00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:16 SUB SECTION 7.2 BILL OF QUANTITIES (Electrical works) Sr. No. 6.0 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 7.0 Description Unit Estimated Quantity Panels_Section Feeder Pillar (Outdoor Type) Supplying, unloading at site, shifting to site, assembling, leveling, grouting, erecting, Testing, & Commissioning ofsection feeder pillar Totally insulated Section Feeder Pillar Panel made out of Modular Panel Box System, Degree of Protection IP 65, in accordance with IEC 60 529, type tested in accordance with IEC 60 439 – 1. Enclosures made out of environment friendly, recyclable polycarbonate thermoplastic, halogen & silicon free, highly impact resistant, Anti Acid, Anti corrosive, Color Gray RAL 7032, fire retardant, self extinguishing glow wire tested at 960 deg. cent in acc with DIN VDE 0304 Part 3, with opaque lids having quick fastening mechanism. The successful tenderer will have to prepare general arrangement with dimensions & get it approve through Architect/ Consultant. All civil work including RCC platform for section pillar should be in scope of Electrical contractor complete in all respect as per detail drawing and directed by engineer incharge. Street light sectin pilar Type A (as per attached Single Line Diagram) equivalent to hensel make cat. No. HEN Mi SFPP 129509-A Type B (as per attached Single Line Diagram) equivalent to hensel make cat. No. HEN Mi SFPP 129509-B Sub Total 6.0..… Distribution Board Supply, Assembling, grouting, leveling Connecting & testing D.B.of specified make. Scope includes No. 22 No. 23 No. 2 supply & installation of all the internal wiring as shown in the SLDs. 7.1 TPN Distribution Board PPI TYPE: 7.1.1 Supply, Erecting, testing and commissioning of only TPN D.B. with space for FPMCB as incoming (i.e. 12+2 way per phase D.B.) equivalent to Schneider cat no MGNPPIDD12 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:17 Sr. No. Description Unit 7.1.2 Supply, Erecting, testing and commissioning of only TPN D.B. with space for FPMCB as incoming (i.e. 8+2 way per phase D.B.) equivalent to Schneider cat no MGNPPIDD08 No. Estimated Quantity 2 7.1.3 Supply, Erecting, testing and commissioning of only TPN D.B. with space for FPMCB as incoming (i.e. 6+2 way per phase D.B.) equivalent to Schneider cat no MGNPPIDD06 No. 2 7.2 7.2.1 SPN Distribution Board Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of SPN D.B. (16 way D.B.) equivalent to Schneider cat no MGNSPNDD16 No. 3 7.2.2 Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of SPN D.B. (12 way D.B.) equivalent to Schneider cat no MGNSPNDD12 No. 3 7.2.3 Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of SPN D.B. (8 way D.B.) equivalent to Schneider cat no MGNSPNDD08 No. 4 7.2.4 Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of SPN D.B. ( 6 way D.B.) equivalent to Schneider cat no MGNSPNDD06 No. 4 7.2.5 Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of SPN D.B. ( 4 way D.B.) equivalent to Schneider cat no MGNSPNDD04 No. 3 7.2.6 Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of SPN D.B. suitable for outdoor mounting IP 65 (6 way SPN D.B.) equivalent to Hensel make cat no. KV 7106 No. 2 7.2.7 Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of SPN D.B. suitable for outdoor mounting IP 65 (4 way SPN D.B.) equivalent to Hensel make cat no. KV 7104 No. 2 7.3 7.3.1 VTPN Distribution Board Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of only VTPN D.B. having suitable space for 63 A FP MCB as incomer and 8 TP MCBs as outgoing equivalent to MDS cat no 607751 No. Rate Only 7.3.2 Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of only VTPN D.B. having suitable space for 32 A FP MCB as incomer and 4 TP MCBs as outgoing equivalent to MDS cat no 607750 No. Rate Only 7.4 MCB: Supply, Assembling, leveling, connecting & testing following MCBS in boards as specified in 7.1, 7.2. 