International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences © 2013 Available online at ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 7 (11): 773-781 Science Explorer Publications Study of and ragogy principles application in applied Science University and professional education institutions Maryam Baniamerian1, Mohammad Javadipour2, Rezvan Hakimzadeh3 1. Master of Education Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran 2. Member of Board, PHD of Curriculum Planning, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran 3.Member of Board, PHD of Curriculum Planning, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran Corresponding author: Maryam Baniamerian ABSTRACT: This study is aimed to analyze the application of the theories of Andragogy at applied science universities and at the professional institutions. To achieve this goal, No. 5 Center of the university was applied to investigate as a case study and the teachers and professors of this university participated in the research this research was carried out through a descriptive method, and the students of this academic center were used for sample. For this study, 40 teachers and 40 students were randomly selected and responded to the questionnaire of Adult Learning theories formulated previously by Conti (1998). For analysis of the data, t single sample and two sample t tests were applied. The results showed that the application of these theories is not at the appropriate level and is lower than average level. Also, there is significant differences (significance level of 5%) between professors and students' viewpoints regarding the application of the theories of Andragogy such that checking the students’ perspectives reveal the application of these theories to a level well below that of the teachers’ perspectives. Keywords: Andragogy theories, Higher education, professional education, University of Applied Sciences. INTRODACTION In different communities, higher education is admitted as a base for scientific advances and technological progress and economic nature, prosperity and development of all aspects of personal or social life at the community. Since learners in higher education are in fact an important part of human resources of each country and the countries are dependent on them to achieve their stated goals and every country needs specialized manpower at various scientific industrial, economic, social, cultural sectors as well as training scholars and scientists. Therefore, those universities which specially regard scientific, technical features of the applied sciences need to be existed. And the University Applied Sciences University can remove the obstacles in this path. This is a university differed from other universities in terms of applying the provided educations and the readiness of its graduates to be absorbed by the market could be stated as its prominent features. The university is an institution of higher learning directly under the supervision of the Higher Education System and focuses on learning and it was established in order to develop applied sciences educations and to create practical knowledge and skills necessary and to encourage the hidden talents of the learners while it emphasized the capabilities of the required capabilities for application of the sciences and technologies and their transfer in a range of professions (Article 1 of the Statute of the Council of Scientific Applied Higher Education, 1991).The main purpose of its establishment was to provide mechanisms that contribute to public and private organizations in training the specialized manpower needed in various of the economic, social and cultural sectors so that graduates of each institution affiliated with the University can acquire the required knowledge and skills referred to them. (referred above Article 3) In summary, the goals of the applied scientific education can be expressed as follows: Creating a good platform for multilateral activities (industrial - military and university) to promote the development of scientific applied research in the country Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 7 (11), 773-781, 2013 Promotion of qualitative and quantitative indicators of applied education in the society Provision of appropriate infrastructure in order to use the power of the graduates from theoretical courses in solving applied problems Preparing a good ground of appropriate infrastructure for the creation and transfer of technology Given the importance of the goals of applied scientific educations and the importance of education as an integral component of higher education, an issue that must be considered is the quality of teaching and consequently learning of the university's learners who play an effective role for the efficacy and efficiency of the human forces. Although the concept of quality in higher education can be attributed to several issues and various definitions have been provided in this area, but we can define it as satisfaction of a society’s and a person's expectations through education and research together with provision of specialized scientific services. Hence the academic quality depends on the desirability of student learning, quality of research and quality of professional services offered by members of the university community, as well as an attempt to solve problems in order to expand the boundaries of knowledge. It seems that what is mostly significant at the quality of learning is the role teachers play and the teaching style they implement. Teaching together with its procedures is an issue that has always been regarded by the education division in universities, but it has largely been obsolete with respect to stressing more on the research. One of the factors affecting deep learning, is teaching desirably. In this teaching method, the student is not the only inseparable receiver of the educational messages. However, it is expected that both the