July 6, 1937. L. s. CHADWICK 2,086,118 ADJUSTABLE SHELF FOR REFRIGERATORS OR THE LIKE Filed Nov. 22, 1935 1F» a, v / A ?fj 2 Sheets-Sheet l 3,. ' M . J INVENTOR. BY in 2. 25W M ,Gm-vk Wind’ ATTORNEYS . July 6, 1937. 2,086,118 |_. s. CHADWICK ADJUSTABLE SHELF FOR REFRIGERATORS OR THE LIKE Filed Nov. 22,’ 1955 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR, {Lu 2.90M BY ATTORNEYJ. 2,086,118 Patented July .I 6, 1937 UNITED STATES PpATENT OFFICE 2,086,118 ADJUSTABLE SHELF FOR REFRIGERATORS OR THE LIKE Lee, S. Chadwick, Shaker Heights, Ohio, assignor to Perfection Stove Company, Cleveland, Ohio, a corporation of Ohio Application November 22, 1935, Serial No. 51,128 ' 3 Claims. (Cl. 211-153) This invention is an adjustable shelf for re front to rear, are approximately the length of frigerators and similar enclosures in which it is the bearing portions a and a’. necessary or desirable to alter the spacing of the shelves from time to time to accommodate ob be arranged between opposed shelf supporting jects of different heights between them. The purpose of the invention is to provide a ' As illustrated in Figs. 4 to '7, each shelf A may means or ledges b in three different positions: ?rst, as shown in detail in Fig. 5, with its’ ends simple and inexpensive construction affording a that constitute the bearing portions a resting wide range of adjustment and facilitating the ac upon said means or ledges; secondly, as detailed complishment thereof. A typical and thoroughly practical embodiment of the invention is illustrated in the accompany ing drawings forming a part hereof wherein Fig. 1 is a front elevation, Fig. 2 a fragmentary plan view, and Fig. 3 a side elevation of my improved shelf; Fig. 4 is a front elevation of a refrigerator incorporating the invention, and Figs. 5, 6, and 7 in Fig. 6, in a more elevated position with its bearing portions a’ resting upon the shelf sup 10 porting means or ledges b; and, thirdly, in an inverted position at a level below its ?rst eleva tion with its bearing portions 0.’ again contacting the shelf supporting means or ledges b. 15 Inasmuch as the shelf supporting means or ledges b of each side wall 5 are spaced apart a are sectional details through a wall of the refrig eration compartment or enclosure and thead distance corresponding approximately to three times the vertical spacing of the bearing por jacent end of the shelf, showing, respectively, the tions 0. and a.’ of a shelf, the shelves may be 20 According to the present embodiment of the invention, the shelf, designated generally by the tions equally spaced apart between the high position of the top shelf and the low position of the bottom shelf. Having thus described my invention, what I 20 shelf adjusted to three different elevations. letter A, consists of a rectangular frame I, made of a stiff, heavy gauge wire, and cross bars 2 that 25 are relatively narrow in plan but are of a depth substantially equal to the diameter of the wire from which the frame I is constructed, the oppo site‘ ends of the cross bars being suitably secured to the opposed portions of the frame I with the 30 top and bottom edges of the bars substantially ?ush with the corresponding sides of the frame thereby to avoid a marginal obstruction to the sliding of objects onto or off the shelf regardless of which side of the shelf is up. The ends of the 35 frame I constitute bearing portions a. A wide and relatively shallow U-shaped mem ber 3, preferably constructed of material or stock identical with that from which the frame I is made, is secured to the underneath side of the .40 frame (as the same is positioned in Fig. 1) a short distance from each end thereof. The straight central section of each member 3 constitutes a bearing portion a’, and the same is offset lat erally into the vertical plane of the adjacent 45 bearing portion a. While the invention‘ is applicable to different classes of enclosures, I have shown it in Fig. 4 as incorporated in a refrigerator B. The side walls 5 of the refrigeration compartment 6 are 50 provided with shelf supporting means or ledges b, the corresponding means or ledges on the op posed walls being in the same horizontal plane, and the adjacent ones of each wall have their shelf supporting surfaces spaced apart preferably 5.5 three times the vertical distance between the bearing portions 0. and a.’ of the shelves A. The shelf supporting means or ledges b, as best shown in Figs. 5 to 7, are desirably formed of outward depressions of the sheet metal from which the 60 walls 5 are constructed, and, in a direction from adjusted in the manner above described to posi claim is: ‘ 25 _ 1. An invertible shelf comprising a rectangular frame, and relatively wide U-shaped members or rod-like material having their ends rigidly se cured to opposed portionsof the same side of the frame at locations inset from the ends thereof, the central portion of each U-shaped member being substantially parallel with and offset into the vertical plane of the adjacent end of the frame. 2. An invertible fabricated shelf consisting of 35 an open frame, cross members disposed between and connected at their opposite ends to the op posed sides of the frame, the top and bottom surfaces of said members being substantially ?ush with the corresponding faces of the frame, 40 and relatively wide U-shaped members construct ed of round wire having their ends secured- to opposed portions of the same face of the frame at locations inset from the ends thereof, the central portion of each U-shaped member being 45 substantially parallel with and offset into the ver tical plane of the adjacent end of the frame. 3. An invertible fabricated shelf consisting of an open frame, cross members disposed between 50 and connected at their opposite ends to the op posed sides of the frame, and relatively wide U shaped members constructediof wire having their ends rigidly secured to opposed portions of the same face of the frame at locations inset from 55 the ends thereof, the central portion of each U-shaped member being substantially parallel with and offset into the vertical plane of the ad jacent end of the frame. LEE S. CHADWICK. CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION. Patent No. 2,086, 118. July 6,1957. LEE S. CHADWICK. ' It is hereby certified that error appears in the printed specification of the above numbered patent‘requiring correction as follows: Page 1, second column, line 27, claim 1, for the word "or" read of; and that the said Letters Patent should be read with this correction therein that the same may conform to the record of the case in the Patent Office. Signed and sealed this 51st day of August, A. D. 1937. (Seal) Acting Commriessslilcgelirraoyiellfjatents.