International Journal - Siddaganga Institute of Technology

Details of papers presented / published by faculty in International Journal
Year 2014
1. Pramod T. C , N. R. Sunitha , Solution to Key synchronization problem in SCADA crypto Systems : A Self-Diagnosis
Approach, JUET Research Journal of Science and Technology, Narosa Publishing House, 2014 New Delhi.
2. Nikhil Trikoti S, Nayana S, Improved Handover Mechanisms to Reduce Packet Forwarding in LTE-Advanced Using
Single Poll Technique, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCSIT), VOL NO-5, ISSUE-4,
22 July- 2014, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu.
3. Radhakrishna Bhat , N R Sunitha, “OPTAR: Optional PIR based trusted address resolution for DNA”, International
Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN:2320-2106, Volume-2, Issue-8,Aug-2014.
4. Charan K.V, A.S Manjunath and S.P Sharmila “customizing AOSP for difference embedded devices and integration at
application layer” IJAFRC Journal (Volume-1, Issue-6) ISSN: 2348-4853
Year 2013
1. B. Sathish Babu, K. Bhargavi, Pallapa Venkataram, CAs-Based QoS Scheme for Remote Health Monitoring,
International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, 5(4), 44-67, October-December 2013.
2. Kishore kumar R and S Nayana, NB-JNCD Coding and Iterative Joint Decoding Scheme for a Reliable
communication in Wireless sensor Networks with results, International Journal of Smart Sensors and Ad Hoc Networks
(IJSSAN), ISSN No. 2248-9738(print), Vol-3, ISSUE-1, 2013
3. Varun Shivprasad, Kallinatha H. D, Light Weight Security for OPC UA based Architecture, International Journal of
Communication Network Security, online, ISSN: 2231 – 1882, Volume-2, Issue-1,2013.
4. A S Poornima, Dr. B B Amberker, Key Establishment Protocols for Secure Communication in Clustered Sensor
Networks, International Journal of Communication Network and Distributed System, Inderscience Publications
DOI: 10.1504/IJCNDS.2013.055514, Volume11, Issue 2, Page. 120-138, July, 2013.
5. A S Poornima, Dr. B B Amberker, Secure End-to-End Data Aggregation (SEEDA) Protocol for Wireless Sensor
Networks, Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, Old city Publication, Volume 17, Issue 3-4,Page. 193-219, March,
6. R Aparna, B B Amberker, Multiuser Message Authentication, Application to Verifiable Secret Sharing and Key
Management Schemes, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Horizon Research
Publishing Corporation, Volume 1, Issue 2, USA, Sept 2013.
7. Rajkumar and R Sumathi, Energy and cost Efficient Time Synchronization Using Mobile Agent For Wireless Sensor
Network, International Journal of Engineering Innovation &Research (IJEIR-2013) Volume 2, Issue 3, ISSN:22775668,2013
8. Ashwini B P, Chidananda T, A Survey on Energy Efficient Hierarchical Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor
Networks, International Journal of Engineering Innovation and Research, Volume 2, Issue 3, ISSN -2277-5668, June
9. B Sathish Babu, Jayashree N, Pallapa Venkataram, Performance Analysis of Steiner Tree-based Decentralization
Mechanism (STDM) for Privacy Protection in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal on Network Security,
10. Vinay K , Bhushan J, Dr. Y.S Nijagunarya, Emergency service responder with traffic controlling agent in contextaware healthcare application, in International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology , July 2013 .
11. Bhargavi K , Chaithra H S, Join Queries Translation from SQL to XML, International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), Volume. 4, Issue 4, Udaipur, Mar-April 2013.
12. Ramanjaneya Swamy, Srinivasa .K, Explicit Data Encryption Architecture for Cassandra, International Journal of
Engineering Innovation & Research, Volume 2, Issue 2, Jul-Aug 2013.
13. Srinivasa.K, Query Routing and Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review from Database
Perspective, International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research, Volume 2, Issue 2, Jul-Aug 2013.
14. Supreetha Patel, Shreenath K N, An energy efficient Deactivetion Technique for Reactive jammers In Wireless
Sensor Networks, Graduate Research In Engineering & Technology: An International journal, Volume 1, Issue 2,
2013, Hyderabad, India.
