass Plt. 3 3.5 28-1 Front Panel (1/4" Bushing) ACCESSORY DUAL EXTENSION SPEAKERS MODEL S-9OI PARTS LIST Part No. 503-195-1 514-8-2 c-35.1 384-2 B- 31.495 B-32.483 8-2500-1 c- 35.1444-1 c-35.1445-1 Baffle Board Final Ass'Y. 1-33.572-1 lvlolded Plug Assembly (GraY) #3/8-32 Hex Nut, Double 48-221 3-1 57-44C-816-4 73-2240-L16 73-2243-70 48- 21 51 57- 3549-0 145-1 25-1 537-84 53?-85 c-35.1443-1 c-35.L442-t 2 .c- 30.356 - 3 18 Covering Material Dowel Rod 4 5/8" Dowel Rod Assembly Hinge Pin Handle Mounting Post Speaker Case AssemblY Baffle Board Final AssrY. B-3.108- Part .No. Description I I I (Left) (night) Chamfered #8 x 1 O.H.W"S. #8 Finishing Washer Flat Washer #8-32 Tinnerman, Push-On #8-32 x 1 Wing Shank Screw Plastic Grille (Gold) Speaker Baffle (Right) Speal<er Baffle (Left) Baffle Assembly (Left) Baffle Assembly (Right) Paper Tub. Cap. 2.5 mfd @ 50 V 3 l/2" 5q. P.NI. Speaker'_8 ohm Description D- 30.366 - 2 8" P"M. Speaker, 48-1C-15-1 57-46C-506-1 #8-32 Hex Nut ?3- 2231- 5 B-19.1680 c- 35.1 3?6-2 35.1 379-1 33.630-2 48-1C-21-0 57-43C-608-4 5?-66A-508-4 #5 #8 8 ohm x 3/8 R.H.W.S. Int. Lockwasher Handle Plate Handle Assembly Handle Plate Assembly Plastic Bumper (White) 3/4" #L/4-20 Hex Nut #6-1l2 F.H.W"S. +5 x1/2 R.H.s"rvI.s. 73-2241-L37 FIat Washer 87-31?0-1 Catch 503-194 50?-973 507-1037 50?-1038 Covering Material Locating Rail Mounting Rail Mounting Rail Glue Block, l/Nt' x L/2t' x 4" Bottom Panel Front & Rear Panel Side Parel, R.H. Side Panel, L.H. Top Panel Baffle Board, Right BaJfle Board, Left 510-6-49 515-1 213 51 5-1 21 5 5L5-12L7 515-1 218 515-1 356 537-84 537-85 UI z o -h A e I la rll o a z F la -J UI F E c 4 E F zo z I F J z c: qE 6 Qd F;E q .rE6i E "he !gXE PFA..E 6i6 !: ); 6E D rj€ < az tr =! ed c o => aF _1 fi hz I 3 ro2 E 6 <rao<rq 6tt << tsE cd 8x.! 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