Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual Doc.No. Issue Date WBS : : : : EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H 28 April 2014 EUMETSAT Eumetsat-Allee 1, D-64295 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 807-7 Fax: +49 6151 807 555 © EUMETSAT The copyright of this document is the property of EUMETSAT. EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual This page intentionally left blank. Page 2 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Document Change Record Issue / Revision Date MSA V. 1.1 March 2003 DCN. No Changed Pages / Paragraphs Original document issued jointly by EUMETSAT and DG JRC SEI Existed only as PDF document MSA V. 2.1 May 2010 Original title: Meteosat Surface Albedo (MSA) Product User’s Manual and Format Guide Original Document number EUM/FG/13 Original document NOT in Hummingbird DM system V. 2A 9 March 2012 Original document transcribed from single PDF to word document, then created and stored in Hummingbird DM system. v.2B 24 Sept 2012 Addition of new table structures. Thorough scientific review. v.2C 24 Sept 2012 Addition of algorithm descriptions and Processing Outline. v.2D 25 Sept 2012 Addition of text and tables. v.2E 16 October 2012 Version made read-only for review. v.2F 16 October 2013 Addition to MSA Product Format Description v.2G 2 April 2014 Updated after validation campaign. v.2H 28 April 2014 Algorithm change history updated before release. Page 3 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................................. 6 1.2 Document Structure ............................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Applicable Documents ......................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Reference Documents ......................................................................................................... 7 1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations Used in this Document ......................................................... 8 1.6 Customer Contact and Product Ordering ............................................................................ 8 Outline of the Retrieval Procedure............................................................................................. 9 2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Measurement Vector ......................................................................................................... 10 2.3 State vector........................................................................................................................ 12 2.4 Surface Albedo Estimation ................................................................................................ 12 2.5 Product Generation ...........................................................................................................13 Algorithm Description ............................................................................................................... 14 3.1 Processing Outline ............................................................................................................ 14 3.2 Algorithm information input ................................................................................................ 17 3.2.1 Dynamic Input Files .............................................................................................. 17 3.2.2 Static Input Files ................................................................................................... 17 MSA Product Format Description ............................................................................................ 18 4.1 Overview............................................................................................................................ 18 4.2 Product Availability ............................................................................................................ 18 4.3 Retrieving the MSA product from UMARF ........................................................................ 19 4.4 MSA: BUFR format ............................................................................................................ 20 4.5 MSA: HDF4 format ............................................................................................................ 22 4.5.1 Naming convention ............................................................................................... 23 4.5.2 Global attributes .................................................................................................... 23 4.5.3 Scientific dataset................................................................................................... 25 4.6 Ancillary Data File .............................................................................................................. 26 4.6.1 Naming Convention .............................................................................................. 26 4.6.2 Global Attributes ................................................................................................... 26 4.6.3 Scientific data set.................................................................................................. 27 4.7 Static Data Set ................................................................................................................... 28 4.7.1 Naming convention ............................................................................................... 28 4.7.2 Global attributes .................................................................................................... 28 4.7.3 Scientific data set.................................................................................................. 28 Algorithm Assumptions ............................................................................................................ 29 Algorithm limitations and MSA product usage ...................................................................... 30 6.1 RTM in the VIS spectral band............................................................................................ 30 6.2 Cloud Contamination ......................................................................................................... 30 6.3 Conversion to broadband albedo ...................................................................................... 30 6.4 BHR. Error estimation ........................................................................................................31 6.5 Albedo colour palette ......................................................................................................... 33 Algorithm Change History ........................................................................................................ 34 7.1 Changes in Version 1.1 ..................................................................................................... 34 7.2 Changes in Version 1.2 ..................................................................................................... 