Mentoring Mentoring and Peer Teacher Peer Teacher Program

Mentor ______________________ School _________________
Mentee ______________________ School _________________
Circle Appropriate Program Participation
NBCT Support
Table of Contents
Welcome Letter
Program Assistance Information
Mentor-Mentee Partnership
Roles and Responsibilities of the Mentor
Roles and Responsibilities of the Mentee
Roles and Responsibilities of the School Site Principal
PEC Program Guidelines (for PEC Participants only)
Before School Starts
Pre-School Week
Check List for First Day of School
First Classroom Visitation/Observation Form
Second Classroom Visitation/Observation Form
Third Classroom Visitation/Observation Form
May – Submit Program Notebook with Lesson Plans and My-Points inservice record
Supplemental Classroom Visitation Form
August, 2009
Dear Mentoring Program Participants:
Welcome to your new school! The revised New Teacher Mentoring and Peer Teacher Program is a joint
effort on behalf of the School Board of Highlands County, the Highlands County Educational Association, and
the National Board Certified Teachers of Highlands County. The program seeks to support new teachers both
professionally and personally in their efforts to become “high performing educators.”
Research indicates that student achievement depends, in part, on constructing a school culture that fosters
growth for students and staff alike. We believe that mentors and new teachers will learn and grow in this process.
The term new teacher refers to any teacher who is new to the Highlands County School System. We recognize
that new teachers will need different levels of support, according to their experience and certification status. The
program may provide support to the following new teacher categories:
1) teachers who are completely new to the profession, who are non-educator trained, need professional
preparation, and are eligible for a temporary educator’s certificate. These teachers qualify for the
Alternative Certification Training (ACT) Program.
teachers transferring into the Highlands District Public Schools from out-of-district or out-of-state schools,
who are eligible for a Florida Temporary Educator’s Certificate, have not completed an internship and/or
have less than one year of successful teaching experience. These teachers qualify for the Professional
Education Competence (PEC) Program.
teachers who have recently completed Florida state approved educational programs at accredited colleges
or universities, who already hold or are eligible to hold a valid Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate,
as well as out of state certificate holders who are eligible for professional certification in Florida with less
than three yearsof teaching experience. These teachers are eligible to receive assistance from National
Board Certified Teachers (NBCT’s). NBCT’s who are NOT serving as mentors to ACT or PEC Program
participnts may not receive supplemental mentor pay, however may use the mentoring hours for inservice
credit. Mentor logs must be used and submitted for approval and credit.
All new teachers, regardless of categor y, need to revie w and understand(with their
mentors) the Mentoring and Peer Teacher Program Portfolio requirements which
should be c ompleted as a “partners hip”. New teac hers are als o expected to attend New
Teacher Orientation (NTO). The NTO is designed to help new teachers acclimate to their new
surroundings in a smooth, systematic, non-stressful manner. It provides the new teacher with information and
materials needed to increase their opportunities for success in the classroom during the first weeks of school.
Participants receive assistance in planning for the new school year and receive ideas for positive classroom
management and organization from veteran teachers.
Category #1 teachers (as defined above) will be assigned a Mentor-Teacher.
Category #2 teachers will be assigned to a Peer Teacher.
Category #3 teachers may be assigned upon recommendation of principal to a National
Board Certified Teacher who will serve as a support advisor.
We wish you every success in your new teaching experience, and stand ready to assist you in any way we
can. Please feel free to contact the Office of Professional Development at any time for additional information
and/or if you have questions or concerns.
Vivianne Waldron, Director of Human Resources, Recruitment & Professional Development
Mentor/Peer Teacher Program Planning Committee
Program Assistance
Vivianne Waldron
Director, Human Resources, Recruitment and Professional
Phone 471-5734
Sandy Smith
Secretary, Professional Development
Phone 471-5746
Patricia Carter
LCRT/Program Advisor
Doreen Diefendorf
Elementary Teacher/Program Advisor
The Mentor-Mentee Partnership
Mentors are seasoned teachers who are professionally licensed and have demonstrated a
minimum of three years of successful teaching experience. A mentor is defined
as a consultant and advisor whose role is to support and guide, not to evaluate
the new person. Mentors and Peer Teachers must be trained, formally apply, and
be appointed by their principal to assist fellow teachers who are new to the District
and/or the profession. Mentors work collaboratively and non-judgmentally with
new teachers to help assure an enjoyable and successful teaching experience. The
partnership is formalized by a Mentor-Mentee Contract, which is signed by
both parties. The contract spells out the duties and responsibilities of both parties,
who agree to work together for one school year.
