RESOURCES FOR DOCUMENTING EVIDENCE This document is for provisionally registered teachers. THE TEMPLATE A template has been provided to guide your collection of evidence of professional practice. The sections of the template relate to each section of your inquiry into student learning. Annotations can be added to the template as appropriate. This template provides a broad framework only and must be used in conjunction with the detailed explanation in Chapter 2 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ handbook to understand what needs to be included. You do not have to use the template; you can present your professional practice in a different format. However, because the inquiry has been designed to ensure that all aspects of teacher practice are referenced and evidenced, all aspects must be documented. Refer to the checklists to ensure that all components of evidence are included. Regardless of the format used you are advised to be succinct and to the point. The spacing on the template is an indication of how much to write. Include as many working documents as possible that are relevant to your inquiry. Annotation of the documents is an efficient and effective way to present practice. Dot points and sub-headings can be used where appropriate. Note: This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. 1 EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE FOR FULL REGISTRATION 1 1A Content and context for student learning THE STUDENTS Identify your students and reasons for selection 1B CONTEXT OF STUDENT LEARNING Range of learning levels Factors affecting learning 1C CONTENT FOR THE PROGRAM OF LEARNING Annotated program of learning showing relevance to curriculum requirements, literacy/numeracy development, incorporation of ICT and understanding of ATSI histories, cultures and languages where relevant Note: This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. 2 1D PRIOR LEARNING OF STUDENTS BASED ON EVIDENCE 1E LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THE PROGRAM OF LEARNING WHAT WILL BE DONE FOR: students who need developing beyond the learning outcomes students who need support to meet the learning outcomes Note: This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. 3 2The inquiry question 2A THE INQUIRY QUESTION What is your inquiry question and how does it relate to the improved learning of your students? 2B PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Observing the practice of others (at least one observation) Date: Teachers involved: What did you see/hear? What did you learn? How does this help you address your inquiry question? Note: This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. 4 Talking to colleagues (based on at least 2 discussions) Dates: Teachers involved: What was discussed? What did you learn? How does this help you address your inquiry question? Other professional learning and how it helps you address your inquiry question Note: This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. 5 3The action plan 3A THE ACTION PLAN Use the learning outcomes already identified and the working documents you have to develop an action plan addressing your inquiry question. Document any learning outcomes that have been modified from your original program of learning. Document specific learning resources, practices and activities put in place to support identified students. List any additional assessment practices/tasks put in place to provide feedback to students. Include a discussion of how you have applied your new knowledge to your action plan. Note: This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. 6 4 4A Implementing your action plan PROVIDING FEEDBACK ON THE ACTION PLAN Based on at least 3 visits. You may record these separately or consolidate them into one entry. Mentor/experienced colleague visits – date: Signature (mentor/experienced colleague): Summary of discussion and actions arising: Note: This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. 7 AREAS OF PRACTICE THAT CAN BE WITNESSED Not all descriptors of the standards may be demonstrated in your inquiry process. If your teaching program does not include these elements, your mentor/experienced colleague can indicate where and when they have been witnessed. This section is to be completed by your mentor and/or experienced colleague. The boxes need to be ticked and evidence described as appropriate. Uses effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student learning Involves parent/carers involved in their children’s learning Ensures students’ well-being and safety Demonstrates professional ethics and responsibilities Complies with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements Engages with teaching colleagues, professional networks or the broader community Note: This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. 8 5 5A Evaluating the effectiveness of practice ASSESSING THE LEARNING OF STUDENTS Attach annotated samples of student work and discuss achievement of learning outcomes. 5B EVALUATING EFFECTIVENESS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE This is from page 34-37 of the ‘Supporting Provisionally Registered Teachers’ folder. Note: 9