34 7.3 Changes in Version 2.1 ..................................................................................................... 34 Page 4 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Table of Figures Figure 1: MSA Retrieval scheme... ........................................................................................................ 10 Figure 2: Meteosat First Generation MVIRI Visible channel Sensor Spectral Response (SSR) ........... 11 Figure 3: Definition of the processing WINDOWS for the 0-degree,057-degree, and 063-degree ....... 14 Figure 4: Daily Accumulation Model (DAM): functionalities and interface ............................................. 15 Figure 5: Data Processing Module (DPM): functionalities and interface ............................................... 16 Figure 6: MSA temporal coverage for 0-DEG and IODC (57 and 63 degree East ). ............................. 18 Figure 7: Example of MSA product (DHR) for the 0-degree mission and the IODC mission ................ 19 Figure 8: Sensor spectral response of Meteosat-7 VIS band. ............................................................... 29 Table of Tables Table 2-1: Discretisation values of the k, Ө, and r parameters.............................................................. 12 Table 3-1: GSA dynamic input files ........................................................................................................ 17 Table 3-2: Ancillary files GSA static input .............................................................................................. 17 Table 4-2: Operational Meteosat satellite time coverage detailed definition. ........................................ 19 Table 4-3: Header Fields valid for all pixels ........................................................................................... 21 Table 4-4: Retrieved fields valid for each pixel ...................................................................................... 22 Table 4-5: Name and description of the scientific data set. ................................................................... 27 Table 6-1: Empirical coefficients a–d for the DHR conversion .............................................................. 31 Table 6-2: Empirical coefficients a–d for the BHR conversion............................................................... 31 Table 6-3: RGB values per Albedo range used in MSA publication ...................................................... 33 Page 5 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope This document describes the Meteosat Surface Albedo (MSA) product version 2.1 generated on the MTP MPEF reprocessing environment at EUMETSAT. The original version of this algorithm has been developed at the Space Applications Institute of DG JRC of the European Commission. It is maintained and improved by EUMETSAT. 1.2 1.3 Document Structure Section Contents Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Description of the retrieval strategy Section 3 Description of the algorithm Section 4 Description of the product format Section 5 Algorithm assumptions Section 6 Algorithm limitations and usage Section 7 Algorithm change history Applicable Documents None Page 6 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 1.4 Reference Documents Number Name, authors, source RD 1 Engelsen, O.B Pinty, M. Verstraete, and J. Martonchik (1996,). Parametric bi-directional reflectance factor models: evaluation, improvements and applications. Technical Report EUR 16426 EN, Space Applications Institute, JRC. RD 2 Govaerts, Y.M. (1999). Correction of the Meteosat-5 and-6 VIS band relative spectral response with Meteosat-7 characteristics. International Journal of Remote Sensing 20, 3677–3682. RD 3 Pinty, B., F. Roveda, M.M. Verstraete, N.Gobron, Y.Govaerts, V.Martonchik, D.J. Diner, and R.A.Kahn (2000a). Surface albedo retrieval from Meteosat: Part1: Theory. Journal of Geophysical Research 105, 18099–18112. RD 4 Rahman, H., B. Pinty, and M.M. Verstraete (1993). Coupled surface-atmosphere reflectance (CSAR) model.2. Semi-empirical surface model usable with NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Data. Journal of Geophysical Research 98, 20, 791–20. RD 5 Govaerts, Y., .Pinty, M. Taberner,and A. Lattanzio (2006). Spectral conversion of surface albedo derived from Meteosat first generation observations. Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters, 23–27 doi:10.1109/LGRS.2005.854202. RD 6 Holben, B.,T.Eck, I.Slutsker, D.Tanre, J.Buis, A.Setzer, E.Vermote, J.Reagan, Y.Kaufman, T.Nakajima, F.Lavenu, I.Jankowiak, A.Smirnov(1998). AERONET-a federated instrument network and data archive aerosol characterization. Remote Sensing of Environment 66, 1–16. RD 7 Lattanzio, A.,Y.Govaerts, and B.Pinty (2006). Consistency of surface anisotropy characterization with Meteosat observations. Advanced Space Research, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2006.02.049. RD 8 Lattanzio, A. Meteosat Surface Albedo Retrieval Algorithm Theoretical Base Document (ATBD), 2013. EUM/OPS-MSG/SPE/12/3367 RD 9 Loew, A. And Y.Govaerts (2010). Towards multi-decadal consistent meteosat surface albedo time series. Remote Sensing 2(4), 957–967. RD 10 Govaerts, Y., and Lattanzio, A. (2007). Retrieval Error Estimation of Surface Albedo Derived from Geostationary Large Band Satellite Observations: Application to Meteosat-2 and -7 Data. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, doi:10.1029/2006JD007313 RD 11 Pinty,B., F.Roveda, M.M. Verstraete, N.Gobron, Y.Govaerts, J.V. Martonchik, D.J.Diner, and R.A.Kahn (2000a). Surface albedo retrieval from Meteosat: Part1: Theory. Journal of Geophysical Research 105, 18099–18112. RD 12 Pinty, B., F.Roveda, M.M.Verstraete, N.Gobron, Y.Govaerts, J.V.Martonchik, D.J.Diner, andR.A.Kahn (2000b). Surfaceal bed or retrieval from Meteosat: Part 2: Applications Journal of Geophysical Research 105, 18113–18134. RD 13 Pinty, B. and D. Ramond (1987). A method for the estimate of broadband directional surface albedo from a geostationary satellite. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology 26, 1709-1722. RD 14 Diner, D. J., W. A. Abdou, A. T. P., K. Crean, H. R. Gordon, R. A. Kahn. J. V.Martonchik, S. R. Paradise, B. Pinty, 1'1. M. Verstraete, M. Wang, and R. A. West (1997). 1'1ISR Level 2 Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm Theoretical Basis. Technical Report JPL D-11400, Rev. C, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Page 7 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 1.5 1.