Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 A Visual Approach to Helping Instructors Integrate, Document, and Refine Active Learning Fisher, B. A, Solomon, E. D., Leonard, D.A., Mutambuki, J.M., Cohen, C. A., Luo, J., Pondugula, S., Frey, R.F. 5/24/2015 1 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 Abstract If instructors are to integrate active learning effectively in courses in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), they need an accurate account of when and how they are integrating active learning--and of how students are responding. Without such an account, instructors may perceive that they are incorporating more active learning than observers document, or they may miss opportunities to target aspects of the implementation that may be adjusted to improve effectiveness. This article describes a visual approach to integrating observational data into self-evaluation and peer review of teaching, practices that can lead to adoption of evidence-based active-learning strategies in STEM. While our approach has specific relevance during this period of reform in STEM education, it was designed to be implemented for undergraduate courses across the disciplines. The presentation of observational data in a timeline provides a “big-picture” view of observed class sessions that captures the sequencing of instructional strategies and the “ebbs and flows” of student participation—in a chronological format that coheres with how instructors often visualize a class session. Such a view can help instructors see where these strategies meet their instructional goals, and where these strategies might be refined and improved. 5/24/2015 2 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 A Visual Approach to Helping Instructors Integrate, Document, and Refine Active Learning As instructors and institutions respond to calls for broad-based integration of active learning into undergraduate STEM curricula (e.g., American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011; Olson & Riordan, 2012), there is a clear need not only to train faculty in effective implementation of these methods (Andrews, Leonard, Colgrove, & Kalinowski, 2011), but also to document what occurs in the classroom when these methods are implemented (Hora & Ferrare 2014; Lund et al., 2015). Instructors need an accurate account of when and how they are integrating active-learning strategies-and of how students are responding. Without such an account, they may perceive that they are incorporating more active learning than observers document (Ebert-May et al., 2011), or they may miss opportunities to target aspects of the implementation that may be adjusted to improve effectiveness. Recently, researchers have developed and applied a variety of tools that may be used to document instruction in STEM. These tools include the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) (Ebert-May et al., 2011; Sawada, et al., 2002); the Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol (TDOP) (Hora, 2013), and the Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) (Smith, Jones, Gilbert, & Wieman, 2013). Among other uses, observational data can be employed in practices that can accelerate improvements in teaching, including self-evaluation and peer review of teaching —whether by colleagues in the department or by faculty developers (Gormally, Evans, & Brickman, 2014; Hora, 2013, Smith et al., 2013; Smith, Vinson, Smith, Lewin, & Stetzer, 2014). This article describes a visual approach to integrating observational data into these practices. Our approach displays observational data in a timeline showing instructor and student behaviors as they co-occur, along with observed levels of student note-taking and attention. This approach employs data gathered with a protocol that we developed—the Observation Protocol for Active Learning (OPAL). However, it can be adapted for use with other protocols, such as TDOP or COPUS, that 5/24/2015 3 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 document instructor and student behaviors within short intervals (e.g. Hora, 2013; Smith et al., 2013). While our approach has specific relevance during this period of STEM-education reform, it was designed to be used to document various modes of teaching and learning—including active learning—in undergraduate courses of different types, sizes, and levels across the disciplines. The timeline we developed is designed to be intuitive for instructors to review and understand, so that they may immediately use the data to reflect on, refine, and improve their teaching. The timeline creates a “big-picture” representation of how individual instructors integrate multiple instructional strategies either simultaneously (e.g. lecturing with questions, demonstration with discussion) or in succession (e.g. group work followed by whole-class discussion, followed by lecture). As Hora (2013) notes in regard to an alternative timeline approach employed with TDOP data, the chronological display of observational data can make visible the “sequencing and dosage” of specific teaching strategies across a class session (p. 24). Our timeline also makes visible how students respond and contribute to these strategies, including the numbers of questions asked and answered, as well as the level of student note-taking and attention observed. The chronological display of observational data differs