Condition assessment of a medium voltage cable network by insulation diagnostics and failure statistics Göran Semart Master of Science Thesis Stockholm, Sweden 2008 Condition assessment of a medium voltage cable network by insulation diagnostics and failure statistics Göran Semart Stockholm 2008 Thesis work Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan School of Electrical Engineering Division of Electromagnetic Engineering ii iii Foreword and Acknowledgement This report is the result of the thesis work “Condition assessment of a medium voltage cable network by insulation diagnostics and failure statistics”. This thesis work is a part of my Master of Science Education in Electrical Engineering at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm. The thesis work was accomplished between September 2007 and January 2008 under supervision of Hans Edin. I would like to express gratitude to my supervisor assistant professor Hans Edin, for guidance and for showing great enthusiasm for this project. I would like to thank Olle Hansson at Fortum for proposing this project. I also thank Anita Nilsson and Henrik Svensson with personnel at Ekerö Energi, for the opportunity to perform cable-measurements on the Ekerö grid. I express thanks to Ph. D. student Valentinas Dubickas at the division of Electromagnetic Engineering, for performing the field-measurements at Ekerö. I would like to thank Madeleine Due and Tony Boyle for helping me correcting the grammar. And at last I would like to thank my brother Ove Semart for valuable comments regarding disposition of the report. Göran Semart Stockholm 2008 iv v Abstract In today’s power consuming society it is important for the power companies to be a reliable distributor, especially in a non-regulated market as we have here in Sweden. Due to the last years large power cuts in Sweden, for example the storm Gudrun, the demand on the power companies to replace their overhead lines with underground cables has increased. As a result of a lot more underground cables it will probably in the future be more important to use cable diagnostic measurements. This is in order to discover and replace bad cables before a major failure occurs, and in this way minimize the failure frequency. Medium voltage XLPE-cables suffer from water tree degradation. Water tree degradation means that water is penetrating insulation, not uniformly but in a structure that resembles a tree. The water tree degradation could be locally or evenly distributed along the cable depending on the cable construction. This phenomenon leads at the end to a cable breakdown. The breakdown often occurs when a transient overvoltage enters the cable, for example when the cable is reconnected after it has been out of service. The main aim with this thesis was to perform cable diagnostic measurements on some of the Ekerö Energi’s medium voltage cables, which had been diagnosed in 1998. The measurements were analysed in order to estimate the condition of the cables. An evaluation was done in order to try to find out if the measurements made in 1998 were trustworthy. Qualitative models of different water trees were developed in order to demonstrate the behaviour of these water trees. The instrument used in the field-measurements is called IDA 200 HVU, which is an instrument that measures the dissipation factor at variable low frequencies at diverse voltage levels. The technique is developed at KTH. The report also contains an overview of different commercial instruments for XLPE-cable diagnostic and cable fault location instruments. This overview gives information on commercial available diagnostic instruments, and which technique they use. In the report the theory for different techniques used in diverse instruments are revealed. Failure statistics from Fortum’s Stockholm grid and Ekerö’s medium voltage grid were analysed in this report in order to try to decide if the cable faults were an issue for Fortum. The measured cables at Stenhamra village in the Ekerö grid shows that some cables are aged but not critical. Most of the cables are in a fairly good condition, even though the age of some cables is almost 40 years. Ekerö Energi had only had three cable breakdowns related to cable insulation the last four years. At least one of the cables was placed in clay soil and had damage on the jacket. Further, there are very good condition to place cables in the soil at Ekerö, due to that the soil consists of sand and gravel that has a draining quality. Another reason that Ekerö Energi has avoided breakdowns by water tree deteriorated cables could have been that they have used a lot of sand when placing the cables in the ground. It is difficult to say if the measurements made in 1998 were trustworthy or not. What could be said on the other hand, is that even though three of them were judged as old and four of them judged as critical for nine years ago they are all still operating. The commercial cable diagnostic instrument for XLPE-cables available on the market right now are all off-line instruments. All instruments except one measure the dissipation factor tan δ , at either a fixed low frequency or at a low frequency sweep or at power-line frequency. The other technique used, is to measure the isothermal relaxation current. The techniques used in these instruments are considered to be non-destructive for a voltage level vi up to U 0 . All fault location instruments in this report are based on time domain reflectometry, TDR. The pre-location are made with two different methods, Time Domain Reflectometry TDR and Arc Reflection Method ARM. The Arc Reflection Method is used to pre-locate high resistance fault and the Time Domain Reflectometry is used to pre-locate low resistance faults. The instruments are suited for low and medium voltage distribution cables. The statistic from the Stockholm grid shows that the major number of faults is connected to underground cables. The largest fault category for high voltage, low voltage and service cables are the category lack of maintenance or worn out cables. The second large category for all three voltage levels is the category unknown. The largest damages on the high voltage system caused by failures in these two categories are connected to the XLPE-cables. However, reading the statistic it is not possible to say if the XLPE-cable failures are connected to insulation problems or something else. The fault frequency in Stockholm’s XLPE-cables was 3,34 in 2005 and 3,76 in 2006 faults per 100 km cable and year. The total fault frequency in Stockholm was 3,55, which is in the same size as the total fault frequency in Göteborg, which was 3,58. The fault frequency in Stockholm’s PILC-cables was 1,15 in 2005 and 0,92 in 2006 faults per 100 km cable and year, which is slightly lower than Göteborg’s failure frequency on PILC-cables. The statistics from Ekerö Energi’s grid is more extensive. There has been access to statistics reported to Darwin, Ekerö Energi’s own statistics and the failure reports, which the statistics are based on. Extra information has also been available in some cases. The two largest fault categories reported to Darwin was fabrication or material faults and unknown. When the failure reports were examined, it showed that the seven faults reported under fabrication or material fault could be divided into five different categories. Of these seven faults only three were connected to insulation faults. The total fault frequency in Ekerö’s XLPE-cable grid is 1,99 faults per 100 km cable and year, which can be compared with the failure frequency reported to Darwin, which is 2,41 faults per 100 km cable and year. However, the fault frequency connected to insulation fault on Ekerö’s XLPE-cables is 0,4 faults per 100 km cable and year. Both statistics from the Stockholm and Ekerö grid shows that there is a need of more categories inserted in the report system. The aim with inserting more categories is to refine the statistic in order to get a more exact evaluation of what causes the interruptions. This evaluation can then be used to direct the measure right, improve the failure statistic and reduce the interruptions. vii Sammanfattning I dagens energikrävande samhälle är det viktigt för energibolagen att vara en pålitlig eldistributör, speciellt på en avreglerad marknad som vi har här i Sverige. På grund av de allvarliga strömavbrott vi har haft i Sverige de senaste åren, har kravet på elbolagen ökat att ersätta luftledningar med kabel. Som ett resultat av allt mer markkabel kommer det troligtvis i framtiden bli än mer viktigt att använda kabeldiagnostik. Diagnostiken används för att upptäcka vatteninträde i kablarna, och i tid kunna ersätta dåliga kablar. För att på detta vis minska felfrekvensen i nätet. Mellanspänningskablar, PEX-kablar, lider av vatteninträde, eng. water treeing. Med vatteninträde menas att vatten har trängt in i isolationen och bildat vattenträdsliknande formationer. Vatteninträdet kan vara lokalt eller jämnt fördelat över kabeln beroende på kabelkonstruktionen. Det här fenomenet leder förr eller senare till kabelfel i form av genomslag (jordfel). Orsaken är oftast en transient överspänning, exempelvis när kabeln blir återinkopplad efter att ha varit urkopplad. Huvudsyftet med examensarbetet var att utföra kabeldiagnostik på Ekerö Energis mellanspänningsnät. Detta gjordes på några utvalda kablar som diagnostiserades 1998. Mätningarna analyserades för att kunna tillståndsbedöma kablarna. Ett försök att jämföra mätningarna från 2007 med mätningarna från 1998 gjordes också. Kvalitativa modeller av olika vattenträd togs fram för att ge en beskrivning av hur de olika vattenträden beter sig. Instrumentet som användes vid fältmätningarna var ett IDA 200 HVU system. Instrumentet mäter förlustfaktorn tangens delta som funktion av en låg frekvens vid olika spänningsnivåer. Tekniken är utvecklad på KTH. Rapporten innehåller också en översikt av olika kommersiella instrument för diagnostik av PEX-kablar och instrument för lokalisering av kabelfel. Denna översikt informerar om vad det finns för olika kommersiella diagnostikinstrument på marknaden, samt vilken teknik de använder. I rapporten redogörs också för teorin bakom teknikerna som använd i de olika instrumenten. Avbrottsstatistik för Fortums Stockholms nät analyserades för att försöka avgöra hur dominerande kabelfelen är. Kabelmätningarna gjorda på kabelnätet i Stenhamra tätort på Färingsö (Ekerö) visar att vissa kablar är åldrade men inte kritiskt åldrade. De flesta kablarna är i riktigt gott skick, trots att en del kablar är nästan 40 år gamla. På Ekerö Energi har man bara haft tre kabelfel orsakade av isolationsfel de senaste fyra åren. Där kabeln i åtminstone ett fall var förlagd i leråker och hade en skada på manteln. På Ekerö är det mycket bra markförhållanden för kabelförläggning, eftersom marken mestadels består av sand och grus som har dränerande egenskaper. En annan anledning till att Ekerö Energi har undvikit kabelfel, orsakade av vatteninträde, kan vara att man har haft tillgång till rikligt med sand vid kabelförläggningarna. Det har troligen bidragit till att manteln på kabeln har klarat sig från skador, och därmed har vatteninträdet fördröjts avsevärt. Det är svårt att säga huruvida mätningarna gjorda på Ekerö 1998 är tillförlitliga eller inte. Vad som å andra sidan kan sägas är, att trots att tre av kablarna var bedömda som gamla och fyra av kablarna bedömda som kritiska för nio år sedan så är samtliga fortfarande i drift. De kommersiella diagnostikinstrumenten för PEX-kabel som finns tillgängliga på marknaden just nu är alla off-line instrument. Alla instrument utom ett mäter förlustfaktorn tan δ , antingen som en funktion av en fast låg frekvens eller ett frekvenssvep av låga frekvenser eller vid fast nätfrekvens. Den andra tekniken som används är att mäta polariserings- och viii depolariseringsströmmar genom isolationen. Metoderna som instrumenten använder anses vara icke förstörande för spänningsnivåer upp till U 0 . Alla fellokaliseringsinstrumenten i den här rapporten använder sig av tidsdomän reflektometri, TDR. Förlokaliseringen görs med två olika metoder, TDR och Arc Reflection Method, ARM. ARM används för att detektera fel med hög resistans och TDR används för att detektera fel med låg resistans. Instrumenten är avsedda för låg- och mellanspänningskablar. Statistiken från Stockholm nät visar att de flesta felen är kopplade till jordkabel. Den största felkategorin för högspännings-, lågspännings och servicekablar är kategorin bristande underhåll eller uttjänta kablar. Den näst största felkategorin för alla tre spänningsnivåerna är kategorin okänd. De flesta fel på högspänningsnätet orsakade av fel från dessa två kategorier är kopplade till PEX-kablar. Genom att läsa statistiken är det dock inte möjligt att utläsa om PEX-kabelfelen är kopplade till renodlade isolationsfel eller till något annat. Felfrekvensen på Stockholms PEX-kablar var per 100 km och år 3,34 år 2005 och 3,76 år 2006. Den totala felfrekvensen på Stockholms mellanspänningsnät är i samma storleksordning som Göteborgs mellanspänningsnät. Felfrekvensen på Stockholms papperskablar var per 100 km 1,15 år 2005 och 0,92 år 2006, vilket är något lägre än Göteborgs felfrekvens på papperskabel. Statistiken från Ekerö är mer omfattande. Här har det funnits tillgång till statistiken rapporterad till Darwin, Ekerös egen statistik samt fel rapporterna som ligger till grund för statistiken. Det har även funnits tillgång till extra information om vissa fel. De två största felkategorierna rapporterade till Darwin var fabrikations- eller materialfel och okända fel. När felrapporterna granskades visade det sig att de sju felen som var rapporterade under fabrikations- eller materialfel kunde delas in i fem olika kategorier. Av dessa sju fel var bara tre kopplade till isolationsfel. Den totala felfrekvensen på Ekerös PEX kabelnät är 1,99 fel per 100 km kabel och år, vilken kan jämföras med felfrekvensen rapporterad till Darwin som är 2,41 fel per 100 km kabel och år. Felfrekvensen kopplad till isolationsfel på Ekerös Pex kabelnät är dock bara 0,4 fel per 100 km kabel och år. Både statistiken för Stockholms och Ekerös nät visar att det behövs fler kategorier i rapportsystemet. Vinsten med att lägga till fler kategorier är att förfina statistiken för att bättre kunna utvärdera vad som orsakar avbrotten. Utvärderingen kan sedan användas för att rikta åtgärderna rätt för att på så sätt förbättra felstatistiken och minska avbrotten. ix Table of contents Foreword and Acknowledgement ............................................................................................. iv Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... vi Sammanfattning ......................................................................................................................viii Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ x 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 The aim of the thesis work ......................................................................................... 1 1.3 Disposition ................................................................................................................. 2 2 Theory ................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Introduction to the chapter ......................................................................................... 3 2.2 Frequency-domain, dissipation factor measurement.................................................. 3 2.2.1 Dissipation factor of a cable............................................................................... 3 2.3 Time-domain, recovery voltage measurement ........................................................... 6 2.3.1 Dielectric response ............................................................................................. 6 2.3.2 Polarisation and Depolarisation Currents........................................................... 7 2.4 Time Domain Reflectometry...................................................................................... 8 3 Method ............................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 Introduction to the chapter ....................................................................................... 10 3.2 Literature study of insulation diagnostic instruments .............................................. 10 3.2.1 Pax Diagnostics Idax-206 VAX-230................................................................ 10 3.2.2 Baur VLF Cable Test and Diagnostic System PHG TD/PD............................ 11 3.2.3 sebaKMT Cable Diagnostic System CDS........................................................ 12 3.2.4 sebaKMT VLF Test System............................................................................. 16 3.2.5 Tettex Instruments............................................................................................ 17 3.2.6 HV Diagnostics, HVA 30, HVA 30,5 and HVA 60 ........................................ 17 3.2.7 Omricon CPC 100 with CP TD1...................................................................... 18 3.2.8 Summary of diagnostic instruments for XLPE- and PILC-cables ................... 18 3.3 Literature study of fault location instruments .......................................................... 19 3.3.1 sebaKMT Surgeflex 15, 25, 32 ........................................................................ 19 3.3.2 sebaKMT Teleflex T30-E ................................................................................ 19 3.3.3 Megger PFL40-1500/2000 ............................................................................... 19 3.3.4 Hipotronics 5150 First response cable fault locator......................................... 19 3.3.5 Summary of fault location instruments ............................................................ 20 3.4 The measuring method used on the Ekerö grid in 1998........................................... 20 3.5 Method used to analyse field measurements from 2007 .......................................... 21 3.5.1 Criteria for analysis of IDA 200 HVU measurements ..................................... 21 3.5.2 Analysis of different cable designs .................................................................. 22 3.5.3 Dielectric response in terminations and cable joints........................................ 23 3.5.4 Temperature dependence of the response ........................................................ 23 3.6 Qualitative dielectric models of water deteriorated cables ...................................... 24 3.6.1 Equivalent model for bush tree deteriorated cables ......................................... 26 3.6.2 Equivalent model for bow-tie tree.................................................................... 28 3.6.3 Equivalent model for a leakage tree................................................................. 29 3.7 Method used to analyse the statistics ....................................................................... 30 3.8 Validity and reliability ............................................................................................. 31 4 Results .............................................................................................................................. 32 4.1 Introduction to the chapter ....................................................................................... 32 4.2 SINTEF’s analysis of the measuring instrument used on the Ekerö grid in 1998 ... 