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations Used in this Document Acronym Meaning AOT Aerosol Optical Thickness API Application Programming Interface ASM Atmosphere Scattering Module BHR Bi-Hemispherical Reflectance BRF Bi-directional Reflectance Factor DAM Data Accumulation Module DCP Data Consistency Procedure DG Directorate General DDHR Daily averaged Directional Hemispherical Reflectance DHR Directional Hemispherical Reflectance DIM Data Interpretation Module ECMWF European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts HDF Hierarchical Data Format IODC Indian Ocean Data Coverage JRC Joint Research Centre MARF Meteorological Archive Retrieval Facility MPEF Meteorological Product Extraction Facility MSA Meteosat Surface Albedo MTP Meteosat Transition Programme RPV Rahman Pinty Verstraete RTM Radiative Transfer Model SDS Scientific Data Sets TAM Space-Time Averaging Module TOA Top Of Atmosphere UMARF Unified Meteorological Archive and Retrieval Facility VIS Visible Customer Contact and Product Ordering All enquiries related to this document or to the Meteosat product should be directed here: UMARF Customer Enquiries Eumetsat-Allee 1, D-64295 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 6151 807-7 Fax: +49 6151 807-555 E-mail: Page 8 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 2 OUTLINE OF THE RETRIEVAL PROCEDURE 2.1 Overview The MSA algorithm relies on an approach proposed by Pinty et al. described in [RD 12] and [RD 13]. During the course of the day, observations acquired in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum at different illumination conditions are accumulated. Ultimately, it retrieves the surface anisotropy and the atmospheric aerosol load through the inversion of a Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) as shown in Figure 1. The elements of the model are an absorbing layer (gases absorption), a scattering layer (aerosol scattering) and an anisotropic surface (coupled with the scattering layer). This retrieval scheme relies on the applicability of the reciprocity principle at a spatial scale of several kilometres (see Lattanzio and Govaerts, 2006 [RD 7]. Assuming that the geophysical properties that control the radiance field emerging from a given pixel do not evolve much over a day, the acquisition of radiance data over such a period of time corresponds to an angular sampling of the same radiance field for various solar geometries. Such a strategy had already been explored by Pinty and Ramond [RD 13] to study the seasonal variation of surface albedo over the Sahelian regions. The lack of spectral information and the radiometric noise limit the possibility to unequivocally discriminate among the various solutions that could fit the measurement vector at a given level of confidence. This level of confidence depends on the size of the measurement vector that can change from pixel to pixel according to cloud and illumination conditions. Hence, a probability is assigned to each solution. This probability specifically depends on the number of degrees of freedom and the value of the cost function. For details refer to [RD 8]. Because of the nature of the retrieval, it is necessary to further constrain the surface retrievals by taking advantage of other currently available knowledge on the coupled surface-atmosphere system. The proposed algorithm will use ozone and water vapour contents from other sources as input data to reduce the problem: from a radiation transfer problem to a surface-aerosol scattering problem. The most critical variables of such a system are then the aerosol optical depth and the surface brightness. Indeed, it is assumed that actual atmospheric situations matches one of the limited numbers of standard atmospheric models which can be prescribed from experience, and that the only free atmospheric property to be estimated in the retrieval process is the aerosol load. The surface is described with the Rahman Pinty Verstraete (RPV) model (see Rahman et al., 1993 [RD 4]. The surface brightness is estimated during the same retrieval process from a set of predefined solutions (parameters k, Ө in Table 1) which describe the anisotropic properties of typical surfaces. The reflectance level 0 presented in Section 2.2 is a not constraint parameter. The approach followed in solving this surface-aerosol scattering problem is an extension of the MISR algorithm for retrieving aerosol optical depth values over dark surfaces (Diner et al., 1997 [RD 14]. The algorithm also estimates the retrieval parameter error. The method for such estimation relies on a statistical analysis of the solution ensemble that satisfies the inversion scheme given the measurement error (for details refer to [RD 8]). A 10-day temporal compositing technique is applied to maximise the spatial coverage of cloud-free pixels. Finally, the retrieved surface state variables are used to derive the Directional Hemispherical Reflectance (DHR) corresponding to a sun position of 30 ° together with its respective error. The estimated retrieval error and the probability of the solution are the two key elements that permits a meaningful comparison of surface albedo derived from different radiometers. Page 9 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual During the retrieval process, four assumptions are made: 1. surface and atmospheric scattering properties are constant throughout the day, 2. continental aerosol type can be applied everywhere and all year long, 3. surface anisotropy can be represented with the simple Bi-directional Reflectance Factor (BRF) model proposed by Rahman et al., 1993 [RD 4], 4. the reciprocity principle is valid over terrestrial surfaces at a spatial resolution of a few kilometres (Lattanzio and Govaerts, 2006 [RD 7]). Figure 1: MSA Retrieval scheme. The observations accumulated during the day are used as an angular sampling of the surface. The elements of the model are an absorbing layer, a scattering layer and an anisotropic surface. 2.2 Measurement Vector Meteosat image acquisition, line (row) and pixel (column), results from a combination of the main mirror rotation and the satellite’s spin. These images are acquired by the Meteosat Visible and Infrared Imager (MVIRI) in three channels that includes a solar band (referred to as the VIS band), ranging from 0.4 µm up to 1.1 µm. The spectral responses for the first generation Meteosat are shown in Figure 2. Page 10 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Figure 2: Meteosat First Generation MVIRI Visible channel Sensor Spectral Response (SSR) This VIS band is systematically calibrated against simulated radiances over stable bright desert targets [RD2]. The technical characteristics of the Meteosat series of instruments and their orbital positions can be found in the Meteosat First Generation User Handbook: The measurement vector consists of a time series of VIS band top-of-atmosphere (TOA) BRF accumulated under different illumination (Ωs) angles and a stacic viewing (Ωv) condition during the course of one day. This vector contains only clear-sky observations. Obvious cloudy conditions are screened by setting a threshold value equal to 0.6 on the TOA BRF measurements. Also pixels with a value below 0.05, considered