Catholic Collegenews Edition 7 TERM 2 - 11 May 2016 Key Dates THURSDAY TO FRIDAY, 12 - 13 MAY Thu 12 Politics Excursion to Canberra NAPLAN - Years 7 and 9 Fri 13 Harry Potter Day (casual clothes) MONDAY TO FRIDAY, 16 - 20 MAY Mon 16 Tue 17 Wed 18 Cross Country Carnival Thu 19 5.30pm Physics Lecture, Mercy Centre: Dr. Christian Reichardt ‘The Big Bang Theory’ UH Netball / SB SG Table Tennis / Boys Badminton Unit 1 and Yr 10 Exam Differentiations DUE 6.30pm: Year 8 Parents Social night: St Ives Hotel, the Causeway, Wodonga Fri 20 MONDAY TO FRIDAY, 23 - 27 MAY The Principal’s Pulse Future Provision of Secondary Education Last week I emailed all families the decision from CEW regarding the future provision of secondary education. Families new to Catholic College may not be fully aware of why the decision needed to be made. In 2014 CEW (Catholic Education Wodonga) purchased 17.2 hectares of land at Baranduda. Since that time CEW has utilised the skills of Julie Bridges to facilitate a community consultation. The CEW Future Provisions Committee used the feedback from the community consultation to prepare recommendations to CEW Council. This process led to the following recommendations, which were published in the letter to our community: 1. Catholic College Wodonga remain a single campus secondary school. The decisions regarding the future of the Year 9 program and Nganala site will be made at Catholic College as a local decision. Mon 23 Upper Hume Cross Country Australian History Competition Period 2 Tue 24 Fire Carrier’s Commissioning Liturgy (Whole School) Wed 25 4pm and 7pm: Year 10 Drama Ensembles 2. The Nganala land will be retained for future use. Thu 26 Upper Hume 8B AFL Football / IB IG Soccer National Sorry Day 3. Secondary provision be established at Baranduda subject to funding and enrolment demand. Fri 27 STAFF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAY No students at school Leadership Reflection This week we have experienced an amazing transition into the days of cooler temperatures and greater rainfall. I found these inspirational quotes recently. Enjoy! Shane Piper, eLearning Coach Catholic College Wodonga These recommendations now allow Catholic College to look closely at what our educational needs will be in the years to come. As you would be aware from previous newsletters, we are currently completing a literature review to assist us in developing a learning and teaching framework. This framework will clearly articulate our beliefs as educators and will assist us in establishing a vision for learning and teaching. Whilst we complete the Learning and Teaching Framework we will also commence a new masterplan for both the main campus and the Year 9 site in the second half of the year. Our current masterplan was completed in 2010. Over the past two years we have made a number of improvements to our site, such as removing old portables and upgrading the fire hydrant ring. A new masterplan, based on our Learning and Teaching Framework, will mean that the spaces we build and modify will reflect the direction we believe education is heading in the years to come. 1 Bowman Court, Wodonga VIC 3690 Postal Address: PO Box 591, Wodonga VIC 3689 Telephone: 02 6043 5500 Facsimile 02 6059 3488 Email: Website: Principal’s Pulse continued Open Day Parent walks Last Thursday we conducted our Open Day for all new students in 2017. On the night we had over 75% of our staff and 100 students from Years 7 – 12 assist us to deliver a very successful evening. We had over 170 families and 450 people attend the evening. We have set new parent walks for the next two terms. These dates have times which I hope will provide more opportunities for parents to come and see our school on a normal day. On evenings such as the Open Day I am always taken aback by the way our students volunteer to highlight the wonderful work of our staff and the opportunities they believe make their life so enjoyable at Catholic College. I would like to thank the staff who gave up their evening to assist with the night. The direction and coordination given by Jodie Kensington and Libby M’Crystal leading up to, and on, the evening was first class. Dates for the next two terms Friday 13 May 2.00pm Thursday 26 May 8.00am Monday 20 June 11.00am Friday 22 July 8.00am Thursday 11 August 2.00pm Monday 5 September 11.00am Staffing – Jodie Ainsworth Jodie has accepted the position of PA to the Principal at Victory Lutheran College Wodonga. I would like to take the opportunity to thank her for the eleven years she has worked here. Over that time she has fulfilled a variety of roles within our Administration Team. Happy days, Darta (Darren Hovey), Principal CATHOLIC COLLEGE WODONGA Year 10 Drama Ensembles Night 2016 sion dmis A e Fre e ley Arts Centr u A c M e n ri e Cath Wedn e sday CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS 25 M ay 4p m & 7p m Edition 7, 11 May 2016 2 Student news Open Day We hosted a larger number of families this year