㩷 㩷 ⁅⁗⁔⁓‽‿⁆‒‼⁓⁓‒ ఇࡸ˟ᅈ‒ ‒ 㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷 www.sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.com 㩷 ၒ⸳‛ត⍮ེ㩷 㩷 㔚⏛ᵄតᩏᴺߦࠃࠆၒ⸳‛ߩតᩏ 㔚⏛⺃ዉℂ⺰ߦၮߠߊߎߩᛛⴚߪޔၒ⸳ߐࠇߚࡄࠗࡊ߿ࠤࡉ࡞ޔਅ᳓ߥߤߩ᳓ᐔ⟎㨯ᷓᐲߩ តᩏߢᦨ߽৻⥸⊛ߦ↪ߐࠇߡࠆᣇᴺߢߔߩߎޕᣇᴺߪߚߞߣࡊࠗࡄࠢ࠶࠴ࠬࡊޔ㕖㊄ዻ ࡄࠗࡊߩតᩏߦߪਇะ߈ߣߐࠇ߹ߔ߇ߩࡗࠗࡢࠨ࠻ޔઃ⸳߿ࠍ࠺ࡦ࠰ޔ૬↪ߔࠆߎߣߢតᩏߔࠆ ߎߣ߇น⢻ߢߔޕ 㔚⏛តᩏᛛⴚߦߪએਅߩࠃ߁ߦ㕖Ᏹߦᄙߊߩ․㐳߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ᩓᄬඬ௹ඥ↝ཎᧈ‒ ‒ ߆ࠄၒ⸳ࠗࡦࠍតᩏߔࠆߚᐢ㗔ၞࠍតᩏߢ߈ࠆޕ ⋡ᮡࠗࡦࠍㅊ〔ߒ⏕ߢ߈ࠆޕ ၒ⸳㈩▤ޔ㕖㊄ዻ࠳ࠢ࠻ߩ╬ࡊࠗࡄޔㅊ〔⏕ߛߌߢߥߊ▤ߩ߹ࠅ⎕៊⟎ߩតᩏ߇น⢻ޕ ߆ࠄၒ⸳‛ߩᷓᐲ߇᷹ቯߢ߈ࠆޕ ជផㅴᯏ߿⸘ེ᷹ߩㅴⴕ⁁ᴫࠍࡕ࠾࠲㧙ߢ߈ࠆޕ ⶄᢙߩࠤࡉ࡞⎕៊߿ࡄࠗࡊࠗࡦⵍⷒ⁁ᘒࠍࡕ࠾࠲㧙ߢ߈ߩࡊࠗࡄࠢ࠶࠴ࠬࡊޔṳ᳓⟎߽ ․ቯߢ߈ࠆޕ ㍑▤ࠟࠬࡄࠗࡊߩ⛮߉ᚻߩ⟎ࠍࡇࡦࡐࠗࡦ࠻ߢតᩏߢ߈ࠆޕ ◲නߥᠲޕ ⾰ࠍㆬ߫ߥޕ ຠ߇ᐢߊᵹㅢߒߡࠆߚຠㇱຠߩᚻ߇ኈᤃޕ ᣢሽߩᛛⴚࠍᵴ↪ߒߚታ❣ࠆᚻᴺߩߚࡁ࠙ࡂ࠙ߩ⫾Ⓧ߇ࠆޕ ߎߩࠃ߁ߥᐢ▸ߥ․㐳ࠍ⏕ታߦߔࠆߚߦޔએਅߩၮᧄⵝ⟎߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ၒ⸳ࠗࡦߦାภࠍㅍࠆߚߩାภ⊒↢ེ߹ߚߪାภ⊒ାེ ឃ᳓▤߹ߚߪ࠳ࠢ࠻ౝ߳ߩᝌߦㆡߒߚዊဳ⊒ାེ㧔࠰ࡦ࠺㧕 ⊒ାེ߆ࠄߩାภߩฃା߿ޔၒ⸳ࠗࡦ߆ࠄ⊒↢ߔࠆ⥄ޟὼ↢⊒ޠାภࠍฃାߔࠆᚻᜬߜน៝ဳ ◲ᤃฃାེ 㔚⏛ᵄតᩏᴺߦၮߠߊᯏེߩ⚦ߦߟ߈߹ߒߡߪ㋕▤ࠤࡉ࡞ត⍮ེߩ㗄ࠍߏⷩਅߐޕ ㊄ዻត⍮ེߪ⏛⇇ᄌൻࠍޔ㕖㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊត⍮ེߪ⊒↢ࡄ࡞ࠬࠍߘࠇߙࠇ㖸ߦࠃߞߡᝒ߃តᩏߒ߹ߔޕ 㩷 ؈ᚨཋჷ֥ ᤧሥȷDZȸȖȫჷ֥ ∝ ∝ٶ ٶԗ ԗඬ ඬ ᠍ ᠍ ჷ ჷ֥ ֥⇡ ⇡⇩ ⇩⇮ ⇮‒‒ ∝ ⇮‒‒ ∝ҥ ҥԗ ԗඬ ඬ ჷ ჷ֥ ֥⇡ ⇡⇩ ⇩⇮ ‒‒ ∝ ∝‸‸⁗⁗⁞⁞ ⇝ ⇝∐ ∐∞ ∞⇠ ⇠ ჷ ჷ֥ ֥‒‒ ‒‒ KK XX..QQEE ((//::66 ‷‷⁓⁓⁞⁞⁕⁕ &&:: ((..''((..))((..)) ⁅⁗⁔⁓‽‿⁆‒‼⁓⁓ ఇࡸ˟ᅈ‒ ‒ ‒ www.sebakmt.co.jp / www.sebakmt.com i5000 Multi-frequency line location system ∄∑⇧ԗඬૠ⅙ᤧሥ∝⇗∞⇼∑ჷ֥‒ ཎࣉBenefits: Precise guidance by right/left arrows ≒ӫჵҮᘙᅆ↖ദᄩ↙⇒⇊⇯ “Signal Select” and “Distortion Alert” ⃯⇝⇖⇰∑⇡−⇕⇮⃯⃰↡↉↮⇈∏∞⇮⃰ೞᏡ↖ for the evaluation of signals ̮ӭ⇁ᄩᛐ Simple recognition of changes in ⃯⇒⇊⇦∙⇟⇙∙⇷⇟⃰↖Ⴘႎ૾↝˳ݰӼ⇁҄٭ direction of the target conductor by ቇҥ↚৭੮ “Guidance Compass” ᭗ࣱᏡ↝ϋᔺᩓ൷ Integrated high-performance battery ᐯѣⅹ↷↢ѣ↝ज़ࡇ⇙∙⇮∓∞∑ Automatic & manual sensitivity control ขࡇ∂⇥∙↖ขࡇ↳̮ӭᩓ්͌⇁ૠ͌ᘙᅆ Depth and signal current intensity Ӗ̮֥∇∈∐∞̬⇁⇥∞⇭܍‴⁞⁗⁚᠍≳≦↚᠃ᡛ measurement at the push of a button ⇑∏∞෩ဒ᩿⇁ဇ⅚ʴ᧓↔ؕ↚ܖⅾᚨᚘ↖Ο↻̅ဇज़⇁ܱྵↆӖ̮֥ Technical data ˁಮ Ӗ̮֥ Receiver Power, Radio, Cathodic corrosion protection ᵄᢙ㧔㕒ᘒ㧕ࡄࡢޔࠝࠫޔ㒶ᭂ㒐㘩 ᵄᢙ㧔േᘒ㧕491Hz, 982Hz, 8.44kHz, Active frequencies 491 Hz, 982 Hz, 8.44 kHz, 9.82kHz, 9.8235kHz, kHz, 35 82kHz; kHz, 82 kHz; more frequencies are ̪ฃᵈᤨ㧦ᵄᢙᄌᦝㅊടᔕ⋧⺣ available ᷓᐲ♖ᐲ0㨪3m▸࿐ޓrޓ5% + 5cm Accuracy of indication3㨪6m▸࿐ޓr +/- (5 % + 510% cm) of 0-3 m for the depth +/10 % of 3-6 m under normal 㧔ૉߒޔㅢᏱⅣႺਅߦ߅ߡ㧕 application conditions ࠥࠗࡦ⺞ᢛ⥄േޓ߮ࠃ߅ޓᚻേ Amplification adjustment Automatic and manual ␜࡞࠽ࠣࠪޓޓޓޓᒝᐲޔᷓᐲޔᵄᢙ 㔚ᳰᱷ㊂ޔ࠻ࠢ࡞࠽ࠣࠪޔ Screen indications Signal strength, depth, frequency, battery status, signal select, ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬࠦࡦࡄࠬޔᱡࠕ࠻ guidance compass, distortion Ꮐฝࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬޔჇ alert, left/right guidance, ampliࠗࡦ⼂ᯏ⢻ޔ࠻ࠢ࡞࠽ࠣࠪޓᱡࠕ࠻ޔ fication ޓࠬࡄࡦࠦࠬࡦ࠳ࠗࠟޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ Optimum line identificaSignal Select, guidance ޓޓޓ ↹㕙ޓޓޓޓ1/4VGAࠞ࠺ࠖࠬࡊࠗޓ tion by: compass, distortion alert ࠻ࠗࠢ࠶ࡃޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓઃ Screen Backlit ¼ VGA colour screen ࠗࡦ࠲ࡈࠚࠬBluetooth® ࠰ࡈ࠻࠙ࠚࠕࠕ࠶ࡊࠣ࠼ Interface Bluetooth® for software updates and frequency expansion ᵄᢙᒛߦᵴ↪ ᠲ᷷ᐲޓޓޓ㧙20͠ޓ㨪 50͠°C Operating temperature -20 ޓ㧗 °C … +50 㔚ᳰ࠲ࠗࡊޓޓల㔚ᑼ࠴࠙ࡓ㔚ᳰ Battery type Rechargeable Li-Ion battery ᠲᤨ㑆ޓޓޓ30ᤨ㑆ㅪ⛯↪㧔ᦨㆡ᧦ઙਅ㧕 Operating time 30 hours continuous operation ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓ2.22kg Weight 2.22xkg ኸᴺޓޓޓޓޓ720 x 330 200 mm ⷙᩰޓޓޓޓޓFCC, CEޓ Dimensions 720 x 330 x 200 mm ⼔᭴ㅧޓޓޓIP54 Conformity FCC, CE Protection class IP54 Bluetooth is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth SIG Inc. Bluetooth®ߪBluetooth SIG Inc.ߩ⊓㍳ᮡߢߔ ® SebaKMT Japanᩣᑼળ␠ ޥ533-0031 ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com Output frequencies 491 Hz, 982 Hz, 8.44 kHz, 9.82 kHz, 35 kHz, 82 kHz; ജᵄᢙޓޓ491Hz, 982Hz, 8.44kHz, more frequencies are available, 9.82kHz, 35kHz, 82kHz; simultaneous transmission of ̪ฃᵈᤨ㧦ᵄᢙᄌᦝㅊടᔕ⋧⺣ up to 3 frequencies หᤨ⊒ାߪ3ᵄ߹ߢน⢻ Variable up to 10 W ജ㔚ജᦨޓޓޓᄢ㨃 Signal select Can be selected for active ࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࠢ࠻േᘒᵄߢㆬᛯ frequencies ␜ޓޓޓޓޓᵄᢙޔ㔚ᳰᱷ㊂⁁ᴫޔ Screen indications Frequency, battery charge ജ㔚ᵹޔ࠼ࡕޔ㔚⼊๔ status, output current, mode, ࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࠢ࠻࠼ࡦ࠙ࠨޔή voltage warning, signal select, ᄖㇱജ㔚ജ sound on/off, external power supply ↹㕙ޓޓޓޓ1/8 VGAࡕࡁࠢࡠ࠺ࠖࠬࡊࠗ Output power 1 ࠻ࠗࠢ࠶ࡃޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓઃ ⁄8 VGA monochrome screen Screen 㔚ᳰ࠲ࠗࡊޓޓల㔚ᑼ࠴࠙ࡓ㔚ᳰ Rechargeable NiMH battery ᠲᤨ㑆ᤨޓޓ㑆એౝ㧔ᦨㆡ᧦ઙਅ㧕 Operating time up to 12 hours ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓ3.74kg Operating temperature °C x…156 +50mm °C ኸᴺޓޓޓޓޓ276 x-20 230 ⷙᩰޓޓޓޓޓFCC,3.74 CEޓ Weight kg ⼔᭴ㅧޓޓޓIP54 Dimensions 276 x 230 x 156 mm Battery type Conformity FCC, CE Protection class IP54 ⇐⇽⇝∍∙⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞ i5000⊒ାེࠢࡦࡊޓ㧔50mm, 100mm㧕 ࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࠢ࠻⊒ାࠢࡦࡊޓ100mm Special accessories ࠪࠬ៊்តᩏ↪㧭ࡈࡓฃାེ i5000 transmitter clamp (50 mm and 100 mm) ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓኻᔕ⊒ାེࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦ Signal Select transmission clamp 100 mm ࠤࡉ࡞⼂↪⡬⸻ེ Transmitter option for searching for sheath faults with a frame 㕖㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊ↪ត⍮ⵝ⟎)1-4 receiver for the precise location of sheath faults Cable ࠰ࡦ࠺ identification coil GOK 50-R for the location of non-metallic pipelines ỼἩἉἹὅࡸ MLS pig locator available in different frequencies ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰဳⵝ⟎ ޓ *ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ ISO 9001:2000 sebaKMT is a registered trademark of the sebaKMT group Passive frequencies Transmitter ႆ̮֥ Technical data subject to change without notice. Techn_Dat_i5000_eng_2006_43 TT200906 vLocPro Line location system ᤧሥȷDZȸȖȫჷ֥ Advantages: עɦ؈ᚨỶὅἧἻỆஇᢘễദᄩỂᡆᡮễˮፗ௹ Optimal, precise and fast location of the ἮἑὅἩἕἉἷỂขࡇ͌ửยܭᴾ underground infrastructure દ˺ỉਃử᠉ถẴỦ᠉Ӗ̮֥ Very fast and precise depth measurement at the push of a button ࠼ርễԗඬૠ࠘؏ửዡ፠Ẳྵئᢘࣖርầਘٻᴾ Ӗ̮֥ᩓเỊؾểྵئỂỉМࣱ̝ửᎋॾẲᴾ Light receiver (under 2.5 kg) makes for light work ẅᴾΪᩓ൷ᵍỴἽỽἼᩓ൷ỉ́ဇửܱྵ Large frequency range for optimal location Ӗ̮֥ἙỵἋἩἾỶỊٽᨗήዴɦỉӧᙻỆஊјễᴾ under all conditions ẅẅỽἻὊ෩ဒ᩿ửဇ Large, sunlight-compatible LCD colour ᐯѣज़ࡇᛦૢ display ἡỶἣἧỻὊἰὅἋỉᵏᵎᾦႆ̮֥ Automatic sensitivity control ỼἩἉἹὅỆợỦἉὊἋͻ௹ೞᏡᴾ High-performance 10 W transmitter Additional sheath fault location function ˁಮ vLocPro Rx ᵄᢙᏪၞ Frequency ranges ࠫࠝޓޓޓޓޓޓM*\㨪 M*\ Radio 15 kHz to 23 kHz ࡄࡢࡀ࠶࠻ࡢࠢ\*ޓ㨪 *\ Power network 50 Hz to 250 Hz X.QE2TQ6Z*\㨪 M*\ vLocPro Tx 512 Hz to 83 kHz ᷓᐲ⟎㨪ޓO Location Depth 0.3 to 7 m ᷓᐲ᷹ቯOએౝ Depth measurement up to 7 m ㊀㊂MI Weight 2.5 kg ᠲᤨ㑆ᤨ㑆એౝ Operating time > 20 hours 㔚Ḯන㧟ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ㧢 Power supply 6 x AA 1,5 V with integrated ޓ8ల㔚ᳰઃ rechargeable battery ᠲ᷷ᐲޓ㨪 ޓ㧗͠ Temperature range -20 °C … +50 °C (operation) ▤᷷ᐲޓ㨪 ޓ㧗͠ -40 °C … +60 °C (storage) ኸᴺޓ㧔9Z*Z&㧕ZZOO Dimensions (W x H x D) 77 x 45 x 29 cm ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓMI Protection class IP 54 ⷙᩰ+2 X.QE2TQ6Zų ႆ̮֥Უ vLocPro Tx ⊒ାེജᦨޓޓޓޓޓᄢY߹ߢนᄌ Transmission power adjustable up to 10 W ᵄᢙ\*ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ㨪 M*\ Frequency 512 Hz – 83 kHz ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓMI Weight 5 kg ᠲᤨ㑆ᤨޓޓޓޓޓޓ㑆એౝ 㔚Ḯනࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ Operating time > 40 hours Power supply 6 x IEC R20 1,5 V with optional ᠲ᷷ᐲޓ㨪 ޓ㧗͠ rechargeable battery ▤᷷ᐲޓ㨪 ޓ㧗͠ Temperature range -20 °C … +50 °C (operation) ኸᴺޓ㧔9Z*Z&㧕ZZOO -40 °C … +60 °C (storage) ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓMI Dimensions (W x H x D) 17 x 41 x 16 cm ⷙᩰޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ+2 Protection class IP 54 ᮡḰ࠶࠻: · ฃାེޓޓޓޓޓvLocPro RX Optional accessories · ⊒ାེޓޓޓޓޓvLocPro Tx · ធ࠶࠻ࠬࠕ✢࠼ޓޓޓ Headphones · ⊒ାེ↪ࠢࡦࡊ(100mm) For use of the equipment even in a loud environment · ࠠࡖࠬ࠲ઃࠠࡖࡃ࠶ࠣ Pipeline transmitter · ขᛒ⺑ᦠ For locating non-metallic pipes Transmitter clamp 100 mm ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࠕࠢࠨ: For putting a transmission signal onto cables under power · ࠰ࡦ࠺ޓޓޓޓޓޓ㕖㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊតᩏ↪⊒ାེ A-Frame · Aࡈࡓޓޓޓޓ for sheath Location ࠪࠬ៊்តᩏ↪ޓ · ࠠࡖࡃ࠶ࠣ ޓ ޓᮡḰဳタᵄᢙ㧦ޓ ޓޓ8kHz, 33kHz, 65kHz,ࡄࡢ, ࠫࠝ Scope of delivery Receiver vLocPro Rx Transmitter vLocPro Tx Grounding set Earth clamp Carrying bag Operation manual SebaKMT Japanᩣᑼળ␠ ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com ISO 9001:2000 sebaKMT is a registered trademark of the sebaKMT group X.QE2TQ4Zų Ӗ̮֥Უ Technical Data Technical data subject to change without notice. *ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ Techn_Dat_vLoc_eng_2007_50 Rev:TT0906-1 FM 9800 XT Intelligent Line Locator for buried ؈ᚨཋ⅙ᤧሥ∝⇗∞⇼∑ჷ֥ cables and pipes ཎࣉ ̅ⅳ↳ↈⅳ Benefi ts: ᪴ɣ↙ᚨᚘ Absolutely ᭗ችࡇ easy to use Rugged design High accuracy ࠪ࠭ߪࠤࡉ࡞߿㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊߩᱜ⏕ߥ✢〝ߣ ᷓᐲࠍតᩏߔࠆ㋕▤ࠤࡉ࡞ត⍮ེߢߔޕ ࠪ࠭ߦߪ㕒ᘒ㧞ᵄേᘒ㧟ᵄဳߩ:6ޔ 㕒ᘒ㧞ᵄേᘒ㧞ᵄဳߩ:6ߩ㧞ᯏ⒳߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ 㒐᳓ဳ㧟㨃⊒ାེߪోേᘒᵄᢙหᤨ⊒ାߢ⥄ޔേߢ Description ᦨㆡᵄᢙࠍㆬᛯޔහᐳߦ᷹ቯ⚿ᨐߩ⏕߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ߹ߚౝ⬿ࠝࡓࡔ࠲ߢ⥄േ⊛ߦࠤࡉ࡞ᛶ᛫୯ࠍ The FM 9800 XT series is used for the easy location of the ᷹ቯߒ߹ߔޕ exact track and depth of cables and metallic pipes. With two ˁಮ Ӗ̮֥ Technical Data ࡕ࠺࡞ޓᵄᢙޓേᘒޓޓޓޓޓ㕒ᘒ Receiver 9860XT 9.82 / 82 kHz 50/60Hz Modell Frequencies active Frequencies passive passive and up to three active frequencies, the FM 9800 XT 14㨪22kHz 9860-XE 9.82/82 kHz 50/60 Hz, is an universal line locator. Its waterproof 3 W transmitter 9890XT 0.982/9.82/82 kHz 50/60Hz Ӳᆔཎࣱ 14 … 22 kHz automatically selects the optimum search frequency. The 9890-XE 0.982/9.82/82 kHz 14㨪22kHz 50/60 Hz, • ․⸵ขᓧᷣߺ "㆙ㄭ〒㔌ࠍ␜ߔᏀฝ⍫ශ᩺ౝ simultaneous output of all active frequencies lets you verify 14 … 22 kHz •your ⥄േ⺞ޠࡦࠗࠥࡓࠗ࠲࡞ࠕޟᢛߣᚻേࠥࠗࡦ⺞ᢛ ᷓᐲ᷹ቯ 6㨙એౝ measured result immediately. A built-in ohmmeter Maximum depth 6 m •automatically ਗၒ⸳‛㑆ߩ⼂ߣ6ሼဳ⛮ᚻߩ⟎ߩ㔚ᵹ୯᷹ቯ measures the line resistance. ᷓᐲ♖ᐲޓr50ޓ+ 5 cm • ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞ߒࡏ࠲ࡦᑼᷓᐲ᷹ቯ Depth measurement ± 5 % + 5 cm ᠲᤨ㑆⚂ޓ30ᤨ㑆એౝ(ޓᾖߥߒ) accuracy • 㕒ᘒ*\ߣࠫࠝᵄ⟎ត⍮ 㔚Ḯޓޓޓන3ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ All benefits at a glance Power supply 6 AA cells (NEDA 5 A) • ⥄േᦨޟㆡޠᵄᢙㆬᛯ 㔚ᳰᱷ㊂␜ • ౝ⬿ࠝࡓࡔ࠲ߢࠤࡉ࡞ᛶ᛫୯ߣធ⁁ᘒᖱႎޓ Operation time > 30 h (without Patented “distance sensitive left/right guidance” ᷷ᐲ▸࿐ޓ㧙20ޓ㨪 ޓ㧗 50͠back lighting) 㓸 Automatic “real-time gain” adjustment and manual gain ㊀㊂ޓޓޓ2.35kg(ޓ㔚ᳰ) Battery status indicacontinuous control • ⊒ାེߩㅪ⛯⥄േࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬᢛว tion ኸᴺޓޓޓ686 x 178 x 229 mm Current measurement for distinction between parallel lines • 㖸㗀ߣⷞⷡ␜ઃ㜞ᕈ⢻⊒ାེߣฃାེ Temperature range - 20 °C … + 50 °C and for location of tees Digital push button depth measurement แ Passive 50/60 Hz and radio frequency location Automatic “best” frequency selection • ⊒ାེ Built-in ohmmeter provides information on line resistance • ฃାེ and quality of ground connection • ធ⛯࠼✢࠶࠻ Continuous automatic impedance matching of the trans• ធ mitter • ࠠࡖࠤࠬ Intelligent transmitter and receiver with acoustic and optical indications *オプション型 • ขᛒ⺑ᦠ A-フレームઃ ்៊ࠬࠪޓޓតᩏⵝ⟎ ⇐⇽⇝∍∙ࡸ Standard equipment • ⊒ାེల㔚ᳰဳⵝ⟎ Transmitter • シース៊்តᩏⵝ⟎ #ࡈࡓฃାེ Receiver Test lead set ⇐⇽⇝∍∙ ⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞ Ground rod Carrying ࠢࡦࡊ 4290 (50 mm) / 4490 (100 mm)/ OO case ࠰ࡦ࠺ ࠪࠟ࠶࠻ࠗ࠲↪ల㔚ེ㧔8㧕.) Optional features ࠤࡉ࡞⼂↪⡬⸻ེ-#5- Rechargeable transmitter batteries (incl. wall mount charger) Sheath fault locating capability ᩣᑼળ␠ SebaKMT Japan (incl. additional A-frame receiver) ޥ533-0031 ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com Dimensions (H x W x D) ႆ̮֥ 686 x 178 x 229 mm Weight 2.35 kg (incl. batteries) ࡕ࠺࡞ᵄᢙޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓജ 9860XT 9.82 / 82 kHz ᦨᄢޓ3W* Transmitter 9890XT 0.982/9.82/82 Modell Frequency kHz 最大ޓ3W* Output 9860-XS 9.82/82 kHz max. 3 W* 㔚Ḯޓන1ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ10ޓ 9890-XS 0.982/9.82/82 kHz max. 3 W* (㨿㩖㩩㩆㨸㩧㧦࠾࠶ࠞ࠼㔚ᳰ) Power supply 10 mono cells 1.5 V; IEC R 20 㔚ᳰᱷ㊂⏕㔚Ḯേᤨ optional Rechargeable NiCd cells ᠲᤨ㑆ࠞ࡞ࠕޓ㔚ᳰ⚂70ᤨ㑆એౝ Operation time mono cells > 70 h オプション:࠾࠶ࠞ࠼㔚ᳰᦨ㐳⚂20ᤨ㑆 NiCd cells ~ 20 h ᷷ᐲ▸࿐ޓ㧙20ޓ㨪ޓ㧗 50͠ Temperature range - 20 °C … + 50 °C ㊀㊂ޓޓޓ4kg(㔚ᳰ) Battery check at power up ኸᴺޓޓޓ362 x 235 x 133mm Dimensions (H x W x D) 362 x 235 x 133 mm Weight 4 kg (incl. batteries) *optional: sheath fault location capability *ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦ㧦ࠪࠬ៊்តᩏኻᔕ Accessories MetroClamp 4290 (50 mm) Transmitting tongs MetroClamp 4490 (100 mm) MetroClamp 4890 (200 mm) Sonde Vehicle mount charger (12 V) LG 12-123 Cable identification coil KAS 10 K ISO 9001:2000 *Technical ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ data subject to change without notice. Rev:TT09601 LFT_FM 9800 XT_eng_2006_33 FERROLUX® FLE 10 Audio Frequency Receiver ӧᎮඬ ̮ӭӖ̮֥ Benefi ts: ʴ᧓↔ؕ↚ܖⅾ⇭⇜⇊∙↗᠉ᘺፗ↝Ο↻દ˺ࣱ Perfect ergonomics and little weight for comfortable operation ᠠྵ∙⇊∏↝↖ئ௹⇁ӧᏡ↚ↆ⇝⇖⇰∑⇡−⇕⇮ඥ ᚘย⇭∞⇥↝ᚐௌဇ≳≦⇣⇻⇮⇌⇍⇈ congested areas SignalSelect for clear line location even in Extensive PC software for evaluation of measurement data ࡈࠚࡠࠢࠬ㧔('441.7:®㧕(.'ߪޔ⟎ត⍮ᛛᴺޓޓ Description ࠬࡄࡑ࠶ࠢࠬᴺޔାภߩㅴⴕᣇะࠍ⼂ߔࠆࠪࠣ࠽࡞ޓ The FERROLUX® audio frequency receiver FLE 10, in conjuncࠢ࠻ᴺޔน⡬ᵄᴺࠍタߒߚฃାེߢࠨࡦ࠻࡞ޔ tion with the route sensor FS 10, combines the location (5ߣ૬↪↪ߒ߹ߔࠬࠢࡠࠚࡈޕ㧔('441.7:®㧕(.' techniques SuperMax, SignalSelect (identification of the ߦߪએਅߩᯏ⢻߇ታⵝߐࠇߡ߹ߔ㧦 direction of the signal flow) and the conventional audio frequency methods in one instrument. • ᦨዊᴺᦨޓᄢᴺ With the aid of an audio frequency generator, the following • ࠬࡄࡑ࠶ࠢࠬᴺ techniques are available: • ࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࠢ࠻ᴺ Normal-Minimum, Normal-Maximum ޓޓ㧔น⡬ᵄ⊒ାེ(.)(.)(.)ߣߩ૬↪ᤨߩߺ㧕 Super-Maximum • ࿁ォࡈࠖ࡞࠼ᴺ SignalSelect (only in conjunction with Audio Frequency • ᷓᐲ᷹ቯ㧔࠺ࠫ࠲࡞㧗ᐲᴺ㧕 Generator FLG 10, FLG 50 or FLG 200) • ࠤࡉ࡞⼂ Twisted-Field-Method • ࠪࠬ៊்⟎តᩏ Depth measurement (digital + 45° method) • ႐⺞ᩏ Cable selection Location of sheath faults Ground survey ࡞࠻ࡦࠨࠍࠤࡉ࡞ᷓᐲߣାภ㔚ᵹࠍหᤨߦ⸘᷹ ߒ߹ߔ߇࡞࠼ࡦࡂߩࠨࡦ࠻࡞ޕᐲ࿁ォߐߖࠆߎߣߢ The Route Sensor allows both the cable depth and the signal ฦ⒳ᯏ⢻ࠍᦨᄢ㒢ᵴ↪ߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦੱ㑆Ꮏቇ⊛⸳⸘ߩఝࠇߚ current to be measured simultaneously. The handle of the ↪ᗵࠍታߒ߹ߒߚޕ Route Sensor can be turned by 90° which is very useful in ‒ implementing the available techniques and meets all requireཎࣱ ments of ergonomics. ฃାེ(.'߳ߩ␜ߣ࠺࠲⸥㍳㧔ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦ㧕 AllF㧮ߩᐢ▸࿐ߥ࠳ࠗ࠽ࡒ࠶ࠢࡦࠫߦࠃࠆ㜞ᗵᐲޔ benefits at a glance ޓޓᒝ㔚ᵹାภߩ⽶⩄࿁ㆱ Data recording with direct graphic display on receiver ᷓᐲ୯᷹ቯߣ㔚ᵹାภᒝᐲࠍ⋥ធ᷹ቯ FLE 10 (option) Very wide dynamic range of 120 dB ensures high sensitiv Ꮐ㧛ฝ⍫ශߦࠃࠆࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ity and avoids overload at strong signal current 45ࠗࡦ࠲ࡈࠚࠬ⚻↱ߢ㧼㧯ߦ⸥㍳࠺࠲ࠍ Direct measurement of cable depth and signal ޓޓォㅍ)ޕ+5ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߩᓟಣℂޕ current strength ࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࠢ࠻⊒ାାภߪ․ߥࠦ࠼ߢ⋡⊛ࠤࡉ࡞ࠍ Cable locating with left-right guidance ⏕ߦ⼂ߒ߹ߔޕ RS-232 interface: Transfer of recorded data to PC for evaluation and processing in GIS-systems ⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞ The SignalSelect transmitter signal has a specific code which ޓޓࠨࡦ࠻࡞ޓޓ㧲㧿㧝㧜 allows the target cable to be identified unambiguously. ޓޓᮡḰࡋ࠶࠼ࡎࡦޓޓ㧷㧿㧝㧜 ˁಮ Technical Specification Receiver frequencies ฃାེᵄᢙ passive: 50 Hz / 60 Hz / 100 Hz / 120 Hz 㕒ᘒ\*\*\*\*ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ active: 491 Hz / 982 Hz / 8440 Hz േᘒ\*\*\*ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ Dynamic range (referred to a cable depth =1 m) ࠳ࠗ࠽ࡒ࠶ࠢࡦࠫ㧔ᣈߡ㧦ࠤࡉ࡞ᷓᐲO㧕 50 Hz 10 mA ... 10,000 A 120 dB \*ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓO#….#ޓF$ 491 Hz 400 μA ... 400 A 120 dB \*ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓǴ#……#F$ 982 Hz 180 μA ... 180 A 120 dB \*ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓǴ#……#F$ 8440 Hz 20 μA ... 20 A 120 dB \*ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓǴ#………#F$ Depth measurement 0.1 m ... 7 m; ᷓᐲ୯᷹ቯޓޓޓޓO…O േᘒᵄᢙߩߺ (active frequencies only ) 㔚ᵹ୯᷹ቯޓޓޓޓO#### Current measurement 1 mA ... 400 A / 180 A / 20 A 㔚Ḯ㨯ᬺᤨ㑆ޓޓනࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ Power supply / Alkaline batteries 4 x LR 6 >20 h ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓᤨ⚂ޓ㑆એౝ Operating time NiCd/NiMh 4 x R6 >13 h ࠼ࠞ࠶࠾ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ㔚ᳰ࠾࠶ࠤ࡞᳓⚛㔚ᳰ ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓᤨ⚂ޓ㑆એౝ Dimensions (W x H x D) FLE 10 220 mm x 100 mm x 110 mm ኸᴺ㧔9Z*Z&㧕(.'::OO FS 10 550 mm x 100 mm x 40 mm (5::OO (without handle) ࡂࡦ࠼࡞ㇱߪ߹ߕ ㊀㊂(.'⚂MI Weight (5⚂MI FLE 10 approx. 1.5 kg ᠲ᷷ᐲ̆͠ޓ㨪 ޓ㧗͠ FS 10 approx. 0.9 kg Temperature range – 20 °C ... + 55 °C Major Benefits of Using SignalSelect ⇝⇖⇰∑⇡−⇕⇮↝Ο↻ཎࣉ Independent ࠤࡉ࡞㐳ߩᓇ㗀ߪฃߌ߹ߖࠎޕ of cable length, as phase shifts in long cables ޓ㐳〒㔌ࠤࡉ࡞ߢߩ⋧ᄌᦝ߽㗴ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ do not have any effect To ᭽⊒ߥޘାེߩᵄᢙߦኻᔕߢ߈߹ߔޕ be used at any transmitter frequency Multiple ࡑ࡞࠴᷹ቯߦࠃࠅ㜞ା㗬ᕈࠍ⏕┙ measurement ensures high reliability No ⊒ାེߣฃାེߩࠪࡦࠢࡠ࠽ࠗ࠭ൻߩᔅⷐߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ synchronisation of transmitter and receiver signals needed ․⸵ขᓧᛛⴚ◲ޕනᠲߢല₸⊛ߦା㗬ᕈࠍឭଏߒ߹ߔޕ Patent method, easy to operate, efficient and reliable Accessories ⇐⇽⇝∍∙⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞ Route Sensor FS 10 ޓޓޓޓ࠽࠹ࡦࠕ࠾ࡒޓ㧲㧸㧭㧝㧜ޓ㧔ࠤࡉ࡞⼂↪㧕 Standard headphones KS10 ࡊ࠶࠹ࠬޓ㔚ࡊࡠࡉ㧰㧱㧮㧟㧙 㧝㧜 ࠪࠬ៊்តᩏ↪ Optional Accessories *ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ antenna FLA 10 (for cable selection) SebaKMTMini Japan ᩣᑼળ␠ ޥ533-0031 ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F Step Voltage Probe DEB 3-10 (for sheath fault locating) TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com ISO 9001:2000 Technical data subject to change without notice. LFT_FLE 10_eng_2006_33 FERROLUX® FLG 10 Audio generator ӧᎮඬfrequency ̮ӭႆဃ֥ ⇗∞⇼∑ˮፗ௹ Benefits: Cable location ⇗∞⇼∑ᜤК ྵ↝↖ئ௹˺ಅ Location of sheath faults and cable faults ⇝∞⇟ͻ∝⇗∞⇼∑ͻ௹ ⇷⇊⇽௹ Cable selection Ground survey Pipe location ࡈࠚࡠࠢࠬ㧔('441.7:®㧕ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߪޔ㔚ജࠤࡉ࡞ޔ Description ㅢାࠤࡉ࡞߿ࠬࠟޔ᳓ߥߤၒ⸳‛⺞ᩏᬺ⠪߇⋥㕙 ߔࠆฦ⒳ᐢ▸࿐ߥ㗴ࠍ⸃ߔࠆߚߩⵝ⟎ߢߩ࡞ࡉࠤޔ The FERROLUX® Measuring System provides solutions to a ⟎តᩏ⼂࡞ࡉࠤޔޔ்៊࡞ࡉࠤޔ⟎តᩏޔ㋕▤ wide variety of problems for operators of power and telecomࡄࠗࡊߩ⟎តᩏ〝▤ޔㅊ〔ߦ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ munication cable systems as well as public utility companies for gas and water supply. ࡈࠚࡠࠢࠬ㧔('441.7:®㧕ߩఝࠇߚᯏ⢻ߣߒߡޔ This Audio Frequency Generator can be used for cable 㧟⒳㘃ߩᵄᢙߩหᤨ⊒ା߇น⢻ߢޔ႐ߢ⊒ାེᵄᢙߩ tracing, cable selection, location of cable faults or the finding ಾᦧᬺࠍߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ߥߊߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ and tracing of metal pipelines. ฃାེ(.'