English as a Second Language Teacher Certificate Program


The University of Winnipeg

English Language Programs

English as a Second Language

Teacher Certificate Program

Practicum Placement - Student Handbook

Introduction to the ESL TCP Practicum ..

Observation Information ……….……….

Practicum Locations …………………….

Who do you work with? ………………...

The Evaluation Process …...………….....

Overview of Required Forms …………...

Guidelines for conduct during practicum .








Process for the Practicum ……………

Observation and Teaching Log ...…....

Sponsor Teacher Form ………………

Supervisor Form ……………………..

Application for Graduation ………….

Practicum Questionnaire …………….







ESL Teacher Certificate Program

General Practicum Information

The practicum is comprised of 10 hours of observation in an EAL classroom and 10 hours of teaching in an EAL classroom.

Observation Session (Minimum 10 hours)

Full – Time Students:

Observation time is distributed throughout the 6 week (or 4 week)

Part – Time & Online Students:

Upon completion of your final course in the ESL TCP, you can program. This could be in multiple classes, however we encourage you to save at least 4 hours of observation time for the lass to which you are assignment to teach.

Your teaching placement will commence after the coursework is complete. register for the practicum placement. Both the observation and teaching will take place in the same classroom.

Note: Placements are only arranged for students in Winnipeg and surrounding rural communities.

A student may do more than 10 hours of observation, if he/she wishes. Throughout your observation sessions, you must complete two forms/packages:


Observation and Practicum Log:

Please bring this form with you to every observation session. After you complete the session, log the number of hours that you observed, and ask your sponsor teacher to initial in the space provided. You must submit this form after you have completed your practicum placement.

NOTE: You also must complete this form during the teaching sessions


Observation Tasks:

You will have received an observation tasks booklet with this package. As you attend observation sessions, you must complete these observation tasks. You can choose to complete 1-2 tasks/session, or any task that seems to fit a particular lesson that you are observing. The order in which you complete this does not matter, but by the end of your 10 hours of observation, this package must be complete. You must submit this package after you have completed your practicum placement.


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Practicum Teaching Locations

For the 10 hours of teaching, the student will be placed in a class by the Program

Coordinator. The student’s needs and interests will be taken into consideration for this placement, which will be indicated by completing the Practicum Questionnaire included in this package.

The ESL TCP partners with the following programs for the practicum component of this program. Read more about each program at the links provided:

 The University of Winnipeg English Language Programs - http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/elp-14week

 The University of Winnipeg Short Term English Language Programs - http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/elp-june-intensive

 The University of Winnipeg - English for Specific Purposes – esp.uwinnipeg.ca

 Red River College Language Training Centre - http://www.rrc.mb.ca/index.php?pid=2100

 Winnipeg Technical College English Language Centre http://www.wtc.mb.ca/wp/english-language-centre/

 Mosaic Newcomer Family Resource Network - http://www.mosaicnet.ca/

 Entry Program - http://entryprogram.ca/

 Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL - http://eal.wsd1.org/

 Age & Opportunity Entry Program for Older Adult Immigrants - http://eal.ageopportunity.mb.ca/

 Immigrant Centre – Access English Centre - http://icmanitoba.com/services/accessenglish-centre-aec/

 IRCOM (Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba) – ircom.ca

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. If there is a placement that interests you, let us know and we will do our best to make this opportunity possible. More information about the practicum placement can be found in the ESL TCP Practicum handbook.

Who do you work with?

Unlike the rest of the courses in the ESL TCP, the practicum placement is arranged independently. Each practicum student will be working closely with a sponsor teacher and a practicum supervisor . The sponsor teacher is the primary teaching in the classroom to which the practicum student is assigned. He/She will be in the classroom at all times during the 10 hours of practicum teaching. The practicum supervisor will observe the practicum student twice throughout the teaching placement; one observation session (1 hour in length) will take place at the beginning of the session, and the second will take place at the end.


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

The Evaluation Process

During the 10 hours of teaching, the following must take place:

 Three formative feedback forms must be completed.

