Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2010) 1074–1081 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Electric Power Systems Research journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/epsr Ground potential rise of multi-grounded neutral and shield wires in joint systems Janak Acharya 1 , Wilsun Xu ∗,2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2nd Floor ECERF, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada T6G 2V4 a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 2 November 2009 Received in revised form 20 January 2010 Accepted 22 January 2010 Available online 20 February 2010 Keywords: Ground potential rise Grounding Joint system a b s t r a c t Power line faults create the ground potential rise (GPR) on both the neutral and shield conductors when the transmission lines (TL) and distribution lines (DL) are built on the same structures. The durations and magnitudes of resulting GPRs are unique for DL faults and TL faults because the corresponding fault currents are significantly different in terms of their magnitudes and durations. This paper analyzes and compares the safety impacts of TL faults and DL faults in the joint structures. Approximate formulas are established to describe the GPR characteristics. Computer simulation results are provided to illustrate the effects of different parameters on GPRs in various configurations. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The overhead distribution lines (DL) are often built under the transmission lines (TL) on the same towers. The safety impact of such configurations under short-circuit conditions are difficult to understand because the DL-created GPR and TL-created GPR have unique characteristics. The shield wire of TL establishes the direct contact with the conductive towers which serve as grounding of the shield wire. On the other hand, the neutral wire on the same tower is provided with a separate dedicated grounding assembly, or is bonded with the shield wire. The conductors used for the neutral wire and shield wire are not the same. Generally steel is preferred for the shield wire and Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) for the neutral wire. Also the physical positions of these conductors on the same structure lead to varying degree of electromagnetic coupling with phase conductors under fault. Consequently, the resulting GPRs are affected even for the same amount of fault currents in TL and DL. In the past, a lot of studies have been done for single circuit multi-grounded configurations and a great deal of literature is available [1–10], but limited work has studied the composite systems comprised of multiple multi-grounded conductors. Mostly computer-based methods were preferred for the studies of multigrounded systems. Major shortcomings of such methods include inability to provide intuitive understanding on the interaction ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 780 492 5965; fax: +1 780 492 1811. E-mail address: wxu@ualberta.ca (W. Xu). 1 Student Member, IEEE. 2 Fellow, IEEE. 0378-7796/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2010.01.014 and effects of various factors. Alternatively, analytical methods can be developed to compensate such shortcomings. Computer models were used to estimate the GPR of the multi-grounded neutral (MGN) in [2–4] and power flow studies were performed in [5–7]. Analytical approaches for the GPR analysis were proposed in [8–10]. The GPR assessment of multi-grounded communication cable bonded with power line’s neutral wire was performed in [9]. The principles of [9] can be applied to the joint transmission and distribution system with multi-grounded conductors. In our previous work, analytical methods were proposed to provide understandings of the characteristics of MGN lines [11]. The work done in this paper complements the previous studies as it is extended to the joint T&D systems. It is generally agreed that the TL fault currents are larger, but are cleared faster than the DL faults. As a result, field engineers assume that the TL caused GPRs are less severe than the DL caused GPRs. As will be shown later, this assumption is wrong. Also effectiveness of bonding the neutral wire with shield wire for lowering the GPR level is not fully understood yet. This paper reveals a number of factors that play a crucial role in determining the GPR. The main objective of this paper is to address the abovementioned concerns by using the analytical formulas and computer simulation. An EMPT-based computer tool was used for the simulation. Since the power industry has accepted the associated techniques and models, they are not described here. Detailed models can be found in [12]. Sensitivity studies are performed to illustrate the effect of a number of parameters on