plastic casings

V i s c o fa n P l a s t i c P ro d u c t s
The casing company
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The plastic range from Viscofan is unbeatable in variety. Whether you`re looking for
“shrink bags“, casings which are “permable“ to smoke or “barrier“ casings, in straight or
a round version, Viscofan offers the right casings for your applications. These environmentally-friendly products guarantee easy handling and an immaculate finished product.
Our wide range of colours and convertings cover every customer demand. Product
Processing information
Cla ssi c L i ne
The all-round casing for cooked sausages, jellied
meats or demanding “cook & strip“ sliced goods.
30 mm - 225 mm
transparent, white-54,
blue FDA, brown
19 mm - 120 mm
transparent, white, blue FDA, gold,
brass gold, orange, carmine red,
light smoke, brown, black
36 mm - 130 mm
transparent, white, gold,
brown, brown mat R
14 mm - 40 mm
transparent, light smoke,
light brown-280, red-294
24 mm - 112 mm
transparent, brown mat, mahogany mat
18 mm - 112 mm
transparent, smoke mat 187,
light smoke, hazelnut mat, orange brown
mat, red brown mat-182, red brown-226
32 mm - 145 mm
transparent, white, light pink, blue FDA,
tinted green, light silver, gold,
gold FDA, brass gold, cream yellow,
cream FDA, yellow-158, yellow,
yellow orange, orange, red-02,
carmine red, smoke brown-131,
orange brown-181, crystal brown, brown,
teak brown FDA, violet, black
Soak for 60 minutes
in cold water (20-25°C).
(shirred casings longer)
Calibers below 50mm can be
used without soaking.
110 mm - 280 mm
(flat width)
transparent, white, blue FDA,
light smoke, tinted black, black
Ready to stuff.
Soaking is not required.
Shrink “cook-in“ bags designed for vacuum cooking
and pasteurization of hams
90 mm - 360 mm
(flat width)
transparent, white, blue FDA,
brown, black
Ideal for packing bone-in and boneless fresh meat,
coarsely seasoned meat and raw cured products
with a hard surface matured over a long period.
150 mm - 445 mm
(flat width)
Ideal for small portions and frozen meat.
For excellent cutting and radial peel for the
deli counter.
Soak for 5 minutes in hot water.
Soak for 60 minutes
in cold water (20-25°C).
(shirred casings longer)
Smal l Cal i b er s P o lya mi d e
Thin walled polyamide casing for non smoked
hot-dog sausages.
Ready to stuff.
Soaking is not required.
Smo k e Per m eab l e
Permeable to smoke and with excellent radial peel;
casing for extended shelf-life.
Viscofan smoke
Permeable to smoke; casing for extended shelf-life.
(straight and curved available).
Ready to stuff.
Soaking is not required.
Barr i er Casi ng s
Excellent barrier casing when long shelf-life is
needed. There are different versions for the
deli-shop, for size control and for applications
demanding high mechanical properties.
Barrier shrinkable casing for “cook & strip“ or “cook
& ship“ hams. Ideal for mold shape products
Shr i nk B ags
Ready to stuff.
Soaking is not required.
cooked sausages
C la ssic Lin e
S m a l l C alib er s Po lyami d e
S m oke Pe r m eab l e
Ba r r ie r Casi ngs
Not every caliber/colour variation is available. Please ask your country‘s
distributor for the corresponding data sheet for detailled information.
All data published corresponds to our present state of knowledge and is
published without any liability. Viscofan reserves the right to make alterations
and supplements as technology progresses.
Whether in reels, cut pieces or shirred strands, our variety of tailor-made product
finishes ensures the best processing on all machines. Ready to use products to
make your production easier.
Clip or tie product when firmly filled. Make sure that you are using the correct clip
size and machine adjustment. Strong in clipping for all systems.
S h r ink Bags
Our smoke permeable range ensures first class flavour and aroma with it’s
excellent and perfectly even permeability to smoke. Ensure a good humidity level
(steam) during the smoking cycle.
Cooling by interval showering (no danger of breakages), in water bath or air dry.
Viscofan Plastic Casings can be printed with up to 8 colours on each side.
The casing company
B r a z il · C anad a · Ch i na · C o s ta Ric a · C zech Rep u bl ic · G erm any · Mexi c o · R ussi a · Serbi a · Spai n · Thai land · Uni ted Ki ngdom · U r ug u ay · USA