THERMAL IMAGING FOR LANDMINE DETECTION L.J. Carter, M.J. O’Sullivan, Y.J. Hung, and J.C-C. Teng University of Auckland, New Zealand ABSTRACT EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE A thermal imaging technique for landmine detection is described. The technique uses microwave radiation and infrared detection, and works best for soil moisture levels of around 5%. Thermal images obtained in the laboratory show that the technique can be used to locate buried landmines and completely nonmetallic minelike objects. MOISTURE DETECTION AS A BASIS FOR MINE A novel technique for landmine detection has been developed at the University of Auckland [1]. This presumes a difference in moisture content between the mine, which would be likely to be dry, and the surrounding soil, which (especially in the case of agricultural land) would be likely to have some moisture content. The ground is irradiated from above by microwave energy, producing a small warming of the surface layer. The resulting heat flows in the vicinity of the mine give rise to a cooler spot on the surface above the mine, which allows an infixed device to detect the position of the mine. This paper gives some results of recent study of this technique, using an infrared camera to produce thermal images of the ground surface after irradiation. COMPUTER SIMULATION Reference 1 gives a simple analysis of the heat flow in irradiated ground containing a mine-like object. A more complete understanding may be obtained by a threedimensional numerical simulation. The physical processes which determine the temperature signature in irradiated soil near a landmine are heat and mass transfer (air, water vapour and liquid water) in a porous material (the soil matrix). This is a small scale and low temperature version of the processes which are important in a geothermal reservoir. At the University of Auckland there is a research group with considerable experience in developing and using computer simulators (MULKOM/TOUGH2 [2]) to model the behaviour of geothermal fields and they have carried out some preliminary simulation studies on the heat flow near a landmine in irradiated soil. To test the method a cylindrically symmetric grid (see Fig. 1) was set up with the landmine placed on the axis of symmetry. The results so far are encouraging but more work is required testing various assumptions about the amount of heat generated by irradiation, the magnitudes of thermal parameters and the top air/soil interface conditions. 110 The experiments were all of the same general form. The mine, or mine-like object, was buried in sandy soil in a round metal container with open top. This was placed in a commercial 700 W microwave oven and subjected to a short period of irradiation. The container was then removed from the oven and placed under an infrared camera; and the camera output was recorded over an ensuing period of up to twenty minutes. Figure 2 shows the experimental setup. The parameters studied included soil moisture content, mine type, irradiation duration, and mine depth. RESULTS No mine Figure 3a shows an image in the visible spectrum of the surface of the circular container of sand, after irradiation for 90 seconds, but with no object buried. Figure 3b shows a thermal image of the same surface. Shadings of grey across the surface correspond to small temperature variations caused by some unevenness in the microwave illumination of the soil. Soil moisture Soil samples with moisture contents by weight in the range 1% to 10% were prepared. For each sample a non-metallic mine-like object consisting of a small plastic container (50 mm diameter) filled with petroleum jelly was buried in the soil at a standard depth. Each sample was irradiated for 90 seconds, and the resulting thermal images were examined. It was found that there was an optimum soil moisture content at about 5%. This gave the best contrast between the ‘cold spot‘ and the surrounding soil. Images were obtained for drier and wetter soils, but the contrast was poorer. For very dry soils, there would be a smaller moisture-contrastbetween the mine and the surrounding soil; and for very wet soils, more microwave energy is reflected at the ground surface and so there is a smaller degree of heating produced deep in the soil. The following results were produced using sandy soil with 5% moisture content. Mine-like object Most antipersonnel mines are buried at depths between 2 and 4 cm. The non-metallic minelike object was buried at a depth of 3.5 cm and subjected to microwave irradiation of 90 seconds. A thermal image developed “Detection of abandoned land mines”, 12-14 October 1998, Conference Publication No. 458 0 IEE 1998 after a few minutes, and then persisted for some time. Figure 4 shows the thermal image