Roles and Responsibilities
To listen
To be available for consultation and assistance
To establish lines of communication
To support the incoming teacher as advocate and professional confidant
To schedule and meet with the mentee monthly (or more often, as necessary) at a time
and place mutually agreed upon in the Mentor-Mentee Contract
To articulate district policies, procedures and expectations to the new teacher
To help the mentee understand the organizational culture
To guide the new person in lesson plan and grade book procedures
To familiarize the new person with available resources in the district
To share personal experiences and insights that may benefit the new teacher
To help the new teacher set realistic goals and targets that will impact student learning
To attend and complete a MentorPortfolioTraining Workshop
To sign the Mentor-Mentee Contract
To commit time to work with the new mentee for one year
To meet with the mentee at least once a month at scheduled times throughout the year,
as agreed upon by both parties
To discuss in detail with mentees the monthly issues listed in the Mentoring Program
* (
To complete an Exit Questionnaire, to be used for assessment and improvement of the
& %
Mentors who have NOT completed a formal mentor training provided by
the District, will be notified of the next available training date;
participation is required.
Roles and Responsibilities
To attend a “pre-school” partnering session with new teacher mentor assignment
To attend and complete the pre-school New Teacher Orientation (NTO)
To sign the Mentor-Mentee Contract
To ask questions, exchange ideas, and seek advice and information from the mentor
To meet with the mentor at least once a month (or more), at scheduled times throughout
the year, as agreed upon by both parties
To discuss in detail with the mentor the monthly issues in the Mentoring Program
To complete an Exit Survey, to be used for assessment and improvement of the program
Roles and Responsibilities
Assigns peer/mentor teacher to new teacher as appropriate and in a timely
manner; gives consideration to grade level, subject taught and specialized
Agrees to provide support for both the mentor and new teacher (mentee)
Supervises curriculum
Checks lesson plans
Makes required classroom visits
Completes required summative observations
Signs off on the completed portfolio and submits it to the Office of Professional
Development on or before May 10
This is to certify that ______________________________________ (mentee) and
_________________________________ (mentor) have agreed to work collaboratively
throughout the current school year, in conjunction with the Highlands County Mentoring
and Peer Teacher Program.
By signing, mentee and mentor both agree to the following requirements:
1) to attend a required pre-school partnering orientation session
2) to meet regularly, at the place(s) and the time(s) indicated below, for purposes of conferencing
and consultation; three of these contacts must be within the first month of school, the remainder
at approximately one-month intervals throughout the rest of the school year,
3) to document and discuss in detail at least three classroom visitations/observations, one of
which must be within the first two weeks of the school year,
4) to maintain and submit a completed Mentoring and Peer Teacher Program Portfolio
to the principal or other designated school site administrator for review by May 1, 2010.
5) to complete and submit an Exit Survey to help evaluate and develop the program.
Mentee’s signature
Mentor’s signature
Suggestion: For ease of scheduling meeting requirements above, see enclosed District Student Calendar
This is to certify that ______________________________________ (mentee) and
_________________________________ (mentor) have agreed to work collaboratively
throughout the current school year, in conjunction with the Highlands County Mentoring
and Peer Teacher Program.
By signing, mentee and mentor both agree to the following requirements:
1) to attend a required pre-school partnering orientation session
2) to meet regularly, at the place(s) and the time(s) indicated below, for purposes of conferencing
and consultation; three of these contacts must be within the first month of school, the remainder
at approximately one-month intervals throughout the rest of the school year,
3) to document and discuss in detail at least three classroom visitations/observations, one of
which must be within the first two weeks of the school year,
5) to maintain and submit a completed Mentoring and Peer Teacher Program Portfolio
to the principal or other designated school site administrator for review by May 1, 2010
5) to complete and submit an Exit Questionnaire to help assess and develop the program.