student and the teacher interact with each other from the targeting stage to the final stages of objective materialization . And the teacher should direct his or her student toward experience and thinking while this emphasizes on the roles teachers play for quality of education in the universities. The audiences of applied sciences educations are people who learn in order to general professional training, and being absorbed by the labor market and are usually different with respect to their gender, race, class, age, religion, but they often behave in a way that classroom so that such differences may practically be ignored. (Miller / translated into Farsi by Miri 2006). This is while the teachers’ specialization can be effective when utilized by the audiences through appropriate Styles – Effective teaching requires the teacher to consider the Students’ learning, communicate well with them and encourage them to learn, think and transfer materials So that the students Can Stimulate their teachers’ mobility and desire. The expressed objectives in the applied Science educations show that there is more congruency among these educations and the definitions provided for Andragogy theories. Androgogy means art and science and helping adult learners and in Fact it can involve and kinds of learning which adds the scientific reservoir of the adults. It can change their theories and attitudes and thoughts and expand their view points. And change their behaviors (Berjoon quoted by Behbahanian 1980). Knowls (1984) de fined Andragogy as the art and science to help the adult learners. He Categorized Andragogy in to 7 parts and provides suggestions for the adult trainers: to create learning conditions that lead to increased utilization of physical and spiritual educations. To involve learners in planning, methods and learning instructions.. Interference of the learners in diagnosing their learning needs. To encourage the learners to formulate their own learning goals. To encourage the learners to identify educational resources and the strategies to use these resources to achieve their educational goals. To encourage learners to self-directed learning. involving learners in evaluating their learning. Based on this principle, Knowels suggests the following: Being in learning and educational activities Personalize Learning Relevant experience of learners pair with the needs of learners creation of positive environment Participation of learners in the learning process flexibility for personal development It could be concluded that even the provided information Couldn’t be put provided information Couldn’t be put into Andragogy Limits, using such principles by the teachers at the universities and professional training institutes plays a more effective role in development of qualified education. 774 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 7 (11), 773-781, 2013 Different educational objectives, formal and educations and even with the academic educations of other universities together with the way teachers are employed by them made the Andragogy theory more prominent. Since, the teachers take advantage of the appropriate teaching styles during their Services. Also, these institutes use professional teachers with higher degrees as well as teachers who are specialist with their expenences while not introduced with the effective teaching methods, since the Student is one of the best source of expressing comment on teaching quality. On the other hand, the teacher will identify his or her own defects through perceiving them in his or her teaching and he or she tries to solve the problems through understanding the problems and his or her performances so that he or she can teach effectively. Thus, achieving the applications of Andragogy in teaching can help teachers provide good practices for teaching, measuring their needs, help in research for Studying the pathologies of technical and professional educations in the applied science universities. In addition, it can be helpful in informing the teachers in terms of importance of using good teaching principles for the adults and finally adding the knowledge in this area. In spite of the fact that improved quality of education and learning is on e of the major needs of higher education centers and especially the professional educations at applied science universities with respect to society’s needs and employing specialized individuals in different work areas and in spite of the fact that regarding appropriate processes of teaching and learning in such environments with the Andragogy theories, and while many research had been done on teaching styles. For application of Andragogy theories in the universities and higher education institutes, no research has been done. Such Studies as Razaghinejad (2010), Haghani (2010), Eskanari and Saleni (2009), Baker (2011), Carinda (2007), Cano (1990) have been carried out on learning – teaching Styles , all of which agree on the effects of learning directed Styles in teaching , but Andragogy wasn’t con sidered in them. For studying the educational principles in the adults, the research by Ratamer (2004) ,Carren more (2003), Brenda (1993) and Gholamreayeganeh ( 2005) Could be mentroned. These studies showed that most of the teachers didn’t Consider the principles of adult learning in their teaching styles. Such studies as Salvador (2012), ZafarEghbal et al (2012), Yoshimoto et al (2007) , pinist (2007), Ashord et al (2004) all indicated that using Andragogy plays an important role in promotion of higher education. Other research like monfared (2008), shahpasand (2004), Rezvani (2003) Binaghi (2003), Hoseini (2002). Were done or applied science educations in which such educations and their application roles have been mentioned. Perquickswasten (2011), Webster (2010) ,Norcott (2009), Benet (2010), Studied separately the roles played by now teaching methods in the universities and reviewed participative learning