15. Rachana and Ravi.V, Minimizing Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks using ETRI Dual Queue Scheduler,
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technolgy (I JSET), Volume No.2, Issue No 6, pp-583-588.
16. Malatesha P, Ashwini B P, Multiple Description Coding Based Video Streaming on TXTA Peer to Peer Network
,International Journal of Engineering Innovation and Research, Volume 2, Issue 3, ISSN -2277-5668, June 2013
17. Pallavi R, Aparna R., Achieving availability and Data Integrity Proofs in Hierarchical Attribute Encryption Scheme
using Hybrid Cloud, Graduate Research in Engineering and Technology- An International Journal, Vol.1, Issue 2, pp. 17, May 2013.
18. Anupama T A, Aparna R, Securing a Multi-hop Network by Detecting and Locating Pollution Attacks using
SpaceMAC, Graduate Research in Engineering and Technology- An International Journal, Vol.1, Issue 2, pp. 51-54, May
19. Anand Guggari, , R. Sumathi and H. D. Kallinatha, Energy Efficient and Cost Effective Localization using VAN
(Virtual Anchor Node) in Wireless Sensor Networks, in International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research,
Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2013, page no. 280-285, ISSN: 2277 – 5668.
20. Shreenath K N, Shrinivas K G, An Energy Efficient Medium Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,
International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security,2013
21. Thejas G S, Prof.K.Karunakara, Dr. M.Siddappa, Analyzing and optimizing techniques used to optimize the
performance of RADAR application CFAR function, International Journal of Advances in Electronics Engineering,
theIRED and SEEK digital library, Volume-I, Issue-I, pp.293-297, ISSN 2278 - 215X, August 2011, Chandigarh, India.
Year : 2012
1. Sadanand R Inamdar, Ravi M Yadhalli, B Sathish Babu , Smart Antenna System using cross layer design in
Wireless Adhoc Networks: Trends and Challenges, world Journal of Science and Technology,2(5),pp:74-79,2012,
2. Bhargavi K Omkar M N, AWS Vs MWA, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
volume 1, Issue 9, Gujarat, November -2012.
3. R. Aparna, B.B.Amberker, Key management Scheme for Cumulative Member Removal and Bursty Behavior in
Secure Group Communication using m-ary Tree, MIS Review-An International Journal, 18(1), 71-91 , Sept 2012
4. Thejaswini S , N R Sunitha, B B Amberker, Trust Model for Secure Key Distribution and Routing in Mobile
Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Information Processing, 6(4), 27 – 41, Bangalore, India, Nov-Dec,
5. Alok G, N R Sunitha, MAZE Security Protocol for Self Securing S4 Storage Server, International Journal of
Computer Applications Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, Special Issue on Issues and
Challenges in Networking, Intelligence and Computing Technologies, NOV 13-17, 2012
6. R Aparna, Shalini Kumari H A, Secure Dispatch of Mobile Sensors in a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks, IOSR
Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSRJCE) Volume 3, Issue 2, July-Aug. 2012, pp. 01-05.
7. Shamshekar Patil, N.R.Sunitha, Security and Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal
of Advanced and Innovative Research , August 2012.
8. B. Adithya and B. Sathish Babu, Capacity and Service (CapServ) Adaptive Trust Computation by Territory
Formation in Ubiquitous Environment, International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing,
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2012.
9. R Aparna, B.B.Amberker, Key management Schemes for Multi-Layer and Multiple Simultaneous Secure Group
Communication, International Journal of Communications and Networking, International Scholarly Research Network
doi:10.5402/2012/383218, Aug. 2012.
10. R.Sumathi, R.Srinivasan “QoS aware Routing Protocol to Improve Reliability for Prioritized Heterogeneous
Traffic in Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Parallel ,Emergent and Distributed Systems. Vol.27,
No.2, PP 143-168, 2012. (Publisher: Taylor and Francis).
