NCC CAMPUS TEXTBOOKS FALL 2016 Although every effort is made to make the information on this spreadsheet as accurate as possible, books, ISBN's, editions, prices, etc. may change without notice. Your College Store will guarantee any books sold to you from the College Store. The College Store cannot extend support if you choose to purchase your textbook elsewhere. THANK YOU Course # ACC131-A ACC131-A ACC131-A ACC161-E ACC231-A ACC261-A Program Acctg I Acctg I Acctg I Acctg I Acctg II Acctg II Class Title Principles of Accounting I Students choose 1 of the 3 format options ADM111-C ADN648-C ADN648-C ADN648-C ADN648-C ADN648-C ADN648-C ADN648-C ADN655-C ADN657-C ADN658-C ADN656-C ART101-A ART143-A ART173-A AUT106 Admin Sec ADN ADN ADN Hyb I ADN Hyb I ADN Hyb I ADN Hyb I ADN Hyb I ADN ADN Hyb II ADN Hyb II ADN AS AS AS TS/DT/High Sc Keyboarding Advanced Nursing Concepts I Advanced Nursing Concepts I Advanced Nursing Concepts I Advanced Nursing Concepts I Advanced Nursing Concepts I Advanced Nursing Concepts I ADN Nursing IA ADN Nursing IIA ADN Nursing IIB ADN Nursing IB Art Appreciation Painting Ceramics Introduction to Automotive Book Title Accounting Principles (Hardcover) With WileyPLUS OR Accounting Principles (Binder Ready Version) With WileyPlus OR WileyPlus Stand-Alone Code Payroll Accounting, 2016 ED-w/access Intermediate Accounting W/Wiley Plus Fundamentals of Taxation 2016 w/Taxact CD Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials,Lessons 1-55: Microsoft Word 2013 + Keyboarding Pro DELUXE Online 6-Month Printed Access Card Intravenous Medications students bought other book in summer term Saunders Comprehensive Review for the Nclex-RN Exam Intravenous Medications Pharmacology for Nursing Care Medical-Surgical Nursing Package (Bundle with EAQ code) Nursing Kit purchased at the College Store students bought books in summer term Books purchased Books purchased students bought books in summer term Prebles' Artforms No textbook needed No textbook needed Automotive Technology 5e AUT106 AUT168-C AUT616 AUT616 AUT637-C AUT809C AUT861-C BCA194-C BCA195-C BCA195-C BCA195-C BCA195-C BIO151-A BIO154-A TS/DT/High Sc DT + 2 HS Ret TS/DT/High Sc TS/DT/High Sc AST2 AST2 TS Admin Sec Admin Sec Admin Sec Admin Sec Admin Sec AS AS Introduction to Automotive Auto Engine Repair Auto Electricity Auto Electricity Automotive Electronics Automotive Engine Performance Brakes & Chassis System Word & Info Processing I Word & Info Processing II Word & Info Processing II Word & Info Processing II Word & Info Processing II Nutrition Human Biology Electude code & binder Continued Continued Continued Continued same as AUT 106 Continued New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2016: Introductory + bundle Microsoft Word 2013: Comprehensive Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: Complete Skills Assessment Manager (SAM) 2013 Assessment, Training, and Projects v1.0 Multi-Term Printed Access Card Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy Human Biology Payroll Accounting Intermediate Accounting I Income Tax Accounting PRICES SHOWN ARE NEW PRICES, USED BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR MOST COURSES - CALL US AT 1-800-352-4907 EXT. 320 978-1-2598127-7-4 Retail $354.00 $255.00 $162.00 $256.00 $383.70 $243.00 9781285576329 