as “water for sure”, are not considered for the retrieval. In order to eliminate unscreened events such as remaining clouds, topography shadows, errors in the data geo-rectification process, and/or significant sub-daily variations in the aerosol load and type, a Data Consistency Procedure produces an angularly smooth TOA BRF series which accounts for hot spot conditions. This procedure checks the consistency of the pre-screened TOA BRF values by attempting fitting the data series against a modified version of the RPV model [RD1]. An iterative process eliminates the observed BRF value that exhibits the largest absolute departure with respect to the model prediction. The result of the fit, , between the modelled TOA BRF and the remaining measurements provides an estimation of the filtering process cost, accounting for an uncertainty (σDCP) between the data and the model. The number of cloud-free observations can clearly change from place to place and time to time according to the duration of the day, the cloud condition and, the actual number of available observations. A minimum of six clear-sky observations per day are necessary to perform an inversion. Page 11 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 2.3 State Vector The state vector represents the ensemble of radiative parameters that describes the observed medium in the VIS spectral band. It is actually divided into two categories. The first category represents the parameters that are retrieved through the inversion of the measurement vector, namely the Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) τ and three parameters {ρ0, Θ, k} characterising the state of the surface anisotropy. The second category includes all the parameters, part of the observed medium, that are not retrieved due to the lack of spectral information. They are the water vapour and ozone total column concentration noted, respectively UH2O and UO3. The total column water vapour and the total column ozone are taken from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analysed data. The model used to describe the surface is the RPV [RD 4] and it reads: Equation 1 where Ωs and Ωv are the illumination and viewing direction and z0 denotes the bottom of the atmosphere. ρ0 and s (z0, Ωs, Ωv; Θ, k) describe the amplitude and the angular field of the surface BRF, respectively. Parameters Values k 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 Ө 2 τ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 Table 1: Discretisation values of the k, Ө, and r parameters. 2.4 Surface Albedo Estimation The DHR is defined as follows: Equation 2 and is calculated for a sun position of 30 °. Assuming that the errors on {ρ0, Θ, k} are not correlated, the non-systematic error on the estimation of the DHR is expressed with the following: Equation 3 Page 12 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Since the variable of integration (the solid angle) is not derived, the derivation and integration operators can be exchanged, and Equation 4 is produced: Equation 4 Additional information on this error estimation can be found in [RD 11]. 2.5 Product Generation For each 10-day compositing periods, the following two physical quantities are calculated: The Directional Hemispherical Reflectance (DHR) estimated with Equation 2 using the solution {ρ0, Θ, k}. The isotropic Bi-Hemispherical Reflectance BHRiso estimation with the following: Equation 5 Refer to the ATBD [RD 7], Equation 46 for the definition of α0. Page 13 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 3 ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION 3.1 Processing Outline The MSA algorithm is organised into two main processing steps, responsible respectively for the daily accumulation of the required input data and for the retrieval. The accumulation and retrieval is performed dividing the processing area into smaller portions called windows. The windows for the 0-degree, 057-degree and 063-degree missions are shown in Figure 3. 0-degree 057-degree 063-degree Figure 3: Illustration of the processing windows. Page 14 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual For each window, an internal file containing the necessary input (DAM file) and an internal file containing the results from the retrieval (SAM file) is generated. The definition and usage of those internal files is completely transparent to the user; this information is included only for clarification. In the first part of the processing, called Data Accumulation Module (DAM), the TOA measurements for each pixel are stored in files called DAM files together with any other dynamical or static ancillary information needed for the retrieval. Figure 4: Daily Accumulation Model (DAM): functionalities and interface The retrieval is performed in the second step, called Data Processing Module (DPM), after this daily accumulation of the observations. To speed up the retrieval, the field of solutions for the RTM is discretized and all the necessary integrals for of the radiative transfer equations are stored in Look-up Tables. [RD 8] has detailed specifications. After a solution for each pixel is determined, the retrieval information is stored in the Space Averaging Module (SAM) files. Finally, among all the solutions retrieved for the 10-day period, one is selected and stored in the final product. This retrieval approach is implemented in the following four steps in the DPM: Page 15 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Before proceeding with the retrieval, two thresholds are applied to the accumulated TOA BRF and measurements with a value below 0.05 and greater than 0.6 are excluded. 1. Data Consistency Procedure (DCP): This module is responsible for screening out the not cloud-free pixels and it must be executed before entering the Atmospheric Scattering Module. This procedure runs for every pixel. If a cloud mask is available (optional input), it is applied prior to the DCP process. 2. Atmospheric Scattering Module (ASM): In this module, the gas absorption contribution to the Top of Atmosphere reflectance is removed and the inversion of the RTM representing the scattering layer and surface reflectance for all the possible values of the parameterised fields (see Govaerts and Lattanzio, 2007 [RD 10]) is performed. 3. Data Interpretation Module (DIM): In this module, the most likely solution among all the possible ones estimated in the previous step for each pixel is chosen. 4. Space-Time Averaging Module (TAM): Steps 1 to 3 are applied after the daily accumulation and the solutions stored in the SAM temporary files for the subsequent 10-day temporal compositing. In this latter module, the best solution for the 10-day period is selected. Figure 5: Data Processing Module (DPM): functionalities and interface Page 16 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 3.2 Algorithm Information Input The MSA input can be divided in dynamic and static ancillary input files. The dynamic input files are listed in Table 2. 