the GPR. The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the problem and the system under investigation. Mechanism of GPR generation is presented in Section 3. Results are shown in Section 4 and the conclusions in Section 5. J. Acharya, W. Xu / Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2010) 1074–1081 1075 Table 3 Base case data and their variation range. Parameter Typical value Base case and sensitivity Grounding resistance, RG 5–25 Base case: 15 Sensitivity: 7–25 Substation grounding res. – TL-sub: 0.15 DL-sub: 0.15 Grounding interval Neutral: 40–75 m Shield: 60–100 m Base case: 75 m Sensitivity: 75–600 m. Parallel exposure 200–3000 m Base case: 4 km Sensitivity: 1–5 km Line length Shield wire – 5/16 steel ∼7.5 km Rdc = 3.5067 /km The following six basic configurations are identified and studied so that comparisons can be made in terms of their safety benefits: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) D-line with neutral wire (MGN) T-line with shield wire (MGS) T&D lines with shield, but without neutral wire T&D lines with neutral, but without shield wire T&D lines with neutral and shield isolated T&D lines with neutral and shield bonded Fig. 1. (a) Physical layout of TL and DL conductors, (b) Schematic diagram. Table 1 Conductor positions on the tower. Conductor Horizontal position (m) Vertical height (m) Mid-span height (m) T-Line Ph#A T-Line Ph#B T-Line Ph#C D-Line Ph#A D-Line Ph#B D-Line Ph#C D-Line Neutral T-Line Shield −2.15 2.15 −2.15 −0.58 0.64 1.85 −0.25 0.15 16.01 16.01 12.91 9.97 9.97 9.97 7.89 19.41 15.06 15.06 11.96 8.61 8.61 8.61 7.08 19.17 2. Study system Fig. 1 shows a general layout of the study system where the transmission conductors are positioned above the distribution conductors on the same tower. The TL and DL run in parallel for a certain distance only. The DL’s neutral wire is insulated from the tower and grounded with dedicated ground rods (not shown in figure). The TL’s shield wire, however, is not insulated from tower’s body. So the tower itself serves as a ground rod. Table 1 provides the horizontal and vertical positions of the conductors, Table 2 shows the line impedances calculated using the EMTP models [12], and Table 3 provides the system data for base case and sensitivity studies. The system information was provided by the electrical utility in Canada. Based on the available data, the line length was chosen to be 7.5 km so that the effect of varying parallel length can be examined. Table 2 Line impedance data (/km). Mutual impedances between D-line phase wire and neutral wire D-line phase wire and shield wire T-line phase wire and neutral wire T-line phase wire and shield wire Neutral wire and shield wire zDN = 0.0583 + j0.4734 zDS = 0.0576 + j0.3409 zTN = 0.0579 + j0.3567 zTS = 0.0573 + j0.4030 zNS = 0.0577 + j0.3292 The self-impedances of Neutral wire Shield wire zNN = 0.3966 + j0.9119 zSS = 3.5638 + j0.9518 The GPRs are presented in the form of volts per kA of fault current. This offers two advantages. First, it establishes the basis for comparison of different configurations irrespective of the fault current magnitudes. Second, the numbers can be indicative to any fault currents (as they are uncertain). Caution should be exercised while comparing TL caused GPR/kA and DL caused GPR/kA values because the fault currents of TL and DL can be quite different. In such cases, the actual magnitudes of GPR should be considered. The acronyms NGPR and SGPR are used to denote the GPRs developed in neutral wire and in shield wire, respectively. 3. Mechanism of GPR generation Ref. [11] presents the mechanism of GPR generation, but for the line-to-ground fault only. The basic principles are described in this section. The faults involving a single ground conductor will be investigated first and then more complex schemes will be dealt with. A generic term ‘ground conductor’ refers to either a neutral wire or a shield wire. The GPR can develop in the ground conductor under two distinct conditions: (1) unfaulted ground conductor – when the fault does not involve this conductor, and (2) faulted ground conductor – when the fault involves this conductor. 3.1. GPR of the unfaulted ground conductor An unfaulted ground conductor experiences the GPR when the nearby phase conductor is at fault. This occurs when phase conductor falls on the ground without making any contact with the ground conductor. The fault current flowing in the phase conductor induces a voltage on the multi-grounded conductor (Fig. 2a). The induced voltage (EG ) is distributed along the fault-exposure length and can be determined as EG = eg l = zmutual l · IF (1) where zmutual is the mutual impedance between phase and ground conductors and l is the length of the exposure with fault current. The voltage (eg ) of one segment can be modelled as an equivalent current source connected between the two grounding points based on the principle of Thevenin to Norton circuit conversion (Fig. 2b). Note that the downstream portion of the ground wire does not 1076 J. Acharya, W. Xu / Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2010) 1074–1081 Fig. 3. The injection of current sources during the line-to-wire fault: (a) line-to-wire (or contact fault), (b) equivalent circuit at node 1, and (c) equivalent circuit at node 2. 