ߣߩ૬↪ߢޔ㕟ᣂ⊛ߥࠬࡄࡑ࠶ࠢࠬᴺޔ A development in the FERROLUX® range is the capability of ାภߩㅴⴕᣇะࠍ⼂ߔࠆࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࠢ࠻ᴺࠍ㚟ߔࠆ transmitting three frequencies simultaneously. This eliminates ߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ the need to switch frequencies on the transmitter while operating. ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߪ⺞ᩏਛߩ࡞ࡊࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬޔജ㔚ޔ ജ㔚ᵹޔ⋧ⷺࠍ⸘᷹ߒߩߘޔ୯ࠍ↹㕙ߦ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ In conjunction with the Audio Frequency Receiver FLE 10, the system can be used for the new location method SuperMax 㕒㔚⽶⩄㧔ⵍⷒࠟࠬ▤㧕߿⺃ዉ⽶⩄㧔⍴⛊ࠤࡉ࡞㧕ߢߩ and the SignalSelect method of identifying the direction of 㐳ᤨ㑆↪ߢ߽⊒ାེ߇ㆊᾲߔࠆߎߣߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ signal flow. Ӳᆔཎࣱ‒‒ The instrument measures and displays the loop impedance of the test object, output voltage and current, and phase angle. • ⥄േࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬᢛว Continuous operation when feeding capacitive loads (insu• ࠾࠶ࠤ࡞᳓⚛ల㔚ᳰណ↪ߢ㊀㊂㨯ኸᴺߩシ㊂ൻࠍታ lated gas pipes) or inductive loads (shorted cables) does not • ⥄േ߹ߚߪᚻേߦࠃࠆᵄᢙㆬᛯ cause any overheating problems. • ࡑ࡞࠴ᵄᢙᠲ - 㧟⒳㘃ߩᵄᢙ • ෂ㒾ജ␜ • 㔚Ḯㇱຠ㔚⼔ઃ All benefits at a glance • ᕆㅦల㔚㧠ᤨ㑆ߦߡ㧞㧚㧡ᤨ㑆㧝㧜㨃ߩᠲᤨ㑆 Automatic impedance matching • 㔚ᳰᱷ㊂␜ weight and dimensions due to state-of-the-art • 車両Reduced ࠪࠟ࠶࠻ࠗ࠲ࠍߞߡߩల㔚น⢻ NiMh rechargeable batteries • 㧾㧿㧙 㧞㧟㧞ߢߩ㧼㧯ߣ ߩࠗࡦ࠲ࡈࠚࠬߣ Automatic or manual frequency selection 㧼㧯߆ࠄߩ㆙㓒ᠲน⢻ Multifrequency operation – three frequencies ˁಮ Technical Specification Frequencies 491 Hz / 982 Hz / 8440 Hz (user-specific frequencies on ᵄᢙ\*ޔ\*ޔ\*ޓޓޓޓޓޓ request) ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ㧔ᵈᢥᤨ㧦છᗧᵄᢙタน⢻㧕 ജޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ㨪 0㧝㧜㨃 Output power ... 10 W, manually switchable ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ9Ფߦᚻേߢ⺞ᢛน⢻㧕 in 0.5 W increments ࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬᢛวޓ㨪 ǡ⥄ޓേ Impedance matching 0.5 ... 1024 Ω, automatic ᷹ቯࡄࡔ࠲ޔࠬࡦ࠳ࡇࡦࠗࡊ࡞ޓ㔚ᵹޔ㔚 Measured parameters loop impedance, current, 㔚Ḯ࡞ࠤ࠶࠾ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ᳓⚛㔚ᳰ8#J voltage ᠲᤨ㑆ᤨ⚂ޓޓ㑆㧔9㧕 ల㔚ᤨ㑆ᤨ⚂ޓޓ㑆 Power supply NiMh 12 V / 4Ah 㔚⼔ޓޓౝㇱ㔚ᳰ↪ operating time 2.5 h at 10 W ኸᴺޓޓ::OO Charging time 4h ㊀㊂⚂ޓޓ-I ᠲ᷷ᐲޓ͠ޓޓ㨪 ޓ㧗͠ Deep discharge protector for internal battery 㒐᳓ޓޓ+2 Dimensions 250 x 120 x 170 mm Weight approx. 2.9 kg Operating temperature - 20 °C … + 50 °C Enclosure protection IP 54 (splashproof) ⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞‒‒ Accessories • ࠠࡖࠬ࠻࠶ࡊ • 㔚Ḯ࡙࠾࠶࠻8.) Carry strap • ࠤࡉ࡞ࠠ࠶࠻8. Mains unit 12 V LG 12-1 Cable kit VL 11 ⇐⇽⇝∍∙⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞‒ • ⊒ାེ↪ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ SS2㧔*\㧕 Indication of dangerous output voltage Special Accessories UZ 50-1 UZ 100 UZF 150 • ⊒ାེ↪ࠢࡦࡊ Separate source voltage protection • 12 V ធ⛯ࠠ࠶࠻LK 12 ࠪࠟ࠶࠻ࠗ࠲↪ Quick recharging of batteries for 4 hours gives 2.5 hours Transmitter antenna SS 2 (for 8440 Hz) Transmitter clamps UZ 50-1, UZ 100, UZF 150 operating time at 10 W Battery capacity is displayed 12 V connecting kit LK 12 (motor vehicle) Batteries can be recharged from a motor vehicle supply system RS-232 PC interface for easy and simple service and SebaKMT ᩣᑼળ␠ ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F remote Japan control of the FLG 10ޥ533-0031 from the PC TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp *ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com ISO 9001:2000 Technical data subject to change without notice. LFT_FLG 10_eng_2006_33 FERROLUX® FLG 50 ®ų ųȕǧȭȸȩǯǹ Audio frequency generator for locating cables, pipes and cable faults DZȸȖȫȷȑǤȗˮፗჷŴ DZȸȖȫͻჷဇ ųųųųųӧᎮԗඬૠ̮ӭႆဃ֥ Benefits: Independent operation with rechargeable battery ల㔚ᳰ᭽ߩනᠲ ኈ㊂ᕈ⽶⩄⺃ዉᕈ⽶⩄ߢߩ㐳ᤨ㑆ᠲ Permanent operation even with capacitive and inductive loads ᄙᵄ᭽ߢᦨㆡᵄᢙࠍㆬᛯ Multi-frequency-operation, allways best frequency selected ಒဦ ࡈࠚࡠࠢࠬ㧔('441.7:®㧕ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߪ࡞ࡉࠤޔ ⟎តᩏ⼂࡞ࡉࠤޔࡊࠗࡄޔ⼂࡞ࡉࠤޔ⟎ Description តᩏ↪ߩน⡬ᵄᢙାภ⊒↢ེߢޔ㔚ജޔㅢାޔࠬࠟޔ ᳓ߥߤၒ⸳‛តᩏᬺ⠪߇⋥㕙ߔࠆ㗴ࠍ⸃ The FERROLUX® Measuring System allows operators of power and telecommunication cables as well as public utility ߔࠆᚻഥߌࠍߒ߹ߔޕ com-panies for gas and water supply to solve a wide variety of problems. This Audio Frequency Generator can be used for ⒳㘃ߩᵄᢙࠍหᤨ⊒ାߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߚ⺞ᩏ cable location, cable selection, cable identification or pipeline ਛޔᵄᢙߩಾࠅᦧ߃ᬺࠍߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ location. ฃାེ(.'ߣ૬↪ߔࠆߎߣߢޔ⟎ត⍮ᛛⴚࠬࡄ A new development in the FERROLUX® range is the capability ࡑ࠶ࠢࠬᴺ 5WRGT/CZߩ࡞࠽ࠣࠪޔᵹࠇࠆᣇะࠍ⼂ޓ of transmitting three frequencies simultaneously. This ߔࠆࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࠢ࠻ᴺ 5KIPCN5GNGEVࠍ㚟ߔࠆߎߣ eliminates the necessity of changing the transmitter frequency ߇น⢻ߢߔޕ during operation. ᦝߦ⺞ޔᩏኻ⽎ߩ࡞ࡊࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬޔജ㔚ޓޔ In conjunction with the Audio Frequency Receiver FLE 10, the ജ㔚ᵹࠍⷺࠬࠗࠚࡈޔ᷹ቯߒߩߘޔ୯ࠍ↹㕙ߦ␜ system can be used for implementing the new position ߒ߹ߔޕ locating technique SuperMax and the SignalSelect method of identifying the direction of signal flow. The instru㕒㔚⽶⩄ ⵍⷒࠟࠬ▤߿⺃ዉ⽶⩄ ࡚ࠪ࠻ࠤࡉ࡞ߢ ment measures and displays the loop impedance of the ߩ㐳ᤨ㑆↪ߢ߽⊒ାེ߇ടᾲߔࠆߎߣߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ object under test, output voltage and current, and phase (.)ߪฃାེ↪ల㔚ེߣߒߡ߽ᵴ↪ߢ߈߹ߔޕ angle. There is no overheating of the generator in continuous ཎࣉ operation when feeding capacitive loads (insulated gas pipes) • ⥄േࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬᢛว or inductive loads (shorted cables). The FLG 10 can serve as a • ⊒ା↪࡞ࡊౝ⬿ charging station for the audio frequency receiver. • ⥄േࠆߪᚻേߦࠃࠆᵄᢙㆬᛯ • ࡑ࡞࠴ᵄᢙᠲ - 3⒳㘃ߩᵄᢙ All benefits at a glance • ోߡߩࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ▸࿐ߢߩㆊ⽶⩄㒐ᱛ • 㔚ᳰᱷ㊂␜ Automatic impedance matching • 車の ࠪࠟ࠶࠻ࠗ࠲߆ࠄߩల㔚߇น⢻ Built in transmission loop Automatic or manual frequency selection; simultaneous • 45ࠗࡦ࠲ࡈࠚࠬߢ㧼㧯ߣធ⛯ transmission of three frequencies • 2%߆ࠄ(.)ࠍ㆙㓒ᠲ Overload protection in all impedance ranges Battery capacity is monitored and displayed Batteries can be recharged from a motor vehicle supply system RS-232 PC interface for easy and straightforward service Remote control of the FLG 50 via PC SebaKMT Japanᩣᑼળ␠ TEL ˁಮ ᵄᢙ‒‡‒›‒‣…ޓޓޓޓޓޓ․‒›‒‡‒……•‒›‒ Technical Specification ⅙⅙⅙⅙⅙⅙⅙⅙‒⅙‒‚˓ॖԗඬૠ᠍ӧᏡ‛‒‒ Frequencies 491 Hz / 982 Hz / 8440 Hz ജ‒⁉‒•‧⊡‒•ޓ (user-specific frequencies on ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒⅙‒․†‧‒⁉‒↝ѣᛦૢ‒‒ request) ࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬᢛว•†‧‒⊡‣•․…‒ₐ„‒ᐯѣ‒ Output powe 0 ... 50 W, manually switchable in ᷹ቯࡄࡔ࠲„⇟∙⇦∞⇺∙⇊⇽∞∑ޓႻᚌࡇ„ 2.5 W increments ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ᩓ්͌„ᩓ‒‒ן Impedance matching 0.5 ... 1024 Ω, automatically 㔚Ḯ⇱⇩⇗∑൦እ‣․‒⁈‒‡‒‣․″⁚‒ Measured parameters loop impedance, current, voltage ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ٳᢿ‒‣․‒⁈‒‶‵‒≋‽⁘≌ ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒Ⴚᩓเⅺ↸↝ᆙѣ‒ Power supply NiMH 12 V / 12Ah external: 12 V DC (Kfz) ᠲᤨ㑆 ⁂″ ‧•‒⁉‒≝ኖ‣᧓ mains operated ⁂″ ‣•‒⁉‒≝ኖ‧᧓‒ Operating time h at PA=50 W ల㔚ᤨ㑆ኖ >1 ᧓‒‒ >5 h at PA=10 W ࠕࡦ࠴࠺ࠖࡊ Charging time approx. 6 h 㔚⼔ޓޓޓޓޓϋᔺᩓ൷ဇ‒ ኸᴺ‒‒ ‒‧ ‣‒‒‧‥‥‒‒•‣…ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ Anti-deep discharge for internal battery ㊀㊂ኖ‣…‒⁝⁙‒‒ protector ᠲ᷷ᐲ‟‒․•‒⅙⊡‒”‒‧•‒‒‒ Dimensions 410 x 335 x 175 mm (W x L x H) ⷙᩰ≬⁂‒‧…‒‒ Weight approx. 