For at least three of the 10 hours of practicum teaching, the sponsor teacher will give the student written feedback. One hour of the feedback will be near the beginning of the practicum and the other two hours will be near the middle or end. On the days that the student and sponsor teacher decided the formative feedback will take place, the sponsor teacher will fill out the feedback form (included in this package) and then spend some time discussing the lesson. Please ensure that you are able to stay after class for

15-20 minutes to discussion the teaching session with your sponsor teacher.

It is important to take the feedback of the sponsor teacher, and work to implement the suggestions into your future teaching practice.

 Two summative feedback forms must be completed.

The practicum supervisor will observe the student for two of the 10 hours of the practicum. One hour will be near the beginning of the practicum and one hour will be near the end. The supervisor will give the student written feedback using the summative feedback form after the first hour and will be looking for the incorporation of this feedback during the second hour.

On the days that the practicum supervisor is doing an observation, the student should be prepared to spend at least ½ hour after the class with him or her to debrief the lesson. The practicum supervisor will be looking at all aspects of your lesson including: lesson presentation, classroom management, student participation and teaching aids.

A student must pass the practicum in order to receive the ESL Teacher Certificate. The decision about whether or not the student passes the practicum is made by the practicum supervisor, in conjunction with the sponsor teacher. The expectation is not that a practicum student be an ‘expert teacher’ by the end of the practicum, but that he or she shows improvement from one of the practicum supervisor’s observations to the next and that he or she is aware of the areas which need improvement in his or her teaching.


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Overview of Required Forms

Included in the remainder of this package you will find the following:


Guidelines for Conduct during Classroom Observations


Process for the ESL TCP Practicum Placement


Observation and Practicum Log: You will need to complete and hand in this form (to the program coordinator) before you can receive your certificate. When you observe a class or teach a class, please record it on the sheet and have the class instructor initial the form.


Formative Feedback Form (Practicum Sponsor Teacher): This is the report that your sponsor teacher will submit for the 3 formal observations that he or she will do during your practicum teaching. He or she will discuss the reports with you and give you a copy. You must submit this in your graduation package when you have finished this program component.


Summative Feedback Form (Practicum Supervisor): This is the form that your practicum supervisor will fill out during the two observations of your teaching that he or she does. The practicum supervisor will be looking for improvement from the first to the second observation in the areas she or he has identified. He or she will discuss the reports with you and give you a copy. You must submit this in your graduation package when you have finished this program component.


Application for Graduation: Please complete this and submit it to the ESL TCP registration office after you have completed all courses and practicum components of the ESL TCP.


Practicum Questionnaire: once you have registered for the practicum placements, please submit this form to the program coordinator. It will help the program coordinator schedule an appropriate practicum placement for you.


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Guidelines for Conduct during Classroom Observations

 When a classroom teacher gives permission for you to observe a class, consider the basic trust that accompanies that invitation. Remember that you are not there to judge or to make assumptions about the instructor or the students.

 Having an observer in the class inevitably has an impact on the classroom dynamics.

As such, you must make every effort to minimize the effect of your presence.

 You should minimize your intrusion in the following ways: o Be punctual and prepared for the class. & dress appropriately. o Do not converse with the students during the lesson unless asked to by the instructor. o Do not converse with colleagues who may be observing in the same classroom. o Work unobtrusively on the task that you have been assigned. o Be alert and interested in the lesson that is being delivered. o Do not get up and leave before the lesson is over.

 Ensure that your objectives in observing the class are always secondary to what is taking place in the classroom. The learning objectives of the class are the priority.

 Remember at all times that you are a guest in the classroom, and ensure that your presence is non-threatening and respectful. The learners’ needs come first, and the instructor is responsible for what takes place in the classroom.

 Always remember that the students’ needs and the sponsor teacher’s agenda for the class come first.

 When you begin teaching: be respectful of the amount of time your sponsor teacher has to spend with you. You are responsible for planning your part of the lesson, finding suitable material, and running off copies.

 If you have any concerns during your practicum, please address them first with your sponsor teacher. If an issue cannot be resolved at this level, please contact the

Program Coordinator.

 After completing the observation and the assigned tasks, participate actively in the post-observation discussions and take the time to reflect on how you can improve/develop your teaching skills.