from approaches that display the relative proportions of different instructional strategies in pie charts or graphs (e.g. Smith, et al., 2013; Smith, et al., 2014). The latter approach is useful when measuring the prevalence of instructional strategies across class sessions and semesters, and when assessing quantitative changes in instruction as they occur over time (Hora and Ferrare, 2014; Smith, et al., 2013). However, an approach that uses counts of instructional strategies that have been implemented at different times during one or more class sessions does not provide instructors with a visual representation of what occurred within the chronological framework of each observed session. In contrast, a timeline approach can help instructors visualize 5/24/2015 4 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 observed class sessions as they often plan for and experience their classes: as sequentially organized blocks or segments of instruction and interaction. Discussion of the OPAL timeline with a colleague during peer-review of teaching, or review of the timeline by the instructor for the purpose of self-evaluation, facilitates critical thinking about such issues as i) whether the observed occurrence and timing of specific instructional strategies coheres with the instructor’s goals and intentions for the class session; ii) whether the timeline reflects the optimal timing and sequencing of different strategies, according to the instructor’s objectives; and iii) whether there appears to be a correlation between specific pedagogical approaches and student participation, attention, and note-taking. For example, reviewing the timeline can provide instructors with a specific idea of how they are spacing active learning within a class session, a factor that has been shown to influence students’ attention (Bunce, Flens, & Neiles, 2010). The OPAL timeline therefore provides a form of documentary feedback that can be instrumental in helping instructors reflect on, and make changes in, their teaching. Observational Protocol for Active Learning (OPAL) This study employs data collected through application of the Observational Protocol for Active Learning (OPAL). Similar to protocols such as COPUS, OPAL was designed to provide descriptive, rather than evaluative, feedback. The activities documented by OPAL were either adapted from TDOP and COPUS or developed by our research team, with the goal of designing a protocol that would be broadly applicable across disciplines and different types of courses. OPAL observers do not need to be experts in pedagogy or in the disciplinary content taught in the class being observed, but they do need to be trained in how to apply the protocol. In the case of our study, the observers have a range of expertise in teaching and in STEM disciplines; they include instructors, faculty-development staff, graduate students, 5/24/2015 5 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 and postdoctoral fellows. OPAL training requires 5-8 hours. (For additional details, see Supplemental Materials). Table 1 displays the categories of activities documented with OPAL. The first category, Behavior Codes (instructor and student), includes examples of codes that fall under each category. When any of these behaviors occur during a two-minute interval, the observer marks the respective code with a checkmark or tally (i.e., occurrence sampling). Multiple codes may be marked in each interval. OPAL includes codes for different types of lecturing, including Lec (Lecturing), Lpv (Lecturing with Pre-Made Visuals), and Lint (Interactive Lecturing). This approach facilitates documentation of a variety of lecturing styles (Hora & Ferrare, 2014). All of the OPAL codes are recorded as nominal-level data; in other words, they are recorded as occurring, or not, during each interval. In this study, however, a few codes are also recorded as ratiolevel data, with the observers marking each time the behavior occurs during each two-minute interval. Examples include PQv (Pose Question Verbally) and AnQ (Answer Question). Thus, if the instructor asks two questions and elicits three answers, then the instructor PQv is marked twice and student AnQ is marked three times during that interval. Documenting the numbers of questions and answers allows an instructor reviewing OPAL data to consider whether the documented number coheres with the instructor’s plans for a given segment of the class. The second category, Activity Levels, includes student attention and note-taking. This approach is similar to that which is employed for “engagement level” in the COPUS procedures, in which levels are marked as low (less than 20% of students), medium (between 20-80% of students), or high (more than 80% of students) (Smith, et al., 2013). However, in the case of OPAL, these activities are specifically defined as attention and note-taking (activities that can be conflated in the COPUS procedures). The note-taking code includes a response option of zero for instances when no students appear to be taking 5/24/2015 6 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 notes. (Note-taking may be performed by writing in a notebook or typing on a laptop or other mobile device.) The recording methodology applied for Activity Levels differs from that applied for Behavior Codes, in that the observer uses “scan sampling,” by scanning the whole room to assess levels of attention and note-taking at the end of every two-minute interval . Table 1. Sample Activities documented with OPAL. Behavior Codes (occurrence sampling) Observed Student Instructor Behavior Category Codes Listening LI, LS Responding AnQ,* VT* Activities QG, WG Assessment TQ, SP Administration Adc, Adt Lecture Lec, Lpv, Lint Activities PQv,* PSb, ADV Follow-Up Sfu, Dfu Activity Levels (scan sampling) Activity Levels documented Note-taking Zero, low, medium, high Attention Low, medium, high Note 1: All behavior codes are recorded as nominal-level data (i.e. marked as either occurring or not in each two-minute interval). In addition, in this study, codes with an *are also recorded as ratio-level data (i.e. the number of occurrences per two-minute segment is recorded). 