14 kg Operating temperature - 20 °C … + 50 °C แǢǯǻǵȪȸ protection •Enclosure 㔚Ḯࠤࡉ࡞ NKGIP154 • ࠤࡉ࡞ౕ ޓޓL 11 • ࠤࡉ࡞↪ࡃ࠶ࠣKS 7 Accessories ǪȗǷȧȳǢǯǻǵȪȸ Mains cable NKG 1 Cable kit VL 11 UZ100 • ⊒ାེ↪ࠢࡦࡊUZ50 Cable bag KST 7 • 8↪ធ⛯ౕ LK 13 ࠪࠟ࠶࠻ࠗ࠲↪ • ធ⛯ࠤࡉ࡞ K62 Special Accessories Transmitter clamp UZ 50, UZ 100 12 V connecting kit LK 13 (motor vehicle) Connecting cable VK 62 ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp *ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com ISO 9001:2000 Technical data subject to change without notice. LFT_FLG 50_eng_2006_33 EASYLOC Cable avoidance and tracing system ⇗∞⇼∑үᨖׅᢤ∝ᡙួ⇝⇟⇬∆ Easy location system to detect and trace cables ᤧሥ∝⇗∞⇼∑ჷ∝ᡙួˮፗჷ⇝⇟⇬∆ and pipes ཎࣉ Benefits: ⇷∕∞⅚∏⇞⇐⅚ѣ७∈∞⇯ Ҟᐯѣज़ࡇ⇙∙⇮∓∞∑ Power, Radio and Active modes ѣ७∝᩺७∈∞⇯↖ขࡇยܭ Semi-automatic sensitivity control ⇝⇖⇰∑ࢍࡇᘙᅆ Depth measurements in Active and Passive Modes Signal strength display ‥‥⁝›ԗඬૠ᠍⇝⇟⇬∆↗↝ʝ੭ࣱ Compatible with existing 33kHz systems ᭗Јщႆ̮֥ Class-leading high power transmitter Easyloc is suitable for Water, Rail, Gas, Power, Highways and Telecommunication Utilities and Contractors; Groundworks; Building, ‷⁓⁞⁕Local ⁄ Authorities, แӖ̮֥ Civil Engineering, Street Lighting, and Fencing, Gardening and Landscaping companies. ࡄࡢࠝࠫޔାภߩ㕒ᘒᵄ 33kHz⊒ାାภߩേᘒᵄ Easyloc Rx receiver ⥄േᗵᐲࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ Passive location of Power and Radio signals Active location of 33kHz transmitted signals േᘒ/㕒ᘒߢߩᷓᐲ᷹ቯ Semi-automatic sensitivity control ାภᒝᐲᏱᤨ␜ࡕ࠼ Depth measurements in Active and Passive Modes “Easy Locate”ߦࠃࠆᦨᄢ୯␜ Continuous signal strength display Peak indicator “Easy Locate“ ᜰ1ᧄߢߩࠠᠲ Audio output via loudspeaker with volume control 2ߩࡦࠨߦߡ⥄േࡃ࠶ࠢࠗ࠻ Single-finger function key-control ⥄േࠝࡈᯏ⢻ Dual sensors for Auto Backlight Auto off function ‷⁓⁞⁕ ⁄ ⇿∞⇝⇩⇕Ӗ̮֥ ᷓᐲ᷹ቯᯏ⢻ߥߒᯏ⒳㧔ߘߩઁߪᮡḰฃାེߩ᭽ߦหߓ㧕 Easyloc Tx Transmitter / Generator ‷⁓⁞⁕ ⁆ ႆ̮֥ 33kHz continuous or pulsed 33kHzㅪ⛯ࠆߪࡄ࡞ࠬାภ Class leading power output High (0.5 W) and low (0.1 W) power settings ఝࠇߚജ Simple push-button control 㜞㧔0.5W㧕ߣૐ㧔0.1W㧕ߩജ⸳ቯ Air cored antenna ࡏ࠲ࡦߢߩ◲නᠲ Induction or direct connection Induction in two planes of antenna orientation ࠛࠕࠦࠕᑼࠕࡦ࠹࠽ ⺃ዉᴺ⚿⋥ޔᴺߢߩធ⛯ Service and Repair / Whole Life Cost 2ߩ᳓ᐔࠕࡦ࠹࠽ߢߩ⺃ዉ Easyloc is the first of its type to consider Whole Life Cost. The design from the outset has been aimed at precision performance from modular components. Annual calibration is a simple test, with no part̬≒ྸ̲ܣဃ෨⇙⇟⇮ dismantling required, dramatically reducing calibration cost. Any Easylocߪ↢ᶦࠦࠬ࠻ࠍ⠨ᘦߒߡࠄࠇߚᦨೋߩⵝ⟎ߢߔޓ⸘⸳ޕ repairs are carried out by quick replacement of modules. ˁಮ ‷⁓⁞⁕ ⁄แ≒⇿∞⇝⇩⇕Ӗ̮֥ Technical data ᵄᢙ Easyloc Rx receiver ޓ࠼ࡕࡢࡄޓ50Hzޓ㨪 ޓ250Hz Frequency range ޓ࠼ࡕࠝࠫޓ15kHz 㨪ޓ23kHz Power mode 50 Hz to 250 Hz Easyloc ⊒ାࡕ࠼33kHz Radio mode 15 kHz to 23 kHz ⟎តᩏޓ0.3m Easyloc Tx mode 33 kHz 㨪7m ᷓᐲ♖ᐲ(ᦨ㜞୯) r5㧑 Location depth 0.3 m to 7 m; Depth accuracy (best) +-5% ᷓᐲ᷹ቯ 4㨙એౝ Depth measurement up to 4 m 1mᷓᐲߢߩ♖ᐲޓޓ50Hz:7mA ࠫࠝ㧦10ǴA; Sensitivity at 1m depth 50 Hz: 7 mA; Radio: 10 μA; 33 kHz: 3 μA 33kHz: 3ǴA Operational time > 40 hours ᠲᤨ㑆⚂ޓޓޓ40ᤨ㑆એౝ Power supply 10 x IEC R6 1.5 V 㔚Ḯޓޓޓޓන3ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ10 Temperature range Operation -20 °C … +55 °C ᷷ᐲ▸࿐ޓᠲ㧦ޓ㧙20ޓ㨪 ޓ㧗 Storage -40 °C … +70 °C 55͠ ▤㧦ޓ㧙40ޓ㨪ޓ㧗 70͠ Weight 2.5 kg ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓޓ2.5kg Dimensions max. 67 x 26 x 10 cm ኸᴺޓޓޓޓޓޓ67 x 26 x 10 cm Protection category IP 56 ⼔᭴ㅧޓޓޓޓIP56 Easyloc Tx transmitter ‷⁓⁞⁕ ႆ̮֥ Transmitted power 0.1 Watt // 0.5W 0.5 Watt (switchable) ജޓޓޓޓޓޓ0.1W (ಾᦧน⢻) Frequency 33 kHz ᵄᢙޓޓޓޓ33kHz Type of signal Pulse and continuous signal (switchable) ାภ࠲ࠗࡊޔࠬ࡞ࡄޓޓޓޓㅪ⛯ାภ㧔ಾᦧน⢻㧕 Operational time > 40 h ᠲᤨ㑆⚂ޓޓޓޓޓ40ᤨ㑆એౝ 㔚Ḯޓޓޓޓޓޓන1ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ6 Power supply 6 x IEC R20 1.5 V ᷷ᐲ▸࿐ޓޓޓޓᠲ㧦ޓ㧙20ޓ㨪 ޓ㧗 Temperature range Operation -20 °C … +55 °C 55͠ Storage -40 °C … +70 °C 70͠ ▤㧦ޓ㧙40ޓ㨪 ޓ㧗 Weight 2.6 kg ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓޓ2.6kg ኸᴺ26 x 25.5 14 cm Dimensions 26 x 25.5 x 14xcm ⼔᭴ㅧIP56 Protection category IP 56 Ბ㓏߆ࠄⷙᩰൻߒߚㇱຠࠍߞߡߩ㜞♖ᐲߩᕈ⢻ࠍㅊ᳞ߒߡ߹ޓ Training ߔޕᲤᐕߩࠠࡖࡉ࡚ࠪࡦߪ◲නߥ࠹ࠬ࠻ߢᯏེߩಽ⸃ࠍߖߕ The Easyloc easy location system is quick to learn. To make best use ߦⴕ߃ࠆߚࠠࡖࡉ࡚ࠪࡦߦ߆߆ࠆታ⾰ߩࠦࠬ࠻߇ᷫߢ߈ of Easyloc, or to learn Cable Avoidance technique, or to be trained as ⇐⇽⇝∍∙ ⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞ ߹ߔୃޕℂߪⷙᩰㇱຠߩㄦㅦߥ឵ߢቢੌߒ߹ߔޕ Optional accessories a trainer, we offer seminars both in our training centre and on location. ޓޓޓࡦࡎࡗࠗޓ ႐ⅣႺߦࠃࠅ㖸߇⡞߈ขࠅߦߊ႐ว↪ Rx For more information, see www.sebakmt.com ⊒ޓାེ↪ࠢࡦࡊ100mmޓ Earphones Ѽϋܾ ⊒ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓାེߩାภࠍࠤࡉ࡞߿ࡄࠗࡊߦធ⛯ Scope of delivery Tx ‷⁓⁞⁕⇡⇩⇮ Complete Easyloc set: Easyloc Rx receiver, Easyloc Tx transConnection cable Schuko 230 V, connection cable telecom, ⊒↪ࡊࠗࡄޓା࠰ࡦ࠺ Easyloc mitter,ฃାེ⊒ޔାེޔធ⛯ࠤࡉ࡞ࠬࠕޔ✢ࠬࠕޔޔ connection and earth leads, earth spike, carrying bag and connection cable coaxial ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓᵄᢙ⊒ାޕ㕖㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊត⍮↪ operating manual. Transmitter Clamp 100 mm ࠠࡖࠬ࠲ઃࠠࡖࡃ࠶ࠣޔขᛒ⺑ᦠ ޓደౝធ⛯ࠠ࠶࠻ޓ 㔚ജޔㅢାޔCATVធ⛯↪ࠤࡉ࡞↪ Easyloc Rx receiver: Easyloc Rx receiver, op. manual. To connect a transmitter signal onto live or dead cables and pipes Easyloc Tx transmitter: Easyloc Tx transmitter, connection and Pipeline Transmitter Sonde SebaKMT Japan ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F earth leads, earthᩣᑼળ␠ spike and op.ޥ533-0031 manual. ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26 Self powered, to locate non-metallic pipes Easyloc Bag TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com ISO 9001:2000 sebaKMT is a registered trademark of the sebaKMT group Easylocߪߔ߫߿ߊ◲නߦᠲ߇ߢ߈ޔ㔚ജࠤࡉ࡞߿ߘߩઁߩ Utility location system to detect and trace cable runs and pipe ၒ⸳‛ࠍ⎕៊߆ࠄല₸⊛ߦ࿁ㆱߔࠆ․ᕈࠍᜬߞߚࠤࡉ࡞߿ networks. The Easyloc is fast and simple to operate, with features ࡄࠗࡊߩត⍮ㅊ〔↪ၒ⸳‛ត⍮ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߔޕฃାེߪ designed to avoid potentially dangerous power cables and other ฃାାภࡌ࡞ࠍ␜ߒᦨߩߘޔᄢ୯ࠍࡑࠞߢ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ services as efficiently as possible. The Easyloc receiver shows the signal level received and marks the maximum with a marker. This ᬺߪᏱߦ㖸㗀ାภߣⷞⷡᖱႎߩਔᣇߢⴕ߹ߔޕ means operators work with both the audio signal and the visual EasylocᮡḰဳߩᷓᐲ᷹ቯߪࡄࡢࡕ࠼ޔᮡḰࡕ࠼ߕࠇߦ confirmation at all times. Just like using the signal meter on a mobile ߅ߡ߽ࡏ࠲ࡦ1ߩᠲߦࠃࠅ␜ߢ߈߹ߔޕ phone! Depth measurement is possible at the push of a button, even Easylocߪ᳓ޔ㋕ޔࠬࠟޔ㔚ജޔ㜞ㅦ〝ޔㅢାߩᬺޔ when using Power Mode. ࡆ࡞ߩၮ␆ᎿޔᧁᎿⴝޔἮߣߞߚᑪ⸳ᬺޔࠬࡦࠚࡈޔ Who benefits? ㅧߩฦᬺോߦㆡᔕߢ߈߹ߔޕ *Technical ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ data subject to change without notice. LFT_Easyloc_eng_2006_41 FM 810-Dx Pipe and cable locating system ᤧሥ∝⇗∞⇼∑௹⇝⇟⇬∆ ̅ⅳ↳ↈⅾദᄩ↙∏⇊∙௹ Benefits: Ο↻ᛔݰኽӳ‒≐ᧈុᩉ∏⇊∙↚ஊј ̮ӭˡછ Easy to use and precise line locating Excellent inductive coupling - useful for long distance line locating Signal jumps over insulating joints 㧤㧝㧜㧰㨄តᩏࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߪޔ㊄ዻ᳓▤߿㊄ዻࠟࠬ▤ߩ ⟎ߣᷓᐲࠍ㔚⏛ᵄߦࠃࠅតᩏߒ߹ߔޕ ♖ኒߦ࠴ࡘ࠾ࡦࠣߐࠇߚ㜞ᵄ㧤㧟M*\ߩ㧤㧝㧜㧰㨄ߪޔ ૐᵄߢߪតᩏ߇࿎㔍ߥⶄᢙߩࠞ࠶ࡊࡦࠣ߿ࠟࠬࠤ࠶࠻ㇱ Description ߩሽߔࠆၒ⸳㋕▤ߢ߽▤〝ߩㅊ〔߇น⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ The FM 810-Dx Locating System was specially designed to ᷓᐲ᷹ቯ୯ߪᷓᐲࡏ࠲ࡦࠍߔߣ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ find the location and depth of metallic water and gas pipes ᄢ߈ߥ↹㕙ޔᄢ߈ߥࡏ࠲ࡦߩࠪࡦࡊ࡞ߥ⸳⸘ߢขࠅᛒߪ with audio frequency. The precisely tuned, high locating ◲නߢߔޕ frequency of 83 kHz enables to trace a line, even over several ˁಮ Technical Data Receiver ฃାེ㧦 Frequency 83 kHz ᵄᢙޓޓޓޓޓM*\ ᷓᐲ᷹ቯ▸࿐ޓޓ㨪 Depth Readout Accuracy O ± 5% + 2’’ (0 … 3 m) couplings and insulating gaskets. These pipes are typically ᷓᐲ᷹ቯ♖ᐲޓޓr̍ 㨪 O Depth Readout Range 0…6m difficult to be detected by low frequencies. The readout of the 㔚ᳰޓޓޓޓޓޓනࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰ㧤 depth appears easy and fully automatic by pushing a single ․ᕈ Battery type 8 AA Alkaline button. 㔚ᳰኼޓޓޓޓㅪ⛯⚂ᤨ㑆 • ◲නᱜ⏕ㄦㅦߦࡄࠗࡊߩ⟎ࠍតᩏ Battery life 80 continuous ᠲ᷷ᐲޓޓޓޓ ≐͠㨪 hrs. ͠ The systems sticks out with its easy handling, a large display • න৻ᵄᢙߩ◲නߥขࠅᛒ Operating temperature -20 °C … +50 °C ኸᴺޓޓޓޓޓޓZZOO and large buttons as well as a complete set of accessories. • ࡏ࠲ࡦࡘࠪ࠶ࡊࡦࡢޔᠲߢᷓᐲ⏕ ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓޓMI Dimensions 729 x 219 x 311 mm • ᬺല₸ࠍ⠨ᘦߒߚੱ㑆Ꮏቇ⊛⸳⸘ ⅣႺޓޓޓޓޓޓ+2 • ⋡⊛‛߆ࠄߩ〒㔌ࠍ␜ߔᏀฝ⍫ශࠟࠗ࠼ Weight 1.8 kg Features • ᱜ⏕ߥࠪࠣ࠽࡞ಽᨆߦߡ▤〝߿✢〝ࠍ㐳〒㔌ߦࠊߚࠅㅊ〔 Environmental IP 54 ⊒ାེ Easy, exact, fast location of pipes • 㜞ᵄM*\ߦߡࠞ࠶ࡊࡦࠣ߿ࠟࠬࠤ࠶࠻ߩ㗴ࠍ⸃ Transmitter Only one frequency – easy to handle ജᵄᢙޓޓޓM*\ 㧔⋥ធࠆߪࠢࡦࡊߥߤ㑆ធ • ᦨᄢ୯ߣᦨዊ୯ࠍหᤨ␜ Single push-button depth readout ജ㨃 Output frequency 83 kHz (direct or via clamp • ࠕ࡞࠲ࠗࡓߢㅪ⛯ࠥࠗࡦ⺞ᢛ Ergonomic design for comfortable working 㔚ᳰޓޓޓޓޓනࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ㧢 or antenna) Distance Sensitive Left/Right Guidance • ቯߒߚតᩏⅣႺ⛽ᜬ↪ޔቯᩰ㔚ᵹജဳ㔚Ḯ▵⚂⊒ାེ ࠾࠶ࠤ࡞᳓⚛ల㔚ᑼ㔚ᳰ (*1) Output Power 1 Watt Long tracing range due to very accurate signal analysis 㔚ᳰኼᤨ㑆 ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰ Single high frequency of 83 kHz, “jumps over” couplings Battery Type 6 x Alkaline D cells or NiMH ᮡḰ࠶࠻ ᤨ㑆 ࠾࠶ࠤ࡞᳓⚛ల㔚ᑼ㔚ᳰ(*1) and insulating gaskets rechargeable • (/&Z࠶࠻ ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰဳ㧕 Simultaneous Peak and Null Display ᠲ᷷ᐲ≐͠ޓ㨪 ͠ Battery Life 100 hours (Alkaline D cells) ⊒ାེޓฃାེ ធ⛯ࠤࡉ࡞ ធ Real Time Continuous Gain Adjustment ኸᴺZZOO 50 hours (NiMh rechargeable) ࠠࡖࠤࠬ Battery savingขᛒ⺑ᦠ transmitter with constant-current source for ㊀㊂⚂MIMI(*1) a steady locating field Operation Temperature -20 °C … +50 °C ⅣႺ+2 ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦⵝ⟎ Dimensions 216 x 118 x 178 mm ޓ • (/&Z4࠶࠻㧔⊒ାེల㔚ᳰဳ㧕 (*1) オプション装置FM 810Dx-Rセットの場合 ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ Scope of Delivery Weight 2.5 kg