3.2. GPR of the faulted ground conductor Fig. 2. Illustration of GPR mechanism in the multi-grounded conductor: (a) fault in a parallel multi-grounded conductor, (b) conversion of voltage source into current source, (c) equivalent model with current injection into the ground wire, and (d) final equivalent circuit of ground wire. expose to the fault current, so there is no induced voltage or current. Since current IG is independent of the length of grounding span, all other segments have the same current. IG = eg l z = mutual IF zgg zgg l The representative cases of the faulted ground conductor are: insulation failure of phase conductor causing short circuit with shied wire via tower, or shield wire falling on the phase wire, or phase conductor falling on neutral wire, etc. In this category, the ground conductor contacts the phase conductor. These faults are categorised as the contact faults in this paper and are different from ground faults. Fig. 3 illustrates the case of contact fault. The mechanism of GPR generation is similar to that of unfaulted ground conductor case, but the ground conductor will carry a portion of fault current entering from the fault point in addition to the current produced by induction (Fig. 3c). Thus the GPR at the fault location will be much different from that of line-to-ground fault. The GPR of the islanded end (node 1) will be the same. The GPR at fault location (node 2) is given by GPR2 = (IF − IG )(Zeq-2u //Zeq-2d ) (6) The current involved in (4) is IG only, but it is modified in (6) as (IF − IG ) due to short circuit of phase and ground conductors. (2) 3.3. Effect of the other parallel ground conductor where zgg is the self-impedance of the ground conductor. Fig. 2b can be further transformed into that of Fig. 2c without affecting the nodal voltages and segment currents. Assuming that the distance between node 1 and node 2 is large enough so that the influence of current source (IG ) at one node (e.g. node 1) does not affect the voltage of the other current-injected node (e.g. node 2), the neutral network can be modelled as shown in Fig. 2d. The GPRs of the node 1 and node 2 are given by GPR1 = IG (Zeq-1 //RG ) ≈ IG Zeq-1 (3) GPR2 = −IG (Zeq-2u //Zeq-2d //RG ) ≈ −IG (Zeq-2u //Zeq-2d ) (4) Fig. 4 shows a phase wire, a ground wire and a parallel wire (also grounded). A fault (line-to-ground or line-to-wire) occurs at the location of node 2. The fault current will induce currents in the ground wire and in the parallel wire. Consider one segment of the ground wire to explain the GPR developed in it (Fig. 4b). In where Zeq-1 is the equivalent impedance, Zeq-2u and Zeq-2d are the equivalent impedances seen upstream and downstream from the node 2, respectively. The minus sign is placed in (4) to signify that the GPR1 and GPR2 are of opposite polarity due to directions of associated currents. The equivalent impedance of the multi-grounded ladder [11] is approximated as Zeq = s · zgg · RG (5) where s is the grounding interval and RG is the grounding resistance. The impedances Zeq-1 , Zeq-2u and Zeq-2d are equal due to symmetry of the ladder. The ratio GPR1 to GPR2 is approximately 2. Therefore, the maximum GPR is located at node 1. Fig. 4. The effect of parallel ground conductor: (a) a faulted phase conductor and two parallel ground conductors, and (b) induced voltages and their equivalent currents. J. Acharya, W. Xu / Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2010) 1074–1081 1077 addition to the fault-current-induced voltage (eg ), the current of parallel conductor will induce another voltage (ep ) in the ground wire, but with opposite polarity. As a result, the GPR at node 2 will be affected. Considering the line-to-ground fault, the GPR at node 2 is given as GPR2 = (IG − IGp )(Zeq-2u //Zeq-2d ) where zgp IGp = IP zgg and IP = zmutual IF zpp (7) (8) where IGp is the current induced in the ground conductor due to current of another parallel conductor (IP ) and zpp is the impedance of the parallel conductor. Comparing (7) and (4), the first term is modified by IGp . If the phase conductor contacts the ground conductor directly or indirectly during the fault, the resulting GPR at fault location (node 2) will be GPR2 = [IF − (IG − IGp )](Zeq-2u //Zeq-2d ) (9) Again, comparing (9) with (6), the current IG is modified by subtracting IGp . The above principle can be applied to examine the effect TL’s shield wire on the GPR of DL’s neutral wire and vice versa. 