; EefticecUlanual STEREOTURNTABLE FL-lcIcI PL-IcIc|X (DrrroruEErl" M O D E LP L - l O OC O M E SI N S E V E NV E R S I O N S D I S T I N G U I S H EADS F O L L O W S : Type Voltage Remarks KU A C 1 2 0 Vo n l y U.S.A. model (with cartridge) KUT A C 1 2 0 Vo n l y U.S.A. model (without cartridge) KCT A C 1 2 0 Vo n l y C a n a d am o d e l ( w i t h o u t c a r t r i d g e ) WE AC220V -240V Europe model (with cartridge) WB AC220V -240V United kingdom model (with cartridgel WP AC220V -240V Oceania model (with cartridge) R AC 11O-120I 22O-24OV(switchabt e) G e n e r a le x p o r t m o d e l ( w i t h c a r t r i d g e ) o This servicemanualis applicableto the PL-loo/wE, wB, wP, PL-100x/wE,wB. For servicingof the other types,pleasereferto the additionalservicemanuat. A CONTENTS 1. SPEC|F|CAT|ONS. 2. PANEL FACILITIES 3. DISASSEMBLY 8.2 Sub-panel 12 15 Paneland BasePlate 4 9 . S C H E M A T I CD I A G R A M .P . C .B O A R D S 3.2 Arm Baseand Sub-Panel ... . . 5 C O N N E C T I O ND I A G R A M A N D P A R T S LIST 6 9.1 PartsList 16 9.2 S c h e m a t iD c iagram 17 M E C H A N I S MD E S C R I P T I O N. . . 5. ADJUSTMENT 5.1 Auto-returnAdjustment 8 5.2 F.G. Motor Adiustment 8 5.3 A r m - e l e v a t i o n A d j u s t m e. .n. t. 8 T R O U B L ES H O O T I N G 6.1 6.2 7. 8 . E X P L O D EV DI E W S 8.1 Exterior 3.1 4. 6. 3 3 Auto-returnDoesnot Work . I ( R e t u r n R e t u r ni s F a s t a t l m m P i t c h ). . . . . 1 0 PRECAUTIONS FOR REASSEMBLY 7.1 AreasThat RequireLubrication 10 7.2 Precautionsfor Attachment of Parts and Reassembly. . 11 9.3 P.C.BoardsConnectionDiagram 1 0 . PACKING 18 19 .l PL-1 clcl 1. SPECIFICATIONS Motor and Turntable Drive System Motor Turntable Platter Speeds. Speed Control Range. Wow and Flutter S i g n a l - t o - N o i s eR a t i o . Miscellaneous . Beltdrive .... Fcservomotor . 31Omm diam. aluminum alloy diecast ...33-1/3and45rpm . . x2o/" . L e s st h a n O . O 4 1 y o( W R M S I More than 70dB (D|N-B) ( w i t h P i o n e e rc a r t r i d g em o d e l P C - l 3 5 ) Tonearm Type . Effective Arm Length Overhang. U s a b l eC a r t r i d g e w e i g h t . Static-balance type, S-shaped pipe arm .221mm .15.5mm . . 4g (min.) to 99 (max.) WE, WB, WP models PowerConsumption Dimensions Weight . . . AC Z2O-24OV -, 5O,6OHz ....... 4W . . . . . 4 2 O ( W ) x 9 6 ( H )x 3 6 b ( D l m m 1 6 - ' tl 2 ( W l x 3 - 1 3 / 1 6 ( H ) x 1 4 - 3 l 8 ( D li n . 5.2kg/11 tb 8 oz PC-110/l I Specifications TYPe . .Moving magnet type Stylus . . 0 . 5 m i l d i a m o n d ( P N - 11 0 / t t ) Output Voltage . 3.5mV (1kHz, 50mm/s Peakvelocity, LAT) Tracking Force . . 1.5g to 2.5g (proper 2.2g) Frequency Response . 15 to 25,OOOHz Recommended Load . . . Soks} +1 70 - 3OOoF Subfunctions Accessories A u t o - r e t u r n m e c h a n i s m ,A n t i - s k a t i n g f o r c e c o n t r o l , S t y l u s p r e s s u r e d i r e c t - r e a d o u t c o u n t e r w e i g h t , C u e i n g d e v i c e ,S t r o b e l i g h t , F r e e s t o p E P A d a p t e r Operating Instructions(French and German f u r n i s h e d o nm o d e lf o r W E ) hinges 6 Power Bequirements: Semiconductors t c . . . . Transistor D i o d e . . . ' . . 1 . ' ' .1 -. . . . . . . . . ' . . ' . