FUSCHI, DAVID LUIGI david.fuschi@ieee.org, dfuschi@acm.org, d.fuschi@bridgingconsulting.com Address Phone Citizenship Birth Military Service Skills and abilities 36 Clevedon Drive, Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 5XE, UK +44 7865 556116 Italian 2nd December 1963 Fulfilled during the 1st Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm (1990-1991), awarded the rank of Sergeant for distinction and long service (210 days as duty officer) Project Management, Project Rescuing, Problem solving, Teaching & Training, Knowledge Transfer, Software Engineering, Work-flow modelling, Business process Re-engineering, Research & Development, Knowledge Transfer, Modelling & Simulation, Automation, Security & Safety, Quality Assurance, Public Relation, Translation and Interpretation, Design & Development of: Events, Projects & Business Models. ACHIEVEMENTS Main Professional Achievements A Track record over 89 international, national and corporate internal projects successful completion of which 12 projects rescued and successfully completed and over 98 projects assessed. Acquisition of over 20 projects for an overall funding of several tens million Euro (DEREED, ELLIOT, VIDEOSENSE, EDRENE, FLIC, LUISA, MEDA-ETE C4, MUSICNETWORK, AXMEDIS, MELIES, NATACHA, PEACH, RADIO-CBT, SEN-IST-NET, POST-REHAB, RELIEF, BPB, BPM, CERVED, CVB). Managed Project categorization per domain of competence stands as follows (description is provided in appendix): Main Scholarly Achievements Recognition and Awards Building Automation, SCADA, and IoT, Security, ICT ARVEDI, ASCOT, BPB, BPM, CAM, CCIA-CERT, CERVED, CICAL1, COMINFAR, CVB, DEREED, ELLIOT, FASTMATCH, FFSS-MI-BO, FriulAdria, IISME, IVRI, MessLibri, MOVE-ON, NET-AUTOTEST, NET-CONF, NATONA, PARMA-SEC, VCM, SAI-TO, SEC-ISO-CERT, SP-TO, TeleIMP, UFACE, VIDEOSENSE, ZANE Cultural Heritage ARCO, ART-E-FACT, ARTIS, ARTISTE, CHERI, E-MUSE, SCULPTEUR, VISIRE Education AMME, CITRONE, EDRENE, E-MUSE, EU4ALL, ELU, EURODELPHES, E-TRACKING, FLIC, I-MASS, KOD, LUISA, MEDA-ETE-C4, MEDIAKIDS, META, MOBILEARN, MOTO-GAME, MUSICNETWORK, ONLIVE, RENAISSANCE, SELECT, TENCOMPETENCE, TEST, TRIO, VAT, WEBKIT New Media and Publishing 2020 3D Media, AXMEDIS, BONA-FIDE, CALLAS, COBWEB, DIVA, IMAGEN, ML-IMAGES, MELIES, NATACHA, PEACH, VIRTUAL WINERY, VISIONS ICT for Health, Accessibility and Support to impairment BreaKIT, COMPANIONABLE, CHARRIOT, EDUSEX, HUMAN-BODY-ATLAS, JUST, POST-REHAB, RADIO-CBT, RELIEF, SEN-IST-NET Development of 6 successful tutorials (5 in 2005-2006 and one in 2001). Teaching project management to MSc Students (Politecnico di Milano – School of Design). Successful teaching & training to executives, professionals and practitioners in security, building automation (19861992) and application of ICT to Media Production, Publishing, Cultural Heritage (2000-2008) as well as Vocational Education and Training (2004-2007). Successful completion of Knowledge Transfer and Train the Trainer initiatives related to application of ICT to Media Production, Publishing, Cultural Heritage as well as Vocational Education and Training (2004-2007). PhD, MBA and MSc supervision leading to graduation “cum Laude” (Hons) and in one case to the award as “University Best Graduate” (2000-2008). (Co-)authored a book chapter, 31 scientific articles, 9 position papers, 6 tutorials, a case-study, and the market analysis adopted as starting point of the EC Special Task Force for Multimedia and Education. Second best presentation at Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference 2013 – Doha (2013) Invited Honorary Professor of Project Management & Problem Solving - Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina (2012) Invited Honorary Professor - ICDA Business School - Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina (2012) Invited Honorary Professor - Faculty of Engineering - Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina (2012) Member of the Professional Advisory Board of HP-MOS Ltd., London, UK (2012) Best Practical Paper award at EMCIS 2009, Izmir, Turkey (2009) Certificate of "Master Judge" - Brandon Hall Excellence Award (2007 and 2008) Top 15000 Italian young professional award (1993) Best Graduate Student (1982) Dr Laurence PEARCE – XIM, 0044 7803 950356, laurence.pearce@xim.co.uk Dr Mercy MCLEAN – HP-MOS, 0044 7931 872000, mercy.maclean@hp-mos.org.uk Prof Vincenzo PIURI – Universita' degli Studi di Milano, 0039 02 50330066, vincenzo.piuri@unimi.it REFEREES Further references can be made available upon request Page 1 Prof Kia NG – Leeds University, 0044 113 3432583, K.C.Ng@leeds.ac.uk Prof Bella GAZDIYEVA, Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, 0077017713621, k-bella@mail.ru Prof Francesco MOSCONE – Brunel University, 0044 1895 266833, francesco.moscone@brunel.ac.uk Dr Antonio LOREDAN – EU Commission, 0032 2 2986499, antonio.loredan@ec.europa.eu Dr Monika KACIK – EU Commission, 0032 2 2967370, Monika.KACIK@ec.europa.eu Prof Mariagiovanna SAMI – Politecnico di Milano, 0039 02 23993516, mariagiovanna.sami@polimi.it WORK EXPERIENCE OCT-2013 - PRESENT Role SEP-2012 - PRESENT Role MAR-2012 - PRESENT Role Duties Achievements Catholic University of Cordoba, Faculty of Engineering and ICDA Business School, Argentina (Higher Education) Invited Professor Health Psychology Management Organisation Services Ltd. (Charity) Member of the Professional Advisory Board Business School – Brunel University London (Higher Education & Research) Research Fellow & Grant Writer (fixed term contract) Grant writing for fund raising: preparation of EU/National co-funded RTD projects in cooperation with Faculty members (proposal preparation, work planning, budget and schedule preparation) Quality assurance management on project proposals under preparation International contact with Industrial and Research partners Support to the EU Commission (project evaluation, reviewing) Publication of 5 papers (see publication section later on) Successful preparation, negotiation and acquisition of the DAREED project Fruitful cooperation with over 60 multinational European partners (ISOTROL, XIM, HP-MOS, Consorzio Universitario Nettuno, Instituto Andaluz de Tecnologia, Cambridgeshire County Council, Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, Centro di Progettazione Design & Tecnologie dei Materiali, Corporacion de Empresas Municipales de Sevilla AIE, Comune di Lizzanello, CLEOPA GMBH, Open Experience GMBH, Alma Mater Studiorum-Universita di Bologna, ENEL Ingegneria e Ricerca SPA, The University of Reading, Renewable Media OU, ATLANTIS Symvouleftiki Anonymi Etaireia Atlantis Consulting SA, Consorci Centre de Supercomputacio de Catalunya, Centre Europeen d'Education Permanente, SEBIT Eğitim ve Bilgi Teknolojileri A.S., INSEAD, Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation, ATOS Spain SA, X/OPEN Company Limited, Stiftelsen SINTEF Centre for Science Society and Citizenship, European Alternatives Italia, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Center for the Study of Democracy, 21C Consultancy Ltd, UN University UNU-IIST Macao, Maastricht University MERIT, Centre for Social Innovation ZSI, ISSY Media, Aerospace Valley, Mobilitas Es Multimedia Koordinacios Iroda Nonprofit KFT, Corvinno Technologia Transzfer Kozpont Nonprofit Kozhasznu KFT, Fondazione Distretto Green & High Tech Monza Brianza, Associacao Para o Polo das Tecnologias da Informacao Comunicacao e Electronica TICE, Portugal Telecom Inovacao SA, Lunds Universitet, Mazovia Cluster ICT, EUSKAL Herriko Elektronika ETA Informazio, Guadaltel s.a., Universidade Aberta, UMEA Universitet, Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center HITEC EV, Universidade de Aveiro, Foundation Cluster Information and Communication Technologies, ΔΗΜΟΣ ΠΑΛΛΗΝΗΣ, INNOREG Kozep-Magyarorszagi Regionalis Innovacios Ugynokseg Kozhasznu Egyesulet) JAN-2012 - PRESENT Role MAR-2010 - PRESENT Role Duties Achievements JAN-2008 – MAR-2012 Role Duties Achievements Business School – Brunel University London (Higher Education & Research) Visiting Research Fellow Bridging Consulting Ltd (Consultancy & Services provision firm - SME) Director & Chairman Establish company strategy, promote company image, draft and sign cooperation agreement, seek for contracts and funding opportunities. Problem analysis, proposal preparation and presentation, offer preparation, contract negotiation and project management after approval. Quality assurance, contractual terms respect (accuracy, timeliness, etc.) Cooperation agreement with Brunel Business School (2012-2014) Cooperation agreement with The University of Reading (2010-2014) Cooperation Agreement with Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina (2010-2014) Over 20 consultancy contracts (EU Commission, TSB, EURKA, EIT, HEA, Polish-Norwegian research programmes) ISR/IMSS – School of Systems Engineering – University of Reading (Higher Education & Research) Senior Research Fellow & Project Manager (fixed term contract) EU/National co-funded RTD projects management (proposal preparation, work planning, budget and schedule control, dissemination, reporting, design, requirements & specifications definition, problem solving and mediation) Quality assurance management (policy definition & enforcement, conformance to international standards) SW development management (Requirement elicitation, collection, analysis prioritization and resolution, Architectural design, architecture and components high level specification) In-house technology transfer process management (Post-doc, PhD, MBA and MSc students training and mentoring) Design and Development of the user interface for a novel authoring tool for music related flexible training (IMAESTRO) Design and Development of the content context-aware adaptation tool for cross media content production (AXMEDIS) Design and on-going Development of the emotionally driven music affectivation and synthesis engine (CALLAS) Publication of 2 journal and 7 conference papers (see publication section later on) Successful Management of 5 European and national projects: 2020 3D-MEDIA, ELLIOT, CALLAS, I-MAESTRO, AXMEDIS Involvement in the acquisition and management of two project: ELLIOT, VIDEOSENSE Involvement in the management of 4 projects: COMPANIONABLE, MOVE-ON, HYDRA, FASTMATCH Fruitful cooperation with over 80 multinational European partners (Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Dipartimento di Page 2 Italianistica, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Associazione dei Fonografici