ReSET - City of Ithaca

Fiscal Year 2016
HUD Entitlement Grant Program
Application for Funding
Applicant legal name: Finger Lakes ReUse, Inc.
Project Name: ReSET Job Training Program
Amount of funding requested:
Location of project: 214 Elmira Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Goal(s) of the project (be specific
To provide training in marketable job skills (technology and retail &
and succinct): customer service) to individuals facing barriers to employment.
Priority need(s) that the project
will address (Consolidated Plan):
Total number of people who will
be served:
Characteristics of people who will
be served (ie., youth, elderly,
disabled, formerly incarcerated,
homeless, etc):
Proposed use of requested funds
(ie., staff salaries, materials,
participant stipends, etc.)
Total project cost:
Head of Agency Information
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
Application Contact Information
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
Public Services Application
Job skills training, workforce development, reducing under/unemployment
% city of Ithaca
% below
80% AMI:
Participation is open to people ages 18+ who are entering the workforce
for the first time, re-entering the workforce after incarceration or health or
personal issues, or pursuing a career change.
Requested funds would support staff salaries and participant stipends for
the advanced full-time portion of the program.
Leverage (divide total funding
4.55% secured /
from other sources by amount 193% unsecured
Diane Cohen
Executive Director
214 Elmira Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Anise Hotchkiss
ReUse Training Director
214 Elmira Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
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In the space below, provide a clear project summary that includes a description of the proposed project, including
services and activities that will be provided. Include the census tract number within which the project will be located
(see Application Instructions).
In 2017, Finger Lakes ReUse (ReUse) will continue to offer its ReSET Job Training Program to the
new Ithaca ReUse Center in the City of Ithaca (census tract number 10). Through ReSET, now entering
its fourth year, Finger Lakes ReUse has provided training to 69 participants. The program currently offers
two curricular tracks in reuse-related industries: Retail & Customer Service and Technology. A third track
in Construction is currently on hiatus while we focus on further developing the building materials side of
our retail operation in our new location.
The program itself consists of a hands-on learning environment where there is real value to the tasks
performed, through exposure to and participation in day-to-day activities in our eCenter computer
refurbishing program or our retail operations. ReUse staff and volunteers, with the supervision of the
ReUse Training Director, lead the hands-on instruction portion of the program. To expand the breadth of
topics covered in the program to extend beyond those that are covered in-house, professionals in the field
teach workshops and offer insights into these more advanced or specialized topics.
In ReSET Technology, topics covered in training include computer anatomy, disassembly and triage,
hardware (e.g. hard drives, RAM), operating systems (Windows, Linux, and Mac), equipment testing,
networking, and “green office” best practices. In ReSET Retail & Customer Service, topics covered in
training include cash register operation and Point of Sale software, phone skills, interacting with
customers, store opening and closing procedures, merchandising, and donations intake and processing.
Participants in both tracks receive training on a range of topics relating to employment attainment and
retention, including conflict management, computer literacy, communication, resume and cover letter
writing, confidence, and financial management. Participants also receive training on the social, economic,
and environmental issues relating to waste prevention and reuse as they relate to the mission of Finger
Lakes ReUse.
ReSET Technology is offered through a cohort structure, wherein groups of ~10 participants begin the
entry-level program at the same time. Sessions of ReSET Technology are offered up to 3 times per year.
ReSET Retail & Customer Service is offered through a rolling admissions structure and instruction is
typically performed on a one-on-one basis. The entry-level program typically takes place over the course
of at least 12 weeks, for a total of 140 hours at minimum. This part-time offering is structured to provide
participants with time to either look for, or maintain other jobs while participating. Trainees advance
through the curriculum as they complete Training Milestones. A paid apprentice-level program follows the
entry-level program. The Apprenticeship application process is competitive. Applicants are assessed both
by their skill and ability, as well willingness to contribute to their near term employment opportunities. The
Apprenticeship runs for 15 weeks minimum, and participants are required to work 35 hours per week,
although this can be flexible depending on circumstances. Upon completion of the Apprenticeship,
participants are eligible for guaranteed informational interviews with local employers, which provide them
with networking opportunities, and the opportunity to practice their interviewing skills and receive feedback
from industry professionals. Based on past experience, on average at least 20% of participants in each
track will be eligible for the Apprenticeship each year.
Participants are selected based on a variety of criteria including income status, career goals, interest
level, and priority is given to applicants from underserved populations. In 2017, program staff project
having the capacity to accept up to 39 participants. ReUse sets the goal that at least 75% of participants
successfully complete the program. Historically, the retention rate has been 84%, with most common
reasons for dropping out of the program cited by participants including health issues, family and personal
issues, housing instability, incarceration, and behavioral issues. Finger Lakes ReUse is actively working to
identify opportunities to connect trainees in need of assistance with the resources and expertise that
partnering human services organizations can provide in order to improve retention and increase positive
training and employment outcomes for program participants.
Public Services Application
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Explain how the amount of funding requested is justified, taking into account other available sources of funding for
the project type. Explain how, and when, the cost estimates for the project were prepared. Provide the name, title,
company name, and qualifications of the individual who prepared the cost estimates.
