H ARCOURT AdditionalWriting Opportunities Teacher'sEdition . . . . . . . . Daily Writing Prompt(LessonPlanner) ResponseJoumal-Question ofthe Day Cross-CunicularStations Vocabulary-WritingConnection Open-EndedandTimedWriring Options(Think andRespond) Wriften Summaryof Selection(Retell andSunrnarizefeatue with graphicoryanizer) Apply Spellingto Writing Additional SupportActivities: Writing andGrammar Pupil Edition . . . Vocabulary-WritingConnection Think and Respond MakingCornections @Horcourt copy'iehro byHa@urr,In.. Ardshrs r4toed.p'im.di. usa HARcouRr andtheHa@unLogoa,e t€demds ol H.rcoun. trc. 4'14 HARCOURT Grade2 Writins Forms/Craft Writing instluction in the first two selectionsin eachthemefocuseson Writer's Craft. Writing instruction in th€ third andfourth selectionsfocuseson the Writing Process.Writer's Craft skills are appliedin the w.iting Process lessons.Thelastselection ofeachthemeprovidesdailywriting acrivitiesiimilar to thosein Gradel. Type of Writing Emphasized Selection TheMixed-UpChameleon Writer'sCraft GetUp andGo! Writer's Craft Henry andMudgeUnder theYellow Moon Writing?rocess Days With Frog andToad Writing Process WilsonSatAlone TheEnormousTumip Daily WritingActivities Theme1-Tested;FriendlyLetter Writer's Crafl Helpiflg Out Writer's Crall Mr. Puttq andTabbyFly thePlane HedgehogBakesa Cake Wdting Process Lemonadefor Sale JohnnyAppleseed Daily WritingActivities Theme2-Tested: Storv Writer's Craft From Seedto Plant Writer'sCraft The SecretLife ofTrees writing Process WatermelonDay Writing Process PumpkinFiesta Daily WritingActivities Theme3-Tested: Exolanation @Fhrcourt WritingProcess Writer's Craft Skill and Writins Form Writer's Craft: DevelopingId€asand Topics Form:Joumal Writer'sCraft:AddingDetails Fom: Sentences Writer'sCraft:DevelopingIdeasand Topics Form: Paragraph Writer's Craft: Details Form:FriendlvLetter Foms: Thank-YouNote,PictuleBook, Lists, Interview, JoumalEntry Writer'sCraft:WritingDialogue Form:Storv Writer'sCraft:UsingColorfulWords Form:Personal Narrative(DaralraDh) Writer'sCraft:ColorfulWords Form: Para$aphThat Describes Wdter's Craft: Dialogue Form: Storv Foms: List of Time-OrderWords, Invitation-Ad. CoodEndine.Recipe Writer'sCraft:GivrngFacrsandReasons Form: ParasraDhof lnformation Writer'sCraft:StayingFocused Fom: Parasraohof lnformation Writer'sCraft:Ci\ ing FactsandReasons Form:ResearchReDort Writer'sCraft:StayingFocused Form:ExplaDation Forms:Opinion,PlayScene,Poster, GreetinsCard.Book ReDort pnn€dinusa.HARcouRr copy,chrobyH.rcour1 rnc.Ar nshrs,*eryed andtheHa@udLosoarenade@*sor 464 HARCOURT Grade 2 Writins Forms/Craft (continued) Selection Type of Writing Emphasized TheDay Jimmy'sBoaAte the Wash How I SpentMy Sunlrner Vacation Writer'sCraft Writer'sCraft DearMr. Blueberry WritingProcess CoolAli WritingProcess The Emperor'sEgg ThePineParkMystery Daily W.iting Activities Theme4-Tested: PersonalStorv Writer'sCraft Good-bye, Cutis Writer's Craft Max FoundTwo Sticks Writing Process AnthonyRe),noso: Bom to Rope Writing Process Chinatown Abuela Daily W.iting Activites Themes-Tested: Descdption Writer's Craft Beginner'sWorldAtlas Writer's Craft DinosaursTravel Writing Process Montigueon theHigh Seas Writing Process Ruth Law Tlrills a Nation @HOfCOUft Daily WritingAcrivities Theme6-Tested How-to Paragraph Wrifer's Craft Skill and Writine Fornl Writer'sCraft:W.iting a GoodBeginning Form:Personal Story Writer's Craff: Writing for Different AudiencesandPurposes Form:FriendlyLefter Writer's Cmft: Writing for Different AudiencesandPurposes Form: Letter of Invitation Writer's Craft: Organization Fom: Pe$onalStory Forms:Summary, FartasyStory,List of TransitionWords.E-Mail. PictureBook Writer'sCrafl:Similes/Description Form:Paragraph ThatDescibes Writer's Craft: Using Rhythm and Rlyrr Fom: Poem Writer's Craft: Riythm andRhyme Form:Poem Writer's Craft: Description Form:Description (MoreThanOne