3.3.1. Effect of shield wire on GPR of the neutral wire In this case, IG represents the current induced by the fault current on neutral wire and IGp represents the current induced by the shied wire’s current. Then IGp = zNS zDS × IFD = 0.031IFD zNN zSS (10) where zNS is the neutral-to-shield mutual impedance, zDS is the mutual impedance between the distribution phase wire and shield wire and IFD is the fault current on distribution line. The current induced by the shield current (IGp ) is relatively small compared to IG (=0.48IFD ), i.e. 6.5% of IG . Therefore the presence of the shield wire does not significantly affect the GPR of the neutral wire. However, it should be emphasized that if there were faults on transmission line, the fault current will be significantly higher than IFD and the resulting neutral GPR will increase accordingly. 3.3.2. Effect of neutral wire on GPR of the shield wire In this case, IG represents the current induced by the fault current on shield wire and IGp represents the current induced by the neutral wire’s current. Then IGp = zNS zTN × IFT = 0.033IFT zSS zNN Fig. 5. The effect of the sources on both ends of T-line: (a) T-line with two sources and parallel D-line, (b) current sources in the MGS during the T-fault, and (c) current sources in the MGN during the T-fault. (11) where zNS is the neutral-to-shield mutual impedance and IFT is the fault current on transmission line. The current induced by the neutral current (IGp ) is 30% of IG (where IG = 0.11IFT ), which is considerable. Therefore the presence of the neutral wire actually helps to lower the GPR of the shield wire. If the faults occur on distribution line, the GPR would not be higher than those originally caused by the transmission faults. Fig. 6. Bonding of neutral and shield wire in the parallel section. After the injected currents and their locations are identified, the mathematical procedure described earlier can be directly applied with appropriate values. The results are provided in Section 4. 3.5. Bonding of D-line neutral and T-line shield The bonding of neutral and shield wires essentially combines the grounded node of neutral and grounded node of shield into a single node as shown in Fig. 6. As a result, self-impedances of these wires will be in parallel, so are their grounding resistances. The currents associated with the shield wire and those associated with neutral wire will combine in the bonded section. The GPR is function of equivalent impedance and amount of injected current. Therefore, the effect of bonding can be examined through equivalent impedance of the bonded network and the injected currents at specific nodes. 3.4. Transmission line supplied from both ends Fig. 5 shows the double circuit T&D lines where T-line is supplied from two opposite ends. During a D-line fault, there is no effect on NGPR whether T-line is supplied from one end or both ends. However, for the T-line faults, the presence of downstream supply (right source) causes injection of additional current sources in the downstream section of the neutral wire corresponding to the fault location. The procedure describe earlier is applicable to this as well. Fig. 7. Bonding schemes, (a) separately grounded, (b) grounded together. 1078 J. Acharya, W. Xu / Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2010) 1074–1081 For node N4S4, the current sources are IN4S4 = ISN + INS − INF − ISF + (0 or IF ) The last term will be zero if the fault is line-to-ground and IF if the fault is line-to-wire. Thus the GPR of the nodes that are within the parallel section will be affected. The current injected in the node outside the parallel zone is not affected, (e.g. Node S1). The impact of modified current injection in these will affect the GPR of the other nodes as well. It is very difficult to establish simple, but accurate, formula for this situation. More accurate results are shown in Section 4, here the focus is to show the peak GPR are affected. Fig. 8. The currents injected in the bonded neutral and shield network. 