ฃାེޓల㔚ᑼ㔚ᳰ⊒ࡖࠫࡖ࠴ޓାེ Environmental IP 54 Set FM 810-Dx ធ⛯ࠤࡉ࡞ ធࠠࡖࠤࠬ Transmitter and Receiver with batteries ขᛒ⺑ᦠ sebaKMT is a registered trademark of the sebaKMT group Set FM 810-Dx-R Receiver with batteries and Transmitter with rechargeable ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࠕࠢࠨ batteries and charger • ⊒ାེ↪ల㔚ᑼ㔚ᳰ࠴ࡖࠫࡖ Connecting cable • ࠢࡦࡊ 50 mm, Ground rod 100 mm, 200 mmサイズ Carrying case • 㕖㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊ↪ฦ⒳࠰ࡦ࠺ Operating manual Optional Equipment SebaKMT Japanᩣᑼળ␠ Rechargeable batteries and charger for transmitter ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26 ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F MetroClamp 50 mm, 100 mm, 200 mm TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 Sondes for non-metallic pipes E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com ISO 9001:2000 *ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ Technical data subject to change without notice. LFT_FM 810Dx_eng_2007_07 ؈ᚨཋჷ֥ ޓჷ֥ȷȞȸǫȸჷ֥ ∝ ‒‒ ∝ ޓ ޓ ჷ ჷ֥ ֥‒‒‒‒ ȷ ȷ∄ ∄∞ ∞⇑ ⇑∞ ∞ ჷ ჷ֥ ֥ ȷ ȷ∄ ∄∞ ∞⇑ ⇑∞ ∞ $$ 99##5522 ((// Ȟ ȸ//##44&& Ȟȸ ȸǫ ǫȸ Ȟ Ȟȸ ȸǫ ǫȸ ȸ ⁅⁗⁔⁓‽‿⁆‒‼⁓⁓ ఇࡸ˟ᅈ‒ ‒ ‒ www.sebakmt.co.jp / www.sebakmt.com FM 880-B ᄬࣱޓჷ֥ Ferromagnetic locator Easy to use (/㧤㧤㧜㧮⏛ᕈ㊄ዻត⍮ེߪၒ⸳㊄ዻ㧔㋕࡞࠴ࠬޔ㧕 Little weight for comfortable operation ߩ⟎ࠍ㜞ᗵᐲߢᚻシߦត⍮ߔࠆߚߩⵝ⟎ߢߔޕ Rugged design ࠕ࡞ࡒ➧ߩߤߥࡊ࠶ࡖࠠߩࡦࡆޔ㕖㊄ዻߪ㒰ᄖߒޔ ㊄ዻߩ⟎ࠍᣢሽߩⵝ⟎ࠃࠅᷓᷓᐲߦࠆၒ⸳㊄ዻ ߹ߢត⍮ߔࠆߎߣ߇น⢻ߢߔޔߚ߹ޕ㜞♖ᐲߦ⺞ᢛߐࠇ ߡࠆߚߩࠬࡦࠚࡈࡦࡠࠢࠗࠨޔᢙࡦ࠴ౝߩዊߐߥ ࡑࠞ‛߽⼂ߒ߹ߔޕ Description Technical Data ˁಮ ᐢ▸࿐␜ࡔ࠲ߣᔕ㖸ߢ㊄ዻߩ✼㧔߳ࠅ㧕ߣ Highly sensitive, the FM 880-B Ferromagnetic Locator is Batteries Two 9 V Alkaline (Neda 1604A) designed to easily locate buried magnetic (iron and steel) ᄢ߈ߐࠍ␜ߒ߹ߔߢࡦ࡚ࠪࡉࡖࠠߥ✺♖ޕㄭ㓞ߩ 㔚ᳰޓޓޓޓ㧥㨂ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰޓ objects. While rejecting those objects which are not magnetic Battery Life 50 - 60 hrs. ᐓᷤ‛ࠍ㒰ߒ⺒ޔขࠛࠍᷫࠄߒ߹ߔޕ⣨ࠍ೨ᣇߦ 㔚ᳰኼޓޓㅪ⛯⚂㨪 ᤨ㑆ޓ (aluminium cans, bottle caps), it locates objects at much depending on temp extremes િ߫ߒߚ⥄ὼߥ⁁ᘒߢᯏེࠍᜬߜޔតᩏኻ⽎ၞࠍᱠ߈ greater depths than other available instruments. The FM 880-B ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ᷷ᐲߥߤߩ⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡᄌൻ ߹ߔߩ⟎ⵝߢߣߎࠆߔ߁ߎޕ⟎ਇ⦟ߦࠃࠆ⺒ขࠛ Control Combination On/Off and senis so finely tuned, it can locate small property markers within ᠲࠆࠃߦࡦ࠲ࡏဳ࡞ࡗࠗ࠳ޓޓޓޓޓ101(( ࠍ㒐ߋߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ sitivity knob. Automatic battery inches of a cyclone fence. ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ߮ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞⺞ᢛ test when instrument turned on. ⵝ⟎ߪ㗎ਂߢ⠴᳓ᕈࠆMIએਅߩシ㊂ࠦࡦࡄࠢ࠻ⵝ⟎ A wide-range meter, along with an audible tone, quickly ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓേᤨ⥄േ㔚ᳰᱷ㊂࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢ ߢ╲ޔߩᐩㇱߪ㔐߿ᵆߥߤߢ⺞ᩏߔࠆ႐วߦ߃㒐᳓ Meter Indicates signal level and battery indicates the edges and size of buried magnetic objects. ␜ޓޓޓޓޓାภࡌ࡞ߣ㔚ᳰ⁁ᴫࠍ␜ ࠍᣉߒߡ߹ߔߚ߹ޕᄢ߈ߥ᷷ᐲᄌൻߦ߽⠴ᕈࠆ᭴ㅧߣ condition. Precise calibration eliminates false readings and cancels out ࠬࡇࠞ࡞࠼ࠗࠕ\*⚂ޓޓ㖸ޓ ߥߞߡ߹ߔޕ㚟േ㔚Ḯߪ᳢↪㧥㨂㔚ᳰߢޔ㔚ᳰᱷ㊂ߪ nearby interfering objects. It also allows you to hold the Speaker Approx. 20 Hz idle tone. Tone instrument in a natural “extension-of-your-arm”-position while ⵝ⟎ߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆߣ⥄േ⊛ߦ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢߒ߹ߔޕ ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓᵄᢙߪ⏛⇇ᒝᐲߩᄌൻߦࠃߞߡ frequency increases or decreassweeping your target area. False readings due to instrument ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓჇᷫ es with magnetic field intensity. mispositioning have been eliminated. ߎߩ㜞ᕈ⢻ޔ㗎ਂߥ(/㧤㧤㧜㧮ߪၒ⸳‛㑐ㅪડᬺ ㊀㊂ޓޓޓޓޓMI Weight 1 kg The FM 880-B is rugged, lightweight (just over 0.9 kg), water ోߡޔᑪ⸳ᬺ⠪⺞ޔᩏᬺ⠪߇᳞ࠆၒ⸳ߐࠇߡࠆ ኸᴺޓޓޓޓޓZZEO resistant and compact. The probe end of the instrument is Dimensions 109.2 x 6.4 x 3.8 cm ࡑࠞ߿ࡃ࡞ࡉࡏ࠶ࠢࠬޔ࡞ࡎࡦࡑޔ㊉ߥߤߩ⟎ࠍ ᠲ᷷ᐲ͠ޓޓ㨪 ͠ waterproof for probing in snow, mud, etc. Composite materiߔ߫߿ߊត⍮ߒ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕᑪㅧ‛ౝߩ㋕╭߿㊉ߩ⟎ Temperatures Operating -18 °C … +50 °C ▤᷷ᐲ͠ޓޓޓ㨪 ͠ als make it tolerant to extreme temperature changes. An តᩏߦ߽ㆡ↪ߢ߈߹ߔޕ automatic battery test is activated when the instrument is ᭴ㅧޓޓޓޓޓ⠴ⴣ᠄78⼔ࡊࠬ࠴࠶ࠢ Temperatures Storage -20 °C … +70 °C turned on. The unit is powered with common 9 volt batteries. Construction High Impact UV Resistant ․ᕈ The FM 880-B provides utility personnel, contractors, and Plastic with a very sensitive, yet rugged instrument for •surveyors ⏛ᕈ‛ߩߺࠍត⍮ rapid location of buried curb stops, property markers, valve 㧔ࠕ࡞ࡒ࠾࠙ࡓߪߤߥࡊ࠶ࡖࠠߩࡦࡆޔត⍮ߒ߹ߖࠎ㧕 manhole or vault covers, etc. It can also be used for •boxes, 㜞ᗵᐲ ߅߽ߥ᷹ቯኻ⽎ߩᦨᄢ᷹ቯᷓᐲ locating rebar or studs in building stuctures. • 㗎ਂ⸳⸘ • ᓸዊ㧼㧷㊉ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓO •Technical ダイヤル型ボタンߢ◲නᠲ Features Index of typical objects and their maximum • ᄢ߈ߥ㧼㧷㊉ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓO measured depth • シ㊂ߢᔟㆡᬺ • ࡑࠞ↪᧮ޓޓޓO Only locating of ferromagnetic objects (no aluminium, • 㐳ᠲᤨ㑆 crown caps etc.) ࡃ࡞ࡉࡏ࠶ࠢࠬޓޓޓޓޓޓO •Small PK Nail up to 0.10 m High sensivity PK Nail up to 0.20 m ࡃ࡞ࡉࡠ࠶࠼ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓO •Large Easy to use Marker Stake up to 2.4 m ⚊ຠⵝ⟎ • ࡑࡦࡎ࡞ࠞࡃޓޓޓޓޓO Rugged Desing Valve Box up to 1.5 m • ฃାⵝ⟎(/ޓ$ ㍌㋕ࠬ࠴࡞ࡄࠗࡊ&ޓ0O •Valve One-Button-Operation Rod up to 3.0 m • ขᛒ⺑ᦠ ᄢဳ㋕࠲ࡦࠢޓޓޓޓޓޓO •Manhole Little weight for comfortable operation Cover up to 1.5 m • 㔚ᳰ Long operation time Cast Iron/Steel Pipe DN 150 up to 1.5 m Large Iron Tank up to 3.0 m ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࠕࠢࠨ Scope of Delivery • ࠠࡖࡃ࠶ࠣ Receiver FM 880-B Operation manual Batteries SebaKMT Japanᩣᑼળ␠ Options ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F ޥ533-0031 TEL Carrying 06-6324-5788 bag FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com ISO 9001:2000 sebaKMT is a registered trademark of the sebaKMT group ᄬࣱཋ↝ଢᄩ↙ჷ Ο↻ขࡇज़ࡇ Benefi ts: Clear ̅ⅳ↳ↈↄ indication of ferromagnetic objects દ˺↚ਃ↝↙ⅳ᠉˳ Great depth sensitivity ᪴ɣᚨᚘ data subject to change without notice. *Technical ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ LFT_FM 880-B_eng_2007_07 ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ᳑ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ દ˺ᢿ≋ਘ‒‛ٻ WASP ߪ 2 ߩ࠷ࡑࡒߦࠃࠆ◲නߥᠲߢ㊄ዻ‛ࠍត⍮ߒ߹ߔޕ ⋚⁁ࠦࠗ࡞ߣࠕࡓࠬ࠻ઃߩシߊ㐳ࡠ࠶࠼᭴ㅧߪޔᐢតᩏ႐ߢㄦㅦߦត⚝ ߔࠆߎߣߦ㕖Ᏹߦലᨐ⊛ߢߔޕ ߹ߚࡠ࠶࠼ߪ⚵ߺ┙ߡ᭴ㅧߩߚࠦࡦࡄࠢ࠻ߦ▤ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ តᩏߪ㖸ߩ㐳ߐߢၒ⸳㊄ዻߩᄢዊࠍޔᒝᒙߢᷓᐲࠍ್ᢿߒ߹ߔޕ ౝ⬿ࠬࡇࠞ߆ࠄߩតᩏ㖸ߩή㖸ൻߪߚ߹ޔⅣႺࡁࠗ࠭߇ᄢ߈႐តᩏ↪ߦᠲ ࡄࡀ࡞ߦߪࡋ࠶࠼ࡎࡦ┵ሶࠍ߃ߡ߹ߔߪࡦࡎ࠼࠶ࡋ(ޕઃዻߒߡ߹ߖࠎ) ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒‒‒ ‒ ‒‒ ႐ၒ⸳ߩࡑࡦࡎ࡞ޔ㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊޔࡉ࡞ࡃޔ㋕╭ࠦࡦࠢ࠻ߥߤ᭽ߥޘ㊄ዻ‛ ࠍត⍮ߒ߹ߔޕ ᙌԼˁಮᾉᴾ ᴾ ᧈↄ‒ ‒ ≝‒ ‒ ‒ ≝‒ ᩓเ‒ ‒ ≝‒ દ˺‒ ‒ ≝‒ ⇙⇳⇕⇥≝‒ ࢟ཞ‒ ‒ ≝‒ ขࡇ‒ ‒ ≝‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ᛦૢӧᏡ‒ இ ‒‡ ‒ ⁕ ‥‣ ٻӓኛ …‒⁕ ‒ ‚ኵᇌࡸ‛‒ ‣†‣⁝⁙‒ ≜⊙ᩓ൷‒ ≔̾‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ≋இᢘவˑɦ↚↕ኖ≕≓᧓≌‒ ⁘⁛⁗‒⁛⁙‒ ↗‒ ⁕⁓⁗‒⁛⁙ ↝ ․ ̾↝⇙∙⇮∓∞∑‒ ⇾⇩⇯∁∙⇙⇳⇕⇥‒ ․•†‧⁕ ⇛∞⇧⇾⇩⇯‒ ‒ ‒ ⇬−⇟⇙∞⇽⇝∉⇻⇮‒ ⇟⇺∞⇑∞ϋᔺ இᧈ௹ขࡇ •‒⁕ ˌϋ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ኛԼ⇡⇩⇮≝‒ ‒ ஜ˳≋∓⇩⇯ኵᇌ≌⅚ӕৢᛟଢ∐∞⇻−⇩⇮‒‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ̪ ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ ‒ ャઍℂᐫ㧦 5GDC-/6,CRCP ఇࡸ˟ᅈ (㩆㨺㩔㩨㩃㨺㨾㩛㩍㨲 㩆㩨㨶㩔㩩㩧) ޥ533-0031 ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝 1-3-26 ᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙ 1 ࡆ࡞ 3F TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 www.sebakmt.co.jp sales@sebakmt.co.jp FERROLUX FLM 700 Marker Location ∄∞⇑∞ჷ֥ Benefits: Displays up to 8 types of marker இ≛ٻᆔ↝∄∞⇑∞⇁ᜤК‒ “Wrong-Marker-Alert” recognizing markers of other frequencies Marker 2500 マーカー 2500 ⃯⁉⁙‟‿⁓⁝⁗‟″⁞⁗”↖˂ԗඬ∄∞⇑∞⇁ᛐᜤ Ergonomic design for easy, comfortable big LC-Display handling, ʴ᧓↔ؕ↚ܖⅾਤ←↳ↈⅳᚨᚘ↗෩ᘙᅆဒ᩿ ࡑࠞត⍮ེ(GTTQNWZ(./ߪㅢାࠤࡉ࡞ޔ㔚ജ Description ࠤࡉ࡞ޔࠬࠟޔ᳓ޔਅ᳓▤ߩ㊀ⷐߪ႐ᚲߦၒ⸳ߐࠇࠆ ోߡߩ㕒ᘒ㔚⏛ࡑࠞࠍត⍮ߒ߹ߔޕ The marker locator Ferrolux FLM 700 locates passive electronic markers of all known manufacturers installed in ߎߩⵝ⟎ߩត⍮ේℂߪ᳞ࠆࡑࠞ߆ࠄߩᵄᢙߩ⊒ା significant places of communication and power cables as well as gas, water and sewage pipes. ߣᔕߔࠆၒ⸳ࡑࠞߩࠪࠣ࠽࡞ᔕࠍត⍮ߔࠆߎߣ ߢߔޕ The location principle is the transmission of the desired marker frequency and the reception of the signal answer of 㧿㨑㨎㨍ᐔဳࡑࠞ߿ోޔᣇะࡏ࡞ဳࡑࠞ the located marker. /#4&ࠍࠤࡉ࡞ᢝ⸳ᤨ߿ୃ❲ᤨ㧔ࠤࡉ࡞࠰ࠤ࠶࠻㧕 The Seba Marker 2500 and MAR 100-3D are buried above ߦࠤࡉ࡞ߩߦၒ⸳ߔࠆߎߣߢޔᐕ⚻ㆊᓟߢ߽⏕ޔታ the cable during installation of the cable or during repair (i.e. ߦၒ⸳⟎ߩត⚝߇น⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ cable socket) and can be reliably and exactly located even years later. ߎߩࡑࠠࡦࠣߩᚻᴺߪਥߦశࠤࡉ࡞߿㧼㧱ࠟࠬ▤ޔ ᳓▤ߥߤ⺃ޔዉࠗࡦតᩏࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߪ࿎㔍ߥ㕖㊄ዻ This method of marking is used mainly on non-metallic lines such as optical cables or PE gas or water pipes with which a ▤〝ߦㆡᔕߒ߹ߔࠎࠈߜ߽ޕㅢᏱࠤࡉ࡞ߢߩࡑࠞߩ trace location with inductive line location systems is not ᝪઃޔ࡞ࡉࠤޔ࠻࠶ࠤ࠰࡞ࡉࠤ߫߃ߣߚޔಽጘ possible. But the installation of markers along normal cable 㧔㧮㧷ࠤࡉ࡞㧕࡞ࡉࠤ⼔ޔ⟎ߩࡑࠠࡦࠣߦ߽ routes, for instance to mark cable sockets, cable and points, ലߢߔޕ branches (BK cables) or thermowells, has proven