Finger Lakes ReUse Finance Director, Richard Lansdowne, worked closely with ReUse Training Director
Anise Hotchkiss to develop a time budget for program staff. This time budget estimates time spent by
program staff on their administrative, direct training, programmatic, and supervisory responsibilities
associated with ReSET. Time was calculated in units of hours, which were then used to determine the
percentage of Full Time Equivalents (FTE’s) needed to run the program. Costs that are shared across
organizational classes (e.g. occupancy, insurance) are allocated according to their percentage of FTEs in
relation to the organization as a whole. Stipends are equivalent to wages of $10/hour for 525 hours, plus
taxes and insurance, for a total of $6,037.50 per apprentice.
Richard holds a BS in Accounting from Alfred University and has 16 years of relevant experience including
past employment as Business Director for Lifelong, Director of Operations for Center for Transformative
Action, Fiscal Manager for Tompkins Community Action, Administrative Coordinator and Administrative
Assistant-Financial Management for the Greater Ithaca Activities Center, and Office Manager for Little York
Does the project require coordination with, or the participation of, another entity or organization? If so, how will you
ensure the project’s successful, and timely, completion?
Since its inception, ReSET has been a collaborative effort between Finger Lakes ReUse and local
employers, human service agencies, and other non-profit organizations. These collaborations will continue
in order to leverage the existing resources in the community and fine-tune the program. ReUse works with
various organizations to reach and recruit individuals who face significant barriers to obtaining living wage
During and after the initial training, ReUse collaborates with these organizations to assist participants in
overcoming those barriers. Participants are encouraged to utilize existing services and supports available
through partnering agencies and organizations. Through an active 2-year grant from the Community
Foundation of Tompkins County Finger Lakes ReUse is currently planning an initiative that will pilot in 2017
to provide supportive services to trainees on-site in order to better meet the needs of trainees with
significant barriers to successful completion of the program, in particular formerly incarcerated trainees.
Finger Lakes ReUse also coordinates with volunteer guest instructors, and local employers who provide
guaranteed informational interviews, and has included letters to demonstrate their commitment to the
Public Services Application
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Describe the population the project will serve, being sure to include income levels (ie., 30% AMI, 50% AMI, 80% AMI),
and any special needs characteristics (disabled, elderly, homeless, etc.). How has the project been designed to
address the specific needs of this population?
Of trainees enrolled in 2015, 100% reported Low or Moderate Income (80% of median family income for
the Ithaca, NY metropolitan statistical area), and 69% reported household incomes at or below 30% AMI.
During the application process, we survey program participants on additional demographic information,
including race/ethnicity, disability, age, and gender. Historically, 32% of trainees have identified as racial or
ethnic minorities, 61% as white/Caucasian, and 5% chose not to report. Additionally, 32% identify as
female and 68% identify as male. Participants range in ages from 20 to 64, with the majority of participants
clustered in the 25-34 and 45-54 age ranges. 14% of trainees identify as having a disability.
ReSET was designed in collaboration with partner agencies with expertise in the specific needs of
populations facing barriers to employment, including Tompkins Workforce NY and Challenge Workforce
Solutions. We are also actively undertaking a grant-funded planning process in 2016 to increase linkage to
support services and soft-skill development with partner agencies, which we will implement in 2017, in
order to better meet the specific needs of our trainees. In ReSET Technology, the small training groups
(approximately 10) are intended to allow program staff and guest instructors to provide individualized
attention to trainees who need additional support. The ReSET Retail & Customer Service program has
been offered on a rolling basis to allow for additional flexibility. Trainees are paired one-on-one with retail
staff to facilitate tailoring trainings to the unique needs of each trainee.
Explain the project goal(s). How will each goal be measured and documented to confirm whether or not the goal has
been met?
The goals of the project are: • To provide job skills training to 39 participants from low or moderate
income households in 2017 • For trainees to successfully complete training milestones during their
enrollment in the program • To support trainees in identifying methods for improving their competitiveness
in the job market by offering trainees the opportunity to practice applying for jobs, and providing
constructive feedback on their application materials and interview performance • To maintain a retention
rate of 75% or greater • For trainees to attain gainful employment upon program completion • For trainees
to contribute to the organization’s capacity to process materials for reuse.
To track progress towards program goals, ReUse maintains a participant data tracking spreadsheet. We
use this spreadsheet to track program enrollment and retention, employment outcomes, demographic
information, and other information relevant to the program. We track employment outcomes by surveying
graduates of the program at intervals of 2 months, 6 months, and 12 months post-program. To track
trainees’ progress towards achieving training milestones, ReUse Training Director Anise Hotchkiss has
developed training checklists and progress evaluation forms. To provide trainees with job search support,
Anise provides trainees with feedback throughout the process of developing their resumes and cover
letters. She has also developed application and interview assessment forms, which she uses to provide
constructive recommendations for all trainees who apply for the advanced-level Apprenticeship portion of
To gauge the added capacity that ReSET adds to the organization’s ability to process materials for
reuse, ReSET Technology participants and program staff use a tracking form to report quantities and types
of computers, electronics, and peripherals that trainees test, refurbish, or otherwise process for reuse.