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . .l NOTE: Specifications and design subject to possibte modification notice. due to improvements. without 2. PANEL FACILITIES Platter/R ubber platter mat Anti-skate knob S p e e d c h e c k i n gw i n d o w r^ €) SPEEDSELECTORBUTTON 45 . . . . When this button is depressed, the platter will playing rotate at 45rpm. Depressfor 45rpm records,singlesor EP's. position, 33 . . . . When this button is setto the released platter rotate the will at 33-1/3rpm. Release for playing33-1/3rpmrecordslike LP's. @ SPCEOADJUSTMENTKNOB Turn this knob when finely adjustingthe speedof the platter.The speedof platter will increasewhen the knob is turned to the left in the direction of "+"; it will decreasewhen turned to the right in the directionof "-". LEVER @ ARM-ELEVATION UP (!): W h e n t h i s l e v e ri s s e t t o t h i s p o s i t i o n ,t h e tonearmwill rise.Set it to UP beforerecord play and when you want to stop recordplay while a track is being played or when you want to changeoverto a differenttrack. DOWN (l ): When the lever is set to this position the tonearm will be lowered. lf it is set to DOWN for recordplay. the tonearmwill be lowered onto the surfaceof the record. and p l a yw i l l b e g i n . 3 3. DISASSEMBLY 3.1 PANELAND BASEPLATE 1. Undo the 4 screwsO securingthe insulator case, 2. Move the tonearm across to the center. and raisethe panela little. 3. Disconnect the circuit board connector (2-Pin). \ Power ass'y 2-Pin connector I t Damper ruuber-f, Ftoatrpring--p (BLK) Insutatorcase-€) lI - e CI I o I (-=4 ---v F l o a ts p r i n g (vLT) ,€. )Y c-D uR I o J U B-rlort rpring P (VLT) G) fl o F i g .3 - 1 Removethe paneland baseplate 4 g- v/ /€\ )a (-) f, u I o F l o a ts p r i n g( G R E ) PL-1 clcl 3.2 ARM BASE AND SUB-PANEL 1. Undo the 5 screws O securingthe arm base. 2. Undo the 2 screws O securingthe sub-panel. 3. Undo the 3 screws O securing the center shaft. Tonearm ass'y A /^O 6"-t----.: 1-."e-".(J\ +--' @ ' (1' at. Fig.3-2 Removethe arm baseand sub-panel 4. MECHANISM DESCRIPTION PL-1OOMECHANISM OPERATING The PL-100 is equipped with auto-return only. Fig. a-t shows the PL-100 in the stationary state with the tonearm back in the arm rest. G e a rA LeverB Fig. 4-1 Mechanicalpartsname * Start of Play 1. When the tonearm is moved across to the disc, the PU plate located below in the arm base is also moved. 2.Lever A is moved over by pin A connected to this PU plate, resulting in lever B being unlocked (Fig. -3). 3. At the same time that lever B is unlocked, the microswitch is turned on (power on), and the motor commencesto rotate (Fig. -3). LeverA P i nA PU plate PinB Fig.4-2 PU plate Ei Fig.4-3 Start of play * AUTO-RETURN DETECTION l.When the stylus nears the center shaft, pin B contacts plate A (Fig. A-q. 2. Plate A pushes plate C by an amount direcily proportional to the amount of movement of the tonearm (Fig. a-5). 3. Plate D atop plate C is moved toward gear B by the movement of plate C. PL-1 Clcl PinB s Fig.4-4 Auto-returndetection1 A P l a t eD Plate C ( Fig.4-5 Auto-returndetection2 4. The front end of plate D moves approximately 0.1mm when the stylus is advanced 1mm toward the center shaft by one revolution of the record. 5. The tooth of gear B has the dimensional difference shown in Fig. 4-6. 