teaching methods together with Comprehensive methods in the Faculties. With respect to the naterials provided and with stressing on observation of teaching principles appropriate for teaching in various academic levels , especially regarding technical and professional educations which are provided in science applied universities, the following question is provided: Given the fact that the objectives of applied science university and with respect to the point that learners attend this university in order to gain education an experiences required for work market, how much the Andragogy theories which are more congruent with this kind of education have been applied in teaching? The features of the learners in every education is one of the important point which should be regarded by the teahcers. Regarding the differences among the learners is the most simple and best way of creating multi cultural setting. This is an important matter for teaching styles and behaviors. A proficient teacher needs to consider the effects of effective methods of learning as well as being informed of the impacts of differences in learning styles (Miller, quoted by Miri 2002). The science of teaching adults establishes principles which can significantly help the teachers teaching the adult learners. It should also be mentioned that such principles have been stressed in the books of higher education. The results from previous research confirmed that Andragogy theories should be regarded in academic teaching more than before. The scale of applying adult teaching principles was firstly applied by Conti in 1998 for measuring awareness of university teachers about the theory of adult learning. pals, in dead, is a scale for evaluation of teaching styles used by university teachers in using principles of adult learning Conti stated 44 questions in the framework of 7 groups including factors related to teaching syles. These principles are Considered as those commands which Knowels proposed to the adult trainers. These 7 factors include: Learning directed activities, definition of education, using learners’ experiences in education, evaluation of learners’ evaluation requirements, regarding learning situations, participation in learning process, flexibility in personal development (Conti 1998) Chekring and Johnson (1987) expressed also 7 principles for effectively teaching students at bachelor level. These principles include: Encourage students to communicate effectively with teachers Encourage students to work together 775 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 7 (11), 773-781, 2013 Encourage active learning Immediate feedback to students Emphasis on giving students tasks Having high expectations with regard to gifted students Respect for different talents, different learning procedures Indeed , these principles comprise the framework for revaluation of teachers’ teaching styles. A Comparison between the factors which Conti stated with those Checkring stated indicates that both these two groups of principles have considered Shaved and Congruent factors. These principles have been applied in many studies as evaluators of teachers’ methods of teaching. For instance, Graham et al (2001) evaluated teachers’ methods of teaching in four courses of teaching at Indiana university by using those principles proposed by Checkring. Russel (2005) also studied Conti’s principles to evaluate application level of these principles by the teachers business at Florida university. In research, the pals question naive was used to evaluate application level of adult learning principles in teachers’ teaching styls. The questionnaire was originaly formulated and used by conti. It measures teachers’ and students’ viewpoints separately on application level of Andragogy principles. METHODOLOGY Research dosign This research was carried out through a descriptive method and is Considered as an applied research regarding its objective. Table1.Descriptive statistics for Andragogy’s sevenprinciples of Teaching Standard deviation Average Number 0.46238 2.3836 40, 0.49780 2.9431 40, 054,341 2.4587 40, 0.56088 3.3841 40, 55,375. 2.2050 40, 063,944 3.2796 40, 64,661. 2.4563 40, 76,281. 3.4048 40, 70,615. 2.7250 40, 64,145. 3.5833 40, 68,920. 2.5500 40, 83,620. 3.1871 40, 63,672. 2.8063 40, 53,648. 3.7286 40, 44,648. 2.4773 40, 45,584. 3.3137 40, Group Views of students at Applied Science University View of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University View of Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Variable learner-centered activities Personalization Utilization of the learners’ experiences Assessment of student needs Creating a positive learning atmosphere and regarding learning conditions Using participation in the learning process flexibility for personal development Andragogy Statistical population and population The research was carried out through participation of teachers and students at center no 5 of the applied science university in2011 – 2012 IT was done through responding to pals questionnaire by a group of 40 individuals who were randomly sampled. 