Reproduction Price List For Materials from the Collections of the


Rogers Park / West Ridge Historical Society

All fees are in U.S. dollars, are charged per image, and are for a single use. Possession of an image from the Rogers Park / West Ridge Historical Society does not constitute permission to use it.

Use Fee

Reproduction Price List

For Materials from the Collections of the

Commercial Use: $50

The image(s) will be published, displayed, or broadcast in a commercial environment for profit. This includes commercial websites representing a person or corporation who sells goods or services.

Non-Profit / Educational Use: $20

The image(s) will be published, displayed, or broadcast by a 501(c)3 organization. Any profit from the publication, display, or broadcast will go into the account of the non-profit organization and not to an individual or corporation.

Personal Use: no charge for RP/WRHS members, otherwise $10

The image(s) will be used only in a private home. The image(s) will not be displayed in a sales area or reproduced for any purpose.

Reproduction Fee

Digital Files

300 dpi scan: $10

600 dpi scan: $15

Please contact us for other sizes or formats

Delivery Fee

Digital Prints (Color or B&W)

4 x 6 digital print: $5

5 x 7 digital print: $10

8 x 10 digital print: $15

Digital delivery: no charge

Burn scans to CD or DVD: $10

Shipping of CD/DVD or digital prints: standard USPS shipping is included. For other options, please contact the Society.

Research Reproductions

Researchers may request photocopies of standard sized archival or photographic materials from the

Society’s collections. Photocopies are 10¢ per page. Researchers may also take photographs of materials from the Society’s collections using their own personal digital camera with the flash disabled. There is no charge for such photographs. Photocopies and researcher-generated digital reproductions are for personal/research use only and are not to be reproduced in any published materials.

If a researcher would like to use an image in a publication, an image use agreement must be completed and applicable fees paid.
