Network for Change Tel: 0116 2470335 Resource Centre Activities ‘Mind the Gap’ Timetable for February February— —May 2016 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Individual Support and Information Surgery Gardening Group 10am-12pm Fit Body & Countryside Voices Group Soul 10.30-12pm Ramble 10.30am-12pm 10am till 3pm Every fortnight 1-4pm Weekly Weekly *Please pre book. Grow your own veg to eat at our local allotment Reap the benefits of light exercise and mental refreshment from being close to nature. Please wear sensible footwear and clothing. See Sharon for details. Find healthy ways to care for your mental & physical health whilst increasing self confidence. Includes Smoothie making and park walking. Steering Group 2pm - 8th Feb Quarterly meetings about the Resource Centre please let Fiona know if you are attending. Mindfulness Meditation 1.30pm-2pm Reduce stress, improve energy and happiness through simple meditation. Art Group 1.30-4pm Weekly Places must be pre booked. Please wear sensible footwear and clothing 17th Mar 21st April 19th May Individual Support and Information Surgery Exercise for All 12.30-1.30pm With Nasser. Learn simple techniques including Tai Chi that can be practised daily to improve mobility, vitality and reduce stress. 1-4pm Weekly Residential Trip in May date to be announced please look out for poster coming soon! Crafts 2-4pm Draw, paint, print and use many other weekly media to express your Try your hand at creativity. knitting, needle All abilities welcome. work, machine Sewing, pottery and Please contact Fiona lots more ideas from if you are interested. our Tutor Sharon. Peer Support Group 2-4pm Weekly An opportunity to meet and chat with others. Also a chance to play a games and use the internet. *Also check posters in Resource Centre for Lunch-time talks on Monday’s. Film Club Month Film requests are welcomed 3-5 pm 22nd Feb 21st Mar 18th April 23rd May Individual Support and Info Surgery 1-4pm weekly We can help with information finding signposting you in the right direction, help with forms. If you have any difficulties then please ring to make an appointment and we will see how we can help you. *Pre book Weds Drop Drop--in 2.30-4.30pm Every Week at 102, Regent Road Social Club. Play pool, details. *Please pre book. We can help with information finding signposting & form filling. Peer Support Drop Drop--in 2-4pm Women’s Group 1-3pm Meet monthly Speak to Linda 11th Feb 10th Mar 7th April 5th May Weekly An opportunity to meet, talk and make friends. Music Group 2-4pm All abilities welcome, a variety of instruments Available. Sat Lunch Social Evening 11.30-1pm Regent Social Club, 102 Regents Road, Leicester Must be pre booked. 13th Feb Every 27th Feb Fortnight bingo, darts, and skittles. Enjoy a relaxed 12th Mar and occasional trips 9th April out. Please 23rdApril check with 7th May staff for 21st May Lottery funded through ‘Reaching Communities’ Further This peer support group focuses on the shared experience in a safe and friendly environment. Speak to Fiona about joining details. Fri 18th March From 7pm Buffet, Raffle, Quiz etc.. Operating from the Resource centre we offer a friendly, warm, welcoming environment where people can relax, enjoy meeting together and access learning, recreational opportunities, advice and information. The Centre provides varied opportunities for socialising, peer support and developing individual skills and potential. The NRC operates an evolving programme of both weekday and out-of-hours activities. ‘Mind the Gap’ the Big Lottery Reaching Communities to deliver Network for Change has been funded by If you are interested in any of the groups/activities on offer then please speak to a member of the Resource Centre team to find out more. Speak to Fiona or Linda for further enquires or email Tel: 0116 247 0335 and twitter @net4change follow us on facebook www.facebook.comnetworkforchange The Resource Centre has moved and is now located in the city centre at: 15 Wellington Street, Leicester LE1 6HH our website address below; Network For Change is a local voluntary sector organisation providing a range of services, designed to meet the needs of adults whose mental health problems have impacted significantly on their quality of life. Our values and working practice focus on Recovery and person-centred approaches to enable wellbeing and potential. Feb Feb--May 2016 Timetable Resource Centre Groups & Activities Network for Change