32 x 4.2.1 The report of SINTEF Energiforskning AS (SEfAS) ...................................... 32 4.2.2 The test procedure ............................................................................................ 33 4.2.3 Test results........................................................................................................ 33 4.3 The analysis of the measurement in 2007 ................................................................ 34 4.3.1 Measurements day one ..................................................................................... 35 4.3.2 Measurements day two..................................................................................... 42 4.3.3 Measurements day three................................................................................... 52 4.3.4 Results of the measured XLPE-cables made in 2007 ...................................... 59 4.4 Statistics from the Stockholm grid 2005 and 2006 .................................................. 60 4.4.1 Fault frequencies for cables at the high voltage level ...................................... 64 4.4.2 Consequences of a failure ................................................................................ 66 4.5 Statistics from the Ekerö grid 2004 to 2007............................................................. 67 5 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 72 6 Conclusion........................................................................................................................ 75 Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 76 Appendix A .......................................................................................................................... 76 List of symbols and abbreviations........................................................................................ 76 Appendix B .......................................................................................................................... 78 Matlab code for the Bush tree models.................................................................................. 78 Appendix C .......................................................................................................................... 79 Pictures from measurements made on the Ekerö grid in 2007............................................. 79 References ................................................................................................................................ 80 Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 83 xi 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Today is the demand of electrical power crucial for a well functioning society, the consumption in Sweden the last ten years has varied between 143-150 TWh [1]. The last years problems with blown down overhead lines and power cuts caused by storms, has hasten the replacement of overhead lines in favour of underground cables. It has been showed that medium voltage XLPE-insulated cables with insulation shields made of graphite paint and paint, known as the first generation XLPE-cables, are suffering of severe water tree deterioration. Water tree deterioration is water that has penetrated the semiconductor shield, which could be locally or evenly distributed along the cable. While the water tree growth, the voltage breakdown strength decreases and will at the end lead to a cable breakdown. The most common factor that leads to a cable breakdown is when a cable with low voltage breakdown strength is energized in a reconnection. There are three different circumstances that have to be fulfilled for water tree growth. Firstly, soil that conserve water around the cable, like clay soil. Secondly, the presence of a high electric field which means that this phenomenon only occur on medium and high voltage cables. And at last, some kind of damage on the outer jacket insulation, which allows water to enter the cable. Furthermore, newer generations of XLPE-cables suffer from water tree deterioration, but the density of the trees is reduced and the speed of the tree growth is much slower than for the first generation XLPE-cables. With more and more underground cables in the grid, the demands for cable diagnostics will increase in the future, in order to minimize the fault frequency. Replacing heavily water tree deteriorated cables before the occurrence of a severe breakdown could minimize the fault frequency. Nevertheless, a low fault frequency is important for the power companies’ image to be a reliable power supplier. From an economical point of view, it is essential for the power companies to minimize long-term faults to avoid having to pay back the grid fee. 1.2 The aim of the thesis work The main aim with this thesis is to perform cable diagnostics on some of Ekerö Energi’s medium voltage cables that had been measured in 1998. The measurements will be analysed in order to estimate the condition of the cables. An evaluation will also be done in order to try to find out if the measurements made in 1998 were trustworthy. Models of different water trees will be developed in order to demonstrate the behaviour of these water trees. The instrument used in the field-measurements is called IDA 200 HVU, which is an instrument that measures the dissipation factor at variable low frequencies at diverse voltage levels. The technique is developed at KTH. The report will also contain an overview of different commercial instruments for XLPE-cable diagnostic and cable fault location instruments. In the report the theory for the methods used in these instruments will be revealed. Failure statistics from Fortum’s Stockholm grid will be analysed in order to try to decide if the cable faults is an issue for Fortum. 1 Summary of the aim with this thesis: • • • • • Perform cable diagnostics on Ekerö Energi’s medium voltage grid. Analysis of the diagnosed cables at Ekerö. Attempt to evaluate if the measurements made in 1998 were trustworthy. Overview of different commercial XLPE-cable diagnostic instruments and fault location instruments. Analysis of failure statistics at the Stockholm and Ekerö grid. 1.3 Disposition An introduction with background and aim is presented in the first chapter. In the second chapter the theory used behind different diagnostic instruments is presented. The third chapter describes the methods used to reach the aim with this thesis work. Chapter four presents the achieved results. Chapter five contains a discussion and chapter six a conclusion of the thesis. Appendix A contains abbreviations and list of symbols. Appendix B contains Matlab code for the water tree models. Appendix C contains pictures from the Ekerö grid measurements in 2007. 2 2 Theory 2.1 Introduction to the chapter Dielectric spectroscopy is used in insulation diagnostic instruments, as a method to discover deteriorated insulation. Dielectric spectroscopy can be performed either in the frequencydomain or in the time-domain. Dielectric spectroscopy in the frequency-domain is measurements at a fixed frequency low or at a variable low frequency. Time is the limiting factor in how low in frequency the measurement will be done. These measurements assume that the signal has a periodic shape. The most common method, used for insulation diagnostics in commercial available instruments, is to measure the dissipation factor, tan δ [2]. Measurements in time-domain are made by measuring the voltages and the currents as a function of time. The two most common measuring methods used in time-domain spectroscopy are RVM return or recovery voltage measurement and measurement of the polarisation and/or depolarisation current PDC [2]. To be able to repair a cable after a cable failure has occurred, it is necessary to discover the location where the cable fault has occurred. There are several different commercial systems available on the market. The measuring method used in most instruments is time domain reflectometry, TDR. 2.2 Frequency-domain, dissipation factor measurement Measurement of the dissipation factor is made in the frequency domain, and can be performed by these three different ways. Dielectric spectroscopy Dielectric spectroscopy is when the capacitance and the losses, dielectric losses described by dissipation factor tan δ , are measured as a function of frequency. This method measures the capacitance and the losses in the test sample at different low frequencies at variable high voltage levels up to U 0 . The voltage levels could be increased up to about 1.5 U 0 , if the test sample seems to be in good condition [2]. VLF dissipation factor Very low frequency, VLF, measures the dielectric losses, described by the dissipation factor tan δ . The measurement is performed at a fixed low frequency at about 0.1 Hz and at variable high voltages [2]. Dissipation factor at power line frequency This method measures the dielectric losses at power line frequency, described by the dissipation factor tan δ , at variable high voltages [2]. 2.2.1 Dissipation factor of a cable The dissipation factor tan δ is used to describe the value of dielectric losses. One method to derive the expression for the dissipation factor tan δ is made as follows: 3 Cable insulation can be modelled by a resistance R (ω ) in parallel with a capacitor C (ω ) shown in figure 2.1. Where R (ω ) represents the lossy part of the dielectric and C (ω ) describes the lumped-circuit capacitance of the cable. When the cable is applied with a voltage V, the total current I in the cable is the vector sum of the leakage current Il and the charging current Ic [3]. I = I l + I c = V ( G (ω ) + jωC (ω ) ) (2.1) I Il V Ic R(ω) C(ω) Figure 2.1 Model of cable insulation. ⎛ 1 ⎞ G (ω ) is the conductance and it is defined as the reciprocal of R (ω ) ⎜⎜ G (ω ) = ⎟. R (ω ) ⎟⎠ ⎝ The relation between the capacitive current I c and the leakage current I l is shown in figure 2.2. I Ic=jωC(ω)V δ θ Il=G(ω)V Figure 2.2 Phase relationship between capacitive and leakage currents in a cable dielectric. 4 The dissipation factor gives from figure 2.2: tan δ = G (ω ) V Il 1 = = I c ωC ( ω ) V ω C ( ω ) R ( ω ) (2.2) There is a relation between the electrical parameters eq. 2.1 in the cable model in Figure 2.1 and the dielectric parameters of the cable insulation. The dielectrics parameters of the cable insulation are the real permittivity ε ′ , the imaginary permittivity ε ′′ and the conductivity σ AC . The cable capacitance is defined as: C (ω ) = ε r′C0 (2.3) Where C0 is the capacitance in vacuum and ε r′ is the relative value of the real permittivity ε′ where ε 0 is the permittivity of vacuum. defined as: ε0 In analogy the imaginary permittivity is introduced to describe the lossy part of the dielectric R, so that eq. 2.1 may be expressed by: I = jωεr C0V (2.4) Where εr is the complex relative permittivity and defined as: ⎛ σ ⎞ ε~r = ε r′ − j ⎜⎜ ε r′′ + DC ⎟⎟ ωε ⎝ 0 ⎠ Where ε r′′ is the relative value of the imaginary permittivity ε ′′ given by: and σ DC is the DC conductivity. ε0 ⎛ σ The total current can be expressed as: I = jωC 0Vε r′ + ωC 0V ⎜⎜ ε r′′ + DC ωε 0 ⎝ The dissipation factor becomes: ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎛ σ ⎞ σ C0V ω ⎜ ε r′′ + DC ⎟ ε r′′ + DC ωε 0 ⎠ ωε 0 I ⎝ tan δ = l = = Ic C0V ωε r′ ε r′ (2.5) (2.6) The imaginary permittivity ε r′′ is referred to the loss factor and cannot be directly measured. Instead the dielectric conductivity σ AC is measured. The conductivity is defined as the ratio of the current density J to the electric field E . The capacitance for a parallel-plate structure in vacuum is given by: C0 = A ε0 d (2.7) 5 Where d is the thickness of the dielectric and A is the electrode area. If C0 from eq. 2.7 is used in eq. 2.5 and divided by the electrode area A , following current density expression is given: J = jωε r′ ε 0V ⎛ σ + ⎜⎜ ωε r′′ + DC ε0 d ⎝ ⎞ ε 0V ⎛ ⎛ σ ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ jωε r′ + ⎜⎜ ωε r′′ + DC ε0 ⎠ d ⎝ ⎝ ⎞ ⎞ ε 0V ⎟⎟ ⎟ = ( jωε r′ε 0 + (ωε r′′ε 0 + σ DC ))E ⎟ ⎠⎠ d (2.8) Where the real part of the expression is the AC conductivity term: σ AC = ωε ′′ + σ DC σ AC − σ DC σ DC + ωε 0 σ ωε 0 = DC Rewritten eq. 2.6 gives tan δ = ε r′ ε r′ωε 0 ⎛ σ AC ⎞ σ ⎜⎜ − 1 + 1⎟⎟ = AC ⎝ σ DC ⎠ ωε r′ε 0 (2.9) (2.10) 2.3 Time-domain, recovery voltage measurement One method to quantify dielectric response of materials is the measurement of recovery or return voltages, see figure 3.3. The measurement is made as follows. A constant DC voltage charges the cable for a period of time. Then the DC voltage is switched off and the cable is short-circuited for a short period of time. After that the recovery voltage is measured under an open-circuit condition. The recovery voltage is caused by a residual polarisation, which is built up in the cable. The cable is then discharged by the leakage resistance [4]. 2.3.1 Dielectric response If a dielectric material is influenced by an electric field E ( t ) , the current density J ( t ) of the material can be written [5], [6]: J (t ) = σ DC E (t ) + ∂D(t ) ∂t (2.11) Where σ DC is the DC conductivity and D ( t ) is the electric displacement which is given as: D ( t ) = ε 0ε ∞ E ( t ) + ΔP ( t ) (2.12) Where ε 0 and ε ∞ are the permittivity of vacuum and the dielectric material. ΔP ( t ) is the slow dielectric polarisation and it is connected to the dielectric response function f Dielectric ( t ) by the relationship shown below: t ΔP ( t ) = ε 0 ∫ f Dielectric ( t − τ )E (τ ) dτ (2.13) 0 6 2.3.2 Polarisation and Depolarisation Currents Measurement of polarisation and depolarisation currents in dielectric materials gives information about the polarisation process in the test sample. By combining eq. 2.11, eq. 2.12 and eq. 2.13 the current density can be written: J (t ) = σ DC E (t ) + ε 0 ε ∞ dE (t ) d + ε 0 ∫ f Dielectric (t − τ )E (τ )dτ dt dt 0 t (2.14) An external voltage U ( t ) generates the field strength E ( t ) for a homogenous material and the current through the test sample with the geometric capacitance C0 can be written: ⎡ σ DC i (t ) = C 0 ⎢ ⎣ ε0 dU (t ) + U (t ) + ε ∞ dt t ⎤ d ( ) ( ) − f t τ U τ d τ ⎥ Dielectric dt ∫0 ⎦ (2.15) The test sample has to be totally discharged before starting the measuring process. When that is achieved a step voltage is applied with the subsequent characteristics: ⎧0 ⎪ U ( t ) = ⎨U 0 ⎪0 ⎩ t<0 0 < t < tp t > tp (2.16) During the applied voltage step U 0 (see figure 2.3) a polarisation current i p is built up in two parts. One part is related to the conductivity of the test object and the other is related to different polarisation processes inside the test object. The charging or polarisation current through the test sample can be written as: ⎡σ ⎤ i p (t ) = C 0U 0 ⎢ DC + ε ∞δ (t ) + f Dielectric (t )⎥ ⎣ ε0 ⎦ (2.17) Where σ DC is the DC conductivity and f Dielectric ( t ) is the response function and C0 is the geometric capacitance. 7 Figure 2.3 Applied step voltage and the polarisation and depolarisation currents [5]. When the applied step voltage is switched off, the sample is short-circuited, which gives rise to a depolarisation current id shown in figure 2.3. The depolarisation current can be expressed as: id ( t ) = −C0U 0 ⎡⎣ f Dielectric ( t ) − f Dielectric ( t + t p ) ⎤⎦ (2.18) 2.4 Time Domain Reflectometry The TDR measurement instrument consists of a pulse or a step generator and a high-speed oscilloscope. The pulse generator brings in a short voltage pulse with a fast rise time into the cable with characteristic impedance Z 0 . Cable joints and other local variations like water tree deteriorated areas have different characteristic impedances than the cable. These differences in characteristic impedance give rise to a voltage reflection Vr , which is measured with the high-speed oscilloscope. The voltage reflection coefficient is given by eq. 2.19 [7] . Γ= Vr Z L − Z 0 = Vi Z L + Z 0 (2.19) Where: Vr is the reflected voltage wave. Vi is the injected voltage wave. Z L is the characteristic impedance of the irregularity in the cable. Z 0 is the cables characteristic impedance. 8 The distance to the reflection is given by eq. 2.20 below [7]. l=v tr 2 (2.20) Where: l is the distance to the reflection. v is the speed of the wave in the cable. t r is the travelling time for the reflected voltage wave. 9 3 Method 3.1 Introduction to the chapter To be able to understand the complex connection of water tree deteriorated cables and diagnostics methods, the following methods were used to answer the questions: A literature study of different commercial instruments was made, based on the theory in chapter two. Field measurements at the Ekerö grid were performed with the IDA 200 HVU system. Measurements on these cables were also done in 1998, comparisons were made with the new measurements from 2007. The author also talked with Ekerö Energy’s service personnel about the conditions for underground cables on Ekerö. Two methods were used in order to analyse the measurements made on the Ekerö grid. Firstly, existing knowledge from Peter Werelius Ph. D. thesis [2] was used. Secondly, quantitative models for different water trees were developed. The models were made in order to show the behaviour of different water trees. To be able to locate a cable fault, a fault location instrument is needed. A small literature study was made to understand how they work (showed in chapter two) and a research of commercial available instruments was made. Failure statistics from Fortum’s Stockholm grid for years 2005 and 2006 and Ekerö’s medium voltage grid was evaluated. 3.2 Literature study of insulation diagnostic instruments 3.2.1 Pax Diagnostics Idax-206 VAX-230 Idax-206 VAX-230 is provided by Pax diagnostics and is a development of the IDA 200 HVU instrument. General Electric provided IDA 200 HVU. The measurement- and analysis methods used in Idax-206 are based on research carried out at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm. The technique used in the instrument is to measure the capacitance and dielectric losses tan δ in the sample, at variable voltage (0200 Vˆ ) and frequency 0.0001 Hz - 1kHz . The maximum capacitance measurement range is between 10 pF and 100 μ F [8], [9]. The instrument is designed for diagnostic measurement of electrical insulation that consists of liquid and/or solid material. It can be applied on most high voltage equipment e.g. power transformers, measuring transformers, bushings- and paper insulating cables. To detect nonlinear materials, like water treeing in XLPE-cables, a high voltage unit VAX-230 (formerly known as IDA HVU) is needed. VAX-230 is an optional high voltage unit accessory used with the system to increase the output voltage to 30 kV (21 kVRMS). The frequency range using VAX-230 is 0.0001-100 Hz and I = jωCU < 30 mA [8], [9], [10]. The principle of the Idax-206 instrument is shown in figure 3.1. A Digital Signal Processing (DSP) unit generates a test signal with the wanted frequency. The signal is amplified with an internal amplifier and then applied to the sample. The voltage over and the current through the sample are measured with high accuracy. For measurement input, Idax-206 uses the DSP unit that multiplies the measurement signals with reference sine voltages, and then integrates the results over a number of cycles. This method rejects noise and interference and allows Idax206, with high accuracy, to work with low voltage levels [8], [9]. 10 Figure 3.1 Principle of the Idax-206 instrument [11]. 