3.2.1 Dynamic Input Files File Meaning Radiance Units Radiance at pixel resolution retrieved in the instrument visible band Cloud mask at pixel level. If not present, the algorithm assumes all pixels are cloud-free. 0: Cloud free 1: Cloudy Total Column Ozone (TCO3) and Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV). Cloud Mask NWP Model Reanalysis Data If not present, default values are used : -2 Wm sr -1 1 TCO3: cm atm TCWV: gcm-2 TCO3 : 0.3cm atm TCWV : 2.0 gcm-2 Table 2: GSA dynamic input files The NWP data, the Total Column Ozone (TCO3) and Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV) are used in one of the Look-Up Tables (LUT) in order to invert the Radiative Transfer Model (RTM). Several ozone and water vapour bands are located within the Meteosat visible spectral response and the effects of these gases on radiation transfer processes must be considered. The sensitivity of the proposed retrieval schemes with respect to those atmospheric parameters has been analysed in [RD 8]. 3.2.2 Static Input Files The Ancillary static input files are listed in Table 3. The Latitude and Longitude input files are generated according to the MVIRI rectified image definition. Look-Up Tables (LUT) are defined in the ATBD [RD 8]. File Meaning Look Up Table (LUT) Binary files. The LUTs contains pre-computed integrals used for the RTM inversion Latitude MVIRI rectified image Longtitude MVIRI rectified image Table 3: Ancillary files GSA static input Page 17 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 4 MSA PRODUCT FORMAT DESCRIPTION 4.1 Overview One MSA product contains surface albedos estimated in the Meteosat VIS band spectral range. One product generated every 10-day compositing periods. These compositing periods are defined with the Julian day number. The first period runs from day 1 to day 10, the second from day 11 to day 20, and so on. The last period of the year is therefore slightly shorter than the other periods and runs from day 361 to 365 (or to day 366 in a leap year). There is a maximum of 37 products per year. The MSA product is not derived over the entire Meteosat disk and no sea mask is applied during the generation process so that values over sea are also available is this area. The spatial resolution of the MSA product is equal to the one of the Meteosat VIS band instrument. The distance between two adjacent pixels at the sub-satellite point is equal to 2.5 km. 4.2 Product Availability The MSA algorithm has been used to process Meteosat observations from 1982 (Meteosat-2) up to 2006 (Meteosat-7) over the 0° position (0 degrees). Since summer 1998, EUMET has operated a second geo-stationary satellite (Meteosat-5) over the Indian Ocean at position of 63° east (IODC). In 2006, a satellite (Meteosat-7) has been moved at 571° east for keeping on covering the Indian Ocean region. A detailed list of the availability of the different Meteosat First Generation satellites for the generation of the MSA product is given in Figure 6 and Table 4 Figure 6: MSA temporal coverage for 0-DEG and IODC (57 and 63 degree East ). Page 18 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Coverage 0 DEG IOD SSP Satellite Start Date End Date M2 16/08/1981 11/08/1988 M3 11/08/1988 25/01/1991 M4 19/06/1989 04/02/1994 M5 02/05/1991 13/02/1997 M6 21/10/1996 20/01/2000 M7 03/06/1998 19/07/2006 63° E M5 01/07/1998 16/04/2007 57° E M7 01/11/2006 ongoing 0° E Table 5: Operational Meteosat satellite time coverage detailed definition. Retrieving the MSA product from the EUMETSAT archive The product can be ordered from EUMETSAT web page at the following URL: Access to the product is only granted to registered users. In the list of products, the MSA product is identified as the MTP Mean Surface Albedo 0100. Make sure you select the format you want. The MSA product is available in BUFR and HDF4 formats. Figure 7: Example of MSA product (DHR) for the 0-degree mission and the IODC mission. Page 19 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 4.3 MSA: BUFR format For a description of the fields stored in the BUFR file refer to Section 4.4.2 and Section 4.4.3. The World Meteorological Organization maintains a complete code description and reference website: Table 6 and Table 7 identify the fields stored in the MSA product in BUFR format. 4.3.1 Header Fields valid for all pixels Serial Name 1 1007 SATELLITE IDENTIFIER 2 1031 IDENTIFICATION OF ORIGINATING/GENERATING CENTRE (SEE NOTE 10) 3 2020 2020 SATELLITE CLASSIFICATION 4 4001 YEAR 5 4043 DAY OF THE YEAR 6 4001 YEAR 7 4043 DAY OF THE YEAR 8 4004 HOUR 9 4005 MINUTE 10 4006 SECOND 11 49001 49001 TOTAL PRODUCTS (MSA) 12 49014 DAYS AVAILABLE TO DERIVE THE PRODUCT (MSA) 13 49002 MAJOR VERSION (MSA) 14 49003 PATCH LEVEL (MSA) 15 4001 YEAR 16 4043 DAY OF THE YEAR 17 49018 NUMERIC CALIBRATION VERSION (MSA) 18 49019 WATER REFLECTANCE THRESHOLD (MSA) 19 49020 CLOUD THRESHOLD (MSA) 20 49021 CLOUD SCREENING SMOOTHNESS (MSA) 21 6001 LONGITUDE (HIGH ACCURACY) 22 49022 PROBABILITY OF ERROR CONFIDENCE (MSA) 23 49023 AUTOCORRELATION COEFFICIENT (MSA) 24 49024 PERCENT GOOD PIXELS (MSA) 25 49025 MEAN REL RADIOMETRIC ERROR (MSA) 26 49026 MEAN AVAILABLE SLOTS (MSA) 27 49027 MEAN PROCESSED SLOTS (MSA) 28 49028 MEAN VALID PIXELS (MSA) 29 49029 MEAN WEAK SOLUTIONS (MSA) 30 49030 MEAN DUBIOUS SOLUTIONS (MSA) 31 49031 MEAN NUMBER SOLUTIONS (MSA) 32 49032 MEAN OPTICAL THICKNESS (MSA) Page 20 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Serial Name 33 5001 LATITUDE (HIGH ACCURACY) 34 6001 LONGITUDE (HIGH ACCURACY) 35 49033 MEAN PROBABILITY THRESHOLD (MSA) 36 49034 MEAN DHR30 (MSA) 37 49035 MEAN REL ERROR DHR30 (MSA) 38 49036 DHR SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 39 49037 BHRISO SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 40 49038 R0 SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 41 49039 TAUAVG SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 42 49040 TAUSTD SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 43 49041 CHI2ASM SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 44 49042 CHI2DCP SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 45 49043 RADRELERR SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 46 49044 DHRERR SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 47 49045 R0ERR SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 48 49046 KERR SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 49 49047 THETAERR SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 50 49048 TAUERR SCALING FACTOR (MSA) 51 49066 HIGH RES ROW NUMBER 1-5000 52 49066 HIGH RES ROW NUMBER 1-5000 53 49067 HIGH RES COLUMN NUMBER 1-5000 54 49067 HIGH RES COLUMN NUMBER 1-5000 Table 6: Header Fields valid for all pixels. 