Parish and town council submissions to the Cheshire East

Parish and town council submissions to the Cheshire East
Council electoral review
This PDF contains 23 submissions by parish and town councils.
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Eleanor Gregory
Eleanor Gregory
01 February 2010 12:53
Richard Buck
Eleanor Gregory
Review Assistant
The Electoral Commission
Trevelyan House
Great Peter Street
London SW1P 2HW
Tel: 020 7271 0512
Fax: 020 7271 0669
Democracy matters
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
From: Anthony A Wood
Sent: 27 January 2010 16:25
To: Reviews@
Dear Sir,
In the absence of a Parish Clerk, I am writing on behalf of Crewe Green Parish Council, of which
I am currently Chairman, in response to the above.
The Council has considered your draft recommendations and whilst we have no objection in
principle to the proposals so far as they affect this Parish we would have preferred an
acknowledgment in the name being suggested for the Ward reflecting our existence and that of
the other Parish Councils too. We realise that since the Ward covers four Parish Council
areas this would be somewhat verbose and therefore rather impractical.
However, it does seem to us that a reasonable compromise would be to name the Ward
"Haslington and District" which would at least be a token acknowledgment that it does include
other areas outside that Parish.
I trust you will give favourable consideration to these observations.
Yours faithfully,
Chairman, Crewe Green Parish Council
p.s. Please note that at the present time we do not have a Parish Clerk and pending the
appointment of a new Clerk any future communications should be addressed to me either by
email to the above address or by by ordinary mail to
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Eleanor Gregory
Alan Brennan
18 February 2010 10:34
Richard Buck
Subject: RE: Gawsworth Parish Council - Electoral Review of Cheshire East Unitary Authority
Not received an acknowlegement on this. Could you please confirm that Gawsworth Parish
Council's views have indeed been fed into the mix and hence will be duly considered?
Regards - Alan Brennan
Subject: FW: Gawsworth Parish Council - Electoral Review of Cheshire East Unitary Authority
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 07:39:19 +0000
Received an out-of-office message when I sent the below to James so I thought it prudent to
re-send it to you.
Could you please acknowledge the parish council's objections and confirm that this is sufficient
notification for them to be acted upon?
Thank you.
Alan Brennan,
Clerk to Gawsworth Parish Council
Subject: Gawsworth Parish Council - Electoral Review of Cheshire East Unitary Authority
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:04:33 +0000
Hi James,
Gawsworth Parish Council wishes to make a formal representation to object to the proposed
splitting of the Parish of Gawsworth into two parish wards i.e. Gawsworth Village Parish Ward
and Gawsworth Moss Parish Ward. It simply asks for the status quo to prevail i.e. that
Gawsworth Parish remains a single ward for parish election purposes.
Further, it understands that the splitting of the parish into two wards is a consequence of the
proposal to move the Gawsworth Moss area of Gawsworth parish (from the Gawsworth Borough
Ward) into the Macclesfield Moss Borough Ward. It follows that Gawsworth Parish Council also
wishes to make a formal representation to object to this proposal too. Again it simply asks for
the status quo to prevail so that the whole of the Parish of Gawsworth lies within the bounds of
a single borough ward. The Parish Council understands that it is usual for a parish to be wholly
contained within a single borough ward and hence it respectfully requests that Gawsworth is not
made an exception to this rule.
These representations are being made not just by the Parish Council but also on behalf of the
vast majority of residents in the Gawsworth Moss area who also strongly object to the proposals
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and adamantly wish to remain as part of Gawsworth.
Could you please acknowledge the parish council's objections and confirm that this is sufficient
notification for them to be acted upon?
Thank you.
Alan Brennan,
Clerk to Gawsworth Parish Council
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Eleanor Gregory
Richard Hovey
12 February 2010 16:42
Joan Adams - Clerk to HPC
2010 Further Response to the Boundary Committee Review of East Cheshire from
Haslington Parish Council
2010 Further Response to the Boundary Committee Review of East Cheshire.
Formal response from Haslington Parish Council to the Boundary Committee.
1) Haslington Parish Council supports your proposal for the inclusion of single, two
and three member wards within Cheshire East, we feel this will provide the fairest
solution in the definition of new ward boundaries.
2) Haslington Parish Council supports your proposal for the creation of a two-member
ward centred around the rural communities of Haslington, Winterley and Oakhanger.
3) Haslington Parish Council would support the Cheshire East suggestions of including
the communities of Crewe Green, Barthomley, Weston and Basford within this two member
ward based on the logic that we share similar rural characteristics with a history of
small villages that have expanded within an active agricultural community. We share
the large agricultural estates of the former Cheshire County smallholdings in
Haslington/Oakhanger, the Duchy of Lancaster estate in Crewe Green/Barthomley and the
former Coop estate in Weston.
