10 Days Directed Pre-course School Placement Experience

10 Days Directed
Pre-course School
Placement Experience
Guidance & Forms
School of Education
Secondary Initial Teacher Training Courses
with Qualified Teacher Status
In preparation for discussions in Initial Professional Development (IPD) seminars, the following activities will focus your observations on
key aspects of learning and teaching within both Primary and Secondary phases of education. During your pre-course school placements
you will need to keep a daily log or diary to record your observations and findings.
We hope that you enjoy the school placements and when you begin your course you will have evidence to present and discuss at the first
IPD session.
Aim to observe pupils in both Key Stage 1 and 2 and record
observation notes in response to the following:
Aim to observe pupils in both Key Stage 3 and 4 and record
observation notes in response to the following:
a) The layout and organisation.
b) The range of resources available, including library and
ICT facilities.
c) The organisation of the pupils in the class. Note when
the organisation is changed for different activities.
d) The organisation of the pupils outside the classroom.
Note features of organisation when pupils are engaged in
activities in the Hall or other areas within the school.
e) The variety of ways in which teachers stimulate pupils
interest in the beginning of lessons.
f) The class teacher’s approach to behaviour management.
List any rewards systems used within the classes
g) The relationships between the pupils and teachers,
teachers and parents.
a) The layout of the school and resources available to
b) The organisation of pupils in the class. Note differences
according to subject demands and teaching styles. If
possible, track a student for a day.
c) The teachers’ management of behaviour. How are pupils
rewarded for positive behaviour? List any reward systems
used within the school.
d) The range of questions used by teachers to engage
pupils and structure lessons.
e) The range of extra curricular activities organised during
lunch time and after school periods.
f) The relationships between the pupils and teachers.
g) The links with the wider community
To investigate:
To investigate:
Arrangements for transition from Primary to Secondary
School; the transfer of end of Key Stage 2 assessment
Induction arrangements for Year 7 pupils; setting of pupils
based on end of Key Stage 2 assessment information.
The teacher must organise and structure teaching to ensure best use is made of teaching
time and that learning is moving forward.
What kinds of routines are in operation in your classroom? Please complete the table:
e.g. 8.30 – 9.00
Setting up the classroom
Learning takes place inside and outside the school. Teachers need to plan activities which
engage learners in purposeful learning. Identify the activities you have observed where
different aspects of learning have taken place.
Complete the table below
Give a brief description of one of the activities that you have observed/engaged in
What kinds of routines are in operation in your classroom? Please complete the table:
Learning through
Experience (class visit, observing artefacts
Comparing, sorting and classifying (science,
and numeracy activities, library catalogues
Through investigation (using CD ROM,
internet sites, text books to pursue a line of
Communication (oral, written and visual
forms of communication)
Reflection and evaluation (to encourage
learners to form opinions, draw conclusions
Play activities (communication, social,
physical skills)
Creative activities (communication of ideas
through art, music, dance, and drama)
Exploring, designing, planning, making and
evaluating (design technology)
Health related activities (dance, games,
gymnastics, swimming, athletic activities and
outdoor and adventurous activities
Personal and Social Education (moral and
spiritual development, beliefs and practices
of the major world faiths)
Identify where essential skills have been
developed in different activities (numeracy,
literacy, ICT, investigative skills)
Type of activity observed
Display is an important aspect of the learning environment and should be seen as a teaching
and learning resource. The following table identifies some of the key functions of display.
Complete the table identifying the types of display you have seen in the school.
Some of the purposes of display
To make the environment attractive
To communicate ideas
To communicate information
To stimulate interest
To show appreciation of children’s work
To reflect the ethos of the school
Brief description of examples seen
Lesson Planning
Date: ____________________________
Class/Year: __________________________
Duration of lesson: _________________
Topic: _______________________________
Learning Objectives
Did the teacher explain what the lesson would entail?
How did the teacher find out what had been learnt during the lesson?
What resources were used? (e.g. apparatus, computers, textbooks)
Classroom organisation
How was the seating arranged?
Teaching Points:
Describe in bullet points the content of the lesson.
The Role of the Teacher
At the end of your two week pre-university experience reflect on your experiences and consider what you believe to be the various roles of the
teacher. Complete the boxes below.
The Role of the
School of Education
School Experience Form for Prospective Teachers
Candidate’s name................................................................................................................
I wish to confirm that I have attended a Primary/Secondary School (as appropriate):
Name of School...................................................................................................................
Between the dates..................................................and.......................................................
Headteacher’s name...........................................................................................................
School telephone number...................................................................................................
Signed.................................................... (Student)
School stamp
Signed.................................................... (Headteacher)
It would be appreciated if the school could include below, details of the experience gained.
(please continue overleaf)
Experience gained (cont’d).