3.2.2 Baur VLF Cable Test and Diagnostic System PHG TD/PD The PHG (Programmable High Voltage Generator) is a VLF (very low frequency) cable test instrument supplied by Baur. The PHG is available in two models, the PHG 70 and the PHG 80. The difference is the output voltage and the output current. The instrument can be upgraded with dissipation factor measurement (TD) and partial discharge (PD) level measurement with source localisation. The instrument can be used to test cables, transformers, switchgears, sheaths and generators [12]. The PHG cable test instrument has three different programmable test voltages: • • • Sinus wave, 38 kVRMS (PHG 70), 57 kVRMS (PHG 80) Square wave, 57 kV/0.1 Hz (PHG 70), 80 kV/0.1 Hz (PHG 80) DC, ± 70 kV (PHG 70), ± 80 kV (PHG 80) The testing is made with a fixed frequency, which can be programmable between, 0.01 to 1 Hz. The maximum testable load capacity at different voltages is shown in the subsequent load diagram in figure 3.2. Breakdown during the test is automatically detected and the instrument is switched off. 11 Figure 3.2 Maximum testable capacitance versus test voltage level [12]. The PHG can be upgraded with a diagnostic instrument performing dissipation factor measurement (TD, tan δ ). The testing is done with a sinus wave voltage at different voltage levels and with a low frequency, 0.1 Hz. This type of measurement provides differentiated global information of the ageing of PE/XLPE cables. The differentiation is made between new, slightly and heavily water-tree damaged cables. The criteria that indicates water treeing is if the tan δ is larger than 1.2 ⋅10−3 at 2U0 or that the difference of tan δ at 2U0 and U0 is larger than 6 ⋅10−4 [11]. All essential actual data, like applied voltage level, the phase under diagnostics, capacitive load, values of measured current, voltage and dissipation factor are summarised in the TD main menu [12]. The PHG could also be equipped with partial discharge (PD) measurement and localisation of the partial discharge source. This application is used on PE/XLPE and PILC-cables (Paper Insulated Lead Covered cable). The partial discharge measurement provides information on insulation diagnostics on a PILC-cable. The PD measurement also provides information about whether there are installation errors or electrical trees at plastic cables that have not yet caused breakdown. It can estimate if the dissipation factor measurement was influenced by partial discharges in for example a joint [12]. 3.2.3 sebaKMT Cable Diagnostic System CDS The CDS (Cable Diagnostic System) for three phase diagnostics is manufactured by sebaKMT. The CDS instrument is made for diagnostics on PE/XLPE and PILC-cables. The techniques used in this instrument are Isothermal Relaxation Current, IRC, and Return Voltage Method, RVM-analysis. The measurement principle, see figure 3.3, is made as follows: 12 Figure 3.3 The measurement principle for the IRC and the RVM method [13]. The cable is charged for a period of time with a constant DC voltage. Then the voltage is disconnected and the cable is short-circuited for a short period of time. When the short-circuit is disconnected, the return voltage is measured in an open circuit condition for the RVMmethod. And the discharge/depolarisation current is measured for the IRC-method, see figure 3.4. Both methods measure the charging/polarisation current, which make it easier to detect weaknesses and wet joints in PILC-cables and XLPE-cables [13]. Figure 3.4 Dielectric responses in time domain [13]. The IRC-diagnostic is a diagnostic method for deterioration ageing and status of PE/XLPE insulated medium voltage cables. The analysis is based on the dynamics of the relaxation process within the insulation. When the insulation becomes old or in one way or another becomes worn-out, it will lead to a decrease in the residual strength in the polymer. These changes are shown in the relaxation process [14], [15]. 13 i(t)*t and idep(t) for swx00092.mat -8 4 x 10 i*t [As] 3 2 1 0 0 10 1 10 2 10 Time [s] 3 10 4 10 -8 10 -10 i [A] 10 -12 10 -14 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 Time [s] 3 10 4 10 Figure 3.5 shows the result of an IRC measurement [29]. The measured current in the time domain showed in figure 3.5 above can be approximated by a summation function showed in eq. 3.1. 3 i (t ) = I 0 + ∑ ai e −t / τ i (3.1) i =1 The equation 3.1 contains of the coefficients ai and the time constants τ i . τ 1 and a1 describes the relaxation mechanism caused by bulk relaxation. The ageing indicates by a decrease of a 2 during the time constant τ 2 and an increase of a3 during the time constant τ 3 . The relationship is described by eq. 3.2 to eq. 3.4 [14], [15]. t Q(t ) = ∫ i (t )dt 0 (3.2) 3 Q(t ) = I 0 ⋅ t − ∑ aiτ i e 1 − t τi 3 + ∑ a iτ i 1 14 I 0 ⋅ t = 0 τ 3 > 3τ 2 τ 2 > 3τ 1 τ − 2 ⎛ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎜ Q(τ 2 ) ≈ a1τ 1 + a 2τ 2 ⎜1 − ⎟ + a3τ 3 1 − e τ 3 ⎜ ⎝ e⎠ ⎝ τ − 2 ⎛ ⎜ Q(τ 3 ) ≈ a1τ 1 + a 2τ 2 1 − e τ 3 ⎜ ⎝ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ (3.3) ⎞ ⎟ + a τ ⎛⎜1 − 1 ⎞⎟ ⎟ 3 3⎝ e ⎠ ⎠ τ ⎛ − 3 ⎜1 − e τ 2 ⎜ ⎝ ⎞ a τ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎟ + 3 3 ⎜1 − ⎟ ⎟ a1τ 1 ⎝ e ⎠ Q(τ 3 ) ⎠ ≈ A= τ Q (τ 2 ) − 2 ⎞ a 2τ 2 ⎛ 1 ⎞ a 3τ 3 ⎛⎜ 1+ 1 − e τ3 ⎟ ⎜1 − ⎟ + ⎟ a1τ 1 ⎝ e ⎠ a1τ 1 ⎜⎝ ⎠ aτ 1+ 2 2 a1τ 1 (3.4) Here eq. 3.2 represents the space charge trapped during the time of τ 2 and the space charge trapped during the time of τ 3 of the approximation function. Eq. 3.3 describes the correlation and component a 0 is negligible for the evaluation. Eq. 3.4 gives the mathematical expression of the ageing factor, the A-factor [14], [15]. The A-factor is correlated to discrete energy levels. The analysis is then based on the relation between these energy levels, which makes the measurement independent of temperature and external influence. The result is then compared with measurements stored in a database. The measured result is classified in four different ageing groups [14], [15]: 1. 2. 3. 4. Perfect Mid life Old Critical The presentation is made with a staple diagram with a probability in percent that the cable is defined in the right ageing group. The program also gives a prognosis of the residual strength of the cable defined as n ⋅ U 0 , where U 0 is given as the phase voltage [14], [15]. The RVM-analysis provides characteristic information on the ageing status and moisture content of paper insulated cables. The voltage measuring range is 0-5000 V. The RVM analysis is based on threshold values. The non-linear behavior of the return voltage opposed to the increase of the charging voltage and the form of the measurement curve are analysed. To determine the non-linearity in the initial slope of the return voltage a Qa factor is used. The Qa factor is measured at two charging voltages, see figure 3.6. The initial slope for a dry cable is 2.0 and decreases towards 1.5 for a high moisture cable [13]. 15 Figure 3.6 Graph of RVM-method for three different paper insulated cable segments and evaluating p-factors [13]. The evaluation of the Quotient Qa is: • • • 2.00….1.87 1.86….1.65 < 1.65 Dry cable Moisture content Wet cable Another factor for evaluating the moisture content in a PILC-insulated cable is to measure the p-factor, which is directly related to the de-composition of the cellulose. The classification of the p-factor is based on the maximum value of the voltage U m [V] divided by the initial slope s [V/s] times the time to the maximum voltage tm [s]. The cable is wet if the p-factor is above 0.2 [13]. 3.2.4 sebaKMT VLF Test System sebaKmt also offers a very low frequency VLF, test systems between 28-60 kV at 0.1 Hz. It also contains a DC-test. The instrument test voltage is a generated cosine square wave and the instrument is mainly made for detection of water tree deteriorated XLPE-cables. The testable capacity varies with the test voltage, which could be seen in figure 3.7 [16]. Figure 3.7 Maximum testable capacitance versus test voltage level [16]. 16 To evaluate the relative quality of the cable the instrument measures the leakage current. The data could be stored and used to generate a test history for different measurements. The instrument is also equipped with a breakdown detection, which means that the system immediately will be switched off and the cable will be automatically discharged in case of a breakdown [16]. 3.2.5 Tettex Instruments Tettex instruments provide three diagnostic instruments for dielectric losses measurement. The instrument could be applied on transformers, rotating machines, bushings, cables, capacitors and circuit breakers. All three instruments measure the dissipation factor tan δ at local power-line frequency [17], [18], [19]. Tettex Midas Tettex Midas is the most robust instrument used especially in harsh electrical environments like substations and different field locations. The test voltage is programmable up to 15 kV. The test frequency could be chosen between 15 and 400 Hz. The maximum test object capacitance is 56 nF at 15 kV and 88 nF at 12kV. The Midas instrument has something called temperature correction. That function is used to recalculate the measured results to a reference temperature ( 20D C ), which makes it easier to compare earlier measured data. It also has an analysis function, which makes it possible to compare latest measurements with stored data. Pass and fail limits could be set absolute or relative [17]. Tettex 2820 Tettex 2820 has a programmable test voltage up to 15 A / ωcn V and the test frequency ranges from 15 to 1000 Hz. This instrument has the same temperature correction as the Midas instrument. It also has a signal analysis which analyses curve forms, spectrum and also shows slow drifts and trending of the selected measuring value. Pass and fail limits could be set absolute or relative [18]. Tettex 2877 Tettex 2877 has programmable test voltage between 50 V and 1.2 MV. The test frequency is between 45 to 65 Hz and the maximum test object capacitance is 10 μ F [19]. 3.2.6 HV Diagnostics, HVA 30, HVA 30,5 and HVA 60 The HVA is a universal high voltage test instrument provided by HV Diagnostics. The instrument can be applied on cables, capacitors, switchgear, transformers, rotating machines, insulators and bushings. The cable test is made with very low frequency, VLF. The instrument is also provided with dual polarity, DC and cable jacket or sheath testing outputs modes. To assist the operator the instrument automatically calculates the optimum frequency for larger loads. If a breakdown should occur during testing the actual voltage is recorded and displayed before the breakdown mode is activated. The output voltage can be programmable up to 62 kVˆ (HVA 60) and the output frequency between 0.02 and 0.1 Hz and maximum test object capacitance is 10 μ F [20]. 17 3.2.7 Omricon CPC 100 with CP TD1 CPC 100 is a multifunctional test system, which can be equipped with an accessory for insulation diagnosis, CP TD1. The instrument is provided by Omicron. The basic version of the instrument can be used for voltage and current measurements of transformers, resistance testing and testing of protection relays. The insulation diagnosis accessory measures the dissipation factor tan δ . The voltage can be varied between 0 − 12kV and the frequency between 15 − 400Hz . Maximum test object capacitance is 3 μ F . The dissipation factor frequency sweep can vary between 15 − 70Hz [21]. 3.2.8 Summary of diagnostic instruments for XLPE- and PILC-cables Table 3.1 shows a summary of the commercial available diagnostic instruments for XLPEcables and PILC-cables. The table also shows the different techniques which the instruments are using. All commercial insulation diagnostic instruments available on the market at this time are off-line systems. There are two different techniques used to diagnose XLPE-cables in different instruments. The first technique measures the dissipation factor tan δ and can be divided into three different methods. The three methods measure the dissipation factor as a function of either a low fixed frequency or at a low frequency sweep or at power-line frequency. The reason to use a very low frequency is to bring down the size of the instrument. The second technique measures the Isothermal Relaxation Current IRC. One instrument can also diagnose PILC-cables and the technique used is the Return/Recovery Voltage Method RVM. Table 3.1 Summary of commercial available diagnostic instruments for XLPE-cables and PILC-cables. Manufacturer Pax Diagnostics sebaKMT Instrument Idax-206 with VAX-230 VLF diagnostic system PHG TD CDS Technique tanδ at a low variable frequency (0.0001-100 Hz) tanδ at a fixed low frequency (Adjustable between 0.01-1 Hz ) IRC Isothermal Relaxation Current RVM Return Voltage Methods sebaKMT VLF Tettex instruments Tettex Midas tanδ at a fixed low frequency (0.1 Hz) tanδ at a fixed local power frequency (Adjustable between 15-400 Hz) tanδ at a fixed local power frequency (Adjustable between 15-1000 Hz) tanδ at a fixed local power frequency (Adjustable between 45-65 Hz) tanδ at a fixed low frequency (0.02-0.1 Hz) tanδ at a variable frequency (1570 Hz) Baur Tettex 2820 Tettex 2877 HV Diagnostics Omicron HVA 30, HVA 30,5, HVA 60 CPC 100 with CP TD1 18 Usability Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage PILC-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Diagnostics of medium voltage XLPE-cables Table 3.1 shows that all instruments except one measure the dissipation factor tanδ as a function of a variable or a fixed frequency to diagnose XLPE-cables. The other technique used in sebaKMT’s CDS to diagnose XLPE-cables is IRC Isothermal Relaxation Current measurement. This instrument can also be used to diagnose PILC-cables, the method used then is RVM Return Voltage Method. All instruments are considered to use non-destructive measuring methods if the voltage is lower or equal to U 0 . However, a bad cable, although good enough to be re-connected, can be damaged if the voltage is risen over U 0 . 3.3 Literature study of fault location instruments To find out what kind of different commercial fault location instruments that are available and which method they use, a literature study was done. The literature used in this thesis work is literature, Ph. D. thesis, reports and leaflets. 3.3.1 sebaKMT Surgeflex 15, 25, 32 SebaKMT provides the Surgeflex systems. Surgeflex 15 and Surgeflex 25 are battery powered fault location systems with 15 kV DC respectively 25 kV DC output voltages. After identifying the type of fault the fault pre-location can start. Their are two different methods used in this models, Time Domain Reflectometry TDR and Arc Reflection Method ARM. The Arc reflection Method is used to pre-locate high resistance fault and the Time Domain Reflectometry is used to pre-locate low resistance faults. The instruments are suited for low and medium voltage distribution cables. The Surgeflex 32 has an output voltage of 32 kV DC and it has except for the TDR and ARM also Impulse Current Method ICE and Voltage Decay Method for prelocating the fault position. Another feature available on the Surgeflex 32 is Burning, which is a high voltage dc output with a high current used for easier and quicker prelocation of unstable, flashing or high resistance faults [22], [23]. 3.3.2 sebaKMT Teleflex T30-E SebaKMT provides the Teleflex T30-E. The instrument uses the Time Domain Reflectometry, TDR. The instrument is designed for low resistance faults in low and medium voltage cables [24]. 3.3.3 Megger PFL40-1500/2000 The PFL40-1500/2000 is provided by Megger and is a portable cable fault location and high voltage test instrument. Megger PFL40-1500/2000 is an instrument with DC testing output up to 40 kV. After identifying the type of the fault, pre-location of the fault position can be decided. TDR is used to pre-locate low resistance faults, ARM and Proof/Burn is used for unstable faults or high resistance faults. Another method is ICE and Voltage Decay Method [25]. 3.3.4 Hipotronics 5150 First response cable fault locator The 5150 first response cable fault locator is provided by Hipotronics. The instrument uses the digital ARC reflection Time Domain Reflectometry, TDR. The instrument is mobile with a battery supply. The measured data can be downloaded from the instrument [26]. 19 3.3.5 Summary of fault location instruments Table 3.2 gives a summary of the fault location instruments revealed in this report. All fault location instruments in this report are based on time domain reflectometry, TDR. The prelocation are made with two different methods, Time Domain Reflectometry TDR and Arc Reflection Method ARM. The Arc Reflection Method is used to pre-locate high resistance fault and the Time Domain Reflectometry is used to pre-locate low resistance faults. The instruments are suited for low and medium voltage distribution cables. Table 3.2 Summary of commercial available fault location instruments for low and medium voltage distribution cables. Manufacturer Instrument Technique Usability sebaKMT Surgeflex 15, 25, 32 TDR sebaKMT Teleflex T30-E TDR Megger PFL40-1500/2000 TDR Hipotronics 5150 First response cable fault locator TDR Fault location, Burning (Surgeflex 32) Fault location for low resistance faults Fault location and high voltage test instrument with Proof/Burn Fault location instrument 3.4 The measuring method used on the Ekerö grid in 1998 The instrument used at the last measurements in 1998 was Seba Dynatronics KDA-1. The diagnostic method used in this instrument, to evaluate the integral ageing and deterioration status of PE/XLPE insulated medium voltage cables, is the isothermal relaxation current measurement. The instrument Seba Dynatronics KDA-1 is not commercial available anymore. Prerequisite for cable measurements [4] • Before starting the measurements the cable must be disconnected from the grid for about four hours, depending on how heavy the load has been. • The cable must have been earthed at least one hour before the start of the measurements. • The cable must not have been disconnected for a longer period of time, in this case the cable needs to be re-connected to the grid for at least one week before starting the measurements. Before the measurements starts the phases and the shield of the cable has to be disconnected to achieve the best result. After setup, see figure 3.8 of the instrument, the measurement starts with the charging of the cable for about 1800s. The next step after the formation is to discharge the cable over a load for about 5s. The last step of the measurement is to measure the depolarisation current for about 1800s [4]. How the measured current is evaluated is shown in chapter 3.2.3. 20 Figure 3.8 Principle of IRC- and RVM-measurement [13]. Technical data for the KDA-1 [27] • Formation voltage 1 kV DC. • Cable types PE/XLPE. • Cable capacity 3 nF − 1.2 μ F or approximately 4 km. • Testing time 1 hour per phase. • Nominal voltage range of the cable under test is 6 kV – 36 kV. • Operating temperature 0 − 40D C . 