CIGRE 2012 21, rue d’Artois, F-75008 PARIS A3_202 http : // End of life estimation and optimisation of maintenance of HV switchgear and GIS substations A study based on probabilistic data analysis, diagnostic measurements and service experience C. NEUMANN, B. RUSEK Amprion GmbH, Dortmund G. BALZER, I. JEROMIN TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt C. HILLE, A. SCHNETTLER RWTH Aachen University, Aachen Germany SUMMARY Efficiency is an important driving force for network operators in the field of operative asset management. Hence, condition and lifetime considerations as well as reflection of the effect of preventive maintenance are important issues with this respect. In this Paper new methods and tools are presented for support of the network operator in the decision making process to find an optimal balance between costs reduction and supply quality. Service experience and diagnostic measurements can provide the basis for this assessment. With this respect gas-insulated substations as well as conventional switchgear are subject to investigations. With a view to GIS the objective of this paper is to analyse the service experience gained during more than four decades with particular regard to dielectric failures and to assess the residual life based on mentioned analysis and on additional diagnostic measurements after nearly 40 years service time. The conclusions from the investigations are as follows: With respect to the insulation performance a service life of 50 years for GIS of the first and second generation is achievable, if some few measures for lifetime extension are introduced. The modern GIS generation seems to be more reliable as the first and second generation since certain deficiencies were overcome by design improvements, application of better material and advanced manufacturing technology. The results of the inquiry of CIGRE WG A3.06 show a similar tendency. With regard to conventional switchgear a condition based maintenance strategy is regarded as an optimal application in terms of overall costs, for planned maintenance measures and unplanned outages (repair). Enabling this strategy, a condition assessment has to be performed. By application of sophisticated methods like probabilistic data analysis the optimal maintenance can be obtained. Starting point is a general condition assessment model which is applicable for all assets. In the following, the asset condition is the degree of ability of each grid component to run the function or functions for which it is created without any major failures. The model considers the results of previous service periods combined with the damage occurrences of other assets of the same type. To predict future damage occurrences and to avoid that by adequate maintenance is the main aim in this content. KEYWORDS HV switchgear, GIS substation, end of life, maintenance, diagnostic measurements, service experience, probabilistic data analysis 1 1 Introduction Efficiency is an important driving force for power system operators in the field of operative asset management. Hence, condition and lifetime considerations as well as reflection of the effect of preventive maintenance are important issues in this respect. This Paper deals with new methods and tools to support system operators in the decision making process to find an optimal balance between costs reduction and supply quality. Service experience and diagnostic measurements can provide the basis for this assessment. Consequently, gas-insulated substations as well as conventional switchgears are under consideration. Gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) technology was introduced in the late 1960th. Today GIS technology is available for all voltage ranges up to the UHV range. GIS is characterised by high service reliability, low maintenance expenditure and long lifetime. GIS technology requires more investment costs compared to air-insulated substations (AIS), however, due to its space saving features this technology often offers the only solution, if the constructive surface available is small. The technology was continuously developed further during the last three and four decades. Thus improvements in reliability, decrease in maintenance expenditure, reduction in switchgear dimensions and improvements in cost effectiveness could be obtained [1, 2, 3]. To achieve technical expertise on the life performance of the GIS technology over this period of time, the GIS service experience of a group of grid operators (GIS Userforum) is analysed, in particular with special regard to dielectric failures. Regarding conventional switchgear a condition based maintenance strategy is generally considered as the optimal application in terms of overall costs, for planned maintenance measures and unplanned outages (repair due to failures) [4]. Enabling this strategy, a condition assessment has to be performed. The installation of onlinemonitoring systems is not economical for all types of assets. If a probabilistic data analysis is applied, a data driven condition based maintenance strategy can be derived. The core of this method is the usage of an equipment ageing model. Historical minor failure records are analysed to predict their development and to derive the current and future asset condition with a high degree of accuracy. Using maintenance protocols, calculated failure rates and additional general information of assets, the application of a sophisticated statistical approach in terms of cluster and trend analysis enables an optimised setting of future measure dates without additional monitoring. 