TR41.9/00-05-031 DRAF SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT STANDARD From T1E1.4 (as of May 1, 2000) COMMITTEE T1 – TELECOMMUNICATIONS Working Group T1E1.4 Lisle, IL; May 1, 2000 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 CONTRIBUTION TITLE: Draft proposed American National Standard, Spectrum Management for Loop Transmission Systems SOURCE*: Editor PROJECT: T1E1-38, Spectral Compatibility Aspects for Facilities between a Central Office and the Network-to-Customer Interface (Twisted Pair Transmission System) ABSTRACT Attached is year 2000 R2 version of the draft standard for Spectrum Compatibility. It reflects the changes resulting from agreements (or provisional agreements) made during the February 2000 meeting in Lahaina, HI. NOTICE This is a draft document and thus, is dynamic in nature. It does not reflect a consensus of Committee T1Telecommunications and it may be changed or modified. Neither ATIS nor Committee T1 makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the sufficiency, accuracy or utility of the information or opinion contained or reflected in the material utilized. ATIS and Committee T1 further expressly advise that any use of or reliance upon the material in question is at your risk and neither ATIS nor Committee T1 shall be liable for any damage or injury, of whatever nature, incurred by any person arising out of any utilization of the material. It is possible that this material will at some future date be included in a copyrighted work by ATIS. * CONTACT: Craig F. Valenti; email:; Tel: 973-829-4203; Fax: 973-829-5962 American National Standard For Telecommunications Spectrum Management For Loop Transmission Systems Secretariat Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions Approved <Date to be determined> American National Standards Institute, Inc. Abstract This standard provides spectrum management requirements and recommendations for the administration of services and technologies that use metallic subscriber loop cables. Spectrum management is the administration of the loop plant in a way that provides spectral compatibility for services and technologies that use pairs in the same cable. In order to achieve spectral compatibility, the ingress energy that transfers into a loop pair, from services and transmission system technologies on other pairs in the same cable, must not cause an unacceptable degradation of performance. In addition, the egress energy from a particular loop pair must not transfer into other pairs in a manner that causes an unacceptable degradation in the performance of services and technologies on those pairs. This standard includes signal power limits and technology deployment guidelines for digital subscriber line spectrum management classes. It also provides a generic analytical method to determine spectral compatibility. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. American National Standard Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute. Published by American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036 ii This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. Table of Contents Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ viii 1. Scope, purpose, and application............................................................................................... 2 1.1 Scope................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Application ......................................................................................................................... 3 2. Normative references ............................................................................................................... 3 3. Definitions, abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols .................................................................. 4 4. 5. 3.1 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols ............................................................................. 6 General Information .................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Crosstalk............................................................................................................................ 8 4.2 Spectral compatibility......................................................................................................... 9 4.3 Spectrum management ..................................................................................................... 9 4.3.1 Basis loop systems..................................................................................................... 9 4.3.2 Legacy systems........................................................................................................ 12 4.3.3 Signal power limitations (method A) ......................................................................... 12 4.3.4 Technology deployment guidelines .......................................................................... 13 4.3.5 Analytical method of determining spectral compatibility (method B) ........................ 14 Signal power limits and other criteria ...................................................................................... 15 5.1 Short-term stationary systems ......................................................................................... 15 5.2 Spectrum management classes ...................................................................................... 15 5.2.1 Spectrum management class 1................................................................................ 15 5.2.2 Spectrum management class 2................................................................................ 16 5.2.3 Spectrum management class 3................................................................................ 17 5.2.4 Spectrum management class 4................................................................................ 17 5.2.5 Spectrum management class 5................................................................................ 18 5.2.6 Spectrum management class 6................................................................................ 19 5.2.7 Spectrum management class 7................................................................................ 20 5.2.8 Spectrum management class 8................................................................................ 20 5.2.9 Spectrum management class 9................................................................................ 21 5.3 6. Spectral Compatibility Limitations for Repeatered Systems ............................................ 22 Conformance testing methodology ......................................................................................... 22 6.1 General conformance criteria .......................................................................................... 22 6.2 PSD conformance criteria unique to spectrum management classes............................. 23 iii This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 6.2.1 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 1 ........................... 23 6.2.2 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 2 .......................... 23 6.2.3 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 3 ........................... 24 6.2.4 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 4 .......................... 24 6.2.5 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 5 ........................... 24 6.2.6 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 6 ........................... 24 6.2.7 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 7 .......................... 24 6.2.8 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 8 .......................... 24 6.2.9 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 9 .......................... 24 6.3 PSD and total average power measurement procedure ................................................. 24 6.3.1 Test circuit for PSD and total average power measurement.................................... 24 6.3.2 Calibration of the test circuit and termination impedance......................................... 25 6.3.3 Operation of the DUT ............................................................................................... 25 6.3.4 Total average power measurement procedure ........................................................ 25 6.3.5 Power spectral density (PSD) measurement procedure .......................................... 