6. Plate D is pushed back by this dimensional difference at a stylus movement of within 1mm per revolution of the record. 7. When the stylus enters the lead-out groove in the record at the end of the performance, it is moved 4mm toward the center shaft by one revolution of the record. 8. The end of plate D contacts the protruding section of gearB (Fig. -7). 9. Gear B and gear A are engaged, and gear A is turned by rotation of the turntable. * AUTO-RETURN 1. Gear A and B are engaged each other by the auto-return detector and gear A consequently is turned in the counter-clockwise direction. 2.Plate B is then shifted across towards the tonearm due to the groove in the underneath of gear A. 3. The edge of plate B pushes against lever C to force the arm elevation upwards. 4. Plate B continues to shift across to push'against pin B on the PU plate, thereby returning the tonearm back to the arm rest. 5. At this stage plate B commences to return toward the center shaft guided by the groove in gearA. GearB f i Fig. 4-6 Auto-returndetection3 fGearA Fig.4€ Auto-return 1 , Fig.4-7 Auto-returndetection4 6. When the edge of plate B separates from lever C, the arm elevation is lowered to drop the tonearm back into the arm rest. 7. And at the same time that the tonearm is returned to the arm rest, pin A returns lever A back to the stationary state. 8. Plate B continues to move toward the center shaft and pushes against pin C on lever B. Lever B thus switches the microswitch off (power off), and is then locked by lever A, thereby bringing a complete operation cycle to an end. Fig. 4-9 Auto-returndetection2 5. ADJUSTMENT 5.1 AUTO.RETURN ADJUSTMENT 1. Turn the auto return adjustment screw full around clockwise. 2. Move the tonearm right across toward the center. 3. When the auto return adjustment screw is turned back a little at a time counter clockwise, the tonearm will commence to return to the outer circumference. 4. Stop tuming the adjustment screw once the stylus tip is 33mm away from the center shaft. 5. Once the above adjustment procedure has been completed check that the tonearm returns automatically as designed. Fig. 5-1 Auto return adjustment 5.2 F.G. MOTOR ADJUSTMENT 1. Twn the power on and start the turntable platter rotating. 2. Turn the speed adjustment knob around to the mechanically center position. 3. Adjust VR2 and VRB in the motor assembly so that the stroboscope appears to be stationary. Again this adjustment is performed from below. 4. Adjust VR2 for 33rpm speed, and VRB for 45rpm. 5.3 ARM-ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT To proceed with the elevation sheet height adjustment, insert the hexagonal wrench (for 3 mm) into the hole at the front of the EV sheet and rotate it clockwise to reduce the height and counter-clockwise to increase the height. The height of the stylus tip from the record surface is 7 +2 mm. Fis.5-2 Motor adjustment Elevation sheet Fig. 5-3 Armclevationadjustment PL-1 ctcl ( 6 . T R O U B L ES H O O T I N G Use the following directions to find the cause of each type of breakdown. Improperly adjusted units should be completely readjusted. 