5/24/2015 7 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 Note 2: A full list of OPAL codes can be found in the supplementary materials. Below are listed the examples found in Table 1. Student Codes: LI = Listening to Instructor, LS = Listening to Student, AnQ = Answering Question, VT = Voting with Technology, QG = Discussing Question in Groups, WG = Working in Groups on Worksheet Activity, TQ = Test/Quiz, SP = Student Presentation. Instructor Codes: Adc = General Course Administration, Adt = Administration of Test or Quiz, Lec = Lecturing, Lpv = Lecturing with Pre-Made Visuals, Lint = Interactive Lecturing, PQv = Posing Question Verbally, PSb = Problem Solving on the Board, ADV = Active Demonstration or Video, Sfu = Summary Follow-Up, Dfu = Discussion Follow-Up Codes were adapted from TDOP (Hora, 2013) and COPUS (Smith et al., 2014), or developed by the research team. Thus far, we have used OPAL to observe 144 class sessions. This number includes observation of 29 instructors teaching 20 unique courses in 12 departments. We have assessed the reliability and robustness of the tool by calculating inter-rater reliability using the Krippendorff’s alpha statistic and the online statistical calculator ReCal OIR (Freelon, 2013). For 7% of the classes, two observers documented the session. Average inter-rater reliability for the behavior codes, using the Krippendorff’s alpha statistic, was 0.82. Creation of Visual Timeline After each class is observed, the research team creates a detailed visual timeline displaying the data collected, using Microsoft Excel (for a sample, please see Supplemental Materials). The detailed timeline shows all of the marked instructor and student behaviors, as they were observed occurring during the class session, as well as the observed levels of student attention and note-taking. This version of the timeline contains a large amount of data—more than instructors can assimilate and review during a discussion of the observed class session (typically one-hour in duration). Therefore, we created a 5/24/2015 8 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 streamlined version of the timeline for use during peer-review and self-evaluation by instructors (Figure 1). In each case, we preserve the detailed timeline for research purposes. 5/24/2015 9 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 Figure 1. Sample streamlined OPAL timeline. [Course Title]: [Instructor] [Date of observed class] Q L Ad 0-2 LA Li LP L 2-4 Li Q LH LP 4-6 Li A Problem solving with groupwork PS Q M LH Ad 6-8 LA Li V G 8-10 LA V G FQ Q F F A A Q Li Q Li Q D Q LP Interactive lecture D IL Q LH IL Q LH IL Q LH Li R Li A Li A Li A IL Q A LH 10-12 12-14 14-16 16-18 18-20 20-22 22-24 24-26 26-28 28-30 Li A Li Li Li Q A Attention Instructor Behaviors A Answer Ad Administration D Demonstration/Video F Follow-up FQ Follow-up with questions IL Interactive lecturing L Lecture with no visuals LH Lecture with hand-made visuals LP Lecture with pre-made visuals M Moving around room PS Posing problem solving activity Q Question Student and Instructor Notes: For Notetaking and Attention: > 80% of students 20-80% of students < 20% of students Zero (Note-taking only) Number of Q's and A's M Ad Demonstration Notetaking Students Minutes Activity Levels Lecture with questions Instructor Behaviors Admin Minutes Admin Q 0-2 Lecture with questions 2-4 Q/A Q/A 4-6 Problem solving with groupwork Q/V 6-8 V 8-10 Student Behaviors A Answer G Groupwork LA Listeing to administration Li Listening Q Question V Voting Demonstration Interactive lecture Q Q Q/A Q/A Q Q Q/A Q/A Q Q/A Q/A Q/A Q Q/A Q/A Q/A Q/A Q/A Q/A Q/A Q/A Q Q/A Q/A Q/A Q/A 10-12 12-14 14-16 16-18 18-20 20-22 22-24 24-26 26-28 28-30 5/24/2015 10 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 The streamlined timeline differs from the detailed version in two ways. First, similar codes are consolidated. For example, OPAL codes for questions, such as PQv (Pose Question Verbally) and ChQ (Brief Question to Check Comprehension) are consolidated and marked on the streamlined timeline as Q (Question). Second, we add brackets and labels to indicate recognizable segments of pedagogical strategies, e.g. “lecture with questions,” “lecture,” “interactive lecture” or “problem-solving with group work.” This step is performed by a senior member of the research team, who examines the detailed timeline and identifies segments of related instructor behaviors. In cases where it is not immediately clear how to label a segment, multiple members of the research team discuss possibilities and determine the appropriate label. In