Mentee’s signature
Mentor’s signature
Suggestion: For ease of scheduling meeting requirements above, see enclosed District Student Calendar.
Attached please find multiple copies of a
Documentation Log.
This form is not a requirement of the Portfolio
Plan but is optional if you would like to use it.
National Board Certified Teachers are
required to use this form to document
mentoring hours to submit for inservice credit.
The Office of Professional Development
Not every item on these checklists makes sense for every teacher to do when they first arrive. Identify
appropriate activities given the experience of your Mentee, and then check off( ) the items as you
complete them.
Building Tour
School location and general layout (grade levels or departments )
Bus boarding/unloading area
Teacher parking
Administrative Offices (Principal, AP, Deans)
Guidance Offices
Media Center and AV equipment
Rooms for music, art, physical education, speech, gifted, etc.
Computer labs
Supply Room
Book storage room
Plant Operator's Office
Teacher Lounge
Staff restrooms
Mail Room, sign-in area
Xeroxing equipment
Teacher work areas
ISS / Time-Out Rooms
Building Procedures
Teacher attendance log; sign-in and sign-out policies
Hours for teachers and students
Student and Teacher Dress Code
Building Procedures (continued)
Extra duties (hall, bus, etc.)
Lunch procedures
Emergency drills (fire,tornado, bomb, lock-down, etc.)
Assembly seating and supervision
Student accidents, emergencies
Movement of students, entry/exit from lunch, physical education, buses
Keys for room, building, parking lot security fence
Access to Resources
Classroom and teaching supply requisitions (using the District Warehouse)
Budget process
Discretionary funds (save receipts for purchases under $75)
AV equipment requests
Shared equipment and materials
Computer configuration
Computer access for students
Textbooks, supplementary materials
School site duplicating services and supplies
County Office Print Shop services
Faculty Handbook
Departmental budgets, warehouse requisitions, and purchase order procedures
Options for room arrangement and effect on teaching and learning
Traffic patterns
Storage and access to materials
Student access to equipment, teaching centers
__________ Operation of equipment
Copyright procedures
Accessing intercom, phone system, sending and receiving voice mail
Accessing and using computer e-mail (First Class)
Inter-school courier service
Guidelines and policies concerning use of school letterhead stationery
Guidelines and policies concerning communication with parents: letters, phone
calls, and personal contacts
District Web Page and school site web pages
Personal and Professional Decisions and Procedures
Understanding the recognized categories of absences
Procedures and expectations when you call in sick
Required paperwork following sick leave
Procedure for requesting personal or professional leave
Lesson Plans for substitutes
Emergency lesson plans (for unexpected or extended absence)
Faculty Meetings and Team Meetings
Required observations / evaluations by administrators
Planning to collaborate and share with colleagues
Mentor ______________________________________
Date _________________________
Mentee ______________________________________
Date __________________________
Begin Building a Trusting Relationship
Mentor meets mentee(s) in predesignated area the first day
Mentor shares beliefs in:
the need for continual learning as professionals
the need to be open to feedback and learning
the power of collaboration
Mentor encourages mentee(s) to ask questions, confide concerns
Mentor introduces mentee to other staff: grade level chairperson, dept. head,
team members, media specialist(s), office staff, custodial staff, bookkeeper
Share lunch schedule and procedures (and recess procedures, where applicable)
Review the daily schedule, including Planning Period
Review plans for the first day
Discuss policy regarding visitors on campus
Discuss policy on inviting guest speakers
Discuss money collection procedures
Discuss policies and procedures for student out-of-class passes
Discuss Health Room policy
Review beginning of the year student forms, including emergency contact cards,
identification cards, field trip permission forms, information release forms,
Internet access permission forms, change of bus forms, etc.
First day attendance for students
Complete the First Day Checklist
__________ Review guides/manuals, Student Progression Plan, Code of Student Conduct, Faculty
Handbook, Sunshine State Standards
Review curriculum maps for overview
Curriculum continued
Introduction to texts and available supplemental materials
Lesson plan procedures and expectations
Subject matter experts within the building/staff/District Office
Teaching teams or shared responsibilities (where applicable)
Grading procedures for day-to-day record keeping (number of grades, state numerical
and letter grade scale, weighting schemes, etc.)