Form submissions are collected in a spreadsheet, and program staff provide Estimated Retail Value (ERV)
data for these materials in this spreadsheet.
Public Services Application
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Will your project advance the City’s goal of ending and preventing homelessness? How?
While this project may not directly prevent homelessness, it can serve as a mediating factor in
homelessness prevention by advancing the City’s Economic Vitality goals relating to workforce
development and job training. Economic stability is a key factor in the prevention of homelessness, and
this project would provide job skills training to people who face barriers to attaining economic stability
through employment.
Will your project advance the City’s goal of moving people out of poverty? How?
Since its launch in 2013, ReSET has helped people move out of poverty by providing job skills training,
creating networking opportunities with local employers through guaranteed informational interviews, and
connecting participants with community resources and supportive services through referrals and
workshops. ReSET connects people who are willing to work with hands-on supportive training in
marketable skills. Participants range in terms of their career goals, prior knowledge and experience, and
types of barriers they face in attaining gainful employment.
By tracking participants’ employment outcomes at intervals of 2, 6, and 12 months post-program
completion, ReUse has learned that ReSET alumni experience a 136% increase in employment by the 12
month mark. This change is characterized by a 620% increase in full-time employment and a 22%
decrease in part-time employment, indicating a reduction in both under-employment and unemployment.
Local employers who have hired ReSET alumni include Southside Community Center, Brightworks
Computer Consulting, Staples, Vanguard Printing, Finger Lakes ReUse, Tompkins Community Action,
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, and Cornell University. Some ReSET graduates
identify attaining additional education as the next step in working to achieve their career goals.
The City of Ithaca’s Comprehensive Plan cites underemployment as a large economic problem locally, and
identifies the provision of job training opportunities as a key method to move people out of poverty and
prevent residents from leaving the area in order to seek employment. The Comprehensive Plan also notes
that the retention of skilled workers plays a role in attracting new businesses to the area, another strategy
the City has identified in its plan to prevent poverty and achieve its economic goals.
Public Services Application
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Describe your agency’s experience in successfully implementing projects of similar scope and comparable complexity
to the proposed project.
Finger Lakes ReUse has operated ReSET since 2013, training 69 individuals in the reuse-related fields of
construction, technology, and retail & customer service. Throughout the past 3 years, ReUse has grown
the ReSET program’s scope and breadth of offerings, built on its network of collaborative partners, and
applied lessons learned to make improvements to the program on an ongoing basis. Finger Lakes ReUse
developed ReSET in keeping with its strong tradition of collaborative partnerships, and through its
relationships with local employers and human service organizations, ReSET draws upon the existing
resources available locally to connect participants with expert advice, assistance, and networking
By embedding trainees in the day-to-day operations of Finger Lakes ReUse, ReSET gives trainees the
opportunity to develop their skills under the instruction of staff who are experts in the wide range of
programs Finger Lakes ReUse carries out through its reuse activities. Program staff attend “train the
trainer” workshops from ReUse Training Director Anise Hotchkiss, have been involved in the development
of training checklists and instructional guidelines, and provide feedback to Anise as they encounter
successes and challenges in their training activities.
Describe your staffing plan for the proposed project. Indicate what percentage of each staff members’ time will be
allocated to this project and how many other projects, in addition to the one proposed, each staff member will be
responsible for. If you are requesting funds to pay for staff salaries, please explain how the proposed project will be
impacted if full funding is not awarded. If the project is collaborative, explain how the involved organizations will work
together and who will be the lead.
ReSET was designed to be a mutually beneficial program, simultaneously providing participants with
hands-on training opportunities while increasing the organization’s capacity to process and retail reusable
materials donated by the public. The program is integrated into the organization’s operations to provide
maximum benefit to participants and ReUse, and as a result the training is carried out by employees from
across various departments of the organization.
In terms of the collaborative nature of the program, Finger Lakes ReUse serves as lead and handles all
coordination and relationship management with its partner organizations, agencies, and employers.
ReSET Technology is staffed by Finger Lakes ReUse eCenter Program Coordinator Michael Troutman
and eCenter Assistant Lonnie Hinkle (ReSET ’13), whose other responsibilities include operating our
eCenter programs including our computer repair services, electronics recycling, program volunteer
management, our Online Sales program, and ongoing computer refurbishing activities. They also provide
support to the Computers and Electronics retail department as needed.
ReSET Retail & Customer Service is staffed by Retail Assistants who provide training, Managers on
Duty who provide oversight, under the supervision of Chris Pletcher, Director of Business Services. The
retail team’s other responsibilities include operating our Triphammer ReUse Center and Ithaca ReUse
Center retail operations: donations intake, processing, pricing, merchandising, and customer service.
Administrative coordination (outreach, enrollment, scheduling, evaluation, etc) is carried out by ReUse
Training Director Anise Hotchkiss. Anise’s other responsibilities include organization-wide volunteer
coordination, general support for retail operations, and conducting orientations for volunteers and
incoming student work-study assistants.