3.5 Method used to analyse field measurements from 2007 The main part of this thesis work is, as mentioned earlier, based on field measurements made on medium voltage cables in the Ekerö grid. When analysing measurements, it is important to know and take into consideration the circumstances around the measurements. In this case the following conditions have been taken into account when the analysis was made. • • • • • • • The type of cables and terminations and if there are any joints in the cable. If the terminations were disconnected from the isolators or not. If the terminations were cleaned before the measurement took place. The air- temperature and humidity. The average load flow on the cable. If the cable has been in service before the measurement took place. The length of the cable and year of installation. When the measurements were finished the graphs were plotted and analysed. The main criteria that were analysed were, if the curves were frequency- and/or voltage dependent and if the graph showed any hysteresis. 3.5.1 Criteria for analysis of IDA 200 HVU measurements What generally could be said about non-aged cables is following: In XLPE-cables without water trees the dielectric losses ε ′′ are very low, at the level of 1 : 8 ⋅ 10 −4 . The material properties has no voltage dependence which means that the material is linear at least up 21 to U 0 and for most non-aged cables linear as high as up to 2U 0 . However, for some cables there could be a small non-linear effect detected at 2U 0 . Which means that there is a small change in the dielectric losses ε ′′ and in the apparent permittivity Δε ′ of less than 3 ⋅10−4 . Measurements in non-aged cables are always individually reproducible. This means that neither the voltage pre-stressing of the cable nor the humidity level within the insulation has any effect on the measurement. XLPE-cables with water trees show a voltage-dependence and a hysteretic behavior in loss factor ε r′′ and in apparent permittivity Δε r′ . Water tree infested cables can be separated in three different characteristic responses [2]: • VDP Voltage dependent permittivity. VDP means an increase in dielectric losses and apparent permittivity depending on the voltage level, but almost independent on the frequency. The dielectric losses and the apparent permittivity shows hysteresis, which means that the level at the first frequency-sweep is lower than the level of the second frequency-sweep at the same voltage level. The reason for that is that the water tree structure in the cable has opened up and leads a larger current [2]. • TLC Transition to Leakage Currents. TLC is a VDP-response already at the first low voltage levels. The response changes typically at higher voltage levels [2]. • LC Leakage Current. This response appears already at low voltage levels and the hysteretic effect in the dielectric losses is usually larger than for the other two responses. When the frequency-sweep with the highest voltage has been done, will the LC-response show higher losses at the same voltage level. One characteristic thing with the LC response is that the dielectric losses increase with decreasing frequency with a slope equal to -1 [2]. 3.5.2 Analysis of different cable designs Three different cable designs will be described here, due to their similarity to the cables that have been measured at the Ekerö grid. Cable type #A Sievert Kabelverk 24 kV Cable with Extruded Insulation Shield. This cable has an extruded insulation shield and was manufactured between 1974-1979/80 by Sievert Kabelverk. This cable type gives a large dielectric response especially at a voltage higher than the service voltage level. Deteriorated cables often show large bush-like trees, which are consistently spread around insulation surface. The cable is often not evenly aged, only parts of the cable could be deteriorate by water trees while other fractions of the cable could be healthy. This fact makes it difficult to separate a moderately aged from a severely aged cable. Water tree deteriorated cables shows initially a VDP response and if a high enough voltage is used they show a TLC response. The required voltage level for detection of water trees is about 14 kV [2]. Cable type #B Sievert Kabelverk 12 kV Cable with Insulation Shield made of tape only. This cable has an insulation shield made of tape only and was manufactured between the years 1966-1974 by Sievert Kabelverk. The water tree of this cable type could be both bushlike and thin-vented trees. The dielectric response of deteriorated cables of this type is moderate and a VDP response becomes more distinct if the voltage is increased a bit higher than service voltage level. Usually water tree deteriorated cables are detected by using voltage levels up to service-voltage level, the voltage breakdown strength is also rather high. When a 22 VDP response has been detected, it usually shows that water trees deteriorate the cable. However, when the cable type still has a VDP response up to 1.5 times, the voltage servicelevel, the cable can still operate for a few more years [2]. Cable type #C Liljeholmen 24 kV Cable Graphite and Tape Insulation Shield. This cable has an insulation shield made of graphite paint and tapes and was manufactured by Liljeholmen in the early 1970s. The water trees of this cable type are usually many thin water trees. When a cable is deteriorated by water trees the dielectric loss factor is seldom below 3 ⋅10−3 and detectable far below U 0 , the cables voltage dependence is already obvious at 0.25U 0 − 0.5U 0 [2]. If a LC or a TLC response is detected the water tree deterioration in the cable is severe and the failure risk is very high. If there are no leakage currents detected at a voltage up to U 0 and the dielectric losses up to U 0 is less than 8 ⋅10−3 then the cable is healthy enough to remain in service for many years. One characteristic thing with this cable type is that it ages consistently [2]. Ageing in different cable constructions according to SINTEF [4]. • Local defects are more common in cables with extruded insulation shield. • Graphite paint and tape insulated cable materials are usually more evenly aged. 3.5.3 Dielectric response in terminations and cable joints Terminations There are two types of termination stress cones and material-field grading with different responses. The influence of terminations is less at higher frequencies [2]. • • Stress cones, have a linear response and the field grading is geometrical. Material field-grading with a stress-grading material has a non-linear response that starts far below design voltage. Cable joints Joints constructed with field-grading material that have changing characteristics, can generate LC-losses, which dominate the losses from the cable circuit [2]. 3.5.4 Temperature dependence of the response Field measurements show that the temperature has a small influence on water treed XLPEcables with large VDP response. Cables with a large VDP response have changes in dielectric losses at different temperatures. Nevertheless, the changes are too small to have an influence on the diagnosis of the cable. A water-treed cable depends also on the humidity within the insulation, a high response interpret a high humidity level in the insulation. The humidity level within the cable insulation can decrease if the surrounding temperature rises. Each cable design has its own influence on the water trees in the cable. In different cable designs there are different types of water tree structures. One cable model could have only one type of water tree structures, while another cable model could have several different types of structures in the same cable [2]. 23 3.6 Qualitative dielectric models of water deteriorated cables To illustrate the complex behaviour of water tree deteriorated insulation, this concept model shown in figure 3.9 was developed. The model consists of healthy insulation with an area of deteriorated insulation in form of different kinds of water trees. The arrow shows the increase direction of the insulation degradation. The resistance drop when the degradation increases. This means that the resistance that illustrates the background losses is higher than the resistance that illustrates the LC response. The VDP response part of the model illustrates a bush tree or a bow-tie tree and the TLC and LC response illustrates a leakage tree. The difference with TLC and LC are that the LC response occurs already at low voltage while the TLC response needs a higher voltage to appear. Increased degradation AC Healthy insulation Background losses VDP response TLC response LC response Healthy insulation Figure 3.9 Concept model of cable insulation. Three quantitative concept models were developed to express the three types of water trees. The different water trees are shown in figures 3.10 and 3.11. VDP response is given by bush trees and bow-tie trees. TLC or LC responses are shown when water trees have grown through the insulation. The models are shown in the figures 3.13, 3.16 and 3.18. Leakage tree Bush tree Bow-tie tree Figure 3.10 XLPE-cable deteriorated by leakage and bush trees [29]. Figure 3.11 XLPE-cable deteriorated by a bow-tie tree [29]. 24 Two plots were made to illustrate the response behaviour of VDP, TLC and LC responses. The first shown in figure 3.14 illustrates the behaviour of a VDP response. The second plot showed in figure 3.19 illustrates the behaviour of a TLC or a LC response. The plots are based on numerical values of one metre long 195 mm2 20 kV cable with 100 trees/metre and 5,5 mm insulation thickness. The water tree resistance and capacitance for each bush tree that is assumed to be 5 mm wide and with a length of 4 mm is given by eq. 3.5 and eq. 3.6 and have a cylinder shape. The response is shown in figure 3.14. RW = ρ W dW d 4 ⋅ 10 −3 = ρW W2 = 1012 A πr π 2.5 ⋅ 10 −3 ( ) 2 ≈ 2 ⋅ 1014 Ω (3.5) π ( 2.5 ⋅10 π ( D / 2) A CW = ε 0ε r = ε 0ε r = 8.854 ⋅10−12 ⋅ 2.3 d − dW d − dW 1.5 ⋅10−3 Where: ) −3 2 2 ≈ 3 ⋅10−13 F (3.6) ρW is the resistivity of the water tree d W is the length of the water tree d is the insulation thickness A is the area of the water tree D is the width of the water tree ε 0 is the permittivity in vacuum ε r is the relative permittivity for a XLPE-cable The capacitance of the healthy insulation is given by eq. 3.7: C 0 = length ⋅ 2πε 0 ε r 2π ⋅ 8.854 ⋅ 10 −12 ⋅ 2.3 = 1⋅ ≈ 2.5 ⋅ 10 −10 F log(Outerdiametre / Innerdiametre ) log(26.757 / 15.757 ) (3.7) Where eq. 3.8 gives the inner diameter of a 195 mm2 cable: Innerdiametre = 2 ⋅ A π = 2⋅ 195 π = 15.757 mm (3.8) A 195 mm2 got an outer diameter, which is the inner diameter plus the insulation thickness of 11 mm ⇒ 26.8 mm 25 For the leakage tree shown in figure 3.17 has following values have been used for each tree: The tree is assumed to be 4 mm wide and the length is through the whole insulation of 5.5 mm. This gives: dW 5.5 ⋅ 10 −3 7 = 10 = 2.5 ⋅ 1010 Ω RW = ρ W −3 −3 A 4 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 5.5 ⋅ 10 (3.9) 3.6.1 Equivalent model for bush tree deteriorated cables Figure 3.12 XLPE-cable deteriorated by bush tree [28]. Figure 3.13 Equivalent model of a bush tree. Figure 3.12 above shows an XLPE cable, which is deteriorated by a bush tree. The model for the bush tree deteriorated cable is shown in figure 3.13 above. To express the dissipation factor tan δ , the complex capacitance C has to be derived. The capacitance is derived by expressing the currents through the insulation (outer semi-conductor). This is shown in eq. 3.10 – 3.12. It should be mentioned that the resistance of the water tree RW is voltage dependent which has not been considered in this simple model. i = iC0 + i R0 + iW = jωC 0U + ⎛ ω 2 CW2 RW + jωCW 1 U + ⎜⎜ 2 R0 ⎝ 1 + (ωCW RW ) ⎞ ⎟U = ⎟ ⎠ (3.10) ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ ⎜ 2 ωCW RW CW 1 ⎟ ⎜ jωU ⎜ C 0 + + + 2 2 ⎟ jωR0 j + j (ωCW RW ) 1 + (ωCW RW ) ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ~ C =C ′ − jC ′′ ⎠ ⎝ 26 ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ CW ~ ⎜ ⎟− C = C ′ − jC ′′ = ⎜ C 0 + 2 ⎟ 1 + (ωC R ) ⎟ ⎜ WW C0 >>CW ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ C′ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 2 ωCW RW ⎟ 1 ⎜ + j ⎜ ωR0 1 + (ωCW RW )2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ C ′′ ⎝ ⎠ (3.11) The term R0 is much larger than RW , however, R0 is neglected because it will not contribute to the response behaviour of the bush tree plot. The bush tree behaviour is given by the dissipation factor Δ tan δ Bush−tree : Δ tan δ Bush −tree = C ′′ = C′ ωCW2 RW 2 1 + (ωCW RW ) C0 + (3.12) CW 1 + (ωCW RW ) 2 Where: C 0 represents the capacitance of the healthy insulation R 0 represents the resistance of the healthy insulation C W represents the capacitance of the healthy insulation in serie with the water tree R W rep resents the resistance through the water tree C is the complex capacitance C ' represents the real part = true capacitance C '' represents the lossy part Model of bush tree deteriorated cable -1 10 -2 10 -3 tandelta 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 Frequency Hz Figure 3.14 Model of bush tree deteriorated cable. 27 0 10 1 10 2 10 Figure 3.14 shows the response from a bush tree deteriorated cable. The cable is assumed to have 100 water trees/metre. In the low frequency span between 0.1 Hz to 1 Hz where IDA 200 measures, figure 3.14 shows that the dissipation factor is between 3 ⋅ 10 −4 to 4 ⋅ 10 −3 . This is reasonable values compared to field measurements. However, the values used in the calculation are idealised and number of water trees is guessed. 3.6.2 Equivalent model for bow-tie tree Figure 3.15 shows the deterioration of a bow-tie tree below. The model for the bow-tie tree deteriorated cable, shown in figure 3.16 below, has the same characteristic as the bush tree model. Except that the resistance is higher and the capacitance is lower than the numerical values for the bush tree model. This gives the equivalent model shown in figure 3.16 beneath. The expression for the dissipation factor tan δ shown in eq. 3.15 and eq. 3.16 is derived exactly as for the bush tree model. Figure 3.15 XLPE-cable deteriorated by bow-tie tree [29]. Figure 3.16 Equivalent model of a bow-tie tree. ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ CW ~ ⎜ ⎟− C = C ′ − jC ′′ = ⎜ C 0 + 2 ⎟ 1 + (ωC R ) ⎟ ⎜ WW C0 >>CW ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ C′ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 2 ω C R 1 W W ⎟ + j⎜ ⎜ ωR0 1 + (ωCW RW )2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ C ′′ ⎝ ⎠ (3.13) The term R0 is much larger than RW , however, R0 is neglected because it will not contribute to the response behaviour of a bow-tie tree plot. The bow-tie behaviour is given by the dissipation factor Δ tan δ Bow−tie −tree : Δ tan δ Bow−tie −tree = C ′′ = C′ ωCW2 RW 2 1 + (ωCW RW ) C0 + (3.14) CW 1 + (ωCW RW ) 2 28 The response for a bow-tie tree has the same characteristic appearance as for a bush tree, see figure 3.14. 3.6.3 Equivalent model for a leakage tree Figure 3.17 shows the deterioration of a leakage tree. The model for the leakage tree deteriorated cable is shown in figure 3.18 below. The dissipation factor tan δ is derived as for the bush and bow-tie trees, by expressing the currents through the material eq. 3.15 – 3.17. Figure 3.17 XLPE-cable deteriorated by a leakage tree [29]. i = iC 0 Figure 3.18 Equivalent model of a leakage tree. ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ ⎜ 1 1 1 1 ⎟ ⎜ U = jω U C 0 + + i R0 + iW = jωC 0U + U + + ⎜ R0 RW jωR0 jωRW ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ~ C = C ′ − jC ′′ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ 1 ⎟ 1 ~ ⎜ ⎟ + C = C ′ − jC ′′ = C 0 − j N ω R ω R ⎜ W ⎟ 0 C′ ⎜ ⎟ C ′′ ⎝ ⎠ (3.15) (3.16) The term R0 is much larger than RW , however, R0 is neglected because it will not contribute to the response behaviour of the leakage tree plot. The leakage tree behaviour is given by the dissipation factor Δ tan δ Leakage−tree : Δ tan δ Leakage−tree 1 C ′′ ωRW = = C′ C0 (3.17) 29 Model of leakage tree deteriorated cable 1 10 0 10 -1 10 tandelta -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 Frequency Hz 0 10 1 10 2 10 Figure 3.19 Model of leakage tree deteriorated cable. Figure 3.19 above shows the characteristic leakage response with the -1 slope. 3.7 Method used to analyse the statistics For this thesis work statistics were available from Fortum’s Stockholm grid for years 2005 and 2006 [32]. Statistics and failure reports for Ekerö’s medium voltage grid were available for the years 2004 to 2007 [33]. For the Stockholm grid the total number of faults was summed up for each year. The number of cable faults was distributed under the categories high voltage, low voltage and customer. For the high voltage level the damage on the system is also presented for each year. Moreover, the fault frequency is presented in faults/100 km cable and year. A small compilation of the consequences of Fortum’s Stockholm grid, caused by the failures, was also made for year 2005 and 2006. The fault frequency of Stockholm and Ekerö grid has also been compared to Göteborg Energi and to Darwin. Darwin is a national database to which most of the energy companies in Sweden report their failure statistics. The statistics available for Ekerö’s medium voltage grid between 2004 and 2007 were both from Ekerö Energi’s own statistics and statistics reported to Darwin. The failure reports that are the basis of the statistics were also available during these years. Even more information for some of the fault occasions was available through Henrik Svensson. A compilation for each year was made with all available information. The fault frequency in form of faults/100 km cable and year was also presented. 30 3.8 Validity and reliability Validity in designation of information is reliable or not. This means that the performed measurements really gives the answers to the questioned issues, which underlie the examination [30]. The validity in the measurements made in this thesis work is according to the author good due to an accurate description of the measurements in the report. Reliability is a measure on the dependability, which means that same results should be achieved if measurements are made under the same circumstances [31]. The author considers the reliability of the measurements as good due to an exact description of the procedure in the report. This is provided that the statistics are available. 31 4 Results 4.1 Introduction to the chapter All commercial insulation diagnostic instruments available on the market at this time are all off-line instruments. The techniques used in most instruments to diagnose water trees in XLPE-cables are to measure the dissipation factor as a function of frequency. The other technique used is to diagnose XLPE-cables is to measure the Isothermal Relaxation Current IRC. The technique used to diagnose PILC-cables is the Return/Recovery Voltage Method RVM. All instruments are considered to be non-destructive for voltage levels up to U 0 . There are three manufactures of fault location instruments revealed in this report. All instruments use the Time Domain Reflectometry TDR. Cable diagnostic measurements were made on the Ekerö Energi grid on different medium voltage cables in Stenhamra village, during the period of 03/09/98 – 17/09/98. As part of this thesis work, measurements have been carried out on various interesting cables, which also were measured in 1998. The purpose has been to try to determine whether the measurements made in 1998 were trustworthy. The reliability of the measuring method used in 1998 has been questioned in a report from the Norwegian company, SINTEF Energiforskning AS [15], as being not sufficiently reliable. The measurements in 2007 were made with the IDA 200 HVU system, which measures the capacitance and the dissipation factor tan δ , explained in chapter 2.2.1. A couple of measurements were also made with a new instrument under development using TDR, time domain reflectometry. The instrument is developed by Valentinas Dubickas as a part of his Ph. D. thesis at KTH, and can be used either for measurements off-line or on-line. Statistics from Fortum’s Stockholm grid and Ekerö’s medium voltage grid was analysed and compared with statistics from Göteborg Energi and Darwin. 