6-1 AUTO.RETURN DOES NOT WORK START Change in starting position adjustment. After starting, incomplete reset of the plate C. See O A The curved section of the plate C is deformed. The inner areas of records can not be tracked. Arm lead wire is caught on something. Plate D does not follow the plate C Too much grease between the plate C and the gear A. Inner diameter of the plate D bearing is small. Protrusions on the caulk of the plate D bearing. Not enough grease between plate D and plate C. the PU cord is touching the PU plate. PU plate is touching the leaf spring (plate D) Looseness in the PU plate attachment. ? Operation of the plate A is not smooth. t Procedurefor Deatingwith ltem O After performing the return operation, if the curved section of the plate C and curved section of the plate D are not in contact with surfaces @ and @ respectively of the cam, reset will be incomplete and the starting position will be late. As a result, the return function may not operate at times. In this case, bend the plate C (Q so that dimension A is 0.5mm or larger. GearA 0.5mm 0.5mm Fig. 1-6 Incompleteplate D and plateC. 6 . 2 R E T U R Nl S F A S T ( R E T U R NA T l m m P I T C H ) Protrusions on the pinion gear section. See @ Procedurefor Dealing with ltem O If there are rough areas of plastic protruding from the @ section of the protruding section of the pinion gear, the return function may operate at a pitch of only lmm. In this case, remove the plastic protrusions completely (Fig. 6-2). GearB ( p i n i o ng e a r ) protruding section F i g .6 - 2 E l i m i n a t i o no f p i n i o n gearprotrusions. 7 . P R E C A U T I O N SF O R R E A S S E M B L Y Follow these directions and precautions when reassembling a unit after completing repairs. Be sure to lubricate as required, make no mistakes when attaching parts, and avoid all other careless mistakes that may be the cause of trouble later on. 7.1 AREAS THAT REoUIRE LUBRICATIoN NOTE: Types of lubricants listed in table 1. and areas where they are used are Table 1 Type of Oil Areasused SiliconOil t60000 raisingshaft GYA.OOS all other areas Lubrication points are specified for oils other than GYA-008. Never use a different type of oil. o Cam Section Apply oil to the heart-shaped grooved section (rear side of the cam) and lock plate sliding section in order to minimize wear on the sliding section and the burden on the mechanism. o Driving PlateAssembly Decrease the burden on the mechanism and the wear on the sliding section. sides, top, and bottom surfaces (slidingsectionof auto{top mechanism) sidessurface (slidingsectionof auto-stopmechanism) switch locker openrng Fig.7-2 Switch lockersection o EV LeverUnit Section Apply oil to the sliding sections of leaf spring (A) and EV lever unit to decreasethe burden on the mechanism. l e a fs p r i n g( A ) slidingsection E V l e v e ru n i t t o p a n ds i d e (slidingsectionof auto{top mechanism) EV cam side surface (slidingsectionof elevationcam) Fig.7-1 Driving panel assembly section Switch Locker Section 10 o Switch Locker Section Apply oil to the switch locker (opening) and sub-panel base sliding section to decrease the burden on the mechanism. When applying oil to the opening (shaft hole), do not apply any oil 2-3mm from the bottom surface. If oil is applied 2-Bmm within the bottom surface, it may come out the bottom and go between the switch lever and sub-panel base causing