both the detailed and the streamlined version, the ratio-level data (number of questions and answers) are shown on a separate timeline (denoted as Number of Q’s and A’s). In this timeline, each question or answer is represented by one cell, and questions and answers by students and instructors are merged into a single number for each two-minute interval. For a complete list of streamlined codes and examples of bracket labels, please see the supplemental materials. Instructor Feedback Preliminary feedback, gathered via a qualitative survey on instructors’ perceptions of the usefulness of the OPAL timeline, suggests that instructors value the timeline as a tool that helps them visualize, think critically about, and modify the sequence and timing of methods used during a class session. A lecturer in physics remarked, for example, that without the OPAL timeline, “I can note the major aspects of a class (e.g., lecture, example problem, small group work, etc.), but it's almost impossible to remember all the details of the interactions within each activity. [Reviewing] the OPAL data [provided] a convenient way to see the breakdown of each in-class activity, [to] note how and when my students responded to what I was doing, and to note which activities kept them most active and engaged. It also helped me easily target segments of low engagement and think about how I could 5/24/2015 11 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 increase engagement and student activity during those times” (Fisher & Frey, 2015, p. 6). When multiple class sessions were observed, this instructor added, reviewing multiple OPAL timelines could either indicate trends and/or indicate if one class was an anomaly (and then lead you to look at why).” An engineering instructor remarked, “I had a qualitative feel for how I blocked out my class session time. These data helped to quantify that apportionment and also [to] face the reality that there was not as much two-way interaction as I had perceived.” An instructor in Chemistry remarked, moreover, that moving from a detailed to a streamlined version of the timeline was especially helpful: this new timeline made the data “much easier to digest [in terms of] both specifics that are occurring during the twominute intervals and how the lecture is broken down into larger chunks.” One instructor was surprised when the timeline revealed that students were not taking notes during the segment in which the instructor facilitated discussion of responses to a “clicker” question. The instructor and the reviewer were then able to formulate new strategies for signaling to students that the content of the discussion was essential to their learning in the course and therefore should be included in students’ notes. In subsequent class sessions, the instructor used the chalkboard to record the problem-solving approach generated during the discussion. An OPAL timeline produced through observation of one of these later classes showed that the students were indeed taking notes when the instructor used the chalkboard in this way. This example underscores the importance of separating note-taking from attention in classroom observations of student behavior. Conclusion Preliminary feedback on the OPAL timeline suggests that it provides a means for faculty to “see” their teaching not only with greater clarity and accuracy, but also with a wider angle of vision. The OPAL timeline provides a “big-picture” view of observed class sessions that captures the sequencing of different instructional strategies and the “ebbs and flows” of student participation—in a chronological 5/24/2015 12 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 format that coheres with how instructors often visualize a class session. Such a view can help instructors see where these strategies meet their instructional goals, and where these strategies might be refined and improved. Reviewing OPAL data may help instructors develop “a clearer vision of their own teaching before and after they make a change, . . . [as well as] observational and critical skills that they can then apply to reflect on their own teaching or to observe a colleague” (Fisher & Frey, 2015, p. 6). We have begun to integrate review of OPAL timelines into the practice of peer-review of teaching in a mentoring program for junior faculty in STEM. By evaluating the usefulness of this approach to faculty mentors, as well as mentees, we will better understand the usefulness of the OPAL timeline in helping instructors make sustainable changes in their teaching. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Association of American Universities and the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education for their support of this project. We also would like to thank the faculty members who have participated in the project and contributed to its development. 5/24/2015 13 Submitted to Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2015 References American Association for the Advancement of Science. (2011). Vision and change in undergraduate biology education: a call to action. Washington, DC. Andrews, T. M., Leonard, M. J., Colgrove, C. A., & Kalinowski, S. T. (2011). Active learning not associated with student learning in a random sample of college biology courses. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 10, 394-405. 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