978-0-323-29739-4 $170.30 $55.15 978-0-323-35851-4 978-0-323-29739-4 978-0-323-32190-7 978-0-323-39896-1 N/A $66.25 $55.15 $128.00 $208.00 $37.00 Pearson 978-0-205-96811-4 $219.55 Halderman Pearson 978-0-13-400908-7 $203.10 Edition 12th 12th 12th 2016 16th 9th Author Weygandt Weygandt Weygandt Bieg Kieso Cruz Publisher Wiley Wiley Wiley Cengage Wiley McGraw Hill 19th 2017 Van Huss, Forde, Southwestern Woo, Robertson Gahart & Nazareno Elsevier 7th 2017 9th 8th N/A Silvestri Elsevier Gahart & Nazareno Elsevier Lehne Elsevier Ignatavicius Elseiver N/A N/A 11th Frank see Argo 18th Parsons Course Technology ISBN # 978-1119036289 978-1119036395 978-1118970058 978-1-305665910 978-1-11923153-0 n/a $60.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $507.65 $101.30 $230.70 1st Edition Vermaat Course Technology N/A 1st Edition Sebok Course Technology N/A 1st Edition Course Technology N/A 4 books above Bundle #: 978-133-738097-3 11th Williams Times Mirror/Mosby 978-0-323-18580-6 14TH Mader McGraw Hill 978-1-259-24574-9 BIO155-A BIO165-A BIO167-A BIO170-A BIO172-A BIO183-A BIO184-A BUS102-A BUS111-C BUS185-A BUS265-A BUS265-A CAD101 CAD167 CIS205-E CIS307-E COM712-E CON160-C CON160-C CON176-C CSC110-A CSC115-A CSC115-A CSC142-E DSL352-C DSL631-C DSL801-C DSL810-C ECN130-A EDU210-A EGR400 EGR450 EGT801-E ELE108-C ELE120-E ELE121-E ELE150-C ELE154-C ELE160-C ELE168-C ELE170-C ELE191-C ELE199-C ELE211-C ELE240 ELE241 AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS Admin Sec AS AS Human Biology Lab Human Anatomy and Physiology Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab Human Anatomy and Physiology II Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Microbiology Microbiology Lab Introduction to Business Business Math Business Law I Risk Management Human Biology Laboratory Manual Hole's Anatomy & Physiology/update Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual Pig Version Continuation Continuation Microbiology: An Introduction (Just the textbook) Symbiosis BUSINESS ESSENTIALS ---- used books Practical Business Math Procedures Business Law with UCC Applications Life textbook with Iowa state study manual Property and Casualty textbook with Iowa state study manual Design Tech Introduction to CAD Mastering AutoCAD 2016 and AutoCAD LT 2016: Autodesk Official Press DT/ED/AWT Introduction to Inventor Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2016 & Autodesk Inventor LT 2016 Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML and CSS in One Hour a Day: Includes New Computer Science IIFundamentals of Web Page Programming HTML5 Coverage Computer Science IIIntroduction to Databases Concepts of Database Management Essentials of Business Communication, Includes Premium Website, 1 term (6 months) + Aplia Printed Access Card CT Elective Business Communications CARP Principles of Carpentry I Carpentry (BUNDLE that includes workbook) CARP Principles of Carpentry I Construction Master Pro Wkbk & Study Guide w/Calculator CARP Carpentry Lab I Same as CON160-C AS Introduction to Computers New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013 AS Introduction to Computers II Microsoft Publisher 2013: Introductory New Perspectives on Microsoft Expression Web 3.0 Comprehensive Computer Science IIComputer Science T&D2 Intro to Diesel Engines T&D2 Air Systems & Brakes T&D2 Truck & Trailer Service T&D2 Truck & Diesel Lab I AS Principles of Microeconomics AS Foundations of Education Des Tec/Eng DesignIntro to Engineering Design Tech Computer Integrated Mfg IIC 2nd Yr Internship ICW 1st Yr Res. Blueprint Reading ICW 1st Yr Fund of Electricity- DC IIC 1st Yr Fundamentals of Electricity - AC ICW 1st Yr National Electric Code ICW2 B Codes & Standards ICW 1st Yr Res. Wiring Theory/Lab ICW2 A Industrial Wiring Theory/Lab ICW2 B Power Distribution ICW2 B Motor Theory ICW2 A Motor Control Principles ICW2 A Programmable Controllers ELEC TECH Advanced PLC Applications ELEC TECH HMI & Motion Control Funds Starting Out with Programming Logic & Design Med/HD Truck Engines Fuel & Comp. Mgt. Systems NO BOOK Heavy Duty Truck Systems NO BOOKS Economics Teachers, Schools, and Society - LOOSE LEAF ONLY NO BOOK ???????????????????? NO BOOK Electrical Wiring Residential Standard Book of Electricity Continued NO BOOK - included with tool purchase Continued Modern Residential Wiring (Should be an 2014 ed) Continued Same as ELE 191C Transformers and Motors Electric Motor Control Programmable Logic Controllers Text Continued Continued 14TH 14TH 12TH Mader Shier Marieb 978-1-259-29300-9 978-0-07-802429-0 978-0-13-392559-3 $145.70 $317.35 $147.90 12th 1st 10 12th 14th Tortora, Funke, Addison Case Wesley 978-0-321-92915-0 Brian Albrecht Custom N/A Ebert & Griffin Prentice Hall 9780133454420 Slater Irwin (McGraw-Hill) 1-25972-506-5 Brown, SukysMcGraw Hill 978-0-07-773373-5 CPMI Professional Development Inc CPMI Professional Development Inc Omura, Benton Wiley 978-1-119-04483-3 Waguespack Wiley 978-1-119-05980-6 $233.35 $23.00 $83.25 $285.00 $311.70 $65.00 $80.00 $85.35 $138.60 Sams Publishing Lemay L. & Colburn, R. (Pearson) Pratt, Course Technology 978-1-285-42710-2 $40.95 $137.35 2016 2016 7th 8th McGraw Hill McGraw Hill Addison Wesley 978-0-672-33623-2 10th 6th Guffey, LoewySouthwestern Floyd Vogt ThomsonDelmar Jeff Spector Calculated Industries 9781305611214 978-1-285-71892-7 978-1-4180-41090 $236.70 $314.35 $68.95 1st Shaffer 1st 2011 4TH 5th Shelly, StarksCourse Technology Bojak Course Technology Gaddis, T. Addison-Wesley Bennett Thompson-Delmar 978-1-285-16764-0 978-1-2851-6729-9 0-538-74674-2 978-0-13-398507-8 978-1-305-57855-5 $273.70 $72.70 $180.70 $129.95 $155.35 Bennett 978-1-30507-362-3 $155.35 978-0-07-802175-6 978-0-07-802445-0 $354.35 $265.35 6th 20th 10th Cengage Thompson-Delmar McConnel, Brue McGraw-Hill Sadker, Sadker McGraw Hill N/A 18 6th 2015 1997 10th 4th Ray C. MullinDelmar/ITP NO USED Stephen L. Herman Delmar 978-1-285-170954 978-1-285-85270-6 $125.70 $215.70 Harvey Holzman Goodheart-Willcox 978-1-61960-842-9 $93.35 George P. Schultz Elsevier Publishing George P. Schultz Elsevier Publishing Alerich, Herman Delmar Thomp Lrng Petruzella Glencoe McGraw 0-7506-9948-5 0-7506-9948-5 1-133-70281-3 0-07-351088-2 $83.15 $83.15 $156.00 $211.70 Intro to Electronics Intro to Electronics Electronic Controls Interfacing Digital Electronics Interfacing Digital Electronics Process Measurement Process Measurement Programming Electronic Controllers Programming Electronic Controllers English Brush Up Composition I Composition II Fundamentals of English Grammar Graph Composition Notebook (College Store) Electronics for Electricians Same as ELT182 