2 Analysis of the service experience with GIS over four decades 2.1 GIS population under consideration The service experience under consideration has been collected by the GIS Userforum which is a non-profit organisation of 17 German and Austrian grid operators. The failure data of up to four decades are stored and accumulated at the Institute for Electrical Power Supply of the Technical University of Darmstadt. The data base comprises about 350 substations and more than 2 560 bays of the 123 kV, 245 kV and 420 kV voltage levels. In this paper the 123 kV and 420 kV data are analysed. Fig. 1 presents the 123 kV and 420 kV populations. bays bay years 75000 62 200 60000 1500 45000 1000 30000 500 15000 0 0 year b) 200 185 bays bay years 10 100 150 12000 9000 100 6000 50 3000 bay years bays installed 2000 2 350 bays installed 2500 bay years a) 0 0 year Fig. 1: Number of installed bays and accumulated bay service years a) 123 kV GIS population b) 420 kV population The first 123 kV substation was installed in 1967 and about 2 350 bays in total were installed in 2011. The service experience collected is related to about 62 200 bay years. At 420 kV the first substation in GIS technology was erected in 1977. Until 2011 nearly 200 bays were installed. The service experience gained up to now amounts to more than 10 000 bay years. 2 2.2 Dielectric failures depending on service time 2.2.1 Total Population Dielectric failures are caused due to insufficient insulating strength [5]. Failures in the early stage of operation, so called teething faults, are mostly a sign of a lacking dielectric integrity when putting into service. The reason might be a inadequate commissioning procedure. An increasing failure rate during the operating time indicates ageing processes at certain components or at the installation in general. In case of components a replacement of the components in question might be reasonable. If the complete installation is affected, the end of service live is reached and the system has to be renewed. Therefore the failure rate is an important indication of the service performance of a system like GIS [6]. bay years, mean value per year bay years, mean value for 3 years bays, mean value for 3 years bays, mean value per year bays, mean value for 3 years 0,30 0,90 0,25 0,75 0,20 0,60 0,15 0,45 0,10 0,30 0,05 0,15 0,00 0,00 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 123 kV 0,60 2,40 0,50 2,00 0,40 1,60 0,30 1,20 0,20 0,80 0,10 0,40 0,00 1981 1986 1991 420 kV year 1996 2001 2006 Failure rate / 100 bays bay years, mean value for 3 years bays, mean value per year Failure rate /100 bay years bay years, mean value per year Failure rate / 100 bays Failure rate /100 bay years First information of the service performance can be derived from the failure rate per year. In Fig. 2 the failure rate in the respective service year is given related to the number of bay years and to the number of bays. 0,00 2011 year Fig. 2: Failure rates of 123 kV and 420 kV GIS in the different service years related to bay years or number of bays installed It can be seen that the failure rate distinctly decreases in the course of time at which the failure rates of 123 kV GIS and 420 kV GIS are similar. After introduction of GIS technology a lot of teething faults obviously occurred to be seen in particular at 123 kV GIS. A second increase of failures can be detected after 15 up 20 years after installation of the first GIS. The reason for that will be analysed later. The presentation in Fig. 2 is suited for consideration of insulation coordination issues where the yearly failure rate, i. e. the outage rate due insulation failures has to be reflected. However, this diagram does not provide information on the development of the insulation properties of the individual GIS installations in the course of time. Therefore, the failure rate will be analysed in dependence of the faultless service time. That means, if a dielectric failure in a GIS bay occurs in 11th year after putting into service, the faultless service time will be 10 years. This failure is related to the population of bays being in service for 11 years and more. Failure rate /100 bay years mean value of 3 years 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 mean value of 3 years 0,20 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,00 0 123 kV mean value per year mean value of 5 years 0,25 Failure rate /100 bay years mean value per year mean value of 5 years 0,10 5 10 15 20 25 service years 30 35 40 0 420 kV 5 10 15 20 25 30 service years Fig. 3: Failure rates of 123 kV and 420 kV GIS installations depending on the faultless service time The corresponding evaluation is presented in Fig. 3. The failure rates comprise the total 123 kV and 420 kV GIS population respectively, i. e. all manufactures are taken into account. In average the failure rate of 123 kV population amounts half of that of the 420 kV population. In both populations an increase of the failure rate is to be observed after about 20 or 15 years respectively. A second increase is to be seen at 123 kV population after about 30 years. That might indicate certain ageing effects which reasons have still to be clarified. 