Switch Mode Power Supply Design Constraints for Space Applications Mauro Santos1, Hugo Ribeiro1,2, M. Martins3, J. Guilherme1,2 1 Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Tomar, Estrada da Serra, Quinta do contador, 2300-313 Tomar, Portugal 2 Instituto de Telecomunicações, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal 3 Rotacional, Aerospace Ldt, Parque Industrial Vale do Alecrim, lote 13, 2950-403 Palmela, Portugal Phone: +351-249328196, Fax: +351-249328197, e-mail: jorge.guilherme@ipt.pt Abstract – This paper describes the design trade-offs presented in DC-DC power converters used in space applications. The major concern, in the design of power supplies for space applications, is to obtain a very high reliability level, which can be very difficult to quantify, considering the relatively low production quantities involved. Space converters have to deal with radiation effects, vacuum environment, shock, vibration and comply with EMI requirements. To cope with these stringent requirements several considerations have to be taken. Selection of the proper converter topology suitable to support radiation effects is of major importance. Component selection to resist radiation, mechanical dimensions together with thermal analysis to support vacuum conditions are key parameters to achieve a high reliability level. I. INTRODUCTION Trapped particles in the magnetic field of the Earth (primarily protons and electrons) and cosmic rays (heavy ions or protons of solar or galactic origin) can cause total ionization dose (TID) damage, displacement damage, or single event upsets (SEUs) in electronics. These very different radiation effects in components can lead to degraded performance, temporary loss of performance or even catastrophic failures (e.g. burnout). Taking into account, the radiation effects, the converter design requires specific topologies and component selection with desirable characteristics. The first step of the design is choosing the appropriate power converter topology. Converters which have a direct short circuit path from a low impedance source to ground through switches (MOS or Bipolar transistors) will always be sensitive to single event upsets due to possible latchup. These converters include the half bridge, full-bridge, voltage-fed push-pull and active clamp Forward. All singleended converters such as the Forward or the Flyback are acceptable. The requirement to obtain very high reliability levels, lead to the use of “heritage” designs, i.e., the use of components that have already been used onboard of spacecrafts, considering that the new application will have the same environment conditions. Usually the pieces parts, with history of use in space applications, belong to the so-called preferred parts lists. The disadvantage is that, because these designs are typically several years old, the resulting power supplies are larger, heavier and less competitive than current practice. We wish to express our gratitude to Eng. Francisco Nunes for the tips he gave us and Eng. Carlos Ferreira for the mechanical design drawings he kindly provided. Another drawback is that competitive space power supplies will always need to use some non-standard parts, namely custom ones, like magnetics or a full hybrid design, all chip components. Non-standard parts needs to be qualified according to ECSS standards in terms of: physical properties, functional and performance, humidity (optional), leak/pressure, acceleration (optional), sinusoidal and random vibration, shock, corona and arcing, thermal vacuum, thermal cycling, EMC/ESD, microgravity and audible noise. The design will also have to take into account harsher environment conditions, namely, because of vacuum, heat can be dissipated only by conduction and, because there is no protection like in earth, with atmosphere, the equipment endures more severe radiations. Space environment conditions, which are harsher than terrestrial ones, are unique to each application. For instance, radiation effects like total dose and SEU depend on the orbit as well as time on orbit. Temperature conditions depend on the spacecraft's thermal control system as well as the location of the power supply. The present study results from a project proposal to develop a DC-DC converter for space applications under European Space Agency (ESA) contract [1]. ESA specified the required converter specifications which result in some of the presented constraints. This paper is organized as follows: Section II analyses the design constraints imposed by the harsh space environment. Section III and IV discuss the trade-offs of converter topologies suitable for space environment. Section V presents some of the problems raised by the EMI requirements presented to the converter. Section VI presents a proposed method of construction of the converters and their attachment to the spacecraft’s board. Experimental results are presented in Section VII followed by the concluding remarks, Section VIII. II. SPACE DESIGN CONSTRAINTS A. Component Selection Aging of components in space does not happen at the same rate or speed as it does on earth, the speed at which the components age depends on the orbit at which the equipment will operate, it also depends on the type of component. For bipolar transistors the gain will decrease with exposure to radiation, for MOS devices the threshold voltage will change, making N-type devices turn on at higher gate-source voltages and P-type devices turn on at lower source-gate voltages. In each case this makes circuits behave differently or even cease to work. That change must be predicted and accounted for at the time of the design of the circuit. D. Cost B. Space Constraints The objective of the project is to build a converter with commercial of the shelf (COTS) parts preferably manufactured in Europe. Space qualified parts are usually much more expensive than the COTS counterpart, the