than last year, with more than 170 families registering on the day. That equated to more than 450 visitors coming through the doors. Most of those involved children currently in Year 6, but we also welcome families with students in Year 7 to 11. As expected, most of our visitors came from Wodonga but we were delighted that families travelled from Albury, Howlong, Chiltern, Table Top, Rutherglen, Lavington, Tallangatta, Beechworth and elsewhere in the Indigo and Kiewa Valleys. Well done to everyone who volunteered their time: from the teaching staff who spent hours setting up displays, to the admin team who did the ‘finer detail’ elements, to the students who worked as tour guides, hospitality assistants, musicians, ushers and ICT support. Particular thanks must go to Mason Wise in Year 10. Apart from offering overall IT support for the event, he helped create a slide show and Year 9 video for the 4 – 6pm session and a powerpoint presentation for the information session. Mason conducted himself in a very professional manner and was a great asset to the Open Day team. Thanks also to Year 7 students Sophie Weppner and Juliana Spurlock and Year 12 student Hannah McKerral who gave terrific speeches at the information session between 6 – 7pm that ended Open Day. Almost 100 students volunteered, and more than 90 staff played their part in welcoming newcomers to our wonderful school. Just a reminder that enrolments for all year levels going into the ‘bulk enrolment process’ for 2017 will be accepted until Friday 30 May. This includes families with children at St Augustines, St Francis and St Monicas. A copy of the enrolment application can be downloaded here. For further information contact Jodie Kensington on 02 6043 5534 or CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 3 Student news It’s not just DARK Friday 13th, it’s Harry Potter Day Fact: The Harry Potter theme park in Orlando has made a statement to the world by using slavery free chocolate in all of their products, doing their part to stop slavery within cocoa It's chocolate that is free from exploitative labour practices. bean farms. What is slavery-free chocolate? Presently children as young as 12 years old To celebrate, Year 11 Youth Ministry students are pickingare cocoa hosting in West Africa a to make the chocolate we eat. Harry Potter Day this Friday, 13th May. Some of these children are trafficked. Most are forced to pick cocoa from an early age, for minimal or no wages, for long hours, in dangerous working conditions, without any chance of attending school Dress up in Harry Potter style or in casual clothes for a gold The International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) coin donation. Money raised goes towards Social Justice estimates there are initiatives. 500,000 – 1,500,000 children working in the cocoa sector in West Africa. Come to the Catherine McAuley Arts Centre at lunchtime forthis. A global movement has begun to change The movement tackles poverty and empowers Harry Potter Trivia Quiz. producers through trade. When you choose your Hot Chocolate available $2 You can help too.. buy Slavery Free chocolate by looking for these certification labels on chocolate. chocolate look for a label that shows the cocoa has been sourced ethically. That means it doesn't come from the sweat and tears of children, trafficked or in forced labour. Look for these certification labels Pope Francis - World Peace Day Message 1 Jan da Vinci Day What can you do? BUY slavery-free chocolate—see the Good Egg guide on reverse of this flier TALK to others about slavery-free chocolate Visit our Facebook page at When you have a chocolate fundraiser, use slavery-free fundraiser packs If you have an Easter raffle, make sure it contains slavery-free chocolate Ask Coles & Woolworths to commit to double the number of certified products for Easter 2017. Supermarkets will place their 2017 Easter orders soon! WEDNESDAY 27 APRIL - CELEBRATING OUR COMMUNITY a Good The entire da Vinci Community spent the morning together having fun Be in our annualEgg LM this vs LM quiz. This year the Student Leaders, led by Harrison Lowe (Year 12) and Ryan Coates (Year 11), hosted da Vinci Family Feud and Minute to Win It games. This encouraged the involvement of many students representing their LM in an attempt to take out the highly sought after da Vinci Trophy 2016. This year’s LM winner was D6 and they received priority time at the Photo Booth and have the honour of displaying the trophy in their LM room for the next twelve months. Easter The remainder of the time was spent sharing a morning tea and having fun with the Photo Booth. The Photo Booth is a highlight every year for our Community and we use this at lunchtime to raise money for Beyond Blue. We are very grateful to have the support of Carolyns Photo Booth who has generously donated the hire cost for our event. At lunchtime, the da Vinci Student Leaders hosted a sausage sizzle to also raise money for Beyond