Use of Pinnacle, the District'
s adopted computerized grading network
Use District-mandated weighting for semester averages: marking periods = 40%,
exams = 20%
Special accommodations for ESE (Exceptional Student Education) students
(e.g.: extended testing time, alternative testing site, etc.)
School, grade-level and District guidelines, homework/assignments
Student discipline
Behavior expectations for hallways, lunchroom, parking lots, recess areas
Establishing classroom behavior expectations
( Highly recommended: The First Days of School, by Harry Wong)
Posting of rules and consequences (Assertive Discipline, as outlined by Lee Canter)
Expected staff supervision outside of the classroom, including assigned morning or
afternoon duty obligations, school assemblies and other school sponsored events
Detention and/or referral process for students, including special needs students
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor __________________________________
Date _________________________
Mentee __________________________________
Date __________________________
obtain supplies ______
attendance book______
class list(s)
office supplies ______
art supplies
lesson plan book ______
attendance book ______
______Bus lists (where applicable)
______Make bulletin board decisions; where to post announcements, calendar, menus,
______Make signs for room
______Post your name, room number, schedules for lunch, other important information
______Prepare name tags for student desks (elementary only)
______Prepare class lists, seating charts, artifact/portfolio folders (as needed)
______Prepare take-home packets for students on the first day, including such items as
an introductory letter to parents, class rules and procedures, homework policy,
course overviews, assorted school forms, etc.
______Consider the impact of dressing professionally
______Check to see which students may be going to special classes
______Gather and organize textbooks, as necessary
______Gather appropriate supplementary materials
______Define and explain your classroom procedures and management
______Write plans for the first day and the first week
______Make sure you have community-building activities to do with your class
______Duplicate written materials for the first few days
Mentor __________________________________
Date _________________________
Mentee __________________________________
Date __________________________
"The hallmark of the true professional is the ability to work with any colleague."
Sarah Phillips
Discuss and review Professional Development needs, upcoming inservice training, etc.
Discuss school norms and social traditions
Review and assemble substitute folder
Discuss the Homebound Program (for students out of school on extended stays)
Be accessible during first week of school planning
Review the District Calendar for the upcoming year
Share bad weather and school closing procedures (e.g., online information, radio
stations, school contact tree)
Discuss indoor recess activities (elementary only)
Review ESE staffing, placement procedures, and schedule change policies
Discuss cumulative records and the issue of confidentiality
Avoid compromising situations when trying to discipline students
Determine award criteria
Learn assembly procedures
Review teacher evaluation procedures and upcoming observation
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor __________________________________
Date _________________________
Mentee __________________________________
Date __________________________
"The door of change is locked from the inside."
Marilyn Ferguson
$ %
Teacher: ____________________ School: ___________ Mentor: ___________________________
Lesson: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date: ______________Class: _________________Time in: __________ Time out:___________
Y = observed
Class began at bell
Attendance taken
Bell work given
Clear instructions
Students on task
N = not observed
Questions explicitly framed
Sufficient response time given
Specific praise used
Learning sequence strategized
s attention was
fairly apportioned
Question time provided
Explanations were clear
and concise
Lesson plans were followed
Instructional time maximized
End review / recap
Assertive discipline followed
Homework assigned
Varied activities
Commendables: ______________________________________________________________
Observations: ________________________________________________________________
Recommendations: ____________________________________________________________
Mentor __________________________________
Date _________________________
Mentee __________________________________
Date __________________________
Discuss and review Professional Development needs, upcoming inservice
training, etc.
Review parent communication methods, conferences, time lines and record keeping
Plan together for Parent Orientation or Open House Night (create an outline for
expectations, managing traffic flow, situations to avoid)
Review the school web page
Discuss classroom volunteers, student helpers, etc.
Discuss Book Club order procedures (Troll, Scholastic, etc.)
Consider attending a Parent Teacher Organization or School Improvement Team
meeting with your mentor
Review procedure for Progress Reports
Organize a year long calendar (FCAT testing, report cards, field trips, activities, etc.)
Discuss contents of a professional portfolio
Strategize staff development opportunities for October Inservice Day
Review teacher evaluation procedures and upcoming observation
Consider attending in-field state conference
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor __________________________________
Date _________________________
Mentee __________________________________
Date __________________________
"Some people go into teaching because it is a job. Some people go into teaching to make a difference."
