09-10 April 2015, 9.00am – 6.00pm
Mediation Chambers 3 & 4, Level 2, Supreme Court Building
The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) has come into effect since 2 July 2014. Besides
complying with the new law, organisations also need to know how to safeguard their interests
as well as the interests of their customers, clients, employees and agents. This two-day
holistic programme will provide Data Protection Officers (DPOs) and any other professionals
working with personal data with an understanding of the key concepts and obligations of the
PDPA, including the following areas:
• The 9 obligations under the PDPA;
• Definition of key terms such as “personal data”, “business contact information”, etc.
• Application of the PDPA on existing data and other existing laws;
• Do Not Call Provisions; and
• Appointment of DPOs.
The format of this two-day programme includes a combination of interactive lectures on basic
PDPA practices, interactive discussion and analysis of cases involving relevant, real-world
data protection issues. Class size for this programme is strictly capped to enable optimal
interaction between learners and the facilitator.
Highly Recommended for:
Data Protection Officers (DPOs), Paralegals, Secretaries and anyone who
comes into contact with personal data in the course of their work; such as
Human Resource, Marketing, I.T., Customer Service and Operations.
The SAL Advantage
 Programme Facilitators are legal practitioners who are
well-placed to provide legal answers to questions raised
during the programme.
 Panel Session by Constance Leong, Senior Associate with
Goh Phai Cheng LLC; Yvonne Lee, Counsel with TSMP Law
Corporation and Yap Yee Chin, Associate Director with
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
 The book “Data Protection Law in Singapore – Privacy
and Sovereignty in an Interconnected World” written
by a distinguished panel of authors, is exclusively
available in this programme.
A WSQ PROGRAMME- An Introduction to the Fundamentals of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) for Non-Legal Personnel
09~10 April 2015, 9.00am – 6.00pm, Mediation Chambers 3 & 4, Level 2, Supreme Court Building
Closing date: 01 April 2015 or when all places are taken
Constance Leong
Choy Leng
Advocate & Solicitor
Constance Leong practises at Goh Phai
Cheng LLC.
She was admitted as an Advocate and
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore
in 1997, after being admitted to the English
Bar as a Barrrister at the Middle Temple in
1996. She was also admitted as a Solicitor in
England and Wales in 2000.
She has a LLM (specialising in International
and Comparative Copyright Law and
Information Technology Law) and a LLB
(Honours) from the University of London,
United Kingdom.
She advises and trains SMEs and their Data
Protection Officers to build personal data
protection capabilities and ensure their
compliance with the Singapore Personal
Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA). She also
practises Intellectual Property (IP) law, with
particular expertise in the fields of Patent,
Copyright, Trademark, Design, Trade
Secrets, Confidential Information, Franchise
law, Internet law (Social Media), Ecommerce and IP transactions.
Constance is the first practising lawyer in
Singapore who has successfully obtained full
accreditation and an Advanced Certificate in
Training and Assessment (ACTA) by the
Singapore Workforce Development Agency
(WDA). She is qualified to design, assess
and deliver a Workforce Skills Qualifications
(WSQ) programme. A certified SCOPE IP
Consultant with the Intellectual Property of
Singapore (IPOS), she is also a member of
the Licensing Executives Society of
Singapore. Also, she is appointed by
SPRING Singapore as one of the Innovation
and Capability Voucher (ICV) “Innovation”
Service Providers on the panel who can offer
the service module IP Legal Diagnostic
(Phase B).
She previously served as Senior Assistant
Director / Assistant Registrar / Legal Counsel
at IPOS, Registry of Patents, where she,
amongst other things, reviewed and drafted
represented Singapore at World Intellectual
Property Organisation (WIPO) conferences.
Terms and Conditions
 Registration for the event can only be made:
a) online at with a Visa or Master card
b) online through a firm’s/organisation’s Online Purchase
Co- ordinator (OPC)
 Any cancellation must be made in writing before the closing date.
 A refund will be given subject to an administrative fee of S$21.40
(inclusive of GST). There will be no refund for any cancellation after
the closing date.
 For enquiries, please call Tel: (65) 6332 4388 or email
 SAL’s in addition to WSQ’s usual terms and conditions apply. See for more
(Inclusive of 7% GST, tea breaks and materials, if any)
Members / Non-Members
S$ 535.00
 For applicable funding for this programme, please see the
following for more details;
 Funding for Employer-based Training
 Funding for Individuals
Programme Highlights
 Learn from a Legal Professional the key concepts
and obligations of the PDPA and understand
what needs to be done to ensure compliance with
the PDPA.
 Learn to develop data protection guidelines and
processes for organisations.
 A Business Management WSQ Statement of
Attainment (SOA) will be issued by WDA upon
successful completion of the assessment and the
WSQ Funding Policy
Learners who wish to claim programme funding must comply strictly with the funding guidelines set out in the WSQ Terms & Conditions. Learners are
reminded to sign-in on arrival and sign-out at the conclusion of each day of the programme in the manner required by the facilitator. Learners must attend
at least 75% of the programme and successfully complete all required assessments and attain a “Competent” grading. Any learner absent from any part
of the programme has to provide the reason via a written document addressed to the Singapore Academy of Law.