manufacturers are usually not European (most are American) and the parts are usually considered military grade. This imposes another problem, the need to get an approval to import the parts, which makes the design more expensive and the design cycle longer. As an example the main supplier of space qualified MOS is International Rectifier, IR, and because this manufacturer is not European, using qualified parts from this company has the above mentioned problems. Another possibility is the qualification of new parts, this approach is very expensive due to the specific nature of the tests required to obtain the flight models. The qualification is time consuming due to the amount of required tests and the outcome is unpredictable. Selection of components for best performance can be difficult when the available space is reduced. The design requires low losses so the circuit has a high efficiency. The design may also need certain component values that are difficult to attain due to board size requirements. One of the first problems is the output filter capacitor value constraints, no electrolytic capacitors can be used due to the risk of explosion. MKT and MKP capacitors have better performance than other ones, but they have a lower capacity density. Output voltage sense is also a problem to take into account in the design of the converter. There are two possibilities to sense the output voltage: the use of an auxiliary winding or the use of an optocoupler. The use of an auxiliary winding may be difficult in a multi output converter where the available space for power windings is already small; on the other hand the use of an optocoupler can introduce problems in the output voltage regulation, due to their loss of linearity with aging. The leakage capacitance between primary and secondary circuit must be lower than 5nF at the switching frequency (by ESA specification). Due to this fact the number of winding turns can’t be too high. To reduce the number of winding turns, a larger and heavier ferrite core is needed. This objective is difficult to achieve when the dimensions and weight are an important constrain. C. ESR Effect on Output Filter Response The Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) of the output capacitors must be small to provide low losses and good attenuation of the output filter. Figure 1(a) shows the typical LC output filter topology and Figure 1(b) shows the effect of higher ESR in the attenuation and the phase of the output filter. A higher ESR leads to lower attenuation and higher dissipation on the capacitor, leading to an efficiency reduction. The problem with high ESR is usually solved by using a larger capacitor or several capacitors in parallel using more space on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB). III. STUDIED CONVERTER TOPOLOGIES A. Flyback Converter The Flyback converter is one of the possible topologies which has the lower component count. The output voltage isolation is guaranteed with two coupled inductances, a primary inductance, LP, and a secondary inductance, LS. On the input side there is only one winding, LP, which means that only one power transistor is required. On the output side there is only the output capacitor, CO, and one switch, which can be a power diode or a power transistor in the case of synchronous rectification. Therefore there is no need to use an external inductor to filter the output voltage, which means less space required. Figure 2 shows a simplified schematic of the Flyback converter with a diode as an output switch. iLP iLS D1 NS vP vS CO VO NP VI Or with multiple outputs vT1 T1 VO1 Bode Diagram Magnitude (dB) 0 ESR=0.001 ESR=0.05 VO2 -50 Fig. 2. Flyback converter. -100 Phase (deg) -150 0 (a) -45 -90 -135 -180 2 10 10 4 10 6 10 8 Frequency (Hz) (b) Fig.1. Typical LC output filter with load: (a) configuration; (b) frequency response versus capacitor ESR variation. Figure 3 shows some waveforms present in the Flyback converter operation. During ton, energy is stored in the LP inductance, during toff the stored energy is transferred to the output, resulting on a current in LS inductance which forward-biases the output diode. The next equations give the relation between VI and VO and the maximum voltage on T1 as a function of duty cycle δ = ton / TS [2]. δ 1 VO =VI ⋅ ⋅ 1−δ n N n= P NS (1) V = V ⋅ 1 / (1−δ ) → δ ⇒ VT 1 T 1 peak I MAX MAX (2) The high current ripple in CO, has the value of 2⋅IO, and requires the use of a low ESR capacitor or a parallel of capacitors to provide the required output voltage ripple. When the ESR is neglected the output voltage ripple, ∆vO , is given by : I ∆vO = O ⋅δ ⋅TS CO and D1 off. The next equations give the relation between VI and VO and the maximum voltage on T1 as a function of the duty cycle δ =ton / TS [3]. V ⋅δ V = I O n with n = NP NS and δ ≤ V = V ⋅ (1+ N P / N D ) T 1MAX I 1 ND 1+ NP (4) (5) (3) The LC filter is designed to offer high attenuation at the switching frequency, fS. Typically the cut-off frequency, fC, is 30 to 100 times lower than the switching frequency, fS. When the ESR is neglected the output voltage ripple, ∆vO , is given by : ∆vO =VO ⋅ π2 ⋅(1−δ )⋅ 2 fC fS 2 (6) and fC is given by: fC = Fig. 3. Flyback converter waveforms. 