776 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 7 (11), 773-781, 2013 To Study and analyze the hypo theses, t test with independent samples were used so that the impact of social networking factors on trust structure Could be measured. This test provides ground to measure its meaningfulness level (<%5). Given the fact that SPSS has been used and regarding the point that SPSS can give the significance level after Calculation of test statistics, its significance level can be provided. Thus, in the results, once the significance level has been less than %5 , the Conclusion was that the Zero hypothesis was not verified and the hypothesis could be verified. To do the t test by the independent samples, at first the hypothesis of variance equality to be studied. This is done by Loven test. Findings Q1: How much have the individual 7 principles. of Andragogy been applied in teachers’ teaching in terms of students’ and teachers’ viewpoints? Table2. A one-sample t-test results for Factors Seven factors of Andragogy - learner centered Status The upper limit The lower limit Significance number Degrees of freedom Tstatistics Lower than average - 0.4685 - 0.7642 .000 39, -8.431 Moderate 0.0861 - 1999 0.428 39, - 0.800 Group Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Based on the above test results, since the significance number of learner centered learning activities in teaching is less than 0/05 in the views of the students at applied science university and with respect to a negative limit is considered for their higher and lower limits, it could be concluded that the use of learner centered activities is not desirable and is lower than average. The significance number for the learner-centered activities is greater than the threshold level of 5% as commented by the teachers at the university, so we can conclude from viewpoints of the teachers at the university of applied science, learner-centered activities haven’t been desirably applied and is moderate. - personalization Table3. Statistical Results Status Lower than average Above average The upper limit The lower limit Significance number Degrees of freedom Tstatistics - 0.3675 - 0.7151 .000 39, -6.300 0.5452 0.2230 .000 39, 4.793 Group Views of students at Applied Science University Views of students at Applied Science University Based on the above test results, since the significance number of personalization for teachers’ teaching is less than 5% in teachers’ viewpoints, and given the fact that the lower and upper limits for all of them are positive, it could be concluded that personalization has been desirably applied in teaching teachers and is more than the medium level. But the significance number of personalization for education in the teaching of teachers is less than threshold of 5% in view of applied science students, and considering the upper and lower limits are negative for all of them, it can be concluded that application of the factor personalization is not desirable and is lower than average. Table4.Utilizationof learners’ experiences Status The upper limit The lower limit Significance number Degrees of freedom Tstatistics Group Lower than average - 0.6179 - 0.9721 .000 39, -9.080 Views of students at Applied Science University Above 0.4633 0.0959 .004 39, 3.061 Views of students at Applied 777 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 7 (11), 773-781, 2013 average Science University Based on the above results, since the significance number of the factor utilization of learners’ experiences in teachers’ teaching is less than the threshold of 5% in views of the teachers at applied science university and regarding the fact that the upper and lower limits for all of them is positive, we can conclude that from the viewpoints of this group, the application of learners’ experiences in teaching of teachers is at a desirable level and is above average. But the significance number of utilization of learners’ experiences in teaching of teachers is less than the threshold of 55 in views of students at the University of Applied Science and given the fact that the limit is negative for all, it can be concluded that from the view of this group application of learners’ experiences is not at a desirable level in teaching of teachers and is lower than average. Table5. The factor for evaluation of students need Test hypothesis Lower than average upper than average Upper range Lower range Meaningfuln ess number Freedom degree T statistic -.3370 -.7505 .000 39 -5.318 .6239 .1857 .001 39 3.714 group Applied and science university students view Applied and science university professors view According to the results of above test, since meaningful number for exploitation factor from learners experiences in teaching of applied and science university professors from view points of professors is less than 0.05 threshold and regarding that upper and lower ranges for all these are positive we can conclude that from viewpoint of this group exploitation factor from learners experience in teaching method of professors is in a desirable position and also upper than average. But meaningful number for exploitation factor from learners experiences in teaching of applied and science university professors from view points of students is less than 0.05 threshold and regarding that upper and lower ranges for all these are negative we can conclude that from viewpoint of this group exploitation factor from learners experience in teaching method of professors isn't in a desirable position and also lower than average. Table6. Attention factor to learning conditions and creating positive atmosphere Test hypothesis Lower than average upper than average Upper range Lower range Meaningfulnes s number Freedom degree T statistic -.0492 -.5008 .018 39 -2.463 .7676 .3991 .000 40 6.366 group Applied and science university students view Applied and science university professors view According to the results of above test, since meaningful number for exploitation factor from learners experiences in teaching of applied and science university professors from view points of professors is less than 0.05 threshold and regarding that upper and lower ranges for all these are positive we can conclude that from viewpoint of this group exploitation factor from learners experience in teaching method of professors is in a desirable position and also upper than average. But meaningful number for exploitation factor from learners experiences in teaching of applied and science university professors from view points of students is less than 0.05 threshold and regarding that upper and lower ranges for all these are negative we can conclude that from viewpoint of this group exploitation factor from learners experience in teaching method of professors isn't in a desirable position and also