 Remember that your professionalism should always be demonstrated during your classroom observations. Lateness, absenteeism, and signs of disrespect reflect poorly on professional conduct.


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Process for the ESL TCP Practicum


Please register and pay for the course (registration forms are posted online at esltcp.uwinnipeg.ca)


Complete the practicum questionnaire (included at the end of this package) and submit it to the program coordinator.


Once received, we will look for a suitable placement opportunity that meets your scheduling needs and interests.


After a suitable placement has been found (note: this can take several weeks, depending on the time of year), you will be emailed with the details of the placement, including the contact information of the sponsor teacher and supervisor.


Contact your practicum sponsor teacher to arrange your schedule to begin observations. While you can complete some observation time while you are completing your teaching, please ensure you have at least observed in your assigned classroom twice before beginning the teaching component of the placement.


Your teaching schedule will be set between you and your sponsor teacher. Your sponsor teacher will make recommendations about when you can teach in the class as he or she knows the class the best. Please be respectful of these recommendations and schedule your teaching, with your sponsor teacher, in accordance with these recommendations.


The practicum supervisor will contact you to arrange for the two supervision times.

He or she will schedule the observations during your teaching hours and give you feedback about these observations. Please note that for each of the two observations by the practicum supervisor, the feedback will take about a half an hour after you have finished teaching.


Your sponsor teacher will also give you formal formative feedback on three hours of your lessons.


Once you have completed the 10 hours of observation and teaching, please submit all necessary documents to the program coordinator, including: a.

Observation and practicum log b.

Practicum Observation Tasks booklet c.

Practicum sponsor teacher and supervisor forms (copies are acceptable)


Once you have finished all the course requirements for the ESL TCP, please submit the application for graduation (included at the end of this package).


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Observation and Teaching Log

Name: ___________________________________

Observation Record:

Date Class and Instructor Time Number of hours



Total Observation Hours: ___________

Teaching Record:

Date Topic

Total Teaching Practicum Hours: ___________

Sponsor Teacher Signature: ______________________________________

Time Number of hours


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Practicum Supervision:

Date Class

Practicum Supervisor Signature: ____________________________________

Student Signature:_____________________________________________________




| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

ESL Teacher Certificate Program: Practicum Sponsor Teacher Form

Please discuss your feedback with your practicum student & give him/her 2 copies to submit to the Program Coordinator.

Sponsor Teacher: ___________________________ Practicum Student: ________________________

Location: ____________________________________

Date: _____________ Time: _________________

Class name/level:_ _________________________

Number of students: ______________________

The following elements of the lesson went well:









Suggestions for improvement:









Sponsor Teacher’s Signature: ________________________________________


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

ESL Teacher Certificate Program: Practicum Supervision Form

Practicum Student: _______________________________ Practicum Placement School: ______________________

Class Level: ________________________________________

Number of Students (during observation):______

Date and Time: ______________________________________

Name of Practicum Supervisor: ___________________

Organization and Lesson Planning:

Lesson plan submitted prior to class: Yes No


Well prepared and organized.

Objectives of lesson plan are clear, and are communicated to students.

Lesson plan is clear and well organized.

Plan is suitable for students’ level and context.

Activities within plan are sequenced logically.

The phases of the lesson are clear and appropriate for specific context.

Sufficient time and opportunities for students to practice new skills.

Pace of lesson is effective.

Lesson Presentation


Classroom presence is effective.

Sets a positive and motivating classroom atmosphere.

Voice projection and speech rate are effective for students’ level.

Uses appropriate non-verbal communication to deliver message.

Explains activities clearly.

Explains important and unknown terms and concepts.

Uses the board effectively to support explanations.

Checks comprehension of students in effective manner.

Uses a variety of teaching methods.

Maintains student interest.


| Handbook


Subject Area Knowledge:

Has sufficient knowledge of the language content addressed.

Content has been well-researched and developed.

Content understanding is clear through accurate responses to students’ questions.

Class Participation:

Students are actively involved throughout the class.

Teacher talk is minimized.

Opportunities for involvement of all students are maximized.

Moves from teacher- to studentcentered activities.

