Science Electives Science is now part of the CGEA The transfer and subsequent rewrite of the science modules from the Certificate in Science for Adults into units for the CGEA was completed in 2006 by Jo Ross, Maria Santburn, Felicity Woodward and many enthusiastic colleagues. English , Science and Technology For students who are interested in a job or study which needs Science. PATHWAYS Science 1 or 2 Related field Science 3 Personal interest Science 4 Diploma Work Further Study Science for Adults Suitable for students who: • Want to improve their English while studying Science & Maths • Have a Science background • Need the language of Science & Maths for further study Students have gone to these courses: • • • • • • • • • Bridging course for Nurses Nursing Div I & II Certificate III in Lab Skills Certificate IV in Lab Technology Child Care Aged Care Attendant Care Horticulture Trade apprentices And more….. • • • • • • • • • • Viticulture Army Naturopathy Hospitality Food technology Hair and Beauty Industry Business/Retail Animal technology Soil analysis OH & S Officer CGEA / VCAL/ VCE The Science Class at Melbourne Museum on an excursion. What is this? – it’s not a teacher! Smelly Business – making perfume. Chanelle No. 6 Science Electives Certificate I Certificate II Certificate III Certificate I in General Education for Adults Explore Science in the Community (40hr) Explore Health and Well Being (20hr) Explore the Environment Explore Energy and Matter Explore Chemicals and Change Explore Earth in Space Explore Continuity of Life Certificate II in General Education for Adults Research Science in the Community (40hr) Research Living Things (20hr) Research the Environment Research Universe and Time Research Chemicals and Change Research Energy, Force and Matter Research the Continuity of Life Certificate III in General Education for Adults Analyse Science in the Community (40hr) Science in the Community 40 hrs In 2006 we may have looked at: • Science as it is relevant at a personal level - Vaccine for cervical cancer, Antiinflammatories available over counter, Cleaners in the home, • Science in the News - Transit of Mercury, Nuclear energy • Ethics / Responsibility in Science - Embryonic Stem Cells Therapy Exciting, fun, dynamic, interesting • ……………are comments from teachers at Holmesglen TAFE who have taught in the Certificate in Science for Adults. • a good way to integrate Reading, Writing, Oracy and Numeracy. • content includes news articles and social issues: ranging from weapons of mass destruction, stem cells, the water crisis, wind farms to smoking, diabetes and pollution. • Great to teach about new developments and be challenged . Science in the Community Science is not taught solely from the classroom but also through the community and its organisations, including the www. This ensures, among other things, that when class is finished science continues to be accessible by our learners. Activities for the Science Units can be found at: • • • Phone Org Name website / email address 9392 4819 Scienceworks 8341 7777 Museum 9387 4472 CERES 9663 0200 IMAX 9214 5569 Astro Tour 9292 6387 CSIRO 9340 3600 GTAC 9888 7130 ASV 9637 9971 Waterwatch Favourite activities from students include: • Practical lab work – like making perfume, testing soil, dissecting a heart. • Learning about the body and food. • Excursions - to Melbourne Museum, IMAX, the Aquarium, Scienceworks, Yakult, Rialto, Federation Square. Heart breaker – simulating heart valves. Simple materials are used and a lab is not required. Heart doctors….. Scientists at work. A microscopic view – making microscopes. Looking down the microscope . On the way to the IMAX ….. Have you got worms? -excursion to CERES environmental park Student Comments: This course has been a real learning curve. It has given me a lot of confidence. Unlike other courses it is quite unique because you don’t only learn Maths and English; you get to do some real cool experiments and go on really exciting and interesting excursions. ……. It’s time consuming but in the end it is worth while. Student Comments: This course has changed my life! I have learnt a lot of things which I didn’t know before. Like – how to write reports, argumentative writing, and even how to speak in front of the class peers. I enjoyed doing many experiments in the laboratory about nutrition, healthy diet, and fibre. Not to mention about English, this course is the best way for me to learn English. Now I can talk as much as I want; I can read and write better. What A By-product! The Joe and Jane “I can’t do science ‘cause I’m DUMB” Get CONFIDENCE and CONFIDENCE and CONFIDENCE…….. So they make positive changes in their lives Exciting Outcomes • Adults begin to recognise science in their own lives. • They contribute back to the learning community. • There are many examples of our learners returning with generous contributions of their time and help to other learners. This is an invitation to all teachers to try the new science units in the CGEA Please contact us with any questions/ideas: Jo Ross Maria Santburn