ROGERS COUNTY INVITATION TO BID - AMENDED BID #681 - Radios RETURN BIDS TO: ISSUE DATE: April 25, 2016 DUE DATE: May 27, 2016 TIME DUE: Prior to 4:00 PM CST. BIDS WILL BE OPENED: Monday, May 31, 2016 at 9:00 AM CST in Board of County Commissioners Meeting BID PERIOD: April 25 – June 30, 2016 Rogers County Clerk Megan Jackson Purchasing Agent 200 S Lynn Riggs Blvd. Claremore, Oklahoma 74017 Rogers County is seeking sealed bids on the following item(s): Radios: 250 or More - Mobile; 250 or More - Portable Module Price 700/800 Mobile Radio (Single Band) $ 700/800 Portables (Single Band) $ 700/800, UHF, VHF, LTE Radio $ Console (5 and 2) $ Total Equipment cost for Site 1 $ Total Equipment cost for Site 2 $ Itemized Misc. Equipment Costs for all Sites $ & Facilities 10 year Interest Rate % % Financing Company: Total Price for Required Modules $ Support First Year Support (12 Months) Maintenance costs for all equipment, radios and consoles for remaining 9 years of the lease First Year Warranty (12 Months) Warranty costs for all equipment, radios and consoles for remaining 9 years of the lease Inclusions Total Equipment Cost Total Warranty Cost Total Maintenance Cost Total Support and Maintenance - First Year Grand Total 10 Year Lease – Priced for Monthly payments 10 Year Lease – Priced for Yearly payments Page 1 of 8 Price per add’l user license # of User Licenses Included in Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Standard 24/7 Support Business Hours $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Bid #681 - Radios For information regarding Bid #681, Please contact Jon Sappington at (918) 798-2639 See pages 2 - 8 for specifications of bid All materials shall meet the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Specifications. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Sealed bids will be opened in the Rogers County Commissioner’s Conference Room Rogers County Courthouse, 200 S Lynn Riggs Blvd. Claremore, Oklahoma, 74017, at the time and date shown on the Invitation to Bid form. 2. LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Bids must be received in sealed envelopes, (one to an envelope) with bid number and closing date written on the outside of the envelope. 3. Unit Prices will be guaranteed correct by the bidder. 4. Firm prices will be F. O. B. destination. 5. Purchases by Rogers County, Oklahoma are NOT subject to State or Federal Taxes. 6. This bid is submitted as a legal offer and any bid when accepted by Rogers County constitutes a firm contract. 7. Oklahoma laws require each bidder submitting a bid to a county for goods or services to furnish a notarized sworn statement of non-collusion and must be original signatures. The form is supplied below. 8. Bids will be firm until JUNE 30, 2016. THIS AFFIDAVIT MUST BE EXECUTED FOR THIS BID TO BE CONSIDERED AFFIDAVIT: I, the undersigned of lawful age, being first duly sworn on oath say that he (she) is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a party to any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding, or with any County Official, or employee as to the quantity or price in the prospective contract of any other terms of said prospective contract: or in any discussion between bidders and any County Official concerning exchange of money or thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract: that the bidder/contractor has not paid, given, or donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate any office, officer, or employee of Rogers County (or other entity) any money or thing of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of the award of a contract pursuant to this bid. Bidder’s Name:________________________________________________ (print) Bidder’s Signature:____________________________________________ Subscribed and sworn before me on this __________day of__________________________20,______. Notary Public______________________________________________________________________________ My Commission Expires:________________________________ Commission Number____________________ SEAL Bid invalid if not sealed or original!! BIDDER’S FEI/SSN: ___________________________________________________ COMPANY: __________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME: ____________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________ FAX NUMBER: _______________________________________________________ Rogers County Clerk Robin Anderson Purchasing Agent Megan Jackson 200 S. Lynn Riggs Blvd. Claremore, Oklahoma 74017 Page 2 of 8 (918) 923-4427 Bid #681 - Radios INVITATION TO BID Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 1500 to 1507, Title 19 O.S., bid for County purchases in excess of $15,000.00 are to be solicited by the County Clerk’s Purchasing Agent. The bids will be evaluated and awarded by the Board of County Commissioners at the time and date listed at the end of this invitation. Rogers County is seeking bids on: Land Mobile Radio Solution GENERAL: Rogers County intends to purchase a system that will support its radio communications requirements as outlined in this Document. The intent of this solution is to provide user end equipment, back end equipment, and infrastructure equipment to allow public safety and public service agencies adequate radio communications. The purchase of this system by the County will be from a single Bidder who shall furnish all equipment and services required for installation and optimization of a fully operational system meeting the County's requirements. This shall include the installation of two (2) five-channel P25 Phase 2 repeater sites (2 RF sites expected but responsibility of the Bidder to determine based on coverage predictions), a digital microwave system to connect the two RF sites, communications center dispatch equipment (2 locations), a master wide area controller and audio switch (hosted and non-hosted P25 Phase 2 core controllers will be considered) and a backhaul plan from the RF sites and dispatch