Students have opportunity for controlled and communicative practice (if applicable)

Students work in varied groups, partners, and individually.

Uses students’ names; equally calls on students.

Gives effective and timely feedback and error correction to students.

Classroom Management:

Begins class on time.

Maintains professional image throughout the class.

Effectively deals with behavior issues, such as noise level, being on task, cell-phone use or disengagement.

Does not allow individuals to monopolize class time.

ESL Teacher Certificate Program





| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Materials and Resources:


Resources are well-prepared.

Uses resources that are suitable to the lesson and level of the class.

Resources are used effectively for the context.

If textbook is used, it is supplemented with outside materials.

Lesson is not materials-driven.

Instructional materials are error-free.

Materials are visually appealing, and sourced properly.

Other resources in the classroom are used effectively: board, posters, general space.

General comments from sponsor teacher on student’s progress:




Recommendations for further growth, or for improvement for second observation:








Practicum Student Signature: __________________________________

Practicum Supervisor Signature: ________________________________

If this is the second observation, recommendations: Pass Further observation Fail needed


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Application for Graduation: ESL TCP

Please submit completed form to:

ESL Teacher Certificate Program

515 Portage Ave Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9

Phone: 982-1816

Fax: 982.1707

PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Country of Citizenship: ___________________


Last Name(s) First (Given) Name Middle Name(s)


Home Address


City/Town Province Postal Code


Contact Telephone Number E-Mail Address



Name to appear on certificate

In order to graduate, please ensure the following have been completed:

 All coursework for ETCP 46391 – Thinking about Theory is complete

 All coursework for ETCP 46392 – Understanding the Language Classroom is complete

 All coursework for ETCP 46390 – Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary is complete

 All coursework for ETCP 46393 – Developing the Language Skills is complete

 Practicum placement has been completed

 All initial supporting documents have been submitted (transcripts, etc.)

 Departmental English proficiency requirements met and supporting documents submitted

 Observation and Practicum log has been submitted

 Practicum observation tasks booklet has been submitted

 3 Practicum sponsor teacher forms have been submitted

 2 Practicum supervisor forms have been submitted

For Office use only: (Please indicate date received.)

Documents verified: Date received _________________

____ All supporting documents (if necessary) have been submitted (transcripts, etc.)

____ Observation and Practicum log has been submitted

____ Practicum observation tasks booklet has been submitted

____ 3 Practicum sponsor teacher forms have been submitted

____ 2 Practicum supervisor forms have been submitted

Name added to senate list: _______________ Remark:


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

ESL TCP Practicum Questionnaire

Name: ___________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________

When are you available to start your practicum placement? Date: ____________________________

Past Teaching Experience

Do you have any teaching experience? Yes No

If yes, please describe this teaching experience (places, levels, subjects). Please include any volunteer or EAL teaching experience:





Do you have a valid Manitoba Teaching certificate? Yes No

Preferences for Teaching Practicum

If given the choice, what types of students/classes would you like to work with?

Student Demographics (Please specify preference with a  )

____ International Students _____ Immigrants

Student Level (Please specify preference with a  )

____ Beginners _____ Intermediate ____ Advanced


| Handbook


ESL Teacher Certificate Program

Practicum Placement (Please specify all times that you are available with a  )

*Note – your availability will have to be open in either the mornings, afternoons, or evenings for us to be able to arrange a placement. Simply one day is not sufficient to arrange a placement.


_____ Morning


_____ Morning


_____ Morning


_____ Morning


_____ Morning

_____ Afternoon _____ Afternoon _____ Afternoon _____ Afternoon

_____ Evening _____ Evening _____ Evening _____ Evening

If you have a location where you would like to complete your practicum (due to an existing relationship there) please provide the information below. We will try to arrange this, but need to confirm that the program suggested meets the requirements set out by TESL

Canada for hosting practicum students, and that the location is in fact willing to host practicum students.

Location/Program: _______________________________________

Contact Information: ______________________________________

Please complete this for and return it to:

ESL Teacher Certificate Program

515 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9

Phone: 204.789.1484

Email: k.quinn@uwinnipeg.ca

Fax: 204.982.1707


| Handbook