the switch lever to operate ineffectively. E V l e v e ru n i t slidingsection arm base Fig. 7-3 EV leverunit section PL-1 clcl ( o Elevation Cam Section Apply oil to the elevation cam and sliding section of the raising shaft to decreasethe burden when operated. Fig. 7-7 PU plateattachment Fig. 7 -4 Elevationcam section a r EV SheetSection Apply oil to the raisingshaft and'slidingsection of the bearing to assurestability in the elevation loweringspeed. o Anti-Skating Knob Attachment When installing the AS knob, put the AS knob rib against the AS knob revolution control stopper (attached to the arm base) and affix with the screw. As the stopper may break, be sure to press the AS knob down firmly when installing it. apply allaround at a width of 1mm half of the grooved EV sheetassembly Fig. 7-5 EV sheetsection 7.2 PRECAUTIONSFOR ATTACHMENT OF PARTSAND REASSEMBLY f o GamAssemblyAttachment The cam assemblyis attached by letting the lock plate go in the direction @ as shown in figure 1-6. driving a Fig. 7-8 AS knob attachment o Arm BaseAttachment When attaching the arm base section to the mechanism section, put the mechanism section switch locker and switch lever in the locked posi tion and verify that the tonearm is in the arm rest location. Also be sure to put the manual elevation lever in the up position and check that the PU plate shaft is in the position shown in figure 7-9. Fig. 7-6 Camassemblyattachnent a o PU Plate Attachment Push the PU plate into place so that the PU plate bearing section touches the revolution shaft attachment nut. Installation direction is as shown in figure 7-7. Note that there is a difference between auto-retum and fully automatic models. Switch lever Switch locker F i g . 7-9 Arm baseattachment 8 . E X P L O D E DV I E W S 8.1 EXTERIOR NOTE: c Parts without part number cannot be supplied. o The A marh found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. Partslist Key No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part No. Description Lens holder Lens 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. PDE-044 PNV-034 PXB-155 PNX-062 PBH-264 PU cord Dust cover Hingeassembly Foot case Foot spring (A) Mirror Push button Knob Base plate S u b - p a n e la s s e m b l y 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. PBH-265 PEB-163 PBA-099 PXA-841 Foot spring (Bl Rubber cushion Screw Weight assembly Button guide C Part No. Description PNX-151 PAM-O68 PAM-O69 Panel Name plate Name plate PNX-051 PAC-043 PAC-047 Key No. l I 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. PNR-l40 KEB-004 PEB-150 PYY-071 Turntable platter Belt Rubber mat Motor assembly Motor pulley 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. PEB-172 P B A -1 2 PBA-108 PBA-109 PPD-603 Rubber cushion Screw Screw M3x25 Screw Arm assembly 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. PNX-O74 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PXA-792 PBA-9o5 PNX-152 PAC-045 PNX-054 Headshell assembly Screw Arm base AS knob AS washer 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. PM230P050FMC PPZ30P080FMC PLZ40P120FMC PDZ30P050FMC 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. PNX-055 PBH-236 PBE-O1 2 PBF-005 PX8-094 Base lever AS spring AS spring washer AS knob washer Arm rest assembly 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. P D Z 3 0 P 0 8 0 F M C Screw ZMR30H120FZK Screw Screw ZMD40H080BT VBZ30P080FMC Terminal Screw 3 1. 