25 6.4 Short-term stationary conformance criteria ..................................................................... 26 6.4.1 Determination of whether to apply short-term stationary conformance criteria ........ 26 6.4.2 Continuous mode for conformance testing .............................................................. 26 6.4.3 Frequency domain requirements.............................................................................. 26 6.4.4 Time domain requirements ...................................................................................... 27 6.5 Transverse balance testing methodology........................................................................ 27 6.6 Longitudinal output voltage testing methodology............................................................. 28 Annex A: Evaluation of interference from new technologies into existing technologies................. 43 A.1 Goals and framework for evaluation ................................................................................... 43 A.2 Analytical Method: Detailed crosstalk margin evaluations .................................................. 44 A.2.1 General Methodology................................................................................................... 44 A.2.2 DFE-based PAM signals (e.g., 2B1Q ISDN and HDSL) .............................................. 46 A.2.3 DFE-based QAM/CAP signals ..................................................................................... 46 A.2.4 DMT margin computations........................................................................................... 46 A.2.4 A.2.5 ........................................................................................................................... 47 A.3 Compatibility with voicegrade services and technologies.................................................... 47 A.3.1 Description of voicegrade services and technologies .................................................. 47 A.3.1.1 Speech signals ......................................................................................................... 48 A.3.1.2 Single and dual tone signals..................................................................................... 48 A.3.1.3 Low frequency (< 100 Hz) signals ............................................................................ 48 A.3.1.4 Digital data................................................................................................................ 48 A.3.1.5 Analog data .............................................................................................................. 48 iv This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. A.3.2 Voicegrade evaluation.................................................................................................. 48 A.3.2.1 Evaluation loop ......................................................................................................... 49 A.3.2.2 Reference crosstalk environment............................................................................. 49 A.3.2.3 Crosstalk noise and peak power levels computation ............................................... 49 A.3.3 A.4 Spectral compatibility of voicegrade systems with basis systems ............................... 50 Compatibility with Enhanced Business Services ................................................................. 50 A.4.1 Description of Enhanced Business Services ............................................................... 50 A.4.1.1 Speech signals ......................................................................................................... 50 A.4.1.2 Signalling functions................................................................................................... 50 A.4.2 Enhanced Business Service Evaluation....................................................................... 51 A.4.2.1 Reference crosstalk environment............................................................................. 51 A.4.2.2 Crosstalk noise and peak power levels computation ............................................... 51 A.4.2.3 Spectral compatibility of Enhanced Business Services with basis systems ............. 51 A.5 Compatibility with T1.410 .................................................................................................... 52 A.5.1 Computation of DDS Performance – Margin Computation for AMI Transceivers ....... 52 A.5.2 Evaluation loops ........................................................................................................... 53 A.5.3 Reference crosstalk environment ................................................................................ 53 A.5.4 Margin computation...................................................................................................... 54 A.6 Compatibility with ISDN DSL ............................................................................................... 54 A.6.1 Evaluation loops ........................................................................................................... 54 A.6.2 Reference Crosstalk environment................................................................................ 54 A.6.3 Margin Computation..................................................................................................... 54 A.7 Compatibility with HDSL ...................................................................................................... 55 A.7.1 Evaluation loops ........................................................................................................... 55 A.7.2 Reference crosstalk environment ................................................................................ 55 A.7.3 Margin computation...................................................................................................... 55 A.8 Compatibility with ADSL and RADSL technologies ............................................................. 55 A.8.1 Evaluation loops and performance levels .................................................................... 55 A.8.2 Reference crosstalk environments .............................................................................. 56 A.8.3 Margin computation...................................................................................................... 56 A.8.4 Compatibility with RADSL ............................................................................................ 57 A.9 Compatibility with HDSL2 .................................................................................................... 57 A.9.1 Evaluation loops ........................................................................................................... 57 A.9.2 Reference crosstalk environment ................................................................................ 58 A.9.3 Margin computation...................................................................................................... 58 A.10 Compatibility with 2B1Q SDSL ............................................................................................ 59 A.10.1 Evaluation loops and performance levels .................................................................... 59 v This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. A.10.2 Reference crosstalk environment ................................................................................ 59 A.10.3 Margin computation...................................................................................................... 59 A.10.4 2B1Q SDSL Technology Specification......................................................................... 59 A.10.4.1 Power Spectrum Density ...................................................................................... 59 A.10.4.2 Performance ......................................................................................................... 60 A.10.4.3 Return loss............................................................................................................ 60 A.10.4.4 Longitudinal Balance............................................................................................. 61 A.11 Combination of crosstalk sources: composite crosstalk model .......................................... 61 A.12 Customer end-point separation ........................................................................................... 