4.3.2 Retrieved fields valid for each pixel Serial Name 55 49049 BHRISO BYTE-CODED DAILY INTEGRATED DHR (MSA) 56 49050 DHR BYTE-CODED DIRECTIONAL HEMISPHERICAL REFLECTANCE (MSA) 57 49006 QUALITY FLAG (MSA) 58 49064 SOLUTIONS (MSA) 59 49065 INPUT SLOTS (MSA) 60 49065 INPUT SLOTS (MSA) 61 49068 SURFACE K PARAM (MSA) 62 49069 SURFACE THETA PARAM (MSA) 63 49069 SURFACE THETA PARAM (MSA) 64 49070 OPTICAL THICKNESS (MSA) 65 49051 R0 BYTE-CODED SURFACE REFLECTIVITY INTENSITY (MSA) 66 49052 R0ERR BYTE-CODED STANDARD ERROR (MSA) 67 49053 DHR30 BYTE-CODED ERROR OVER PERIOD (MSA) Page 21 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Serial Name 68 49014 DAYS AVAILABLE TO DERIVE THE PRODUCT (MSA) 69 49015 BEST DAY OF THE PERIOD (MSA) 70 49054 X2ASM BYTE-CODED COST OF ATMOSPHERIC SCATTERING MODULE (MSA) 71 49055 X2DCP BYTE-CODED COST OF DATA CONSISTENCY MODULE (MSA) 72 5001 LATITUDE (HIGH ACCURACY) 73 6001 LONGITUDE (HIGH ACCURACY) 74 49056 PROBABILITY (MSA) 75 49057 DHRERR10D BYTE-CODED DHR30 ERROR BEST DAY (MSA) 76 49058 K ERROR BYTE-CODED (MSA) 77 49059 T ERROR BYTE-CODED (MSA) 78 49060 TAU ERROR BYTE-CODED (MSA) 79 49061 TAU MEAN BYTE-CODED (MSA) 80 49062 TAU STD BYTE-CODED (MSA) 81 49063 RADIOMETRIC NOISE BYTE-CODED (MSA) 82 49066 HIGH RES ROW NUMBER 1-5000 83 49067 HIGH RES COLUMN NUMBER 1-5000 Table 7: Retrieved fields valid for each pixel 4.4 MSA: HDF4 format Each format contains the same fields. Field names of the HDF format are described here. Each 10-day product is composed of three files: First file Contains the albedo values and its associated quality indicator. Example: MSA_Albedo_L2.0_V2.01_000_2000_311_320.HDF Second file Contains all the ancillary information. Example: MSA_Ancillary_L2.0_V2.01_000_2000_311_320.HDF Static file Contains the geographical location of each pixel. Example: MSA_Static_L2.0_V2.10.HDF Go to this website for complete specifications on the HDF format: Page 22 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual 4.4.1 Naming convention The file name has the following structure: MSA_Albedo_L2.0_Vm.nn_sss_yyyy_fff_lll.HDF where: m = MSA algorithm major version number nn = MSA algorithm minor version number sss = Sub-satellite point code (000,063) yyyy = four digit of the year fff = First Julian day of the period lll = Last Julian day of the period 4.4.2 Global attributes The table on the two pages that follow contains all the global attributes for the MSA Albedo file. Page 23 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Attribute Description BUFR Field Index Nominal SSP Center of the reference grid in the Meteosat projection. 21 Start line The line number (row) of the first pixel of the datasets in the Meteosat Projection for the visible resolution (5000 × 5000 pixels). Indexing starts at 1. 53 Height The y dimension of the datasets. 54 Start pixel The pixel number (column) of the first pixel of the datasets in the Meteosat projection for the visible resolution (5000 × 5000 pixels). Indexing starts at 1. 51 Width The x dimension of the datasets. 52 HDF Conversion time The satellite identifier (in the range [1–7]). Not applicable Satellite number The satellite identifier (in the range [1–7]). Start year The starting year (number) of the compositing period. 4 Start Julian day Start Julian day of the period. 5 End year The ending year (number) of the compositing period. 6 End Julian day End Julian day of the period. 7 Number of products The total number of valid pixels in each data set. 11 Actual Nbr Day The actual number of days in the compositing period (in the range [1–10]). 12 MSA major version Version of the MSA algorithm. 13 MSA minor version Patch level of the major version number. 14 Calibration version Version of the calibration datasets. 17 Water Reflectance threshold Minimum TOA BRF below which observations have been rejected. 18 Cloud for Sure threshold MaximumTOA BRF above which observations have been rejected. 19 Cloud screening smooth TOA smoothness used for the cloud screening 20 Probability alpha Confidence level for the error estimation. 22 Autocorrelation coefficient Coefficient α in Equation (16). 23 Percent good pixels Percentage of pixels with a valid solution among the total number of processed pixels. 24 Mean Relative Radiometric Error Mean relative radiometric error (Equation 5) in per cent. 25 Page 24 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product Users Manual Attribute Description BUFR Field Index Mean Number Slots Mean number of available observation per pixel prior to the cloud screening. 26 Mean Number Processed Slots Mean value of Ny, the size of the measurement vector ym. 27 Mean Valid Pixels Percentage of valid pixels. 28 Mean Weak Solutions Percentage of pixels with a probability between 10 % and 50 %. 29 Mean per cent Dubious Percentage of pixels with a probability smaller than 10 %. 30 Mean per cent no solutions Percentage of pixels with no solution. 31 Mean Optical Thickness Mean optical thickness. 32 Actual SSP latitude Mean value of the actual spacecraft SSP latitude. 33 Actual SSP longitude Mean value of the actual spacecraft SSP latitude. 34 Mean probability threshold Mean value of the probability P(σy). 35 Mean DHR 30 Mean value of the DHR. 36 Mean DHR 30 relative error Mean value of the DHR relative error in percent. 37 MSA version string MSA algorithm version number as a string. Not Applicable Start day The starting day of the month (number) of the compositing period. Not Applicable Start month The starting month (number) of the compositing period. Not Applicable End day The end day of the month (number) of the compositing period. Not Applicable End month The end month (number) of the compositing period. Not Applicable Start date string The starting day of the 10-day compositing period. The format is dd/mm/yyyy plus a space character, the letter J and a three-digit number indicating the Julian day of the year. Not Applicable End date string The end date of the 10-day compositing period. The format is dd/mm/yyyy plus a space character, the letter J and a three-digit number indicating the Julian day of the year. Not Applicable Period index The number obtained by dividing the ending Julian day by 10. Not Applicable Processing time Date and time when the product has been generated. Not Applicable Satellite generation Always MET Not Applicable Figure 8: Global attributes: MSA Albedo file Page 25 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual 4.4.3 Scientific dataset Each SDS is a bi-dimensional matrix of pixels corresponding to an image in the Meteosat projection with the same east-west and south-north scanning mode. These values are coded on one byte with the value 255 used to indicate invalid pixels. Decoded values are calculated as with DV = CAL × (CV – Offset) where DV is the decoded value and CV is stored value. CAL and OFFSET fields are available in the CALIBDATA HDF structure. The conversion of the DHR 30 and BHRiso fields into broadband albedo is given in Section 4.3. Name Description The isotropic Bi-Hemispherical Reflectance field contains the surface albedo in the Meteosat VIS band that would have been observed under isotropic illumination conditions for the best BHRiso solution of day with (d) = BUFR Field Index 55 of the compositing period. The Directional Hemispherical Reflectances field (DHR30) contains the surface albedo value for the best solution of day d DHR30 with (d) = of the compositing period. It represents the spectral albedo in the Meteosat sensor VIS band spectral interval assuming a sun zenith angle of µ0 = 30°. Since the angle µ0 is the same for all pixels throughout the year, the DHR is appropriate for the monitoring of the spatial or temporal changes of the surface radiative properties. 