Italiani, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Associazione Produttori Televisivi, Art In Vision, DigiChannel.net, BBC, ELION Enterprises, EPFL, ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute, Eureka s.r.l., EUTELSAT, EXITECH srl, Fraunhofer GIGD, HP, Kaunas University of Technology, MBI group, Peking University, RAI Radiotelvisione Italiana, Bordas and Nathan, Strategica, TEO, Telecom Italia, Tiscali Italia, University of Leeds, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Video Reklamos Studija, XIM Limited, PSItrust/focuseek, SIAE, Hexaglobe, Rigel, Gesfor, Pentex, Albeniz Foundation, MAAT-G, Telsey, AI2, SDAE Sociedad Digital de Autores y Editores, The Dutch Federation of Libraries for the Blind, Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique, City University London, Bremen Institute of industrial technology and applied work science, THALES, ENEA, Fraunhofer FIT, Microsoft, Fundation Tekniker, Robotiker, Systema, SAP AG, Siemens, University of Paderborn, TXT e-Solutions, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, France Telecom, Telefonica I+D, Joanneum Research, NTUA, Barcelona Media, Grass Valley, Deutsche Thomson OHG, Digital Projection Ltd., DTS Europe, Highland Technologies, Mediaproduccion S.L., Technos S.R.L., Creative Workers, Universiteit Hasselt, Datasat Communications, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, VTT, Studio Azzurro, Digital Video, Humanware, NEXTURE Consulting, University of Augsburg, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems National Technical University of Athens, Universite' de Mons, University of Teesside, Aalto University, Telecom Paristech, Université Paris 8, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Fondazione Teatro Massimo, Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand), The University of Nottingham Business School, BIBA - Bremer Institut Fuer Produktion Und Logistik Gmbh, INRIA, Collaborative Engineering, Fondazione Centro San Raffaele Del Monte Tabor, Association Fondation Internet Nouvelle Generation A.F.I.N.G, VU Log SAS, TXT Polymedia SPA, Queen Mary And Westfield College University Of London, EURECOM, THALES Security Solutions & Services SAS, Ingeniera De Sistemas Para La Defensa De Espana Sa‐ISDEFE, Technische Universitaet Berlin.International Forum For Biophilosophy) Reason for leaving JUN-2000 - JAN-2008 Role Duties Achievements End of fixed term contract bound to a EU funded research project GIUNTI via Bolognese, 165 - 50139 Firenze, Italy (Publishing House International Research & Development) Senior Project Manager / R&D Project Manager EU/National co-funded RTD projects management (proposal preparation, work planning, budget and schedule control, dissemination, reporting, design, requirements & specifications definition, problem solving and mediation) Quality assurance management (policy definition & enforcement, conformance to international standards) SW development management (Requirement elicitation, collection, analysis prioritization and resolution, Architectural design, architecture and components high level specification) Teaching project management at the Politecnico di Milano - School of Design In-house technology transfer process management (Post-doc, PhD and MSc students training and mentoring) Definition of the ASTRAL Architecture for tangible user interface based system for museums application (WEBKIT) Design, Development and Deployment of a tangible user interface based system for museums application (WEBKIT) Design and Development of the museum and cultural heritage kiosk full value chain application for cross media content production (AXMEDIS) Design, Development and Deployment of a specialized mini-lab solution for language learning application based on novel techniques (FLIC) Design and Development of the Training the Trainers initiative for ICT application in VET for Mediterranean basin developing countries (MEDA-ETE) Publication of 2 journal, 10 conference papers, 2 book chapters, editing of a book (see publication section later on) Successful Management of 20 European and national projects: AMME, ART-E-FACT, AXMEDIS, CHERI, COBWEB, EDRENE, E-MUSE, EURODELPHES, FLIC, LUISA, MEDA-ETE-C4, MELIES, ML_IMAGES, MUSICNETWORK, NATACHA, PEACH, RENAISSANCE, SEN-IST-NET, TEST, VIRTUAL WINERY, VISIONS, VISIRE, WEBKIT Contribution to the acquisition and management of 14 projects: ARCO, ARTISTE, CELEBRATE, ELU, ETRACKING, EU4ALL, IMAGEN, I-MASS, JUST, KOD, MOBILEARN, SCULPTEUR, TENCOMPETENCE, U-FACE Completion of pending administrative work of 11 projects and exploitation of their results: MEDIAKIDS, CITRONE, ONLIVE, BREAKIT, ARTIS, EDUSEX, IISME, BONAFIDE, DIVA, SELECT, TRIO Acquisition of the MEDA-ETE C4 contract in a competitive offer bid for the European Training Foundation. Fruitful cooperation with over 60 multinational partners belonging to Europe, America, Middle and Far East (UPM, DISI/DIST Universita degli Studi di Firenze, DipIta Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Associazione dei Fonografici Italiani, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Associazione Produttori Televisivi, Art In Vision, DigiChannel.net, BBC, ELION Enterprises Ltd, EPFL, ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute, Eureka s.r.l., EUTELSAT S.A., EXITECH srl, Fraunhofer GIGD, HP, Kaunas University of Technology, MBI group, Peking University, RAI Radiotelvisione Italiana, Bordas and Nathan, Strategica, TEO, Telecom Italia, Tiscali Italia, University of Leeds, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, University of Reading, Video Reklamos Studija, XIM Limited, PSItrust/focuseek, SIAE Societa` Italiana degli Autori ed Editori, Hexaglobe, Rigel, Gesfor, Pentex, Albeniz Foundation, MAAT-G, Telsey, AI2, SDAE Sociedad Digital de Autores y Editores, The Dutch Federation of Libraries for the Blind, Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique, City University London, University of Bremen, Bremen Institute of industrial technology and applied work science, BIA Bremen Innovations-Agentur GmbH, ComArch S.A., EADS CCR, Edna Pasher PhD. Associates, Cork Institute of Technology, ENEA, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Fraunhofer FIT, gespag Oö. Gesundheits- und Spitals-AG, InfoConsult Gesellschaft für Informationstechnik mbH, Ionian Technologies S.A., Europaisches Microsoft Innovations Center GmbH, Mobile Solution Group GmbH, Mobilera Bilisim ve Iletisim Teknolojileri Ticaret A.S., Mobile Internet Technologies A/S, Multitel ASBL, Fundation Tekniker, Brigade de Sapeurs Pompiers de Paris, Systema, Rosenbauer International AG, SAP AG, Siemens Business Services GmbhH & Co.OHG, Skoda Auto a.s., TEAM Tecnologia Energia Ambiente Materiali S.r.l., THALES Communications S.A, Unity AG, Carl Zeiss, University of Paderborn, DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH, GRADO ZERO ESPACE S.R.L, Lulea Tekniska Universitet, (in]2 :: intelligent indexing, Hogeschool voo der Kunsten Utrecht, TXT e-Solutions S.p.A, ActValue Consulting and Solutions, Open University of the Netherlands, Open University, Altran España, Logica Netherlands, Leibniz Universität Hanover, The University of Amsterdam, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ETF, France Telecom, Telefonica, I+D, Joanneum Research, NTUA, ICCS-FORTH, Robotiker, Museo degli Uffizi, Museo degli Argenti, Galleria dell’Accademia, Museo del Bargello, Museo della scienza, Museo di Santa Cecilia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale – Florence, Citta della scienza – Naples, City of Science – Paris, Soprintendenza ai beni culturali – Florence, Istituto del Catalogo ICCD, Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France – France, The Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, Beit Hatefutsot - Tel Aviv, The Israel Museum) Reason for leaving NOV-1996 - JUN-2000 Role Duties Company breach of the contractual obligations on variable wage after a merger and acquisition SIA S.p.A. Via Taramelli, 26 - 20124 Milano - Italy (Institutional support to banking system) System Test & Quality Manager / Senior Project Manager Provide system test and quality assurance for Inter-banks network services Management of special projects and system test infrastructure Quality assurance management (policy definition & enforcement, conformance to international standards) Page 3 Achievements Major supported customers Reason for leaving SEP-1994 - OCT-1996 Role Duties Achievements Reason for leaving AUG-1992 - SEP-1994 Role Duties Achievements Reason for leaving JUL-1986 - JUL-1992 Role Duties SW & HW procurement for covering department needs Management of external consultants working on HW / SW maintenance In-house technology transfer process management (New ST&Q employees induction, training and mentoring) Research activities on metrics application to software testing in environments with high availability (>99.98%) and portability (HP-UX, AIX and VME) constraints Change & Configuration system management extension passing from CM level 2 to 3 (covered by a 10 years nondisclosure agreement requested by the employer) Design and development the new internal Help Desk / CRM improving the level of tracked calls from 10% to over 85% Test automation suite application design & development reducing the number of anomalies detected in external testing/customer site form 80% to 20% (covered by a 10 years non-disclosure agreement requested by the employer) Internal network configuration restructuring and automated management (covered by a 10 years non-disclosure agreement requested by the employer) ISO9000 certification of the Security Sector of the Network Division Gateway application design for PA Network to Inter-bank network operation (covered by a 10 years non-disclosure agreement requested by the customer, i.e. Italian Ministry of Finance) SIA Internal Divisions, Banca d’Italia, SSB, Carta SI, SWIFT, ABI (i.e. 757 banks, 230 financial brokers and traders, 13 professional associations), over 100 Financial brokers and traders - in 19 countries - who adopted compliance and surveillance systems Company restructuring leading to outsourcing of SW development to IBM and consequent closure of internal development and testing facilities EPEE-Digimail Srl via C. Salutati, 21 – 20100 Milan, Italy (Electronic Publishing – part of the Sole 24ore group) Senior Project Manager / Company Environmental Security Manager EU / Customer projects management (work planning, budget and schedule control, dissemination, reporting, design, requirements & specifications