61 Annex B: Loop Information............................................................................................................. 74 B.1 General................................................................................................................................ 74 B.1.1 The loop environment .................................................................................................. 74 B.1.1.1 Background noise..................................................................................................... 75 B.1.1.2 Impulse noise ........................................................................................................... 75 B.1.1.3 Radio frequency interference (RFI) .......................................................................... 75 B.1.1.4 Structural cable faults ............................................................................................... 75 B.1.1.5 The loop environment............................................................................................... 75 B.1.1.6 Telephone cable and subscriber loop structures...................................................... 76 B.1.2 Loop plant design rules: resistance design .................................................................. 77 B.1.3 Loop plant design rules: carrier serving area (CSA) .................................................... 78 B.1.4 Distribution area (DA)................................................................................................... 79 B.1.5 Loop statistics .............................................................................................................. 79 B.2 AWG and metric cable: diameters and DC resistance and capacitance ............................ 79 B.3 Cable primary constants (RLGC) characterization.............................................................. 80 B.3.1 Transmission-Line Characterization ............................................................................ 80 B.3.1.1 “ABCD” modeling...................................................................................................... 80 B.3.1.2 Transmission-line RLCG characterization................................................................ 82 B.3.1.3 Power for transmission lines .................................................................................... 84 B.3.1.4 Reflection coefficients .............................................................................................. 85 B.3.1.5 Characterization of a bridge-tap section – a three-port ............................................ 86 B.3.1.6 Computation of transfer function .............................................................................. 86 B.3.1.7 Relationship of transfer function and “insertion loss” ............................................... 87 B.3.2 TP1............................................................................................................................... 89 B.3.3 TP2............................................................................................................................... 89 B.3.4 22-Gauge Phone-Line Twisted Pair ............................................................................. 89 B.3.5 TP3............................................................................................................................... 89 B.3.6 FP................................................................................................................................. 90 vi This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. B.3.7 Category-5 Twisted Pair............................................................................................... 90 B.3.8 Two-Pair Twisted Drop................................................................................................. 90 B.3.9 Two-Pair Quaded Drop ................................................................................................ 90 B.3.10 Flat-Pair Drop............................................................................................................... 90 B.3.11 Additional Models ......................................................................................................... 91 B.4 Cable crosstalk models ....................................................................................................... 91 B.4.1 Near end crosstalk, NEXT ........................................................................................... 91 B.4.2 Far end crosstalk, FEXT .............................................................................................. 93 B.4.3 Method for combining crosstalk contributions from unlike types of disturber .............. 93 B.4.3.1 Base models for NEXT and FEXT ........................................................................... 93 B.4.3.2 Combining crosstalk from mixed disturber types ..................................................... 94 B.4.3.3 Application to two NEXT terms................................................................................. 94 B.4.3.4 Application to FEXT terms........................................................................................ 95 B.4.3.5 Crosstalk is non-decreasing ..................................................................................... 96 B.4.3.6 All disturbers are treated equally .............................................................................. 96 B.4.3.7 Adding NEXT and FEXT .......................................................................................... 96 Annex C: Probability of error estimation....................................................................................... 120 C.1 Effect of input bit sequence ............................................................................................... 121 C.2 Period of injected “Gaussian” noise .................................................................................. 121 C.3 dB margin and importance sampling................................................................................. 122 Annex D: Additional spectrum management topics currently under study by the formulating committee of this standard........................................................................................................... 123 Annex E: Time varying, user data-dependent crosstalk from T1 and DDS services ................... 124 Annex F: Non-continuous CO signaling events ........................................................................... 127 F.1 Ringing .............................................................................................................................. 127 F.2 Supervision (hook flash).................................................................................................... 127 F.3 Dial Pulse .......................................................................................................................... 128 Annex G: ADSL Calculated Capacities ........................................................................................ 131 Annex H: Technology Effects Of and On Legacy Systems.......................................................... 133 H.1 T1 Carrier .......................................................................................................................... 133 H.1.1 Margin computations for linear equalization systems (e.g., T1)................................. 133 H.1.2 Compatibility with AMI T1........................................................................................... 133 H.1.2.1 Evaluation Loops .................................................................................................... 134 H.1.2.2 Reference crosstalk environments ......................................................................... 134 H.1.2.3 Margin computation ................................................................................................ 134 Annex I: C-code ........................................................................................................................... 135 Annex J: Informative references .................................................................................................. 136 vii This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. TABLES Table 1 - Spectrum management class 1 PSD template definition ............................................... 29 Table 2 - Minimum transverse balance requirements.................................................................... 