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:18 Sr. No. Description Unit 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 7.4.6 7.4.7 7.4.8 7.4.9 7.4.10 7.4.11 7.4.12 7.4.13 7.4.14 7.5 6 to 32 A SP MCB 6 to 32 A DP MCB 16/25 A DP ELMCB (30 mA) 25 A DP ELMCB (100 mA) 32 A DP ELMCB (30 mA) 32 A DP ELMCB (100 mA) 40 A DP ELMCB (30 mA) 40 A DP ELMCB (100 mA) 63 A DP ELMCB (100 mA) 63 A FP ELMCB (100 mA) 6 to 32 A TP MCB 6 to 32 A FP MCB 40 to 63 A FP MCB Blank Plates MCCBs: Supplying, Assembling, leveling, connecting & testing following MCCB etc in boards as specified in 8.1, 8.2. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Estimated Quantity 298 22 20 Rate Only 14 Rate Only 6 Rate Only 6 Rate Only Rate Only 10 10 50 7.5.1 100 A FP MCCB not less than 10 KA No. 2 7.6 M.S. powder coated enclosure suitable for DP MCB. M.S. powder coated enclosure suitable for FP MCB. Caution Board : Supply & Installation of Caution boards of size 100 x 100 mm. to be supplied & fixed on the D.B. No. 13 No. 14 No. 41 RMt RMt Rate Only Rate Only RMt RMt RMt RMt RMt RMt RMt RMt RMt 200 12,000 17,000 4,200 4,200 2,000 11,000 8,000 6,500 7.7 7.8 7.8.1 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 10.0 Sub Total 7.0..... LT Cabling Supply, testing and Laying XLPE steel/GI wire/flat armoured cable of 1100 V grade of Aluminum / Copper Conductor of following sizes in ready made trench or mounted on wall with necessary clamping arrangement or in pre-laid RCC hume pipe with necessary cable identification mark to be provided at distance of 10 mt. The vertical cable on wall shall be drawn in prelaid conduit for vertical mechanical support. Aluminium Cables 35 Sq.mm x 4C Al. Cable 25 Sq.mm x 4C Al. Cable Copper Cables 16 Sq.mm x 4C Cu. Cable 10 Sq.mm x 4C Cu. Cable 6 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 4 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 2.5 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 6 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 4 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 2.5 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 1.5 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable Sub Total 9.0..... Cable Termination 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. Sr. No. Description 10.1 Supplying & fixing double compression weather proof glands ( CMRI Approved) making joint with necessary bi metallic crimping socket of long nack type connecting the same to various equipment/panel/DB etc. for the following sizes: Aluminium Cables 35 Sq.mm x 4C Al. Cable 25 Sq.mm x 4C Al. Cable Copper Cables 10.1.3 16 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 10.1.4 10 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 10.1.5 6 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 10.1.6 4 sq.mm x 4 c Cu. 10.1.7 2.5 sq.mm x 4 c Cu. 10.1.8 6 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 10.1.9 4 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 10.1.10 2.5 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 10.1.11 1.5 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 10.2 same as 10.1 but without Glands 10.1.1 10.1.2 Aluminium Cables 35 Sq.mm x 4C Al. Cable 25 Sq.mm x 4C Al. Cable Copper Cables 10.2.3 16 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 10.2.4 10 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 10.2.5 6 Sq.mm x 4c Cu. Cable 10.2.6 4 sq.mm x 4 c Cu. 10.2.7 2.5 sq.mm x 4 c Cu. 10.2.8 6 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 10.2.9 4 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 10.2.10 2.5 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable 10.2.11 1.5 Sq.mm x 3c Cu. Cable Sub Total 10.0..... 11.0 Fabrication 11.1 Supplying , fabricating and installation of various sizes MS race way / junction boxes/clamps/hangers for light fixtures/ for cable trays etc made out of sheet/Angle/Flat/rod/ channel/box section etc with all necessary accessories like bend, junction boxes, coupler, supporting clamps, elbows, hardware, anchor fasteners etc All the necessary fabrication required will be included in the scope of contractor. Scope also includes two coat of primer and two coat of paining of each items on all the sides complete in all respect. 