3 2.2.2 Different GIS generations mean mean value value mean mean value value 0,10 0,10 per per year year for 5 5 years years for mean for 3 3 years years mean value value for Failure Failurerate rate/100 /100bay bayyears years Failure Failurerate rate/100 /100bay bayyears years As to be seen from Fig. 2, the first GIS installations obviously exhibit some teething faults. Therefore the first generation of GIS technology up to 1978 regarding 123 kV GIS and up to 1988 regarding 420 kV GIS are considered separately. The population in question amounts 700 bays and 3 750 bay years at the 123 kV level and 130 bays and about 800 bays years at the 420 kV level. The failure rate depending on the faultless service time is presented in Fig. 4. ≤ ≤ 1978 1978 0,08 0,08 0,06 0,06 0,04 0,04 0,02 0,02 per per year year of of 5 5 years years meanvalue meanvalue of of 3 3 years years ≤ ≤ 1988 1988 0,20 0,20 0,15 0,15 0,10 0,10 0,05 0,05 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 123 kV 123 kV mean mean value value mean mean value value 0,25 0,25 0 0 5 5 10 10 15 20 25 15 20 25 service service years years 30 30 35 35 40 40 0 0 5 5 10 10 420 kV 15 20 15 20 service years years service 25 25 30 30 Fig. 1989 respectively depending on the Fig. 44 :: Failure Failurerates ratesofof123 123kV kVand and420 420kV kVGIS GISinstalled installedbefore before1979 1979orand 1989 respectively depending on the faultless service time faultless service time The figure clearly indicates that teething faults mainly occurred at the first GIS generation. Furthermore, the increase of failures after 20 or 15 years of service is also correlated to this GIS generation. It is of interest, if the behaviour can also be observed at the generation installed after 1978 and 1988 respectively. A consideration of the subsequent generations is given in Fig. 5. 0,30 mean value per year mean value for 5 years 0,08 mean value for 3 years Failure rate /100 bay years Failure rate /100 bay years 0,10 0,06 > 1978 0,04 0,02 0 Fig. 5 : meanvalue of 3 years 0,20 mean value of 5 years 0,15 > 1988 0,10 0,05 0,00 0,00 123 kV mean value per year 0,25 5 10 15 20 service years 25 30 35 0 420 kV 5 10 15 20 service years Failure rates of 123 kV and 420 kV GIS installed after 1978 or 1988 respectively depending on the faultless service time Fig. 5 does not indicate a performance comparable to that given in Fig. 4 for the first GIS generation. It points out that the reliability of the GIS generations installed after 1978 or 1988 respectively is much better. Obviously the teething faults could significantly be reduced by increasing the design, the quality assurance measures in the factory and onsite. Also the distinct increase of the failure rate after a certain service period cannot be noticed. However, it should be observed, if this tendency is also confirmed in future with increasing service time of the second and following GIS generations. 2.2.3 Different GIS manufactures From practical experience it is known that some GIS manufactures are more reliable than others. This issue was investigated more in details by means of the data collected. Five different 123 kV and three different 420 kV manufactures could be considered. The results for two manufactures in each case can be taken from Fig. 6. The outcome is that in particular at 123 kV a considerable deviation in failure rates between manufacture A and B can be stated (note the different scaling). The failure rate of manufacture A is nearly one order of magnitude higher as of manufacture B. Both manufactures show an increase of the failure rate after a certain period of operation. At manufacture A this increase takes place after about 20…25 service years and is rather pronounced. At manufacture B an increasing failure rate after about 30…35 service years can also be stated, but less distinct as at manufacture B. 4 0,030 mean value for 3 years, manufact. B 0,25 0,025 0,20 0,020 0,15 0,015 0,10 0,010 0,05 0,005 0,00 0,000 0 10 20 30 40 service years Fig. 6 : 2.3 Failure rate/100 bay years manufact. B 0,30 Failure rate /100 bay years manufact. A 420 kV mean value for 3 years, manufact. A failure rate / 100 bay years 123 kV mean value of 3 years, manuf. A mean value of 3 years, manuf. B 0,30 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,00 0 5 10 15 20 service years 25 30 Failure rates of 123 kV and 420 kV GIS of different manufacture depending on the faultless service time Main failure cause and consequences for maintenance As to be recognised from Fig. 3 and 4, after a certain period of service time some ageing phenomena cannot be excluded, because an increase of the failure rate is observed. Therefore it is of interest to find out which components are the root cause for these failures and to analyse by which measures these failures can be avoided in future. With this regard the failure data are analysed. Fig. 7 shows a breakdown of the main origins of failures. Fig. 7 makes evident that the majority of failures are busbar, initiated in disconnectors or busbar, bus ducts bus ducts earthing switches. It can be 27% 32% assumed that these failures disconnecwere caused by particles tors, disconnecearth. which were produced in the tors, instrument switches earth. instrument transform. course of time by abrasion 33% switches transform. 