4) Haslington Parish Council is pleased that your draft proposals do not include the
splitting off of part of the Oakhanger ward within the Haslington Parish. The
boundary for Alsager should be created from those areas with strong associations to
the town, not dividing up local rural communities.
5) Haslington Parish Council suspect you have misunderstood our request to unite the
community of Winterley, we wish it to join Haslington not be split off to join
121 Haslington Parish Council have also suggested that the Wheelock Heath and
Winterley areas in the north of Haslington parish could be warded with part of
south of Sandbach. However, we consider there is insufficient evidence to
justify the
splitting of Haslington parish and warding the remainder with the town of
Consequently we have not adopted this proposal in our draft recommendations.
5.1) There is an opportunity for the community of Winterley and Wheelock Heath to be
located within a single ward, removing the old split between Congleton Borough and
Crewe and Nantwich Borough. Winterley and Wheelock Heath are situated towards the
north of the proposed Haslington ward. However historically this community had been
divided between the Crewe/Nantwich and Congleton boroughs, this has appeared more of
an anomaly since the Wheelock/Haslington bypass emphasised the split from Wheelock and
Sandbach. The community of Winterley/Wheelock Heath share a common settlement
boundary and sense of community. Examples of this include the common provision of
primary education in Haslington at The Dingle school, secondary education at the
Sandbach senior schools, the community fought a successful campaign to reopen the
Holly Bush Inn which was threatened with closure and demolition and Haslington Parish
Council has been contacted by residents on the Wheelock side regarding planning
Haslington Parish Council propose that this community be reunited for the
purposes of electing Cheshire East councillors. This area, north of the Holly Bush
Inn up to the Haslington/Wheelock bypass includes part of Hollyfields, Western Park,
part of Elton Lane, Millcroft and part of Crewe Road (including the Old Vicarage on
the east side of the road), a current electorate of 82 people. The new clearly
identifiable physical boundary would be the Haslington Bypass and the old Crewe Road.
Haslington Parish Council have the support of Cheshire East Council for this proposal.
This brings the Haslington Ward closer to the Cheshire East average electorate.
5.2) This proposal involves the movement of electorate across the old Congleton
Borough and Crewe and Nantwich Borough boundaries and hence the current boundary for
Haslington Parish Council. The initial Cheshire East LAP boundaries will also require
minor amendment. Haslington Parish Council would welcome the support of The Boundary
Committee for a Community Governance Review to realign the parish boundary of
Haslington Parish and the ward boundary for Sandbach Town Council to match the
proposed Cheshire East ward boundaries.
Cllr Richard G Hovey
For Haslington Parish Council
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Eleanor Gregory
William Morrison
12 February 2010 16:06
Richard Buck
FW: Sandbach - Electoral Boundary Review - Consultation
Attachments: Response 11_2_10.pdf
From: Clerk, Town
Sent: 12 February 2010 12:36
To: Reviews@
Cc: Patrick J Darnes; Cllr A J Wood
Subject: Sandbach - Electoral Boundary Review - Consultation
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached a copy of a letter also being sent hard-copy via Royal Mail, in which Sandbach
Town Council's views in respect of proposals are outlined.
Ann Banks
Sandbach Town Council
Ann Banks
Town Clerk
Review Officer (Cheshire East)
The Boundary Committee for England
Trevelyan House
Great Peter Street
London SW1P 2HW
11 February 2010
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find comments from Sandbach Town Council in respect of the current
Electoral Boundary Review consultation:
1) The Town Council reaffirms its support for the proposal by the
Commission that in future Sandbach should be divided into four wards for
the purpose of elections to Cheshire East Council & the Town Council.
2) It accepts the modifications made by the Commission to the original
proposal by the Town Council.
3) It notes that Cheshire East Council is making proposals to amend the
Commission’s proposals in two areas: the boundary between Sandbach
Elworth ward & Sandbach Town Ward, & the boundary between
Sandbach Town Council (Sandbach Ettiley Heath & Wheelock ward) &
Haslington parish.
4) It does not support the proposal by Cheshire East Council to transfer
certain houses from Sandbach Elworth ward to Sandbach Town ward
(Rowan Close & some properties on Middlewich Road). Its reasons are
that Sandbach Town ward is already 11% above average and such a
transfer would make the disproportion worse.
Moreover, in the
Commission’s proposals and in the Town Council’s judgement,
Sandbach Golf Course acts as a clear and valid geographical boundary
between the two wards.
5) It does support the proposal by Cheshire East Council to transfer the
properties south of the A534 from Sandbach Town to Haslington parish.