29 Table 3 - Spectrum management class 2 PSD template definition ............................................... 30 Table 4- Spectrum management class 3 PSD template definition ................................................ 30 Table 5 - PSD mask definition for downstream transmission from a spectrum management class 4 TU-C............................................................................................................................................ 31 Table 6 - PSD mask definition for upstream transmission from a spectrum management class 4 TU-C............................................................................................................................................... 31 Table 7 - PSD template definition for downstream transmission from a spectrum management class 5 TU-C .................................................................................................................................. 31 Table 8 - Spectrum management class 7 PSD template definition ............................................... 31 Table 9 - Spectrum management class 8 PSD template definition. .............................................. 32 Table 10 – PSD template definition for downstream transmission from a spectrum management class 9 TU-C .................................................................................................................................. 32 Table 11 - PSD template definition for upstream transmission from a spectrum management class 9 or spectrum management class 5 TU-R ..................................................................................... 33 Table 12 - Temination impedances................................................................................................ 33 Table 13 - Resolution bandwidth for measuring a DUT PSD for conformance with spectrum management classes 1, 2, 3, and 4. .............................................................................................. 33 Table 14 – Resolution bandwidth for measuring a DUT PSD for conformance with spectrum management class 5. ..................................................................................................................... 33 Table 15 – Resolution bandwidth for measuring a DUT PSD for conformance with spectrum management class 6. ..................................................................................................................... 34 Table 16 – Summary of transverse balance testing criteria........................................................... 34 Table 17 - Maximum longitudinal output voltage limit .................................................................... 34 Table A.1 - Code for DFE PAM SNR computation......................................................................... 62 Table A. 2 - Code for DFE QAM/CAP computation ....................................................................... 63 Table A.3 - Matlab code to set-up ADSL margin computation....................................................... 64 Table A. 4 -- Matlab Code to compute a DMT margin ................................................................... 66 Table A. 5 – Data Points for Unger NEXT Model (see Figure A. 1) ............................................... 67 Table A. 6 – Spectral Compatibility into downstream single-carrier RADSL.................................. 67 Table A. 7 – Spectral Compatibility into upstream single-carrier RADSL ...................................... 67 Table A. 8 - HDSL2_delta (in dB) for various test crosstalk combinations .................................... 67 Table A. 9 - 2B1Q SDSL data rate and associated spectrum management classes .................... 67 Table A. 10 – 2B1Q SDSL reach target at sample data rates ....................................................... 67 viii This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. Table B.1 – American wire gauge (AWG) and metric wire ............................................................ 97 Table B. 2 - Cable model parameters for TP1 (0.4 mm or 26-gauge twisted pair) ........................ 97 Table B.3 - Primary constants for TP1 (0.4 mm or 26-gauge twisted pair).................................... 98 Table B.4 - Cable parameters for 26-AWG PIC air core................................................................ 99 Table B.5– Cable parameters for 26-AWG filled PIC .................................................................. 100 Table B.6 – Cable model parameters for TP2 (0.5 mm or 24-gauge twisted pair) ...................... 102 Table B.7 – Primary constants for TP2 (0.5 mm or 24-gauge twisted pair) ................................. 102 Table B.8 – Cable parameters for 24-AWG PIC air core............................................................. 103 Table B.9 – Cable parameters for 22-AWG PIC air core............................................................. 105 Table B.10 – Cable model parameters for TP3 (DW10 reinforced .5 mm copper PVC-insulated steel strength member, polyethelene sheath) .............................................................................. 106 Table B.11 – Primary constants for TP3 (DW10 reinforced .5 mm copper PVC-insulated steel strength member, polyethelene sheath)....................................................................................... 107 Table B.12 – Cable model parameters for FP (1.14 mm flat cable) ............................................ 107 Table B.13 – Primary constants for FP (1.14 mm flat cable) ....................................................... 107 Table B.14 – Cable model parameters for category 5 twisted pair .............................................. 108 Table B.15 – Primary constants for category 5 twisted pair ......................................................... 108 Table B.16 – Cable parameters, two-pair twisted drop ................................................................ 109 Table B.17 – Cable parameters, two-pair quad drop ................................................................... 111 Table B.18 – Cable parameters, flat-pair Drop ............................................................................ 113 Table G. 1 – ADSL Evaluation Results ........................................................................................ 132 Table H. 1: Coefficients for T1 repeater input filtering gain equation........................................... 134 Table I. 1: C-code for DMT margin computation.......................................................................... 135 ix This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. FIGURES Figure 1 – Configuration for evaluation of effect of NEXT and FEXT into downstream................. 37 Figure 2 – Configuration for evaluation of effect of NEXT and FEXT into upstream ..................... 37 Figure 3 - Spectrum management class 1 PSD template.............................................................. 38 Figure 4 - Spectrum management class 2 class PSD Template ................................................... 38 Figure 5 - Spectrum management class 3 PSD template.............................................................. 39 Figure 6 - PSD mask for downstream transmission from a spectrum management class 4 TU-C ....................................................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 7 - PSD mask for upstream transmission from a spectrum management class 4 TU-R.... 40 Figure 8 - Spectrum management class 7 PSD template.............................................................. 40 Figure 9 - Spectrum management class 8 PSD template............................................................. 41 Figure 10 - PSD and total average power measurement setup ..................................................... 41 Figure 11 – Example PSD and total average power measurement setup ..................................... 42 Figure 12 - Illustrative test configuration for transverse balance conformance testing .................. 42 Figure A. 1 – Unger NEXT model and simplified NEXT model of 1% NEXT for 18kft of 22GA PIC ....................................................................................................................................................... 68 Figure A. 2 – Crosstalk into a Basis System: NEXT and FEXT ..................................................... 69 Figure A. 3 – Simulation Model for Reference and New Crosstalk into Downstream Receiver..... 