lower than average. Table7. exploitation factor from participation in learning processs Test hypothesis Lower than average About average Upper range Lower range Meaningfu lness number Freedo m degree T statisti c -.2296 -.6704 .000 39 -4.129 .4273 -.0531 .124 39 1.566 group Applied and science university students view Applied and science university professors view 778 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 7 (11), 773-781, 2013 According to the results of above test, since meaningful number for learning factor of centrality of activities in teaching professors from view points of professors of applied and science university is higher than 0.05 threshold so we can conclude that from viewpoint of this group exploitation factor from learning factor of centrality of activities in teaching method of professors is in average point. But meaningful number for exploitation factor learning factor of centrality of activities learning factor of centrality of activities learning factor of centrality of activities learning factor of centrality of activities learning factor from participation in learning process in teaching of applied and science university professors from view points of students is less than 0.05 threshold and regarding that upper and lower ranges for all these are negative we can conclude that from viewpoint of this group exploitation factor from participation in learning process in teaching method of professors isn't in a desirable position and also lower than average. Table8. flexibility factor for personal growth and development Test hypothesis About average Higher than average Upper range Lower range Meaningfu lness number Freedo m degree T statistic .0099 -.3974 .062 39 -1.925 .8827 .5745 .000 39 9.506 group Applied and science university students view Applied and science university professors view According to the results of above test, since meaningful number for flexibility factor for personal growth and development in professors teaching way from view points of professors of applied and science university is less than 0.05 threshold and regarding that all ranges are positive, we can conclude that from viewpoint of this group exploitation from factor flexibility factor for personal growth and development in teaching method of professors is in desirable position and above the average point. But meaningful number for flexibility factor for personal growth and development in teaching of applied and science university professors from view points of students is higher than 0.05 threshold, we can conclude that from viewpoint of this group flexibility factor for personal growth and development in learning process in teaching method of professors isn't in a desirable position and is in average position. Second question. Is there any difference between teachers and students' view regarding the level of application from Andragogy principals in teaching? To examine this research hypothesis T-test has been used with independent samples. Table9. T-test with independent samples table for teachers and students regarding application of adults learning principals in professors teaching T test for equlity of averages Upper range Lower range Meaningfulnes s number Freedo m degree T statistic -.64512 -1.02773 .000 87 -8.690 -.64543 -1.02741 .000 84.121 -8.709 Lon test for equality of variances F meaningful statisti ness c .828 .048 Andragogy principals in teaching equality hypothesis of variances Non-equality hypothesis of variances To perform T-test with independent samples, first the equality hypothesis of variances should be evaluated. This is done by Lon test. Since meaningfulness of Lon test is 0.828 and larger than meaningfulness level of 0.05 so the equality hypothesis of variances would be rejected and to conclude about investigated average one should evaluate first row information. Sine meaningfulness number is 0.000 and is less than 0.05, therefore from viewpoint of applied and science university students using from adults learning principals in teaching method of professors there is meaningful difference. Regarding that lower and upper ranges are negative, we can conclude that from viewpoint of applied and science university professors the level of using from adults learning principals in teaching method of professors is high. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Having new and unbiased view on Special teaching method including pedagogy or andragogy for higher education and its involved people and particularly applied and science university students and its objectives would be led to creation of teaching methods 779 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 7 (11), 773-781, 2013 and styles in higher education and probably the teaching method combined from tow abovementioned methods is an effective way to develop quantitatively the level of education. Definitely to decide whether the higher education is formal or not, needs to more research and studies. But studying education principals, specifications of students, higher education objectives including research-orientation and particularly mentioned objectives about university highlight more benefiting importance rather than andragogy in higher education and needs more attention. Indeed, the principals which Chekring suggests as principals for college education is that one which Nuls know them as commands for adults teaching, and also Konty highlights it as andragogy principals in evaluating teaching ways of professors. From one hand one can't definitely ensure that higher education is in the scope of andragogy and surely more research should be fulfilled here but as results show the experience of applying andragogy strategies to improve quality of educations of applied and science university would be fruitful. The results from research including KOlyani and et al in diagnosing preferred methods of teaching from viewpoint of students, Sheykhzade and Samary in investigating