to the proposed hosted or non-hosted P25 Phase 2 core. Rogers County is requesting sealed bids for a Land Mobile Radio Solution that would include 400 Portable Radios, 400 Mobile Radios, Tower Infrastructure that will guarantee 95% portable radio coverage County wide, and 7 P25 capable next-gen consoles. Successful bidder shall meet or exceed the following bid specifications. Rogers County desires to upgrade its current Moto Turbo Radio System to a two (2) site five (5) channel 700/800 MHz APCO 25 (P25) phase II digital trunked radio communications system with redundant controllers to provide reliable portable handheld radio coverage throughout 95% of the County. This system will be dispatched by five (5) Communication Consoles located in the Rogers County 911 County Dispatch Center as well as at Claremore Police Department Dispatch Center, utilizing two (2) Communications Consoles. The centers will be connected to the system using Rogers County provided fiber. The RF system is expected to be two (2) independent APCO 25 (P25) Phase II digital multi-sites. All equipment, material, and service provided, including pricing, shall address the entire system, to ensure a complete turnkey system. The Bidder will take complete responsibility for furnishing and installing system equipment and ancillary facilities and provide the necessary engineering of all equipment provided. The Proposer will be responsible for system performance including a guaranteed radio coverage of 95% for portable radios on the hip (outdoors), installation of base station sites and communications center equipment, microwave, optimization of the radio infrastructure and microwave backbone and achieving satisfactory system performance. Acceptance tests of system components, software and equipment provided pursuant to this specification must be passed to the satisfaction of the County. Page 3 of 8 Bid #681 - Radios The specific location of each of the sites, and equipment to be installed at these sites shall be submitted as an attachment to your proposal. The trunked coverage design criteria shall be for 95% within the County’s boundary’s defined coverage area for portable coverage. RF coverage is defined as the digital Bit Error Rate (BER) that provides a minimum Delivered Audio Quality (DAQ) 3.4 audio signal for both outbound (talk-out) and inbound (talkback) communications. Once a contract with the County is signed, the Proposer will be expected to assist with submission of any required radio licensing applications to the appropriate federal agencies on behalf of the County. The County intends to pay any fees associated with such licensing. The County also desires PTT over cellular technology to extend P25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) communication services to users on commercial cellular and private LTE broadband networks. 20 user applications must be priced in the proposal. Rogers County Public Service Agencies currently have a variety of radio solutions from standard VHF, Digital UHF, 700/800, Digital VHF, etc. The Rogers County system will provide reliable and cost-effective radio-to-radio voice communications for first responders in the region. The project includes the following key components to accomplish this level of interoperability: Development of 700/800 MHz Project 25 Phase II trunked systems with 95% County wide portable and mobile coverage within the Rogers County boundary. Develop a backhaul microwave system for network connectivity between RF sites. Provide Dispatch Control of the System. Provide a backhaul plan from the RF sites and dispatch to the proposed hosted or non-hosted P25 Phase 2 core. The proposed trunked radio system shall comply with the latest applicable P25 suite of standards adopted as TIA and/or ANSI documents at the time of the proposal submission. Provide PTT over cellular technology to extend P25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) communication services to users on commercial cellular and private LTE broadband networks. The granting of any progress payment or payments by the County or the receipt thereof by the successful Proposer, shall not constitute in any sense acceptance of the work or of any portion thereof, and in no way lessens the liability of the successful Proposer to replace work or material which does not conform to the contract documents, though the character of such work or material may not have been apparent or detected at the time such payment was made. Payments must have County approval and will therefore be dependent upon the Customer’s established procedural timeline. Vendor Background • • Provide a brief company history. Describe the vendor’s current customer base (total customers served, customer type(s), Page 4 of 8 Bid #681 - Radios • • • etc.). If the vendor specializes in any area, please describe. Describe the vendor’s expertise providing services similar to those in scope in this project. Customization and Integration Project Summary A. The Vendor shall be responsible for providing the following project components: Furnishing and installing system equipment and ancillary facilities o Claremore RF Site o RSU Campus RF Site or another designated site o Claremore PD o Rogers County 911 Center o Hosted Controller Facility o Broken Arrow Core Facility o States Motorola Core Facility Engineering and system design Project management Software installation and programming Training (Optionally priced) Acceptance testing, including factory staging tests, coverage testing Cutover plan and execution Transition plan for subscribers and dispatch consoles Warranty and maintenance B. The selected vendor shall be responsible for furnishing complete and fully functional systems: Radio communications system, including the guarantee of radio coverage. Point-to-point microwave backhaul network between the two RF sites Radio dispatch consoles at two locations C. Work shall be planned, coordinated and conducted with minimal interruption