at 17 minutes and 27 seconds after the end of irradiation, shortly before the 'mine' was excavated. The pale patch (blue in the slides) corresponds to an area of significantly lower temperature than the rest. This may be compared with Figure 5 , which shows the thermal image immediately after removal of the 'mine'. The position of the mine at about 'four o'clock' is clearly shown by the circular image of the hole from which the mine has been extracted. The light grey colouration shows that the ground under the mine was warmer than that above the mine. It should be noted that in all of these experiments, the view of the surface in the visible spectrum showed a uniform sandy surface, with no clue as to the location of the buried object. thermal barrier to heat rising in consequence to the surface. The thermal im,age is therefore a kind of 'shadow' of the mine, presented at the surface. Whether this technique could be useful in the extreme variability of conditions found in a real minefield remains to be shown, perhaps by the development of a field prototype. Further work remains to be done in this area. CONCLUSIONS A thermal imaging technique using microwave radiation and infrared detection has been demonstrated. The technique works best for soil moisture levels of around 5%. It has been used successfully in the laboratory to locate burield landmines and completely nonmetallic minelike objects. The technique is quite slow, but may nevertheless be useful in the field. Type 72 landmine An inactive Chinese type 72 antipersonnel mine was buried at a depth of 3 cm and subjected to 90 s irradiation. Figure 6 shows the thermal image shortly before excavation, indicating that the mine should be found in a position between 12 and 1 o'clock. The accuracy of this conclusion is illustrated in Figure 7, which shows the circular hole left after removing the mine. Some cool sand dug out from above the mine shows pale on the surface, and the light grey in the hole shows again that the soil under the mine was warmer than that above it. REFERENCES 1. Carter, L.J., Bryaint, G.H.B., Le Fevre, M., and Wong, W.C., "Moisture and landmine detection", Proceedings of EUREL/IEE International Conference Edinburgh, IEE Conference Publication Number 43 1, 83-87, 1996. 2. Pruess, K., "TONJGH2 - A general purpose numerical simulator for multiphase fluid and heat flow", Lawrence Berkeel29400, Berkeley, California, August, 1991. Type 72 mine, 30s irradiation The experiment was repeated, this time with the mine buried at a depth of 1.5 cm, and subjected to microwave irradiation for only 30 seconds. Figure 8 shows the resulting thermal image, and Figure 9 confirms the mine's position, this time at almost six o'clock. There is good correspondence between the image and the mine's location. DISCUSSION The results indicate that it is possible to find buried and completely non-metallic objects by this method. There are some clear limitations, already identified in reference 1: Quite slow: the image forms in minutes; Needs, ideally, a soil moisture of around 5%; Needs quite a large amount of probably about 1 kW. power: As already discussed in [ 11, none of these is necessarily insuperable. The speed of the technique should be compared with manual probing, which is itself very slow and also dangerous. The warmer soil below the mine suggests a possible mechanism for the formation of the cold spot. The microwave energy may be producing warming at depths of 10 cm or more; and the mine may be acting as a 111 Figure 1:Grid used for computer simulation Figure 2 Experimental setup 112 Figure 3b: Thermall image after irradiation, n o buried object Figure 3a: Sand container in visible spectrum Notes: . The original colour images have been converted here into grayscale. In the colour version of these images (presentation slides) red = hot, blue = cold, and shades of grey represent intermediate temperatures, lighter being warmer, and blacker being cooler. Actual temperature calibration varies slightly from image to image, but as a general guide, take red (hottest) to be about 40 degrees C, and blue (coldest) to be about 20 degrees C. . The large grey circular object is the round container of sand, which has been warmed to more than room temperature. . The background (blue in the slides) is the surface on which the sand container rests, and is at room temperature. . The smaller patch (blue in the slides) within the grey circular area in Figures 4, 6 and 8 corresponds to a cooler spot above the buried object. 113 --____-- Figure 4: Cold sput above buried mine-like object Figure 5: Showin Figure 6: Cold spot above Type 72 antipersonnel mine Figure 7 Showing location of T*e Figure 8: Type 72 mine, 30s irradiation Figure 9: Confirming location of Type 72 mine 114 72 mine