21% during switching operations. 46% 9% At 123 kV GIS a definite amount of failures are Fig. 7 : Main origins of failures in 123 kV and 420 kV GIS originated in instrument transformers. In the first 123 kV GIS generation voltage transformers and even current transformers were made in cast epoxy resin technology. However, at that time the complete manufacturing process was not sufficiently developed to manufacture defect free bulky pieces of cast resin material. Thus, being in service for a certain period of time a breakdown occurred in the cast material. Failures in bus bars or bus ducts are in the range of 30% and mainly occurred in the vicinity of spacers. 123 kV others, e. g. circuit breakers 14% 420 kV others, e. g. circuit breakers 18% These findings and the increase of failure rate after about 20 to 25 years should be taken into account at the maintenance process [7]. Compartments containing disconnectors and/or earthing switches should be inspected and cleaned after about 20 to 25 years, in particular those pieces of equipment with higher number of switching operations. Beyond that epoxy resin insulated instrument transformers should be replaced by SF6 insulated current transformers or SF6 and foil insulated voltage transformers respectively, as it is today common practice in all voltage ranges. Further failure causes are particles adhering on the surface of spacers. Therefore, bus ducts comprising horizontally arranged spacers should be checked with this regard. 3 Diagnostic measurements after nearly 40 years of service The aim of the diagnostic measurements was to determine the remaining life of GIS installations being service for nearly 40 years, to draw conclusions for operation of stations of same or similar type and to provide feedback for the further development of GIS [8]. The investigations were carried out on two 123 kV GIS installed in the early 1970th which correspond to manufacture A and B respectively mentioned in chapter 2.2.3. These stations had to be dismounted, since the short circuit current level had increased due to further grid extension and the existing short circuit strength and switching capability was not sufficient enough. Improving the short circuit strength and switching capability of the GIS in question turned out to be uneconomical. The tests comprised PD measurements recording the PD inception and extinction voltage and the PD pattern, a voltage withstand test and a visual inspection of selected parts and components. 5 3.1 Actual insulation conditions In substation 1 the high voltage tests were performed by means of an encapsulated test transformer and for PD measurement the UHF method was applied using mobile window sensors [9]. In substation 2 a resonant test circuit was used for HV testing and the PD measurements were carried by means of the conventional method using an encapsulated coupling capacitor for coupling out the PD signals. Both test setups are shown in Fig. 8. substation 1 substation 2 coupling capacitor encapsulated test transformer mobile UHF window sensor Fig. 8 : resonance reactor Test setup for diagnostic measurements on two GIS of different manufacture Some findings are exemplified in the following: a) PD measurements of single bays: • Substation 1: The PD inception was smaller than the normal service voltage of 63 kV, i.e. a certain PD activity had to be assumed already during service. The PD pattern recorded is given in Fig. 9 a. • bay 131 U= 63kV UE= 55kV UA= 32kV Fig. 9 : Substation 2: The PD inception was smaller than the rated voltage of 123 kV, i.e. a certain PD activity had to be assumed during earth fault conditions. The PD pattern can be taken from Fig. 9 b. In both cases the PD source was identified in a epoxy cast resin voltage transformer. b) PD measurements of busbars and feeders up to the busbar disconnectors or line disconnectors respectively: a) b) PD pattern recorded during PD measurements of single bays a) substation 1 b) substation 2 a) Fig 10 : b) Exemplary PD patterns recorded in substation 1 a) particle on the insulator surface b) void in an insulator • Substation 1: The PD inception voltage was in the range between normal service voltage of 72 kV and rated voltage of 123 kV. The exemplarily presented PD patterns in Fig. 10 give evidence to particles on the surface of an insulator (Fig. 10 a) and to a void in an insulator (Fig. 10 b). • a) b) Substation 2: The PD inception voltage occurred in the range of the rated voltage Fig 11 : Exemplary PD patterns recorded in substation 1 of 123 kV. The exemplary PD patterns in a) small fixed particle on the conductor Fig. 11 probably indicate a small fixed b) void in an insulator particle on the conductor (Fig. 11 a) and a void in an insulator (Fig. 11b). The latter one was exited after several minutes at a voltage of 110 kV. • 6 c) Withstand voltage tests: • Substation 1: The rated power frequency withstand voltage was not fulfilled. Various flashovers and disruptive discharges appeared even at voltages distinctly below the onsite test voltage of 184 kV. A voltage breakdown could not have been excluded at the next overvoltage event. • Substation 2: The rated power frequency withstand voltage was approved. All parts of the GIS substation passed the test voltage of 230 kV. The insulation condition of this GIS substation has seemed to be appropriate. 