Graph Composition Notebook (College Store) Programming Arduino Getting Started TPC Series SCP328 Custom Ind IIC Text High Pressure Boilers 5th Graph Composition Notebook (College Store) Whats a Microcontroller? Parts Kit & Text English Essentials The Bedford Guide for College Writers Current Issues and Enduring Questions English Grammar for Writing 27807 2004 10th 10th 2005 Andy LindsayParallax, Inc (website) John Langan and Townsend Beth Johnson /NACS Kennedy, Kennedy, Bedford Muth / St. Martins Barnet, BedauSt. Martin's Press Honegger Houghton Mifflin N/A 1-59194-022-2 1-45-763104-0 978-145-762260-1 0-618-25189-8 4.75 25.35 178.15 172.00 4.75 $161.40 $32.00 $103.35 $95.35 $127.00 AS Creative Writing Discovery of Poetry: A Field Guide to Reading and Writing Poems 2001 Frances Mayes Harcourt/Nacs 978-0156007627 $24.00 ENG221-A AS Creative Writing Creating the Story: Guides for Writers 1993 Rebecca RuleHeinemann and Susan Wheller ENV115-A ENV116-A ENV140-A FIN130-A AS AS AS Acctg II Environmental Science Environmental Science Lab Natural Resources Biology Principles of Finance Environmental Science, A Study of Interrelationships Field & Laboratory Exercises in Environmental Science The Pearson Custom Library for Environmental Science Fundamentals of Financial Management w/ Aplia Bundle 14TH 8th 1st 14th Enger & Smith McGraw-Hill Publishing 978-0-07-353255-4 Enger & Smith McGraw-Hill Publishing 978-0-07-759982-9 NCC Natural Resource Pearson Conservation 1-256-02388-4 Brigham Cengage 978-1-305591158 FLS131-A HEQ131-C HEQ158-C HEQ160-C HEQ160-C HEQ160-C HEQ172 HEQ257-C HEQ263-C HEQ264-C HIS110-A HIS151-A AS HE1 HE 2 HE 1 HE 1 HE 1 HE1 HE 2 HE 2 HE 2 AS AS Elementary Spanish I Aventuras Student Set (this is what we had last time) Safety & Intro Same as HEQ160 Equip Op & Maint III NO BOOKS - IN FIELD Equip Lub & Maint. Heavy Equipment Operations Level 1 Equip Lub & Maint. Heavy Equipment Operations Level 2 Equip Lub & Maint. Heavy Equipment Operations Level 3 CDL-A DOT Reg & Lab ????????????? NO BOOK Surveying II Equip Recond Th II NO BOOKS - IN FIELD Equip Recond Lab II NO BOOKS - IN FIELD Western Civilization: Ancient to Early Modern The Western Heritage TLC Combined Volume U.S. History to 1877 The American Pageant, Volume I to 1877 HIT120-E HIT II Pharmacology for HIT Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals HIT250-E HIT I Coding I ICD-10-CM Coding Handbook without answers 2017 edition HIT250-E HIT I Coding I ICD-10-CM Manual, 2017 Code SetProfessional dition softbound HIT370-C HIT420-C HIT I HIT II Health Records in Acute Care Legal Aspects of Health Information Health Information: Management of a Strategic Resource Text & Study Guide Package HIT451-C HIT595-C HSC113-E HSC113-E HUM927 LIT101-A HIT II HIT II Medical Coding Medical Coding AS AS Allied Health Statistics HIT Practicum B Medical Terminology ELT182 ELT182 ELT183 ELT330 ELT330 ELT645-E ELT645-E ELT842 ELT842 ENG053-H ENG105-A ENG106-A ENG150-A ICW2 B ICW2 B ICW2 B ELEC TECH ELEC TECH IIC 2nd Yr IIC 2nd Yr ELEC TECH ELEC TECH AS AS AS AS ENG221-A Honors Study Introduction to Literature 6th Stephen L. Herman Delmar Simon Monk McGraw/Hill Current School Craft newest Steingress/Frost/Walker ATP 4th Trainee 3rd Trainee 3rd Trainee 3rd Trainee 3rd 1-111-12780-8 978-0-07-178422-1 SPC328/329 