4.2 SINTEF’s analysis of the measuring instrument used on the Ekerö grid in 1998 The analysis is based on the dynamics of the relaxation process within the insulation. When the insulation becomes old or in one way or another becomes worn-out it will bring changes to the polymer structure. These changes are shown in the relaxation process. When the cable has been charged, in this case with 1 kV for 1800 seconds, the cable will be discharged for a short period of time. This discharge of the cable formation creates relaxation currents in the polymer with different time constants, which are used to evaluate the condition of the cable insulation [14], [15]. 4.2.1 The report of SINTEF Energiforskning AS (SEfAS) This Nordic project started in the spring in 1997 and was finished at the end of 1999 when the technical report was published [4]. The aim with the project was to test four commercial cable diagnostic instruments. In this report only Seba Dynatronic KDA-1 will be of interest. The diagnoses were made at eight 12 – 24 kV (with insulation thickness 3.4 and 5.5 mm) water treed XLPE-cables with different constructions. The four chosen cable types were: 32 • • • • #D a cable with insulation shield made of graphite. #E a cable with strippable insulation shields. #F a cable with paint and tape insulation shields. #G a cable with steam cured insulation shield. 4.2.2 The test procedure All cables have been installed in the grid. One cable was diagnosed in the field while the others were diagnosed at SEfAS/NTNU high voltage laboratory in Trondheim Norway. The diagnoses were made without removing terminations and joints. When the diagnostic tests were finished all cables were tested with a destructive AC step test. This test was made to see how many times U 0 the cables actually could resist. This test did then become the reference when the test instruments should be evaluated. The tests started with supplying the cable with the voltage U 0 for five minutes, and then increase the voltage with U 0 every five minutes until breakdown occurred. After the breakdown test, parts of the cable were sliced into thin sections and examined under a microscope. In every section the longest vented tree, the longest bow-tie tree and the number of trees in each section were registered. 4.2.3 Test results • • • Seba Dynatronic KDA-1 diagnosed cable type #D, with an insulation shield made of graphite and paint as follows. Phase number one and phase number two were detected with too high voltage breakdown strength while phase number three was correctly detected. Seba Dynatronic KDA-1 diagnosed cable type #E, with strippable insulation as follows. The detection failed on all three phases. Again the voltage breakdown strength was detected as too high. Seba Dynatronic KDA-1 diagnosed cable type #F, with an insulation shield made of paint and tape correctly. The test results showed that cable type #D and cable type #E had water trees across the whole insulation. SEfAS/NTNU showed that the cable type’s #D and #E could be correctly diagnosed by measuring the polarisation current. One explanation, that seba did not detect cable type #D and cable type #E correctly, could be that the instrument only measures the depolarisation current and not both polarisation- and depolarisation current. The polarisation current is measured during the charging of the cable, which makes it possible to detect severe water treed deteriorated cables. Seba KDA-1 measures the depolarisation current which is done without any voltage connected to the cable. That gives a lower current and the cable is detected with too high voltage breakdown strength [4]. However, even if seba had measured the polarisation current, had probably the formation voltage of 1 kV been a too low voltage, to make the structure open in cables with water trees. This means that the cables that are severely deteriorated by leakage trees would probably not have been detected. 33 It should be mentioned that sebaKMT in their new instrument CDS, measures both polarisation and depolarisation currents and that the charging voltage is 5 kV [13]. 4.3 The analysis of the measurement in 2007 The measurements were limited to three days. The power company Ekerö Energi had two of their electricians available to support disconnection and reconnection of the cables. It was judged to have time to measure seven cables during the three days. The chosen cables were installed between 1970 and 1989 see table 4.1 below. Table 4.1 XLPE-cables investigated in the study, installed between 1970 and 1989. Cable number #1 #2 #3 #4 NS2165 NS2123 NS2129 Measurements NS2129 Blåbacksvägen Alviksvägen Klyvarestigen Blåbacksvägen made from NS2134 NS2160 NS2126 NS2128 End of cable Klevbersvägen Galtuddsvägen Uppgårdsskolan Skogsvägen Yes No Yes No Disconnected Manufacture IKO 3x95 Design voltage Inner semiconductor 24 kV Extruded 24 kV Extruded Outer semiconductor Extruded Black tape Year of installation 1981 1970 Number of joints Terminations 0 0 Red Raychem Red Raychem Cable length A-factor and classification in 1998 Classified breakdown voltage strength 1998 650m 1.75, Older 400m 1.99, Older 11 U0 AXKJ Liljeholmen AXKJ 3x95 12 U0 #6 NS2132 Lupingränd NS2131 Humlegränd Yes #7 NS2123 Klyvarestigen NS2122 Strandvägen Yes Unknown AXKJ 3x95 #5 NS2165 Alviksvägen NS2137 Ramvägen Yes only at NS2137 Liljeholmen AXKJ 3x95 Unknown AXKJ 3x95 Unknown AXCEL 3x95, AXCE 3x1x95 24 kV Extruded 24 kV Extruded 24 kV Extruded 24 kV Extruded Extruded Black tape Black tape Extruded 1980 1971 1971 1986-89 2 0 0 1 Raychem Red Raychem at NS2123, Elastimould at NS 2126 Unknown Unknown, Critical Red Raychem Black tape White tape Red Raychem 300m 2.44, Critical 600m 2.7, Critical 250m 2.36, Critical 450m 2.57, Critical Unknown 8 Unknown AXCE 3x1x150, AXKJ 3x95, AXCEL 95 24 kV Extruded, Unknown, Extruded Extruded, Unknown, Extruded Unknown AXKJ from 1971 2 U0 3 U0 4 U0 8 The chosen cables were a mix of cables with and without joints and from the early 70s to the mid 80s. Before the measurements started the terminations were cleaned with isopropanol. In these cases when the terminations were not disconnected also the isolators were cleaned with isopropanol, to avoid creep currents. The average operation current according to Henrik Svensson at Ekerö Energi is about 50-60 A. 34 U0 4.3.1 Measurements day one The first day of measurements the temperature was +2D C and the humidity 100% RH. It started to rain a little in the afternoon. The first cable to measure was cable #5 between NS2137 Ramvägen and NS2165 Alviksvägen. This is a 24 kV cable manufactured by Liljeholmen 1971, it is 600 metres long with black tape terminations and without any joints. The cable was disconnected at Alviksvägen but still connected at 20 cm high red plastic isolators at Ramvägen. The cable had been out of service for about 11 months, according to Henrik Svensson at Ekerö Energi. The first phase had burned off directly after the termination. The measurement took place at Alviksvägen NS2165. Analysis of cable #5 When the measurements were made in 1998 cable #5 got an A-factor of 2.7 and was classified as critical. The voltage breakdown strength was estimated to 3 U 0 . The first phase L1 of cable #5, shown in figures 4.1 and 4.2. Figure 4.1 shows voltage dependence already at low voltage levels. The losses are frequency dependent, which is characteristic for both TLC and LC response. However in this case, an LC response is shown with a slope close to -1 in the lower frequency spectra between 0.1-0.3 Hz. The measurement also shows a hysteresis, which is especially large between the 3 kV levels. In figure 4.2 the capacitance as a function of frequency is plotted. Figure 4.2 shows a large VDP response, which indicates water treeing. This phase is aged and deteriorated by water trees, nevertheless not grown through the entire insulation. The fact that this phase has burned off after the termination would probably not have had any impact on the measurement. This phase was also measured with the time domain reflectometry TDR in off-line mode. 35 Cable #5 Phase L1 -2 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.1 Cable #5 phase L1, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.202 x 10 Cable #5 Phase L1 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 1.201 12kVrms 6kVrms c´ 1.2 3kVrms 1.199 1.198 1.197 1.196 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.2 Cable #5 phase L1, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 36 1 10 The second phase L2 of cable #5, shown in figures 4.3 and 4.4 below. Figure 4.3 shows that this phase has a VDP response and when the frequency decreases the losses and the hysteresis increase. The capacitance in figure 4.4 shows small VDP response. This phase is aged and probably deteriorated by small water trees, due to the moderate losses. Cable #5 Phase L2 -2 10 3kV rms 6kV rms 9kV rms 12kV rms 6kV rms tan(δ) 3kV rms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.3 Cable #5 phase L2, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.195 x 10 Cable #5 Phase L2 3kVrms 6kVrms 1.1945 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms 1.194 3kVrms c´ 1.1935 1.193 1.1925 1.192 1.1915 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.4 Cable #5 phase L2, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 37 1 10 The third phase L3 of cable #5, shown in figures 4.5 and 4.6 below. Figures 4.5 and 4.6 shows small VDP response. The losses are larger than for phase L2 but lower than for phase L1. This phase is aged and probably deteriorated by water trees. Cable #5 Phase L3 -2 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.5 Cable #5 phase L3, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.1995 x 10 Cable #5 Phase L3 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 1.199 12kVrms 6kVrms 3kVrms c´ 1.1985 1.198 1.1975 1.197 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.6 Cable #5 phase L3, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 38 1 10 Summary of cable #5 The measurements in 1998 showed that cable #5 got an A-factor of 2.7 and was classified as critical with estimated voltage breakdown strength of 3 U 0 . The cable is aged and probably deteriorated by water trees. Phase L1 is more deteriorated by water trees than phase L2 and L3 where the losses are more moderate. However, the cable will most likely remain in service for many years. The second cable to measure was cable #2 between NS2165 Alviksvägen and NS2160 Galtuddsvägen. This is a 24 kV cable manufactured by Liljeholmen in 1970, it is 400 m long with red Raychem terminations and without any joints. The cable was connected at both ends. The cable had been in service until a couple of hours before the measurements took place at Alviksvägen. Analysis of cable #2 When the measurements were made in 1998 cable #2 got an A-factor of 1.99 and was classified as older. The voltage breakdown strength was estimated to 12 U 0 . When the measuring data has been analysed for cable #2, it has been compared to the behaviour of cable type #B. The characteristic response of a deteriorated cable of this type is moderate even though the VDP response becomes more distinct when the voltage increases over service voltage level. However, the measurements on this cable were only made up to service-voltage level. The cable was cleaned a couple of hours before the measurements took place, which might have destroyed these measurements. Due to the high humidity, damp can have gathered on the isolators and terminations and caused creep currents. 39 The first phase L1 of cable #2 is shown in figures 4.7 and 4.8 below. The graph in figure 4.7 shows small VDP response and a small hysteresis and also an LC response from 1 Hz and below. The response indicates a leakage current which is most likely caused by creep currents, due to the high humidity and that the terminations were not disconnected from the isolators. The capacitance in figure 4.8 shows no voltage dependence, which indicates that this phase is in good condition. Phase L2 was not possible to download from the IDA 200 HVU instrument. Cable #2 Phase L1 -2 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.7 Cable #2 phase L1, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.124 x 10 Cable #2 Phase L1 3kVrms 6kVrms 1.1238 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms 1.1236 3kVrms c´ 1.1234 1.1232 1.123 1.1228 1.1226 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.8 Cable #2 phase L1, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 40 1 10 The third phase L3, is shown in figures 4.9 and 4.10 below. Figure 4.9 show that this phase also has small VDP response and almost no hysteresis. The response indicates that creep currents probably influence the measurements of this phase. The capacitance plot in figure 4.10 shows no voltage dependence. The condition of this phase is, due to no voltage dependence in the capacitance plot, also probably good. Cable #2 Phase L3 -2 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms -3 10 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.9 Cable #2 phase L3, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.0958 x 10 Cable #2 Phase L3 3kVrms 6kVrms 1.0957 9kVrms 1.0956 12kVrms 6kVrms 1.0955 3kVrms c´ 1.0954 1.0953 1.0952 1.0951 1.095 1.0949 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.10 Cable #2 phase L3, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 41 1 10 Summary of cable #2 In the measurements in 1998 cable #2 got an A-factor of 1.99 and was classified as older with estimated voltage breakdown strength of 12 U 0 . The analysis of this cable is uncertain. Due to the fact that the terminations were not disconnected from the isolators, and that the cable terminations and the isolators were cleaned a couple of hours before the measurements took place. Due to the high humidity this day, damp could have gathered on the terminations and isolators and have had an impact on the measurements in form of leakage currents. This could be the reason for the LC response on phase L1 and phase L3. However, the capacitance plots shows no voltage dependence, which indicates that the cable is in good condition. This cable will probably remain in service for many years. 4.3.2 Measurements day two The weather the second day of measuring was similar to the first day, the temperature was +2D C and the humidity was 100% RH. The first cable to measure was cable #4 between NS2129 Blåbacksvägen and NS2128 Skogsvägen. The measurements took place at Blåbacksvägen. This is a 24 kV cable installed in 1980 by an unknown manufacturer. The cable is 300 metres long with red Raychem terminations and with two joints. The cable was connected to the isolators at both ends. The cable had been in service just before the measurements took place. Analysis of cable #4 When the measurements were made in 1998 cable #4 got an A-factor of 2.44 and was classified as critical. The voltage breakdown strength was estimated to 8 U 0 . The manufacture of cable #4 is unknown. However, it was installed in 1980 and cable #1, which was manufactured by IKO, was installed in 1981 and the both cables are of the same type. Therefore the analysis of cable #4 has been compared to the behaviour of cable type #A. This cable type gives a large dielectric response especially at a slightly larger voltage than the service voltage level. Deteriorated cables often show large bush-like trees. This cable is often partly deteriorated by water trees while other fractions of the cable could be healthy. Water tree deteriorated cables initially show a VDP response and if a high enough voltage is used they show a TLC response. However, the measurements on this cable were only made up to service-voltage level. 42 The first phase L1 of cable #4 is shown in figures 4.11 and 4.12. Figure 4.11 shows a clear LC response. Corona discharges were heard already from 9 kV from phase L1 and from 6 kV from phase L2. All three phases showed the same LC response. The capacitance in figure 4.12 shows no voltage dependence, which indicates that the cable is in good condition. The phases L2 and L3 were not able to download from the IDA 200 HVU system. The LC response appears to be most likely due to creep currents over the isolators, seeing comments on cable #1 below. The cable was also measured with the TDR system, an area with joints was detected but no sign of ageing was found. Cable #4 Phase L1 0 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms -1 tan(δ) 10 -2 10 -3 10 -1 10 0 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.11 Cable #4 phase L1, tangents delta as a function of frequency. Cable #4 Phase L1 -7.3017 10 3kVrms 6kVrms -7.3019 10 9kVrms -7.3021 c´ 10 -7.3023 10 -7.3025 10 -7.3027 10 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.12 Cable #4 phase L1, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 43 1 10 Summary of cable #4 In the measurements in 1998 cable #4 got an A-factor of 2.44 and was classified as critical with estimated voltage breakdown strength of 8 U 0 . The analysis of this cable is difficult to do, due to the cable was not disconnected from the isolators. The high humidity this day most likely caused creep currents over the isolators, which failed these measurements. These creep currents give rises to a LC response. However, the capacitance in figure 4.12 shows no voltage dependence, which indicates that the cable is in good condition, and will remain in service in many years. TDR measurements showed the joints, but no ageing of the cable was found. The second cable to measure was cable #1 between NS2134 Klevbergsvägen and NS2129 Blåbacksvägen. The measurements took place at Blåbacksvägen. This is a 24 kV cable manufactured in 1981 by IKO. The cable is 650 metres long with red Raychem terminations and without any joints. The cable had been in service until the measurements took place. The cable was not disconnected at first and the response exhibited a leakage current just as for cable #4. The measurement was stopped and the cable was disconnected at both ends. The analysis of cable #1 is made with both ends of the cable disconnected. Analysis of cable #1 When the measurements were made in 1998 cable #1 got an A-factor of 1.75 and was classified as older. The voltage breakdown strength was estimated to 11 U 0 . When the measuring data has been analysed for cable #1, it has been compared to the behaviour of cable type #A. This cable type gives a large dielectric response especially at a slightly larger voltage than the service voltage level. Deteriorated cables often show large bush-like trees. This cable is often partly deteriorated by water trees while other fractions of the cable could be healthy. Water tree deteriorated cables initially shows a VDP response and if a high enough voltage is used they show a TLC response [2]. However, the measurements on this cable were only made up to service-voltage level. 