If full funding is not awarded, Finger Lakes ReUse would scale back its goal of entry-level trainees to
enroll in the program, and the number of Apprenticeship opportunities offered to trainees completing
entry-level training.
Public Services Application
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***You must complete the excel form that accompanies this document.***
If your agency received funding from the IURA for the 2014 or 2015 program year, please complete the following
2014 Project name: ReSET Job Training
Amount of funding awarded:
Amount expended to date:
Total number of unduplicated clients to be served:
Total number of unduplicated clients served to date:
2015 Project name: ReSET Job Training Program
Amount of funding awarded:
Amount expended to date:
Total number of unduplicated clients to be served:
Total number of unduplicated clients served to date: 1 (9 scheduled to begin training on 2/29/2016)
November 2016
December 2016
January 2017
February 2017
March 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
September 2017
October 2017
November 2017
Specify Project Milestone/Actions Completed
End of 2015-2016 CDBG Project.
Proj. begins. Launch ReSET Technology 11 (T11).
2016 Tech Apprentices complete training.
Complete T11, hire T11 Apprentices.
Retail & Cust. Svc. target: enroll 3 trainees by Apr.
Launch ReSET T12.
T11 Apprentices complete training.
Complete Tech 12, hire T12 Apprentices.
R&CS target: enroll 4 more trainees by August.
Launch ReSET T13.
T12 Apprentices complete training.
Complete T13, hire App., RCS target 9 trainees YTD
Amount of CDBG
Funds Expended
% of Project
*Assume that contracts will be executed by November 1, 2016, so that funds may be drawn that month.
Public Services Application
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I certify that the statements made in this application are true and correct and that I am authorized to submit this
application on behalf of my organization.
Diane Cohen
Executive Director
Finger Lakes ReUse, Inc.
E-mail address
Phone number
Is your organization a 501(c)(3)? Yes~ NoD
Federal Tax ID 26-2093547
DUNS# 828397955
Required attachments:
Excel budget page
Resumes of key staff and/or consultants who will be responsible for this activity
A list of your organization's current board members
Letter(s) of commitment from any other individuals or entities (outside your own organization) whose
participation is required for project completion
Evidence of commitment for any funds indicated as "secured" in your project budget
The most recent Form 990 or tax returns for the applicant entity
Optional attachments:
Letters of support
Program materials, such as brochures, program guidelines, or outreach materials
Submission requirements:
One original of the complete application, including ill! attachments
Sixteen (16) double-sided copies of the complete application, including all attachments except 990/tax return
One electronic copy of the application, including all attachments, on a disc or a flash drive.
Complete application packages must be received by noon on February 26. 2016 at the following address:
Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency
3rd floor, City Hall
108 E. Green Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Applications will be date and time stamped upon arrival. Applications received after the deadline will not be
Public Services Application
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Fiscal Year 2016 HUD Entitlement Program
Application for Funding
FY 2016 Community Development Block Grant
Finger Lakes ReUse - Earned Revenues
Finger Lakes ReUse - Individual Contributions
Community Foundation of Tompkins County
Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division
Park Foundation
* Supporting documentation is required for amounts listed as secured.
ReUse Training Director
eCenter Program Coordinator
eCenter Assistant
Retail Assistant - Mananger on Duty
Retail Assistant - Trainer
% OF
Rent/Lease (Project Operations)
Other Expenses (List Below)
% of Total
Schedule of Attachments
Anise Hotchkiss – ReUse Training Director, Finger Lakes ReUse
Chris Pletcher – Director of Business Services, Finger Lakes ReUse
Lonnie Hinkle – eCenter Assistant, Finger Lakes ReUse
Finger Lakes ReUse Board of Directors List 2016
Letters of Commitment
Finger Lakes ReUse
Meryl Bursic, IT Security Professional
Guaranteed Interviewers:
Brightworks Computer Consulting
The Computing Center
Greenstar Cooperative Market
Mama Goose/Mimi’s Attic
Rescue Mission/Thrifty Shopper
Evidence of Committed Funds
Award letter, Community Foundation of Tompkins County
Finger Lakes ReUse Form 990
For the 2014 calendar year
Letters of Support:
Challenge Workforce Solutions
Women’s Opportunity Center
Workforce New York
Program Guidelines
450 Douglas Rd, Newfield, NY
Masters in Environment and Community
• Thesis: Food is Being- How is a just and
sustainable food system spiritually defining?