definition) Problem solving and mediation Quality assurance management (policy definition & enforcement, conformance to international standards) SW development management (Requirement elicitation, collection, analysis prioritization and resolution, Architectural design, architecture and components high level specification) Teaching project management at the Politecnico di Milano - School of Design In-house technology transfer process management Successful completion of ESPRIT-8045 META project (Original architecture design & specification) Successful completion of CBT design for Policlinico Gemelli – Rome Publication of a conference paper and a market study, supervision of the Italian translation of a experimental psychology training book (see publication section later on) Company voluntary closure due to shareholders conflict on capital increase CONSULTANT (SW development & Project Management) Freelancer Project Manager Problem analysis, solving and mediation Project proposal presentation, contract negotiation and project management after approval Specific SW developments For Moulinex: goods management automation & integration with IT system (using bar-code-readers & RFIDs) For HP Italy: analysis and development of network performances monitoring and measuring infrastructure (university graduation thesis – covered by a 10 years non-disclosure agreement requested by HP) For a debt collection company: analysis and development of debtors’ folders management program (requirement analysis, application design implementation, deployment & training) For a private bank: analysis and development of a historical stock exchange data management program (requirement analysis, application design implementation, deployment & training) Taxation system was too heavy and I found an employment opportunity ASEL Sistemi SPA, Via Bono Cairoli 18 – 20100 Milan, Italy (SW development & Automation) Software Engineer, Chief SW Engineer, Project Manager, Training & Knowledge Transfer Manager Customer Training on company products and solutions (Executives, Line Managers, White and Blue Collars) In-house technology transfer process management (New SW-Dev employees induction, training and mentoring) Research activity on: automation, image processing, Change Management (CM), cryptography, communication protocols, metrics application to C software development with high availability (99.98%) and portability constraints (HP-UX, AIX, SUN-Solaris, Digital, VME, OS9, Xenix St. Cruz, AT&T Unix V, Motorola Unix V). Project management (work planning, budget and schedule monitoring, reporting) Problem solving and mediation Quality assurance management (policy definition & enforcement, conformance to international standards) Page 4 Achievements Major supported customers Reason for leaving NOV-1984 - JUN-1986 Role Duties Achievements Reason for leaving Full development and maintenance responsibility for a product line including customers & personnel training SW design & development (initially - requirement analysis, application design implementation, deployment & training) SW development supervision & EDP management (requirement management, system architecture, specifications, implementation, deployment & training) Design & developed of integrated security system and technology monitoring & control (covered by a 10 years NDA) Design & developed of cryptography algorithms for passwords and texts encryption mechanism used in banks and military domain providing high security (covered by a 15 years NDA). Design & developed of building security management (covered by a 10 years NDA) Successful completion of over 15 custom projects based on previously mentioned system. Centro Elaborazioni dati CCIIA - CERVED, Gruppo Assicurativo SAI Torino (insurance company), Istituto San Paolo Torino SP-TO (bank), Banca Popolare di Milano BPM (bank), Banca Popolare di Bergamo BPB (bank), Consorzio Interbancario di Asti-CICAL1 (bank consortium), COMINFAR (major Italian chemist service company), Messaggerie Libri (book distribution chain), Arvedi (steel production company), Security & surveillance companies supported (CVB-Bergamo, VCM-Milano, Gruppo Zanè, Securparma, IVRI, Teleimpianti, Friuladria), NATO. I was recalled to the army during the 1st Gulf War (1990-1991) and when I could re-enter to work I found that the company had been bought and I could not pursue any more the career path agreed with the management before my departure for the army CONSULTANT (SW development) Freelancer Software Engineer Problem analysis, Algorithm and data structure design SW design and development Design and development of SPLINE curves handling software modules in the framework of a CNR- National Research Centre project for Alfa Romeo and Agusta c/o CAD-CAM centre – Politecnico di Milano. Production life cycle automation analysis, design & development for a small carpentry company working in the aeronautic field working for Agusta, Caproni Taxation system was too heavy and I found an employment opportunity EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2009 – (expected 2014) Principal subjects covered Title awarded 1998 - 2000 Principal subjects covered Title awarded 1982 - 1993 Principal subjects covered Title awarded 1978 - 1982 Principal subjects covered Title awarded University of Reading, Reading, UK (Transfer exam successfully passed in May 2011) Processes analysis and modeling, Ontologies, Autonomous Agents, Work-flow Management Systems, Decision Support Systems, Information Processing & Management, Knowledge Gathering, Classification & Transfer. PhD SDA-Bocconi School of Management & IBM-IFDA Business School – Novedrate, Italy Accounting & finances, BPR, CM, company image & branding, data mining, ERP, ICT management, ICT tools, impact analysis of project activities on company business and strategies, Information systems, marketing, process analysis, project management, reporting, strategic planning, SW development, SW development tools, SW maintenance management, telecommunication. Executive MBA (Company ICT System Management & Informatics) Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy Maths, physics, geometry, chemistry, statistics, electronics, informatics, thermodynamics, mechanics, automation, computer science, machinery, construction, economy, bio-engineering, system design, programming, data processing, signal processing Dr.Ing., (Systems & bio-engineering) First-class (85/100), achieved while working Istituto Cristoforo Colombo, Piacenza, Italy Classical / linguistic subjects - Italian, French, English and Latin language and literatures, history, philosophy, science, maths, physics, civic education, religion. BLang, First-class honours, enabling provision of interpretation services as professional SKILLS AND COMPETENCES LANGUAGES SOCIAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES ITALIAN - MOTHER TONGUE, ENGLISH - EXCELLENT, FRENCH – VERY GOOD, SPANISH – VERY GOOD, LATIN – VERY GOOD Open, outgoing, used to work in teams values much mutual exchange of opinions and knowledge, accept fair criticism. Used to operate in multi-national and multi-cultural environments, talented in learning languages. Able to speak in public and to convince and lead audience. SPECIFIC TRAINING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION TO MANAGE CONFLICT - UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK, 2011 INTERVIEWS TECHNIQUES FOR RESEARCH STAFF - UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK, 2009 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION FOR MANAGERS - LA BOTTEGA DEL FUTURO - MILAN, ITALY, 1996 Devoted, diligent, hard worker, works independently being able to make things happen, operates in team, is innovative, rich in initiative and enthusiasm. SPECIFIC TRAINING EQUALLY DIFFERENT- BRUNEL UNIVERSITY CSTD - LONDON, UK,2012 Page 5 TECHNICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES OTHER SKILLS AND COMPETENCES HOBBIES WEB-SITES DATA PROTECTION ACT- UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK,2011 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT - UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK,2011 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION TO MANAGE CONFLICT- UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK,2011 INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES FOR RESEARCH STAFF- UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK, 2009 PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR PROJECT MEMBERS - UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK, 2009 TIME MANAGEMENT - UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK, 2009 FINANCIAL AWARENESS FOR NON-ACCOUNTANT - UNIVERSITY OF READING CSTD - READING, UK, 2009 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT - POLITECNICO DI MILANO, MILAN, ITALY, 1990 MANAGERIAL BEHAVIOURS - FORMAPER / POLITECNICO DI MILANO, MILAN, ITALY, 1990 Productivity tools: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio, CMap, MindMap, OpenOffice, OfficeLibre. Databases: MS-Access, Oracle, Borland Paradox, DB3. Operating systems: Windows, Linux, Unix (notions of MVS-ESA, OS9, TSO, OS/400,VMS-Vax, CICS & IMS) Change Management: Platinum Technology CCC/Harvest & LCM, Rational suite, Action Remedy Programming Languages: C, C++, Fortran, Pascal, Basic, SQL, SNMP, Informix4GL. System & Network Mgm: HP-Open View Suite (notions of HP-ITO & Tivoli) Other tools: Gimp, PhotoStyler, FreeMind, DIA, FreeHand, ABC-Flowcharter, Poseidon for UML. SPECIFIC TRAINING OO APPLICATION ANALYSIS & DESIGN FOR JAVA TECHNOLOGY (UML) – SUN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES – SESTRI L., ITALY, 2002 MVS-ESA ENVIRONMENT - IBM INC. - MILAN, ITALY, 1997 CICS-6000 ENVIRONMENT - IBM INC. - MILAN, ITALY, 1997 ISO 9000 RULES - POLITECNICO DI MILANO, MILAN, ITALY, 1996 SOFTWARE METRICS & TESTING - ADFOR - MILAN, ITALY, 1996 INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - ADFOR - MILAN, ITALY, 1996 WINDOWS NT CLUSTER - DIGITAL EQUIPMENT INC. - MILAN, ITALY, 1996 WINDOWS NT ARCHITECTURE - IRIS TECHNOLOGIES - MILAN, ITALY, 1995 AS/400 SYSTEMS USAGE AND MANAGEMENT - IBM INC. - MILAN, ITALY, 1994 DVI SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE - IBM-RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, LONDON, UK, 1989 Often acts as Advisor, he is always at ease with business partners and is capable to deal with customers and partners personnel at whatsoever level due to a natural inclination and acquired basic knowledge of psychology. Often requested to act as English/Italian/English simultaneous, whispered and/or consecutive translator for top managers of cultural institutions for which was providing services or solutions in high profile workshops Photography, air-rifle/pistol shooting, reading, writing, learning, and traveling http://uk.linkedin.com/in/fuschi1963 twitter.com/#!