3.2 Visual inspection and main findings The visual inspection was particularly conducted on those sections and compartments of the GIS where flashovers during testing or dielectric failures had occurred in the past. At substation 1 flashovers could be detected at different horizontally mounted insulators of some vertical arranged bus ducts. An example is shown in Fig. 12. Furthermore, traces of discharges were identified on some disconnector insulators. Due to low SF6 pressure of 1 bar overpressure only, the electrical field stress control of the apparatus is mainly made by means of cast resin material. At substation 2 no indications of defective components could be discovered. Most of the parts were found in mint conditions. Only some few particles were detected in some disconnector and earthing switch compartments. horizontally arranged disc insulator Fig. 12 : Flashover on a horizontally arranged insulator 3.3 Conclusions for lifetime assessment from the findings of visual inspection and HV testing From the findings in chapter 3.1 and 3.2 the following conclusions can be dived for lifetime assessment of GIS stations of similar design: • Substation 1: The residual lifetime seems to be exploited. If nevertheless a further operation of the substation in question is intended, a periodic PD measurement and identification of PD sources is recommended. The main failure causes are: ▪ Epoxy cast resin voltage transformers ▪ Contamination of horizontally arranged disc insulators ▪ Disconnector insulation and field stress control by cast resin material Due to the low SF6 pressure and the basic design mainly oriented on the gaseous field strength of the cylindrical arrangement the voltage strength of the other non-cylindrical arrangements is mainly achieved by application of field stress control by cast resin material. Those combined insulating arrangements are more sensitive to particles and PD than purely gas-insulated arrangements. • Substation 2: Residual lifetime is available and can be utilized. Some smaller maintenance activities should be carried out. Weak points are: ▪ Epoxy cast resin voltage transformers ▪ Particles in few disconnector compartments The basic design of this GIS type is mostly based on the field strength of the gaseous insulation and cast resin material is only used for support functions. Thus this design obviously offers some reserves in voltage strength and with this a better long-term performance. To ensure the reliability a replacement of the cast epoxy resin voltage transformers and a PD measurement after a service period of 25…30 years would be recommended. 4 Comparison of outcome of diagnostic measurements and analysis of service experience 4.1 Main conclusions The insulation performance based on dielectric failures is strongly dependent on the GIS manufacture. This outcome from the statics of the GIS Userforum is also proven by the findings from the diagnostic measurements. One GIS manufacture clearly shows ageing phenomena after service time of 35…40 years. The increasing failure rate as well as the insufficient voltage strength and PD activities at normal service voltage indicate the end of service life. The second GIS manufacture indeed reveals an increasing failure rate for a short time, but after elimination of the deficiencies no indication of a distinct ageing effect can be observed. The appropriate 7 insulation performance is also confirmed by the diagnostic measurements which have demonstrated a satisfactory voltage strength and no PD activities at normal service voltage. Derived from the statistics as well as from the diagnostic investigations the main failures are originated from disconnectors, voltage transformers and horizontally arranged insulators in bus ducts affected by particles. 4.2 Consequences for lifetime assessment and lifetime extension and further development A service life of 50 years for GIS of the first and second generation is readily achievable for GIS with hitherto acceptable reliability, if some few measures for lifetime extension are introduced: Replacement of cast resin insulated voltage transformer, if any, by SF6 film insulated transformer Supervision of disconnectors and earthing switches with regard particles and contamination Surveillance of the insulation properties by PD measurements by periodic checks It can be expected that the service performance of the newer GIS generations will be better and consequently the service life should be longer. A lot failures observed at the first GIS generations does not exist with modern GIS, since numerous design improvements were introduced. Some of them shall be quoted in the following: Disconnector: The static and dynamic field stress is controlled by metal shielding electrodes thus avoiding accumulation of cast resin material for stress control (Fig. 13 a). Voltage transformer: SF6 film insulated voltage transformers are applied in all voltages ranges instead of epoxy cast resin transformer, the insulating bodies of which required an technological standard not available at the first GIS generations (Fig. 13 b). Horizontally arranged insulators: Those insulators are avoided as far as possible. If necessary, horizontally