Harry Wong
$ %
Teacher: ____________________ School: ___________ Mentor: ___________________________
Lesson: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date: ______________Class: _________________Time in: __________ Time out:___________
Y = observed
Class began at bell
Attendance taken
N = not observed
Questions explicitly framed
Sufficient response time given
Specific praise used
s attention was
fairly apportioned
Question time provided
Explanations were clear
and concise
Bell work given
Learning sequence strategized
Clear instructions
Instructional time maximized
End review / recap
Students on task
Assertive discipline followed
Homework assigned
Lesson plans were followed
Varied activities
Commendables: ______________________________________________________________
Observations: ________________________________________________________________
Recommendations: ____________________________________________________________
Mentor ______________________ Date: ___________ Mentee:________________________
Share ideas and application from workshops, conferences, Professional Learning
Communities, and/or inservice training (record on Professional Development Log)
Review field trip procedures and forms
Review classroom management and discipline
Discuss the importance of FTE (Full-time Equivalency) Days for school funding
Review Halloween issues (sensitivity to religious concerns)
Set up a date and time for mentee to visit a classroom
Reconfirm date and time for next classroom observation
Analyze lesson plans for organization and pacing
Discuss possible interventions for individual students, as needed (Academic
Improvement Plans for students performing below expectations)
Revisit student referral procedures
Review student portfolio expectations (cumulative folders), as appropriate
Review procedures for report cards
Discuss parent conferences
Review bilingual assistance available for conferences
Review schedule for state testing (FCAT, NRT (Norm Referenced Tests))
Discuss appropriate procedures for classroom celebrations
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor _______________________ Date ______________ Mentee ______________________
"A major attribute of a profession is that there is a systematic enculturation of its new members."
Jon Saphier
Teacher: _____________________ School: ________ Mentor: ______________________________
Lesson: ______________________________________________________ _____________________
Date: _______________Class:: _____________ Time in: _____________ Time out:
Y = observed
N = not observed
Class began at bell
Questions explicitly framed
Attendance taken
Sufficient response time
Bell work given
Clear instructions
Students on task
Varied activities
Specific praise used
s attention was
fairly apportioned
Question time provided
Explanations were clear
and concise
Lesson plans were
Learning sequence
End review / recap
Instructional time
Homework assigned
Assertive discipline followed
Commendables: _______________________________________________________________
Observations: _________________________________________________________________
Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________
Mentor __________________________ Date ____________Mentee _______________________
' &
__________Share ideas and application from workshops, conferences, Professional Learning
Communities, and/or inservice training (record on Professional Development Log)
__________Discuss needs and concerns
__________Share bulletin board ideas and holiday arts and crafts
__________Alert parents of possible student concerns
__________Explore additional professional development opportunities
__________Continue to contact each other by phone and email
__________Discuss in detail preparation for state assessments
__________Share instructional strategies such as cooperative learning and flexible grouping
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor ____________________
Date __________
Mentee ____________________________
"The only limitations are those you place upon yourself and those you allow other people to place upon you."
Jean Driscoll
__________Share ideas and application from workshops, conferences, Professional Learning
Communities, and/or inservice training (record on Professional Development Log)
__________Discuss school traditions and district policies regarding holiday events and activities
(e.g., no Christmas trees, gift giving, sensitivity to religious issues)
__________Discuss upcoming social gathering and staff activities
__________Detail a plan for dealing with the week before and after the holiday break
__________Check to be sure the Mentoring Program Portfolio is complete to this point
__________Review the fall semester'
s experiences: highlights, struggles, goals
__________Review any variation in pay periods during the holiday time
__________Discuss upcoming exam schedule and policies ( where applicable )
__________Design substantive, comprehensive exams (where applicable )
__________Plan for possible changes, student reassignments, etc., after the holidays
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor ________________________ Date __________
Mentee _________________________
"Learning is an individual activity, but not a solitary one. It is more effective when it takes place
within a supportive community of learners."
