Competency requirements for licences to use explosives Explosives Act 1999 A licence to use explosives is issued to cover any specialised or specific stated purpose on the licence for the use of explosives as opposed to the conventional explosives user licences such as shotfirers and fireworks operators. This document identifies the competency requirements or in certain circumstances, the need for a competency assessment to be conducted by an inspector to demonstrate that the person has the skills, knowledge and experience to carry out the explosives activities. The attached table outlines the specific competencies contained in industry training standards as approved by the chief inspector for the licence to use explosives. These competencies are taken from the Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package identified as RII09 and from the MNM05 training package. For competencies from the MNM05 training package, these competencies are being phased out and Statements of Attainment dated up to and including the 29 March 2011 will be accepted for licensing purposes until 29 March 2016. Where the competencies as detailed in the attached matrix exist, applicants must have, within the three year period ending on the day the application is made, been assessed by a registered training organisation. The approved registered training organisations are listed in the document 'Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) Delivering Shotfirer Training' which is on the web at Applicants for the first time issue of a licence to use explosives or those wishing to renew their licence to use are advised to clearly define their requirements for their licensing needs to the registered training organisation undertaking the training. As a background, on 21 August 2009 SkillsDMC (the National Industry Skills Council for Drilling, Mining, Quarrying and Civil Infrastructure) endorsed the Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package (RII09). The new training package consolidates the Civil Construction Training Packages BCC03 and RII06; the Coal Mining Training Package MNC04; the Extractive Industries Training Package MNQ03; the Drilling Training Package DRT03 and the Metalliferous Mining Training Package MNM05. The main benefit of the consolidation is to improve the portability of skills between related industry sectors. This table is not exhaustive. A licence to use explosives may be issued for an activity not covered below. Please contact your nearest regional office of the explosives inspectorate (refer to Explosives Information Bulletin 23) before applying for a licence of this type. Approved: 22/07/2014 Competency Requirements for Queensland Shotfirer Licences v2 Competency requirements for licences to use explosives Licence to Use Explosives - Purpose Special Effects - before proximate audience Special Effects - Film & TV Competency Unit Training Package MNMG352A Apply Blasting Activities* MNM05 MNMG210A Store, handle and transport explosives* MNM05 Testing Fireworks Blasting Explosives Contracting/ Supervising Blasting Explosives Employee only Pyrotechnics Propellants, Ammunition Blasting Explosives - Pyrotechnics, Propellants Re-enactments X* Or RIIBLA301D Conduct surface shotfiring operations RII09 RIIBLA205D Store, handle and transport explosives RII09 X X RIIBLA305D Conduct secondary blasting RII09 X X RIIBLA201D Support shotfiring operations RII09 RIIBLA402D Monitor and control the effects of blasting on the environment RII09 RIIRIS402D Carry out the risk management processes or equivalent RII09 Assessment by Inspector of Explosives X X X See Note A X See Note B See Note B X X X See Note C + D See Note D A. Prerequisites - Holder of Fireworks Operator Licence for the fireworks to be tested - audit against fireworks test standards. B. Holders of a Shotfirer licence will not be required to provide a Statement of Attainment for RIIBLA205D Store, handle and transport explosives or RIIBLA305D Conduct secondary blasting. C. Prequisite - holder of a shotfirer licence. D. Experience must be demonstrated with records and documents. *The MNM05 competency package has been superceded by the RII09 package. Competencies from either package are acceptable. Statements of attainment dated up to and including 29/03/2011 listing MNM05 competencies will be accepted until 29/03/2016. Approved: 22/07/2014 Competency requirements for licences to use explosives v2 Competency requirements for licences to use explosives Licence to Use Explosives - Purpose Competency Unit Training Package MNMG352A Apply Blasting Activities* MNM05 MNMG210A Store, handle and transport explosives* MNM05 Explosives Detection Dogs X* RII09 RIIBLA205D Store, handle and transport explosives RII09 RIIBLA305D Conduct secondary blasting RII09 RIIBLA201D Support shotfiring operations RII09 RIIBLA402D