1 2⋅π LO ⋅CO The current ripple in the capacitor CO is equal to the current ripple in LO which is given by: V ∆iLO = O ⋅(1−δ )⋅TS LO B. Forward Converter (7) (8) The Forward converter uses a transformer to guarantee the isolation between input and output voltage. The isolation transformer has three windings: a primary winding, NP, a secondary winding NS and a demagnetizing winding, ND. In the primary circuit a voltage inverter is made with a transistor and a diode. On the secondary side there is a capacitor, an inductor and two switches, these switches can be two power diodes or two power transistors in the case of synchronous rectification. Figure 4 shows a simplified schematic of the forward converter with diodes used as output switches. LO D1 vP vX vND vS Fig. 5. Forward converter waveforms. CO D2 VI NP ND VO IV. CONVERTER TOPOLOGIES COMPARISON NS Or with cross regulation vT1 vD1 A. Operation Limitations D T1 VO1 VO2 Fig. 4. Forward converter. Figure 5 shows some waveforms present in the Forward converter operation. In this Figure iLM is the magnetizing current. During ton the voltage applied to the primary, vP, is VI and the energy is transferred to the output circuit. The diode D1 is forward-biased and the current in LO has a positive slope. During toff1, the diode D is forward-biased and the core is demagnetized, the current iLO flows through D2 and has a negative slope. During toff2, iLM is zero and D is reversedbiased. In the secondary circuit we have the same state, D2 on The duty cycle range which can be used is limited on both converters. On the Forward converter this limitation is due to the need to demagnetize the core of the transformer, therefore the maximum duty cycle achievable can be controlled by changing the relation between primary winding turns and demagnetizing winding turns. The voltage on the switch also limits the duty cycle. A high duty cycle results in a high voltage on the transistor, this degrades the efficiency because high voltage transistors have poor specifications. On the Flyback converter the maximum switch voltage is directly related to the maximum duty cycle used, therefore higher duty cycles can only be achieved by using switches capable of blocking higher voltages. The Flyback converter would require the use of an output filter to keep the ripple voltage under the limits, due to capacitor ESR. The use of this filter increases the number of system poles, degrading the stability and increases the space needed on the PCB. B. Efficiency For any of the two converters the use of synchronous rectification allows a higher efficiency at the expense of a higher cost and an added degree of complexity. In the Flyback converter a voltage snubber in parallel with the primary transistor is required, which can reduce efficiency. The advantages and drawbacks of each converter are summarized in the following table. Table I: Converter topologies comparison Topology Flyback Forward Advantages Drawbacks Hard to control; Simple coupled inductor δMAX limited; design; Poor cross regulation; Low component count High ∆iC; Snubber needed Simple control; High component count; Low ∆iC; δMAX limited; Output cross regulation Complex transformer (a) (b) Fig. 6. Support scheme for the converter PCB: (a) single board converter; (b) double board converter. VII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A prototype of the forward converter was built to assess the performance using COTS parts and design difficulties due to space availability. Figure 7 shows the results obtained with the prototype converter. The top waveform shows the output voltage ripple and the lower waveform shows the voltage at the drain of the MOSFET. The switching frequency was set to 1 MHz and the measured efficiency at full load was 88%. This prototype was not tested against typical space conditions, required to comply with ESA requirements as stated in the Statement of Work, (SoW [1]). V. EMI COMPLIANCE The converters must comply with Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) regulations. To comply with conducted interference, an input filter must be added to the converter which can degrade the stability of the converter. To comply with radiated interference special care must be taken in the design of the converter PCB where short traces and small loops are preferable. The choice of magnetic components will not only affect the design of the converter but also the amount of interference emitted by the converter, adding another degree of complexity to the project. VI. MECHANICAL DESIGN Usually mechanical design is not a big issue. For space applications, the parts assembly requires special attention, because the circuit must resist launch without damage. The converter design objective is to use only one PCB to implement the full converter or at most two PCB’s, one for the power components and another for the converter control. Surface Mount Components (SMD) are preferable, not only for their reduced space usage but also due to their better mechanical behaviour. Fixation of the PCB is very important, because the mechanical stress is distributed by several support points. For a single board converter we propose a scheme of five support points as can be seen on Figure 6(a), for a double board converter we propose the scheme of Figure 6(b). Despite the mechanical robustness of SMD components, special techniques need to be used in the soldering of components for space applications. LO=25µH, CO=2µF VI=30V, VO=5V RL=2.5Ω, Fs=1MHz η=88%, ∆VO/VO=1% Po=10W Fig. 7. Prototype converter waveforms (Time base 500ns/Div, CH1 20V/Div, CH2 50mV/Div). VIII. CONCLUSIONS The most promising topology is the forward in terms of number of components and cross regulation. The Flyback converter despite having an initial lower component count, would require the use of an output filter to keep the ripple voltage under the imposed limits due to the capacitor ESR. The use of this filter not only increases the number of components as well as the number of system poles, with the consequence of stability degradation. Therefore the Forward topology presents the best approach to implement these space DCDC converters. REFERENCES [1] ESA SoW, Efficient Low Cost Power Conversion for Standard and Advanced Fast Digital Electronics, September 2006. [2] N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, “W.P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters Applications and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1989. [3] Robert W. Erickson, Dragan Maksimovic Fundamentals of Power Electronics Second Edition, KAP, 2001.