32. 33. 34. 35. PXB-107 PBH-237 PXT-382 PNX-059 PBH-238 EV EV EV EV EV 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. rPZ30P100FMC YE30S YE70S PXT-910 PBH-266 Screw E type washer E type washer Cartridge(without stylus) Foot spring (C) 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. PBK-042 PXT413 RNX-060 EV plate spring {A} E V p l a t e s p r i n g( B ) u n i t PU plate (A) Set screw PU plate (B) 41. Aqz 43. A ++. 45. PNX-061 sheetassembly spring l e v e ru n i t cam cam spring prr-l07 PU plate spring Power transformer PDG-021 RDG.O22 PDG.O2O PEC-056 Connector assembly AC power cord (WE) AC power cord (WB) AC power cord (WP) Strain relief PBH-259 PSG-020 PBH-261 PCS-016 PEL-O42 PXB-177 PNC-132 VBZ30P100FMC Angle Push switch Spring Variable resistor Neon lamp Neon lamp base Power supply assembly Shaft assembly Plate Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Cord clamper PL-1OOX Key No. 1. 2. 3. 20. 21. 23. 24. Part No. Description P N X -5 15 PAM-070 PAM-071 PPD-609 PXA-791 PNX-156 PAC-041 Panel Name plate Name plate Arm assembly Head shell assembly Arm base AS knob i ( \.a 0- .NY. t 56 I 66-€'- q, i, L PL-1 clcl -j *l Y'" a'' a4-=, l\ I -lK I V I f.-+- -74 i6{ y)l T\ ir?7/ l3317 ? ':_la 75..- --{-iii 64 g-ue + -*]\ 6? cl-.'t l z li9-az & k$.o \ d-- e"9 ce" .7oA g-un 77 'q ' @ o H t l 53----+l 5 -25 -75 s ll*" t l -28 26 Y PL-1 clc' 8.2 SUB-PANEL F," rt ( 'u, t.-.-.# ffi f i' Partslist Key No. Part No. Description YE40S PNX-030 PNX-031 PXT-355 S u b - p a n e lu n i t E type washer Switch lever Plate Lever unit l 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Operation lever assembly Start plate Start plate spring EV cam P M K 2 6 P l O O F M C Screw PNC-1 26 PBH-224 Key No. Part No. Description 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. PNX-035 PBH-225 PNX-O36 PYY-058 PSF-Oog Lock plate Lock plate spring Cam R e t u r n s i g n a lu n i t Microswitch 16. 17. 18. PDE-079 PBA-103 YE155 Connector assembly Screw E type washer CONNECTION 9. SCHEMATICDIAGRAM,P.C.BOARDS DIAGRAM AND PARTS LIST NOTE: When ordering resistors,first conuert resistance values into code form as shown in the following example* Ex. I When there are 2 effectiue digits (any digit apart from 0), such as 560 ohm and 47k ohm (tolerance is shown by J = SVo,and K = 10Vo). RDVlPStrG]m.f ... 56Oa-56xl0t-561 473 . . . RD%PS aaa J 47 x1O34?hagSa_ORS ... RN2HEl861( ... ... RS/P@m@K ... Ia-010 o When there are'3 effectiue digits (such as in high precision metal film resisfors/. . . RN%SR tr@Dtr r' 5621 . . 562 x 10t 5.62ha parts indicates the importance of the o The A mark found on some component safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. Ex.2 9.1 PARTS LIST PowerSupplyAssembly Motor Assembly(PYY-071) Part No. Symbol & Dccription Part No. 2SC1959-Y 01 PCX-O1o wz-120 D1 D2 c E A 1 0 2 M2 5 L CKDYF 1032 50 C2 C3 A pcl-oss 2SD947 EVN.31AAOOB24 ERD-78TJ103 ERO-25CKF2002 ERO-2sCKF6201 cs R S 2 P F3 6 T J B D % P S1 5 2 J R S 2 H S F B3 3 3 J L R1 R2 R4 PCS-016 VRl PSG-020 A.pet-o+z PBH.261 A per-osg Volume Push switch Neon lamp Push button spring Fuse lCs of Transistors Appearance 2SC1959 Type No 16 25D947 Symbol & Description 01 V R 2 ,V B 3 R1 R2 B3 - PL-1 clct 9 . 