3.5.1. Effect on equivalent impedance Fig. 7 shows two schemes of bonding for a grounding span. In Fig. 7a, the neutral wire and shield wire having their own grounding assembly are bonded at each grounded nodes, so there are 2 grounding resistances RGN and RGS at each location. In Fig. 7b, the neutral wire and shield wire have the common grounding resistance RG . The equivalent impedance of the bonded circuits for scheme of Fig. 7a is Zeq-2g ≈ s · (zNN //zSS ) × (RGN //RGS ) (12) and for scheme of Fig. 7b is Zeq-1g ≈ s · (zNN //zSS ) × RG (13) The equivalent impedances were computed using (12) and (13) and were compared with the equivalent impedances of MGN and MGS individually. The equivalent impedance given by (12) was 33% of the MGS alone and 65% of the MGN alone (given by (1)). On the other hand, the equivalent impedance given by (13) was 47% of MGS alone and 90% of MGN alone. It implies that larger reduction in equivalent impedances can be achieved for MGS than for MGN as a result of bonding. This is true because the neutral conductor has smaller impedance and adding a more resistive shield conductor in parallel will have relatively smaller impact on the equivalent impedance. However, the neutral wire helps to reduce the equivalent impedance from the shield wire’s perspective. As the GPR is directly proportional to the equivalent impedance, the GPR will decrease compared to before bonding. 3.5.2. Effect on current injection Consider the circuit of Fig. 5 again. For simplicity, ignore the source on the right side of the transmission line. Therefore, only the left hand side source will contribute to the fault current and the induced currents are on the left side of the fault location only. Due to the bonding, the Fig. 5b and c can be combined together, resulting in a circuit shown in Fig. 8. So the subscripts L and R in the currents referencing the left source and right source, respectively, are dropped. Bonding of the neutral wire and shield wire also affects the amount of current due to following currents: • The fault current at the fault location • The induced neutral current and the induced shield current • The current induced in the shield wire by neutral current and the current induced in the shield wire by neutral current From Fig. 8, it can be seen that the parallel sections of neutral and shield wires (N2–N4 or S2–S4) are combined. Nodes N2 and S2 become a single node (N2S2) and nodes N4 and S4 into a single node (N4S4) and are of great interest. For node N2S2, the current sources are IN2S2 = INF − ISN − INS 3.6. Comparison of TL-fault and DL-fault caused GPRs The magnitudes of the GPR caused by TL faults are higher than those caused by the DL faults because the fault current of DL is generally much lower that of TL. The safety impact of GPR on human is determined by the magnitude and duration of the GPR. According to the theory of electrocution established by Dalziel [13], the threshold current leading to electrocution is inversely proportional to the square root of the current duration. Further considering the fact the touch and step voltages are in proportion to the GPR, we can thus compare the safety impact associated with the GPR created by the TL faults and DL faults. A TL-fault poses higher risk if GPRT-fault > GPRD-fault tD = tT (14) where tD and tT are the fault clearing times of the DL and TL, respectively, and is defined as the breaker trip factor (BTF). The breakers used in distribution systems are much slower than the breakers used in transmission systems. For example, DL and TL have 30-cycle breakers and 5-cycle breakers, respectively. Then = 30 = 2.45 5 Thus the TL-faults will be more risky if GPRT-fault is 2.45 times greater than the GPRD-fault . Using the equations derived in Section 3 and the system data given in Section 2, the highest GPR produced in the neutral wire by the faults on D-line and T-line are: NGPRD-fault = 0.50IFD (line to ground fault, islanded end) NGPRT-fault = 0.30IFT (line to shield fault, fault location) where the IFD and IFT are the fault currents of D-line and T-line, respectively. Then 0.3IFT NGPRT-fault = > 2.45 NGPRD-fault 0.5IFD or IFT >4 IFD (15) i.e. the TL-fault poses a higher risk if IFT > 4IFD . The highest shield GPR produced by the D-line and T-line faults are: SGPRD-fault = 0.26IFD for a line-to-neutral fault and bonded SGPRT-fault = 0.98IFT for a line-to-shield fault, unbonded This results that a TL fault poses a higher risk if IFT > 0.65 IFD (16) Although the breaker trip factor () depends on the selection of breakers, most TL faults will have a fault current IFT that satisfies (16), if not both (15) and (16). Thus we can conclude that the TL fault is more severe than the DL fault even though a TL fault is cleared faster. J. Acharya, W. Xu / Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2010) 1074–1081 1079 Table 4 GPRs for line-to-ground fault and line-to-wire fault. Ground potential rise NGPR (D-line fault) (V/kA) SGPR (T-line fault) (V/kA) Line-to-ground fault Line-to-wire fault Fault location Islanded end Fault location Islanded end 250 110 500 220 300 980 500 220 Table 5 Summary of NGPR results obtained analytically. Configurations D-line only D-line + T-line but no shield D-line + T-line with MGS D-line + T-line and MGN–MGS bonded a D-line fault (assume, IFD = 1 kA) T-line fault (assume, IFT = 5 kA) V/kA V V/kA V 500 500 500a 500a 500 500 500 500 – 190 180 300 – 950 900 1500 Fig. 9. NGPR profiles