69 Figure A. 4 – Crosstalk into Basis System: NEXT & FEXT with reduced new loop length ............ 69 Figure A. 5 – Simulation Model for Self- and New Crosstalk into Downstream Receiver with reduced new loop length ................................................................................................................ 70 Figure A. 6 - Process flow for spectral compatibility calculations................................................... 71 Figure A. 7 – 2B1Q SDSL PSD at several data rates .................................................................... 72 Figure A. 8 - 2B1Q SDSL PSD at several data rates ..................................................................... 72 Figure A. 9 - Minimum return loss for 784kbps system.................................................................. 73 Figure A. 10 - Longitudinal balance for 784kbps system ............................................................... 73 Figure B.1 – Loop ABCD parameters, impedance and voltages ................................................. 115 Figure B. 2 – Two-port network model. ........................................................................................ 116 Figure B.3 – Incremental section of twisted-pair transmission line. ............................................ 116 Figure B.4 – Simple load circuit for power analysis...................................................................... 116 Figure B.5 – Examples of two-port cascades for twisted-pair transmission line configurations .. 117 Figure B.6 – Near end crosstalk (NEXT) ..................................................................................... 117 Figure B.7 – NEXT power sum losses for 25 pairs of PIC cable binder group ............................ 118 Figure B.8 – Comparison of ANSI NEXT with Measured NEXT .................................................. 118 Figure B.9 – Far end crosstalk (FEXT) ........................................................................................ 119 x This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. Figure B.10 – Comparison of ANSI FEXT with Measured FEXT................................................. 119 Figure E. 1 – Examples of T1 power spectral density variations ................................................. 125 Figure E. 2 – Examples of DDS power spectral density variations .............................................. 125 Figure E. 3 – Data dependent power changes in a wide band due to T1 data patterns .............. 126 Figure E. 4 – Data dependent power changes in a narrow band due to T1 data patterns........... 126 Figure F. 1 – Standard ringing potential with best case start/end ................................................ 129 Figure F. 2 – Standard ringing potential worst case start/end...................................................... 129 Figure F. 3 – Ringing waveforms (worst case generalization) ..................................................... 130 Figure F. 4 – Triple ringing interval............................................................................................... 130 Figure F. 5 – Simple battery feed arrangement ........................................................................... 130 xi This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. Foreword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard T1.XXX-2000) Accredited Standards Committee T1, Telecommunications serves the public through improved understanding between carriers, customers, and manufacturers. Technical Subcommittee T1E1 of Committee T1 develops telecommunications standards and technical reports related to various digital subscriber line technologies. This standard is intended to be a living document, subject to revision and updating as warranted by advances in network and equipment technology. This standard provides spectrum management requirements and recommendations for the administration of services and technologies that use metallic subscriber loop cables. Spectrum management is the administration of the loop plant in a way that provides spectral compatibility for services and technologies that use pairs in the same cable. In order to achieve spectral compatibility, the ingress energy that transfers into a loop pair, from services and transmission system technologies on other pairs in the same cable, must not cause an unacceptable degradation of performance. In addition, the egress energy from a particular loop pair must not transfer into other pairs in a manner that causes an unacceptable degradation in the performance of services and technologies on those pairs. This standard includes signal power limits and technology deployment guidelines for the digital subscriber line spectrum management classes defined herein. It also provides a generic analytical method to determine spectral compatibility. Because of the wide range of network switching systems, network transport systems, subscriber loop plant, and customer installations in North America, conformance with this standard does not guarantee spectral compatibility or acceptable performance under all possible operating conditions. ANSI guidelines specify two categories of requirements: mandatory and recommendation. The mandatory requirements are designated by the word shall and recommendations by the word should. Where both a mandatory requirement and a recommendation are specified for the same criterion, the recommendation represents a goal currently identifiable as having distinct compatibility or performance advantages. There are 7 annexes in this standard. Annex A is normative and considered to be part of this standard; Annexes B-I are informative and are not considered part of this standard, that is, they do not include requirements but provide information that may be helpful to users of this standard. Suggestions for improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, T1 Secretariat, 1200 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005. This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by Accredited Standards Committee on Telecommunications, T1. Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the T1 Committee had the following members: G. H. Peterson, Chair E. R. Hapeman, Vice-Chair S. D. Barclay, Secretary Organization Represented Name of Representative EXCHANGE CARRIERS Exchange Carrier Member.............................................................................. Name of Representative Name of Alternate (Alt) Organization Represented Name of Representative INTEREXCHANGE CARRIERS Interexchange Carrier Member ....................................................................... Name of Representative Name of Alternate (Alt.) MANUFACTURERS Manufacturer Member .................................................................................... Name of Representative Name of Alternate (Alt.) xii This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. GENERAL INTEREST General Interest Member................................................................................ Name of Representative Name of Alternate (Alt.) Technical Subcommittee T1E1 on Interfaces, Power and Protection of Networks, which is responsible for the development of this standard, had the following members: Ed Eckert, Chair Dick Brandt, Vice-Chair John Roquet, Secretary Organization Represented Name of Representative Member Name Organization Represented Name of Representative Name of Representative Member Name ....................................................................................... Name of Representative Name of Alternate (Alt.) Working Group T1E1.4 on DSL Access, which had the technical responsibility during the development of this standard, had the following members: Thomas J. J. Starr, Chairman Massimo Sorbara, Vice-Chairman Ron McConnell, Secretary Editors: Craig Valenti, John E. Roquet, Richard A. McDonald, Behrooz Rezvani Syed A. Abbas Robyn Aber Oscar Agazzi Cajetan M. Akujuobi Ron Allen Subra Ambati Tariq Amjed Candare M. Anderson Ephraim Arnon James Aslanis Keith Atwell Hiromitsu Awai Jein Baek Scott J. Baer Rupert Baines H. Charles Baker LeRoy Baker John T. Balinski Chuck Balogh Art Barabell Uri Baror John Barselloti Roy Batruni Don Bellenger Daniel Bengtssen Rafi Ben-Michael Ben Bennett Bill Bergman Dev Bhattacharya Nigel Billington Bora Biray Larry Bishop Richard Bishop Trone Bishop Ray Blackham R. T. Bobilin Gary Bolton Jan Bostrom Mark F. Bowen Bruce Bowie Peter