Thomas E. Linnenbrink c/o Hittite Microwave Corp. 1069 Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907-3579 Voice: 719/590-1112 x 125 FAX: 719/590-1125 October 24, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: Parties interested in the TC-10 Committee From: Tom Linnenbrink, Chairman, TC-10 Subject: Committee Membership We are updating the membership list for the Waveform Measurements and Analysis Committee (TC-10) and its three subcommittees. Please take the opportunity to fill out this form and return it to me at the address given on the form, so that your interests in TC-10 are on record. On the form, you can designate that you wish to be a participating member of TC-10, or not. If you do not wish to be a participating member, you can still be included on our mailing lists to receive the minutes of meetings by the Internet. You can also elect to be a member of the balloting group for a particular Draft Standard without being a regular member of TC-10. If you choose this option, please indicate the Standard you wish to ballot on. Also, in order to ballot, you must be a member of the IEEE Standards Association (SA). If you want to join the SA, contact the IEEE membership office. SA membership currently costs $37 per year. Go to for more information. Currently, TC-10 has five standards projects, each of which will generate Draft Standards to be balloted: Standard for Digitizing Waveform Recorders (1057), Standard on Pulse Measurement and Analysis by Objective Techniques (181), and Standard for Terminology, Test Methods for A/D Converters (1241), Standard for Digital to Analog Converters (1658) and the Probe Standard (1696). Participating members of TC-10 will automatically be included on the balloting membership for each of these projects unless they request not to be included or are not a member of the SA. If you elect to be a participating member of TC-10, you can request to be a member of any or all subcommittees. However, these are working groups and their membership will be restricted at the discretion of the respective subcommittee chairmen. By requesting membership in TC-10, you are expected to materially participate in the activities of the committee or its subcommittees. The subcommittee chairmen and I reserve the right to drop names of inactive members from the membership roster. To maintain your membership, you must reapply annually by filling a membership form. You will be notified directed to new forms before your membership expires. Please complete and return this form to me to assure your membership. TC-10 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP FORM To: Thomas E. Linnenbrink, Chairman Waveform Generation, Measurement and Analysis Committee c/o Hittite Microwave Corp. 1069 Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907-3579 Voice: 719/590-1112 x 125 FAX: 719/590-1125 email: I, , wish to apply for the following status with respect to the Waveform Measurements and Analysis Committee (TC-10) of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society: (1) PARTICIPATING MEMBER OF TC-10 (a) MEMBER OF SUBCOMMITTEE ON PULSE TECHNIQUES (b) MEMBER OF SUBCOMMITTEE ON A/D CONVERTERS (c) MEMBER OF SUBCOMMITTEE ON WAVEFORM RECORDERS (d) MEMBER OF SUBCOMMITTEE ON D/A CONVERTERS (e) MEMBER OF SUBCOMMITTEE ON PROBE STANDARDS (f) MEMBER OF SUBCOMMITTEE ON JITTER (g) MEMBER OF SUBCOMMITTEE ON TIME TO DIGITAL CONVERTERS (2) NONMEMBER OF TC-10 PULSE TECH. A/D CONV. D/A CONV. WF REC. PROBE STDS. JITTER TDC RECEIVING MINUTES VIA INTERNET NO CURRENT INTEREST MEMBER OF BALLOTING GROUP FOR DRAFT STANDARDS For balloting purposes, I consider myself to be a member of the following interest group: USER Signed: Date Affiliation: __ Address: _ MANUFACTURER GENERAL INTEREST IEEE # SA# _______________________________________________________________ ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ __ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: Cell phone number: ___ ____________________________________________________ ___________