Personal account access

Personal account
Version 2.0. 22.04.2016
Personal account Boxberry.doc
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
Personal account access .............................................................................................................. 3
Personal account mainpage ......................................................................................................... 4
Agreement change ......................................................................................................................... 5
Parcel search .................................................................................................................................. 6
Online parcel statistics .................................................................................................................. 6
Manual order addition.................................................................................................................... 7
Parcels .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Acts ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Widget integration........................................................................................................................ 14
Version 2.0. 22.04.2016
Personal account Boxberry.doc
Boxberry delivery service provides a possibility to use Personal account for customers
and fellow partners, allowing:
 Shipping orders’ data input using web-interface.
 Looking through parcels amount statistics online.
 Printing labels for orders.
 Printing delivery-acceptance certificates for transferred to Boxberry stock of goods lots of
 Looking through the full-list of your web-store shipments.
 Convenient search using receiver’s data/order number, etc.
 Get the background information upon Boxberry web services.
 Widget integration.
 Choosing another agreement (if any).
 Possibility to connect with our technical support.
Personal account access
To get your access to Personal account, next steps required:
1. Register at Boxberry webpage.
2. After obtaining your unique key (API-token), open, in «API
token» enter your key and click «Log in».
Personal account mainpage
After successful Boxberry Personal account authorisation you will see the main
workspace (ref. screenshot below).
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Homepage with web-store name, language switch, agreement switch.
Block for manipulating with parcels. Searching among previously created parcels,
creating new parcel manually.
Block for delivery-acceptance acts manipulating. Searching among previously formed
acts, forming the new ones.
Information block about Boxberry API-services for manipulating with Personal
account possibilities.
Information block about Boxberry API-services. Contains useful technical
information for your implementer, if you use or think of using our web-services. More
information in our technical documentation.
Block for widget integrating configuration. Here you can find your integration key,
tune displaying of pickup points and tune calculating of parameters.
Block for calculating delivery price.
Using this button you may compose a resort to our technical service department.
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Personal account Boxberry.doc
Agreement change
If you own several web-stores, executed for one juridical person, or you work with
several service packages (e.g. orders are partly given without revealing, partly – outgiving a part
of inclusion), then information block about sender and current agreement contains:
 Internet shop / agreement’s name you are working with at the moment,
-ref. screenshot below:
To change your current agreement you do not have to quit your Personal account to log in
again using another key, you may simply click on “change contract” and in the emerged checklist of available agreements select the one, you would like to work with.
After choosing the agreement you need, you continue working with the chosen
Parcel search
You can find your shipment using:
Tracking code in your Personal account
Recipient’s name/surname/middle name
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Recipient’s telephone
Order number
You can also use advanced filter to make a search between the parcels
Online parcel statistics
At this page you can find information according to parcel status information and get additional data by
Manual order addition
To create new order, click “Add orders” in Parcels side menu.
You can create new parcel or continue working with previous ones.
After you see a window with order data input
– ref. screenshot below:
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In Receiver block fill in order receiver’s data:
 Passport data of the receiver (you can type date manually/enter using calendar/arrows)
 Name, Last name, Middle name of the receiver (will be used to check the identity while
 Phone (messages about the delivery will be sent to).
 E-mail (for alerts about the delivery).
 Individual/legal entity (additional info must be filled for entity).
In Parcel block:
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 Tracking code – order’s number for tracking at, generated
 Invoice number-order number at your web-store.
 Stated value (Goods price plus delivery cost, declared to the recipient).
 Delivery cost
 Payment amount (sum to be paid by the recipient. For fully prepaid orders put 0)
In Process of preparing block:
Choose Boxberry pickup point or courier delivery.
For delivering to the pick-up point choose the one from the dropdown list
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Be careful choosing pickup point, some of them work only with fully prepaid orders. While
selecting such pickup point, field «Payable amount» must contain 0. Otherwise such order will
not be saved.
Courier delivery
 Select Courier delivery tab. For this type you have to fill additional fields.
In Places block:
If order is sent in one place, fill only №1 information. It is necessary to use kg for weight.
Click “add place” to open data fields for another box.
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For each place theese fields also have to be filled:
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Make short description (unnecessarily) using Cyrillic and Original description in seller/supplier
language. If language is different from English, unmark checkbox “in English”.
If all the entered data is correct, click on one of the buttons to confirm:
If some of the fields are incorrect, you will get the following message:
After creating new order you can:
1. Edit or delete order.
2. Print label. Each given order for delivery by Boxberry (for each unit load) must have a
printed label, otherwise order will not be accepted and processed by the inventory location.
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3. Check order information (load units, weight, prices).
If you haven’t applied an order, system saves it in scratches.
All the parcels data you can also find by using possibilities at this page.
After successful forming of delivery-acceptance certificate and uploading your orders to
Boxberry database, they become inaccessible for editing or deleting, you can print labels for
Orders, included in delivery-acceptance certificate, are marked with a special icon
“uploaded”. After successful orders uploading to Boxberry database, this icon changes color into
Version 2.0. 22.04.2016
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By clicking the magnifier icon, which also appears for every order, uploaded to the base,
you can look through status-list (tracking).
After all the orders data, included in shipment to Boxberry, is added to Personal account, it is necessary
to form delivery-acceptance act.
To form delivery-acceptance act click “add” in Act block.
You will see a list of orders, available for including to the act.
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Unmark those which do not have to be included.
After clicking “Confirm”. system responses with “Successfully done” and transfers you to a
formed acts list’ view mode.
Make notice, at the moment of clicking “Confirm”, system starts uploading orders to Boxberry
Formed acts list
By clicking “Departure”, you see a list of orders, included to the act.
After clicking the order’s number you will be transferred to the advanced information page upon the order.
Widget integration
In this section you can set:
Pickup point displaying on a widget map.
Parameter settings for delivery calculating.
ref. screenshot below:
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1. Pickup point displaying settings:
Allows hiding pickup points according to next parameters:
 Hide points, working only with prepayments – displugs displaying points ,
working only with prepayment;
 Hide all city points – displugs displaying on a map all pickup points of selected
 Hide pickup point – displugs displaying on a map selected pickup point.
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2. Parameter settings for delivery calculating:
To activate individual calculating settings, mark «To enable the adjustment of the
calculation ».
To hide delivery period this field has to be unmarked.
!!!Make notice. These settings influence delivery price, displayed to your client in a
widget. It does not affect making up with Boxberry, they stay the same according to your
Next calculating options are available:
 Round to – parameter allows setting delivery price rounding till the specified parameter
(roubles, roubles by ten or roubles by hundred).
 Type of rounding – parameter sets rounding format: mathematic rounding or always
 Extra charges – parameter allows to set an extra charge for the calculated delivery price.
Extra charge can be taken as a fix sum for the main calculated price or as an extra percent
from the main calculated price.
 Delivery price calculating depending on parcel price – possibility to set fix delivery
price (0 is also possible) depending on parcel price. In two diapasons: from 0 till selected
roubles amount. And second diapason: from selected price till infinity.
* As an example, at parcel price diapason set from 0 till хххх roubles fix delivery price was always, for
example, 300 roubles, all the parcels above хххх roubles will be delivered according to boxberry tariffs
(including all other settings). Reverse situation is possible, when delivery price at parcel price above
indicated were calculating boxberry (inclusive of other settings), and with fix price above, for example 0
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 Limiting – possibility to set fix minimal and maximal delivery price threshold by
reaching which, delivery price cannot be less or more than indicated amount.
Detailed description can be found at Boxberry webpage in “IT solutions” section in the
document «Pickup point widget integration»:
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