Blue. We are again very grateful for the support that we received from Beasley Meats who donated the sausages. Overall, we raised nearly $300. A big thank you to our Student Leaders who organised the day for their enthusiasm and commitment to our Community. Stephanie Davis Learning Community Leader – da Vinci CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 4 Student news VCE Excursion to Top Screen & Top Design VCE Media involves the creation of an individual production which can consist of a short film, a series of photos, a magazine spread or an animation. To help inspire our CCW VCE Media students for their production this year, we took them to Top Screen at ACMI and Top Design at the Melbourne Museum on Friday 29 April. Both exhibitions showcased the very best of the 2015 VCE Media productions. Despite the rain we all had a great time and particularly enjoyed the short film made by a Catholic College Bendigo student titled ‘10’. Students are now busy getting to work on their own brilliant media productions, and who knows, maybe they’ll be part of the Top Screen/Top Design showcases in 2017! Lisa Mason Media teacher Opportunity for Year 11 Science Students: National Youth Science Forum The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is a 12-day residential program for students entering Year 12 who are passionate about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). The NYSF program aims to show participants the wide variety of study and career options in STEM fields. The 2017 session dates are as follows: SESSION A CANBERRA Monday 2 – Saturday 14 January 2017 SESSION C CANBERRA Monday 16 – Saturday 28 January 2017 Expressions of interest for this year’s program close on 21 May and must be submitted online. As time is rather short I would ask that you consider and discuss this opportunity with your child at your earliest convenience and, if you are interested in proceeding with the nomination, to do so online ( or to make contact with your child’s Science teacher or Learning Mentor as soon as practical. The Rotary Club of Belvoir-Wodonga has been sponsoring students to attend the NYSF for many years and will continue to do so in 2017. In past years the club has often generously sponsored students for 100% of the cost of the experience (although that may vary if significant numbers of high quality applicants are received.) Should you have any further questions regarding this exciting opportunity please do not hesitate to contact me at Catholic College Wodonga or Cameron Roberts, Youth Committee Member, Rotary Club of Belvoir-Wodonga on Andrew McKenzie-McHarg Learning Coach - Science WANTED: Items for Student News It’s easy! Just email a photograph and an item about your child’s achievements in their area of interest outside school hours to Libby M’Crystal, Publications Officer: CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 5 Student news Physics’ Lectures for VCE students - conducted by the University of Melbourne The next Physics lecture will run on Thursday, 19 May at the Mercy Centre for VCE students in Years 1012. Lectures begin at 6pm sharp and run for about an hour. Physics students, interested parents and staff are invited to arrive at 5.30pm to share in a bit of food and discussion before each lecture. The series is also open to students from Victory and Wodonga Senior Secondary College. Feel free to invite a friend. LECTURE PROGRAM TERM 2: May 19 Dr. Christian ReichardtUniverstiy of Melb. Physics The Big Bang Theory June 2 Richard Collmann University of Melb. Engineering How do heavy things fly? June 16 Roger and/or Max University of Melb. Physics Nuclear fusion and fission For further information, or to register your interest in attending the program, please email Julie McLean, Physics Teacher Sport News Upcoming CROSS COUNTRY Information The Catholic College Cross-Country event will be held at Willow Park on Wednesday, 18 May 2016. Students will leave Catholic College at 9am to walk to Willow Park returning at approximately 12pm. The Carnival is NOT COMPULSORY. Students need to sign up during LM on Wednesday 11 May. Students must wear the college PE uniform. Students will need their own lunch, snacks and a water bottle. The Upper Hume Cross Country Team will be selected from the results of the College Cross Country Carnival. The top five place getters from each age group will be required to compete at Upper Hume. Olivia Aughton Sport and Recreation Manager CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS START AGE GROUP DISTANCE 9:30am 13 & Under Girls 3KM 9:45am 13 & Under Boys 3KM 10:00am 14 & Under Girls 3KM 10:15am 14 & Under Boys 3KM 10:30am 15 & Under Girls 3KM 10:45am 16 & Under Girls 3KM 11:00am 20 & Under Girls 3KM 11:15am 15 & Under Boys 5KM 11:30am 16 & Under Boys 5KM 11:45am 20 & Under Boys 5KM Edition 7, 11 May 2016 6 ADF News Defence Community Organisation Albury Wodonga celebrates ‘Stronger Families, Stronger Connections’ is the theme for National