/dfuschi MEMBERSHIP IEEE – The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (Senior member, with affiliation to: Standards Association, Computer Society, Communication Society, Technical Council for Software Engineering, Technical Committee on Engineering of Computer based Systems) ACM – Association for Computing Machinery (Senior Member, with affiliation to: Accessible Computing SIG, Software Engineering SIG) IET – The Institution of Engineering and Technology PMI – Project Management Institute UK Innovation Forum (UKIF) Executive Club NEM – Networked & Electronic Media (European Industrial Initiative) NESSI – Networked European Software and Services Initiative (European Technology Platform for Software & Services) CEN-ISSS – WS-LT Learning Technology work group, APLR Accessibility Properties for Learning Resources Reviewer for the Higher Education Academy (HEA) National Teaching fellowship Scheme (NTFS) Project Expert Evaluator/Reviewer for the EU Horizon 2020 framework (# EX2013D144223) Project Expert Evaluator/Reviewer for the EU-Information Society Technology (IST) framework (# EX2002B008660) Project Expert Evaluator/Reviewer for the EU-CIP-PSP framework (#EXICTPSP6456) Project Expert Evaluator/Reviewer for the EU-EACI framework (#EX2008C003792) Project Expert Evaluator for the EUREKA! Programme Project Expert Evaluator for the European Institute of Technology (IET) Project Expert Evaluator for the UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Project Expert Evaluator for the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme Project Expert Evaluator for the Qatar National Research Fund Project Expert Evaluator for the Italian industrial research, innovation & technology transfer program Project Expert Evaluator for the Kazakh National Research Programme (under negotiation) PROJECT EVALUATION Page 6 ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Lecturer in Software Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Technical Trainer, Fondazione Clerici and the Politecnico di Milano, Italy Judge for: Brandon Hall Excellence Award, IEEE Computer Society CHC60/61 and CSIDC contest Member of the scientific committee and reviewer for HICSS, Italian Journal of eLearning (Je-LKS) Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security IJCNIS (ISSN:2073-607X), and Magazine of Wireless and Cellular Networks MWCN (ISSN: 2074-9570) Fuschi,D., International Business Development and the strategic role of Universities, submitted to HICSS47 2014 Fuschi,D., Badii,A., Media Production Process Management Support: the Challenges Faced by Decision Makers, Submitted to Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Fuschi,D., Badii,A., Semantically-Enabled Solution for Process Monitoring in 3D and Stereoscopic Productions, Submitted to Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Badii,A., Khan,A., Adetoye,A., Fuschi,D., High Resolution Digital Media Personalisation for All Delivery Context Device Agents, Submitted to Springer publication: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Badii,A., Fuschi,D., A unified test procedure designed for monitoring the experimental settings ensuring quality assurance in 3D and stereoscopic productions, Accepted for Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Fuschi,D., Ong,B., Crombi,D., How technology can support culture and learning, in NG K., Nesi P., “Interactive Multimedia Music Technologies Book”, Idea Group Inc (IGI), 2007 (ISBN 1599041502, 9781599041506) AMME Project - Advanced Multimedia Contents Management for Education Environment - The Book, The AMME Project Consortium, Sestri Levante 2004 (Fuschi D. Editor in chief – Internally printed by GIUNTI) Gazdiyeva,B., Fuschi,D., Harmonisation of educational policies across sectors and internationalisation: A proposal for a an innovative approach, Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference 2013, 25-26 Nov 2013 (Awarded the 2nd prize for the best Poster Presentation and requested by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing for publication) Fuschi,D., Badii,A., Media Production Process Management Support: the Challenges Faced by Decision Makers, EMCIS 2013, Windsor (UK), 17-18 October 2013 Fuschi,D., Badii,A., Semantically-Enabled Solution for Process Monitoring in 3D and Stereoscopic Productions, EMCIS 2013, Windsor (UK) , 17-18 October 2013 Badii,A., Fuschi,D., Thiemert,D., ELLIOT: Responsible open innovation and living lab based UI-REF enabled evaluation for wider adoption of IoT-enabled solutions, ICE2011, Aachen, Germany, 2011 Badii,A., Fuschi,D., Khan,A., Adetoye,A., Accessibility-by-Design: A Framework for Delivery-Context-Aware Personalised Media Content Re-purposing, USAB 2009, Linz, Austria, 2009 Badii,A., Fuschi,D., Zhu,M., Integrative workflow-embedded support for process automation and management, Journal of Multimedia (JMM), Vol 5, No 2 (2010), 104-109, Apr 2010, 104-109 – ERA C Badii,A., Fuschi,D., Zhu,M., Integrative workflow-embedded support for process automation and management European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2009, Izmir, Turkey, 13-14th July 2009. Badii,A., Khan,A., Fuschi,D., One’s Own Soundtrack: The process to enable affective music synthesis, Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM) special issue, Autumn 2009 – ERA C, ABS 1* Khan,A., Badii,A., Fuschi,D., One’s Own Soundtrack: Affective Music Synthesis, EMCIS 2009, Izmir, Turkey, 2009 (awarded as Best Practical Paper) Badii,A., Khan,A., Fuschi,D, One’s Own Soundtrack: Music Affectivisation CALLAS Newsletter, Vol. 2, Issue 2. pp 3 – 7. Available at: http://www.callas-newmedia.eu/all-events/117-newsletter-issue1.html [last accessed 23 February 2009]. Badii,A., Fuschi,D., Zhu,M., Migrating From Process Automation To Process Management Support, EMCIS 2009, Izmir, Turkey, 2009 Badii,A., Khan,A., Adetoye,A., Fuschi,D., High Resolution Digital Media Personalisation for All Delivery Context Device Agents, DMS 2008, Boston, 2008 Badii A, Fuschi D, User-Intimate Requirements Hierarchy Resolution Framework (UI-REF) in work-flow design for 3D- media production & distribution, Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conference on 'Automated Solutions for Cross-Media Content and Multi-Channel Distribution', Florence November 2008. Badii,A., Khan,A., Adetoye,A., Fuschi,D., Personalised Digital Media Adaptation and Delivery to Mobile Devices, MONET 2008, Monterrey, Mexico 2008 Fuschi,D., Parodi,E., Pearce,L., Sutton,L., Content Templating For Automated Content Production And Aggregation, AXMEDIS 2007, Barcelona, 2007 Fuschi,D., Bini,A., Grisley,R., Sutton,L., Pearce,L., Content Production & Use In Museums Using RFIDbased Interfaces, AI*IA 2007, Roma, 2007 Fuschi,D., An RFID Based Tangible User Interface for Content Access in Museums, Panel on European Accessible Information Network (EUAIN), AXMEDIS 2006, Leeds (UK), 2006 Fuschi,D., Bo,G., Saadia,Y., Innovative applications for content distribution & consumption in tourism & education using PDA or mobiles, AXMEDIS 2005, Florence, 2005 Crombie,D. Fuschi,D. Mitolo,N. Nesi,P. Ng,K. Ong,B., Bringing Music Industry into the Interactive Multimedia Age, AXMEDIS 2005, Florence, 2005 Ng,K., Ong,B., Nesi,P., Mitolo, N., Fuschi,D., Crombie,D., Interactive Multimedia Technologies for Music, EVA2005, London, UK, 2005 PUBLICATIONS PAPERS IN PROGRESS BOOKS & CHAPTERS PAPERS PUBLISHED Page 7 STUDIES, KEY-NOTES, CBTS, CASE STUDIES, WEBSITES TUTORIALS POSITION PAPERS FOR CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS DAREED Fuschi,D., Usage of RFID technologies for a real Ambient Learning & Training, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society - The Italian e-Learning Association Journal -Issue 2 - No. 2 - 2005 Cardinali,F., Fuschi,D., Pratt,D., The ASTRAL© Architecture (Accessing Smart Tags enabled Repositories for Ambient Learning): Using RFID Smart Tags for Ambient Learning in Museums & Classrooms based blended teaching, e-Learning Results 2004, Research & Standards Unified Learning Technology Summit, Sestri Levante, 20 04 Fuschi,D., Cardinali,F., Using RFID Smart Tags for Ambient Learning & Training, DIGICULT, March 2004 issue Fuschi,D., Interactive Gaming Gets Serious on History, CORDIS Focus, IST Special, Technology opportunities today, issue 44, September 2003 Fuschi,D., How to deal with cultural heritage content: CHERI project, an example, e-Challenges 2003, Bologna 2003 Fuschi,D., Luccini,A., Dossena,F., Renaissance Project – an example of ICT applied to cultural Heritage, EVA Florence, Florence, 2003 Alongi,P., Fuschi,D., CHERI - Acquisition management & delivery of rich media in the Art and Cultural domain, eBusiness and e-Work Annual Conference 2002, Prague, 2002 Fuschi,D., Piuri,V., META System Structure, IEEE “Systems, Man and Cybernetics” Proceedings, Beijing 1996 Fuschi,D., FLIC project Pedagogical and Neurological Validation – GIUNTI Evaluation Case Study, FLIC project, 2006 Fuschi,D., Luccini,A., art-E-fact evaluation session backstage and its perspective in e-learning, 2005 Fuschi,D., Advancing eLearning in EU RD projects using Wireless, Broadband, Mobile Technologies: Towards Ambient Learning, T.E.L. 2004, T1M – Keynote Address, Genoa The AMME Project Website (http://www.ammeweb.org/), 2004 eMUSE Project Website (http://emuse.cti.gr/default_emuse.asp), 2004 Boaron,M., Fuschi,D., Multimedia and ODL Market Study, developed for ESPRIT project 8045 and adopted as the starting point of the EC Special Task Force for Multimedia and Education, 1995 Visual Perception Training Material, FIM-Psychologie (supervision of the Italian translation of an experimental psychology training book), 1995 Imaging-based Diagnostics, CEA Casa Editrice Ambrosiana (multimedia CBT design & supervision),1995 Fuschi,D., Content Production & Authoring, University of Leeds, Leeds, 2006 Fuschi,D., Workflow management & integration, University of Leeds, Leeds, 2006 Fuschi,D., Multi-channel Content Distribution, University of Leeds, Leeds, 2006 Fuschi,D., Content Production, University of Florence, Florence, 2005 Fuschi,D., Content Distribution, University of Florence, Florence, 2005 Fuschi,D., Multimedia applications for Cultural Heritage, Politecnico