978-0-8269-4315-6 978-0435087654 $285.35 $94.70 Prentice Hall Prentice Hall Prentice Hall 978-0-13-292142-8 978-0-13-340251-3 978-0-13-340256-8 N/A $94.70 $134.70 $134.70 978-0-205-72891-6 978-1-305-07593-1 $189.95 $161.70 9780133911268 $115.15 978-155-648423-0 $108.95 978-162-254229-1 $109.95 9780323263481 $118.40 Legal and Ethical Essentials of Health Care Administration 978-1-4496-9434-0 Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis 4th, 2015 Koch, Gerda Delmar 978-1-133-60270-5 6th LaFleur Mosby DiYanni $204.00 $110.70 $74.15 $253.75 978-1-618-57660-6 978-0-13-292142-8 6th 16TH 9th 10th $59.50 Vista Higher Learning Prentice Hall Kagan, Ozment, Pearson/Prentice and Turner Hall Kennedy Houghton Mifflin Turley, 5th 2016 Prentice Hall Susan Leon2017 AHA Chisen Peggy 2017 OptumInsight Willard Abdelhak 5th Saunders etal 2014 Pozgar Jones & Bartlett Printed at NCC Exploring Medical Language-TEXTBOOK ONLY Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine No textbook needed Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama, & the Essay 4.75 211.35 Elsevier Elsevier N/A 9780323113403 978-0-323-22205-1 $216.70 N/A $102.35 $53.35 McGraw Hill 978-0-07-312426-1 $205.35 MAT044-H MAT102-A MAT104-C MAT106-E MAT108-C MAT110-A MAT123-E MAT156-A MAT156-A MAT210-A MAT925 MFG122 MFG146 MFG150 MFG185 MFG191 MFG191 MFG194 MFG429 MGT101-A MGT110-A NET114-E NET142-E NET303-E NET601-E NET601-E NET602-E NET603-E PEH115-A PHI101-A PHI105-A PHR105 PHR105 PNN648-C PNN650-C PNN659-C PNN659-C PNN659-C PNN659-C PNN659-C PNN659-C PNN660-A PNN660-A POL111-A PSY102-E PSY111-A PSY121-A PSY241-A AS Mastery Math No textbook needed AS Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra - Functions & Authentic Applications CT Elective Applied Math Topics Mathematics for the Trades CT Elective Elementary Algebra Elementary Algebra CT Elective Math Fundamentals Basic College Mathematics AS Math for Liberal Arts Embedded Content CT Elective Basic Algebra & Trigonometry Embedded Content AS Statistics Embedded Content AS Statistics Introduction to Statistical Investigations Workbook-Custom AS Calculus I Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Single Variable AS Honors Research No textbook needed DT/ED/W Machine Trade Print Reading Machine Trades Print Reading DT Automated Manufacturing Systems ??????????????????????? ED/DT/AWT Applied Math for Manufacturing DT/ED/W OSHA/Shop Safety OSHA ON LINE CODE??? DT/ED/AWT Manufacturing Processes Machining Fundamentals DT/ED/AWT Manufacturing Processes Machinery's Handbook ED/AWT Inspection Processes Design Tech Tooling Design & Build Die Design Fundamentals AS Principles of Management Modern Management AS Small Business Management Small Time Operator Computer Science IIFoundation of Information Technology Technology in Action: Complete Computer Science I Network Essentials Networking Fundamentals Computer Science IIWindows Workstations Operating Systems Guide to Operating Systems CNS I LAN & WAN Network Fundamentals N/A CNS II LAN & WAN Network Fundamentals N/A CNS II Desktop Operating Systems N/A CNS II Wireless and Mobile Implementations N/A AS Wellness Education Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness -- used AS Introduction to Philosophy Philosophy: A Text with Readings AS Introduction to Ethics Doing Ethics PHR