Harry and Rosemary Wong
__________Share ideas and application from workshops, conferences, Professional Learning
Communities, and/or inservice training (record on Professional Development Log)
__________Review August procedures for new block session classes, as appropriate
__________Make plans for additional classroom visits to observe other teachers
__________Plan activities for the second half of the year
__________Discuss parent conferences concerning academic progress
__________Consider enrolling in an appropriate professional development workshop
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor ______________________ Date __________ Mentee ___________________________
The Three ARE'
"Teachers ARE important. Teachers ARE influential. Teachers ARE able to make a difference."
Helen Morsink
__________Share ideas and application from workshops, conferences, Professional Learning
Communities, and/or inservice training (record on Professional Development Log)
__________Share literature, research readings, and professional journals
__________Discuss time lines and deadlines that come up before Spring Break
__________Discuss the impact of FTE (Full-time Equivalency) Days on school funding
__________Review Valentine'
s Day party procedures (class lists), elementary only
__________Prepare for second required administrative observation/evaluation
__________Review FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test)
and NRT (Norm Referenced Tests) procedures/test security issues
__________Discuss retention and promotion policy
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor _____________________ Date __________ Mentee _____________________________
"Every one of us is both a student and a teacher. We are at our best when we each teach ourselves
what we need to learn."
Harry and Rosemary Wong
__________Share ideas and application from workshops, conferences, Professional Learning
Communities, and/or inservice training (record on Professional Development Log)
__________Review the Spring Break calendar
__________Discuss reteaching and reinforcing academic behavior expectations after Spring Break
__________Review cumulative folder and student portfolio maintenance, where applicable
__________Review student report cards
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Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor _________________________ Date __________ Mentee ________________________
"If you touch a rock, you touch the past. If you touch a flower you touch the present. If you touch
a child you touch the future."
__________Share ideas and application from workshops, conferences, Professional Learning
Communities, and/or inservice training (record on Professional Development Log)
__________Discuss end-of-the-year events and traditions
__________Consider new ideas for putting the classroom in "end-of-the-year" order; tips for
summer storage
__________Discuss room check-out
__________Consider closure activities with the students
__________Review any variation in pay periods
__________Consider what changes you want to make next year
Meeting Notes (reflecting upon your discussions):
Mentor ______________________
Date _______
Mentee _______________________
"With desire and commitment the leader builds a fire inside that causes others to glow brightly.
No matter what the odds,the leader knows that the task can be accomplished."
This form may be xeroxed for additional visitations, as desired
Teacher: ______________________ School: _______________ Mentor: _______________
Lesson: ______________________________________________________________________
Time in: __________ Time out: _________
Date: ______________ Class:__________
Y = observed
N = not observed
Class began at bell
Questions explicitly framed
Attendance taken
Sufficient response time given
Specific praise used
Bell work given
Learning sequence strategized
Clear instructions
Instructional time
Students on task
Varied activities
s attention was
fairly apportioned
Question time provided
Explanations were clear
and concise
Lesson plans were
End review / recap
Assertive discipline followed
Homework assigned
Commendables: ______________________________________________________________
Observations: ________________________________________________________________
Recommendations: ____________________________________________________________
Observer: _________________________
Date: _______
Mentee: _____________________
Mentor _______________________________________________________________________
Mentee _______________________________________________________________________
1 4
_____NTO Workshop
_____1st Mentor Classroom Visitation
_____Mentor Portfolio
_____2nd Mentor Classroom Visitation
_____Supp. Observation (optional)
_____Lesson Plans (acceptably
executed & attached)
_____Partnering Session
_____Before School Starts
_____Pre-School Week
_____First Day of School
_____3rd Mentor Classroom Visitation
_____Professional Dev. Log/MyPts Record
_____Exit Surveys Sent to HR
I have reviewed the documents in this portfolio and hereby verify that the
participants listed above have submitted documentation of their professional
collaboration throughout the current school year, and have thereby completed
the requirements of the HighlandsCounty Mentoring and Peer Teacher
s signature: _____________________________________
School: ____________________________________ Date: ______________
! &
For Professional Development Use Only
Exit Survey Received from Mentee
Exit Survey Received from Mentor/Peer Teacher
Set of lesson plans included in portfolio
Professional Development Log/My-Points Record
Received by: _____________________
Date: ____________________
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