for the T-line-to-shield fault (except for D-line only). No change because max NGPR occurs outside the parallel zone. 4. Results Table 4 shows the GPR results for line-to-ground fault and lineto-wire fault. For the distribution line, the NGPR at the fault location for the line-to-neutral fault is marginally higher that that for the line-to-ground fault. This is because a large part of the fault current (IFD ) flows into the neutral wire, leading to less current dissipating into the earth through (RG ). Consequently the NGPR is less although the neutral wire comes in contact with phase wire. For the transmission line, however, the SGPR for the line-to-shield fault is by far larger as the shield wire does not carry a significant part of the fault current. In summary, the faults involving the multi-grounded wire (neutral or shield) are worse. It is important to note that the line-to-wire fault has virtually no impact on the GPR of the islanded end (node 1) of the multi-grounded wire (Fig. 3 and Table 4). As mentioned earlier, the maximum GPR will occur at the current injection nodes. Tables 5 and 6 show the summary of maximum NGPR and SGPR for the T-line and D-line configurations. The reminder of this section shows the computer simulation results. Figs. 9 and 10 depict the GPR profiles for different configurations under the line-to-shield fault. The fault occurs on T-line about 3.5 km from the substation. For the single circuits, same distance was considered for the fault from the source. The T-line fault current was approx 12.6 kA and the D-line fault current was about 2.5 kA. Fig. 9 shows that the maximum NGPR occurs on the upstream end of the parallel section. But the maximum SGPR always occurs at the fault locations. The T-line faults significantly increase the NGPR compared to D-faults and the situation becomes worst when the neutral and shield wire are bonded. On the other hand, the maximum SGPR of the single T-line remains the same even after introduction of D-line (unbonded case) as shown in Fig. 10. It decreases significantly when the neutral and shield are bonded. These results agree with the analytical results. Fig. 10. SGPR profiles for the T-line-to-shield fault. Fig. 11. NGPR profiles for different fault locations (fault on T-line). The GPR profiles are further illustrated in Figs. 11 and 12 for various fault points along the T-line. The GPR/kA index is used in these figures since only the T-line faults are compared. As seen in Fig. 11, the NGPR has two equal peaks at the ends of the parallel section when the fault lies downstream of the parallel zone. On the other hand, the SGPR profile in Fig. 12 exhibits extremely high peaks at the fault locations. The main reason is magnitude of fault current. Table 6 Summary of SGPR results obtained analytically. Configurations T-line only T-line + D-line but no neutral T-line + D-line with MGN T-line + D-line and MGN–MGS bonded D-line fault (assume, IFD = 1 kA) T-line fault (assume, IFT = 5 kA) V/kA V V/kA V – 95 54 266 – 95 54 266 980 980 983 300 4900 4900 4915 1500 Fig. 12. SGPR profiles for different fault locations (fault on T-line). 1080 J. Acharya, W. Xu / Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2010) 1074–1081 Fig. 16. Comparison of NGPR for D-line faults and T-line faults. Fig. 13. NGPR profiles for different fault locations (fault on T-line, N–S bonded). Fig. 17. Comparison of SGPR for D-line and T-line faults. Fig. 14. SGPR profiles for different fault locations (fault on T-line, N–S bonded). For the bonded circuits, the NGPR and SGPR profiles are shown in Figs. 13 and 14, which are different from Figs. 11 and 12 for unbonded cases. Fig. 13 shows that the NGPR becomes the highest at the fault location provided that the fault occurs in the parallel zone. If the fault moves outside this zone (downstream), the maximum NGPR occurs at the upstream end of the parallel section. In Fig. 14, the SGPR is the highest for the fault outside the parallel zone and is similar to that of Fig. 12 (unbonded). However, if the fault occurs in the parallel zone the maximum SGPR will decrease drastically (compare Figs. 12 and 14). 