di Milano – School of Design, Milan, 2001 Fuschi,D., Key Publishing Considerations, ProAccess Workshop, Amsterdam, 2007 Fuschi,D., Creating Sharing and reusing eLearning Content, Consultation Workshop, Brussels, 2004 Fuschi,D., MUSICNETWORK – WG-Education, IAMIC 2003, Rome, 2003 Fuschi,D., Technology as a support tool for cultural heritage preservation & promotion, IRG-WS, Brussels, 2002 Fuschi,D., Technology as a support tool for cultural heritage preservation & promotion, EURO-CHINA, Beijing, 2002 Fuschi,D., Technology as a support tool for cultural heritage preservation & promotion, TELEBALT, Riga, 2002 Fuschi,D., ICT and Tourism: two different environments that can benefit from each other, TELEBALT, Riga, 2002 Fuschi,D., Major challenges related to Learning Technology, CEN-ISSS WS-LT, Brussels 2001 Fuschi,D., Major challenges related to IST & Cultural Heritage, FP6 Program Consultation Meeting, Brussels, 2001 DESCRIPTION & ACHIEVEMENTS Decision support Advisor for innovative business models and useR engagement for smart Energy Efficient Districts - delivery of 2013-2016 (4M€) an ICT service platform (and some specific tools) to foster energy efficiency and low carbon activities at neighbourhood, city and district level. Project results will be validated via pilots in three (3) different countries and contexts. Winning proposal co-preparation and co-writing. Design of UK test-bed. VIDEOSENSE Virtual Centre of Excellence for Ethically‐guided and Privacy‐respecting Video Analytics in Security - integrate leading European SEC‐2010-261743 2011-2015 (6.6M€) research groups to create a long term open integration of critical mass in the twin areas of Ethically‐Guided and Privacy Preserving Video Analytics. Contribution to the proposal writing and editing of the proposal text. Preparation of the Quality Assurance Plan and of the C harter, Bylaw and other significant documents including the Terms of Reference for the Open Calls ELLIOT Experiential Living Lab for the Internet Of Things - develop an Internet Of Things (IOT) experiential platform that will allow studying the potential IST-2013-609082 IST-2009-258666 2010-2012 (4M€) impact of IOT and the Future Internet in the context of the Open User Centred Innovation paradigm and of the Living Lab approach Successfully completed. Contributor to the methodological phase of the experimental-settings set-up as per the paper published 2020 3D-MEDIA 2020 3D Media: Spatial Sound and Vision - The goal was to research and develop technologies to support the acquisition, coding, editing, FP7-IST- 215475 2008-2012 (15M€) networked distribution, and display of stereoscopic and immersive audiovisual content to provide novel forms of compelling entertainment experience in the home or public spaces. Successfully completed. Co-author of the detailed specification of a semantically enable workflow management support system as per 2 papers published (one in a journal and one for a conference) COMPANIONABLE Integrated Cognitive Assistive Domotic Companion Robotic System for Ability & Security - The project will provide the synergy of ICT-2007-216487 Robotics and Ambient Intelligence technologies and their semantic integration to support a care-giver's assistive environment, the cognitive stimulation and therapy management of the care-recipient. This is mediated by a robotic companion (mobile facilitation) working collaboratively with a smart home environment (stationary facilitation). Successfully completed. Part of the management team and linguistic support. 2008-2012 (10.7M€) Page 8 EDRENE Educational Repositories Network - The objective of this Thematic Network was to bring together web-based repositories of learning resources with ECP-2006-EDU-420002 2007-2010 (998K€) content owners and other stakeholders within education in order to share, develop and document strategies, experiences, practices, solutions, advice, procedures etc. on the organisation, structuring and functionality of repositories. Successfully completed. Successful establishment of the networking initiative for GIUNTI. CALLAS Conveying Affectiveness in leading-edge living adaptive Systems - The project aims at reducing the cost and the complexity of developing FP6-IST-034800 2006-2010 (3.8M€) multimodal interfaces in the Digital Entertainment and Information context by producing a set of components (Shelf components) which can be used to generate emotionally-aware user interfaces (or Affective Multimodal Interfaces); handling interoperability between components through an open source Framework and providing APIs to 3rd party developers through which the shelf components and emotional model might be accessed. Successfully completed, and taken in charge in Jan 2008. Co-architect of the Affective Music Synthesiser as per published conference paper. EU4ALL European unified approach for accessible lifelong learning - The project promoted the concept of Accessible Lifelong Learning (ALL) focusing IST-2005-034778 2006-2010 (10.5M€) on the deployment of a standards-based framework that facilitates the integration of the approach with a wide range of eLearning systems. Contributed to project design and acquisition. MOVE-ON Multi-modal and multi-sensor zero-distraction interaction interface for two wheel vehicles ON the move – this project investigated FP6-IST-34753 2006-2010 (2.9M€) the application of multi-modal and multi-sensor zero-distraction interfaces for enabling 2-wheel vehicle drivers to access online, in real-time, to services and information resources taking into account the road safety issues. The project supported the complimentary use of speech, head nods and tactile modalities targeting the police force motorcyclists. Successfully completed. Part of the management team. LUISA Learning content management system using innovative semantic web services architecture – Aim of the project was the development FP6-IST-027149 2006-2008 (4.2M€) of a reference semantic architecture addressing the major challenges in the search, interchange and delivery of learning objects in a service-oriented context. Successfully completed. Chief designer of the system integration with Moodle and GIUNTI proprietary e-Learning solution. ELU Building the European network for lifelong competence development - The project aimed at analysing how interactive digital TV could be IST-2004-027866 2006-2008 (4.7M€) used to increase learning opportunities in the home, office and school being a familiar and reliable consumer device with around 95-99% penetration in European households. Contributed to design and software development management. TENCOMPETENCE Building the European network for lifelong competence development - The project aimed at supporting individuals, groups and organisations IST-2004-027087 2005-2009 (13.6M€) in Europe in lifelong competence development by establishing the most appropriate technical and organizational infrastructure, using open-source, standardsbased, sustainable and innovative technology. Contributed to design, preparation, acquisition and initiation. HYDRA Networked Embedded System middleware for heterogeneous physical devices in a distributed architecture - The project aimed to FP6-IST-034891 develop a platform for ambient computing supporting the self-adaptive interplay of different components, not only sensors but also modeling components, controlling components implementing the application logic, and actuators. Successfully completed. Responsible of Training Design results Exploitation 2005-2008 (5M€) I-MAESTRO FP6-IST-026883 Interactive Multimedia Environment for Technology Enhanced Music Education and Creative Collaborative Composition and Performance - The project aimed to explore a unified educational model to maximise efficiency, motivation and interests in the learning processes and to 2005-2008 (3.3M€) contribute to the (i) deployment and improvement of ISO MPEG-SMR (Symbolic Music Representation) to support music education, (ii) the implementation of music notation/representation into MPEG-4, (iii) production of guidelines on how the music tuition courseware can be implemented in standard tools and models for distance learning. Successfully completed. Chief designer of the authoring tool user interface. FASTMATCH Framework architecture to semantically integrate advanced threat detection and security protection at ultra -high speeds - The FP6-IST-027095 project aimed to create an agent-oriented layered architecture to enable the delivery of multiple pattern-based and behaviour-based scanning and filtering functions at very high speeds. The major technical objectives were to provide a framework for the concurrent operation of reactive and proactive security algorithms, to deliver algorithmic enhancements for pattern recognition and behaviour-based detection schemes, as well as enhanced and highly correlated rule sets for more efficient alarm management and root-cause analysis Successfully completed. Part of the management team. 2005-2008 (3.5M€) AXMEDIS Automating production of cross media content for multi-channel distribution - The aim was to create a framework to provide innovative FP6-IST-511299 methods and tools to speed up and optimise content production adaptation and distribution, for production-on-demand, for leisure, entertainment and digital content valorisation and exploitation in general. Successfully completed. Chief designer of the kiosk application scenario for GIUNTI and co-designer of the context aware adaptation engine for the University of Reading as per published conference and journal papers and tutorials. 2004-2008 (13.2M€) MEDA-ETE Component 4 Procurement contract for: MEDA-ETE Component 4 eLearning - Development of eLearning for training in Information and communication technologies (ICT) and TVET - The objective is to assist MEDA partners in meeting increasing demands for new kinds of qualifications that are prerequisites for social 2004-2007 (5M€) and economic development through the further development and use of e-learning in education and training. Completed. Bid winning offer preparation and writing. Design of component 4 architecture. Implementation of the Compon ent 4 Moodle specific training course in English and French. Co-designer of the training syllabus. FLIC Foreign Language acquisition with the Instinct of a Child - The objective of the project was to develop a new technology-supported method of IST-2001-38974 2004-2006 (1.7M€) language learning using innovative linguistic concepts (motherese, consonant enhancement, lateral training and voice fusion) based on the observation of bilingual children, and in particular on neurological comparison between children and adult learning. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. Chief architect of the GIUNTI min-lab solution for language learning. ART-E-FACT Generic platform for the creation of interactive art experience in mixed reality - The aim was to deploy a generic platform for interactive IST-2001-37924 2002-2005 (2.6M€) storytelling in Mixed Reality to create art exhibits with mixed reality objectives, providing interactive storytelling dialogue structures by integration of story models, enabling the design of holistic spectator experiences by integration of 3D graphics, autonomous avatar representations, their interaction modalities and used hardware. Successfully completed. Chief architect of the solution provided for the e-Learning platform integration. E-TRACKING Eye tracking analysis in the evaluation of e-learning systems - The aim of this project was the development of an application suitable for the European Training Foundation IST-2001-32323 2002-2005 (2.1M€) evaluation of eLearning systems based on the tracking of eye movements. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. CELEBRATE Context eLearning with broadband technologies - The project objective was to outline a pedagogy for collaborative learning involving the creation IST-2001-35188 and use of a critical mass of interoperable Learning Objects in a new generation of integrated managed learning environments. Successfully completed. Data provision for bid preparation, co-designer of the e-learning platform integration. 2002-2004 (7.1M€) ML_IMAGES! A Multilingual Search System for Exploring Large Image Databases - The objective of the project was to develop a system that would allow eContent 22046 the search, in a textual based on annotations, of digitised images that are in remote and geographical databases. The project was multilingual (French, Italian, English, Greek, German and Spanish) and provided transparent search personalisation, based on profiling, and distribution of images in a IPR-safe manner, supporting high security mechanism offering also an e-Commerce gateway. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. 2002-2004 (1M€) Page 9 MOBILEARN IST-2001-37187 2002-2005 (7.4M€) Next-generation paradigms and interfaces for technology supported learning in a mobile environment exploring the potential of ambient intelligence – this project aimed at the design and delivery of innovative access to educational services on the move for workforce of various domains and in particular for maintenance. Successfully completed. Contributed to the design and acquisition phase. MUSICNETWORK The Interactive-Music Network - The main objective was to create a community to bring the European Music industries and content providers into the IST-2001-37168 2002-2005 (1.7M€) interactive multimedia era, with a special attention to SME addressing the gap existing between academy and industry and providing solutions to reach the marketplace by seeking agreements between different actors and formats. Successfully completed. Responsible of the Education Working Group, contributed several studies and relevant material for fostering community building and discussion. Original contributions were then turned into a chapter in the published book. SCULPTEUR Semantic and content-based multimedia exploitation for European benefit - The aim of the project was to develop a novel approach to the IST-2001-35372 exploitation of cultural heritage related content especially for museums and cultural institutions. Successfully completed. Contributed to the design and acquisition phase. 2002-2005 (2.9M€) NATACHA GRD1-2001-40196 2002-2004 (4.9M€) Network Architecture and Technologies for Airborne Communication of Internet High Bandwidth Application - Project objective was a new generation of mobile and real-time Internet connection up to an aircraft through bi-directional high-bandwidth satellites. Successfully completed. WEBKIT Intuitive physical interfaces to the WWW - The project objective was to deploy, as an alternative to GUIs, a Tangible User Interface (TUI) for IST-2001-34171 2002-2004 (3.4M€) navigating the WWW that places priority on direct manipulation, users control the system and navigate through information by selecting and positioning physical objects, not just icons on a PC screen. Successfully completed. Chief designer of the museum scenario (ASTRAL architecture) as per published papers. E-MUSE e-Learning, for Museum and School Environments - Aim of the project was to establish a network of cultural, educational and technological 2002-4084 / 001 - 001 EDU ELEARN 2002-2004 (800K€) institutions, fostering co-operation in developing stimulating educational activities for museums, classrooms and the Internet. Thus offering an innovative elearning environment for children and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 15. Successfully completed. Chief architect of the project portal and integration with the selected e-Learning platform AMME Advanced Multimedia Contents Management for Education Environment - The aim of the project was to realise and test a centralised 2002-4086 / 001 - 001 EDU ELEARN media asset base for the management of multiple type of advanced multimedia contents addressed to very different education environments. This provided for the first time the opportunity to ensure the availability of enhanced web based (eLearning) services with advanced centrally managed multimedia content capable of enriching the day to day educational environments of learners. Successfully completed. Principal editor of the published white book and chief architect & designer of the project we-site. 2002-2003 ARCO IST-2000-28336 2001-2004 (2.8M€) Augmented Representation of Cultural Objects - The project aimed at providing support for the usage of augmented reality and representation of cultural objects to be used in museums and touristic venues. Contributed to design and software development management. CHERI Cultural Heritage Rich media secure value chain - This Best Practice Action aimed at promoting a broader adoption of proven IST technologies in IST-2000-28044 order to significantly improve the process of acquisition, management and delivery of high quality images and other rich media in the Art and Culture domain, from their sources (museums and/or media archives) throughout their transfer and scalable integration into publishers' corporate digital systems. Successfully completed. Co-architect, provision of requirements of multimedia developers, chief designer of the project web-site and demo-CD, co-author of a conference paper. 2001-2003 (2.4M€) I-MASS IST-1999-20878 Information Management and interoperability of content for distributed Systems of high volume data repositories through multi agent Systems - The project focused on the development of an agent-based Virtual Reference Rooms for single access to distributed heterogeneous 2001-2003 (2.2M€) data repositories. The Virtual Reference Room combined various building blocks based on Multi Agent Systems (MAS). A query from a user would be dealt with by performing a search task in different sets of meta-data related to databases containing digital collections of text, images and animations. Successfully completed. IMAGEN Intelligent Multimedia Application Generator - The project focused on the development of multimedia applications based on digital archives of IST-1999-13123 2001-2003 (2.3M€) images and texts mostly in the cultural heritage domain and that could be used for education and tourism. Successfully completed. MELIES Modelling Equipment for Live Interactive Electronic Streaming - The aim of the project was to provide new technologies for the creation of IST-2000-28700 2001-2004 (2.8M€) photo-realistic virtual human shape and texture from video sequences. 3D reconstruction and animation techniques allowing the creation of human motion databases and the transmission of lossless compressed, low band-width animated sequences via Internet. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. SEN-IST-NET European Network of Excellence in Information Society Technologies for Special Educational Needs - The main objective of the IST-2000-26449 2001-2003 (1.6M€) project was to support the development of a culture of pedagogical and technological innovation in Europe, for the benefit of stakeholders in the area of IST and for all learners, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Through the SEN-IST-NET, the knowledge resources of a wide range of researchers, professionals and practitioners were made available to all actors through a variety of media and carefully structured activities. Successfully completed. Chief designer of the project news-letter formatting and translation management tool. KOD Knowledge-On-Demand - The project focused on the development of an on-demand based approach to accessing educational content either for formal IST-1999-12503 2000-2003 (2.3M€) education or training. Large use of international standards has been pursued so as to ensure the widest possible adoption and flexibility of the derived system. Successfully completed. ARTISTE Augmented Representation of Cultural Objects - The project aimed at developing advanced image content analysis algorithms, automatic IST-1999-11978 2000-2002 (2.8M€) indexing through metadata generation, distributed access to multiple collections and advanced navigation methods for cultural objects to be used in museums and touristic venues. Contributed to design and software development management. VISIRE Virtual Image-Processing System for Intelligent Reconstruction of 3D Environments - The objective of the project was to develop IST-1999-10756 2000-2003 (2.4M€) innovative computer vision technologies to be applied for the reconstruction of 3D environments with great accuracy and realistic appearance. The aim of the project was to develop techniques that allow extracting 3D geometry and textures directly from a video stream. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. JUST Training of Non-professional Health Emergency Operators using Advanced IT Tools The project addressed training of non-professional FP5-IST-1999-12581 2000-2002 (3.6M€) health emergency operators aiming to provide for continuous education and training through the use of advanced information technologies, certified content, and innovative VR based tools. Successfully completed. Part of the design and management team RENAISSANCE Virtual Renaissance Court - The aim of the project was to develop a new genre of edutainment applications featuring a high quality graphical interface, IST-1999-12163 networked co-operative environments, scientifically validated contents and an innovative pedagogical approach and enabling the reproduction of historically fascinating environments while using the appealing interface of a game in order to teach history. The project developed a prototype reproducing life in a Renaissance court, a 3D multi player Internet application where the users can play the role of different courtiers at the same court. Successfully completed. Chief architect (as per published papers) 2000-2002 (2M€) Page 10 PEACH Production and Publication Environment using Agents for creating Information Channels – The project deployed an editorial system for IST-1999-11345 2000-2002 (2M€) the development, production and provision of personalized information channels. Opposed to conventional editorial systems, the system covered the complete publishing value chain, offering pro-active information acquisition functionality for editors (by using agent based information retrieval techniques), as well as customer-oriented personalised content packaging and delivery, including support for different business models. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. U-FACE User friendly access control systems for healthcare applications - The main objective of this project was the development of an identification IST-1999-11587 2000-2002 (1.2M€) system based on biometric data extraction, smart card and speech recognition. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. VIRTUAL WINERY Virtual Winery - The objectives of the project were to develop a web-based "virtual winery" to be used to promote and commercialise selected European IST-1999-1266 wines. A pilot application was built for a wine maker in Rioja. The system provided a 3D paradigm to access the information, using technologies like VRML and MPEG-4, so that visitors could access a 3D representation of a winery, which integrated information of all kinds. The application was integrated with ecommerce system that was taking into account the legal framework in the EU countries in handling orders depending on the country of origin and destination of the goods. Successfully completed. Chief editor of the multi-language content section related of the portal. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. 2000-2001 (2M€) VISIONS IST-1999-11556 2000-2001 (3.7M€) Virtual Studio for Digital Storytelling - The project developed an innovative authoring tool product using the Virtual Reality technologies for the virtual prototyping and authoring of various forms of stories. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting for GIUNTI. TEST Training In Electrical Systems - The project aimed at developing a highly adaptable multi-media program, providing training on the European ESPRIT - EP25364 1998-2000 (2M€) CENELEC wiring regulations. The delivered infrastructure (exploiting artificial intelligence) could be used to imbue any piece of CBT with learning styles flexibility. Successfully completed. I took over the project on its closing review and had to complete all the administrative and management tasks related to contract fulfilment. COBWEB Context-Based Image Retrieval on the WEB - Aims of the project were to provide an innovative solution to the problem of cost-effectively filing and ESPRIT - EP28773 1998-2000 (2.6M€) retrieving huge numbers of still images and of allowing remote access to image databases via the Internet. Building upon an object-oriented repository of images, the project offered advanced features for Image analysis, Conceptual clustering, Human computer interfaces, Image retrieval and Support for remote searches via the Internet. Successfully completed. Responsible of the validation strategy, execution and reporting. EURODELPHES Electronic Tools for Studying and Teaching History in Secondary Schools - The objectives were to design, develop and evaluate an Joint Call Educational Multimedia Task Force Project N° MM1004.0 innovative hypermedia pedagogical environment for teaching and learning history in European secondary schools. This project developed an innovative production system enabling segmentation & indexing of a large amount of audiovisual documents to then produce a hypermedia educational service based on hundreds of hours of structured audiovisual archive material, integrating textual information and various items (photos, graphs) from history handbooks. Successfully completed. Chief editor of the multi-language edition of the video-based learning content on the history of the XX century. 1998-2000 (2M€) META Multimedia Environment for Training Application - The project aimed to integrate a broad range of consolidated and emerging technologies into a ESPRIT EP8045 common framework supporting development and fruition of distributed training products and services for both business and home markets, developing a professional authoring environment. Completed. Chief-designer of the META architecture (as per published paper). 1994-1996 NATIONAL PROJECTS Description & Achievements MOTO-GAME GIUNTI Multimedia Internal project TRIO Tuscany Region FSE INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS Driving Education (collection of modern education) – this joint project with the Italian Ministry for Transport aimed at the development of an educational game-product for the simulation in non-immersive VR - with a mixed 2D 3D interface - of scooter driving Successfully completed. Technology, Research and Innovation in Orientation - The project aims to introduce New Information and Communication Technologies in the virtual industrial placement and for management of all SME tele-training activities in Tuscany region. Successfully completed. Chief editor of the content. Description & Achievements RELIEF 2007 GIUNTI Multimedia Internal project The project was aiming at the design of an integrated system for the support of mood monitoring and assessment for long-term patients of paediatric oncology departments. The system comprised facilities for the support of class related activities. The project design was welcomed (as pre-evaluation by the EU Commission) prior to the closure of GIUNTI Multimedia; after this event it was not possible to develop the project further. Successfully completed. Project conceiver and coordinator MEDIAKIDS Multimedia for Kids - The aim of the project was to assess the design, development and integration of multimedia content into the educational processes Joint Call Educational Multimedia Task Force Project N°MM1040 thanks to two parallel "concept" developments. The objective was not so much in the comparison, while in the analysis of the effects that end-users' involvement in the design and development phases was affecting (if at all) the product integration. Additionally the project aimed to analyse if and how different multimedia design could be integrated in education processes currently in use at the time. Successfully completed. Co-designer of the geometry training course for GIUNTI. 1998-2000 ONLIVE Telematics 2C # 11102 1998-1999 On-Line Interactive Virtual Educator - The aim of the project was to develop and technically validate an on-line interactive virtual educator system interoperable throughout the European Union and maximizing the use of generic infrastructures and equipment so to be as economically viable as possible. Successfully completed. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. GIUNTI Multimedia CITRONE Customising interfaces through three-dimensional reconstruction of objects in a network environment – Aim of the project was the FP4-IST- 25922 development of a system for the personalisation of avatars. In this context a 3D digital version of a Le Goff adventure book was developed in which users can personalise the face of their own 3D avatars Successfully completed. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. 1997-1999 (1.9M€) GIUNTI Multimedia BreaKIT Breast Cancer Pathology Information KIT - The project had the primary objective of addressing training and informative needs through the use of Info2000 WebCD and Web Push technologies on the highest level, so as to deal with breast cancer detection and pathology. The Break IT project was conducted in collaboration with leading European medical content providers such as the British and Italian Cancer Research Institutes and the European Working Group on Breast Cancer Screening. Successfully completed the pending administrative work. Part of the management team 1997 (100K€) GIUNTI Multimedia Page 11 ARTIS Art Restoration and Techniques Interactive Studio - Aim of the project was to develop a very specialised, yet easy and accessible CBT training INFMM 1009 -IMP-ARTIS 22872/0 course about art restoration focusing on techniques, tools, imaging tools and analysis both for diagnosis of issues to be addressed in the restoration as well as to assess achieved results. Successfully completed. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. 1997 GIUNTI Multimedia VAT ESPRIT 4 1996-1999 (2.4M€) Virtual Assisted Testing - The project was devoted to the creation of a new methodology for psycho-aptitude testing - used for personnel selection - in immersive Virtual Reality. Three pilot applications were developed for Swiss Railways, Italian Police and Spanish power plants of Union Fenosa. Successfully completed. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. GIUNTI Multimedia EDUSEX Sexual Education (collection of modern education) - This project has been carried out in two phases in IMPACT 2, each phase having a different Impact 2 - 2019IMP project number under similar titles and the same acronym the core objectives of the project was to provide a fully fledge youth-oriented support for the understanding of the sex-related aspects of life, health implications, etc. . Successfully completed. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. 1993-1994 (~500K€) GIUNTI Multimedia IISME Internet and Intranet Based Sales and Marketing Support System for Small and Medium Enterprises - The project aimed to support ESPRIT – EP29413 GIUNTI Multimedia process oriented sales and marketing activities using a Computer Aided Selling System based on multimedia and online internet/intranet techniques in order to develop and implement efficient electronic commerce applications for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). Successfully completed. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. BONA FIDE Broker-based Network Architecture for Fail-safe IPR Clearance of Digital Content - The project deployed a broker architecture providing Info2000 GIUNTI Multimedia efficient and secure handling of multimedia content, easy and secure content registration by rights holders, flexible support of different licensing schemes and automatic distribution of licensed content to producers. The technology has been used to enhance the distribution of web-based educational products and industrial training, and for the development of advanced systems for use by web portals. Successfully completed. Designer of the validation phase and responsible of the validation reporting. DIVA DVD Premastering Processes For SMEs In The Audiovisual Sector - This project was concerned with validation and transfer of technology Innovation – 591 GIUNTI Multimedia for DVD pre-mastering so that SMEs involved with audio-visual content creation from peripheral member states were not left behind in DVD development. Successfully completed. Establishment of a durable relation with Sonopress. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. SELECT Strategies for European Language Engineering Enhanced Communication Training - This project was intended to address the cross- Telematics Application Programme - Language Engineering - LE 4-8304 GIUNTI Multimedia cultural communication needs of businesses which were undergoing globalisation and require greater awareness of other cultures. Interdependencies of product development, product localisation, international cross-border communication and the development of good interpersonal relations between companies from different countries and cultures were particularly taken into account. Successfully completed. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. The Human Body (Atlas) Anatomy Education (collection of modern education) – this project aimed at demonstrate how it was possible to benefit from new technology GIUNTI Multimedia (i.e. CD-i initially and then CD-ROM) in the education context not simply migrating a book from its paper form to a digital surrogate, but designing a new compelling user experience based on tailored interfaces and browse-able content Successfully completed. Responsible for project closure in 2000 and its subsequent exploitation from 2000 to 2004. NET-AUTOTEST The project was aiming at the design and deployment of an automated testing environment to be used for the internal system testing and quality assurance of services provided by the network division of SIA to the Banking System. The project was so successful that the detection rate of errors and anomalies within the internal testing passed from 20% to 80% along with the shift from CM Level 2 to CM level 3. Successfully completed. Project Manager SIASpA internal project 1997-2000 (1M€) NET-CONF SIASpA internal project 1997-1999 (200K€) SEC-ISP-CERT SIASpA internal project 1997 (100K€) CHARRIOT EEPE-Digimail Internal project 1996 RADIO-CBT EEPE-Digimail Internal project 1995-1996 ARVEDI ASEL Internal project ASCOT ASEL Internal project BPB ASEL Internal project BPM ASEL Internal project CALOR-MASTER ASEL Internal project The project was aiming at the design and deployment of the configuration management support for the automated testing environment to be used for the internal system testing and quality assurance of services provided by the network division of SIA to the Banking System. The activity led to the successful implementation of the automated testing contributing to the dramatic increase in detection rate of errors and anomalies within the internal testing along with the shift from CM Level 2 to CM level 3. Successfully completed. Project Manager The project was aiming at the ISO900 certification of the Security Department of the Network Division. It entailed the development of a quality manual and a number of procedures and documents plus the actual implementation and monitoring of the new work-flow. The activity led to the successful certification of the unit. Successfully completed. Project Manager The project was aiming at the design of a fully integrated mobility solution based on an instrumented wheel chair entirely controlled via patient gaze-controlled interface. The device design was developed and the related proof of concept submitted for potential development to several wheel chair makers prior to the closure of EEPE-Digimail; after this event it was not possible to develop the project further. Successfully completed. Project conceiver and coordinator The project was aiming at the design of university oriented CBT for radiology specialist training in digital imaging. The design was completed and the related prototype submitted for approval to the reference experts in the domain prior to the closure of EEPE-Digimail; after this event it was not possible to develop the project further. Successfully completed. Project conceiver and coordinator The project was dealing with the automation of the ARVEDI steel lamination plant (hot rolling train). Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the remote-management design and development team. The project was aiming at the development and delivery of an integrated solution for security and building automation enabled with remote management. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Responsible for the product line management and development. The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and building automation enabled with remote management for Banca Popolare di Bergamo. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Project manager, customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and building automation enabled with remote management for Banca Popolare di Milano. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Project manager, customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for air-conditioning and heating control enabled with remote management. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Principal SW analyst and developer Page 12 CAM ASEL Internal project CCIA-CERT ASEL Internal project CERVED ASEL Internal project CICAL1 ASEL Internal project COMINFAR ASEL Internal project CVB ASEL Internal project FFSS-MI-BO ASEL Internal project FriulAdria ASEL Internal project IVRI ASEL Internal project MessLibri ASEL Internal project NATO-NA ASEL Internal project PARMA-SEC ASEL Internal project POST-REAB ASEL Internal project SIRTE-GAS ASEL Internal project SP-TO ASEL Internal project TeleIMP ASEL Internal project SAI-TO ASEL Internal project VCM ASEL Internal project ZANE ASEL Internal project The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for air-conditioning and heating control enabled with remote management for CAM Milano. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a secure solution for chamber of commerce automated service delivery at point of presence enabled with remote management. Core of the system was the design of compact, redundant point of service to be connected to the Chamber of Commerce infrastructure to deliver certificates in out-of-hour times upon successful completion of the related payment procedures. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and building automation enabled with remote management for CERVED, the national data-centre supporting Italian Chambers of Commerce. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and building automation enabled with remote management for Consorzio Interbancario CICAL-1 di Asti. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of an automated where house management solution enabled with remote management for COMINFAR leading entity in the pharmaceutical distribution system. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and alerting automation enabled with remote management for Corpo di Vigilanza di Bergamo. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for the automation and remote control of the train traffic signalling of the Milan-Bologna high-speed railway. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and alerting automation enabled with remote management for FriulAdria. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and alerting automation enabled with remote management for Istituti di Vigilanza Riuniti Italia. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of an automated where house management solution enabled with remote management for Messaggerie Libri a primary distribution chain in the book and media industry. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and building automation enabled with remote management for the NATO base in Napoli district. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and alerting automation enabled with remote management for Corpo di Vigilanza di Parma. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised 2-bed monitoring system for patients that are to be dismissed from intensive care yet not ready to be sent back to the standard hospital facilities. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the patient monitoring (heartbeat, respiration frequency, blood pressure and temperature) as well as staff alerting. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for automation and safety of a gas extraction platform enabled with remote management for AGIP-SNAM. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and building automation enabled with remote management for Banca San Paolo di Torino. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and alerting automation enabled with remote management for Tele Impianti. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and building automation enabled with remote management for SAI Torino. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Project manager, customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and alerting automation enabled with remote management for Vigilanza Citta di Milano. Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst The project was aiming at the development and delivery of a customised solution for security and alerting automation enabled with remote management for Gruppo ZANE Core of the system was the deployment of sensors and actuators that would enable the plant management in full security with embedded remote management and alarm handling and processing. Successfully completed. Part of the design and development team. Customer reference contact and chief analyst Page 13