10.2.1 10.2.2 12.0 Sub Total 11.0..... Internal Wiring Point Wiring WITH MODULAR TYPE SWITCHES 00-048Signature of Bidder 00-049Page:19 Unit Estimated Quantity No. No. Rate Only Rate Only No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 10 150 200 50 65 40 125 70 10 No. No. Rate Only Rate Only No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 10 300 700 50 15 10 55 30 10 Kg 1,800 Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. Sr. No. Description 12.1 Supply & Wiring of points to be done in open/concealed manner in 25mm dia medium gauge Rigid PVC pipe. Wiring shall be done with FRLS type copper flexible wire of 650V/1100V. Separate pipe should be taken for circuit mains. Nos of circuit of the same phases may be taken in same conduit (maximum 2 ckts).The circuit shall be laid in 25/40 mm dia medium gauge rigid PVC pipe. The point rate shall include all the necessary piping and wiring from sub panel / Distribution board to switch board & switch board to the batten holder / angle holder / connector / ceiling rose, etc, all inclusive except sub panel / Dist board. The wiring shall be done as per relevant prevailing standard. The looping of the wiring should be done in the switch boxes or light and fan point outlet boxes to avoid the junction boxes. The junction boxes and switch boxes for the ceiling light point, fan point etc shall be minimum 60/75 deep. All the necessary jarry should be done with machine cutter only , also jarry should be filled with cement, sand and wire mesh as required, the material cost for rough finish shall be included in point rate. Whenever pipes are required to be laid in flooring shall be of heavy gauge. Wiring should be done as per distribution details. Each circuit should have dedicated phase, neutral & earth wire. Wire sizes to be used as under For Light & other Points / 6A 3 Pin Plug - DB to SB - 2.5sqmm for Phase & Neutral & 1.5 sqmm for Earth - SB to Point - 1.5 sqmm for Phase & Neutral & Earth For 6A plug point - 1.5 sqmm for Phase, Neutral & Earth For 6/16A general purpose plug point - 2.5 sqmm for Phase, Neutral & 1.5 sq. mm Earth For 6/16A Special plug point - 4 sqmm for Phase, Neutral & 2.5 sq. mm Earth For 20/32A plug point 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit 00-049Page:20 Estimated Quantity Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. Sr. No. 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 Description - 6 sqmm for Phases, Neutral & 4 sq. mm Earth One light point controlled by one single way 6 A switch. Loop light point controlled by same switch same as 12.1.1. One light point controlled by two, two way 6 A switch One 6 A x 5 pin 250 Volt socket outlet point controlled by one 6 A switch located on switch board. 00-049Page:21 Unit Estimated Quantity No. 120 No. 45 No. 10 No. 25 12.1.5 6 A x 5 pin 250 Volt switched socket outlet point at convenient location. No. 10 12.1.6 6/16 A x 250 V switch socket point on one switch box MAINS : Supplying and Laying mains with 4 nos. of 16 sq mm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wire with ISI and FIA approval for 650 V/ 1100 V and 2 nos 10 sqmm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wires with ISI approval for 650 V/ 1100 V as earth wires to be drawn in 40 mm diameter rigid PVC conduit of medium gauge having ISI amd FIA approval with all necessary accessories. No. 10 Rmtr Rate Only 12.2 12.2.1 12.2.2 Supplying and Laying mains with 4 nos. of 10 sq mm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wire with ISI and FIA approval for 650 V/ 1100 V and 2 nos 6 sqmm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wires with ISI approval for 650 V/ 1100 V as earth wires to be drawn in 40 mm diameter rigid PVC conduit of medium gauge having ISI amd FIA approval with all necessary accessories. Rmtr Rate Only 12.2.3 Supplying and Providing mains with 4 nos. of 6 sq mm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wire with ISI and FIA approval for 650 V/ 1100 V and 2 nos 4 sqmm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wires with ISI approval for 650 V/ 1100 V as earth wires to be drawn in 40 mm diameter rigid PVC conduit of medium gauge having ISI amd FIA approval with all necessary