of service to existing critical systems. D. Proposals shall completely describe the equipment and methods that will be used to implement the system. The intent of this document is to allow Proposer’s to use the best equipment, technology, and methods available to provide state-of-the-art public safety communications systems of highest quality and performance. E. All equipment shall be new and operational and be covered by a full factory and/or manufacturer’s warranty of not less than three years from system acceptance. F. In the event that requirements are stated in more than one section and appear to conflict, the more stringent requirement shall apply. G. Land Mobile Radio (LMR) licenses – The selected Bidder will assist with the acquisition of 700 or 800 licenses. They will ensure a proper amount is required for future growth. The County shall provide all current licensing information to the Selected Bidder following contract award. Following approval of the preliminary design phase, the Bidder shall provide all modifications and applicable forms to the County for review and approval. The Bidder shall Page 5 of 8 Bid #681 - Radios also be responsible for any frequency research, support and preparation, if necessary. The County shall sign and submit all forms following approval. • Describe the specific implementation process for a project of this scope including the roles of key members of the implementation team. Describe the Bidder’s training and project management services. Describe all training documentation and instructional support available to the agency. • • System Overview Complete the following tables by selecting the correct column (Y / N) for each requirement. If additional explanation is required, information may be included in the comments column. Y N Yes – The proposed solution meets or exceeds the requirement. No – The proposed solution cannot meet the requirement. Vendor Overview The following are minimum requirements of the proposed solution. If the vendor does not currently meet these requirements, please describe any alternatives in the Comments column provided. General Vendor Information • • • • • • Description 400 - Portable Radios that offer VHF, UHF, 700/800, and LTE capability. P25 Trunking, Phase 2, AES Encryption with Over-the Air-Rekeying (OTAR), Battery, 400 fire speaker microphones, belt clip, and charger Portable Radios will need to be capable of utilizing LTE networks 700/800 Portables, P25 Trunking, Phase 2, AES Encryption with Over-the AirRekeying (OTAR), Battery, 100 fire speaker microphones, belt clip, and charger 400 – 700/800 mobiles, P25 Trunking, Phase 2, AES Encryption with Over-the Air-Rekeying (OTAR), Any Antennas and Mounting equipment needed, microphones, 7 – Consoles that will be able to connect to and utilize the P25 Phase 2 radio infrastructure Consoles will require the application, 2 Speakers, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Footswitch, Desk Microphone, and any other items needed Page 6 of 8 Y N Comments Bid #681 - Radios • • • • • • • • • Tower Sites throughout the County to ensure 95% coverage utilizing portable radios. Five (5) P25 Phase 2 channels at each RF site This solution must be able to connect back to the States Motorola Core as well as the Broken Arrow Harris core. At the minimum, to utilize RMA and SMA channels A minimum of 4 interoperability talk paths are required in order to ensure proper interoperable communications with cooperating agencies from neighboring conventional analog to P25 systems. Any antennas, Coax, Combiners, Multicoupler, amplifier, radios, etc. that will be needed to complete the project Due to the location of the tower locations a Microwave network will be needed to connect the two RF sites. A backhaul plan from the RF sites and dispatch to the proposed hosted or nonhosted P25 Phase 2 core. Bidder will be responsible for securing and assisting with the setting up of talk groups, 700/800 licenses, and provide optional pricing for training. Bidder must provide PTT over cellular technology to extend P25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) communication services to users on commercial cellular and private LTE broadband networks. A minimum of 20 applications must be priced. Specify Delivery Date: _______________________________ NOTE: Delivery date could be a factor in awarding of the bid. Vendor must supply Three (3) references with their bid submission. Sealed bids must be submitted to the Rogers County Purchasing Agent Rogers County Courthouse 200 S Lynn Riggs Blvd. Claremore, Oklahoma, 74017 Prior to 4:00 P.M. Central Time on May 27, 2016 Sealed bids will be opened in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room Rogers County Courthouse 200 S Lynn Riggs Blvd. Claremore, Oklahoma, 74017 Monday, May 31, 2016 @ 9:00 A.M. Central Time Page 7 of 8 Bid #681 - Radios No additional information will be accepted from any vendor once bid submission date and time have expired. Late bids will not be considered. Any changes on submitted bid must be initialed by vendor Including but not limited to: strike-outs, over-writes, or white-out Facsimiles or electronic submissions WILL NOT be accepted. Rogers County reserves the right to delete any item and reject any and all bids, to accept in whole or in part, to waive any informalities or technicalities in bids received, to accept bids on materials or equipment with variations from specification in those cases where efficiency of operation will not be impaired and unless otherwise specified by the bidder or accept any item in the bid. Recognizing that preparing a bid involves considerable effort, your observance of the foregoing instructions will help insure that your bid will receive proper processing for its presentation to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration. Thank you for bidding – Megan Jackson Purchasing Agent 200 S Lynn Riggs Blvd. Claremore, Oklahoma 74017 918.923.4427 Page 8 of 8 Bid #681 - Radios