SHERBORN ZONING MAP B-G WCOD 1 Ra re od St St et re St et ct Pe re ct wo ge pe du ck id os ue Ro ad ol ilro Co Pr Aq NA TIC K t( X ad ree CS k Ro 7) broo .2 dow Rt Mea St Avenue in ' +/- Ma Kendall 150 ' 200 ' 500 rry N rth M A H G N I M A R F 700 ' No EA Spee n St. B-G Everett Stree et t St re La ne ne W Ro ood ad Roa Ro ad et re reet g eet Stre et E ast o ul n di g S e tre tW e est For st (R t. 2 7) Woodland Street (4) 267' Fo e t ree St ow Sn Ston ewall Roa d ll (6) 3 ACRES Hi re St RC 23 6' et Nas Sparh awk Road Bullard Sp yw oo d Naso Road n on H Lan i l l e MEDFIELD t Stree llis Drive Ho ll Road Parks Rd. y Br Ston Street Ash ne st k Broo Ward La re ook Lan all Stonew s os t Cr ree St Saddle Br oo k Road Mi et Cider H ill Rd . (5) Ja ck so n Stre t ple St Woodland St G ield Ap erf r od De G o ldin t d 6) w Gou R et Stre et RA Stree Hill Stre wn Fa ad Ro h Pat sett y Surre e Lan Rus ed br h g rou ane L Tho *WCOD 2 VE Drive sant ad lighter mp Lane La e Plea Ro idl L Ivy n ee Farm Pond Main e an Br Road ad Ro e ock d re 1 tR uth Ol W t hi Western Avenue ON IST LL HO Brook ee Str as t ng on St t. ea (3) m Ro ad Gr Peckham Hill Road So Far Orchard R t( Str B-G Culvert ge Pa uth Fa rm DO le et ree e M ap re St 150' St iv Whitney La Dr Hill t n d (2) Road tree ee woo B-P EA Gr 160' RC B-G*WCOD 2 290 ' 340' Drive df iel d rive Ol rD Bea r 150' ' 5) (Rt. 11 xte M cG re go r De n gto Wild 16) (Rt. So oad rrin yS 1 ACRE RA RB eet t Str 150' 150 e rv C u reet St itne Ro Mo g kR Ha Ri dg e ane Elio Butler Street (1) (1) 860' 150' Road Wh t tin roo sL ee un eB Western Avenue S n teve Str H urs ASHLAND Hunting Lane Drive WCOD 1 ke rse La oad ad et ill R Co hH Brus n Tow ad ne Ly ad o R Broo k Ro Bogastow S I L L I M ZONING DISTRICTS KEY RA = RESIDENCE A (1-Acre Min. Lot Size (MLS)) RB = RESIDENCE B (2-Acre MLS) RC = RESIDENCE C (3-Acre MLS) EA = ELDERLY AND AFFORDABLE M = MULTI-DWELLING (Elderly only) B-G = BUSINESS GENERAL B-P = BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL WCOD = WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS OVERLAY DISTRICT WCOD #1 is NSTAR easement and fee WCOD #2 is area above 70 meters of marked lots * (1) 260' west of RR right-of-way (2) Stone wall, 160' east of Green Lane (3) Brook & culvert under Washington Street (4) Junction of Goulding St East and Woodland St (5) Stone wall, 267' east of junction of Goulding St East and Woodland Streets (6) Stone wall, 236' south of Route 27 centerline SHERBORN PLANNING BOARD APRIL 17, 2002 Based on 1991 Zoning Map prepared by GLM Engineering Consultants, Inc. of Holliston, and a digitized parcel map prepared by Harvard Design and Mapping, Inc. of Cambridge. Parcel lines are for illustrative purposes only and may not be up to date. This Zoning Map incorporates changes approved at Town Meeting since 1991. It is not official unless adopted by Annual Town Meeting on April 23, 2002.