accessories. Rmtr 100 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:22 Sr. No. Description Unit 12.2.4 Supplying and Providing mains with 2 nos. of 10 sq mm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wire with ISI and FIA approval for 650 V/ 1100 V and 1 nos 4.0 sqmm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wires with ISI approval for 650 V/ 1100 V as earth wires to be drawn in 32 mm diameter rigid PVC conduit of medium gauge having ISI amd FIA approval with all necessary accessories. Rmtr Estimated Quantity 50 12.2.5 Supplying and Laying mains with 2 nos. of 6 sq mm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wire with ISI and FIA approval for 650 V/ 1100 V and 1 nos 2.5 sqmm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wires with ISI approval for 650 V/ 1100 V as earth wires to be drawn in 25 mm diameter rigid PVC conduit of medium gauge having ISI amd FIA approval with all necessary accessories. Rmtr 150 12.2.6 Supplying and Laying mains with 2 nos. of 4 sq mm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wire with ISI and FIA approval for 650 V/ 1100 V and 1 nos 1.5 sqmm Cu. PVC insulated flexible wires with ISI approval for 650 V/ 1100 V as earth wires to be drawn in 25 mm diameter rigid PVC conduit of medium gauge having ISI amd FIA approval with all necessary accessories. Rmtr 150 12.3 Extra over Rates for supplying & laying of heavy gauge PVC pipe instead of medium gauge PVC pipe as specified in above item No.12.1 & 12.2 12.3.1 25 mm dia. Heavy gauge PVC pipe Rmtr 250 12.3.2 40 mm dia. Heavy gauge PVC pipe Rmtr 250 13.0 13.1 Sub Total 12.0..... Light Fixtures & Fans Supply, Install, Testing and commissioning of various light fixtures and fans with all necessary internal wiring. 13.1.1 Any kind of light fixture with lamp & ballast complete to be fixed on wall / in ceiling surface / recess mounted Type A (with basic rate of Rs 2000/.) No. 120 13.1.2 Any kind of light fixture with lamp & ballast complete to be fixed on wall / in ceiling surface / recess mounted Type B (with basic rate of Rs 5000/.) No. 55 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. Sr. No. 14.0 14.1 14.1.1 14.1.2 14.1.3 14.2 14.3 Description 00-049Page:23 Unit Estimated Quantity No. No. No. No. Rate Only 10 2 105 Rmtr Rmtr Rmtr Rmtr No. 2,500 Rate Only Rate Only 13,000 104 Sub Total 13.0..... Earthing Providing earthing stations for equipment earthing as shown and specified in drawing for equipment complete with : 600 x 600 x 6.15 mm cu.plate 600 x 600 x 3.15 mm cu.plate 450 x 450 x 3.15 mm cu.plate Providing & doing earthing electrode for equipment earthing as specified in IS:3043 - 1987 for equipment complete with : Earthing Electrode Type - 19, 50 MM. Dia 3 Mtr. Long. Equivalent to Ashlok make. a) Excavation in hard soil. c) brick masonry with hinged chamber covers. d) Back fill compound. e) T-19 Earth electrode of 50 mm dia 3 mtr long f) The minimum depth should be 3.3 Mtr. Earth wire/strips : Supply and laying cu. earthing required size strips for interconnecting the earthing stations, panels, DB's etc. in built up trenches, on walls/ceiling, buried in ground generally as specified and shown on drawings complete with : a) Fixing accessories. b) Corrosion protection of buried conductors with bituminous coating and covered with PVC tapes. 14.3.1 14.3.2 14.3.3 14.3.4 14.3.5 25 x 3 mm cu. strip 32 x 6 mm cu. strip 50 x 6 mm cu. strip No.8 gauge bare cu. earth wire Earth Link : 38mm x 6 mm 1ft Long Cu.earth link fixed by necessary screws on wall. Sub Total 14.0..... 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. Sr. No. Description 00-049Page:24 Unit Estimated Quantity 16.0 Miscellaneous 16.1 PVC PIPES Supplying and laying following sizes PVC pipe of approved make in open / recess manner including excavation and back filling (if required) as per layout and drawing and re-filling the trenches etc. complete as directed. 