professors teaching method, Vasefiyan in accountability level of current teaching methods to students' entrepreneurial needs. KArimi in research about learning ways and teaching preferred methods, Fuladi and Ulumi with research on teaching methods used by thoughts professors, Webster in research about learning instruments to teach in universities, BerquicksVasten in research about new teaching methods, North Cat with investigation breeding role on professors and students in their learning – teaching methods all indicate that applying factors like central learner, active teaching and empirical learning, emphasize different talents, the role of experience and its usage in teaching, flexibility when teaching in university is much more important and necessary. While this study results show that these principals aren't applied enough in teaching method of professors therefore professors need to get familiar with the importance of these principals at first stages and learn how to use them. In comparison between students and professors' viewpoints there is meaningful differences at the level of 0.05 showing the divergence about application of mentioned principals so that professors view show higher rates of application of andragogical principals than students. The results of performed research including Haghani, Momtazmanesh and Shoghi, Yegane, Branda all don't find the level of applying the andragogical principals desirable. Therefore we can infer that the professors mark is high because of self-evaluation and low mark of students are due to last research can be attributed to reality. Most of research results emphasize the application of teaching methods in quality of higher education including Salvadora who says using these principals will help to education quality and will be effective in this trend. ZafarEghbal and et al highlighted that andragogic teaching methods are more aligned with educational objectives in colleges. Pinestit believes that one can suppose all students as adults and using the abovementiond principals would be effective. Yushimoto and et al believe that currently we must apply them in higher education and analyze them. Ashord and et al believe that what can help the quality of higher education more than a mere hypothesis and can be useful for professors is movement toward central learner and self navigation of students and also move toward empirical and lifelong learning. Hamitsera emphasized that andragogic results in education are durable and well-fitted by quick changes of the world. The results based on the data from the questionnaire showed that the professors in many cases adopted pedagogical methods and had more grasp on pedagogical teaching methods. However, they showed interests in using more flexible methods. Probably, one of the reasons is long years of sticking to pedagogical methods in education organization and consequently in higher education and private institutes (Scientific Applied). Considering andragogical methods as a method to be used for adults literary program is probably one of the main reason of negligence of the method. The challenge among the theoreticians of education is on whether to classify higher education under the pedagogical training methods or andragogical methods, which in of itself is another reason for utilization of pedagogical method in the university. The main goal of applied science universities is to enable the learners to fit more into the demands in job market, and this entails using professors with higher professional skills. In fact, a type of professional experiences should be mixed with scientific and knowledge-based and technological bases and taught to the learners. Role of experience, finding experience and previous experience in such training courses, the goals of the students to enter such programs, social and personal characteristics, and type education all reveal that teaching methods in such universities must be taken into account for deciding about teaching method. Professors play the main role in the quality of the trainings and these needs to be kept in mind that student in the university are there to learn how to enter job market, which is one of the main features of adults students. Reviewing the features mentioned by Nols and other scholars regarding adults learners, one may conclude that andragogical education methods must be more emphasized in the programs in the Applied Science University. The results here and those from other works showed that experiencing andragogical teaching methods in Applied Scientific universities may help improvement of quality of education. 780 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 7 (11), 773-781, 2013 A survey on all the questions of principle of adults education reveals more desire to use traditional training methods or pedagogical methods among the professors. The method, originate from church schools of European countries, brings up adherent, loyal and efficient students and the teacher has full authority regarding the educational goal, what and when should be taught and how. The question to be asked here is that, taking into account independence and autonomy of individuals regarding their deeds and their sincere will to learn and find immediate solution for life problems throughout childhood and adolescence, does it make sound to keep using pedagogical teaching method? In spited of the fact that development of andragogy science was aimed to be used as an alternative model for adults 2nd language learners, and a review by Nolz as a source of ideas, the concepts and methods of teaching in the USA and other parts of the world were developed. Currently, andragogy teaching methods are in more harmony with characteristics of students; this is consistent with results by ZafarEghbal et al. (2012), Pennstate (200&), Keti Chi Yoshimoto et al. (20007), Frank Ashworth et al. (2004), and Heimstra (1990). 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