itself. ೞᏡཎࣱ‒ Performance Features Large, high-contrast LCD • ᄢဳࡂࠗࠦࡦ࠻ࠬ࠻ᶧ᥏↹㕙 Displays up to 8 types of marker • ᦨᄢ㧤⒳㘃ߩࡑࠞ␜ Semi-automatic amplification adjustment • ඨ⥄േࠕࡦࡊ⺞ᢛ • ᦨᣂߩࡁࠗ࠭ᓮᯏ⢻ߢㄦㅦ߆ߟᱜ⏕ߥ⟎តᩏ Improved noise suppression for fast and precise locating • ᦨᄢ᷹ቯᷓᐲߪ㨙 Locates markers up to 2.40 m depth • ᷓᐲ୯ߪ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞␜ Digital depth display • 㖸ߦࠃࠆᔕ ᵄ⺞ᢛ Acoustic indication (frequency modulation) • ᢙ୯ߣࡃࠣࡈߢߩ⏛⇇ᒝᐲ␜ Numeric field strength display and bar graph • ੱ㑆Ꮏቇ⊛⸳⸘ߦࠃࠆ◲නᠲߢᬺߩ⽶ᜂࠍシᷫ Ergonomic design for easy, non-fatiguing operation MAR 100-3D ˁಮ‒‒ Technical Data ᵄᢙ㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷䇭㩷㩷㔚ജ⿒ޓޓ169.8 kHz Frequency Energy/EU red/blue 134.0 kHz Energy red 169.8 kHz 䇭㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷ޓޓ㧨欧州>赤㧛㕍134.0 kHz* Telecom orange 101.4 kHz 䇭㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷䇭䇭㩷᳓ޓ㕍145.7 kHz Water blue 145.7 kHz 䇭䇭㩷䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭ਅ᳓✛ޓ121.6 kHz Sewage green 121.6 kHz ㅢାࠝࡦࠫ101.4kHz Gas yellow 83.0 kHz Cable-TV or/black 77.0 kHz ** 䇭㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷ࠟࠬ㤛83.0 kHz Maximal locating depth MAR 100-3D 1.80 m 䇭㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷CATV ࠝࡦࠫ/㤥77.0 kHz * Seba Marker 2500 2.40 m ᦨᄢᷓᐲMAR 100-3D 1.8 m Battery 8 x 1.5 V Mignon LR 6 2500 2.4 m Operating time 12 hours ᷓᐲ⺒ߺขࠅᮡḰ Operating temperature -20 °C … +50 °C ㊀㊂2.3 kg Weight 2300 g ኸᴺ73 x 22.5 x 29.5 cm Dimensions 730 x 225 x 295 mm ᾖᮡḰ Loudspeakers variable volume 㔚ᳰන㧟 (low,ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰ㧤 medium, high) 㔚ᳰኼޓޓޓㅪ⛯⚂12 ᤨ㑆 Enclosure protection IP 54 㔚ᳰᱷ㊂࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢㅪ⛯ Interface RS 232 ࠥࠗࡦࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞᳇ਛࡦࠪࡦࠣ * Frequency not licensed in Europe ** restricted use in Europe ࠬࡇࠞࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ ⺞ᢛน⢻㧔ૐਛ㜞㧕 ᠲ᷷ᐲ{%㨪 + 50ºC ⼔+2 Another highlight is the „Online-Scan-Mode“ which scans ⷙᩰ%'(%% and detects all selected markers one after the other. インターフェース RS232 The feature „Wrong-Marker-Alert“ conducts an inspection of the sought after marker during every depth measurement. ߢࡄ࠶ࡠ࡛ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ㒢ቯ↪ „Wrong“ markers are displayed and an audio warning sounds. ߘߩઁ̌ࠝࡦࠗࡦࠬࠠࡖࡦࡕ࠼ 1PNKPG5ECP/QFG” In addition to the 6 fixed frequencies there are two memory ߢߪߩߡߴߔޔㆬᛯࡑࠞࠍ㗅ߦޘត⍮ߔࠆఝࠇߚᯏ⢻ slots for arbitrary frequencies ranging from 50 kHz … 170 kHz ࠍ⊒ើߒ߹ߔޕ for customer-specific uses. ̍9TQPI/CTMGT#NGTV”ᯏ⢻ߢߪࡑࠞ߇ฦᷓᐲ᷹ቯᓟޔ ̌⺋̍ࡑࠞࠍ␜ߒ⼊ޔ๔㖸ࠍ⊒ߒ߹ߔޕ ⒳㘃ߩᵄᢙߦട߃ޔ㧞ߟߩࡔࡕࠬࡠ࠶࠻߇ࠅ M*\㨪ޓM*ߩછᗧᵄᢙ߆ࠄߩࠞࠬ࠲ࡑࠗ࠭߇น⢻ ߢߔޕ SebaKMT Japanᩣᑼળ␠ TEL ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com ISO 9001:2000 sebaKMT is a registered trademark of the sebaKMT group *ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ Technical data subject to change without notice. LFT_FLM 700_eng_2007_07 SebaȞȸǫȸ MAR 100-3D Seba Marker ಒᙲ SebaࡑࠞMAR 100 3D ߪਅၒ⸳‛ߩࡑࠠࡦࠣߣ⟎តᩏ MAR 100-3D ߦޔᣂߒߊࠃࠅലᨐ⊛ᣇᴺࠍឭ᩺ߒ߹ߔޕ න৻ࠦࠗ࡞ࠍߞߚઁߩࡑࠠࡦࠣⵝ⟎ߣ⇣ߥࠅMAR 100-3D ߪޔ㧟ߩ⋥ห⺞࿁〝㧔orthogonal tuned circuits㧕ࠍޓ ߞߡ߹ߔޕᮡḰߩࡑࠞត⍮ེߦᔕߒߡߎߩ㕒ᘒ࿁〝 Description ߪోᣇะߦဋ╬ߢᒻߩRF⏛⇇ࠍᒻᚑߒ߹ߔ⸵․ߩߎޕขᓧߩ ࡙࠾ࠢߥ⸳⸘߇ઁߩࡑࠠࡦࠣⵝ⟎ࠃࠅఝࠇߚᬺᕈࠍታ The Seba Marker MAR 100-3D provides a new and better way to mark and locate underground facilities. Unlike other marking ߒ߹ߒߚޕ devices with a single coil, the MAR 100-3D contains three tuned circuits. When excited by a standard marker இขorthogonal ኖ1.8 m ↭↖ჷ⅚ locator, these passive circuits produce a uniform, spherical RF field MAR in 100-3Dߪ৻⥸ߩ4ࠗࡦ࠴ࡏ࡞ࡑࠞߣᲧセߔࠆߣ⚂25㧑 every direction. Because of this unique patented design, the ⏛⇇ၞ߇ᐢၞߣߥߞߡ߹ߔޕᐕ⚻ㆊᓟߩࠃࠅᐢၞߢߩតᩏ Seba Marker MAR 100-3D offers benefits that are superior to any ߢ߽⏛⇇ၞ߇ᐢߎߣߣࠪࠣ࠽࡞ᦨᄢ୯ߩ߶߷⌀ਅߦࡑࠞ other electronic marking system. ߇ၒ߹ߞߡࠆߎߣߢត⍮ࠍኈᤃߦߒ߹ߔޕᐢ▸࿐ߥ⏛⇇ၞߩ Easily located up to 1.8 m (six feet) down ․㐳ߦࠃߞߡࠃࠅㄦㅦߢ♖⏕ߥࡑࠞߩ⟎តᩏࠍน⢻ߦޓ The Seba Marker MAR 100-3D provides 25% greater range than 4 ߒ߹ߒߚޕ inch ball markers. It produces a wider field that is easy to find years later, with a signal peak directly above the marker for precise ∄∞⇑∞؈ᚨ↝⇟⇮−⇟↙ↆ location within inches. This wider field and better range means MAR faster 100-3Dߪᐢၞߢᒻ⏛⇇ࠍᒻᚑߒ߹ߔߩߢ⟎⸳ࠞࡑޔ and more reliable locates even with grade changes. ᤨߤߩะ߈ߦࡑࠞࠍ⟎ߡ߽㗴ߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕᐔဳߩޓ No need to stay level when buried 㔚᳇ࡑࠞߩࠃ߁ߦࡑࠞࠍ᳓ᐔߦ⸳⟎ߔࠆᔅⷐߪߥߩ ߢߔޕ Because it produces a spherical field, the Seba Marker MAR 100-3D does not require any particular orientation when buried. As a result, there's no need for the Seba Marker to be level in the ܤμࣱ ground like flat-style electronic markers. Seba ࡑࠞߪ㗎ਂ⸳⸘ߢ߆ߟᶋㆆ߹ߚߪ⒖േㇱຠߥߤߥߊޔ ෂ㒾ߥ⮎߽৻ಾߞߡ߹ߖࠎߩߎޕὑޓࠍ࠲࠺⾰᧚ޔ Lightweight, with no hazardous chemicals ឭߔࠆᔅⷐߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ The Seba Marker contains no floating or moving parts or hazardous chemicals. This eliminates the need for material safety 㕒ᘒߢ㜞ା㗬ᕈߩࠆ⸳⸘ߩὑޔᔃ㈩ߥߊᔃߒߡ㐳ᦼ㑆ޓ data sheets. Plus, the Seba Marker 's durable, lightweight design keeps your shipping and storage costs low while giving you years ߏ↪ߚߛߌ߹ߔޕ of reliable service. Sebaࡑࠞߪ㔚ᳰ߿⢻േㇱຠߪߞߡ߹ߖࠎߩߢޓޔ ၒ⸳‛ߣหߓߩ㐳ᦼ㑆ߦᷰߞߡࡑࠞࠍ↪ߢ߈߹ߔޕ Passive, high reliability design assures many years of service The Seba Marker contains no batteries or active components, and the high reliability design means these markers will last as long as your buried utility. For locating the ࡑࠞMAR 100-3D ࠍ Seba Marker MAR 100-3D SebaKMTࠣ࡞ࡊߩࡑࠞត⍮ེߣ the Seba Marker Locator FLM 700 ૬↪ߔࠆߣఝࠇߚᯏ⢻ࠍᵴ↪ߢ߈߹ߔ provides many useful features. ˁಮ ኸᴺ ޓޓޓޓޓޓ13.8cm ㊀㊂ ޓޓޓޓޓޓ172g Technical Data ⩄න ޓޓ ޓޓ18 Size 13.8 cm តᩏ▸࿐(⋥ᓘ㧕 1.4m ᦨᄢᷓᐲ ޓޓ1.8m Weight 0.172 kg ⏛႐ Shipping Weight ޓޓᒻ 3.5 kg per carton of 18 units ᠲ᷷ᐲ▸࿐ ޓޓ㧙 ޓ㧗50͠ 30͠ޓ㨪 Range 1.5 meters ⠴↪ᐕᢙ ޓޓ50ᐕ Field Type Spherical Package ᧚⾰ ޓޓ ޓޓޓޓ㜞ኒᐲࡐࠛ࠴ࡦ Material High-density polyethylene ోߡߩၒ⸳‛↪ߦଏ⛎น⢻ Available for all standard utilities Seba␠ࡑࠞMAR The Seba Marker MAR 100-3Dߪฦ⒳ᵄᢙߢฦᬺ⇇↪ 100-3D is available with different ߦ⦡ಽߌߐࠇߡ߹ߔޕ frequencies and different industry standard colours for all utility applications. ಅမ ⅙⅙⅙⅙⅙⅙ ᑥ ԗඬૠ Application Color Frequency Power Europe/ Asia Red/Blue 134.0 kHz CATV ࠝࡦࠫ/㤥 77 kHz Cable TV * Orange/Black 77.0 kHz ࠟࠬ 㤛 ޓޓޓޓ83 kHz Gas Yellow 83.0 kHz ㅢା ࠝࡦࠫ 101.4 kHz Telephone Orange 101.4 kHz ਅ᳓ ✛ 121.6 kHz Sanitary Green 121.6 kHz ᳓ 㕍 145.7 kHz Water Blue ⿒ 145.7 kHzkHz 㔚ജࠕࡔࠞ 169.8 Power Amerikas * Red赤 /㕍 169.8 kHzkHz 㔚ജ࡛ࡠ࠶ࡄ/ࠕࠫࠕ 134.0 ⅹբⅳӳ↾↊έ * these frequencies not for Europe SebaKMT Japanఇࡸ˟ᅈ ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26 ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3Fޓ ޓޓޓޓޓTEL 06-6324-5788ޓFAX 06-6324-5789 Emailఒ sales@sebakmt.co.jp URL ఒ http://www.sebakmt.co.jp ᭽߅ࠃ߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ PE_MAR100-3D_eng_2004_40.doc DIN ISO 9001 SebaKMT * Dr.-Herbert-Jann-Str. 6 * 96148 Baunach/Germany * Tel. +49 (0)9544 – 68 0 * Fax +49 (0)9544 – 2273 sales@sebakmt.com * www.sebakmt.com Subject to changes without notice SEBAȞȸǫȸ Marker 2500 Seba Application: ಒᙲ The MARKER 2500 is an electrically passive marker ࡑࠞ2500ߪ㔚᳇⊛㕒ᘒࡑࠞߢਅၒ⸳‛․ቯ⟎ and serves for marking of significant points in underࡑࠢ↪ߦ↪ߒ߹ߔ࡞ࡉࠤߪࠞࡑޕᢝ⸳ᤨ߿ୃ❲ ground systems. The markers are buried over the line ᤨ㧔߃߫ࠤࡉ࡞ធ⛯㧕ߦၒ⸳ߒޔᐕ⚻ㆊᓟߢ߽⏕ታ during the laying of the line or during a repair (e.g. caߦࡇࡦࡐࠗࡦ࠻ߢតᩏߢ߈ࠆࡑࠞߢߔޕ ble joint) and can be reliably pinpoint located even after ߎߩࡑࠠࡦࠣࡕ࠼ߪᓥ᧪ߩᣇᴺߢߪ⟎តᩏߩ࿎㔍ߥ many years. 㕖㊄ዻࠗࡦ߫߃ޔశࠤࡉ࡞ࠗࡄࠬࠟࠢ࠶࠴ࠬࡊޔ This mode of marking is mainly applied for nonࡊ߿᳓▤ߦ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ metallic lines, e.g. fiber optic cables or plastic gas or ࠤࡉ࡞ㇱߩㇱ࡞ࠗࠦޔࠢࡑ↪࠻ࡦ࡚ࠗࠫ߫߃ޔ water pipes which cannot be traced with conventional ࡏ࠶ࠢࠬޔ࠻࠶ࠫࡦࠦޔዉ▤ߩࡑࠢߣߒߡ߽లಽᵴ↪ޓ methods. Even over cable sections, the burying of markers (e.g. for marking of joints, coil boxes or con᧪߹ߔޕ duits) has proved successful. ⋥ᓘ225mmߣߞߚࡑࠞߩ᭴ㅧ߆ࠄߩὐߣߒߡޔ By virtue of its construction (225 mm diameter), the ࡑࠞ2500߆ࠄߩାภߪᓥ᧪ߩࡑࠞࠃࠅᒝߊޓ signal reflected by the MARKER 2500 is stronger than ᷓᐲߪ2.3m߹ߢត⍮ߢ߈߹ߔ(ޕSebaࡑࠞត⍮ེ that of conventional markers, enabling a reliable locaFLM700ࠪ࠭↪) tion up to a depth of 2.30 m (using the Seba Marker Locator FLM 700). ࡑࠞߩᄖⵝߪ㗎ਂߥࡊࠬ࠴࠶ࠢߢ⠴↪ᐕᢙߪޓޓ The markers are housed in a robust and rugged plastic ᦨૐ50ᐕࠅ߹ߔޕ enclosure with a life expectancy of at least 50 years. ࡊࠬ࠴࠶ࠢࡄࠗࡊߦ߅ߌࠆߩࡑࠠࡦࠣߢߪޓޓޔ For the marking of plastic pipes, the use of markers has ࡑࠠࡦࠣ࠹ࡊᴺࠃࠅߎߩࡑࠞᴺ߇ఝࠇߡࠆߣޓ several advantages over a marking tape. The metallic ߃߹ߔޕ conductor of a marking tape often gets interrupted ߹ߚ㊄ዻዉߢߩࡑࠠࡦࠣ࠹ࡊߢ߽ᯏ᪾⊛ᓇ㗀ߦࠃࠆ through mechanical influence which means that the ᐓᷤ߆ࠄࡄࠗࡊߩតᩏ߇᧪ߥࠤࠬ߇ߒ߫ߒ߫⊒↢ޓ pipe cannot be located anymore. The high life expecߒߡ߹ߔޕ tancy of the markers ensures a reliable location and a ࡑࠞߩ⠴↪ᐕᢙ߇㐳ὑޔ㐳ᐕᓟߩជᎿߢ߽ޓޔ minimal danger of damage to a pipe during excavation ♖⏕ߥ⟎តᩏ߇ߢ߈ࠍ㒐߉߹ߔޕ works, even after many years. ˁಮ Technical Data: ᵄᢙޓޓ ޓޓ⦡ޓޓޓޓᵄᢙ Search frequency: ㅢା ࠝࡦࠫޓޓޓ101.4 kHz Power Networks 169,8 kHz 㔚ജޓޓޓޓ⿒ޓޓޓޓޓ169.8 kHz (࡛ࡠ࠶ࡄએᄖ) Telecommunication Networks 101,4 ᳓ޓޓޓޓޓ㕍ޓޓޓޓ145.7 kHz kHz ਅ᳓ޓޓޓޓ✛ޓޓޓޓޓ121.6 kHz kHz Water Networks 145,7 ࠟࠬޓޓޓޓޓ㤛 ޓޓޓޓ83.0 kHz Sewage Networks 121,6 kHz Gas Networks 83,0 kHz ត⍮⟎⋥ᓘ:ޓ2.5 m ᦨᄢᷓᐲޓޓ:ޓ2.3 m Diameter of the location area 2.5 m ⠴ޓޓޓޓ:ᦨޓዊ. 40 kPa ᷷ᐲ▸࿐ :ޓ-30͠ 㨪 +50͠ Maximum depth 2.3 m ኼ ᐕ :ޓ50 Pressure resistance min. 40 kPa ኸᴺ (ᓘ x H):ޓ225 x 30 mm Temperature range -30° to +50°C Life expectancy min. 50 years Dimensions (∅ x height) 25 x 30 mm ⅹբⅳӳ↾↊έ SebaKMT Japanఇࡸ˟ᅈ ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26 ᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3Fޓ TEL 06-6324-5788ޓFAX 06-6324-5789 Emailఒ sales@sebakmt.co.jp URL ఒ http://www.sebakmt.co.jp ᭽߅ࠃ߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ PE_L_Marker 2500_eng.doc DIN ISO 9001 SebaKMT Vertrieb Ɣ Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 Ɣ 96148 Baunach/Germany Tel. +49-(0) 9544 – 68 – 0 Ɣ Fax +49 – (0) 9544 – 2273 Ɣ E-mail: sales@sebakmt.com Ɣ Internet: www.sebakmt.com Subject to changes without notice Technische Änderungen vorbehalten 埋設物探知器 非金属パイプ探査 ・ 器 ・ 非 非金 金属 属パ パイ イプ プ探 探査 査器 受 受信 信装 装置 置 パ パル ルス ス音 音受 受信 信器 器 パ パル ルス ス音 音受 受信 信器 器 発 発信 信装 装置 置 パ パル ルス ス音 音発 発生 生器 器 パ パル ルス ス波 波発 発信 信器 器 ( (受 受信 信装 装置 置と と発 発信 信装 装置 置を を組 組み み合 合わ わせ せて て探 探査 査し しま ます す) ) HHLL1100 HHLL55000000 RRSSPP33 PPWWGG22000000 z 上記装置のほか、鉄管・ケーブル探知器とアクセサリーケーブル装置 GOK を併用使用にて 探査を行います。 