11. R.Sumathi, R.Srinivasan “Performance analysis of EBARR protocol for Wireless Sensor Network” International
Journal of Information technology, communications and convergence: Vol.2, No.1, pp 25-53, 2012.(Publisher :
12. Keerthi M , B Satish Babu, Ankit Agrawal and Ritu Sama, Application Processor Queue Prioritization,
International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, ISSN (Print) : 2319 - 2526, Volume-1, Issue-1,
Year : 2011
1. Bharathi M A , Mallikarjun Mathad , Gururaj S P , IP Camera and Mobile based Remote Login Intrusion
Detection, International journal of Advances in Computer Networks and its Security [ISSN 2250 - 3757]
2. R. Aparna, B.B.Amberker, An Efficient Key management Scheme for Handling Bursty Behavior in Secure Group
Communication using Binomial Key Trees, International Journal of Security and Communication Networks, JohnWiley Publication, Vol. 4, No.4, DOI:10.1002/sec.250, pp.1027-1043, Aug.2011.
3. Manjunath K.G, :“An Efficient Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks“, International Journal of Computer
Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (4) , 2011, 1798-1801, Aug 2011.
4. A.S.Poornima, B.B.Amberker, PERSEN: Power Efficient Logical Ring based Key Management for Clustered
Sensor Networks, International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), Inderscience Publishers, Vol.10, No.1/2, pp.94-103, 2011.
5. A.S.Poornima, B.B.Amberker, Secure Data Collection Using Mobile Data Collector in Clustered Wireless Sensor
Networks, IET Wireless Sensor Systems, Vol.1, No.2, pp.85--95, June, 2011.
6. Kavitha M. N.R.Sunitha, B.B.Amberker, A Divisible and Transferable Digital Cash protocol, Publication
details(Conf/Journal/Book/etc.): International Journal of Computing , June 2011, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 407-413,2011
7. Shilpa S.G, N.R.Sunitha, B.B.Amberker, A Trust Model for Secure and QoS Routing in MANETS, International
Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering, May 2011, Issue Vol.1 No.5, 22-31,2011
8. N. R.Sunitha, B.B.Amberker, Proxy Re-signature Schemes : Multi-use, Unidirectional & Translations,
details(Conf/Journal/Book/etc.): , Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Volume 2, Issue 3 of 2011.
Year : 2010
1. R. Aparna and B.B. Amberker, A key management scheme for secure group communication using binomial key
trees, International Journal of Network Management, John-Wiley, Nov. 2010, Vol.20, Issue 6, pp. 383-418
2. R.Sumathi, R.Srinivasan, Adaptable Threshold Energy Scheme for Load Balancing to Improve Network Longevity
in Wireless Sensor Networks, International journal of Computing ,Vol. 9,No.4, pp. 345-352, 2010
3. R.Sumathi, R.Srinivasan, Data Quality Aware Routing for Differentiated Services in Wireless Sensor Networks, The
Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Network, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 86-94, 2010
Year : 2009
1. B.Sathish Babu and P.Venkataram, “Software level authentication schemes for mobile communications”,
2. R. Aparna and B.B. Amberker, “Analysis of Key Management Schemes for Secure Group Communication and
Their Classification”, Journal of Computing and Information Technology - CIT, 2, pp:203–214
doi:10.2498/cit.1001215 203, June 2009.
3. N.R. Sunitha and B.B. Amberker, “New Signature Derivation using Existing Signatures”, Academy Publishers,
Finland, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 47-51, May, 2009.
4. B.Sathish Babu and P.Venkataram, “Random security scheme selection for mobile transactions”, Journal of
Security and Communication Networks, John Wiley 2009.
5. N.R. Sunitha and B.B. Amberker, “Proxy Resignature Scheme that translates one type of signature scheme to
another type of signature scheme”, International Journal of recent trends in Engineering, Academy Publishers, Finland,
6. N.R. Sunitha and B.B. Amberker, “Some Aggregate Forward Secure Signature Schemes”, International Journal of
Information Assurance and Security, Vol 3, Issue 4, 2009, pp 84-90, 2009.
7. B. Sathish Babu and P.Venkataram, “A Dynamic Authentication Scheme for Mobile Transactions”,International
Journal on Network Security (IJNS), Vol. 8, No. 1, PP. 59-74, 2009.