44 Phase L1 of cable #1 is showed in figures 4.13 and 4.14 below. Figure 4.13 shows no VDP response and very low losses. The response is frequency independent except for a small increase of losses at the highest voltage levels, the graph also shows a very small hysteresis. A small voltage dependency is shown in the capacitance plot in figure 4.14 which probably only is measurement insecurity. This phase is in good condition. Cable #1 Phase L1 -3 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -4 10 -5 10 -1 10 0 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.13 Cable #1 phase L1, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.199 x 10 Cable #1 Phase L1 3kVrms 6kVrms 1.1988 9kVrms 12kVrms 1.1986 6kVrms 3kVrms c´ 1.1984 1.1982 1.198 1.1978 1.1976 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.14 Cable #1 phase L1, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 45 1 10 The second phase L2 is shown in figures 4.15 and 4.16 below. The graph in figure 4.15 shows no VDP response and low losses. The response is almost frequency voltage independent and there is no hysteresis. Figure 4.16 shows that the capacitance has a small voltage dependence which probably only is measurement insecurity. This phase is in good condition. Cable #1 Phase L2 -3 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms -4 10 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -5 10 -6 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.15 Cable #1 phase L2, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.196 x 10 Cable #1 Phase L2 3kVrms 1.1958 6kVrms 9kVrms 1.1956 12kVrms 1.1954 6kVrms 3kVrms c´ 1.1952 1.195 1.1948 1.1946 1.1944 1.1942 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.16 Cable #1 phase L2, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 46 1 10 The third phase L3 is shown in figures 4.17 and 4.18 below. The graph in figure 4.17 also shows low losses and no VDP response. The response is almost frequency voltage independent and there is nearly no hysteresis. The capacitance in figure 4.18 shows a small voltage dependence which probably only is measurement insecurity. This phase is also in good condition. Cable #1 Phase L3 -3 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -4 10 -5 10 -1 10 0 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.17 Cable #1 phase L3, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.1948 x 10 Cable #1 Phase L3 3kVrms 6kVrms 1.1946 9kVrms 12kVrms 1.1944 6kVrms 3kVrms c´ 1.1942 1.194 1.1938 1.1936 1.1934 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.18 Cable #1 phase L3, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 47 1 10 Summary of cable #1 In the measurements in 1998 cable #1 got an A-factor of 1.75 and was classified as older with estimated voltage breakdown strength of 11 U 0 . The response of this cable has almost no voltage dependence and no hysteresis and the losses are very low. The capacitance plots shows a small voltage dependence which probably only is measurement insecurity. However, this cable is in a good condition and will probably remain in service for many years. The cable was also measured by the TDR instrument, which did not show any sign of ageing. Cable #1 was installed one year after cable #4 and is of the same type of cable. Before disconnecting the terminations, cable #1 had the same behaviour in form of leakage currents as cable #4 had. It is most likely that cable #4 would have had the same response as cable #1 if it had been disconnected from the isolators. This means that cable #4 probably also is in a good condition, see chapter 4.3.2. The last cable measured the second day was cable #7 between NS2122 Strandvägen and NS2123 Klyvarestigen. The measurements took place at Klyvarestigen. Between these stations there are two different cables, from Klyvarestigen there are single phase cables about 100 metres, according to Mikael Olofsson at Ekerö Energi, there is a joint which connects a three phase cable. Both cables are 24 kV cables. The single-phase cables are probably manufactured in 1988-1989 since the station was built in June 1989, the manufacturer is although unknown. The three-phase cable was manufactured in 1986 by an unknown manufacturer. The cable is 450 metres long with red Raychem terminations and with one Raychem joint. The cable had been in service until the measurements took place. The cable was disconnected at both ends. Analysis of cable #7 When the measurements were made in 1998 cable #7 got an A-factor of 2.57 and was classified as critical. The voltage breakdown strength was estimated to 8 U 0 . There is no data available on how to analyse the single-phase cables. Due to most of the cable length being a three phase cable with an extruded insulation shield, the measuring data for cable #7 has been compared to the behaviour of cable type #A. This cable type gives a large dielectric response, especially at a slightly larger voltage than the service voltage level. Deteriorated cables often show large bush-like trees. This cable is often partly deteriorated by water trees while other fractions of the cable could be healthy. Water tree deteriorated cables, show initially a VDP response and if a high enough voltage is used they show a TLC response [2]. However, the measurements on this cable were only made up to service-voltage level. 48 Phase L1 of cable #7 is showed in figures 4.19 and 4.20 below. Figure 4.19 show that this phase has rather high losses but no VDP response, except for the 12 kV level, and no hysteresis. The joint could have influenced this measurement and given these high losses. The capacitance in figure 4.20 shows no voltage dependence, which indicates that this phase is not deteriorated by any water trees. Cable #7 Phase L1 -2 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.19 Cable #7 phase L1, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.1292 x 10 Cable #7 Phase L1 3kVrms 6kVrms 1.129 9kVrms 12kVrms 1.1288 6kVrms 3kVrms c´ 1.1286 1.1284 1.1282 1.128 1.1278 1.1276 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.20 Cable #7 phase L1, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 49 1 10 Phase L2 of cable #7 is shown in figures 4.21 and 4.22 below. Figure 4.21 shows almost the same characteristics as phase L1, but lower losses, no VDP response except for 9 kV and 12 kV and no hysteresis. The capacitance in figure 4.22 shows no voltage dependence, which indicates that this phase probably not is deteriorated by any water trees. . Cable #7 Phase L2 -2 10 3kV rms 6kV rms 9kV rms 12kV rms 6kV rms tan(δ) 3kV rms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.21 Cable #7 phase L2, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.133 x 10 Cable #7 Phase L2 3kVrms 1.1328 6kVrms 9kVrms 1.1326 12kVrms 6kVrms 1.1324 3kVrms c´ 1.1322 1.132 1.1318 1.1316 1.1314 1.1312 1.131 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.22 Cable #7 phase L2, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 50 1 10 Phase L3 of cable #7 is shown in figures 4.23 and 4.24 below. The third phase shown in figure 4.23 has also rather high losses, which probably is an effect of the joint. No hysteresis and no VDP response are shown at all. The capacitance in figure 4.24 shows no voltage dependence. This phase also looks good and is probably not deteriorated by any water trees. Cable #7 phase L3 -2 10 3kV rms 6kV rms 9kV rms 12kV rms 6kV rms tan(δ) 3kV rms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.23 Cable #7 phase L3, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.133 x 10 Cable #7 Phase L3 3kVrms 1.1328 6kVrms 9kVrms 1.1326 12kVrms 6kVrms 1.1324 3kVrms c´ 1.1322 1.132 1.1318 1.1316 1.1314 1.1312 1.131 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.24 Cable #7 L3, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 51 1 10 Summary of cable #7 In the measurements in 1998 cable #7 got an A-factor of 2.57 and was classified as critical with estimated voltage breakdown strength of 8 U 0 . The response of this cable has no voltage dependence and no hysteresis. The losses are rather high probably due to the joint. The capacitance shows no voltage dependence. This indicates that the cable is in good condition and probably not deteriorated by water trees. The cable will most likely remain in service for many years. 4.3.3 Measurements day three On the last day of measurements, the temperature had increased to +8D C and the humidity was 100% RH. The first cable to measure was cable #6 between NS2132 Lupingränd and NS2131 Humlegränd. The measurements took place at Lupingränd. This is a 24 kV cable manufactured in 1971. The manufacturer is probably Liljeholmen, due to the fact that other cables from the early 70s used in the Ekerö grid were manufactured by Liljeholmen. According to Mikael Olofsson at Ekerö Energi they usually used the same manufacturer at this time. The cable is 250 metres long with white tape terminations and without any joints. The cable was disconnected from the isolators at both ends. The cable had been in service just before the measurements took place. Analysis of cable #6 When the measurements were made in 1998 cable #6 got an A-factor of 2.36 and was classified as critical. The breakdown voltage was estimated to 4 U 0 . When the measuring data has been analysed for cable #6, it has been compared to the behaviour of cable type #B. The characteristic response of a deteriorated cable of this type is moderate even though the VDP response becomes more distinct when the voltage increases over service voltage level [2]. However, the measurements on this cable were only made up to service-voltage level. 52 Phase L1 of cable #6 is shown in figures 4.25 and 4.26 below. The graph of phase L1 shows a VDP response but no hysteresis and the losses are moderate. The capacitance in figure 4.26 shows small voltage dependence. This phase is aged and probably deteriorated by small water trees. However, due to the moderate losses indicate that the ageing of this phase is moderate and not critical. Cable #6 Phase L1 -2 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 10 Frequency(Hz) 1 10 Figure 4.25 Cable #6 phase L1, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -8 6.728 x 10 Cable #6 Phase L1 3kVrms 6kVrms 6.726 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms 6.724 3kVrms 6.722 c´ tan(δ) 3kVrms -3 6.72 6.718 6.716 6.714 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.26 Cable #6 phase L1, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 53 1 10 The second phase L2 of cable #6 is shown in figures 4.27 and 4.28 below. The characteristic shown in figure 4.27 is similar to phase L1, a small VDP response but no hysteresis and moderate losses. The capacitance in figure 4.28 shows almost no voltage dependence. This phase is aged and probably deteriorated by small water trees. However, due to the moderate losses indicate that the ageing of this phase is moderate and not critical. Cable #6 Phase L2 -2 10 3kV rms 6kV rms 9kV rms 12kV rms 6kV rms tan(δ) 3kV rms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.27 Cable #6 phase L2, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -8 6.816 x 10 Cable #6 Phase L2 3kVrms 6kVrms 6.814 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms 6.812 3kVrms c´ 6.81 6.808 6.806 6.804 6.802 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.28 cable #6 phase L2, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 54 1 10 The third phase L3 of cable #6 is shown in figures 4.29 and 4.30 below. This phase has the same behaviour as phases L1 and L2. Figure 4.29 shows a small VDP response with no hysteresis and slightly lower losses than L1 and L2 is shown. The capacitance in figure 4.30 shows no voltage dependence. This phase is aged and probably deteriorated by small water trees. However, due to the moderate losses indicate that the ageing of this phase is moderate and not critical. Cable #6 phase L3 -2 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.29 Cable #6 phase L3, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -8 6.762 x 10 Cable #6 Phase L3 3kVrms 6kVrms 6.76 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms 6.758 3kVrms c´ 6.756 6.754 6.752 6.75 6.748 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.30 Cable #6 phase L3, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 55 1 10 Summary of cable #6 In the measurements in 1998 cable #6 got an A-factor of 2.36 and was classified as critical with estimated voltage breakdown strength of 4 U 0 . This cable shows VDP response but no hysteresis in the tangents delta plot. The capacitance plot shows almost no voltage dependence. The VDP response indicates that small water trees deteriorate this cable. This is based on the fact that the tangents delta plot does not show any hysteresis. When the voltage level increases in the cable the water tree structure in the cable will open up. If the cable had been deteriorated by a lot of large water trees it would probably have shown in a hysteresis. The cable will probably remain in service for many years. The cable was also measured with the TDR instrument, the response did not show any ageing characteristics. The last cable to measure the last day was cable #3 between NS2126 Uppgårdsskolan and NS2123 Klyvarestigen. The measurements took place at Klyvarestigen. Between these stations there are three different cables. There are two joints connecting the cables. All cables are 24 kV cables. The installation year is unknown. However, the station is probably built at the end of the 80s, due to the fact that the station on Klyvarestigen was built in 1989 and the station at Uppgårdsskolan was of a similar type. However, the AXKJ cable in the middle is from 1971. The manufacturer of the cables and the length of the cables are unknown. At NS2123 there were red Raychem terminations and at NS2126 there were Elastimoud terminations. The cable had been in service until the measurements took place. The cable was disconnected at both ends. TDR measurement was made on phase 1. The TDR measurement did not show any ageing. Analysis of cable #3 When the measurements were made in 1998 cable #3 was not classified with either A-factor or breakdown voltage strength. However, it was classified as critical. 56 Phase L2 of cable #3 is shown in figures 4.31 and 4.32 below. The graph in figure 4.31 shows a voltage independent leakage current with no hysteresis. The capacitance in figure 4.32 shows no voltage dependence, which indicates that there is no water tree deterioration. The cable has two joints, which could be the reason for this response. This phase is probably in a fairly good condition. The response for phase L1 was not able to download from the IDA 200 HVU system, however, it showed the same response as phase L2. Cable #3 Phase L2 -2 10 3kVrms 6kVrms 9kVrms 12kVrms 6kVrms tan(δ) 3kVrms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.31 Cable #3 phase L2, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.587 x 10 Cable #3 phase L2 3kVrms 1.5865 6kVrms 9kVrms 1.586 12kVrms 6kVrms 1.5855 3kVrms c´ 1.585 1.5845 1.584 1.5835 1.583 1.5825 1.582 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) Figure 4.32 Cable #3 phase L2, the capacitance as a function of frequency. 57 1 10 Phase L3 is shown in figures 4.33 and 4.34 below. Figure 4.33 shows a leakage current and small voltage dependence at 9 kV and 12 kV but no hysteresis. The cable joints also probably affect this response. The capacitance in figure 4.34 shows no voltage dependence. This phase is most likely not deteriorated by water trees and in good condition. Cable #3 Phase L3 -2 10 3kV rms 6kV rms 9kV rms 12kV rms 6kV rms tan(δ) 3kV rms -3 10 -4 10 -1 0 10 1 10 Frequency(Hz) 10 Figure 4.33 Cable #3 phase L3, tangents delta as a function of frequency. -7 1.589 x 10 Cable #3 Phase L3 3kVrms 1.5885 6kVrms 9kVrms 1.588 12kVrms 6kVrms 1.5875 3kVrms c´ 1.587 1.5865 1.586 1.5855 1.585 1.5845 1.584 -1 10 0 10 Frequency(Hz) 1 10 Figure 4.34 Cable #3 phase L3, the capacitance as a function of frequency. Summary of cable #3 In the measurements in 1998 cable #3 was classified as critical but with no A-factor and no estimated breakdown voltage strength. This cable is difficult to analyse due to the cable consists of three different parts. All three phases in this cable show a voltage independent 58 leakage current response with no hysteresis. The capacitance did not show any voltage dependence either. This fact indicates that the cable is in a good condition and not deteriorated by water trees. The leakage current response is most likely an effect of the two cable joints. This cable will probably remain in service in many years. 4.3.4 Results of the measured XLPE-cables made in 2007 Table 4.2 below summaries all information available on the measured cables. It also shows the results from the measurements made in 1998 and in 2007. Table 4.2 also contains a suggestion for re-measurements, which is based on: year of installation and cable type and the results of the analysis made in 2007. Table 4.2 Results of the XLPE-cables investigated in the study, installed between 1970 and 1989. Cable number #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 NS2165 NS2123 NS2129 NS2165 Measurements NS2129 Blåbacksvägen Alviksvägen Klyvarestigen Blåbacksvägen Alviksvägen made from NS2134 NS2160 NS2126 NS2128 NS2137 End of cable Klevbersvägen Galtuddsvägen Uppgårdsskolan Skogsvägen Ramvägen Yes No Yes No Yes only at Disconnected NS2137 IKO AXKJ Liljeholmen Unknown Unknown Liljeholmen Manufacture 3x95 AXKJ 3x95 AXCE AXKJ 3x95 AXKJ 3x95 3x1x150, AXKJ 3x95, AXCEL 95 24 kV 24 kV 24 kV 24 kV Design voltage 24 kV Extruded Extruded Extruded, Extruded Extruded Inner semiUnknown, conductor Extruded Extruded Black tape Extruded, Extruded Black tape Outer semiUnknown, conductor Extruded 1981 1970 Unknown 1980 1971 Year of AXKJ from installation 1971 0 0 2 2 0 Number of joints Red Raychem Red Raychem Red Raychem Red Raychem Black tape Terminations at NS2123, Elastimodul at NS 2126 650m 400m Unknown 300m 600m Cable length 1.75, Older 1.99, Older Unknown, 2.44, Critical 2.7, Critical A-factor and Critical classification in 1998 Unknown Classified 12 U 0 8 U0 3 U0 11 U 0 breakdown voltage strength 1998 The cable is in The cable is Analysis made The cable is in The cable is in Difficult to good condition good condition analyse due to good condition aged and in 2007 and probably and probably three different and probably probably not not cables. not deteriorated deteriorated by deteriorated by However, the deteriorated by by large water trees. water trees. cable is water trees. water trees. probably in good condition and not deteriorated by water trees. Within 10 Within 10 Within 5-10 Within 10 Within 5 Suggested reyears years years years years measuring 59 #6 NS2132 Lupingränd NS2131 Humlegränd Yes #7 NS2123 Klyvarestigen NS2122 Strandvägen Yes Unknown AXKJ 3x95 Unknown AXCEL 3x95, AXCE 3x1x95 24 kV Extruded 24 kV Extruded Black tape Extruded 1971 1986-89 0 1 Raychem White tape Red Raychem 250m 2.36, Critical 450m 2.57, Critical 4 U0 8 U0 The cable is aged and probably deteriorated by small water trees. The cable is in good condition and probably not deteriorated by water trees. Within 5 years Within 10 years 4.4 Statistics from the Stockholm grid 2005 and 2006 Failure statistics from Fortum’s Stockholm’s grid were available for 2005 and 2006 [32]. The failure statistics were available for the high voltage level, the low voltage level and for service level. A fundamental model of a distribution grid is showed in figure 4.35. The table 4.3 describes the total number of faults and how many of them that were underground cable faults. The