arranged insulators are fitted with ribs or particle traps. These measures prevent the accumulation of particles on the insulator surface (Fig. 13 c). b) c) no horizontal insulators a) particle trap ribs Fig. 13 : Design improvements of modern GIS 5 a) disconnectors, b) voltage transformers, c) insulators Comparison with results of the 3rd CIGRE inquiry The 3rd CIGRE inquiry contains a comprehensive collection of various GIS reliability data [11]. Data related to dielectric failures can be deduced from the results of the inquiry. These are compared with the findings based on the database of the before mentioned GIS Userforum. Since the CIGRE inquiry does not distinguish the dielectric failures in the different voltage classes, an average value for the manufacturing period in question is taken from for this consideration. Table 1: Failures rates according to the 3rd CIGRE inquiry and the GIS Userforum data manufacturing period 100 200 kV CIGRE , 3rd inquiry 300 500 kV GIS Userforum 123 kV 420 kV MaF, per per 100 bay years thereof dielectric failures dielectric failures, per 100 bay years MaF, per 100 bay years thereof dielectric failures dielectric failures, per 100 bay years dielectric failures, per 100 bay years dielectric failures, per 100 bay years 2.0 16% 19791983 1.25 18% 19841988 0.65 14% 19891993 0.125 8% 19941998 0.15 38% 19992003 0.1 46% 0.32 0.22 0.09 0.01 0.06 0.05 0.23 4.0 16% 2.0 18% 1.3 14% 0.6 8% 0.4 38% 0.3 46% 0.55 75% 0.64 0.35 0.18 0.05 0.15 0.14 0.41 <1979 0.2 0.04 0.0 0.11 0.05 20042007 0.3 75% 0.0 0.09 8 Table 1 reveals r that thhe failures ratees in both stattistics exhibitt a decreasing tendency forr the different manufacturing perriods. Only thhe last manufaacturing periodd in the CIGR RE statistics faaces a slightlyy increasing faailure rate. These finndings as welll as the outcom me of Fig. 4 and a Fig. 5 dem monstrate thatt the manufaccturers have utilised u the return off experience to t improve thhe design, maanufacturing processes p and quality assurrances measu ures in the factory annd onsite. Table 2 : Failure frequency of GIS S componentss CIGRE , y 3rd inquiry 100 - 200 kV V 300 - 500 kV V GIS m Userforum 123 kV 420 kV Bus bars, b bus ducts d 27 7% 17 7% 32 2% 27 7% com mponents disconnec ctors, earthing sw witches 42% 27% c circuit breakers 27% 50% 14% 18% 33% 46% in nstrument tra ansformers 4% 6% 21% 9% Table 2 presents the failure frequuency related to the comp ponents invollved, i. e. buus bars and bus ducts respectively, disconnecctors and earthhing switchess, circuit break kers and instruument transforrmers. This taable points out that disconnectors d and earthing switches disttinctly affect the t performannce of GIS. It also illustratees that the high failuure rate of insstrument transformers is not a general prroblem, but more m or less typpical for the instrument i transform mer technologyy considered at the GIS Usserforum. Theerefore the reccommendations given in ch hapter 4.2 are partlyy valid for GIS S in general, but b partly applly only for GIS of particularr design. 6 Proobabilistic data analyssis of high and extra high h voltagge equipment A databaase, containingg informationn about 45,0000 high- and extra e high-volltage switchgeears, was sub bject to an probabilistic data analyysis. Using 8,000 digitaliseed maintenancce protocols annd the experieence and failu ure records of approxx. 830,000 assset service yeaars, type specific failure ratees were calcullated. Fig. 14 exxemplarily sh hows the results of a major failuree rate calculation forr some circuitt breakers. The resultiing mathemaatical correlation is - as expected d - a bathtub shapedd exponentiall function [12]. Many decissions are justt based on failure ratte calculatio ons even though theey only tak ke failure frequency and service year into account. Duue to liberalissation and Fig. 14 : Failure rate of circuit breaakers increased cost pressurre, many utilities are a in the proccess to reduce maintenance costs. This might m lead to inncreased failuure rates and thus t lower grid reliabbility. A new parameter is needed n to asseess the impactt on maintenannce measures on the grid reeliability. Since thee (n-1)-criteriaa ensures a higgh level of reddundancy in trransmission syystems, failurees do not alwaays lead to interruptiion of supply but to a certtain reliabilityy. The reliabillity of these systems s is not only based on failure frequencyy. The combinnation of failuure frequencyy and duration n is important in this case. A higher timee-to-repair (TTR) as well as an inccreased failuree rate lead to reduced r grid reliability. r TTR havee been recorded to get repaair times for sppecific failures. Depending on the failuree cause these times t vary between 0,5h 0 and 48h. If now each major m failure is i weighted with w its TTR, thhe failure ratees develop to an a average failure dependent d unaavailability raate (FU-rate)). The results of this calculation are type-specificc average unavailabillities per serv vice year. This param meter can be expressed in “percentt” or “minutess per year” to give a better feelin ng for the average duuration. Fig. 15 shows the resultinng curves. In compariison to the faiilure rates, these FU U-rates deveelop into purely expponential functions, as failures havve a shorter repair time due to teethhing