2 S C H E M A T I CD I A G R A M - C - : -! oo l o H 3 l oz - ' n l | \ l E z nl o n l :: E ! ; t. l o r< o.(J < ro_ ( t sI , C o r o F I F O r O do ; [_ r H n 6 - o I K 3 !?=il 6 a o b 5 Boi,j tr = a o < ruoi E u o o E U I >ou< >:= : ; I ' I I i > € * g,9 L - b E - d o i ; = I P E z c '= @ = oi' 6 : o G e O : < O 5 F c 3 ! €o o x g t !; c a : o o _ * O E 9 :v !; F o . 9 i t - E c - @ 6 € * o . i @ € - .l o 5 -$l H; o o ; E E , 9 ; : l i t X N di; t s ! E . s P c t i o Y 9 R;i){E ?.P ? E € ; ES g 4 , ^ 4 ' E ;I E ! - < :-l *F -gl + 1 o z l O J U U z t 9 5 < l n.E oe i 6sfEI =: -(Dx = O (,0_ <<1 \ j t o L i - , .. r ;9F c O : Y n :;i >6 u; i Y c o q ; . 4 - . ; 9 E F E ; o E 5 b 0 6 i 9 o o 8 v i; I ;ts e rl : E :Z 5 X :> I sN t - a+' + - I F I c . 9 o : = ^ F @ _-9 P o F,a € * ii6' J O F - i.u E =-HE; x : E . i : i 5 d s c a) ;c i = :L B O.: ,,io 9 p I L p E E = 2 d c ) : : r U ? 9 9 E" g ? EE fln; 4 9 < 9 P o l j n > ' ( t t 1 7 - PL-1 clct 9 . 2 S C H E M A T I CD I A G R A M - C - : -! oo l o H 3 l oz - ' n l | \ l E z nl o n l :: E ! ; t. l o r< o.(J < ro_ ( t sI , C o r o F I F O r O do ; [_ r H n 6 - o I K 3 !?=il 6 a o b 5 Boi,j tr = a o < ruoi E u o o E U I >ou< >:= : ; I ' I I i > € * g,9 L - b E - d o i ; = I P E z c '= @ = oi' 6 : o G e O : < O 5 F c 3 ! €o o x g t !; c a : o o _ * O E 9 :v !; F o . 9 i t - E c - @ 6 € * o . i @ € - .l o 5 -$l H; o o ; E E , 9 ; : l i t X N di; t s ! E . s P c t i o Y 9 R;i){E ?.P ? E € ; ES g 4 , ^ 4 ' E ;I E ! - < :-l *F -gl + 1 o z l O J U U z t 9 5 < l n.E oe i 6sfEI =: -(Dx = O (,0_ <<1 \ j t o L i - , .. r ;9F c O : Y n :;i >6 u; i Y c o q ; . 4 - . ; 9 E F E ; o E 5 b 0 6 i 9 o o 8 v i; I ;ts e rl : E :Z 5 X :> I sN t - a+' + - I F I c . 9 o : = ^ F @ _-9 P o F,a € * ii6' J O F - i.u E =-HE; x : E . i : i 5 d s c a) ;c i = :L B O.: ,,io 9 p I L p E E = 2 d c ) : : r U ? 9 9 E" g ? EE fln; 4 9 < 9 P o l j n > ' ( t t 1 7 f- 9.3 P.C. BOARDS CONNECTIONDIAGRAM MOTORAtr'y MOTORP.C.B.As'y PgryE_lMlsFof,r\4ER I RED I I AC 220-240V 50/60Hz i RED 22o-24ov i s1 POWER RED BRN POWERSUPPLYAsc'y L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J I I PL-1 clcl 1 O .P A C K I N G s d \ fVr cd Partslist Key No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L 9. PL.lOOX Part No. Description PHA-107 PHA-108 PHG-414 PNX-O64 PBA-100 Side protector L Side protector R P a c k i n gc a s e Turntable platter packing Key No. 3. 9. Part No. Description PHG416 PRB-167 PRD.O55 Packing case Operating instructions Operating instructions (WE) (French/German) Screw Viny bag N93-603 PXA-841 PRB-162 PRD.O54 45 adaptor Weight assembly Operati ng i nstructions Operating instructions (WE) (French/Germanl --It 1ql I , I ll t iI a iI l ll i FICINEEFI t .l. FEIf{IEFI F|C'NICF| FfCIfVIEFI (aRT-s13€) 4-l , Mesuno 1-chome, Mesuno-ku, Tokyo 1s3, Japan ELECTFICINIC CCIFIPCIFIATICIN ELECTFIC'NICE CCIFIFCIF|ATICIN BS Oxfond Onive, Moonechie, New Jeesey O7O74, U.S.A. |lLlCTFlCtNlC ILEC?FlCtNlClt (EUFIC'FE' A|JITFALIA N.\/. Luithegen-Haven 17A-1A4 FTY. LtE,. 9. PO3O Antwenp, Elound6.v F|oBd, Belgium Bnae6ide, VicEonia 3195, Aust.alia FiC)MAF.19BO P.intsd in JePEn