underground cable faults are also presented in percent. The table also shows the number of faults and percent of totally underground cable faults at each voltage level. Customer is the customers service cable which could be either high or low voltage. The Stockholm grid had totally 918 underground cable faults in 2005. By these were 97 high/medium voltage cables faults, which are about 11 percent of the total cable faults. The remaining 821 were low voltage cables faults or customer cable faults. In 2006 there was a small increase in total number of cable faults to 938. However, seen to the total number of faults the cable faults had increased with 20 percent since 2005. By the total number of cable faults in 2006 109 were high voltage faults, which are about 12 percent of the total cable faults. The remaining 829 were low voltage cables faults or customer cable faults. Worth noting is that the low voltage faults has increased with almost 77 percent from 2005 to 2006. However, two years is a too short period of time to determine if this is a trend or just a normal statistic variation. Factory Service cable High voltage cable Public house 24 kV / 6 kV Feder High voltage cable Service cable Low voltage cable Building 1 24 kV / 0.4 kV Service cable House Figure 4.35 Describes a fundamental model of a distribution grid. 60 Table 4.3 Year Total number of faults 2005 2006 1550 1184 Total number of cable faults 918 938 Total cable faults in % of total number of faults 59,2 79,2 High voltage cable faults In % of total cable faults Low voltage cable faults In % of total cable faults Customer cable faults (Fault at service cables) In % of total cable faults 97 109 10,5 11,6 108 191 11,8 20,4 713 638 77,7 68,0 The subsequent table 4.4 describes the cause of the high voltage faults. The table also shows the number of faults at each cause category and how many percent that represents of the total high voltage faults. Table 4.4 High voltage underground cables Cause of fault on high voltage cables Lack of maintenance or worn out cables Unknown Unselective Digging Incorrect connection Corrosion Unselective-region Sabotage Overload Fabrication fault Lightning Total Year 2005 (pcs.) 63 Percent of total high voltage cable faults 2005 (%) 65,0 Year 2006 (pcs.) 50 Percent of total high voltage cable faults 2006 (%) 45,9 25 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 97 25,8 0 6,2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 100 30 12 11 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 109 27,5 11,0 10,1 1,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0 0 99,9 The table 4.5 below describes the cause of the low voltage faults. The table also shows the number of faults at each cause category and how many percent that represents of the total low voltage faults. Table 4.5 Low voltage underground cables Cause of fault on low voltage cables Lack of maintenance or worn out cables Unknown Unselective Digging Incorrect connection Corrosion Sabotage Overload Fabrication fault Own fuse Circuit breaker Year 2005 (pcs.) 48 Percent of total low voltage cable faults 2005 (%) 44,4 Year 2006 (pcs.) 77 Percent of total low voltage cable faults 2006 (%) 40,3 19 2 9 0 0 4 11 2 3 1 17,6 1,9 8,3 0 0 3,7 10,2 1,9 2,8 0,9 37 2 18 3 1 2 29 4 0 0 19,4 1,0 9,4 1,6 0,5 1,0 15,2 2,1 0 0 61 Customer fault Montage fault Region grid Traffic Animals Total 1 2 1 4 1 108 0,9 1,9 0,9 3,7 0,9 100 0 2 0 16 0 191 0 1,0 0 8,4 0 99,9 The subsequent table 4.6 describes the cause of the custom faults. The table also shows the number of faults at each cause category and how many percent that represents of the total custom faults. Table 4.6 Service underground cables Cause of fault on custom cables Lack of maintenance or worn out cables Unknown Unselective Digging Incorrect connection Corrosion Sabotage Overload Fabrication fault Own fuse Circuit breaker Earth fault breaker Montage fault Region grid Traffic Trees (e.g. roots) Growth e.g. trees Lightning Testing Wind Custom fault Custom ready, by telephone Unselective region Total Year 2005 (pcs.) 284 Percent of total custom cable faults 2005 (%) 39,8 Year 2006 (pcs.) 255 Percent of total custom cable faults 2006 (%) 40,0 169 26 55 2 9 5 43 4 40 5 12 4 2 8 0 0 1 1 1 26 15 23,7 3,6 7,7 0,3 1,3 0,7 6,0 0,6 5,6 0,7 1,7 0,6 0,3 1,1 0 0 0,1 0,1 0,1 3,6 2,1 193 17 52 3 2 9 84 4 0 0 0 8 0 5 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 30,3 2,7 8,2 0,5 0,3 1,4 13,2 0,6 0 0 0 1,3 0 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,2 0 0 0 2 713 0,3 100 0 638 0 100,4 Table 4.6 shows that in category own fuse there are 40 failures reported in 2005 but zero failures are reported in 2006. The difference might be that the own fuse failures in 2006 are reported under the category overload, which almost has twice as much reported failures in 2006 than it had in 2005. The category earth fault breaker and custom faults might also be reported under other categories in 2006. If this is the case, this shows that the topic of the fault category causes should be standardised to make it easier to evaluate and compare data from different years. 62 The tables 4.4-4.6 show that the largest fault category on underground cables is lack of maintenance or worn out cables. The most possible thing is that the cables is either worn out or damaged in some way than there is a lack of maintenance, due to the fact that there are very few cables in the grid that are supposed to be maintained like high voltage cables insulated by oil. The second large category of caused failures is unknown, which is not very satisfying. The reason for that could either be that they really are unknown or that there is a lack of categories in the report data base. The causes of the underground cable failures were presented in tables 4.4-4.6 for each voltage level. In tables 4.7 and 4.8 the damage to the system is presented, caused by the different cable faults. This is only made for the high voltage level, which is of most interest in this report. Table 4.7 Damage on the power system caused by different causes of failure on high voltage level in 2005 Causes of failures on high voltage level Pcs. Damage on power system 2005 Lack of maintenance or worn out cables → 45 XLPE-cable 2 Disconnector 1 Connection 7 PILC-Cable 3 System not damaged 2 Transformer 3 Low voltage cable Total 63 Fabrication fault → 1 Terminations XLPE-cable Total 1 Digging → 5 XLPE-cable 1 PILC-cable Total 6 Lightning → 1 System not damaged Total 1 Unknown → 17 XLPE-cable 3 System not damaged 2 PILC-cable 2 Transformer 1 Connection Total 25 Unselective-region → 1 XLPE-cable Total 1 % 71,4 3,2 1,6 11,1 4,8 3,2 4,8 100,1 100 100 83,3 16,7 100 100 100 68,0 12,0 8,0 8,0 4,0 100 100 100 Total high voltage faults in 2005 97 100 Table 4.7 above shows that at the high voltage level the XLPE-cable was the most damaged component. The XLPE-cables were involved in 69 of 97 high voltage faults in 2005, which is 71 percent of the total high voltage faults. The second most damaged component at the high voltage level was the PILC-cable. The PILC-cable stood for 10 faults, which are about 10 percent of total high voltage faults in 2005. Totally high voltage cables were the most damage component in the high voltage system with over 80 percent of the faults in 2005. Of these 80 percent almost 57 percent is caused by lack of maintenance or worn out cables category. 63 Table 4.8 Damage on the power system caused by different causes of failure on high voltage level in 2006 Causes of failures on high voltage level Pcs. Lack of maintenance or worn out cables → 42 2 2 1 1 1 1 Total 50 Incorrect connection → 1 1 Total 2 Digging → 11 Total 11 Corrosion → 1 Total 1 Unknown → 19 6 2 1 1 1 Total 30 Unselective → 12 Total 12 Unselective-region → 1 Total 1 Sabotage → 1 Total 1 Overload → 1 Total 1 Damage on power system 2006 XLPE-cable Joint XLPE-cable Connection PILC-cable System not damaged Transformer Termination XLPE-cable XLPE-cable PILC-cable XLPE-cable XLPE-cable XLPE-cable PILC-cable System not damaged Connection Joint XLPE Transformer System not damaged XLPE-cable XLPE-cable System not damaged Total high voltage faults in 2006 109 % 84,0 4,0 4,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 63,3 20,0 6,7 3,3 3,3 3,3 99,9 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Table 4.8 above shows that at the high voltage level the XLPE-cable was the most damaged component. The XLPE-cables were involved in 76 of 109 high voltage faults in 2006, which is almost 70 percent of the total high voltage faults. The second most damage component at the high voltage level was the PILC-cable. The PILC-cables stood for 8 faults, which are about 7 percent of total high voltage faults in 2006. Totally high voltage cables were the most damaged component in the high voltage system with 77 percent of the faults in 2006. Of these 77 percent 50 percent is caused by lack of maintenance or worn out cables category. Most of the high voltage failures are caused by the cables which are shown in tables 4.7 and 4.8. The numbers are fairly equal in 2005 and 2006. 4.4.1 Fault frequencies for cables at the high voltage level The Stockholm grid had 2900 km high voltage cable installed in 2005 and 2006 divided into 30% PILC-cables and 70% XLPE-cables [32]. Table 4.9 shows the fault frequency in form of faults per hundred-kilometre cable and year for the Stockholm medium voltage grid. The fault frequency is calculated as formula 4.5 shows. 64 Fault frequency = Number of faults × 100 Length of cable in kilometre (4.5) Table 4.9 Fault frequency in Stockholm’s medium voltage grid in 2005 and in 2006 Fortum’s 12kV and 24kV Stockholm grid 2005 2006 Total length of cables in service (km) Total faults (pcs.) The total fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Faults caused by lack of maintenance or worn out cables (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Fault caused by digging and other damages (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Total length of PILC-cables in service (km) Total faults directly connected to PILC-cables (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Total length of XLPE-cables in service (km) Total faults directly connected to XLPE-cables (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year 2900 97 3,34 63 2,17 6 0,21 870 10 1,15 2030 68 3,35 2900 109 3,76 50 1,72 11 0,38 870 8 0,92 2030 76 3,74 Table 4.9 above shows that the total fault frequency in faults per100 km cable and year was 3,34 in 2005 and had increased to 3,76 in 2006. The fault frequency is also calculated for the two largest fault categories, fault caused by worn out cables or lack of maintenance and digging. The fault frequency in faults per 100 km cable and year for the category lack of maintenance or worn out cables was 2,17 in 2005 and had decreased to 1,72 in 2006. The fault frequency in faults per 100 km cable and year for the category digging was 0,21 in 2005 and 0,38 in 2006. The total fault frequency in faults per 100 km cable and year directly connected to old PILC-cables was 1,15 in 2005 and 0,92 in 2006. The total fault frequency in fault per 100 km cable and year directly connected to XLPE-cables was 3,35 in 2005 and 3,74 in 2006. However, two years is a too short period of time to state if this is a trend or just a natural statistic variation. The data showed in table 4.10 comprises all national failures reported to Darwin during the period from 2003 to 2005 [33]. Table 4.10 shows the total fault frequency in faults per 100 km cable and year at the 12 kV and 24 kV distribution grids. The fault frequency is calculated according to formula 4.5. Table 4.10 Fault frequency reported to Darwin during the period from 2003 to 2005. The total national 24 kV and 12 kV grid (Darwin) Total length of cables in service (km) Total faults (pcs.) The total fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year 2003 37156 955 2.57 2004 38666 1115 2.88 2005 58558 1173 2.00 Table 4.10 shows that the average national fault frequency at the 24 kV and 12 kV grids is considerably lower than Fortum’s medium voltage grid in Stockholm. However, the reliability is dependent on that all faults are reported to Darwin. A comparison has been made with Göteborg Energi’s 10 kV grid which is shown in table 4.11. 65 Table 4.11 Fault frequency in Göteborg Energi’s 10 kV grid during the period 1999, 2005-2007 Göteborg Energi’s 10 kV grid Total length of cables in service (km) Faults connected to digging (pcs.) Faults connected to other damages (pcs.) Faults connected to PILC-cables (pcs.) Faults connected to XLPE-cables (pcs.) Faults connected to terminations PILC-cables (pcs.) Faults connected to terminations XLPE-cables (pcs.) Faults connected to joint PILC-cables (pcs.) Faults connected to joint XLPE-cables (pcs.) Faults connected to joint between PILC- and XLPE-cables (pcs.) Faults connected to unknown (pcs.) Total number of faults (pcs.) The total fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Total length of XLPE-cables in service (km) Total faults connected to XLPe-cables (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Total length of PILC-cables in service (km) Total faults connected to PILC-cables (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year 1999 1790 10 4 13 5 0 1 20 0 5 2 60 3,35 381 5 1,31 1409 13 0,92 2005 1861 8 2 22 4 0 1 18 0 6 2 63 3,39 490 4 0,82 1371 22 1,60 2006 1892 10 3 22 4 1 1 14 0 9 3 67 3,54 530 4 0,75 1362 22 1,62 2007 1934 10 6 22 7 0 4 13 4 12 0 78 4,03 575 7 1,22 1358 22 1,62 Table 4.11 shows the fault frequency in Göteborg Energi’s 10 kV grid during the period 1999, 2005-2007. Table 4.9 and 4.11 shows that the total fault frequency at Fortum’s Stockholm medium voltage grid and Göteborg Energi’s medium voltage grid are in the same size. However, the fault frequency of Göteborg’s PEX-cables is considerable lower than for Stockholm’s PEX-cables. Although the fault frequency of Göteborg’s PILC-cables are higher than for Stockholm’s PILC-cables. 4.4.2 Consequences of a failure Table 4.12 shows some consequences of medium voltage cable failure on the Stockholm grid. Failure length is the total number of hours that failures have occurred during respective years. Customer time is the total number of hours that customers have been effected by faults respectively years. Energy not served is the total amount of energy that Fortum not has distributed due to cable faults respectively year. Number of effected customers due to cable faults respectively year. Table 4.12 Consequences of high voltage failures Consequence of high voltage failures Failure length (h) Customer time (h) Energy not served (MWh) Number of effected customers (pcs.) 2005 7165 151 000 305 150 768 2006 547 84 500 316,5 83 573 66 4.5 Statistics from the Ekerö grid 2004 to 2007 Failure statistics were available for Ekerö grid during the period from 2004 to 2007 [34]. There have been 17 medium voltage faults on the Ekerö grid during this period, connected to underground medium voltage cables. The statistics from the Ekerö grid includes statistics from Darwin, Ekerö Energi’s failure reports and also some extra information provided by Henrik Svensson at Ekerö Energi. The failure reports have been examined and compared to Darwin, in order to get a more detailed view of what have happened. For some of the failures there was some extra information available that was not reported in the failure reports. The given information is shown in table 4.13 to table 4.16. Table 4.13 Underground cable faults in 2004 Failure report reg. number, date Station Year of cable installation Cause of failure according to Darwin report Cause of failure according to failure report 12, 11 January 2004 17, 17 January 2004 Karlslund 1986 Fault in cable joint oil/plastic. Sånga 1993 61, 31 Mars 2004 Lovö Unknown Earth-fault. Fabrication or material fault Earth-fault. Incorrect installation or placement. Earth-fault. Fabrication or material fault. 89, 31 May 2004 Brygga Not interesting due to the cause of failure. Earth-fault. Cause of failure unknown. 142, 27 July 2004 MSSånga 155, 5 August 2004 Sånga Not interesting due to the cause of failure. 2000 Over current. Cause of failure unknown. Earth fault. Fabrication or material fault. 67 Extra information from Henrik Svenson’s (Ekerö Energi) own notes Fault in cable termination. Short-circuit phase L3, treeing showed white spot on the insulation. Measurement showed that the cable was in bad condition. There had been a flood in the station and water had rise up on the terminations. Trigged breaker due to over current. Cause of failure unknown. Cable fault. Cable fault indicated treeing. Table 4.14 Underground cable faults in 2005 Failure Station report reg. number, date Year of cable installation Cause of failure according to Darwin report Cause of failure according to failure report 103, 25 April 2005 NS1080 Digging 203, 15 November 2005 Munsö Not interesting due to the cause of failure. 1954 Digging. The cable is not properly marked. Cable fault on a sea reinforced seacable. 228, 5 December 2005 Träkvista 1965 Earth fault on sea-cable. Incorrect installation or placement. Over current. Fabrication or material fault. Cable fault. Extra information from Henrik Svenson’s (Ekerö Energi) own notes Sea reinforced seacable. Cable fault ice and gravel had damaged the cable Oil leakage on PILC-cable at joint between PILC and XLPE. Table 4.15 Underground cable faults in 2006 Failure report reg. number, date Station 34, 5 February 2006 Jehander 53, 23 February 2006 96, 22 May 2006 Year of cable installation Not interesting due to the cause of failure. Träkvista Not interesting due to the cause of failure. Sånga Not interesting due to the cause of failure. 107, 20 June 2006 Lovö Unknown 176, 23 October 2006 Sånga Unknown 189, 31 October 2006 Sånga 1974 Cause of failure according to Darwin report Cause of failure according to failure report Customer fault. Not interesting due to the failure cause. Over current. Digging Digging. Not properly marked. Extra information from Henrik Svenson’s (Ekerö Energi) own notes Over current. No fault. The Unknown. breaker had probably trigged when another able was reconnected on another line. Earth fault. Earth fault. Fabrication or Fabrication or material fault. material fault. Cable treeing filled with water. Over current. Cause unknown. Unknown. Breaker trigged on all three phases for over current. Over current. Cable fault Fabrication or damaged material fault. termination. 68 227, 15 December 2006 Not interesting Over current. Digging. due to the Digging cause of failure. Lovö Table 4.16 Underground cable faults in 2007 Failure Station report reg. number, date Year of cable installation Cause of failure according to Darwin report Cause of failure according to failure report Extra information from Henrik Svenson’s (Ekerö Energi) own notes 77, 30 April 2007 1983 Earth fault. Fabrication or material fault. Earth fault. Fault in joint between PILC and XLPE. MSBrygga Table 4.17 Summary of failures reported to Darwin and Ekerö Energi’s own failure reports from 2004 to 2007. Cause of failure according to Darwin Pieces Cause of failure according to failure report Pieces Extra information from Henrik Svenson’s (Ekerö Energi) own notes Fabrication or material fault 7 Cable joint fault 1 Treeing Cable fault 1 2 Earth fault 2 Termination fault There had been a flood in the station and water had rise up on the terminations. Unknown Digging. Not properly marked Digging Fault in cable termination 1 1 Cable fault on a sea reinforced sea-cable. 