A Survey of Secondary Systems in the Middle East: Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, and Syria Charles L. Hoehnen, Evaluator Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. NAFSA V Conference Grand Rapids, Michigan October 29-31st, 2014 Vowels Consonants Arabic Alphabet 2 3 Numbers 2014 = 4 Guide to Reading Arabic • Arabic script runs from right to left. • Names can be transliterated differently into English, such as Muhammad and Mohamed. – Example: محمدcan be transliterated as Muhammad, Mohammed, etc. The only letters used to write this name here are [m] [h] [m] and [d] (from right to left). Unstressed vowels are omitted from script. • Only stressed vowels are written letters: [ اa], [ يi], and [ وu]. These are usually pronounced in words as “aah,” “eeh,” and “ooh.” • Unstressed vowels are represented by diacritical marks and are normally omitted from the script: – Example: [ َكاتِبka:tib] (book) where the unstressed [i] is designated by the small slash under the letter [ تt]. That slash is usually omitted from normal script. 5 Reading Arabic, cont. • Letters change form depending on their position in the word: initial, medial, final, or isolated. In Arabic letters usually connect to the previous or subsequent letters. However, a handful of letters do not connect. Example: [sh…h…a…d….t] uses the following letters (isolated forms shown from right to left): … …ة. …ا…د.ش… ه The actual word looks like this: [شهادةshahadat]. (“sh” and “h” connect to the left so they changed form slightly.) Stressed “a” and “d” do not connect to the left so they remained in nearly their original form. • When words need to fill a certain space, some of the letters may be extended, or stretched, beyond their normal length. 6 Shahadat (Certificate) ة د ا ه ش t d a h sh شهادة شهادة shahadat IRAQ Diagram of the Educational System of Iraq Source: https://aei.gov.au/cep/Pages/default.aspx CEP online (Australian International) 8 9 Primary and Secondary Education • 6 years of primary education leading to the Primary Certificate () شهادة اإلبتدائية • 3 years of intermediate education leading to the Intermediate Baccalaureate ( المرحلة المتوسطة/ وثيقة مدرسية ) • 3-year preparatory education leading to the Secondary School Certificate ( المرحلة/ وثيقة مدرسية ) اإلعداديةalso known as the Preparatory Baccalaureate – Specialization stream chosen after the first year: literary stream ( ) األدبيor the exact sciences stream () العلمي • 3-year vocational education leading to the Vocational Baccalaureate ) اإلعدادية المهنية/ ) وثيقة مدرسية – Vocational programs in the following areas: technology ( ) صناعةcommerce ( ) تجارةor agriculture () زراعة Grading at the secondary level is 0-100, with 50 and higher passing. 10 Secondary Certificates, Baghdad and KRG 11 Ministerial exam results Republic of Iraq Ministry of Education School Certificate Ministerial Examination Examination year of 2012/2013 Courses Grades (numerical and written out) School end date: September 4, 2013 Secondary School exam and certificate, issued in 2013 for 1995 results 12 Grading at the Intermediate and Preparatory Levels Percentage Suggested U.S Equivalent 90-100 A 80-89 A 70-79 B 60-69 C 50-59 D 0-49 F 13 14 Confirmed Falsified Secondary School Certificate 15 Other issues and concerns • School year in non-ISIS controlled areas is expected to begin as usual (latest information is after Eid holidays in mid-October) • Not all 2014 examination results are available • Institutions in ISIS controlled areas are not expected to open, or open under ISIS direction/curricula • Databases may or may not be available • Most university personnel in ISIS-controlled areas, including Mosul University staff, have fled • Universities closed: Mosul, Nineveh, Tikrit, Al Fallujah, Al-Anbar, Samarrah, Diyalah; also technical colleges in Mosul 16 Resources • NAFSA 2012 online guide: http://www.nafsa.org/Resource_Library_Assets/Publicat ions_Library/Online_Guide_to_Educational_Systems_Arou nd_the_World/ • Foundation of Technical Education: http://www.fte.edu.iq/ • NUFFIC Country Profiles: http://www.nuffic.nl/en/diploma-recognition/countrymodules • UNESCO: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002114/2114 39e.pdf • IIE Scholar Rescue Fund: http://www.iie.org/Programs/Scholar-Rescue-Fund 17 EGYPT 18 Egypt Educational Diagram From AEI CEP Secondary Education • Overseen by the Ministry of Education: http://www.moe.gov.eg/ • Structure: 6+3+3 • Academic, Technical & Religious Tracks • Traditionally, only the Academic option led to enrollment in higher education • Academic Option leaving credential: thaanawiya 'amma (Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education) • Technical Option leaving credential: Technical Education School Certificate for 3 year programs; Advanced Technical Diploma for 5 year programs 19 20 Secondary Grading Scale General Secondary Certificate Examination, 2006/2007 Examination Completion Certificate, General Secondary Education Ministry of Education Student Scores in the First and Second Stages Student’s name in Arabic Student’s name in English for the years Maximum/Minimum Marks Marks Obtained 21 22 General Secondary Education Certificate Examination Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education, Second Stage Cairo Governorate 23 24 25 Secondary School Diploma, 2006 Ministry of Education Examination for Certificate of Completion of Secondary School 26 Translation Resources • Older resources: – Education in the Arab World Vol. I by AMIDEAST (Leslie Nucho, Editor) – AACRAO World Education Series: Arab Republic of Egypt, 1988 (Lee Wilcox) • Newer resources: – NAFSA Online Guide to Educational Systems (Egypt): http://www.nafsa.org/Resource_Library_Assets/Public ations_Library/Online_Guide_to_Educational_Systems_A round_the_World/ – The Connection: https://theconnection.ece.org/ 27 LIBYA Recent Events In March 2011, a National Transitional Council was formed in Benghazi with the stated aim of overthrowing the Qaddafi regime and guiding the country to democracy. per CIA World Factbook and BBC News In mid-September 2011, the UN General Assembly voted to recognize the Council as the legitimate interim governing body of Libya. In August 2012, the NTC handed over power to Libya’s newly elected parliament, the General National Congress. Current Events: The Effect on Education • “The dilemma facing Libyan higher education is one facet of the battle between forces vying to control different regions in the vacuum left by Qaddafi’s death. The government’s army has far less firepower than the many warring militias. The war has eroded education & much of the rest of civil society over the past year.” • Many students are not attending school because of warring militias. Some are taking part in the fighting while others simply feel unsafe just getting to school. • Benghazi education officials recently issued a report that said 63,000 students and more than 8,500 teachers would not be able to go to schools in conflict zones. Some displaced students will go to schools in other cities though many do not know where or how to do this. • Hundreds of primary and secondary schools have also closed indefinitely or postponed classes until late September. *Source: Al-Fanar Media (Reda Fhelboom, 15 September 2014) Educational Structure from AEI CEP Primary & Secondary Education • 3 years of Upper Secondary (following 9 years of basic education), resulting in the Secondary Education Certificate (also known as the Secondary School Certificate Examination or Form of Student Success for the Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education) • Streams: Literary, Scientific, Specialized • Vocational Secondary Education results in an Intermediate Training Diploma Secondary Grading Percentage Grade (Libya) Suggested U.S. Equivalent 85-100 A 75-84 A 65-74 B 50-64 C 0-49 F *Note: Some courses can be passed with a 40-49%. Minimum marks are noted on the document for each subject. Secondary School Certificate Examination (2000) Translation Form of Student Success, confirming completion of the Secondary Education Certificate, Division of Engineering Sciences (2010) Translation National Transitional Council Secondary Document & Translation Ministry of Education Secondary Document & Translation Regulatory Bodies • General People’s Committee for Education (formerly) • Ministry of Education: http://www.edu.gov.ly/ • Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research: http://highereducation.gov.ly/ • National Board for Technical and Vocational Education: http://www.tve.gov.ly/ • QAA (quality assurance & accreditation body): http://www.qaa.ly/ Resources • Education USA Middle East North Africa office: http://www.educationusa.info/MENA • QAA (includes listing of recognized institutions): http://www.qaa.ly/ – Public Universities list: http://www.qaa.ly/index.php/home/details/gov_organizations/ 116 • Embassy: http://libya.usembassy.gov/edu_advising.html • Ministry of Education: http://edu.gov.ly/ar/ • UNESCO World Data on Education Profile: http://www.ibe.unesco.org/Countries/WDE/2006/index. html 42 LEBANON 43 Lebanon Educational Diagram American and French style systems both used Ministry of Education and Higher Education: http://www.higheredu.gov.lb/english/default.ht m From AEI CEP Primary and Secondary Education • School education - 3+6+3+3 pattern of pre-primary, primary, intermediate and secondary education. • Primary – Six years (ages 6-12) The following subjects are taken in each year • Intermediate – Three years (ages 13-15) – both academic and technical/vocational streams – Qualification: Brevet d’Études, • Secondary – Three years (ages 16-18) (grades 10-12) – Qualification: Baccalauréat Libanais (Lebanese General Secondary Certificate) – Before 1991, students sat the Baccalauréat I in Grade 11 and the Baccalauréat II examination at the end of Grade 12 44 General Secondary Education Certificate Sociology and Economics Section, 2010 45 General Secondary Education Certificate Life Sciences Section, 2010 46 47 Exercise! This is a sample of an old Lebanese Baccalaureate. Which year did this student take the examination? Examination Issues I. In 2014 the teachers went on strike before grading the GSEC exams, leaving the students in limbo. There appear to be a couple different options: 1. Original candidacy card 2. Document "certificate authorizing them to continue their studies in the universities inside and outside Lebanon" Translated as "Authorize them to continue their studies in the universities inside and outside Lebanon based on the Decree Number 401 dated 28/8/2014 issued by the council of ministers and the decision Number 781/m/2014 dated 26/8/2014 issued by the ministry of Education and higher Education in Lebanon" Examination Issues (cont.) II. Missing examination years: Baccalaureate, The Part I exam was not given from 1987 until it was permanently cancelled in 1991 The Part II exam was not given between 1987 and 1989, but it was given one final time in 1990 before it was