SebaKMT Japan 株式会社 www.sebakmt.co.jp / www.sebakmt.com Hydrolux HL 10 ẅẅἡỶἛἿἽἁἋᴾᴾ Device for acoustic water leak location ⅙᪦Ꭾࡸ൦ჷ֥ Benefits: Excellent sound properties ⅙ⅆ‒‒Ο↻᪦ឋ Three filter settings ⅙ⅆ‒‒≖ᆔ↝⇻⇉∑⇥∞ᚨܭ Simple, one-handed operation ⅙ⅆ‒‒༾દ˺↝ቇҥ↙ӕৢ Mute switch / Measured data memory ⅙ⅆ‒‒‣•െ᨞↝‾‷‶ᘙᅆ‒ 10-level indicator ಒဦ SebaKMT Hydrolux (ࡂࠗ࠼ࡠ࡞ࠢࠬ) HL10ߪޓޔ ᳓▤ߩṳ᳓ࠍតᩏߔࠆዊဳߢ◲නߥᚻᜬߜဳޓޓ ⵝ⟎ߢߔޕఝࠇߚ㖸⾰ߩߚޔᓸዊߥṳ᳓ߢ߽ޓޓ Function description ⏕ታߦត⍮ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ The Hydrolux HL10 from SebaKMT is a small, easy-to-oper㧟⒳㘃ߩࡈࠖ࡞࠲࠶࠻ᯏ⢻ߢฦ႐ߦኻᔕߒޔ ate, handheld device for locating leaks in water pipes. Its ߐࠄߦޔⅣႺࡁࠗ࠭߆ࠄߩᐓᷤࠍᓮߔࠆߎߣ߇ޓ outstanding acoustic properties enable it to reliably locate น⢻ߢߔޕ Technical data ˁಮ ᴾHLE 10 ᾗᾛᾔᾀᵆஜ˳ὸ Display LED indicator ␜LED␜⸘ Resolution Levels 0 … 10 ṳ᳓ࡌ࡞␜ޓ࡞ࡌޓ0ޓ㨪 ޓ10 Measured data memory Last level ᷹ቯ࠺࠲ࡔࡕ೨࿁ᦨ⚳ࡔࡕࡌ࡞*ޓ1 Filter settings 3 predefined filters ࡈࠖ࡞࠲⸳ቯޓ㧟⒳㘃ޓ೨⸳ቯⷐ (0 … 540 Hz, 0 … 4.000 Hz, 㧔0 㨪 540 Hz, 0 㨪 4,000Hz, 540 㨪 4,000Hz㧕 540 … 4.000 Hz) 㖸㊂นᄌဳ Volume control Continuously variable ࠗ࠻ౝ⬿㧸㧱㧰ࡦࡊ Light LED light, integrated 㔚ᳰ1.5V න㧟ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰ㧞 Battery 2 x 1.5 V (AA) ᠲᤨ㑆⚂50ᤨ㑆 ᷷ᐲ㧙20ޓ㨪 ޓ50 +70͠ Operating time approx. hours ኸᴺ90 X185X60mm Temperature range -20 °C … +70 °C ㊀㊂400㨓 Dimensions (W x H x D) 90 x 185 x 60 mm ⷙᩰIP54 Weight 400 g ធ⛯┵ሶࡑࠗࠢ ࡦࡎ࠼࠶ࡋޔ3.5㨙㨙 even tiny leaks. The three filter settings allow the equipment to be perfectly adjusted to the individual task and interfering 㧸㧱㧰␜⸘ߢⷞⷡ⊛ߦṳ᳓⺞ᩏᬺࠍࠕࠪࠬ࠻ޔ background noisecould be suppressed. ᚻߢߩᠲࠍน⢻ߦߒߚࠦࡦࡄࠢ࠻ࠨࠗ࠭ߪޓޓ The visual LED indicator assists the leak location procedure 㐳ᤨ㑆ᬺᤨߩ⽶ᜂシᷫߦᓎ┙ߟⵝ⟎ߣߥߞߡޓޓ and simple, one-handed operation enables long assign-ments ߹ߔޕ to be carried out tirelessly. The current measured value is ᷹ቯ୯ߪࡒࡘ࠻ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ߢሽߒ߹ߔޕ stored with the mute switch. ฦṳ᳓႐߳ߩᦨㆡߥ⸳ቯߪࡏࡘࡓߣᗵᐲ The best settings for the particular leak situation can be selected using the volume and sensitivity control. Nightwork is ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ߢ⺞ᢛߢ߈߹ߔޕ facilitated by the integrated LED light. 㧸㧱㧰ࠗ࠻ὐἮߢᄛ㑆ᬺോߢ߽ห᭽ߥ⺞ᩏ߇ޓޓ น⢻ߢߔޕ Product range แ⇡⇩⇮ Hydrolux HLE 10 ᧄޓHLE10 PAM B-2 microphone PAM ࡑࠗࠢࡠࡎࡦޓ KR 30 B-2 headphones PAM 3-point foot KR30U-D ࡋ࠶࠼ࡎࡦ Sensor rod ピックアップ PAM U-D Magnet ࡦࠨࡠ࠶࠼ޓ VST T-2 extension rods ⏛⍹10 transport case HLK VST R-2 ᑧ㐳ࡠ࠶࠼ ࠠࡖࠤࠬ SebaKMT · Dr.-Herbert-Iann-Str. 6 · 96148 Baunach/Germany · Tel. +49(0) 95 44 - 6 80 Fax +49(0) 95 44 - 22 73 · sales@sebakmt.com · www.sebakmt.com Protection class IP 54 ᾟᾐᾜᾑὼᾁᵆἰỶἁἿἧỻὅὸ Connections Microphone, headphones (3.5 mm) ធ⛯┵ሶࡇ࠶ࠢࠕ࠶ࡊ↪8㨙㨙ࡀࠫޔ PAM B-2 ࡦࠨࡠ࠶࠼⏛ޔ⍹ Connection 8 mm thread for 3-point foot, ⷙᩰIP67 sensor rod, magnet ㊀㊂450㨓 Protection class IP 67 ኸᴺ103ޓxޓ47mm Weight 450 g Dimensions 103 x 47 mm ⇐⇽⇝∍∙⅙ 手元スイッチ Options AD S-24, AD S-42 hydrant adapters ޓ ᵱᶃᶀᵿᵩᵫᵲᴾᵨᵿᶎᵿᶌఇࡸ˟ᅈẅẅ 〒533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝‣‟‥‟․ ‒䇭㩷 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭ᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙㪈䊎䊦㪊㪝ޓ TEL㩷㪇㪍㪄㪍㪊㪉㪋㪄㪌㪎㪏㪏㩷FAX㩷㪇㪍㪄㪍㪊㪉㪋㪄㪌㪎㪏㪐䇭㩷 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp URL www.sebakmt.co.jp ᭽߅ࠃ߮ᄖⷰߪᡷༀߩߚ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ ISO 9001:2000 sebaKMT is a registered trademark of the sebaKMT group All the benefits at a glance ཎࣱ leak location due to good, acoustic properties Reliable ఝࠇߚ㖸⾰ߦࠃࠅା㗬ᕈ㜞ṳ᳓⺞ᩏ 3 fi lter settings for suppress extraneous noise ࡁࠗ࠭㒰↪㧟⒳㘃ߩࡈࠖ࡞࠲⸳ቯ LED indicator for visual leak detection Volume ⷞⷡߢṳ᳓ࠍ್ᢿߢ߈ࠆ㧸㧱㧰ࡦࡊ control for adjustment to ambient noise Sensitivity ⅣႺࡁࠗ࠭ኻ╷↪ࡏࡘࡓ⺞ᢛ adjustment One-handed ᗵᐲ⺞ᢛ operation switch Mute シ㊂ ᚻߢߩᠲ Measured data memory Rugged ᶖ㖸⸳ቯޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ design Extremely ᷹ቯ࠺࠲↪ࡔࡕޓ easy to use LED light Integrated 㗎ਂߥ⸳⸘ ᣇ߇㕖Ᏹߦ◲න Technical data subject to change without notice. LFT_HL 10_eng_2008_16 ỴἅὊἋἘỵἕἁ൦ჷ֥ẅὶẅἩἻἋἓἕἁἣỶἩဇἻỶὅ௹֥ ẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅẅḤẅẅἩἻἋἓἕἁἣỶἩဇἻỶὅ௹ἴὊἛỂỊἣἽἋႆဃ֥ᵰᵱᵮộẺỊᵮᵵᵥử́ဇẲộẴ ᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾ ൦⇁ᙻᙾ↗Ꭾᙾ↖Йૺ⅛‒ ∝‒‒‶⁅″⇬⇕⇴∓⇞∞↖‡ܱ͌↝̾இ⇁͌ݱӷᘙᅆ ↙ↄݱ൦᪦↱ᙸᡜↄ↙ⅳΟ↻᪦ឋ ⇷∑⇟ႆဃ֥⁄⁅⁂‥↳⁂⁉‹↗↝́ဇ↚↷↺⇽∏⇟⇧⇩⇕⇷⇊⇽ဇ∏⇊∙௹∈∞⇯ ⇻⇉∑⇥∞ԗඬૠᚐௌ↖൦ᜤКᏡщⅻӼɥ * DSA࠹ࠢࡁࡠࠫ࠻ࡦࡔࠣ࡞ࠕࡘ࠺ޓಽᨆ(Dual segment analysis) ≫≯≘≓≓≓ˁಮ ›‾‧•••‒‚⁂⁄⁁‛⇝⇟⇬∆ನԼ 0-70Hz, 106 Hz, 160 Hz, 240 Hz, 360 Hz, *ޓ. 㔚ᳰౝ⬿ 540 Hz, 800 Hz, 1200 Hz, 1800 Hz-4000Hz ࡦࡎ࠼࠶ࡋޓޓ ࡃࡦ࠼ 0 Hz - 4000 Hz ޓ2#/9㔚ဳࠣࡦ࠼ࡑࠗࠢࡠࡈࠜࡦ ␜ ޓ LCDޓ130mm x 36mm ࡃ࠶ࠢࠗ࠻ઃ ޓޓ2#/9↪ࠕ࠳ࡊ࠲ 㧟ὐࡇ࠶ࠢࠕ࠶ࡊ㧕 ࡅࠬ࠻ࠣࡓ/ࡔࡕ 9 DSA୯ࠍหᤨ␜ 2#/7࡙࠾ࡃࠨ࡞ࡑࠗࠢࡠࡈࠜࡦ ࡁࠗ࠭ࡌ࡞ࡠࠣ ޓSee and 3 - 10 - 30ಽ hear leaks with DSA technology ޓޓ2#/7↪ࠕ࠳ࡊ࠲ 㧟ὐࡇ࠶ࠢࠕ࠶ࡊ㧕 㔚ᳰ:ޓޓޓ න3ࠕ࡞ࠞ㔚ᳰ ޓ8 ធ⛯ࠦ࠼ޓ㧔2#/ -*.㧕 㔚ᳰኼ ޓޓޓ Highᦨᄢ⚂35 audioᤨ㑆 quality ࠬࠤࠣࡦࡖࠠޓ ᠲ᷷ᐲ ޓޓޓޓޓ 㧙10 㨪 + 50͠ ⇐⇽⇝∍∙⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞ ޓޓޓⅣႺࡁࠗ࠭⼔ࡋ࠶࠼ࡎࡦޓ-/ ▤᷷ᐲ 㧙10 㨪 + 70͠ Non-tiring work ޓޓޓᑧ㐳ࡦࠨࡠ࠶࠼ ኸᴺ: ޓޓ215 x 95 x 110mm ޓ࠲ࡊ࠳ࠕࡉ࡞ࡃޓޓޓOO ㊀㊂ 1.2kg 㧔㔚ᳰ㧕 Line location mode ⷙᩰޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓIP54 Improved leak identification with ⸥ኸᴺ㊀㊂ߪ*.ᧄߩߺߢߔޕ ޓfrequency analysis ޓෳ⠨ࡑࠗࠢࡠࡈࠜࡦ㊀㊂ PAM W-2 : 3.5kg PAM U: 0.5kg ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ SebaKMT Japanᩣᑼળ␠ TEL ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp 4GX ⇷⇊⇽∀⇩⇑∞ RSP 3 ⇈⇙∞⇟⇬⇉⇩⇕ሥែᛦ௹≋⇛⇌∙⇯⇷∑⇟ႆဃ֥≌ ⅐⅙᩼ޓሥែᛦ௹ ⅐⅙Ӳᆔ⇷⇊⇽ࢲ↚ࣖݣ ⅐⅙ᩓൢฏ⇁Ӗↀ↙ⅳ ⅐⅙ӧ∞∄∙⇵↝٭ԗඬૠ↖இ↝ٻјௐ⇁ӕࢽ ‒ ⅐⅙ϋᔺΪᩓ൷᠍↖ᧈ᧓˺ಅ⇁ܱྵ‒ ‒ ⅐⅙ྵ˺ئಅ↚ᢘↆ᪴ɣ↙ᚨᚘ‒ ‒ ‒ 䉝䉴䊔䉴䊃䉶䊜䊮䊃䇮㪧㪜䇮㪧㪭㪚᧚⾰䈭䈬䈱㕖㊄ዻ᳓ ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ ▤䈱តᩏ䈫⟎䈱․ቯ䈮䈲䊌䊦䉴㖸ᛛⴚ䈏䉒 ‒ ‒ 䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯䉰䉡䊮䊄䊌䊦䉴⊒↢ེ䋨ᛂ㖸⊒↢ེ䋩䈲 ▤䈮㖸㗀ᝄേ䉕ㅍା䇮▤䈱᧚⾰䇮⋥ᓘ䇮⾰⁁ᴫ 䈮ᔕ䈛䈢વ䉕␜䈜䈖䈱䉰䉡䊮䊄䊌䊦䉴䉕䇮ᝄേ㩷 ត⍮↪ฃାེ䈪䈎䉌ᝒ䈋䇮▤〝䈱តᩏ䉕ⴕ䈇 䉁䈜䇯䇭㩷 ˁಮ ࡄ࡞ࠬ₸ 3 ࡄ࡞ࠬ ⅙“⅙㔚ᳰᱷ㊂ૐਅᤨ⅙․ࡄ࡞ࠬ ▸࿐ 1 40 ࿁/ ಽ ▸࿐ 2 60 ࿁ / ಽ ▸࿐ 3 80 ࿁/ ಽ ▸࿐ 4 120࿁/ ಽ ᒝᐲ 25 - 50 - 100 % 䈖䈱ᣇᴺ䈪▤〝䈲⏕䈮್ቯ䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯តᩏ▸࿐ 䈲䇮ᷓᐲ䊶⾰䊶䊌䉟䊒䈱᧚⾰䈭䈬䈱ⷐ࿃䈮䉋䉍ᄌേ 䈚䉁䈜䇯䈖䈱㖸䈮䉋䉎䉝䉮䊷䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪តᩏᣇᴺ䈲䇭 ㊄ዻ▤䈮䉅䈉䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯䉺䉟䊃䊮䉴䊥䊷䊑䉇䇭 㔚᳇ᐓᷤ䈮䉋䈦䈩᷹ቯ䈏ਇน⢻䈭႐䈪䈲․䈮䇭 ല䈭ᣇᴺ䈪䈜䇯 ㊄ዻ▤䈱តᩏ〒㔌䈲㕖㊄ዻ▤䈮Ყ䈼䉎䈫ዋ䈚㐳䈒 䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯䇭㩷㩷 㔚Ḯ㧻㧺 ✛⦡ LED ὐἮ ࡄ࡞ࠬ ⿒⦡ LED ὐἮ 㔚ᳰᱷ㊂࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢ ✛⦡ࡦࡊὐṌ ߮ࡄ࡞ࠬ₸ᄌᦝ ల㔚ᳰ ࠾࠶ࠞ࠼ల㔚ᳰ⅙ 12 V 2.8 Ah ᠲᤨ㑆 16ᤨ㑆એౝ ฃାⵝ⟎䈱ㆬᛯ䇭㩷 䌈䌌㪈㪇㪆㪌㪇㪇㪆㪌㪇㪇㪇ṳ᳓ត⍮ེ䈫䉝䉪䉶䉰䊥䊷䈱㩷 㪧㪘㪤㩷㪙㪄㪉䉁䈢䈲㪧㪘㪤㩷㪮㪄㪉䊙䉟䉪䊨䊐䉤䊮䈲䇮䉰䉡䊮䊄 䊌䊦䉴⊒↢ེ㪩㪪㪧㪊䈎䉌䈱䊌䊦䉴㖸䉕ฃା䈜䉎䈱䈮 ㆡ䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯⨲䉇ᨵエ䈭ფ䈪䈲䇮Ꮕㄟဳ䉸䉟 䊦䊒䊤䉫䉕䈉䈫น⡬⚿ᨐ䈏䉝䉾䊒䈚䉁䈜䇯㩷㩷 㪁䇭㪩㪪㪧㪊䈲㪟㪣䉲䊥䊷䉵ṳ᳓ត⍮ེ䈫૬↪䈚䉁䈜䇯㩷㩷㩷 ࠴ࠚࠗࡦ㐳 580 mm ኸᴺ IG 3 190 x 95 x 65 mm 䉦䉾䊒䊥䊮䉫䊌䊦䉴㩷 䉰䉡䊮䊄䊌䊦䉴⊒↢ེ䌒䌓䌐㪊䈱⎬⾰䉼䉢䉟䊮䉕ኻ⽎ 䈱䊌䉟䊒䈮ㅪ⚿䈚䉁䈜䇯䊒䊤䉴䉼䉾䉪▤䈱႐ว䇮䈖䈱 ⴣ᠄ᣇᑼ䈎䉌▤䈱៊்䉕࿁ㆱ䈜䉎䈢䉄䈮ᒢᕈ䈱䇭 ⼔ౕ䈱↪䉕ផᅑ䈚䉁䈜䇯㩷㔚ᳰᱷ㊂䈏ዋ䈭䈒䈭䉎 䈫䊌䊦䉴₸䈏ૐਅ䈚䉁䈜䇯䈖䉏䈮䉋䉍㔚ᳰᱷ㊂ૐਅ 䉕⼂䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 ల㔚ᤨ㑆 2ᤨ㑆⅙⅙⅙⅙“⅙․․•⁈̅ဇ ᠲ᷷ᐲ -10 °C ⊡‒+50 °C ㊀㊂ IG 3 2.6 kg ኸᴺ RSP 3 250 x 115 x 160 mm ㊀㊂ RSP 3 2.1 kg แ⇡⇩⇮ ` RSP3 ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞࡙࠾࠶࠻ޓల㔚ᳰઃ߈ ` IG3⅙‒࠴ࠚࠗࡦઃ߈ࡄ࡞ࠬ⊒↢ེ ` ࠴ࡖࠫࡖ ` ขᛒ⺑ᦠ ⇐⇽⇝∍∙⇈⇕⇡⇛∐∞ ` ࡃ࠶ࠣ ` Ꮕㄟဳ࠰ࠗ࡞ࡊࠣ SebaKMT Japanᩣᑼળ␠ ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26ޓᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3F TEL 06-6324-5788 FAX 06-6324-5789 E-mail:sales@sebakmt.co.jp www.sebakmt.co.jp LFT_RSP3_eng_2006_33.doc *ޓ᭽߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ PWG 2000 㕖㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊ⟎តᩏ↪ࡄ࡞ࠬᵄ⊒ାེ ᩼⇽⇊⇷ޓˮፗ௹ဇ⇷∑⇟ඬႆ̮֥ ‒ ཎࣉ‒‒ ․ᓽRR PVCŴPEŴACŴᥚᤧŴᥟሥƳƲƋǒǏǔȑǤȗƴᢘࣖ Applicable ᩓщDZȸȖȫƔǒƷฏǛӖƚƳƍ ` for all pipe materials PE, AC, Cast Iron, PVC, இᧈុᩉƸኖ 600 m Steel.... ኖ12᧓Ʒᡲዓᆙ ` No interference with electric cables ቇҥƳᚨܭ ` Distances up to 600 m இٻขࡇƸኖ 2 m ` Long operation time Description The PWG location finder system consists of a receiver ಒᙲ (Hydrolux 500/5000) and an electronic pulse generator ˁಮ ⇷∑⇟ඬႆ̮֥ unit named PWG to be bolted to a hydrant or a mains hose. This system enables the operator to easily locate ⁂⁉‹↚↷↺ˮፗ௹⇝⇟⇬∆↖↞ዅ൦ఀ↳̓ዅሥ↝‒ non-metal water pipes in a depth of up to 2 m. No addi∁∞⇟↚ӕ↹˄ↀ↺ᩓൢ⇷∑⇟ႆ̮֥≳≺≪․•••↗‒ tional expensive, sophisticated equipment is necessary, Ӗ̮֥›⁖⁞‒›‾⇝∐∞⇠⇁́ဇↆ↭ↈ⅛‒ and the particular pipe section does not have to be put out ↂ↝⇝⇟⇬∆↖↞இขኖ․⊐↝؈ᚨ᩼ޓɥ൦ሥ↝௹‒ of service for the checking process. ⅻӧᏡ↖ↈ⅛ᙐᩃ↙ᡙьᘺፗ↞ɧᙲ↖ↈ⅛↚௹ɶ⅚‒ In order to achieve good measurement results, the pipe ཎܭғ᧓↝ዅ൦⇁ഥ↰↺࣏ᙲ↱ⅱ↹↭↊⇂⅛ pressure should not be below 2 bar. The PWG system itself is very easy to operate and does not require any இ᭗↝ยܭኽௐ⇁ࢽ↺↚↞൦⇁ןஇ˯․⇶∞ˌɥ↚ਤዓ⅙⅙ prior excessive training. It perfectly well meets the requirements of utilities in towns and communities with ↆ↕ⅾↄⅳ⅛⁂⁉‹⇝⇟⇬∆ᐯ˳↝દ˺↞ቇҥ↖ʙЭ↝⅙ drinking-water networks consisting of metal and nonmetal ጀ↞࣏ᙲⅱ↹↭↊⇂⅛ޓሥ↳᩼ޓሥ↝ɥ൦ሥዡⅻ⅙ pipes. ؈ᚨↄ↻↕ⅳ↺ࠊᘑ↳עᢸ↝ٳ↚ؾஇᢘ↙⇝⇟⇬∆⅙⅙ ↖ↈ⅛ The vibrations generated by the PWG have an optimum propagation performance in an even soil structure and ⁂⁉‹↖ဃↄ↻ਰѣ↞⅚↳ٓםᑄᘺɥ↖↱இᢘ↙ˡછ⅙ surface. Ranges of between 50 m and 600 m can be Ꮱщ⇁ႆੱↆ↭ↈ⅛ˡછុᩉ↞இ᭗↝வˑɦ↖⅚‧•⊐ⅺ↸ achieved under good conditions. The PWG systems is இᧈኖ ••⊐⅛≳≺≪⇝⇟⇬∆↞ᣐሥዡ↝ᚨᚘ⅚⅚ܦ also helpful when pipe network plans have to be designed, ࢸ↚↱ࢫᇌ←↭ↈ⅛ↂ↝௹⇝⇟⇬∆↞ࠊᘑ↳עᢸ↱↖ٳ controlled or completed. The location finder system can be applied within and outside urbanized areas and quickly ̅ဇ↖ⅼ⅚ɧଢሥែ⇁ჺ᧓↖ദᄩ↚௹ↆ↭ↈ⅛‒‒ and reliably locates unknown pipe routes. 