56 DHR30 error 10D This field represents the estimated DHR error. 74 Probability(%) This field contains the probability of the solution of the selected day d of the compositing period. Pixels with a probability smaller than 80 % or 90 % should not be considered when the MSA product is analysed. 73 4.5 Ancillary Data File 4.5.1 Naming Convention The file name has the following structure: MSA_Ancillary_L2.0_V m.nn_sss_yyyy_ff_flll.HDF where: m = MSA algorithm major version number nn = MSA algorithm minor version number sss = Sub-satellite point code (000,063) yyyy = four digit of the year fff = First Julian day of the period lll = Last Julian day of the period 4.5.2 Global Attributes See Section 4.4.2. Page 26 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual 4.5.3 Scientific data set Each scientific data set is a bi-dimensional matrix of pixels corresponding to an image in the Meteosat projection with the same east-west and south-north scanning mode. These values are coded on one byte with the value 255 used to indicate invalid pixels. Decoded values are calculated as done in DV = CAL × (CV – Offset), where DV is the decoded value and CV is stored value. CAL and OFFSET fields are available in the CALIBDATA HDF structure. Name QUALITYFLAG Description BUFR Field Index This flag takes the following values: Val 0 1 2 3 4 Meaning OK No valid days in the period No valid samples in the period No likely day Invalid solution index 5 Dubious solution , Pa( (d)) = 0.1 6 Weak solution, 0.1 < Pa( (d)) ≤ 0.5 57 NUMSOL The number of acceptable solutions. The value 255 is set for invalid pixels. 58 NSLOT Number of inputs lots before cloud screening. 59 NSLOTASM Number of clear sky input slots. 60 K Parameter describing the shape of the surface BRF in the RPV model for the best fit. 61 THETA Parameter describing the asymmetry of the surface BRF in the RPV model for the best fit. 62 AER_OPT_THICK Estimated equivalent aerosol optical thickness. 63 Name Description BUFR Field Index R0 Amplitude of the surface BRF in the RPV model for best fit. 64 ERR_R0 Estimated error of 65 NUMDAYS Selected day during the compositing period. 0. 67 2 BESTDAY Normalised cost function of the best solution given by Equation (4) χ /Ny. 68 Chi2DCP Cost function of the cloud screening. 70 Chi2ASM Cost function of the invertion. 69 DHRError Estimated error of the DHR for the best day d. 66 ERR_K Estimated error of 75 ERR_T Estimated error of 76 ERR_OPT Estimated error of 77 AVGOPT Average value of ERR_AVG_ERR Standard deviation of AVGOPT. 79 RADIOMETRIC NOISE Mean daily radiometric noise of the best day d calculated with (ΣNy σy(t))/Ny 80 during the compositing period. Table 8: Name and description of the scientific data set. Page 27 of 34 78 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual 4.6 Static Data Set 4.6.1 Naming convention The file name has the following structure: MSA_Static_L2.0_Vm.nnsss.HDF Where: m = MSA algorithm major version number nn = MSA algorithm minor version number sss = Sub-satellite point code (000, 057, 063) 4.6.2 Global attributes Contains a subset of the fields listed in Section 4.4.2. 4.6.3 Scientific data set Name Description Symbol Units Min Max latitude Pixel latitude λ degree -90 +90 longitude Pixel longtitude φ degree -180 +180 Page 28 of 34 Scaled EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual 5 ALGORITHM ASSUMPTIONS The approach relies on a daily accumulation of Meteosat observations acquired at about 20 different illumination conditions to characterise the scattering properties of the surface and the atmosphere, assuming that: 1. Surface and atmospheric scattering properties are constant throughout the day. 2. A US62 vertical profile and continental aerosol type applied everywhere and throughout the year. 3. Surface anisotropy can be represented with the simple BRF model proposed by Rahman et al. [RD 4]. 4. The reciprocity principle is valid over terrestrial surfaces at a spatial resolution of a few kilometres. See also [RD 9]. Figure 9: Sensor spectral response of Meteosat-7 VIS band (dash-dotted line) and of Terra-MISR bands (solid lines). The dotted line represents the total transmittance in a US standard atmosphere with an aerosol optical thickness of 0.2 at 0.5 µm. The solid line with the ⋄symbols illustrates typical vegetated surface reflectance. Page 29 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual 6 ALGORITHM LIMITATIONS AND MSA PRODUCT USAGE 6.1 RTM in the VIS spectral band The radiometer on board the Meteosat First Generation (MFG) satellites acquires radiances twice per hour in a single large solar spectral band ranging from approximately 0.4 µm up to 1.1 µm. This is referred to as the VIS band (Fig.1). This interval contains some strong gas absorption bands and is also subject to aerosol scattering-absorption processes whose magnitude varies with wavelength. Consequently, the decoupling between absorption and scattering processes introduces some inaccuracies when the spectral integration is performed over such a large interval. This assumption is implemented in the retrieval algorithm to speed up the atmospheric correction scheme. Additionally, vegetated surface reflectance exhibits quite strong and fast spectral variations over this spectral region as a consequence of the differences in the radiation transfer regimes occurring on both sides of 0.7 µm. This is mainly governed by absorption (scattering) at wavelengths shorter (larger) than 0. 7 µm (Figure 9). These spectral variations cannot be explicitly taken into account in the atmospheric-correction scheme because observations occur only in one single band under different illumination conditions. Consequently, surface albedo derived from geostationary satellite observations in the VIS band with the MSA algorithm is subject to some systematic biases depending on the shape of the surface spectra, the aerosol load, and the absorbing gas concentration. Under such circumstances, these spectral effects that occur within the VIS band need to be corrected before performing the spectral conversion, or any other quantitative analysis of the MSA product. 