Brackett Richard Brandt xiii This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. Dave Brier Les Brown Randy Brown Curtis Brownmiller William Buck William Buckley Bill Burton John Bush Richard Cam John Camagna Patrick Cameron Jim Carlo Art Carlson Paulus Carpelan C. A. Carpenter Ken Cavanaugh Guy Cerulli Paul Chang Yen T. Chang Trang Chan-virak Joe Charboneau Adam Chellali S. John Chen W. I. H. Chen Wen S. Chen Raymond Chen Daniel Chen Hoover Chen Jacky Chow Peter Chow John Cioffi Alan Cohen Nigel Cole Terry Cole Marty Colombatto Kevin Cone Greg Copeland Graham G. Copley Lawrence H. Corbett Mauro Costa Ray Countermann Bill Crane Phil Crawby David Cummings Kim Currie Aaron Dagen Tom Daly Tamar Danon Michel Darveau Jim Dell Michael Demjanenko Shuang Deng Andre' P. des Rosiers Philip DesJardins Franz Dielacher Curtis Dodd Jean-Louis Dolmeta Guojie dong Bernard Dugerdil Craig Edwards George Eisler Tsur Eitan Earl Emerson Dan Etz-Hadar Dave Evans Vedat Eyuboglu Charles Fadel Guy Fedorkow Michael Firth Rocky Flaminio Kay Fleskes Steve Follett Al Forcucci Klaus Fosmark Kevin Foster Vladimir Friedman Hans-Joerg Frizlen Robin Gangopadhya Clete Gardenhour Juan Garza Amit Gattani Lajos Gazsi Tom Geary Nabil Gebrael Al Gharakhanian Emil Ghelberg Mike Gilbert Jim Girardeau Hugh Goldberg Yuri Goldstein David Goodman Richard Goodson Steven Gordon Linda Gosselin Peter T. Griffiths Glen Grochowski John Gruber Sanjay Gupta L. B. Gwinn Cliff Hall Rabah Hamdi Rodney Hanneman Chris Hansen Gopal Harikumar Roy Harvey Roy Harvey Josef Hausner Tom Haycock Shahin Hedayat Chris Heegard Peter Niels Heller Brian Henrichs Malcolm Herring Hanan Herzberg Curt Hicks Amir Hindie Minnie Ho David Hoerl David Holien Mahbub Hoque James C. Horng Gary R. Hoyne Gang Huang Les Humphrey Marlis Humphrey Cannon Hwu Ishai Ilani Greg Ioffe Mikael Isaksson Tomokazu Ito Krista S. Jacobsen Ken Jacobson Charlie Jenkins Ralph Jensen Scott Jezwinski Jim Jollota Albin Johansson David C. Jones Edward Jones Ragnar Jonsson Anjal Joshi John Joyce Vern Junkmann Wen-Juh Kang Satoru Kawanago Ken Kerpez Kamran Khadavi Babak Khalaj Sayfe kiaei Avi Kliger Ron Knipper Robert Kniskern Ken Ko Yosef Kofman Jouni Koljonen Hajime Koto Tetsu Koyama James Kroll Philip J. Kyees Robert LaGrand T. K. Lala Chi-Ying Lan John Langevin Martin LaRose Steven C. Larsen Mike Lassandrello George J. Lawrence Dong Chul Lee Howard Levin Gabriel Li Haixiang Liang Ze'ev Lichtenstein Simon Lin Jari Lindholm Stan Ling James Liou Dave Little Fuling Frank Liu Qing Li Liu Valentino Liva G. W. (Wayne) Lloyd Bob Locklear Guozhu Long Pini Lozowick Perry Lu Ahmed Madani Rabih Makarem Marcus Maranhao Dan Marchok Ron Marquardt Doug W. Marshall Al Martin Kazuya Matsumoto Bo Matthys Thomas Maudoux Jack Maynard Gary McAninch Kent McCammon John McCarter Shawn McCaslin Ronald C. McConnell Keith McDonald Richard A. McDonald Peter Melsa Denis J. G. Mestdagh Harry Mildonian Dave Milliron Khashayar Mirfakhraei Steve Milkan Cory Modlin Michael Moldoveanu Steven Monti David R. Moon Lane Moss Kevin Mullaney Joe Muller Babak Nabili Donovan Nak Randy Nash Frank Navavi Gil Naveh Gunter F. Neumeier Mai-Huang Nguyen Ramin Nobakht Andy Norrell Rao Nuthalapati Stephen Oh Franz Ohen Hans Öhman Yusaku Okamura Kazu Okazaki Vladimir Oksman Al Omran Mike O'Neill Aidan O'Rourk Tom O'Shea Eric Paneth Panos Papamichalis Yatendra K. Pathak Shimon Peleg Michael Pellegrini Matt Pendleton Larry Perron Todd Pett Willie Picken Ashley Pickering Thierry Pollet Michael Polley Bob Poniatowski Boaz Porat Ron Porat Carl Posthuma viii This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. Philip Potter Amit Preuss Aleksandar Purkovic Gordon Purtell Dan Queen Jim Quilici Jack Quinnell Ariel Radsky Selem Radu Sreen Raghavan Ali Rahjou Jeffrey M. Rakos Avi Rapaport Janice Rathmann Dennis J. Rauschmajer Richard Rawson Gord Reesor John Reister Behrooz Rezvani Ron Riegert Terry Riley Boaz Rippin Jorge Rivera Richard Roberts Silvana Rodrigues John E. Roquet John Rosenlof Eric J. Rossin Mike Rude Mark Russell Christopher J. Rust Kimmo K. Saarela Ken Sakanashi Debbi Sallee Henry Samueli Hal Sanders Wayne Sanderson Jamal Sarma Sabit Say Denny Schart Kevin Schneider Gary Schultz Bob Scott Linda Seale Reuven Segev Radu Selea Ahmed Shalash Mark Shannon Donald P. Shaver Greg Sherrill Tzvi Shukhman Eli Shusterman Rex Siefert Kevin Sievert Richard Silva Doug Silveira Peter Silverman Mark Simkins Kamran Sistanizadeh Don Skinfill Joe Smith P. Norman Smith R. K. Smith Stephen Smith Edwin J. Soltysiak Massimo Sorbara Andrew Sorowka Walt Soto J. Scott Spradley Paul Spruyt Tom Starr Mark Steenstra William Stewart James Stiscia Jeff Strait Caleb Strittmatter Richard Stuart Ray Subbankar Henri Suyderhoud James Szeliga Hiroshi Takatori Daryl C. Tannis Larry Taylor Matthew Taylor Steve Taylor Gary Tennyson Rainer Thoenes Vernon Tice Ed Tirakian Chi-Lin Tom Antti Tommiska J. Alberto Torres Richard L. Townsend Bob Tracy Dwen-Ren Tsai Marcos Tzannes Masami Ueda John Ulanskas Juan Ramon Uribe Peter Vaclavik Craig Valenti Nick van Bavel Harry van der Meer Frank Van der Putten Dick van Gelder Jeff Van Horne M. Vautier Robert L. Veal Dale Veeneman Rami Verbin Pieter Versavel Raman Viswanathan Jeff Waldhuter Josef Waldinger Qi Wang Brian Waring Dewight Warren Curtis Waters Alan Weissberger J. J. Werner Rick Wesel Greg Whelan Albert White Song Wong Bernard E. Worne Cliff Yackle Han Yeh Soobin Yim Kyung-Hyun Yoo Gavin Young Irvin Youngberg Xiaolong Yu Shaike Zalitzky Xuming Zhang George Zimmerman ix This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 American National Standard for Telecommunications Spectrum Management for Loop Transmission Systems 1 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 1. Scope, purpose, and application 1.1 Scope This standard provides spectrum management requirements and recommendations for the administration of services and technologies that use metallic subscriber loop cables. Spectrum management is the administration of the loop plant in a way that provides spectral compatibility for services and technologies that use pairs in the same cable. In order to achieve spectral compatibility, the ingress energy that transfers into a loop pair, from services and transmission system technologies on other pairs in the same cable, must not cause an unacceptable degradation of performance. In addition, the egress energy from a particular loop pair must not transfer into other pairs in a manner that causes an unacceptable degradation in the performance of services and technologies on those pairs. This standard includes the following types of requirements and recommendations for defined digital subscriber line spectrum management classes and legacy systems: - power spectral density (PSD) - total average power - transverse balance - deployment guidelines The standard also specifies a generic analytical method (Annex A) to determine the spectral compatibility of loop technologies that do not qualify for one of the spectrum management classes defined in this standard. Requirements in this standard are specified for insulated solid copper conductor twisted-pair cables used in the subscriber loop environment. A system that fits in a Spectrum Management class complies with the Spectrum Management and Spectral Compatibility requirements of this standard. A system that complies with Annex A complies with the Spectrum Compatibility requirements of this standard. Compliance with a Spectrum Management class provides knowledge of the characteristics of the loop system to aid deployment practices that reduce the adverse impact to the basis systems. Not all basis systems conform to this standard. DSL transmission systems that meet all of the specifications associated with one of the DSL spectrum management classes are assumed to be spectrally compatible in the same binder group with all of the basis systems defined in this standard. Meeting the specifications associated with one of the spectrum management classes in this standard does not assure spectral compatibility with non-basis loop transmission systems. The requirements in this issue of this standard assume that the DSL system is deployed between a Central Office (CO) and a customer installation (CI). Applications that locate the TU-C at an intermediate point or applications that use intermediate repeaters can, in some cases, cause crosstalk that is greater than those that use only a TU-C at the CO and a TU-R at the CI. Applications that locate the TU-C at an intermediate point are beyond the scope of the guidelines in this issue of this standard. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is outside of the scope of this standard. In addition, the spectrum management of privately owned twisted-pair cables or customer premises twisted-pair cabling are beyond the scope of this standard although the information in this standard may be useful in such applications. The guidelines in this standard are based strictly on spectrum management requirements. It is understood that a technology may have performance capabilities that either exceed or fall short of the loop lengths specified for spectrum management. The signals that the network and customer installation (CI) apply to the loop are basically of two types: normal telecommunications transmission system voltages and currents, and voltages and currents due to maintenance activities. The normal network and CI signals are addressed in this standard. Voltages and 2 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 currents due to network maintenance activities and abnormal voltages and currents that are the result of the environment (e.g., induced voltages and currents or lightning) are not covered in this standard. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to facilitate a reasonable spectral environment for the co-existence of multiple technologies in the loop plant with an acceptable level of crosstalk between them. When a single carrier deploys technologies in loop plant, it alone has the responsibility for spectral compatibility and may select any combination of compatible loop technologies. In an unbundled loop environment however, multiple carriers utilize pairs in the same loop cables. In such instances, if services and technologies are deployed without regard to spectral compatibility, they may interfere with each other. This standard assumes that loop cables are shared by multiple carriers and that all carriers share the responsibility for spectral compatibility. This standard provides information that will help to ensure that twisted-pair transmission systems can coexist without impaired operation due to crosstalk interference. The standard is intended for use by carriers to manage the loop plant and by manufacturers in the design of loop transmission systems. This standard was also developed to assist carriers, manufacturers, and users of products to be connected to local loops, to understand the characteristics of twisted-pair loop cables. In addition, this standard can be used to determine if new services and loop transmission system technologies are spectrally compatible with certain basis systems and technologies that are defined in this standard. This standard is intended to be consistent with Part 68, Subpart D, of the FCC Rules and Regulations that contains requirements for the registration of customer installation terminal equipment to protect the network from harm. Some of the digital subscriber line spectrum management classes defined in this standard are not covered by Part 68. If Part 68 rules are subsequently established for technologies that fall into those categories, the requirements in this standard can be referenced. Tariffs, contracts, or regulatory acts in various jurisdictions may contain requirements different from those in this standard. The provisions of this standard are also intended to be consistent with applicable requirements concerning safety and environmental conditions. 1.3 Application This standard is applicable to twisted-pair cables that are used by multiple carriers in the local loop environment. All of the loops described in this standard may not be universally available. For example, a loop that supports Basic Rate ISDN can only be provided if the facilities serving the CI are qualified to support such technology. Because of the wide range of network switching systems, network transport systems, subscriber loop plant, and CIs in North America, conformance with this standard does not guarantee acceptable performance under all possible operating conditions. In some cases, additional measures will be needed. 2. Normative references The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this American National Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. ITU-T Recommendation G.991.1, High Speed Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) Transmission System on Metallic Local Lines. ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1, Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 3 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 ITU-T Recommendation G.992.2, Splitterless Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers. ANSI T1.413-1998, American National Standard for Telecommunications – Network and Customer Installation Interfaces – Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Metallic Interface. BSR T1.418, High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line - 2nd Generation (HDSL2). BSR T1.419, Splitterless Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers ANSI T1.601-1998, American National Standard for Telecommunications – Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) – Basic Access Interface for Use on Metallic Loops for Application on the Network Side of the NT (Layer 1 Specification). ANSI T1.403-1999, American National Standard for Telecommunications – Network and Customer Installation Interfaces - DS1 Electrical Interface. ANSI T1.410-1992, Carrier-to-Customer Metallic Interface - Digital Data at 64kb/s and Subrates. EIA/TIA TSB-31-B, February 1998; Part 68 Rationale and Measurement Guidelines; Telecommunications Industry Association, 1998. Committee T1 Technical Report No. 59, Single Carrier Rate Adapative Digital Subscriber Line (RADSL). 3. Definitions, abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols 3.1 Definitions 3.1.1. american wire gauge: A unit used to measure the diameter of round wire. 3.1.2. balance: See longitudinal balance and transverse balance. 3.1.3. basis system: A term used in this standard to describe a loop transmission system with which DSL systems and other new loop transmission systems are required to demonstrate spectral compatibility. 3.1.4. binder group: In this standard, the smallest cable unit consisting of a group of twisted pairs that are wrapped with colored binders for identification and separation from other units. 3.1.5. bit error ratio: A performance measure consisting of the ratio of bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted. 3.1.6. carrier: An organization that provides telecommunications services to customer installations. 3.1.7. central office: In this standard, the telephone building that is the origin of the outside loop plant. 3.1.8. conductor: A continuous solid copper or aluminum wire that has a circular cross-section. 3.1.9. crosstalk: Electromagnetic energy that couples into a metallic cable pair from signals on other pairs in the same cable. 3.1.10. customer installation: All cabling and equipment on the customer side of the network interface. 3.1.11. customer premises equipment: Telecommunications equipment located at the customer installation on the customer side of the network interface. 3.1.12. demarcation point: See network interface. 3.1.13. disturbed pair: A cable pair that has a service or technology that is experiencing crosstalk interference from one or more other pairs in the same cable. 3.1.14. disturbing pair: A pair with a signal that is contributing to crosstalk interference into a service or technology on another pair in the same cable. 3.1.15. downstream: The direction of transmission from the carrier Central Office to the Customer Installation. 4 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 3.1.16. drop wire: A type of loop cable, consisting or one or more pairs, that is used between the loop cable terminal and the network interface device. 3.1.17. equivalent working length (EWL): EWL = L 26 + 3( L 24) 4 where L26 is the total length of 26 gauge cable in the loop excluding any bridged tap and L24 is the total length of 19, 22 or 24 gauge cable in the loop excluding any bridged tap. All lengths are in kilofeet (kft). 3.1.18. far-end crosstalk: Crosstalk that occurs when the receiver on a disturbed pair is located at the other (far) end of the cable as the transmitter of a disturbing pair.insulated conductor: A conductor that has been surrounded with insulation that is often color-coded. 