Given the road pattern since the construction of the Haslington and
Sandbach by-passes and the contiguity of those properties with the other
properties in Winterley (which is part of Haslington parish), this eliminates
an undesirable anomaly. The Town Council would wish to point out that
the new boundary should be drawn in such a way as to include properties
on the east side of Crewe Road as well as those on the west.
6) The Town Council has considered carefully the recommendation that its
membership should be increased from 18 (eighteen) to 20 (twenty),
giving 5 (five) councillors to each ward. It concurs with this
Yours faithfully
Sandbach is a Fairtrade Town
Town Clerk
Choose products with the
Eleanor Gregory
Trevor Maddock
09 February 2010 13:53
Richard Buck
Cheshire East Council - New Electoral Arrangements – Sutton Ward
Sutton Parish Council - Formal Response to Draft Recommendations.doc
Sutton Parish
Council - Formal...
Dear Mr. Buck
Submission of supportive representations to recommendations
On 3rd February, 2010 I emailed the supportive representations of Sutton Parish
Council (copy attached) to the Commission’s draft
recommendations with a request for an acknowledgement.
I have
endeavoured to check receipt on the Website but unfortunately I have been unable to
find any reference to current submissions.
Due to the fact that our representations, made July, 2009, appeared not to have
reached the appropriate source for consideration I felt that an acknowledgement, this
time, was essential.
Please, can you help in this respect?
Yours sincerely,
Trevor J. Maddock
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer,
Sutton Parish Council,
Eleanor Gregory
Eleanor Gregory
05 February 2010 17:51
Richard Buck
FW: Response to New electoral arrangements for Cheshire East Council
Sutton Parish Council - Formal Response to Draft Recommendations.doc
Sutton Parish
Council - Formal...
-----Original Message
From: Trevor Maddock
Sent: 03 February 201
To: Reviews@
Cc: Hilda Gaddum
Subject: Response to New electoral arrangements for Cheshire East Council
Please find attached the formal response of Sutton Parish Council in respect of the
above matter.
An acknowledgement would be very much appreciated.
Trevor J. Maddock.
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Sutton Parish Council
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Councillor Mr. Keith Roberts
Mr. Trevor J. Maddock, Tech IRRV
Review Officer,
Cheshire East Review,
The Boundary Committee for England,
Trevelyan House,
Great Peter Street,
London, SW1P 2HW.
3rd February, 2010
Dear Sir/Madam,
New Electoral/ Arrangements for Cheshire East Council
(Electoral Ward of Sutton)
I am in receipt of the package containing 9 maps, Draft Recommendations and amendment sheets for which
I thank you.
At the last Parish Council Meeting, 14th January, 2010, Members were extremely delighted with, and
supportive of, the draft recommendations for the creation of a new Electoral Ward of Sutton as shown on the map
‘Draft Recommendations for Ward Boundaries in the Unitary Authority of Cheshire East November, 2009’
(Sheet 1, Map 1) consisting of the whole parishes of Wincle, Macclesfield Forest & Wildbourclough, Sutton and
The Parish Council is also very grateful for the clarification provided to Councillor Mrs. H. Gaddum by
Mr. Richard Buck, Review Manager, Boundary Reviews in relation to this matter. It may be that the text of the
draft recommendations for the Electoral Ward of Sutton needs to be more precise in terms so as to eliminate what
appeared to be a conflicting position with the definitive Maps.
Finally, the Parish Council wish to express their sincere gratitude and delight by the creation of a new Ward
of Sutton which encompasses and reunites closely-knit communities and whole Parishes into one Electoral Ward
An acknowledgment of this formal response would be appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
T. J. Maddock
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer.
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Eleanor Gregory
Eleanor Gregory
01 February 2010 13:06
Richard Buck
Subject: FW: Electoral Review of Cheshire East Unitary Authority
Eleanor Gregory
Review Assistant
The Electoral Commission
Trevelyan House
Great Peter Street
London SW1P 2HW
Tel: 020 7271 0512
Fax: 020 7271 0669
Democracy matters
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Sent: 01 February 2010 12:17
To: Reviews@
Subject: Electoral Review of Cheshire East Unitary Authority
My council would like to make representations regarding the Electoral Review of Cheshire East Unitary
Of particular concern is the proposal in paragraph 141 to split the Willaston ward, with part of the parish
transferring into Wistaston ward and part into a single member Willaston & Rope ward. This would result in
different parts of the parish being represented by different Borough Councillors.
We understand that Cheshire East Council has suggested an alternative proposal to combine the proposed
Wistaston and Willaston and Rope wards into a three member single ward. My council strongly supports
this alternative proposal.
Martin Langhorn
Willaston Parish Council