Families Week and to celebrate DCO invites you to come along to Ten Pin Bowling. Bring your family along, each bowling alley accommodates 5-6 people, extended family welcome, if you have a small family we can link you with another family. While a light morning and afternoon snack food is on offer, the café will be open for those that would like to purchase drinks or other refreshments. Bookings are required as there are limited spaces at both morning and afternoon sessions. Please pick up a free ticket per family at the DCO office. WHERE: Twin Cities Tenpin Bowl – 2 Sanyo Dr, Wodonga WHEN: Sunday 15th May – 10.00am -12.00pm (2 games per person) Saturday 21st May – 10.00am -12.00pm or 2.30pm - 4.30pm (Limited spaces) RSVP: 18th May 2016 either by emailing or contact Kim on 6057 6092. The free ticket is accessible from DCO Office, Ground Floor, Building 109, North Bandiana MORE INFO LIKE Defence Community Organisation on Facebook to receive updates and event info in your newsfeed. Images courtesy Department of Defence CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 7 Admin news CEW Building Fund DONATE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE WHILST GETTING THE BENEFIT OF A TAX DEDUCTION! The CEW School Building Fund is administered by CEW Council and is solely for the acquisition, construction or maintenance of buildings used, or to be used, as a school or college. Donations can be made to any of the CEW Schools - Catholic College Wodonga, St Monica’s Primary School, St Augustine’s Primary School or St Francis of Assisi Primary School. If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Kim Bird in Finance on 02 6043 5566 or To be eligible for a tax deduction in your 2016 Income Tax Return, donations will need to be received prior to 30 June 2016. School Immunisation - Transfer of contact information to local council The secondary school vaccine program helps ensure students and communities are protected from diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, human papillomavirus and chicken pox. Local councils deliver the program and schools distribute the vaccine consent forms. Recently the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 were amended to authorise schools to release parent and student information to local councils so that councils can follow up with parents after the consent forms have been distributed. This means that we will provide your local council with your contact details and a local council representative may contact you with vaccine program information. If you do not wish for your details to be provided to your local council, please advise Karen Coates, Office Manager in writing before close of business on Friday, 13 May. If you are unable to contact me by the above date you will need to contact the officer responsible for the vaccine program at your local council, in the event that you have queries about your contact details. Every day immunisation saves lives and makes it possible for Victorians to live free from illness and disability caused by many infectious diseases. All Victorian secondary students can receive these vaccines for free through the school-based program. 2016 Yearbook Cover Design Competition 2016 Your design here! This competition is open to all students in the College. Any students interested in submitting their design/s need to obtain the specifications sheet from Jane Powles in the Arts Department. The design must be aesthetically pleasing, dynamic and reflecting aspects of school life. It may be drawn, then manually scanned and completed on the computer or produced solely by using computer technology. Good luck with your designing! Your cover design should be submitted to Jane Powles by Friday 27 May. There is a wonderful prize for the winner. CATHOLIC COLLEGEisNEWS This competition open to all students in the College. Any students interested in submitting their design/s need to obtain the specifications sheet from Jane Powles. The design must be aesthetically Edition 7, 11 May 2016 8 Parent Team news Canteen Roster MORNINGAFTERNOON THURSDAY TO FRIDAY, 12 - 13 MAY MONDAY TO FRIDAY, 23 - 27 MAY Thu 12 Renata Bon Renata Bon Mon 23 Jane Zwar Tina Palermo Fri 13 Kylie Heafield Helena Smyth Sindy Smith Debbie Allen Terry Griffin Tue 24 Frances Higgins Frances Higgins Wed 25 Deanne Taylor Lisa Grant Geraldine Haynes Thu 26 help needed Jenny Harvey Fri 27 STAFF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAY NO CANTEEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY, 16 - 20 MAY Mon 16 Tracey Horner Tracey Horner Tue 17 Sarah Walter help needed Wed 18 Melanie Lawson Robyn Goldsworthy Glenyse Peacock Thur 19 Tracey Halley Tracey Halley Fri 20 Carolyn Lehmann Susan Smith Susan Smith Kylie Botter The Canteen is in desperate need of volunteers for every day of the week. if you can spare 45 mins once a month for either Recess or Lunch, please ring Maree on 6043 5586 Year 8 Parent Social night - Friday 20 May 6.30pm, at the St