6.2 Cloud Contamination The cloud detection method described in Pinty et al. [RD 3] is based on the temporal analysis of the ToA BRF, and does not perform optimally when the cloud cover remains stable during an entire day. Consequently, some surface albedo pixels might still be contaminated by undetected clouds. Applying conservative filtering on the probability field and the DHR estimated error could minimize cloud contamination. We recommended restriction of the analysis of the DHR or BHR• fields to those pixels with a probability Pa larger than 80 % or 90 % and a σDHR/DHR relative error over 10 days smaller than 50. 6.3 Conversion to Broadband albedo The method to transform the DHR derived in the Meteosat VIS band DHR VIS in shortwave broadband albedo DHRBB is described in Govaerts et al.[RD 10]. This relationship is defined with a third-order polynomial written as follows: Equation 6 Recently, Loew and Govaerts [RD 10] found some temporal discrepancies when the method described in [RD 2] is used for the spectral conversion of Meteosat-2 to Meteosat-4. These authors developed an empirical method to derive the spectral coefficients for the Meteosat-2 to Meteosat-4 satellites. The empirical coefficients a–d for the DHR conversion take the following values according to the Meteosat number [RD 10]: Page 30 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual Met a b c 2 -2.95364443e-05 1.22636437e+00 -1.45464587e+00 1.27798259e+00 3 -2.95364443e-05 1.32036722e+00 -1.52968502e+00 1.25365901e+00 4 -2.95364589e-05 1.22655797e+00 -1.07426369e+00 8.96015048e-01 5 -2.95364443e-05 1.25341415e+00 -1.09384084e+00 8.89843404e-01 6 -2.95364443e-05 1.30573940e+00 -1.31526375e+00 1.05711114e+00 7 -2.95364589e-05 1.26273489e+00 -1.11476350e+00 9.00940299e-01 d Table 9: Empirical coefficients a–d for the DHR conversion . For the conversion of the BHR , the empirical coefficients are as follows in Table 10: Met a b c 2 -2.85976712e-05 9.81895685e-01 -8.48408699e-01 7.43798614e-01 3 -2.85976712e-05 1.09896255e+00 -1.07471538e+00 9.11732554e-01 4 -2.85976712e-05 1.00361478e+00 -6.55005634e-01 6.47315860e-01 5 -2.85976712e-05 1.04928327e+00 -7.66418219e-01 7.47902989e-01 6 -2.85976712e-05 1.15992260e+00 -1.13301563e+00 9.98916626e-01 7 -2.85976712e-05 1.03751910e+00 -6.88233614e-01 7.00615168e-01 d Table 10: Empirical coefficients a–d for the BHR conversion 6.4 BHR. Error estimation The BHR• error is currently not stored in the distributed product. This error can be calculated with the following expression: Equation 7 Page 31 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual Where α0 is tabulated with the following value: h Θ k α0 h Θ k α0 h Θ k α0 0.15 -0.30 0.40 3.29568 0.15 -0.20 0.40 3.01252 0.15 -0.10 0.40 2.74655 0.15 -0.30 0.50 2.91138 0.15 -0.20 0.50 2.64497 0.15 -0.10 0.50 2.39410 0.15 -0.30 0.60 2.62286 0.15 -0.20 0.60 2.36857 0.15 -0.10 0.60 2.12919 0.15 -0.30 0.70 2.40092 0.15 -0.20 0.70 2.15551 0.15 -0.10 0.70 1.92501 0.15 -0.30 0.80 2.22700 0.15 -0.20 0.80 1.98812 0.15 -0.10 0.80 1.76452 0.15 -0.30 0.90 2.08885 0.15 -0.20 0.90 1.85469 0.15 -0.10 0.90 1.63641 0.15 -0.30 1.00 1.97802 0.15 -0.20 1.00 1.74715 0.15 -0.10 1.00 1.53294 0.15 -0.25 0.40 3.15165 0.15 -0.15 0.40 2.87767 0.15 -0.05 0.40 2.61871 0.15 -0.25 0.50 2.77600 0.15 -0.15 0.50 2.51782 0.15 -0.05 0.50 2.27346 0.15 -0.25 0.60 2.49365 0.15 -0.15 0.60 2.24720 0.15 -0.05 0.60 2.01425 0.15 -0.25 0.70 2.27618 0.15 -0.15 0.70 2.03856 0.15 -0.05 0.70 1.81463 0.15 -0.25 0.80 2.10550 0.15 -0.15 0.80 1.87455 0.15 -0.05 0.80 1.65780 0.15 -0.25 0.90 1.96964 0.15 -0.15 0.90 1.74369 0.15 -0.05 0.90 1.53264 0.15 -0.25 1.00 1.86037 0.15 -0.15 1.00 1.63808 0.15 -0.05 1.00 1.43151 h Θ k α0 0.15 0.00 0.40 2.49373 0.15 0.00 0.50 2.15556 0.15 0.00 0.60 1.90210 0.15 0.00 0.70 1.70718 0.15 0.00 0.80 1.55420 0.15 0.00 0.90 1.43218 0.15 0.00 1.00 1.33363 and Page 32 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual 6.5 Albedo colour palette The colour palette used in MSA publication is given in this section. Albedo range rgb value 0.000 – 0.020 (0, 0, 050) 0.020 – 0.040 (0, 0, 100) 0.040 – 0.050 (0, 0, 200) 0.050 – 0.060 (0, 0, 255) 0.060 – 0.070 (80, 20, 10) 0.070 – 0.080 (100 , 30, 20) 0.080 – 0.090 (100, 50, 30) 0.090 – 0.100 (80, 60, 40) 0.100 – 0.110 (60, 80, 40) 0.110 – 0.120 (20, 80, 20) 0.120 – 0.130 (30, 100, 30) 0.130 – 0.140 (40, 120, 40) 0.140 – 0.150 (50, 140, 50) 0.150 – 0.160 (60, 160, 50) 0.160 – 0.170 (80, 180, 30) 0.170 – 0.180 (100, 160, 20) 0.180 – 0.190 (110, 150, 10) 0.190 – 0.200 (120, 140, 10) 0.200 – 0.210 (140, 120, 0) 0.210 – 0.220 (130, 110, 0) 0.220 – 0.230 (125, 99, 0) 0.230 – 0.240 (120, 80, 0) 0.240 – 0.250 (111, 75, 0) 0.250 – 0.260 (120, 82, 7) 0.260 – 0.280 (126, 91, 14) 0.280 – 0.300 (141, 108, 28) 0.300 – 0.325 (156, 125, 42) 0.325 – 0.350 (171, 142, 56) 0.350 – 0.375 (186, 159, 71) 0.375 – 0.400 (201, 176, 85) 0.400 – 0.450 (216, 193, 99) 0.450 – 0.500 (231, 210, 113) 0.500 – 0.550 (240, 220, 120) 0.550 – 0.600 (246, 225, 135) 0.600 – 0.650 (246, 235, 155) 0.650 – 0.700 (240, 240, 180) 0.700 – 0.750 (250, 250, 210) 0.750 – 0.800 (230, 253, 200) 0.800 – 0.900 (220, 230, 240) Table 11: RGB values per Albedo range used in MSA publication Page 33 of 34 EUM/OPS/MAN/12/2872 v2H, 28 April 2014 Meteosat Surface Albedo Product: Users Manual 7 ALGORITHM CHANGE HISTORY 7.1 Changes in Version 1.1 The following changes have been implemented in version 1.1 with respect to version 1.0: 1. 1. The processed area over the zero degree mission has been increased. 2. A processing area over the 63° emission has been defined. 3. The computation accuracy of the sun angles has been improved. 4. The computation of the viewing angles now accounts for the actual position of the spacecraft at the acquisition time. 5. The discretisation range of the predefined conditions for the , , and = 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 7.2 = HG 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 parameters is as follows: HG = −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 −0.0 Changes in Version 1.2 The following changes have been implemented in version 1.2. 1. An error has been corrected in the access of the ECMWF total water column field. 7.3 Changes in Version 2.1 Version 2.1 contains major changes as it includes now an a priori estimation of the retrieval error of each parameter and the DHR. 1. The minimum number of slots is set to six. 2. χ2 is estimated are real χ2 function. 3. The radiometric error is not prescribed anymore but is estimated for each pixel. 4. The retrieval mechanism accounts for the aerosol load auto-correlation during the day. 5. The threshold on the χ value is not prescribed anymore but calculated as a function of its probability. 6. The computation of the viewing angles accounts now for the actual position of the spacecraft at the acquisition time. 7. The error of the four retrieved parameters is estimated. 8. The 10-day compositing technique is based on a minimising of the error. 9. The discretisation range of the τ, k, and Θ parameters. See Table 1. Page 34 of 34