problemss. Fig. 15 : FU-rate of circuit c breakerrs 9 The stronng increase inn unavailabilitty after about 30 years of service s for thee 245 kV pufffer-type circu uit breaker indicates,, that occurredd failures in thhis case are more m severe an nd have a longger time-to-reppair. With reg gard to the failure raates, this circuuit-breaker waas on an average level. Looking at its FU-rate, F this nnew parameteer contains more infoormation abouut the system m reliability – frequency an nd duration off failures – annd thus proviides better informatiion for a replaacement decission. In total, the t FU-rate of circuit-breakkers is about five to ten tim mes higher than the one o of disconnnectors, instruument transforrmers or surgee arresters. Using a minimal-cut-s m set method andd secondary conditions c likee safety aspeccts, calculationns of unavailaability can be extendded to entire bays in subsstations. The usual proced dure in AIS-suubstations is mixing switcchgears of different manufacturerrs and varied manufacturing years to ensure low risk of series-faullts. Fig. 16 prresents the FU-rate of o two 220 kV V bays (201, 202) 2 and two 380 kV bays (401, 404) in a station conssisting of a 22 20 kV and 380 kV suubstation. Due to diversse installation years, the course of the function n is not t graphs exponential. The steps in the appear in those yearss, where replacementss have taken place. In this case ann old switch hgear was replaced by a new one witth a lower FU-rate. The calculatiion results dissplayed in Fig. 16 demoonstrate that the t choice of switchgearr and manufaacturer can Fig. 16 : Average failure dependennt unavailabiliity rate of bay ys in be importantt in terms off unavailsubstations ability. Evenn though bay y 401 and 402 havee the same settup – except from f one surgge arrester – their t FU-ratess differ by appprox. 100 perrcent. This draws atttention to a deependency on the manufactuurer. Addition nal investigatioons for the 2220 kV substatiion lead to the concllusion, that a triple t busbar is i not the bestt choice regarrding the reliaability. A doubble busbar witth transfer busbar is more reliablee in this case. 7 Moodel for asssessment an nd predictioon of maintenance neecessity Many utilities are curreently searchinng for new posssibilities to reeduce maintennance costs [113]. The new Cigré C WG B3.32 is also dealing with w this topic. In theory, condition c based maintenannce should be the most costt-effective strategy. Still many uttilities don’t apply a it yet. The T biggest ch hallenge is thee trade-off bettween the effo ort of data acquisitioon for conditioon assessmennt and the effoort of a mainteenance measuure itself. Onliine-monitorin ng systems can proviide easy data access and constant c superrvision enabliing a continuoous conditionn assessment. But these systems are expensivee and might be source off failures theemselves. Forr most assets – except fro om power transform mers – an onlinne monitoringg system is nott an economiccal alternative.. A usable but of coursee not perfect alternative a couuld be the preediction of maaintenance necessity based on expert knowledgge and all available data of switchgears. Starting pointt is a general condition c asseessment modeel which is applicable for all typess of assets. Inn this case the asset conditio on is the degrree of ability oof each grid component c f for which w it was created. c to run thee function or functions Each asseet is regarded as a multi-staage unit [14], whereas w the highest stage iss represented bby the equipm ment itself, the seconnd stage is described by itss primary funcctions - accorrding to Cigréé WG C1.1 [115]- and the third t stage conssists of the single componeents of an equiipment. In caase of a circu uit breaker for example thee drive or the t highvoltaage insulationn. Eachh component has several parameters p that ensure its functionalitty. These paraameters can e.g. be the hydraulic presssure or thee SF6-pressurre. These paraameters are uusually checked during mainntenance activities. Fig. 17 shows the principle. p Usinng the model shown in Fiig. 17, the conddition assessm ment can now w be perform med in differeent ways. Fuzzzy logic, Fig. 17 : Condition assessment a moodel for high voltage v equipm ment 10 artificial neural n networrks or weighteed summationn are possible methods. m In all a cases, the w weighting of all a relevant parameters, componennts and functioons is a criticall aspect. At th his point, expeert knowledge is needed. To ensuure that the knowledge (in this casee: Weightinng) is integratted as intendeed, simulationns with diff fferent failuree scenarios (in this casee: Parameteer variations) can be donne to analysse whether the t equipmentt condition results in what it is desiredd to be. If it iss incorrect, thhis procedure is i done recursively whhile adopting the singlle weights. This process should be continued durinng the lifetim me of the eqquipment as knowledge k annd experiencce change oveer time. Step 1 Step 2 • Setup of cond dition assessme ent model (fig. 17) • Weighting of parameters p by using expert knowledge • Simulation of known failure scenarios and comparison with desired outtcome Step 3 • Check and ado option of weigh hting factors Step 4 • Derivation of maintenance necessity n includ ding condition and