16.1.1 Heavy gauge pipe in Open / Concealed manner minimum 25 mm dia with GI pulling wire. Rmtr 1,250 16.1.2 Heavy gauge pipe in Open / Concealed manner minimum 32 mm dia with GI pulling wire. Rmtr 100 16.1.3 Heavy gauge pipe in Open / Concealed manner minimum 40 mm dia with GI pulling wire. Rmtr 550 16.1.4 Heavy gauge pipe in Open / Concealed manner minimum 50 mm dia. Rmtr 130 16.1.5 Heavy gauge pipe in Open / Concealed manner minimum 75 mm dia. Rmtr 130 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:25 Sr. No. Description Unit 16.1.6 Heavy gauge pipe in Open / Concealed manner minimum 100 mm dia. Rmtr Estimated Quantity 130 16.1.7 Heavy gauge pipe in Open / Concealed manner minimum 150 mm dia. Rmtr 130 16.2 Follow Up with supply co. For Getting Supply to Various Section Pillar. The Scope also covers laying of L.T. cable from from Section Pillar to company's cutout. This also covers to obtain any permission required for road crossing from any authority (if required). Lot 2 No. Rate Only No. Rate Only Sub Total 16.0..... 17.0 External Lighting 17.1 17.1.1 Street Light Pole Supply & Installation of GI Pole Height -9 mtr for Main road as per drawing. 17.1.2 Supply & Installation of GI Pole Height -4.8 mtr for PATHWAY road as per drawing. 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:26 Sr. No. Description Unit 17.1.3 Supply & installation of GRP pole equivalent to BAJAJ make with ring type bracket suitable for Min. 6 Nos. flood light fixture with integral type junction box, with necessasory Reducer / Coupler for fixing of light fixtures & Hinged access door with allen key require to access the integral junction box, having top 109.0mm O.D. & bottom 273.0 mm O.D. with avg. thickness of 12.0 mm (13 Mtr long). No. Estimated Quantity 22 No. 655 1) 8 way connector and 2A MCB inside pole 2) 40 mm diameter GI pipe for each cable entry . 3) Wiring up to the light fixture from the junction box using 3nos x 1.5 sq.mm. flexible copper wires of specified make. 4) Concrete coping with base plate. 5) Sprial/Coil Type Earthing 6) Excavation for erection of poles. 17.1.4 Supply & installation of GRP pole equivalent to BAJAJ make with integral type junction box , with necessasory Reducer / Coupler for fixing of light fixtures & Hinged access door with allen key require to access the integral junction box, having top 109.0mm O.D. & bottom 217.0 mm O.D. with avg. thickness of 8.0 mm 9 Mtr long ( effective length should be 7500mm above GF) 1) 8 way connector and 2A MCB inside pole 2) 40 mm diameter GI pipe for each cable entry . 3) Wiring up to the light fixture from the junction box using 3nos x 1.5 sq.mm. flexible copper wires of specified make. 4) Concrete coping with base plate. 5) Sprial/Coil Type Earthing 6) Excavation for erection of poles. 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:27 Sr. No. Description Unit 17.1.5 Supply & installation of GRP pole equivalent to BAJAJ make for street light with integral type junction box , with necessasory Reducer / Coupler for fixing of light fixtures & Hinged access door with allen key require to access the integral junction box,having top 109.0mm O.D. & bottom 170.0 mm O.D. with avg. thickness of 8.0 mm 5 Mtr long ( effective length should be 3800mm above GF) No. Estimated Quantity 10 1) 8 way connector and 2A MCB inside pole 2) 40 mm diameter GI pipe for each cable entry . 3) Wiring up to the light fixture from the junction box using 3nos x 1.5 sq.mm. flexible copper wires of specified make. 4) Concrete coping with base plate. 5) Sprial/Coil Type Earthing 6) Excavation for erection of poles. 17.1.6 Supply & installation of 1000 mm GRP single Arm bracket equivalent to BAJAJ make No. 20 17.1.7 Supply & installation of 1000 mm GRP double Arm bracket equivalent to BAJAJ make No. 20 17.2 Street light fixture Supplying, erecting, connecting, testing and commissioning of following type Street Light Fixture with all necessary Hadware, Internal Wiring with Lamp, Ballast etc. all required accessories Complete in all respect. 