• Change Project: Regional Conference on
Food and Faith
Bachelor of Science, Interdisciplinary Major
in Biblical Studies and Electronic Media, with
Philosophy Minor
• Graduated Magna Cum Laude
• Dean’s List, Eight Semesters
Ithaca, NY
ReUse Training Director, January 2013-Present
• Designed and implemented the ReSET Job Training pilot program, providing skills and employment training in
Computer Technology and Sustainable Construction; managed each stage of training from community outreach
to apprenticeship and job placement, providing personal mentorship to each participant; maintain grantor
requirements and report project outcomes each fiscal quarter
• Identified and coordinated over 20 business leaders to provide instruction and mentorship in relevant fields;
engage with local human service organizations for program promotion, participant support, and supplemental
job readiness training
• Teach and guide college student projects with direct impact on organizational programs and development
• Coordinate individual and group volunteers for short and long term projects; supervise work study employees
• Developed online sales plan with goal of increasing organization’s self-sufficiency by 5%
Seattle, WA
General Manager, 2011-2012
• Boosted sales 30% after earning promotion to General Manager while using a triple bottom line model holding
people, profit and planet in balance in all business decisions
• Responsible for all human resource coordination for staff of 25, as well as promotion and supervision of floor
managers; standard bearer for all cafe policies and procedures; oversaw all business administrative tasks,
maintenance, inventory, finances, and community involvement
• Addressed the issue of affordable community health by developing and coordinating programs focused on
nutrition and low cost healthy diets
Floor Manager, 2008-2011
• Managed daily activities and staff, maintaining strict standards for organic certification and service for a variety
of food sensitivities and needs
• Responsible for overhaul of business culture affecting changes such as development of General Manger
position and expansion of management responsibility; streamlined training procedures; co-wrote employee
manual; developed employee appreciation program and cafe communication procedures
Austin, TX
Volunteer Coordinator/Office Manager, 2006-2008
• Launched Whole Health Program for 30 clients, overhauling contents of food pantry; developed partnership
between local farmers for fresh produce and created classes on nutrition and healthy lifestyles
• Provided administrative support; maintained compliance reports for 7 agencies, business accounts, donor
database system and fundraising mailers; produced company collateral materials from design to print
• Responsible for volunteer outreach, primarily collaborating with local businesses for volunteer work parties,
building food gardens and compost systems at client homes
FRIENDSHIP DONATIONS NETWORK Food Sourcing Committee Member, 2012-Present
Ithaca, NY
• Created and collaborated in the implementation of the pilot Neighborhood Food Hubs program, providing a
network of drop-off locations and delivery of excess home grown produce to be disseminated across regional
food pantries and collecting over 700 pounds of produce in it’s pilot year
FOOD JUSTICE NETWORK Member, 2012-Present
Ithaca, NY
• Participation in ongoing dialogue on the development of both a socially just and environmentally sustainable
regional food system; staying current on sustainable food and nutrition programs in the Finger Lakes region
GOOD FOOD NETWORK Restaurant Business Rep, 2008-2011
Seattle, WA
• Member of an open network of people, organizations, and government in support of the good food movement
in the Seattle area, building greater infrastructure for local food producers
• Coordinated outreach events for urban agricultural education; facilitated organizational identity and leadership
definition process
SEATTLE TILTH Garden Steward, 2008-2010
Seattle, WA
• Taught organic gardening techniques to youth and adults, using hands-on techniques and in the classroom;
active member of community garden board spearheading community events such as Master Composter
• Oversaw and maintained an organic urban teaching garden; coordinated weekly harvesting of vegetables for
Rainier Valley Food Bank
• Maintained permaculture design systems, including guilds, micro-climates and companion planting
• Coordinated farmers market sale of organic fruit and vegetables; tested for GMO contamination
Havi, HI
AUSTIN PERMACULTURE GUILD Teacher and Event Coordinator, 2006-2008
Austin, TX
• Taught Permaculture Certification Courses; coordinated community outreach events, educating the public on
whole systems agricultural design
• Trained in natural building systems at Austin Natural Building Colloquium 2007
NETWORK FOR SPIRITUAL PROGRESSIVES Outreach Coordinator, 2005-2008
Austin, TX
• Founding member of grassroots organization; invited to exclusive leadership training seminar on spiritual
activism and interfaith diversity
THE SIERRA CLUB Volunteer, 2005-2006
Austin, TX
• Organized aid from local churches for citizens of DeBerry, TX, victims of hazardous waste poisoning
• Researched partnership groups and water source alternatives; organized dialogues on the impacts of
environmental racism
Chris Pletcher • 92 Fishkill Rd, Newfield, NY• 413-834-3751
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Fall 2012 Master of Regional Planning
• 3.9 GPA
• Economic Development Concentration
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Fall 2004 Bachelor of Arts-History
• Certificate in African Studies
Related Experience
Finger Lakes ReUse | Ithaca, NY
Director of Business Services Winter 2015 – Current
Responsible for the direction and management of all FLR business services; develops and
maintains financial and mission-related program and business goals; maintains clear reporting
and accountability procedures; provide guidance to staff, trainees and volunteers, making sure
they understand their roles and responsibilities.
Deconstruction Coordinator Fall 2014 – Winter 2015
Responsible for the direction and management of FLR’s deconstruction service program;
promoted program, receiving and responding promptly to all inquires; managed all
deconstruction projects and supervised crew; ensured all invoices, donation receipts and other
necessary paperwork was completed promptly.