Introduction to Pharmacy Technician Pharmacy Calculations for Technicians PHR Introduction to Pharmacy Technician Pharmacy Practice for Technicians PN Nursing Concepts I Fundamentals of Nursing (Bundle with EAQ code) EPN II Nursing Concepts IIA Continuation PN Fundamentals of Nursing Dosage Calculations: A Ratio-Proportion Approach PN Fundamentals of Nursing Maternal Child Nursing Care Fundamentals of Nursing Mosby's Nursing Drug Reference 2017 PN Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Diagnosis Handbook PN Fundamentals of Nursing Intro to medical Surg. Nursin EAQ code PN Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Kit purchased at the College Store EPN II Practical Nursing IA Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing (Bundle with EAQ code) EPN II Practical Nursing IA Pharmacology for Nursing Care - transfer only AS American National Government Government by the People, Brief 2014 CT Elective Human & Work Relations Effective Human Work Relations -- used AS Introduction to Psychology Exploring Psychology AS Developmental Psychology Development Across a Lifespan AS Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach 5th 10th 9th 10th Lehmann Pearson/Prentice Hall 978-0-321-86819-0 Carman, Saunders Pearson/Prentice Hall 978-0-13-334777-7 McKeague Thomson/Brooks/Cole 0-840-06421-7 Aufmann, Barker Houghton Mifflin 1-13-336544-2 N/A N/A N/A Wiley 978-111-921-7091 13th edition Pearson 978-0-321-88854-9 6th Barsamian & Goodheart-Willcox Gizelbach 978-1-63126-105-3 N/A N/A N/A 9th 30th John R. Walker Goodheart-Willcox Industrial Press Industrial Press 978-1-619-60209-0 978-0-83-113091-6 N/A $91.35 N/A N/A N/A $115.35 $145.35 N/A $72.00 $309.75 $19.95 $186.95 $96.00 $208.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A $68.50 $216.35 $113.70 $95.00 $115.80 $177.50 3rd Industrial Press 14TH Samual CertoPrentice Hall 33rd (11th) The Distributors 14th Evans, Martin,Prentice & Poatsy Hall 2nd ed. Roberts Goodheart-Willcox 4th Palmer & Walters Cengage N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13th Hoeger, Hoeger Wadsworth 13th Velasquez Wadsworth 4th Voughn Norton 5th Ballington and Paradigm Wiegand 5th Ballington and Paradigm Wiegand 9th Potter and Perry Elsevier N/A N/A N/A N/A 4th 2015 30th 11th 6th N/A 6th 9th 25th 12th 10th 8th 7th $149.70 $150.00 $46.70 $67.85 $60.00 N/A $62.85 978-0-323-39887-9 $ 154.40 978-0-323-32190-7 $122.75 978-0-133-91468-9 $161.35 978-1-133-96083-6 $140.50 978-1-464-15407-2 $173.35 978-0-13-422589-0 $235.15 1-285-75561-8 $278.70 Pickar Thomson/Delmar Ward FA Davis Skidmore-Roth Mosby Ackley & Ladwig Elsevier Linton-Maebius Elsevier N/A N/A Linton-Maebius Elsevier Lehne Elsevier Magelby Prentice Hall Reece/BrandtHoughton Mifflin Myers Worth Feldman Prentice Hall Barlow, Durand Wadsworth 978-0-8311-3119-7 978-0-13-385981-2 978-0-917510-28-1 978-0-13-428910-6 978-1-60525-356-5 978-1-111-30636-6 $213.75 $233.35 $305.35 $273.00 N/A N/A N/A $72.00 $144.35 978-1-285-73314-2 978-1-30-541047-3 978-0-393-26541-5 978-0-763-85221-4 978-0763-85226-9 978-0-323-42957-3 978-1-285-42945-8 9780-803-63665-1 978-0-323-44826-0 978-0-323-32224-9 978-0-323-39889-3 PWL168-C PWL168-C PWL169-C PWL170-C PWL170-C PWL172-C PWL174-C PWL189 PWL189 PWL189 PWL190 PWL190 PWL191 PWL191 RAD103 RAD106-E RAD122-E RAD321-E RAD321-E