1 Customer fault 1 17 Unknown 4 Digging 3 Incorrect installation or placement 2 Customer fault Total 1 17 Cable fault indicated treeing Oil leakage on PILC-cable at joint between PILC and XLPE. Fabrication or material fault. Cable treeing filled with water. Fault in joint between PILC and XLPE. 3 1 2 1 Sea reinforced sea-cable. Cable fault ice and gravel had damaged the cable Table 4.17 summarises the failure reports at Ekerö Energi and what was reported to Darwin during the period from 2004 to 2007. During this period seven faults were reported as 69 material or fabrication faults to Darwin. When the information was examined one step down in the chain at Ekerö Energi’s failure reports. It showed that these seven faults, which were reported under one category in Darwin, could be divided into five different fault categories. Even more fault information was available at internal notes at Ekerö Energi. This notes showed that two of the fault categories reported in Ekerö Energi’s failure reports could be divided into four different faults. The table 4.18 shows the fault frequency in Ekerö’s medium voltage grid during the period from 2004 to 2007. The fault frequency calculations below are made with formula 4.6. Fault frequency = Number of faults × 100 Length of cable in kilometre × Number of years (4.6) Table 4.18 Fault frequency in Ekerö’s medium voltage grid from 2004 to 2007 Ekerö’s medium voltage grid from 2004 to 2007 Total length of cables in service (km) Total faults (pcs.) The total fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Faults caused by digging and other damages (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Total length of XLPE-cables in service (km) Faults caused by insulation failures on XLPE-cables (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year 2004-2007 214 17 1,99 4 0,47 187 3 0,4 Table 4.18 shows that the total fault frequency in faults per 100 km cable and year was 1,99 during the period from 2004 to 2007. Fault frequency caused by digging and other damage, which was the largest fault category, was 0,47 faults per 100 km cable and year during this period. The total fault frequency on XLPE-cables connected to insulation faults was 0,4 faults per 100 km cable and year during this period. Finally a comparison of the total fault frequencies between Stockholm, Göteborg, Ekerö and the faults reported to Darwin has been made. The fault frequency has been calculated for available years at each grid, except for year 1999 at the Göteborg grid. The comparison is shown in table 4.19 and the calculations have been made with formula 4.6. 70 Table 4.19 The total fault frequency comparison between Stockholm, Göteborg, Ekerö and Darwin Fortum’s 12kV and 24kV Stockholm grid Total length of cables in service each year (km) Total faults (pcs.) The total fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Göteborg Energi’s 10 kV grid Total cable length of cables in service each year (km) Total faults (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year Ekerö’s medium voltage grid from 2004 to 2007 Total length of cables in service each year (km) Total faults (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year The total national 24 kV and 12 kV grid (Darwin) Total average length of cables in service each year (km) Total faults (pcs.) Fault frequency, faults/100 km cable and year 2005-2006 2900, 2900 206 3,55 2005-2007 1861, 1892, 1934 268 3,58 2004-2007 214, 214, 214, 214 17 1,99 2003-2005 37156, 38666, 58558 3243 2.41 Table 4.19 shows that the total fault frequency at both Stockholm and Göteborg are in the same size and considerable higher than the total fault frequency calculated from the data reported to Darwin. Table 4.19 also shows that Ekerö has even lower total fault frequency than Darwin. 71 5 Discussion The measurements of the cables at the Ekerö grid show that some of them are aged but not critical. Most of the cables are in rather good condition, even though some of them are almost 40 years. Of the measured cables are the cables from the 70s in worst condition. However, they will probably still be in service at least for 5-10 more years. Ekerö Energi had only had three cable breakdowns related to cable insulation the last four years. At least one of the cables was placed in clay soil and had damage on the jacket. Besides there are very good conditions to place cables in the soil at Ekerö, due to the fact that the soil is consisting of sand and gravel, which has a draining quality. According to Mikael Olofsson, electrician at Ekerö Energi since 20 years, another reason that Ekerö Energi has avoided breakdowns by water tree deteriorated cables could have been that they have used a lot of sand when placing the cables in the ground. The measured cables could be divided into four groups. In the first group there are cables from the early 70s, cable #2, #5 and #6. In the second group there are cables from the early 80s, cable #1 and #4. In the third group there is a cable from the mid 80s, cable #7. In the last group there is a cable with two joints where one part is from the early 70s and the other two parts are from the mid 80s, cable #3. The first group of cables from the early 70s, cables #2, #5 and #6 has varying analysis. Cable #2 was difficult to comment on at all due to creep currents. The reason for creep currents is most likely that the cable was not disconnected from the isolators. However, the capacitance plots show no voltage dependence, which indicates that the cable is in good condition. The cable will remain in service for many years. Cable #5 is aged and probably deteriorated by water trees. Phase L1 is more deteriorated than phases L2 and L3 that have lower losses. The cable will probably remain in service in many more years. Cable #6 showed VDP response but no hysteresis in the tangents delta plot. The capacitance plots showed almost no voltage dependence. Small water trees probably deteriorate the cable. The cable will remain in service for many more years. The second group of cables is from the early 80s, cables #1 and #4. Cable #1 does not show any voltage dependence and no hysteresis, the losses are also low. The capacitance plots do not show any voltage dependence. This cable is in good condition and will remain in service for many years. Cable #4 is difficult to analyse, due to the fact that the cable was not disconnected from the isolators. This probably created a leakage current response. The capacitance plots show no voltage dependence, which indicates that this cable is in good condition. The third group is a cable from the mid 80s, cable #7. This cable does not show any voltage dependence and hysteresis response. The losses are rather high probably due to a joint. The capacitance plots show no voltage dependence. The cable is most likely in a good condition and not deteriorated by water trees. The cable will remain in service for many years. The last group is a cable with two joints, cable #3. At both ends of the cable there are cables from the mid 80s and in the middle there is a cable from the beginning of the 70s. This cable shows a voltage independent leakage current response with no hysteresis. The capacitance did not show any voltage dependence either. This indicates that the cable is in good condition and not deteriorated by water trees. The leakage current response is most likely an effect of the two cable joints. The cable will probably remain in service for many years. 72 Regarding the measurements made in 1998 it is difficult to say how reliable they were. What could be said on the other hand, is that even though three of the cables were judged as old and four of the cables were judged as critical for nine years ago they are still operating. The insulation diagnostic instruments that were found in the literature study are all off-line instruments. The technique used in the instruments varies. General Electric’s IDA 200 HVU, now manufactured and sold by Pax diagnostics and called Idax-206 VAX-230, measures the dissipation factor tan δ at a variable frequency sweep between 0.0001-100 Hz. Bauer’s PHG 70 and PHG 80 and sebaKMT’s VLF and HV diagnostics HVA 30, 30,5 and 60 measures the dissipation factor tan δ at a fixed very low frequency, VLF. Tettex Midas, 2820 and 2877 measures the dissipation factor tan δ at power-line frequency. Omicron’s CPC 100 with CP TD1 also measures the dissipation factor tan δ , however, at a frequency sweep between 15-70 Hz. sebaKMT’s CDS measures the losses with the isothermal relaxation current, IRC method. The measurement techniques used in these instruments are considered to be non-destructive at a voltage level up to U 0 . The fault location instruments found in the literature study are all based on the same technology, the time domain reflectometry. SebaKMT provides four instruments the Surgeflex 15, 25, 32 and the Teleflex T-30E. Surgeflex 15 and 25 and Teleflex T-30E are battery-powered and portable instruments. PFL40-1500/2000 is supplied by Megger and is a battery-powered portable instrument. The 5150 first response cable fault locator by Hipotronics is also portable and battery-powered. The failure statistics from the Stockholm grid shows that the major number of faults is connected to underground cables. The largest fault category for high voltage, low voltage and service cables are lack of maintenance or worn out cables. The second large category for all three-voltage levels is unknown. The largest damages on the high voltage system caused by failures in these two categories are connected to the XLPE-cables. However, reading the statistic it is not possible to say if the XLPE-cable failures are connected to insulation problems or something else. The fault frequency in Stockholm’s XLPE-cables was 3,34 in 2005 and 3,76 in 2006, which is considerable higher than Göteborg Energi’s fault frequency for XLPE-cables. The fault frequency in Stockholm’s PILC-cables was 1,15 in 2005 and 0,92 in 2006, which is slightly lower than Göteborg Energi’s fault frequency for PILC-cables. A more extensive investigation of the failure statistics from the Ekerö grid was made. The statistics reported to Darwin, Ekerö Energi’s own statistics and the failure reports that the statistics are based on was investigated. Extra information in some faults was also available. The fault frequency in Ekerö’s XLPE-cable grid connected to insulation failures was 0.4 faults per 100 km cable and year, which is considered to be low. The fault frequency of total number of faults was 1,99, which is considered to be a low failure frequency compared to Stockholm and Göteborg. Ekerö’s total fault frequency is also lower than the total fault frequency reported to Darwin, which is 2,41. However, Ekerö’s fault frequency is a bit misleading due to the fact that digging, customer fault and a flood in the station cause five of 17 faults. If the fault frequency is recalculated only with faults related to the cable or cable accessories the fault frequency per 100 km cable and year would be 1.4. Darwin is a national database to which the energy companies report their failure statistics. Table 4.17 summarises the failure reports at Ekerö Energi and what was reported to Darwin during the period from 2004 to 2007. During this period seven faults were reported as material or fabrication faults to Darwin. When the information was examined one step down 73 in the chain at Ekerö Energi’s failure reports. It showed that these seven faults, which were reported under one category in Darwin, could be divided into five different fault categories. Even more fault information was available at internal notes at Ekerö Energi. This notes showed that two of the fault categories reported in Ekerö Energi’s failure reports could be divided into four different faults. These examples show that a lot of information is lost during the report procedure. To be able to get reliable information and to get an efficient use of Darwin there has to be more categories inserted. Today it is impossible to separate for example treeing from a joint fault or a termination fault due to the fact that they are reported under the same category. Today the failures are reported on paper sheets and saved in paper form at Ekerö Energi. The quality of the report is very much dependent on the writer. To write down not just the effect of a fault but also the cause gives valuable information for future investigations. It would be easier to study failures in a later period of time if the failure reports were written directly into a database. Another thing that would increase the knowledge about the condition of the medium/high voltage grid, would be if there was established a protocol or a journal of each medium/high voltage cable. This protocol or journal should give essential information about the cable. Such as manufacturer, type and which year the cable was manufactured. The protocol or journal should give information about type and manufacturer of the terminations and any joints. There should also be information about failures cause and effect. If there had been any diagnostic measurements there should be information about these. 74 6 Conclusion The aim with this report was to: • • • • • perform cable diagnostic on Ekerö Energi’s medium voltage grid. analyse the diagnosed cables at Ekerö. try to evaluate if the measurements made in 1998 were trustworthy. give an overview of different commercial XLPE-cable diagnostic instruments and fault location instruments. analyse the failure statistic at the Stockholm grid. The subsequent paragraphs give the results. The measurements of the cables at the Ekerö grid show that some of them are aged but not critical. Most of the cables are in rather good condition and are suggested to be re-measured in 5 to 10 years. However, the cables will probably remain in service for many years. Regarding the measurements made in 1998 it is difficult to say how reliable they were. However, they are still in service. The insulation diagnostic instruments for diagnosis of XLPE-cables available on the market in the beginning of 2008 are all off-line instruments. All of them except for one measure the dissipation factor tanδ at either a variable low frequency or at a fixed low or grid frequency. The other method used is to measure the Isothermal Relaxation Current IRC. All instruments are considered to use non-destructive methods for voltage levels up to U 0 . All fault location instruments revealed in this report use Time Domain Reflectometry TDR. The failure statistics in 2005 and in 2006 from the Stockholm grid shows that the major number of faults is connected to underground cables. However, the period of two years is too short to draw any conclusions on the variations between the years. The fault frequency in Stockholm’s XLPE-cables was 3,34 in 2005 and 3,76 in 2006, which is considerable higher than Göteborg Energi’s fault frequency for XLPE-cables. The fault frequency in Stockholm’s PILC-cables was 1,15 in 2005 and 0,92 in 2006, which is slightly lower than Göteborg Energi’s fault frequency for PILC-cables. However, the total fault frequency is in the same size for Stockholm and Göteborg. The failure statistics from Ekerö’s XLPE-cable grid shows that the fault frequency of total number of faults was 1,99. This is considered to be a low failure frequency compared to Stockholm and the failure frequency reported to Darwin. However, the fault frequency connected to insulation failures at Ekerö was 0.4 faults per 100 km cable and year, which is considered to be low. Darwin is a national database to which the energy companies report their failure statistics. To be able to get reliable information and to get an efficient use of Darwin there has to be more categories inserted. Today it is impossible to separate for example treeing from a joint fault or a termination fault due to the fact that they are reported under the same category. 75 Appendices Appendix A List of symbols and abbreviations Symbol A ARM C CW C0 C C′ C ′′ D d E ε = εr ε 0 ε r′ ε r′′ ε0 f (t ) G I Ic Id Il ICM J R R0 RW σ TDR τ tan δ U=V U0 ω Symbol explanation Surface area Arc Reflection Method Capacitance Capacitance over water tree Capacitance in vacuum Complex capacitance True capacitance Represents the lossy part Displacement factor Thickness of the dielectric Electric field Complex permittivity Real part of the permittivity Imaginary part of the relative complex permittivity = dielectric loss factor Permittivity value in vacuum Response function Conductance Current Charging current Depolarisation current Leakage current Impulse Current Method Current density Resistance DC-resistance Water tree resistance Conductivity Time Domain Reflectometry Time constant Dissipation factor (Loss tangent) Voltage System phase to earth voltage Angular frequency 76 Acronyms and abbreviations AC Alternating current CDS Cable Diagnostic System DC Direct current DSP Digital Signal Processing HV High Voltage HVU High Voltage Unit IRC Isothermal Relaxation Current KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm L Line (Phase 1 = L1) LC Leakage current MS Receiver Station (Mottagar station) NTNU Norges Tekniska och Naturvetenskapliga Universitet NS Grid Station (Nät Station) PD Partial Discharge PDC Polarisation / Depolarisation Current PE Polyethylene PHG Programmable High voltage Generator PILC Paper Insulated Lead Covered cable RMS Root Mean Square RH Relative Humidity RVM Return Voltage Method SEfAS SINTEF Energis forsknings Aktie Sellskap TD Time Domain or dissipation factor measurement TDR Time Domain Reflectometry TLC Transition to Leakage Current VDP Voltage Dependent Permittivity VLF Very Low Frequency XLPE Cross-Linked Polyethylene 77 Appendix B Matlab code for the Bush tree models clc clear all close all fstart=0.0001 fslut=100 h=0.0001 Rwbush=2e14; Rwleakage=2.5e10; Co=2.5e-10; Cw=3e-13; Num_of_trees_per_meter=100; num_of_points=100; f=logspace(log10(fstart),log10(fslut),num_of_points); w=2*pi*f; tau=Rwbush*Cw; Cbisbush=Num_of_trees_per_meter*w*Rwbush*Cw^2./(1+(w*tau).^2); Cprimbush=Co+Num_of_trees_per_meter*Cw./(1+(w*tau).^2); Cbisleakage=1./(Num_of_trees_per_meter*w*Rwleakage); Cprimleakage=Co; tandbush=Cbisbush./Cprimbush; tandleakage=Cbisleakage./Cprimleakage; figure(1) loglog(f,tandleakage),xlabel('Frequency Hz'),ylabel('tandelta') title('Model of leakage tree deteriorated cable') figure(2) loglog(f,tandbush) ylabel('tandelta') xlabel('Frequency Hz') title('Model of bush tree deteriorated cable') 78 Appendix C Pictures from measurements made on the Ekerö grid in 2007 Figure C.1. Measurement performed with IDA 200 HVU at Klyvarestigen. The measurement was performed at cable #3 between NS 2123 Klyvarestigen and NS 2126 Uppgårdsskolan. Figure C.2. Measurement performed with on-voltage TDR at Klyvarestigen. The measurement was performed at cable #3 on phase 1 between NS 2123 Klyvarestigen and NS 2126 Uppgårdsskolan. 79 References [1] SCB Statistiska Central Byrån, Tillförsel och användning av el 1996-2006 (GWh), Documenting Electronic Sources on the Internet. 01 Oct. 2007 <> (Accessed 08 Jan. 2008) [2] P. Werelius, Development and Application of High Voltage Dielectric Spectroscopy for Diagnosis of Medium Voltage XLPE Cables. Ph.D. Thesis, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stockholm, 2001 TRITA-ETS-2001-02, ISSN 1650674x [3] R. Bartnikas, K.D. 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