Ives Hotel on the Causeway. For $6 Parmi and drinks, .... Or just a casual drink, and chance to catch up with other parents. Please RSVP Leonie ( or Sally ( or 0419531272) Sally Pocock and Leonie Hamilton, Year 8 Parent Team Leaders Year 9 Parents Morning Tea This Term, Year 9 Parents are invited along to a morning tea. If you’re available during the day, we hope to see you there! WHERE Wodonga Plant Farm WHEN Friday 10 June 11am - 12.30pm Year 10, 11 & 12 Parents Friday 3rd June 6pm Join us at For a fantastic night out. Pay us a visit or settle in for the night. We will be putting some money in towards pizza. RSVP by Tuesday 7 June to Mandy Stark, Year 9 Parent Team Leader on 0407 771 793 R.S.V.P Year 12 Geraldine Lisa Year 11 Kellie Year 10 Tracey Greg CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 9 Parish news WODONGA CATHOLIC PARISH CENTRE BOOKINGS ESSENCIAL Rsvp by JULY 12TH Ph; 6024-3366 Dom Helder Camara of Recife, Brazil, one of the 20th century’s greatest Christians. As Archbishop of Recife, Dom Helder was famous for his tireless work in assisting and defending the rights of the poor in Brazil. To commemorate his visit in 1985, an annual series of lectures was initiated to continue his message of peace and justice for all. “Dom Helder’s is a story of peace, hope, prayer, compassion and of spreading the Good News within society. The lectures are a source of hope and strength to ordinary Catholic lay people. They also encourage Australians of all faiths to develop a more just and compassionate society A Multicultural Parish Celebration - Sunday 15 May Join us this Pentecost Sunday after the 10.30 Mass. Enjoy a variety of foods. We also encourage you to wear traditional clothing. All welcome! Fr Junray Painting by Father Junray This Sunday, in our Liturgical Year, we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. The gospels during the Easter season emphasised Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit to be with the disciples. In Jesus’ time Pentecost was an established Jewish observance, an autumn harvest festival that had become a commemoration of the revelation of God on Mt Sinai, the giving of the Torah, and the making of the covenant. (Break Open The Word 2016: The Book for Readers, p.84) For Christians Pentecost is celebrated as the birth of the Church. The early disciples were given the gift of the Spirit and they were able to take on the challenge and call to spread the good news to all. Fr. Junray’s painting vividly depicts this significant event. We are reminded that the fruits and gifts of the Spirit have been imparted to us and that we now have the responsibility of bringing the good news to all. CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 10 Parish news Parish Mass Times Can be viewed on the College website via: RECONCILIATION SUNDAY – MAY 29 The CEW Catholic Identity Team invites families from our four CEW schools to provide morning tea to be shared after the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses on Sunday, 28 May. National Reconciliation Week also coincides with Catholic Education Week in the Sandhurst Diocese. The team thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to share hospitality within our Parish, focus on Reconciliation and to celebrate the gift of Catholic Education. All food items can be brought to Sacred Heart Church on the morning or any non-perishable could be left at the Front Office on Thursday, 26 May (as Friday 27 May is a pupil-free day). It would be fantastic to have families from our Catholic College community join in this celebration. If you have any questions please contact me on CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 11 Community news Child Support Legal Service of Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) assists parents with legal problems relating to: • getting or paying child support • parentage testing Free legal help with child support Victoria Legal Aid’s Child Support Legal Service is visiting near you. We provide advice about child support and paternity testing. We also present free community legal information sessions upon request. The Child Support Legal Service: • is independent from the Department of Human Services (Centrelink and Child Support). • provides free confidential appointments for eligible people to discuss legal problems with a child support lawyer. • changes of child support assessment • spousal maintenance • adult child “over 18” maintenance The service visits VLA offices monthly and bimonthly and most major regional centres quarterly or more often. For further information, venues, enquiries and bookings please call Legal Help on 1300 792 387. For legal help and to check eligibilty for an appointment, call 1300 792 387. CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 12 Community news Youth Awards 2016 Nominate a young person (14 to 24 years old) who lives, works, studies or volunteers in Wodonga for one of the following categories: Individual