Project Assistant Summer 2014 – Fall 2014
Reviewed operational practices, identifying key areas for improvement; proposed and managed
operational changes; specific projects including: POS inventory system, donation intake process
and record keeping, customer/donor database management; performed sales and other data
Co-op Power, Inc. | West Hatfield, MA
Green Jobs Program Manager
Fall 2011 – Summer 2013
Responsible for development and delivery of Co-op Power’s Green Jobs Training Program,
Trained and placed more than 40 participants into clean energy jobs; Managed $100,000 annual
budget; Wrote successful grant proposals totaling $185,000; Grew employer network from 3 to
Chris Pletcher
13 and community partners from 4 to 20; Additional duties included: career coaching, case
management, classroom training and grant administration.
Energy Coach
Spring 2013
Provided customer service and sales to residential energy efficiency customers; Stream-lined
our sales process in Salesforce CRM, enabling automatic reporting and dashboard functionality.
Clean Energy Intern
Summer 2011
Managed Summer of Solutions Internship Partnership; Supervised volunteers and interns,
Developed Energy Efficiency Retro-fit Financing Proposal; Researched best practices and
prepared data, helping plan Co-op Power’s Energy Efficiency Community Mobilization
Initiative in Springfield, MA.
Center for Eco-Technology | Florence, MA
Air Sealing Technician
Fall 2009 – Winter 2011
Air sealed over 200 homes through the state energy efficiency program which included
providing Blower Door diagnostic tests, BPI combustion safety tests, reviewing insulation
specifications and customer service.
Green Building Intern
Fall 2010
Assisted with the administration of Energy Star and LEED-certification programs, BPI and other
energy efficiency trainings, as well as the administration of the state energy efficiency program.
ReNew Building Materials & Salvage | Brattleboro, VT
Deconstruction Crew Member Fall 2007 – Spring 2008
Dismantled buildings, salvaging the materials for resale or recycle. Provided customer service
and other assistance in retail store.
Common Ground Relief | New Orleans, LA
House-Gutting Coordinator
Winter 2005 – Spring 2006
Placed volunteer house-gutting crews with homeowners returning to New Orleans following
Hurricane Katrina; Helped organize alternative spring break which had our organization
sending out over 500 volunteers per day over a two week period.
• Computer Programs: Microsoft Office, ArcGIS, IMPLAN, SPSS, R, Salesforce, Basecamp
• Database Experience: US Census, BLS, BEA, EIA, Agricultural Census, CTPP
• Additional experience: solar installation, energy efficiency retro-fit installation,
deconstruction, natural building, demolition, carpentry, general construction, volunteer
management, general office administration, canvassing, research and spatial/data analysis,
business analytics, outreach and education, website development
GROTON, NY 13073
607-898-3235, 607-423-9422
To obtain a full time PC Technician position in a company/organization that offers opportunities to further
develop my computer knowledge while using my skills to provide excellent customer care.
Software and application support
Full computer hardware support including
specialized builds in both PC and Mac
Experienced in PC, Linux and Mac Operating
Server Maintenance
Website design and updating previously designed
POS system implementation, training, support
Inventory management and support
Excellent customer service skills, practicing active
listening, insight and compassion
Exceptional problem solving and organizational
Understanding and adaptive in team work
Experience with public speaking both as an
instructor and presenter
Supportive and patient leader, practicing
leadership through example
Able to tailor oral and written communications to
best suit the needs of the audience
2014ReSET Tech Apprentice, Finger Lakes ReUse - Ithaca, NY
Assist with computer servicing and refurbishing; help implement, develop, and document eCenter procedures
Oversee volunteers and trainees on refurbishing projects; facilitate and instruct in job training program
Assist customers on the sales floor; facilitate computer service check-in; lead in research, development, and
reports for differing operating systems
ReSET Tech Apprentice, Finger Lakes ReUse - Ithaca, NY
Provided customer service and computer repair such as virus remediation or hardware overheating
Educated ReSET Tech trainees on computer components, software applications, troubleshooting, and installs.
Teacher’s Assistant, Tompkins Community Action - Ithaca, NY
Taught preschool aged children basic life skills that are geared toward their age level, educating families on
how to become self-sustained and successful parents using community resources.
Food Service Administrative Assistant, Dryden Central School – Dryden, NY
Performed audit control and inventory management; implemented and assisted in the design of a register and
inventory program; provided customer service, conflict resolution between staff, and notices to union
representatives; maintained food lunch accounts and parental notices.
Delivery Specialist, Boise Office Products – Rochester, NY
Delivered pre-ordered goods to customers; provided customer service, mediation between corporate and
delivery offices, and inventory management.
