Bainbridge Island FC

Bainbridge Island FC
Mission Statement
Promote the love of the game of soccer by providing quality training and appropriate competition for all
ages and abilities in a safe and supportive environment, while developing the highest standards of player
growth and fair play.
BIFC Board Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2016, Marge Williams Center
Board Members
Liming McMillan (Registrar)
Ron Piland (V.P. of Competition)
John Thornton (V.P. of Recreational Program)
JP Werlin (Treasurer)
Johannes Happonen (Director of Communications)
Bill Lesko (President)
Craig Heisginer (V.P. of Select Program)
Phil Avison (Technical Director)
Brenda Berry (Director of Fundraising)
Pam Conyers (Director of Volunteers)
Ian McCallum (Director of Coaching)
Sherry LaMonica (Secretary)
7:21 PM roll call and confirmed quorum.
Special Guest/Topic
Alex Brown
Minutes Review and Approval
The January 2016 and February 2016 Board Of Directors meeting minutes were approved
Officer’s Reports
President (Bill Lesko)
1. BIFC High School Senior Scholarship Award
A $500 annual college tuition scholarship was proposed by Bill, to be awarded to one male and
one female BIFC player. Applicants must have been a member of BIFC as a registered player or
referee within the past 4 years. The applicant must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a
scale of 4.0. Brenda initiated a motion to adopt the scholarship program in 2016, Sherry 2nd the
motion, and it carried unanimously.
Brenda will add the $1000 scholarship cost to her fundraising goals for this year. The board will
form a sub-committee to vet the scholarship applicants, then present finalists to the board, who
will vote on the recipients. Applications will be requested in April, reviewed in May and the
scholarships will be awarded in June. Ian will include the scholarship information in the April
newsletter and point to the online scholarship application when it’s available. The scholarship
budget line will be categorized under ‘Other Expenses’.
2. Washington Youth Soccer Awards
a. The BIFC Board of Directors nominated Phil Avison for the Washington Youth Soccer (WYS)
Association "Hall of Fame" award, an annual recognition awarded at the state level.
The Hall of Fame award is intended to recognize individuals who have demonstrated exceptional,
positive, and longtime support of WYS. The outstanding accomplishments, dedication, and
leadership of these individuals have made a significant contribution to youth soccer in the state of
Washington for at least 5 years. Refer to this link for more information on WYS "of the
year“ awards.
b. Several BIFC members established a grassroots effort to nominate Ian McCallum as a “Top
50 Soccer Citizen” for WYS’s 50th anniversary celebration.
Soccer Citizens are defined as: 1) Community leaders whose experience participating in youth
soccer in Washington helped them develop life skills that led to success off the field and in the
community; or 2) others, such as coaches and administrators who, by devoting countless hours to
youth soccer, allowed players to develop valuable life skills. Refer to this link for more information
on WYS’s “top 50” awards.
VP of Competition (Ron Piland)
Sakai property update:
Saturday, April 23rd from 10AM – 1PM is the follow-up Bainbridge Island Parks District meeting
where land-use related committees will report on the benefits of their proposal(s). Ron’s action
item from the meeting is to complete an activity analysis: given the 60 ideas presented at the
January meeting, and based on our demographics, determine the percentage of the Bainbridge
population that would benefit from each suggestion. Brenda is a member of the committee
creating a survey to gather wider community input on future land use, and we will encourage
BIFC members to voice their opinions.
Treasurer (JP Werlin)
1. Independent financial audit
J.P. followed up with the CPA firms provided by Pam. We’re not seeking a complete audit, but a
3rd party review of our accounting. JP will solicit additional quotes and provide an update at the
next (April) BOD meeting.
2. Financial Summary
Income in the “Other income” category drove income higher than normal in February 2016.
Otherwise, our income is currently in line with expectations. We are currently 40K net income
negative, but revenues are trickling in for spring soccer. An open action item is to move operating
reserve to a separate bank account as voted upon at the January 2016 BOD meeting. Liming
and JP will set up separate account for long-term reserve.
3. Club-wide Team Snap Subscription
J.P. was tasked with investigating a self-service technology package to standardize club
communication at the team level. Our current tools are not consistent across teams and
adopting a self-service platform will lift a percentage of responsibility from team managers.
TeamSnap and Shutterfly are the most widely used services, and TeamSnap is best for the
BIFC use case. It allows communication with players, game tracking, team contact
information, statistics tracking, and scheduling. Team Snap’s game/practice availability
feature is particularly valuable to BIFC coaches. The cost for 22 teams per year is $984. J.P
recommends purchasing the lowest number of licenses/teams needed and adding more as
demand increases.
The total cost to the club will be roughly: 20 recreational teams + 22 select teams =
approximately 2K annually. JP initiated a vote for a budget line item up to $2500 to cover
Team Snap costs for BIFC. Alex 2nd the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Registrar (Liming McMillan) – Liming circulated the February 2016 BIFC financial report to
the BOD by email on March 7, 2016.
Director of Fundraising (Brenda Berry)
Brenda inquired if BIFC has a policy regarding sponsor names on recreational uniforms, or if
jerseys can contain the logo only and sponsor logos are printed on banners. Currently, BIFC
uniforms are created every two years with updated sponsors.
Director of Coaching (Ian McCallum)
1. General DOC summary
Birth year 1998-2000 tryouts for 2016-2017 select soccer are completed. Phil, Ian and 10 other
evaluators participated in the tryout. Varsity, Junior Varsity, and C teams were formed. Three
off-island players came back to BIFC.
Open practices for remaining age groups begin this week and continue through April, until select
tryouts. Spring soccer registration numbers are lower than last year: currently 250 players signed
up compared to 400 players last year. There is some member confusion surrounding spring
soccer leagues. We need to create distinction between spring recreational soccer and NSYSA
league names.
The March newsletter will cite parent information meetings, open training session dates and times,
and select tryout dates and times.
2. Important Dates:
Kitsap Pumas Game Day @ BHS (Sat, 9th April) – BHS
Seattle Reign Game Day (Aug 27 v Portland)
Seattle Sounder Game Day (Sat, June 25 v NY) –still need to confirm
15-17 April E license training
Technical Director (Phil Avison) – Phil submitted a Technical Director report on March 11,
2016 by email to the Board of Directors (See attachment, Technical Director Report - March
2016.docx). Phil is considering model-based predictions on performance parameters to
potentially enhance decisions for BIFC’s training programs.
VP of Select (Craig Heisinger) – no report
Director of Communications (Johannes Happonen) – no report
Director of Volunteers (Pam Conyers) – Bonzi recently reported email problems, which
explains the low response received for Soccer Ball volunteers in February.
VP of Recreational Program (John Thornton) – The next NSYSA meeting is Tuesday,
March 29th . This is a slow period for recreational soccer.
Old Business
We won’t be participating in the CDC concussion study. The timeline for the study in
Washington State doesn’t work with BIFC’s schedule.
New Business
1. Discussion how BIFC engages families not happy with coaching assignments.
Ian typically meets with parents to discuss this on an individual basis. For the upcoming
U.S. youth soccer age changes we want to ensure continuity. We have an active BOD,
Director of Coaching , Technical Director and V.P. of Select and V.P. of Recreational
Programs making coach assignment decisions. While BIFC has a process, we welcome
parent feedback during information meetings or at any time.
2. How can we increase quality of our spring season?
We should communicate the goals for spring soccer more clearly. The goal of spring
recreational soccer is to have fun and learn the game with minimal pressure. We try to create
balanced teams and play small-sided games to teach specific skills.
Craig motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 PM. Ron 2nd the motion, and it carried