8. A.S. Poornima, and B.B Amberker, “Key Management Schemes for Secure Communication in Heterogeneous
Sensor Networks”, International Journal of recent trends in Engineering, (IJRTE), ISSN 1797-9617, Vol. 1, pp. 243247, May 2009
Year : 2008
1. B.Sathish Babu and P.Venkataram, “Cognitive Agents based Authentication & Privacy Scheme for Mobile
Transactions (CABAPS)”, Computer Communications – Elsevier, Vol. 31, Issue 17, PP. 4060-4071, 2008.
2. B.Sathish Babu and P.Venkataram,“Performance Analysis of an Authentication Scheme for Personalized Mobile
Multimedia applications: A Cognitive Agents based Approach”, International Journal of Security and its applications
(IJSIA), Vol. 2, No. 4, PP. 117-140, 2008.
3. Nalini.N and Raghavendra Rao.G, “Simple Cryptanalysis studies of a stream cipher”, International Journal of
Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2008 PP 171-184, Inderscience Enterprise Ltd., 2008.
4. N.R. Sunitha and B.B. Amberker, “Proxy Signature schemes for controlled deligation”,Journal of Information
Assurance & Security , Vol. 2, PP 159-174, 2008, Sept. 2008.
5. N.R.Sunitha, B.B.Amberker and Prashant Koulgi, “Repetitive Keys in Forward Secure Signatures with Forgery
detection” ,International Journal of Information Science & Technology,Aug. 2008
6. N.R. Sunitha, B.B. Amberker and P. Koulgi,“Forward-Secure ElGamal Signatures”,WSEAS Transactions on
Computers,June 2008.
7. N.Nalini and Raghavendra Rao.G, “Cryptanalysis of Bock Ciphers via Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and
Extended Simulated Annealing Techniques”,International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), Vol. 6, No. 3, PP 342353,May 2008.
8. N.R.Sunitha, B.B.Amberker and Prashant Koulgi,“Transferable e-cheques using forward secure multi signature
scheme”,Advances in Computational Algorithms & Data Analysis Published by Springer Verlag PP 147-158, LNEE,
ISBN: 978-1-4020-8918-3, Jan. 2008.
9. B. Sathish Babu, P. Venkataram, Jeremy Pitt and E. Mamdani, “An Intelligent Proactive Security System for Cyber
Center using Cognitive Agents”,International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS), Vol. 2, No. 3, PP.
235-249, 2008.
Year : 2007
1. R. Aparna and B.B. Amberker, “Multi-Sender Multi-Receiver Authentication For Dynamic Secure Group
Communication”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 7 No. 10 pp. 310-315, Nov
2. A.S.Poornima, R.Aparna and B.B.Amberker, “Storage and Rekeying cost for cumulative member removal in Secure
Group communication”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security – Vol. 7, No. 9, PP-212-218,
Sept. 2007.
3. N.R.Sunitha, B.B.Amberker, and Prashant Koulgi, “Controlled Delegation in e-cheques using Proxy Signatures”,
International Journal of Advanced Computations pg 74-78, Vol 1, issue 2, October 2007, Sept. 2007.
4. N.Nalini and Raghavendra Rao.G, “Attack of Simple Block Ciphers via efficient heuritstics”, International Journal
of Information Sciences (Elsevier), Vol. 177 Issue 12, June 15,2007.
5. N.R.Sunitha, B.B.Amberker, Prashant Koulgi, “ Forward-Secure Signatures for unbounded Time Periods in Mobile
Computing Applications”, International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security- Vol. 7, No. 5, May 2007,
PP 208-212, May 2007.
Year : 2006
03. N.Nalini and
Raghavendra Rao.G, Attack of DES-variant ciphers via a hybrid of Differential Cryptanalysis
and Heuristics optimization techniques, WSEAS Transactions on computers, CROATIA, 5(8), pp: 1767-1772, August
02. N.Nalini and
Raghavendra Rao.G, “Cryptanalysis of Simplified Data Encryption Standard via Optimization
Heuristics”,International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, IJCSNS, pp 240-246,vol 6,no.1B, Jan.
30, 2006.
01. N.Nalini and Raghavendra Rao.G, “Soft Computing & Dynamic Tunneling paradigms in Network Security
attacks” ,International Journal of Information Processing: Accepted,