4.1. The maximum GPR magnitudes This case involves T-line fault (to shield) in the middle of the parallel section. It is clear from Fig. 15 that the NGPR increases significantly when the fault occurs on T-line. The results (Fig. 15) also reveal that the bonding of neutral and shield increases the NGPR. However, the maximum SGPR decreases to the level of NGPR. This is for the following reason. The NGPR is produced by the induced current when unbonded. But after bonding, the T-line fault current is directly involved in the NGPR. Although the equivalent impedance is reduced due to bonding, this effect is dominated by the amount of T-fault current. On the other hand, the decrease in SGPR is the reflection of reduction in equiva- Fig. 15. Max GPR magnitudes for different configurations (fault on T-line). lent impedance. The T-fault current involved in SGPR is almost the same before and after bonding. The maximum NGPR for D-line and T-line faults are shown in Fig. 16. The NGPRs caused by the T-line faults are much higher than that caused by the D-line faults. For T-line faults, the bonding configuration gives the worst NGPR. The maximum NGPR for the D-line faults is not affected whether the shield is present or not. There is no effect of bonding on the maximum NGPR because the maximum occurs outside the parallel zone of T&D lines. The maximum SGPR for D-line and T-line faults are shown in Fig. 17. The SGPRs caused by the D-line faults are negligible compared to those caused by T-line faults. Unlike the NGPR, the SGPR will be reduced due to bonding for the T-line faults. The following conclusions can be drawn from the above figures: • The maximum NGPR will increase significantly as a result of fault on T-line. • The shield wire on top of the T-line does not have any noticeable effects on NGPR. However, if the shield and neutral are bonded, the NGPR will increase considerably. Note that the effect of bonding applies in the parallel zone only. • For the T-line faults, the maximum SGPR does not increase by the D-line configurations (Fig. 15). Similarly, for the D-line faults, the maximum NGPR will not be increased by the T-line configurations. 4.2. Effect of T&D parallel exposure length The parallel length of T-line and D-line was varied from 1 to 5 km. Fig. 18 shows that the NGPR increases initially with the length of exposure when the fault occurs on T-line (middle of parallel section). However, it does not increase further when the parallel length is more than 3 km. Fig. 19 shows that the SGPR is independent of the exposure length when the fault occurs on T-line. Fig. 18. Max NGPR for parallel exposure lengths (T-line fault in the parallel section). J. Acharya, W. Xu / Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2010) 1074–1081 1081 • The line-to-wire faults are generally more severe than the lineto-ground faults. The effects of these faults are identical on the parallel line. • Bonding of neutral and shield does not improve GPR. It will create higher level of GPR in the parallel circuit. • The GPR caused by T-faults can still be dangerous than that caused by D-faults even if T-faults clear faster. • The GPR will increase for a certain range of parallel exposure length. Fig. 19. Max SGPR for parallel lengths (T-line fault in the parallel section). Fig. 20. Max NGPR for parallel lengths (fault on T-line d/s of the parallel section). Fig. 21. Max SGPR for parallel lengths (fault on T-line d/s of the parallel section). It can be seen from Fig. 18 that the NGPR for the bonded configuration is much higher than that for the unbonded configuration. This is particularly true if the fault location is inside the parallel zone (where bonding exists). But if the fault occurs outside, the NGPR will be less for bonded case compared to the unbonded case (Fig. 20). Similarly the effect of bonding on the maximum SGPR is relevant when the fault is inside the parallel zone (Fig. 19) and the maximum SGPR does not change due to bonding if the fault location is outside the parallel zone where bonding does not exist (Fig. 21). 5. Conclusions The GPR characteristics of multi-grounded neutral (MGN) and shield (MGS) in the joint systems are illustrated. Main conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: References [1] M.V. Lat, Determining temporary overvoltage levels for application of metal oxide surge arresters on multi-grounded distribution systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 5 (2) (1990) 936–946. [2] Y. Rajotte, J. Fortin, G. Raymond, Impedance of multi-grounded neutrals on rural distribution systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 10 (3) (1995) 1453–1459. [3] Y. Rajotte, J. Fortin, B. Cyr, Lightning overvoltages on LV networks fed by MV lines with a multi-grounded neutral, in: CIRED Conference, 1999. [4] Y. Rajotte, J. 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He obtained the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, in 2005. Currently, he is working toward the Ph.D. degree at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. His research interests are power quality and reliability. Wilsun Xu (F’05) received the Ph.D. degree from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in 1989. He was an engineer with BC Hydro, BC, Canada, from 1990 to 1996. Dr. Xu is presently a NSERC Industrial Research Chair and a Professor with the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. His main research interests are power quality and harmonics.