㔚Ḯޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓౝ⬿㔚ᳰ 12 ᤨ㑆 ᠲᤨ㑆ޓ ㊀㊂ޓޓ 4,2 kg ᦨૐ᳓ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ2 bars ធ⛯ޓޓޓޓ ࠗࡦ࠴ࠞ࠶ࡊࡦࠣ㧔EO ࡄ࡞ࠬᵄᢙ⚂ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ60ࡄ࡞ࠬಽ Ѽϋܾ `ᧄ㧔ల㔚ᳰౝ⬿ဳ㧕 `ࠤࡉ࡞ `ల㔚ེ *ޓPWG2000ㇱ᧚ߪᦨᄢ᳓8bar߇↪㒢ᐲߢߔޕ ߿ࡊࠗࡄߚ߹ޓ㑐ㅪᯏེߪ⊒↢ࠬ࠻ࡠࠢߦ⠴߃߁ࠆߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕ ›⁖⁞‒›‾‧••↭↞›‾‧•••↖↞⅚᭗ज़ࡇ⇖∏∙⇯∄⇊⇕ The Hydrolux HL 500/5000 ground-microphones (receiver) ‚Ӗ̮֥‛ⅻעໜ↖≋⇷⇊⇽Ⴧɥˮፗⅻஇ≌↺↙↗ٻↂ↝‒ picks up such vibrations – which are strongest directly ਰѣ⇁↗↸ⅷ⅚↝ਰѣࢍࡇ⇁⇾⇩⇯∁∙ⅺ↸↝᪦᪪↗‒ over the pipe – through ground contact and displays the ჷ֥ဒ᩿ɥ↝ඬ࢟ᘙᅆ↝ᙻᙾᎮᙾ↝ɲ᩿↚↕ᘙↆ↭ↈ⅛ vibration intensity both in an analogue and in an acoustic ദᄩ↙ሥ↝ˮፗ↗ሥែ૾Ӽ⇁ቇҥⅺ↓ჺ᧓↚ↈↂ↗ⅻ way. So the exact position and the route of the pipe can ↖ⅼ↭ↈ⅛‒‒ be determined in a speedy and resource-saving way. ⁂⁉‹‒‚⇷∑⇟ႆ̮֥‛⇁൦ᢊሥ↚ዓↆ⅚ሥϋ↝൦↗ן൦් The PWG (pulse generator) is connected to a water supply pipeline and opens and closes the pipeline approxi↚↷→↕≔Ў᧓↚ኖ≙≓⅛ↈ↭ↆ⇁⇽⇊⇷ׅↂ↝ѣ˺ mately 60 times a minute due to the water pressure and ↚↷↹൦ןඬ⇁ဃↆ⇷⇊⇽↚ඝ→↕ጏ↚ɟן↝ܭඬ↗ the flow of the water inside the pipe. These activities creↆ↕ˡછↆ↭ↈ⅛ ate pressure waves which propagate as unidimensional ↂ↝ඬѣ↞⇞⇐∁∙⇁́ဇↆ↕עɥ↖ჷ↖ⅼ↭ↈ⅛‒‒ and longitudinal compression waves along the pipe. Such waves can be received by a geophone on the surface. Advantages ` Applicable for all pipe materials PVC, PE, AC, Cast Iron, Steel.... ` No interference with electric ẅẅᵱᶃᶀᵿᵩᵫᵲᴾᵨᵿᶎᵿᶌ ఇࡸ˟ᅈ ẅẅẅcables ᵆῩ῝ῷᴾῦ῝ῡ῾ᴾῩῙῷ ᵇᴾ ` Distances up to 600 m ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝‣‟‥‟․ ‒ 䇭ᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙㪈䊎䊦㪊㪝ޓ 〒533-0031 ` Long operation time 䇭䇭䇭㪫㪜㪣㩷㪇㪍㪄㪍㪊㪉㪋㪄㪌㪎㪏㪏㩷㪝㪘㪯㩷㪇㪍㪄㪍㪊㪉㪋㪄㪌㪎㪏㪐䇭 ` Easy to set up E-mail: sales@sebakmt.co.jp URL www.sebakmt.co.jp ` Depth up to 2 m PI_PWG2000_eng_2006_25 08.07.15 ᭽߅ࠃ߮ᄖⷰߪᡷༀߩߚ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ ! ౝܕͺ·ΓςȜ㩷 ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ⁅⁗⁔⁓‽‿⁆‒‼⁓⁓‒ ఇࡸ˟ᅈ‒ 㩷 㩷 www.sebakmt.co.jp / www.sebakmt.com ἏὅἙᵍἧἾỿἉἏὅἙ ˁಮ ཎࣉ 䊶 㗎ਂ䈪㜞ജ䇮㍌㋕▤䉇㕖㊄ዻ▤䈱⟎តᩏ䈮ᦨㆡ䈪䈜䇯 䊶 ฦ⒳䉸䊮䊂䈲㪋න৻ᵄ䇮ਛജ䇮㜞ജ䈎䉌ㆬᛯ䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 䊶 䉸䊮䊂䈲⒳㘃䇮ᵄᢙ䇮ⅣႺ᧦ઙ䈮Ꮐฝ䈘䉏䉁䈜䈏 ᄢ᳇ਛ㪉䌭䌾㪐䌭䈱ฃା〒㔌䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯 䊶 䈜䈼䈩䈱䊜䊃䊨䊁䉾䉪ត⍮ེ䈫૬↪䈚䈩↪䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 ٻǽȳȇ ㇱຠ⇟ภ ᵄᢙ 㪪㪦㪥㪟㪐㪏㪉 㪐㪏㪉㪟㫑 㪪㪦㪥㪟㪐㪅㪏㪢 㪐㪅㪏㪉㫂㪟㫑 㪪㪦㪥㪟㪏㪉㪢 㪏㪉㫂㪟㫑 㪪㪦㪥㪟㪏㪊㪢 㪏㪊㫂㪟㫑 㜞 㪐㪭 ജ䍸䍫䍼䍷 㔚ᳰ 㔚ᳰኼ㩿ᤨ㑆䋩 ฃା〒㔌 㪐 㪋㪅㪌㪎㫄 ㆡᔕవ 㪈㪋 㪊㪉 㪍㪅㪈㪇㫄 㪐㪅㪈㪋㫄 䉬䊷䊑䊦䇮䉻䉪䊃䇮 㒻▤䇮䉮䊮䉪䊥䊷䊃䇮 䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪䇮㒻▤ 䊌䉟䊒䇮䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪 㪐㪏㪐㪇㪯㪫㷣㪃㩷㪐㪏㪍㪇㪯㪫㷣㪃㩷㪏㪌㪇 㪐㪏㪐㪇㪯㪫㷣㪃㩷㪐㪏㪍㪇㪯㪫㷣 㪌㪅㪇㪏㪺㫄㩷㪯㩷㪈㪍㪅㪌㪈㪺㫄 㪊㪏㪇㪾 㪄㪉㪇㷄䇭䌾䇭䋫㪌㪇㷄 㪊㪇 㪐㪅㪈㪋㫄 㒻▤䇮䉮䊮䉪䊥䊷䊃䇮 䊌䉟䊒䇮䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪 㪏㪈㪇㪃㩷㪌㪈㪇㪃㩷㪋㪏㪇㪙 㪪㪦㪥㪏㪊㪋 㪪㪦㪥㪏㪊㪇 㪏㪊㪅㪋㫂㪟㫑 㪏㪊㫂㪟㫑 ኾ↪㔚ᳰ䋺㪌㪅㪍㪭㩷䊜䉺䊦㪄䉥䉨䉲䊄㔚ᳰ䊌䉾䉪䋨㪧㪆㪥㪈㪍㪉㪍㪎㪇㪀 㪈㪌䇭䌾䇭㪌㪇 㪪㪦㪥㪊㪌㪢 㪊㪌㫂㪟㫑 䉬䊷䊑䊦䇮㋕䇮䊌䉟䊒 ኻᔕฃାེ 㪐㪏㪐㪇㪯㪫㷣 ኸᴺ ㊀㊂㩿㔚ᳰ䉃䋩 ᠲ᷷ᐲ ݱǽȳȇ ㇱຠ⇟ภ ᵄᢙ 㔚ᳰ 㔚ᳰኼ㩿ᤨ㑆䋩 㪪㪦㪥㪐㪅㪏㪉㪢 㪐㪅㪏㪉㫂㪟㫑 㪉㪅㪋㪋㫄䋨ૉ䈚⁁ᴫ䈮䉋䉍ᄌേ䋩 ฃା〒㔌 ㆡᔕవ ኻᔕฃାེ ኸᴺ ㊀㊂㩿㔚ᳰ䉃䋩 ᠲ᷷ᐲ 䉬䊷䊑䊦䇮䉻䉪䊃䇮 䊌䉟䊒 㪐㪏㪐㪇㪯㪫㷣㪃㩷㪐㪏㪍㪇㪯㪫㷣㪃㩷㪏㪌㪇 㒻▤䇮䉮䊮䉪䊥䊷䊃䇮 㒻▤䇮䉮䊮䉪䊥䊷䊃䇮 䊌䉟䊒䇮䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪 䊌䉟䊒䇮䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪 㪋㪏㪇 㪏㪈㪇㪃㩷㪌㪈㪇㪃㩷㪋㪏㪇㪙 㪉㪅㪉㪺㫄㩷㪯㩷㪈㪈㪅㪋㪊㪺㫄 㪈㪋㪇㪾 㪄㪉㪇㷄䇭䌾䇭䋫㪌㪇㷄 㒻▤䇮䉮䊮䉪䊥䊷䊃䇮 䊌䉟䊒䇮䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪 㪘㪩㪩㪦㪮㷣 㪈㪇㪋㪍㪐 㪌㪈㪉㪟㫑 㪧㪯㪊㪉㪘㪍㪭 㪏 ㍌㋕▤㪉㪅㪋㪋㫄㪑 㕖㊄ዻ㪊㪅㪇㪌㫄䌾㪊㪅㪍㪍䌭 ㍌㋕▤ 㪐㪌㪈㪉㪧㪯㪫 㪉㪅㪌㩷㪺㫄㩷㪯㩷㪈㪎㪅㪏㩷㪺㫄 㪎㪌㪍㪾 ȕȬǭǷǽȳȇ ㇱຠ⇟ภ ᵄᢙ 㔚ᳰ ฃା〒㔌 ㆡᔕవ ኻᔕฃାེ ኸᴺ ㊀㊂㩿㔚ᳰ䉃䋩 ᠲ᷷ᐲ 㪝㪪㪐㪏㪉㪟㫑 㪐㪏㪉㪟㫑 㪝㪪㪐㪅㪏㪉㫂㪟㫑 㪐㪅㪏㪉㫂㪟㫑 㪝㪪㪏㪉㫂㪟㫑 㪏㪉㫂㪟㫑 න㪊䉝䊦䉦䊥 㪝㪪㪏㪊㫂㪟㫑 㪏㪊㫂㪟㫑 㪝㪪㪊㪌㫂㪟㫑 㪊㪌㫂㪟㫑 㪊㪅㪍㪍㫄 䉬䊷䊑䊦䇮䉻䉪䊃䇮 䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪䇮㒻▤ 㪐㪏㪐㪇㪯㪫㷣 㪋㪅㪌㪎㫄 䉬䊷䊑䊦䇮䉻䉪䊃䇮 䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪䇮㒻▤ 㪐㪏㪐㪇㪯㪫㷣㪃㩷㪐㪏㪍㪇㪯㪫㷣㪃㩷㪏㪌㪇 㪍㪅㪈㪇㫄 㒻▤䇮䉮䊮䉪䊥䊷䊃䇮 䊌䉟䊒䇮䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪 㪐㪏㪐㪇㪯㪫㷣㪃㩷㪐㪏㪍㪇㪯㪫㷣 㪋㪅㪍㪌㩷㪺㫄㩷㪯㩷㪌㪏㪅㪋㪉㩷㪺㫄 㪋㪍㪇㪾 㪄㪉㪇㷄䇭䌾䇭䋫㪌㪇㷄 㪋㪅㪌㪎㫄 㒻▤䇮䉮䊮䉪䊥䊷䊃䇮 䊌䉟䊒䇮䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪 㪏㪈㪇㪃㩷㪌㪈㪇㪃㩷㪋㪏㪇㪙 㪌㪅㪋㪐㫄 㒻▤䇮䉮䊮䉪䊥䊷䊃䇮 䊌䉟䊒䇮䊒䊤䉴䊁䉞䉾䉪 㪘㪩㪩㪦㪮㷣 ߅วࠊߖవ 5GDC-/6,CRCP ఇࡸ˟ᅈ ޥ ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝ᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙ࡆ࡞( 6'.(ޓ#: Emailఒ sales@sebakmt.co.jp URL ఒhttp://www.sebakmt.co.jp ̬ᚰ᧓࠰ˁಮƓǑƼٳᚇƸʖԓƳƘ٭ƢǔئӳƕƋǓLJƢŵ +51%QR[TKIJV#NN4KIJVU4GUGTXGFųႆᙌᡯΨᲴ5GDCǰȫȸȗᴷ/GVTQVGEJ%QTRQTCVKQP Ȕȃǰǽȳȇ/.5/.5/.5/.5/5 ▤〝߿㕖㊄ዻ▤ߩᧃ┵ㇱߩ⟎តᩏ↪ࡇ࠶ࠣ࠰ࡦ࠺ޕ⠴ⴣ᠄ဳࡇ࠶ࠣ࠰ࡦ࠺ߪࡈࠔࠗࡃࠣࠬ߿តᩏࠤࡉ࡞ߣ ⚵ߺวࠊߖߡ߹ߔᦨ߽ߡߒߣࠣ࠶ࡇ↪ࡦ࡚ࠪࡉࡖࠠߚ߹ޔㆡߢߔޕ /.5/.5/.5/.5/.5 ԗඬૠM*\M*\M*\M*\M*\ MLS55−2 ႺࢲOOOOOOOOOO இٻขࡇOOޓOޓOޓO Јщ㔚ᳰ8 8CTVC82:߹ߚߪ&WTCEGNN2:.ų ųų દ˺᧓ų⚂ᤨ㑆 ȕȬȸȠųǢȳȆȊ55 ࡈࡓࠕࡦ࠹ࡦ࠽ߪ(GTTQNWZ⊒ାེ(.)↪㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊ߿ ࠤࡉ࡞߳ߩ⺃ዉવࠕࡦ࠹࠽ߢߔޕ ޓ ޓᵄᢙ㧦\*ޓޓ ޓജᦨᄢ9 Ўᩉȕǣȫǿȸ6(6(#(ǢȀȗǿ SS−2 ㅢ㔚ਛߩૐ㔚ࠤࡉ࡞ߦޔᵄᢙ⊒ାེ㧔6&4߽หߓ㧕ࠍធ⛯ߔࠆ ߚߩಽ㔌ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ ǿǤȗųųԗඬૠஇٻᩓ්ųஇٻᩓן 6(ޓޓޓ㨪M*\98 6(ޓޓޓ㨪M*\98 #(ࠕ࠳ࡊ࠲㨪M*\98 TF2050 Ўᩉႆ̮֥.64 ㅢ㔚ਛߩ㓞ធࠤࡉ࡞ߩሽߔࠆࠤࡉ࡞ߦߨߓࠇ⏛⇇៊் ⟎តᩏ↪ߦޔᵄᢙߦㅍାߔࠆߚಽ㔌ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ࠍ߹ߔޕ ųᵄᢙ\*ޓ㨪M*\ ޓജ9 TF2 AFアダプタ ࡨᧈDZȸȖȫဇȪȸȫ*- តᩏ⋡⊛▤߆ࠄࠕࠬࠍ㆙ߊ㔌ߔߚߩ㧞㧡Oᑧ㐳ࠤࡉ࡞ ొעǢȸǹ'$ ⚂㧠㧜㧜OO㐳 ࡃ࠽࠽ࡊࠣ↪࠼࡞ⓣߣ⋥ធធ⛯↪ಳಲ࠽࠶࠻ઃ LTR05 ȔȃǰǽȳȇȗȃǷȥȭȃȉࡸ ȕǡǤȐȸǰȩǹDZȸȖȫˮፗ௹ᘺፗ ฦ⒳ࠤࡉ࡞㐳ኻᔕߩ)1-ࠪ࠭ ޓ HK25 ޓ㧩߅วࠊߖ㧩ޓޓ5GDC-/6,CRCPᩣᑼળ␠ 㩆㨺㩔㩨㩃㨺㨾㩛㩍㨲㩆㩨㨶㩔㩩㩧 EB35 ޓޥޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝ᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙ࡆ࡞(ޓޓޓ ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓ6'.(#:74.YYYUGDCMOVEQLR GOK 50-R Locating Device for non-metallic Pipes – including Transmitting Sonde ႆ̮ǽȳȇ˄ƖȕǡǤȐȸǰȩǹᙌ DZȸȖȫ௹ᘺፗ Benefits ` Reliable location of plastic pipes end location ` Dead ἩἻἋἓἕἁἣỶἩỉ௹ handling ` Easy ኳᇢˮፗ௹ ` One-man-operation ቇҥễӕৢẟ ΟủẺદ˺ࣱ Description The SebaKMT GOK 50-R allows the detection and location of buried non-metallic pipe lines and also to determine the depth. ಒᙲ This makes the SebaKMT GOK 50-R a useful tool for water utility companies, as well as power, gas and con㕖㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊߩ▤〝߿ᷓᐲࠍ SebaKMT GOK50-㧾ߢ struction companies and their contractors. ᷹ቯߢ߈߹ߔ⸘⸳ޕോᚲޔ㔚ജળ␠ࠬࠟޔળ␠ޔ Depending on the the chosen way of connection it is pos᳓ዪޔᣇ⥄ᴦ߶߆ᬺߩᑪ⸳ળ␠ߩᬺ sible to either trace the whole path of the pipe or only ߦᓎ┙ߟⵝ⟎ߢߔޕ locate the end point of the GOK 50-R, e.g. to locate blockages in a pipe. The slip-ring contacts allow the locating rod to be easily pushed into the pipe during operation. ធ⛯ᣇᴺߦ߽ࠃࠅ߹ߔ߇ߩߎޔតᩏⵝ⟎ߢߪ▤〝ᣇะ ߩ⺞ᩏߩ߶߆߃߫ࡄࠗࡊߩ㐽Ⴇㇱߩតᩏߣߞߚ ⚳┵⟎ߩត⚝ߦ߃߹ߔޔࠅࠃߦࠣࡦࡊ࠶ࠬޕ Features ᬺਛߩࠤࡉ࡞ߩㅍࠅߒ߿Ꮞ߈ขࠅᬺࠍ◲නߦ ` Combined rod trace and tip location for plastic pipes ⴕ߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ` Operation with any SebaKMT audio frequency generator ཎࣉ: Scope of Delivery Technical Data ų Rod length ˁಮ 50 m (other lengths available upon request) 䇭䇭䇭 ⇗∞⇼∑ᧈ 50 m Rod diameter 4.5 mm ⅙⅙⇗∞⇼∑ࢲ 4.5 mm Diameter of pig transmit8 mm ⅙⅙ႆ̮⇣∙⇭Ⴚࢲ 8 mm ter ⅙⅙̮ӭ ዓႆ̮֥↝ˁಮ↚ؕ↔ⅾ Signal depending on connected audio ⅙⅙ขࡇር ዓႆ̮֥↝ˁಮ↚ؕ↔ⅾ frequency generator ⅙⅙દ˺ภࡇ -20 ⊡ on +40 Depth range depending connected audio frequency ⅙⅙ݡඥ (W x H x D) 490 x 430generator x 230 mm ⅙⅙ 6 -20 kg °C ... +40 °C Operating temperature Dimensions (W x H x D) 490 x 430 x 230 mm Accuracy +/-2% * ࠤࡉ࡞㐳ߦߟߡߪ߶߆ߦ30m,100m,150mߩ࠲ࠗࡊ߽ Weightฃᵈ↢↥ߦߡߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ 6 kg ޓޓޓ ޓޓޓ ߅วࠊߖߊߛߐޕ LED Distance Counter 䇭䇭 •`㕖㊄ዻࡄࠗࡊߩ▤〝⟎ߣᧃ┵ត⚝ Fiberglas locating rod, 50 m length Reel •`ోߡߩSebaKMTࡉࡦ࠼⊒ାེߣߩ឵ᕈ ` Connection cables Connection Terminal ኛԼǻȃȈ: ` Signal input with any SebaKMT audio frequency • GOK50 ࡈࠔࠗࡃតᩏࠤࡉ࡞ޓ50m generator • ࡞ Integrated slip-ring contacts •`ធ⛯↪ࠤࡉ࡞ Options ዓ: ` LED Distance Counter for easy measurement of in• ోߡߩSebaKMT⊒ାེ߆ࠄߩାภജ serted length • ࠬ࠶ࡊࡦࠣౝ⬿ ߅วࠊߖ SebaKMT Japanఇࡸ˟ᅈ(ᴔᴈᴢᴶᴑᴈᴌᴩᴛᴀ ᴔᴶᴄᴢᴷᴵ) ޥ533-0031ᄢ㒋Ꮢ᧲ᶰᎹ᷆〝1-3-26 ᒎ↢ᣂᄢ㒋╙1ࡆ࡞3Fޓ TEL 06-6324-5788ޓFAX 06-6324-5789 Emailఒ sales@sebakmt.co.jp URL ఒ http://www.sebakmt.co.jp ǪȗǷȧȳ: ޓ㧸㧱㧰ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ ᭽߅ࠃ߮ᄖⷰߪ੍๔ߥߊᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ PI_GOK50_eng_2006_31.doc