17.2.1 Any kind of Light Fixtures type - C (with Basic Rate of Rs.8000/-) Any kind of Light Fixtures type - D ( with Basic Rate of Rs.15000/-) No. 88 No. 156 Any kind of Light Fixtures type - E ( with Basic Rate of Rs.30000/-) 10A x 250 Volt single phase Power socket outlet point having IP rating of IP:65 at convenient location with MCB.for outdoor duty. No. 655 No. 20 17.4 20A x 250 Volt single phase Power socket outlet point having IP rating of IP:65 at convenient location with MCB.for outdoor duty. No. 20 17.5 32A x 415 Volt three phase Power socket outlet point having IP rating of IP:65 at convenient location with MCB.for outdoor duty. No. 20 17.2.2 17.2.3 17.3 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. Sr. No. 19.0 19.1 Description Sub Total 17.0..... High Mast Supplying, Unloading, Storing, Preservating, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Motorized High mast of approx 20 mtr height suitable for 8 nos of 2 x 400W light fixtures suitable for high pressure metal halide lamps with raising and lowering mechanism and accessores like head frame, lantern carriage, luminaire arm assembly, suspension wires, compensating disc, double drum winch, electrical hoist cables, junction box, power tool, aviation obstuciton, electrical distribution board at the base of mast, test leads etc complete in all respect as specified in specifications. High mast should be equivalent to BAJAJ make. Sub Total 19.0..... 20.0 Traffic Signal 00-048Signature of Bidder 00-049Page:28 Unit Estimated Quantity No. 2 Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:29 Unit Estimated Quantity Supply and installation of microprocessor based traffic signal controller,with GPS including providing of cabinet & other accessories, etc. complete with earthing. No. 20 20.1.2 Supply, erection, foundation, earthing, Painting of GI 6.00 mtr. Long Std. Traffic signal pole assembly complete with 110mm Dia. including base plate of size 200 * 200 * 8 mm thick welded with bottom of plate, flanged FRP cap at the top, painted with 2 coats of approved color & in addition bitumen paint at bottom including junction box inside the pole for cable termination. No. 80 20.1.3 Supply, erection, foundation, earthing, Painting of 9.00 mtr. Long Cantilever GI Traffic signal pole assembly complete with 110mm Dia. including base plate of size 400 * 400 * 10 mm thick welded with bottom of plate, painted with 2 coats of approved color & in addition bitumen paint at bottom. includes 3 mtr. over hang "L" type , including junction box inside the pole for cable termination. No. 60 20.1.4 Supply and installation of 300mm Dia. LED based polycarbonate signal lamp head assembly with visor, including installation accessories like flexible pipe, conduits, zinc passivated brackets, PVC insulated connection wire etc. complete. 20.1.5 a. Vehicular RED b. Vehicular AMBER c. Vehicular GREEN d. Pedestrian RED e. Pedestrian GREEN Supply and laying of copper conductor appropriate PVC insulated 1.5 sq. mm. armoured cable in pre laid conduit as follows: No. No. No. No. No. 180 180 360 120 120 Sr. No. Description 20.1 Design, Survey, Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of complete traffic signal controller system complete in all respect as per instruction of engineer in charge.scope also include laying of cables in pre laid conduit / trench etc. in open / recess manner including excavation and back filling (if required) as per layout and drawing & complete as directed. 20.1.1 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.) 00-049Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd. 00-049Page:30 Sr. No. Description Unit 20.1.6 a. 2 Core Cable b.7 Core Cable b.14 Core Cable Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of COUNT DOWN TIMER ( CDT) on traffic signal pole of digit size 8" & type 2 & 1/2. ( RED colour LED) mtr. mtr. mtr. No. Estimated Quantity 6,000 50 50 60 20.1.7 20.2 Node Controller Follow Up with Traffic signal department / Meuncipal Commissioner for Getting approval for entire traffic signal control system. The Scope also covers survey of all junction & make necessory drawing of junctions & do the work as per site condition where differ from given detail.This also covers to obtain any permission required for road crossing from any authority if required. No. Job 140 2 Sub Total 20.0..... Grand Total 00-048Signature of Bidder Unit Rate (Rs.) Rate In word Amount (Rs.)