Monitor and control the effects of blasting on the environment RII09 RIIRIS402D Carry out the risk management processes or equivalent RII09 Purchasing of Explosives Boulder Buster Disposal of Explosive Ordnance Demolition Shaping/ Hardening Metal X* X* Or RIIBLA301D Conduct surface shotfiring operations Down Hole Perforating Or Or X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X See Note J See Note K X X Assessment by Inspector of Explosives See Note E See Note F See Note G See Note H E. Licences of this type are restricted to limited quantities of explosives, for example 1 kg. F. Licences of this type are required for persons or companies without any other authorities to purchase. G. Tailored competencies for Boulder Buster are issued by New South Wales TAFE only. H. Competency RIIBLA402D Carry out the risk management processes is not required for activities outside a built up area. J. Condition applied - For each activity all hazards and risks must be controlled to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector of Explosives prior to the activity. K. Competencies RIIBLA402D Monitor and control the effects of blasting on the environment and RIIRS402D Carry out the risk management processes are not required for activities outside a built up area. *The MNM05 competency package has been superceded by the RII09 package. Competencies from either package are acceptable. Statements of attainment dated up to and including 29/03/2011 listing MNM05 competencies will be accepted until 29/03/2016. Approved: 22/07/2014 Competency requirements for licences to use explosives v2 Competency requirements for licences to use explosives How to use table/s: The applicant must obtain each competency indicated by an 'X' in one of the columns relevant to the licence Class applied for. For example: an applicant who seeks a licence use for Explosives Detection Dogs must have attained the relevant competencies below. Explosives Detection Dogs Competency Unit If competencies are listed from the MNM05 package and the RII09 package, applicants must have completed one or the other. Statements of attainment dated up to and including 29/03/2011 listing MNM05 competencies will be accepted. Training Package MNMG352A Apply Blasting Activities* MNM06 MNMG210A Store, handle and transport explosives* MNM06 X* Or RIIBLA301A Conduct surface shotfiring operations RII10 RIIBLA205A Store, handle and transport explosives RII10 X Any relevant notes are referenced at the bottom of the column and are explained below. See Note E E. Licences of this type are restricted to limited quantities of explosives, for example 1 kg. Approved: 22/07/2014 Competency requirements for licences to use explosives v2 Competency requirements for licences to use explosives The following licence types have no specific competency units applicable to them. They are only attained through assessment by the Explosives Inspectorate. Competency may be determined through experience or recognition of equivalent licences from other jurisdictions. Purpose Testing of Explosives Licence to Use Explosives - Purpose Demonstration of Explosives Re-enactments of Military and Other Events Using Black Powder SSAN - Commercial Production Process SSAN - Use (agricultural) Competency requirement Notes Prerequisites - Licence to Sell. Sales related activities. Safety Managmement System. Assessment/Audit by Inspector of Explosives Only Competency Assessment by Inspector of Explosives or competency from Prerequisites - Licence to Sell. Sales related activities. Safety manufacturer & procedures on Safety Management System. Managmement System. Only where the person is not licensed or otherwise authorised under the Weapons Act. Competency Assessment/Audit by Inspector of Explosives Competency Assessment by Inspector of Explosives Security Plan, Safety Management System required. Nil competencies applicable Security Plan only required. Training - Shotfirers Shotfirer competencies as appropriate Prerequisites - Holder of SF Licence for competencies to be taught. Completed audit with inspector - Must be an NVR Registered Training Organisation. Training - Fireworks Competencies for Fireworks contractor as appropriate Prerequisites - Holder of Fireworks Contractor Licence for competencies to be taught. Completed audit with inspector - Must be an NVR Registered Training Organisation. Model High Powered Rockets >62.5g Competency issued by rocketry association Current certification from a rocketry organisation. Free from Explosives Certifier Competencies and/or experience acceptable to the Chief Inspector of Explosives Miscellaneous Competencies and/or experience acceptable to the Chief Inspector of Explosives Approved: 22/07/2014 For collectors ammunition, decommissioning plant and equipment. Competency requirements for licences to use explosives v2