St. Vincent de Paul Waukesha County

St. Vincent de Paul Waukesha County
818 W Sunset Drive, Waukesha, WI 53189
Office: (262) 544-1850 Store: (262) 547-3281 Fax: (262) 522-9048
October 26, 2015
Quarterly Membership Meeting
Council Operations/Programs & Ministries
Upcoming Event
November 7
Ozanam Orientation
Council Office – 818 W. Sunset Dr. Waukesha
8:15 am registration
8:30 am Program start
1:00 pm Conclusion
(Continental Breakfast and Lunch provided)
Ozanam training is a must for all wishing to be active Vincentians (i.e., those wishing to regularly
attend conference meetings and participate in the home visit and other one-on-one ministries).
This training gives us the opportunity to learn more about the spiritual journey we share, our
Vincentian heritage and our core ministry, the Home Visit. If you have not attended this training
session in the last 3 years, now is the time.
Registration is required. A name tag and a packet of information will be prepared for each
attendee. It is best to register online or you may register by email at or
call 262-522-3240.
Call Julie with your RSVP or you may register online:
SVdP Receives Alert from the United States Postal Service of Inspector General
On October 19, 2015, the Waukesha Council office was informed by the Waukesha Postmaster
that an investigation is being conducted by the United States Postal Service of Inspector
General. Excerpts from the notification: ‘Special Agents of the USPS OIG investigate violations
of law that involve the U.S. Mails, including theft, delay or destruction of mail by postal
employee(s).” A Waukesha Postal Carrier has been removed from the Postal Service and is
under investigation.
St. Vincent de Paul was among the residents notified by the USPS office. Among the items
found were pieces of mail to St. Vincent de Paul and were returned with the letter. It is unknown
if all mail was returned or how long this activity may have been going on. The Council office was
also made aware that an outgoing check from the SVdP Waukesha mailbox was never received.
Please review your bank statements through October 2015 with attention to any outstanding
checks to St. Vincent de Paul. Also, if you were expecting a check or mailing from the Council
office and have not received, contact Ashley in the business office. Phone: 262-522-3241 or
St. Vincent de Paul Waukesha County
818 W Sunset Drive, Waukesha, WI 53189
Office: (262) 544-1850 Store: (262) 547-3281 Fax: (262) 522-9048
2016 Program Calendars – Conference Commitments
All program calendars are being prepared. (Meal Program, WFP Program, Summer Lunch
Program, etc.)
If your conference was involved in any program in 2015, Conference commitments and dates will
roll over into 2016. Julie is asking for each conference to confirm and/or notify her if there will be
a conference leader change or if there is a scheduling conflict.
Program Summaries
(Final numbers are in!)
2015 Back-to-School Program Summary
The St. Vincent de Paul Back-to-School Program provided 444 backpacks filled with basic school
supplies and a $15.00 Payless Shoes gift card to struggling families with school age children this
year. An additional 34 backpacks were distributed after the program concluded.
Many thanks to the conferences that held Back-to-School drives and the generosity of the
parishioners; to the many dedicated volunteers who worked diligently to fulfill the needs of
conference families; and to the many volunteers who worked at St. William organizing supplies
and assisting with the backpack distribution.
Special thanks to St. William Church for the use of their gym and to the Arrowhead High School
Football team for overseeing backpack assembly. You all made it happen!
2015 Summer Lunch Summary
Thirteen conferences participated in the 2015 Summer Lunch Program. The program ran from
June 15 – August 28 each Monday – Friday at Saratoga Stem School Park throughout the kids
summer school break. The Park, Recreation & Forestry Dept provided three staff members who
joined the kids for lunch prior to their afternoon Parks program. The School District of Waukesha
also visited the park on Wednesdays of the majority of the summer providing books to
youngsters to check out to keep their reading skills in tact during the summer months. A total of
5792 lunches were distributed to children, and the parents that accompanied them over the
summer months this year.
Many thanks to the vast number of volunteers who helped make this happen!
Eight Annual Friends of the Poor Walk Summary
The 8th Annual Friends of the Poor WALK held September 26 generated a total of $ $25,652.39
One hundred twenty-two walkers tripped the 2 mile walk. Fr. Jose Nieto, St. William, celebrated
Mass and National partners, Catholic Financial Life Chapter 40 graciously provided the
refreshments for this event.
Special thanks to Ruthanne White, St. William walk coordinator, Debbie Schafer, St. John
Neumann, St. William parish and all the volunteers who helped to make the 8th Annual Friends of
the Poor Walk such a great success.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Mission Statement
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Waukesha County
Office: 818 W. Sunset Drive
Waukesha, WI 53189
Phone: 262-544-1850
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay
organization, leads women and men to
join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those
who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric
Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de
As a reflection of the whole family of
God, members, who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic
and cultural background, age group,
and economic level. Vincentians are
united in an international society of
charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, which is nourished
by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a
basic Rule.
Organized locally, Vincentians witness
God's love by embracing all works of
charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in
relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those
served because, in them, Vincentians
see the face of Christ.
*Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Waukesha County is a 501c(3)
tax-exempt charitable
Society of
St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)
Waukesha County
Inspired for our Patrons
in Waukesha County
What is an Endowment
and what does it do?
Simply put, an endowment fund
consists of investing money, typically
from charitable gifts and bequests,
that are invested with its principal untouched and only its investment earnings used to support specific purposes.
This means the invested principal stays
intact, providing perpetual income
through capital gains, dividends and
Why do we have a St. Vincent de Paul
Endowment Fund and who does it
The St. Vincent de Paul Board of Directors, chose to create an endowment
fund that would benefit its ministries so
they may be able to provide specialized services to patrons in perpetuity.
Grants-in-aid will be awarded to
patrons in the following Ministries:
St. Dismas Jail Ministry
Coming Together to Get Ahead
(a SVdP mentoring program)
Store Ministry
Conference Home Visit Ministry
Why donate to the St. Vincent
de Paul Endowment Fund?
By contributing to the SVdP
Endowment Fund, you are
passing on your faith for
generations to come, helping
to ensure that St. Vincent de
Paul can continue to serve
our Waukesha community
today and in the future.
Support and Services We Will
The St. Vincent de Paul
Endowment Fund will give
four Council ministries the
opportunity to award grantsin-aid to SVdP Patrons (who
are residents of Waukesha
County) and require life
changing specific initiatives in
any one of the following
Job Training
Health Treatment
Rehabilitation Treatment
Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Waukesha County
How can I give?
There are many ways to
support the St. Vincent de
Paul Endowment fund. This
support is typically in
addition to your other
One-time donation
Annual Giving
Bequest in your Will
Planned Giving
St. Vincent de Paul
Endowment Fund is
managed by the Waukesha
County Community
Foundation. To structure a
donation that will work best
for you and your family,
please contact us.