Paragraph) Folms:Response to Literature,Riddles, Summary,PhotoCaptions,ShapePoem Writer'sCraft:UsingExactwords Fom: PersonalNarrative(ParagraDh) Writer'sCraft:OrganizingIdeasin Sequenc€ Form: Paftgraphof Information Writer'sCraft: Organization Form: Horv-toPaagraph Writer's Craft: Exact Words Form:Directions Foms: Postcard, PosterThatPersuades, TimedWriting,NewsArticle,Schedule c.pynshobyHaEoun. rnc.aI doh6rse*ed Priniedin usA HARCoURTaid $e Har@urtLoso ae t demafts o 465 HARCOURT Writing Grades2-6 In crades 2-6, explicit Writer's Craft lessonsarebuilt into the writing strandandfollow this sequencewithin a therne: WeeksI & 2: PresetrtWriter's Craft skills Weeks3 & 4: PresentIongerwriting forms that emphasizethe stepsof the writing process. The Writer's Craft skills are applied in theselongercompositions. Week5: At Grade2, a dailv writing activity is provided. At Grades H, a timed writing test is pr.oyided. For eachselectionin lraplries, a 5-dayplan is providedto help teachers teachwritiog- The "Traits of GoodWriting" chart foundin eachlessonprovidesa clearpathfor writing instructionthatsystematically providesstudentswitl tle skills andstrategiesthey needfor lvriting success.Writing plansincludethe useof overhead tansparenciesfor modelingandboth t€acherand studentrubdcsfor scoring. G Horcoult coorlnn,@by Ha-ou.1rnc.andshrsresded. pn.Gdin (rsa. HARcouRrandrheNa@unLogoa,er*demark 463 olHalcou.l'Inc HARCOURT Grade2 GrammarTopics A grammarskill is taughtin every selectionof Trophieswith e\teryselection. The grammar skill for the seiectioncanbe found on the 5-dayplannerin the leacher's Edition inth,eLalrgnage Arts section.Thefollowingchartgivesa quickglanceat thegrammarlessons taughtin Grade2. Selection The Mix€d-UpChameleon GetUp andGo! Hemy andMudgeUnder the Yellow Moon Davs With Froe andToad WilsonSatAlone TheEnormous Tumip HelDineOut Mr. PunetandTabbv Flv the Plane HedgehosBakesa Cake Lemonade for Sale JohnnyADDleseed From Seedto Plant The SecretLife ofTrees WatermelonDav PumDkinFiesta TheDay Jimmy'sBoaAte theWash How I SDentMv SummerVacation DearMr. Blueberrv Cool Ali TheEmDeror's Egs ThePineParkMvstery Good-bye. Cunis Max FoundTwo Sticks Anthony Reynoso:Bom to Rope Chinatown Abuela Beginner'sWorldAtlas Dinosaurs Travel Montisueon theHieh Seas RuthLaw Thrillsa Nation @HgfCOUlt Grammar Skill Sentences Statementsand Questions Commands andExclamations Namins Partsof Sentences TellinsPartsof Sentences Nouns PluralNouns More Plural Nouns NamesofPeople AnimalsandPlaces NamesofDays Namesof Months NamesofHolidays Abbreviations ShowingOwnership Pronouns DescribinsWords More DescribinsWords WordsThat Tell How Many WordsThat Compare VerbsThat Tell About Now Agreement Past-Tense Verbs Am, Js,Are, Was, Were Has, Have, Had See, Gi'e, Saw, Ga|e Come,Run, Came, Ran Go, Do, lllent, Did HelpingVerbs Contractions p,inr€d @byrarcoun. copyrEhr hc Ar , lhrs,eseded. inusa.NARcouRr andrheHa,6unLoqoae r,adema*s or Harcoun.lnc 4; HARCOURT Writing Grades2-6 In Grades2-6, explicitWriter'sCraftlessons arebuilt into thewiting strandandfollow this sequencewithin a thone: Weeks1 & 2: PiesentWriter's Craft skills Weeks3 & 4: Presentlongerwriting forms that emphasizethe stepsofthe writing process.The Writer's Craft skills are appliedin theselongercompositions. Week5: At Grade2, a daily writing activityis provided. At Grades H, a timed writing testis provided. For eachs€lectionin fro?rr',es,a 5-dayplan is providedto help teachers teach$Titing. The "Tnits of GoodWriting" chart found in eachlessonprovidesa clearpathfor writing instructionthatsyslematically providessrudents wlth the skills andstrategiesthey needfor writing success.Writing plansincludethe useof overhead transparencies for modeling andboth teacherand studentrubricsfor scodns. @ Horcourt @byra@urLrnc.AI nehsres@e..p,inred inusA.HARcouRr anourexarco,nroso r,.oetu*" 463 "* otHarcold,|rc. ""r"n*