offered as just the Lebanese Baccalaureate in subsequent years (until it became the GSEC). [AMIDEAST, Education in the Arab World (page 501)] 50 SYRIA 51 Primary and Secondary Education Structure 3 years 3 years 6 years preparatory primary education intermediate education upper secondary education Academic/Vocational Academic Qualification: الشهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة General Secondary Education Certificate Sections: Scientific Literary Secondary Education Student Assessment minimum passing score for Arabic is 50% minimum passing score for other subjects is 40% Passing the general secondary examination requires a passing score in Arabic and in all but one of the other subjects, or a passing score in Arabic and all but two of the other subjects as long as the combined score for the failed subjects is at least 25%. Secondary Scale Syria US Grade 80-100 A 65-79 B 50-64 C 40-49 D 0-39 F 52 53 Ministry of Education General Secondary Education Certificate General Secondary Education Certificate Scientific section 54 Translation Certificate Affidavit with Examination Results General Secondary Education Certificate Scientific Section Ministry of Education 55 56 Translation Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education 57 58 Translation Challenges Part 1 Transcripts Now: Some students have fled without any documents. Pre-crisis: Syrian institutions issued one set of original documents. Students would take originals to institutions to obtain certified copies and have them stamped by MFA • Students may have one set of transcripts but sometimes cannot obtain certified copies • Students living outside of Damascus cannot get them certified by MFA • If high school has closed, cannot obtain transcripts • Difficulty of verifying credentials • Syrian National Council secondary examinations and certificate? 59 Other Issues - - - U.S. Embassy in Syria has suspended operations--Need to apply outside of Syria Syrian passport renewal issues Syrian students in USA on tourist visa need to adjust status Students with asylum can apply for FAFSA IIE Scholar Rescue Fund:Program for threatened academics and scholars Increase in number of Iraqi and Syrian SRF applications Open call for institutions to become host partners More info: - http://www.iie.org/Programs/Scholar-Rescue-Fund 60 Grade Point Average Calcualtion • For examinations which represent completion of the entirety of secondary/upper secondary, recommend weighting the examinations by marks or coefficients. • Check resources for curriculums. For example Iraq, ECE 1988, UNESCO pdf ref. above. – شكراThank you theconnection.ece.org www.ece.org/presentations Saudi Arabia Educational Diagram [from The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Its Educational System and Methods of Evaluation (ECE)] Documentation • Most documents can be issued in English or bilingual format • Official secondary documentation is issued by the Ministry of Education • International schools will typically issue documentation in home country format • Post-secondary documentation is issued by the institution – Usually in English – Teacher training program documentation often reissued Secondary Education • Intermediate (grades 7-9) • Upper secondary (grades 10-12) Secondary School Type Curriculum Government schools MOE curriculum Saudi private schools MOE curriculum, and may offer extra subjects Saudi schools granted special permission School’s own curriculum Tatweer model schools New MOE curriculum International schools Various curricula (US-style, IB, UK exam boards, etc.) Secondary grading Percentage Description Translation Suggested US equivalent 90-100 ممتاز Excellent A 75-89 جيد جدا Very Good B 60-74 جيد Good C 50-59 مقبول Pass D 0-49 راسب Fail F General Secondary School Transcript; common format used approximately 2000 to 2010 The most common format for secondary results used from approximately 2000 to 2010 included the subject titles and two rows of grades, labeled “Weighted Mark” and “Obtained Mark.” From this information the weighting of each subject can be determined. Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education (Credit System); common format used since approximately 2008 (Arabic example) 1. In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful 2. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 3. Ministry of Education 4. Department of Education 5. Riyadh District 6. (Boys) 7. Certificate of Completion of Secondary School (Credit System) 8. The Department of Education in Riyadh testifies that the student 9. [Student’s name] 10. Born in Dharma 11. [Date of birth] 12. Saudi national 13. And national ID number/passport number 14. [student’s number] 15. Has successfully completed secondary school (credit system) 16. Natural Science stream 17. In the second semester 18. Academic year 19. 1428/1429 (2007/2008) 20. From the Shifa district 21. And obtained an overall grade average of 97.16% 22. Grade of Excellent 23. And was consequently awarded this certificate 24. School Director [signature] 25. General Manager of Department of Education [signature] 26. Ministry of Education, Shifa district seal In the new “Credit General Secondary Education System” format, Certificate (Credit System), Transcript; complete results aresince common format used approximately 2008 shown for each subject studied throughout the three years of upper secondary school (grades 10-12). Each course is weighted equally as it applies to the overall GPA; 75.5% in this example.