VCE REVISION LECTURES Monday October 3rd - Friday October 7th 2011 Units 3 & 4 in English FurtherMathematics MathematicalMethods SpecialistMathematics Physics Chemistry PhysicalEducation Biology Psychology HealthandHumanDevelopmentAccounting StudioArt HistoryRevolutions AustralianHistory EnglishLiterature Unit 1 & 2 in MathematicalMethods Business Management The Hamilton and Alexandra College Chaucer Street, Hamilton, Victoria 3300 • Presenters are VCE exam assessors. • Programs are in depth and provide students with examination tips and hints. • Students receive A+ standard revision notes and trial examination papers. • Questions are welcomed and answered. THE largEsT EXaM rEVIsION PrOgraM aVaIlaBlE IN THE rEgION Telephone: 03 5572 1355 • Fascimile: 03 5572 4998 Email: • Program Dates & Times ENGLISH All sessions on Monday October 3rd Choose one option from each section English Session 1 9.15-10.45am Maximising Performance in the Exam OR Context: Issues of Identity and Belonging English Session 2 11.15 -12.30pm Maximising Performance in the Exam OR On the Waterfront English Session 3 1.00-2.15pm Context: Encountering Conflict OR Cosi English Session 4 2.20- 3.35pm Maestro Accounting Biology Friday October 7th 11.30-1.30pm AND 2.00-4.00pm Friday October 7th Session 1 8.00 to 11.00am OR Session 2 11.30 to 2.30pm Students to attend both sessions Choose only one session Business Management Friday October 7th 11.30-1.30 AND 2.00-3.30pm Students to attend both sessions English Literature Further Mathematics Health & Human Development History Revolutions History Australian Mathematical Methods Yr 12 Mathematical Methods Yr 11 CAS Tuesday October 4th 11.00-12.00pm Emma Wednesday October 5th Statistics: Core 11.00-1.00pm AND Module 2 Geometry and Trigonometry Thurs Oct 6th 8.30-9.10am Module 3 Graphs and Relations Thurs Oct 6th 9.10-9.50am Module 6 Matrices Thurs Oct 6th 9.50 -10.30am Thursday October 6th 11.00am to 1.00pm AND 2.00pm to 4.00pm Wednesday October 5th Session 1 10-11.30am Exam Technique Friday October 7th Session 1 Port Philip District and Nation Race and Citizen 12.30pm to 2.30pm Tuesday October 4th 11.00-1.00pm AND Wednesday October 5th 11.00-1.00pm Students to attend both sessions 1.00pm- 2.30pm Russia Tuesday October 4th 8.00-10.30am AND Wednesday October 5th 8.00am to 10.30am AND Thursday October 6th 8.00 to 10.30am 12.30 -1.30pm Hamlet 1.45-2.45pm Exam 3.00-4.00pm Atonement 3.00pm - 4.30pm France Session 2 WW II and Vietnam 3.00pm to 5.00pm Module 4 Business Related Maths Wed Oct 5th 1.30-2.15pm Module 5 Networks Wed Oct 5th 2.30-3.15pm Chemistry $60 Physical Education Physics Psychology Specialist Mathematics Studio Art Tuesday October 4th Session 1 9.00am to 12.30pm OR Session 2 1.15pm to 4.45pm Choose only one session Tuesday October 4th 1.00pm to 4.00pm Wednesday October 5th 11.00am to 1.00pm Thursday October 6th Thursday October 6th 8.30-10.30am 11.00-1.00pm 2.00pm- 4.30pm Wednesday October 5th 11.00am to 1.00pm AND AND 2.00pm to 4.00pm 11.30 -1.30pm AND Students must do both sessions Friday October 7th 8.00am -11.00am Students must do all sessions Students to do both sessions Enrolment Form - Tel 03 5572 1355 Fax 03 5572 4998 Please complete this form & return it together with your payment to: VCE Revision, P.O. Box 286 Hamilton, 3300 First Name ............................................................................................ Surname .................................................................................................. Address ................................................................................................ Suburb ............................................................ Postcode ........................ Home Telephone .................................................................................... Parents Work Telephone ............................................................................ Mobile .................................................................................................. Email Address .......................................................................................... School Attending .................................................................................... Your Level in 2011 .................................................................................... I wish to attend the following lectures Please indicate session and module preference where appropriate n n n n n n n n n n Accounting ................................................................$60 Biology..............................................Sess. No_____ $60 Business Management .............................................. $60 Chemistry..........................................Sess. No_____ $60 English Session 1 The Exam ...................................... $40 English Session 1 Issues of Identity and Belonging ........$30 English Session 2 The Exam ........................................$30 English Session 2 On the Waterfront ..........................$30 English session 3 Encountering Conflict ......................$30 English Session 3 Cosi ................................................$30 n English Session 4 Maestro .......................................... $30 n English Literature The exam ........................................ $30 n Hamlet ................................................................$15 n Emma ........ ........................................................$15 n Atonement ..........................................................$15 n Further Mathematics Core___ Modules__,__,__..........$60 n Health and Human Development ..................................$60 n History Australian ....................Sess.1 n $30 Sess. 2 n $60 n History Revolutions The Exam ......................................$30 .............................................................................................. Cheque/Money Order Details: (Please make payable to The Hamilton and Alexandra College) n n n n n n n n n History Revolutions - Russia ....................$15 History Revolutions - France....................$15 Mathematical Methods Year 11 ................$80 Mathematical Methods Year 12 ................$80 Physical Education ..................................$60 Physics ..................................................$60 Psychology ............................................$60 Specialist Mathematics ............................$80 Studio Art ..............................................$50 TOTAL PAYMENT____________________ Total Payment Enclosed: $__________________________ o Visa o MasterCard Credit Card Details: (Please tick the appropriate box): Please debit my Total Amount: $______________ Card holder’s Name: ______________________________________ Expiry Date:_ _ / _ _ Card Number: _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Signature X ____________________________________________