Media/website/computer support, Groton Assembly of God
2011Full IT support including troubleshooting and repairing church computers, website design and upkeep, server
maintenance, implementing presentation software programs, presentation design, and insuring copyright
Adult/teen Sunday School Teacher, Groton Assembly of God
2002Food Pantry Co-Coordinator, Groton Assembly of God
2001Mobile Food Pantry Committee, Foodbank of Southern Tier
United Way Community Council Committee, United Way of Tompkins Country
Matthew 25 Farm Cortland/Tompkins Food Pantry Representative
Church Board Deacon, Groton Assembly of God
Youth Department Coordinator, Groton Assembly of God
AAS Human Services, Minor in Psychology, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Certificates in Leadership Training, Tompkins Cortland Community College
ReSET Tech Job Training, Finger Lakes ReUse
Finger Lakes ReUse, Inc. – 2016 Board of Directors
Lynn Leopold, President
Finance, Nominating, Capital Campaign Planning
Tompkins County Recycling Specialist, Retired
1203 East Shore Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850
Marlene Sack, Secretary
Finance, Nominating, Capital Campaign Planning
Business Manager, Retired
708 Hector Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Marshall McCormick, Treasurer
Finance, Capital Campaign Planning
President & Advisor, Finger Lakes Wealth Mgmt.
108 Fair Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Joshua Clark
Nominating, Capital Campaign Planning
Development Assistant, Boyce Thompson Institute
5335 Dresserville Road, Moravia, NY 13118
Lindsay Hahnes
Nominating, Capital Campaign Planning
Major Gifts Officer, Ithaca College
230 Hayts Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Jodie Herbert
Program Supervisor, Greater Ithaca Activities Ctr.
113 South Corn Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
John Lemley
Human Resource Specialist, Retired
301 Woodgate Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850
Megan McDonald
Capital Project
Senior Planner, Tompkins County
408 Utica Street, Apt. 1, Ithaca, NY 14850
Eddie Moran
Computer Lab Coord., Southside Community Ctr.
305 S. Plain Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Jan Rhodes Norman
Capital Project
Owner, Silk Oak
425 North Aurora Street, Ithaca NY 14850
Pedro Perez
Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
310H Warren Hall, Ithaca, NY 14850
Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency
Third Floor, City Hall
108 East Green Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Attn: Nels Bohn, Director
February 25, 2016
Dear Nels,
On behalf of Finger Lakes ReUse, I am writing to state our commitment to the creation of jobs
and job skills training opportunities in the City of Ithaca. We are delighted to have opened the
Ithaca ReUse Center in December 2015, and look forward to the added capacity that this facility
will bring to this innovative program. Now entering our fourth year of offering ReSET, our job
skills training program for individuals facing barriers to employment, our organization has plans
to build upon this success and continue to create jobs and job training opportunities through our
expanding operations.
As we continue to carry out this program, Finger Lakes ReUse has consistently prioritized
collaborations with human service agencies, educational institutions, and local businesses to
further our mission to enhance community, economy, and environment through reuse. In
addition to the seven ReSET apprentices that have joined our permanent, living wage staff roster,
our program participants in general have experienced an increase in employment and
employment opportunities since completing ReSET, and interest in the program increases with
each session we hold.
We greatly look forward to continuing to serve our community through ReSET and the other
programs, services, and products we offer as we carry out our original goals to reduce waste,
relieve poverty, and teach job skills through the activities of reuse. We will continue to provide
quality, living wage jobs and job training opportunities as our programs develop.
Thank you for your consideration of this project.
Diane Cohen
Executive Director
Finger Lakes ReUse, Inc.
214 Elmira Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Re: Letter of Commitment – ReSET Job Training Program
Attn: Diane Cohen
Dear Diane,
I am writing to express my support for Finger Lakes ReUse and its ReSET job skills training
program, and to renew my commitment to serve as a Guest Lecturer for this innovative program.
ReSET offers tracks in Retail & Customer Service and Technology that have excelled in
providing marketable skills to program participants while simultaneously connecting them with
local employers seeking to hire workers with experience in these fields. As a guest instructor in
the Technology track and an IT security professional, I can attest first-hand to the effectiveness
of this program in achieving its goal of providing participants with marketable skills.
As Finger Lakes ReUse continues to expand ReSET, I expect its contribution to the local
community and the local economy to grow exponentially. Now in its fourth year, the ReSET
program has demonstrated its ability to successfully meet a previously unmet need in our local
community. By providing part-time entry-level trainings and subsequent competitive and
intensive full-time apprentice-level trainings, ReSET gives program participants a distinct
advantage in the job market: alums of this program have experienced a 136% increase in
employment within a year of program completion.
I enthusiastically support Finger Lakes ReUse and its mission to enhance community, economy,
and environment through reuse. I look forward to continuing to support the ReSET job training
program’s efforts to provide the community with quality job training experiences in marketable
skill sets, and ask that the strongest possible consideration is given to Finger Lakes ReUse and its
application for funding.
Meryl Bursic
IT Security Professional
Dairy One
730 Warren Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 • Ph: 800-496-3344 • Fax: 607-257-6808 •
Finger Lakes ReUse, Inc.
2255 N. Triphammer Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Re: Letter of Commitment – ReSET Job Training Program
Attn: Diane Cohen
February 18, 2016
Dear Ms. Cohen:
I am writing on behalf of Dairy One to express support for Finger Lakes ReUse and its innovative
ReSET job skills training. The ReSET program tracks in technology, construction and retail have
excelled in providing marketable skills to program participants while simultaneously connecting
them with local employers seeking to hire workers with experience in these fields.