RAD510-E RAD761-E RAD796-E RAD851-E REL101-A SDV108-A SOC110-A SOC120-A SPC112-A WEL120 WEL152 WEL186 WEL240 WEL308 PL1 PL1 PL2 PL1 PL1 PL2 PL3 PL1 PL1 PL1 PL2 PL2 PL3 PL3 Rad Tech Rad Tech I Rad Tech I Rad Tech I Rad Tech I Rad Tech II Rad Tech II Rad Tech II Rad Tech II AS AS AS AS AS Prod Welding Prod Welding Prod Welding Prod Welding Prod Welding DC Theory DC Theory AC Theory Field Training I Field Training I Field Training II Field Training III Powerline Trade Fundamentals I Powerline Trade Fundamentals I Powerline Trade Fundamentals I Powerline Trade Fundamentals II Powerline Trade Fundamentals II Transformers & Connections Transformers & Connections Introduction to Radiologic Technology Foundations of Radiologic Technology Radiographic Procedures I Imaging I Imaging I Clinical Education IV Film Evaluation Physics for Radiographers Radiation Protection Biology Survey of World Religions The College Experience Introduction to Sociology Marriage and Family Public Speaking Oxy Fuel Welding & Cutting Shielded Metal-Arc Welding Lab I GMAW Welding Fabrication Certification Pipe Welding Theory/Lab Standard Book of Electricity DC Packet AC Packet Composition Notebook (College Store) Field I Training Packet Field II Training Packet Field III Training Packet Lineman & Cableman's Handbook Trade I Packet REA Specs 804 Overhead Trade II Packet Distribution: Capacitors, Regulators, Circuits Transformer Packet Distribution Transformer Theory Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice Introduction to Radiologic Technology Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning Principles of Radiographic Imaging an Art and a Science The Fundamentals of Imaging Physics and Radiobiology Continuation No text needed Radiologic Science for Technologists (also used for RAD851) Radiologic Science for Technologists (also used for RAD796) Living Religions Your College Experience: Strategies for Success Society: The Basics Marriage and the Family: The Quest for Intimacy The Challenge of Effective Speaking No text needed Code for online course textbook Modern Welding No text needed No text needed Printed at NCC Printed at NCC Printed at NCC 12th Kurtz & Shoemaker McGraw Hill Printed at NCC 804 Hi-Line Hi-Line Printed at NCC Current Robert A. Billings Robert A. Billings Printed at NCC Current Robert A. Billings Robert A. Billings 4th Long, Frank, and Saunders/Elsevier Erlich 7th Curley, Callaway Mosby - Elsevier 13 Long, Rollins,Mosby and Smith - Elsevier 5th Carlton, AdlerDelmar Thompson 9th Sellman Charles Thomas $215.70 $16.00 $7.75 $3.00 $5.75 $3.75 $1.95 978-0-07-174258-0 $130.70 $22.85 804 $19.50 $14.30 Robert A. Billings $21.00 $14.50 Robert A. Billings $25.00 978-1455740772 $102.35 978-0-323-07351-6 $82.10 978-0-323-26341-2 $323.20 1439058725 $214.00 0-398-06987-5 $95.95 10th 10th 10th 12th 14th 8th 16th 978-0-323-08135-1 978-0-323-08135-1 978-0-13-416897-5 1-4576-9966-4 978-0-13-422699-6 0-07-811162-5 1-285-09484-0 $141.90 $141.90 $171.15 $92.70 $196.40 $198.70 $221.35 978-1-61960-176-5 978-1-60525-795-2 $60.00 $125.35 6th 11th Stephen L. Herman Delmar Printed at NCC Printed at NCC Bushong Elsevier Bushong Elsevier Fisher Prentice Hall Gardner Bedford Macionis Pearson Lauer & LauerMcGraw Hill Verderber Wadsworth Goodheart-Willcox Goodheart-Willcox 978-1-285-85270-6