Community Service Award; Group Community Service Award; Sport and Recreation Volunteer Award; Young Carer Award; Apprenticeship/Traineeship Award; Endurance/Persistence Award; Advocacy and Action Award; Performing Arts Award; Visual Arts and Media Award; or Youth Ambassador Award. Nominations close on Friday, May 27, 2016, at 5pm. For more information and an application form visit: or or phone (02) 6022 9703. Major sponsor: CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 13 Community news Margaret Court Tennis Academy MIA Griffith Tournament Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend Saturday 11 June to Monday 13 June Every year our juniors compete in the MIA Tennis Open Tournament at Griffith. This tournament is one of the highlights on our tournament calendar. Cost $130 (payable on bus) covers bus travel to Griffith, accommodation and breakfast each morning. Don’t forget Saturday Morning Matchplay has started at the Wodonga Tennis Centre. It runs from 9am to 10.30am every Saturday Morning. Cost is $7. Please note on your entry – unable to play before 11am on Sat 11th June. Players to organise own doubles partners. Entries close for AMT on June 1st, all other event close June 4th. This is a great way to practice your skills and have fun. It is for all levels and ages from 5 years to 14 years. We have a number of coaches attending – parents are most welcome to join us. Arrive home late on the 13th. Children are organised into round robin draws with children their own age and standard. It is not compulsory each Saturday morning. All players are responsible for entering the tournament on line: If you intend going, please call Coaches: Cameron (0422 137 891) or Phil (0421 467 836) so you can book your place on the bus. For any other questions please call Cameron Meagher on 0422 137 891. Albury-Wodonga Regional Chess Championships Mount Carmel Christian Sc, Leneva Wednesday, 31st August 2016 Full details and entries from: Jump online to find more zones in close proximity. No geographical restrictions. A fun, safe, educational and socially inclusive environment. The Tornelo™ software ensures that all students play against players of a similar standard; we expect beginners and experts of any age to enjoy a fun, learning and social experience. Jnr Primary (P-3), Primary (P-6), Middle-Years (grades 5-9), Secondary Assistance and mentoring from Accredited Coaches No minimum or maximum participation (recommended team size of 14) All Zone events run from 9:15am-2:00pm (aim to arrive 15min early) Entry fee $20.00 (inc. GST) per player Medals and trophy prizes awarded on the day; a certificate for every player Winning school in each Zone qualifies for State Finals All players play 7 games (no knock-outs). Jnr Primary play only 5 games. All equipment provided Venue: Mount Carmel Christian School 20 Kinchington Road, Leneva Date: Wednesday, 31st August 2016 Divisions: Primary, Middle Years and Open Secondary Reserve your places early so you don’t miss out; most zones will end up FULLY BOOKED! National Interschool Chess Championships 451 North Rd, Ormond, Victoria, 3204 1300 424 377 03 9008 6371 CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 14 Community news DATE: 30/05/2016 VENUE: Catholic Education Office 71 Ryley Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677 COST: $265 (Includes Companion Manual, Journal & Seminar workbook) TRAINER: Patricia Williams 03 9926 9316 REGISTER: PV160501 CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS Edition 7, 11 May 2016 15 Community news Calling all musicians Will you be the next big artist to come from the border? If you are 21 years or under, live/work or play in Wodonga, and would like to showcase your musical talent, then we want to hear from you! The FReeZA Push Start competition is open to all genres, soloists, duos or groups, and is now taking applications. You will have the chance to win great prizes and progress to the regional finals. Application forms are available to download at Applications close 5pm Friday, May 13, 2016 Completed applications to be returned to: Samantha Lampe Youth Event Officer Wodonga Council 104 Hovell St PO Box 923 Wodonga VIC 3689 Ph: (02) 6022 9300 All-ages event. Drug, alcohol and smoke free event. No passouts and fully supervised. All bags will be searched prior to entry. wodonga youth CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWS WODONGA VOLUNTEERS THANK YOU You are invited to Wodonga’s thank you barbecue lunch and volunteer fair. Date: Saturday, May 14, 2016 Time: 11.30am to 1.30pm Venue: The Cube Wodonga Courtyard Please come along and enjoy a barbecue lunch to thank you for the power of work you do for our community. There will be market stalls promoting volunteer opportunities, live music, prizes, face painting and more. All volunteers and potential volunteers welcome. RSVP with Wodonga Council customer service at or call (02) 6022 9300 by Wednesday, May 4, 2016. Edition 7, 11 May 2016 16