importance Fig. 19 : Derivation of o maintenancce necessity condition In case off the investigaations for this paper, the coondition assesssment was donne with weighhted summatio on and the weights were w found byy a pairwise comparison. c S Starting with the parameterrs, the servicee personnel were w asked component-wise if onne parameter is more impportant for th hat componennt than anothher. Doing th his for all parameters of a compoonent deliverss the ranking of the parameeters for a cerrtain componeent. If this is performed p for all coomponents, the weighting of o parameters is complete and a the weighhts can be norrmalized. Afteer that the proceduree has to be reppeated for thee functions annd the equippment type itseelf. importa ance Fig. 18 : Derivationn of maintenannce necessity using u a condition-iimportance diiagram [16] For the deriivation of the maintenance necessity, the known methods m are aapplicable. In this case, a conditionn-importance diagram was used, as shown in Fiig. 18. The im mportance of each e asset derives from m the importannce of the sub bstation in which it is innstalled. Doing this, the maintennance necessitty can be derived in a four step method as shown in Fig. 19. Baased on diigitalised maaintenance protocols off the past ten years, the maaintenance necessity was w calculatedd for 123 kV k circuit breakers acccording to Figg. 19. r leads too the conclusion, that mainttenance measuures in the passt have not alw ways been An assesssment of the results performed with regard to the newly derived mainttenance necesssity. Fig. 20 : Maintenance necessity, perrformed and desired d order of o maintenancce Fig. 20 leeft shows thee maintenancee necessity off circuit break kers and the order o in whicch measures have h been performed in the pastt. It is obvioous, that this order has no ot been optim mal with regaard to the maaintenance necessityy. This is mainly m a result of two factorss: • T importancce of installedd equipment has The h not alwayss been taken innto account inn the past. • Mainly a cycllic maintenancce strategy waas performed. Thus the equiipment condittion has not always M b been taken intto account. The diagrram on the rigght side displaays the order inn which the measures m shoulld have been pperformed. 11 8 Conclusions Focussing on the insulation performance a service life of 50 years for GIS of the first and second generation is achievable for GIS with hitherto acceptable reliability. This is the outcome from the statistics of the GIS Usergroup and also confirmed by diagnostic measurements. However, some special maintenance measures should be carried out to obtain a satisfactory reliability also in future. Among others a replacement of cast resin insulated voltage transformer, if any, by SF6 film insulated transformers, a supervision of disconnectors and earthing switches with regard particles and contamination and a surveillance of the insulation properties by PD measurements by periodic checks is recommended. For newer GIS generations a better service performance can be derived from the statistics. Although the basis is different, the findings of the 3rd inquiry of CIGRE WG A3.06 show a similar tendency. Consequently it can be expected that the service life should be longer. A lot failures observed at the first GIS generations does not exist with modern GIS, since numerous design improvements and quality assurance measurements during manufacturing and onsite were introduced. When assessing the service life of GIS further criteria besides the insulation performance have to be taken into account, e.g. wear and mechanical performance of the switching equipment, which can also limit the lifetime of GIS. In conventional substations a probabilistic data analysis of high and extra high voltage equipment can be used for an optimisation and prioritization of the maintenance work. Based on expert knowledge a model for prediction of future asset condition has been developed. This enables asset managers to determine the instant when maintenance activities are required and allows a better measure prioritization. The new developed average failure dependent unavailability rate (FU-rate) contains more information than a simple view on failure rates. It can additionally be used in reliability calculations. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] T. Moloni, D. Kopejtkova, S. Kobayashi, I. M. Welch : Twenty Five Year Review of Experience with SF6 Gas Insulated Substations (GIS). Paper 23 -101, CIGRE Paris 1992 [2] I.M. Welch, C. J. Jones, D. Kopejtkova, S. Kobayashi, T. Moloni, P. O’Connell : GIS in Service – Experience and Recommendations. Paper 23 -104, CIGRE Paris 1994 [3] CIGRE WG 23.03: Report on the second international survey on high voltage gas insulated substations (GIS) service experience. CIGRE Brochure 150, Feb. 2000 [4] G. Balzer, F. Heil, P. Kirchesch, R. Meister, C. Neumann: Evaluation of HV circuit-breakers for condition based maintenance. Paper A3-305, CIGRE Session 2004 [5] CIGRE Joint Working Group 33/23.12, Insulation coordination of GIS: Return of experience, on-site tests and diagnostic techniques, Electra 176, 1998 [6] CIGRE Task Force 15.03.07, Long-term performance of SF6 insulated systems’, Paper 15-301, CIGRE Session 2002 [7] G. 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