A major challenge of running the AMR group at Dairy One is finding well-trained employees with
relevant experience in the technology field, as too often the available pool of applicants lacks
candidates with the demonstrated background and skill sets required to succeed in our work. Now
in its third year, the ReSET program has demonstrated its ability to successfully meet this need in
our local community. By providing part-time entry-level trainings and subsequent competitive and
intensive full-time apprentice-level trainings, ReSET gives program graduates a distinct advantage
in the technology job market. We look forward to continuing our support of ReSET by
guaranteeing interviews for these highly valuable program graduates, and expect to hire two full
time employees in 2016.
John Gloss
AMR Manager
Dairy One
Dairy One Cooperative Inc.
Dairy Records Services • Dairy Management Resources • Dairy One Forage Laboratory • Milk Analysis Laboratories
Board of Directors
November 20, 2015
Alan Mathios
Vice Chair
Randy Ehrenberg
Sandra Dhimitri
Jackie Doherty
Finger Lakes ReUse
2255 N. Triphammer Road
Ithaca, New York 14850
Dear Jackie,
Diane McDonough
Immediate Past Chair
Robin Masson
Richard Banks
Mary Berens
Susan Brown
Fabina Colon
Ross Feldman
Marcie Finlay
Sara Knobel
Robin Masson
Philip McPheron
Alice Moore
Bill Murphy
Susan Murphy
Stephen Pope
Ron Poole
Nancy Potter
Kevin Shreve
Carol Travis
Lucia Tyler
Baruch Whitehead
Stephanie Wiles
Incorporating Board
Jeff Furman
Howard Hartnett
Bill Myers
John Semmler
Diane Shafer
Robert Swieringa
Chief Executive Officer
George Ferrari, Jr.
Chief Development Officer
Nancy Massicci
Congratulations! Your recent grant application to the Community Foundation for
the Collective Impact: Building Relationships, Building Our Future grant cycle has resulted
in a grant. I am pleased to inform you that the following grant has been awarded:
$5,000 - Lane Family Fund of the Community Foundation
$15,000 - Community Foundation's Collective Impact Fund
At the Community Foundation we share information, including your application, about
community needs with our donor advisors and Field of Interest Funds to create
opportunities to magnify philanthropy throughout our community. Over 70 partnering
entities were represented in the applications submitted. This was an exciting look at the
diverse and broad constituencies engaged in collaboration in our community. $115,000 of
these requests has been funded, including $25,000 from Donor Advised Funds.
We are approving this grant with the understanding that your organization is a taxexempt entity, qualified to receive tax-deductible contributions. If our understanding is
not correct, please notify us as soon as possible. The grants will be presented at the
awards celebration, which will take place on Monday, December 14th, 2015, at the History
Center in Tompkins County at 6:30 pm.
We will issue a general press release and we encourage you to issue a release announcing
your initiative's grant.
Please find enclosed review team feedback on your application, as well as a grant
agreement, which needs to be signed and returned to us by the date of the awards
As a grant recipient you are required to submit an interim report to the Community
Foundation no later than October 5th, 2016. All reports should be submitted via
our online grants platform. Release of your second year of funds is contingent upon this
Program Officer
Janet Cotraccia
Donor Services Officer
Amy LeViere
From all of us at the Community Foundation of Tompkins County, we wish you well!
With best wishes,
Administrative Assistant
Matthew Fisher
Janet Cotraccia
Program Officer
Philanthropy MAGNIFIED
200 E Buffalo Street, Suite 202, Ithaca, New York 14850
PHONE: (607) 272-9333
FAX: (607) 272-3030
Displaced Homemakers Program
315 N. Tioga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Finger Lakes ReUse, Inc.
214 Elmira Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Re: Letter of Support- ReSET Job Training Program
Attn: Diane Cohen
phone: (607) 272-1520
February 18, 2016
Dear Diane,
On behalf of the Women's Opportunity Center, I am writing to express my support for Finger
Lakes ReUse, Inc., and its ReSET job skills training program. The Women's Opportunity Center
is dedicated to connecting the women we serve with job training opportunities, and we consider
tl)e .ReSET program, which emphasizes marketable skills training in a supportive environment, to
bt:.strpn~ly i~_ keeping with this goal. We look forward to referring our clients to upcoming
sessions of the ReSET job skills training program, and to continuing our collaborative
educational workshops by ReSET apprentices.
The Women's Opportunity Center is always looking for more programs to offer our clients as
they seek to enter or re-enter the workforce, and we welcome the opportunity to once again
partner with Finger Lakes ReUse through the ReSET program. Through its collaborations with
countless community organizations, local businesses, and government agencies, Finger Lakes
ReUse draws upon the resources present in the local community to make this program
The City of Ithaca needs to furthet devd op:'oppotrui1itie-s: f,-yr trainii1g~~ educ~tion, and .
employment. This innovative project will contribute greatly to the local community, economy,
and environment. I ask that the utmost consideration is given to Finger Lakes ReUse· and its
application for funding .
, ~ 1" •
. Da~j Herath, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Strengthening the Community by Strengthening Families