Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology
Volume1, Issue 1
Mr. Italia Hiren R.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Saradchandra Pawar COE, Otur, University of Pune
Abstract— Human behavior is changing because of wireless
communication is becoming faster. The wireless communication
technologies eliminated the wired world, but the wireless
communication needs medium to communicate two devices. Here
in this paper we have used human body as a wireless network.
Many authors has been given ideas how to use human body as a
method, but in this paper we have put another way for mobile to
mobile (M2M) transmission using human body as a
communication channel. In this paper we have given the idea
about data transmission between two mobile devices with the
added security and increase data size.
M2M communication, Mobile to Mobile
Intrabody Communication, HAN, wireless
In today’s world transmission of data is performed
over a wired network or wireless network. The drawback of
the wired network is the routing of the cable. The drawback of
the wireless network is packet collision and security risk. But
these drawbacks are eliminated by using the proposed system
in this paper.
This was originally proposed by T. G. Zimmerman
[1]. The concept is to use a human body as communication
channel between mobile device terminals. The concept of
Personal Area Networks (PAN) [2] - Near field IBC is
demonstrated how mobile devices near the human body can
exchange digital information by capacitive coupling in pico
ampere currents through the human body.
Prof. Dr. G. U. Kharat
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Saradchandra Pawar COE, Otur, University of Pune
secure short range communication method for body area
networks, compared to wireless RF. Despite the tremendous
benefits, the evolution of IBC is still in its infancy.
Zimmerman [1]
said that,
communication can operate at very low frequencies and low
transmission power. The prototype of the PAN transmitter
operates at 330 kHz, 30V, with a transmission power
consumption of 1.5mW for charging the electrode capacitance.
Direct coupling by Masaaki Fukumoto [2] et al is a modified
version of the basic capacitive method. The system operates
by analog frequency modulation at frequencies within 50 kHz
to 90 kHz for transmitting a simple protocol of ID numbers.
Sasaki [9] et al tried to illuminate the principles of intrabody
communication, where the Electro Optic [EO] sensor is used
to receive data signal. Maria Amparo Callej´on [4] et al
implemented galvanic [5], [6] and capacitive coupling [7], [8]
setups and carried out comprehensive set of measurements by
analyzing fundamental IBC parameters such as optimum
frequency range, maximum channel length and type of
A. Hardware Section
In the year 2013 MirHojjat Seyedi [3] et al done a
survey to examine the ongoing research in the area of
Intrabody communication for body area network applications
and gives IBC fundamentals, IBC mathematical models of the
human body, IBC transceiver designs. It is found that IBC is a
new short range non-RF wireless communication technique
specified by the IEEE 802.15.6 using the human body as a
transmission medium. As it stands, the IBC technique
potentially provides a more power efficient and naturally
Published on August 2014
Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology
Volume1, Issue 1
Fig. 1. M2M communication Transceiver
Figure1 shows the M2M communication transceiver.
This model is made for the mobile devices which has android
as its operating system. For the mobile device we have created
an application using eclipse as a user interface. We have
created application with the facility to transfer the personal
business card or the file which resides in the mobile device.
Here we have used ARM board on which we have
placed power supply section, external bluetooth device section
and the touch pad section. From the power supply section we
are supplying the +3.3V to the ARM board with help of
IC1117 and +5V to the other part of the circuit. The main
purpose to use the ARM is it has two UART ports which are
useful for two way communication. The external bluetooth
device used here is RN-42 with accessibility around 10m of
Fig. 2. M2M communication Security
Other than these components we have also used the
amplifier to make the data transmission over the large range
without failure or interruption of the data. The amplifier we
have used LM358 because it requires only positive supply. By
using the reference level adjustment section in the amplifier
we are able to transmit the data over the large range.
B. Software Section
In this system mainly we are using two types of
software, first for the creation of mobile phone application
which is eclipse and second for the transmission of the data
between mobile devices which is keil u-Vision.
First, in the eclipse we have created the user interface
which is useful for the user to select the business card or file
and to select the one way or two way transmission of the data.
We have also given some security to the user that without
permission the data will not able to transmit; the snapshot of
page is given in figure2. If you click on the OK button then it
will transfer to the second page which the main part of the
transmission which is given in figure3.
Fig. 3. M2M communication Main Application
As you can see there is some radio button, text field,
and the simple button. In the Remote BT MAC text field we
have to enter the MAC address of the external bluetooth
device for appropriate side. Then select whether you are
transmitting business card or file. If you want to transmit the
business card fill the data in the next text field as Name,
Mobile, Email, and Address or if you want to transmit the file
then give the path of the file in the text field File. Then click
on Connect BT radio button so it will check whether the
external bluetooth device is present or not with help of your
mentioned MAC address if yes then it established the
Published on August 2014
Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology
Volume1, Issue 1
There are four radio buttons are given as Active Tx,
Deactivate Tx, Active Rx and Deactivate Rx, which are useful
for the selection of one way or two way data transmission
between two mobile devices. If any error generated while
doing this process it will display as SysMsg.
Second, in the keil u-Vision we have written a code
for the transmission of the data from mobile device to the
transmitter and from receiver to the mobile device. The mobile
device transmitting the data to UART 0 of the ARM and it
will receive the data through UART 1 of the ARM.
Here we are transmitting the data from mobile device to
the transceiver hardware using bluetooth modem. So here we
have given a frame format of the business card transmission
and file transmission. For the transmission of the business card
and file we have used the frame as shown in figure4 and
figure5 respectively, where first word is ‘M’ for message or
business card and ‘F’ for the file data, second and third are the
dummy variable, fourth byte is the data size and final field are
the actual data that we want to transmit.
Fig. 6a.Transceiver1 Side Before Touching The Pad
Fig. 4. Frame Format For The Business Card
Fig. 5. Frame Format For The File Data
For the transmission of the business card we need to
fill the data on the created user interface and for the
transmission of the file we need to fill the file path in the text
field File. By clicking on the Connect BT button we are able
to connect the mobile device with the external bluetooth. By
selecting the given four radio button we are able to choose the
one way or two way transmission.
Finally by touching on the touch pad on the both side
transceiver the business card or file will be able to transmit.
Figure6a, 6b and figure7a, 7b shows the result for the
transmission of the business card before touching and after
touching the pad respectively.
Fig. 6b. Transceiver2 Side Before Touching The Pad
Published on August 2014
Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology
Volume1, Issue 1
Fig. 8.Application: Printing The Document
By handshaking we will be able to transmit the data
between two devices which is carried by the humans as shown
in figure9.
Fig. 7a.Transceiver1 Side After Touching The Pad
Fig. 9.Application: Transmission of Data By Handshaking
If we connect the all PCs on the conference table then
we will be able to transmit the data over all the PCs at the
same time as shown in figure10.
Fig. 7b.Transceiver2 Side After Touching The Pad
Here in this paper we have developed the external
hardware to transmit the data from one mobile device to
another mobile device. But in the future we can develop the
mobile phone with this inbuilt facility. To transmit the data
between two devices with the increase data rate and increased
buffered size. This may also be expands to transmit the audio,
video or image file. By installing this application in the
printer, by touching the printer simultaneously with device we
will be able to print the document as shown in figure8.
Fig. 10.Application: Transmission on The Conference Table.
Published on August 2014
Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology
Volume1, Issue 1
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Published on August 2014