3.1.19. insulation: The dielectric material that surrounds a conductor and prevents it from contacting other conductive material. 3.1.20. longitudinal balance: Describes the degree of symmetry with respect to ground of a twoconductor transmission line. Longitudinal balance may be expressed as 20 times the log10 of the magnitude of the ratio of an applied longitudinal voltage (referenced to ground) to the resultant metallic voltage. 3.1.21. loop: A communication path between the distributing frame in a carrier Central Office and the network interface at a customer location. 3.1.22. near-end crosstalk: Crosstalk that occurs when the receiver on a disturbed pair is located at the same (near) end of the cable as the transmitter of a disturbing pair. 3.1.23. network: All equipment and facilities, including loop plant, located on the carrier side of the network interface. 3.1.24. network interface: The physical demarcation point between carrier network loop facilities and the CI. 3.1.25. non-basis system: A term used in this standard to describe a loop transmission system with which DSL systems and other new loop transmission systems are not required to demonstrate spectral compatibility. 3.1.26. pair: Two insulated conductors. 3.1.27. power spectral density (PSD): The power level and frequency content of a transmitted signal. 3.1.28. short-term stationary: A term used in this standard to describe a loop transmission system in which an “ON” condition (in which the transmitter generates a signal) alternates with an “OFF” condition (in which the transmitter is silent or generates only a pilot tone). 3.1.29. spectral compatibility: The capability of two loop transmission system technologies to coexist in the same cable and operate satisfactorily in the presence of crosstalk noise from each other. 3.1.30. spectrum management: In this standard, the term refers to processes that are intended to minimize the potential for interference and maximize the utility of the frequency spectrum of metallic loop cables. 3.1.31. spectrum management class: In this standard, the term refers to the classes defined in 5.2, classifying the technologies in terms of their PSD. Abbreviated SM class. 3.1.32. transverse balance: A comparison of the voltage of a transmitted metallic or transverse signal to the voltage of any resulting longitudinal signal. See 6.5. 3.1.33. type I PSDS: A legacy loop transmission system based on 56 kbps digital data service that uses AMI operating at 56 kbps on two loop pairs to provide a 4-wire full-duplex digital channel. Network signaling is accomplished using bipolar patterns that include bipolar violations. For more information, This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 5 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 see TIA/EIA-596. 3.1.34. type II PSDS: A legacy loop transmission system that functions in two modes: analog and digital. Analog signaling is used to perform network supervisory and address signaling. The system is switched to the digital mode after a connection is established. Type II PSDS uses Time Compression Multiplexing and AMI operating at 144 kbps to provide a full-duplex 56 kbps service on a 2-wire loop. For more information, see TIA/EIA-596. 3.1.35. type III PSDS: A legacy loop transmission system that uses Time Compression Multiplexing and AMI operating at 160 kbps to provide two full-duplex digital channels on a 2-wire loop. One digital channel is an 8 kbps signaling channel for supervisory and address signaling and the other is a 64 kbps data channel. For more information, see TIA/EIA-596. 3.1.36. twisted pair: A balanced transmission line consisting of two insulated conductors that have been twisted together during the manufacturing process to reduce coupling to and from external circuits. See balanced. 3.1.37. upstream: The direction of transmission from the Customer Installation to the carrier Central Office. 3.1.38. voicegrade: A term used to qualify a channel, facility, or service that is suitable for the transmission of speech, data, or facsimile signals; generally with a frequency range of about 300 to 3000 Hz. 3.1.39. working length: The sum of all cable segment lengths from the central office to the network interface at a customer location, excluding non-working bridged taps. 3.2 Abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols The following acronyms are used throughout this document. 2B1Q Two Binary, One Quatenary ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ANS American National Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute AWG American Wire Gauge; see definition BER bit error ratio; see definition Bps bits per second CAP Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation CI customer installation; see definition CO central office; see definition CPE customer premises equipment; see definition CSA carrier serving area DB decibel DBm decibel referenced to 1 milliwatt DBrn decibel referenced to noise 6 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 DBrnC decibel referenced to noise with C-message weighting DDS digital data service DMT Discrete Multitone DSL digital subscriber line DUT device under test FCC Federal Communications Commission FEXT far-end crosstalk; see definition HDSL high-bit-rate digital subscriber line HDSL2 high-bit-rate digital subscriber line over a single pair Hz hertz ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ITU-T International Telecommunication Union – Telecom Sector KHz kilohertz L26 The total working length of 26 AWG cable on a loop MH millihenry Ms millisecond NEXT near-end crosstalk; see definition NI network interface; see definition PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation PSD power spectral density PSDS public switched digital service. See definitions of type 1, type II, and type III. QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation RADSL rate adaptive digital subscriber line RLCG resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance RRD revised resistance design SM Spectrum management, e.g., SM class 1. See definition. T1 type of 4-wire metallic 1.544 Mbps transmission system TU-C Transceiver Unit – Central office end. Sometimes combined with another letter; e.g., ATU-C for a central office ADSL transceiver This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 7 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 TU-R Transceiver Unit – Remote terminal end. Sometimes combined with another letter; e.g., ATU-R for a remote ADSL transceiver VDSL very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line 4. General Information Most of the subscriber loop plant in North America consists of metallic cables that were designed primarily for voicegrade services. Several other types of services and technologies use these loop cables however including, but not limited to, digital data services, T1-carrier systems, and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) transmission systems. Metallic loop cables generally contain several solid copper conductors that are circular in cross-section. Each conductor is surrounded by insulation that is usually color-coded. During manufacturing, pairs of insulated conductors are twisted together. Several twisted pairs are then assembled together into units called binder groups that are bound with colored tape for identification. The signals that are transmitted on a loop cable pair create an electromagnetic field that surrounds nearby pairs and induces voltages into those pairs. The twisting of the insulated conductors into pairs minimizes this coupling as does the bundling of pairs into binder groups. Despite these measures however, a capacitive coupling still exists between the pairs of a multipair loop cable. This clause provides general information about crosstalk interference in metallic loop cables, the spectral compatibility of loop transmission systems, and various aspects of spectrum management. Clause 5 provides signal power limitations and deployment guidelines for the DSL spectrum management classes. Conformance testing methodology is provided in clause 6. 4.1 Crosstalk The electromagnetic energy that couples into a metallic cable pair from services and transmission system technologies on other pairs in the same cable is unwanted energy and is called crosstalk noise or simply “crosstalk”. Crosstalk may, or may not, be disturbing. When crosstalk causes an unacceptable degradation in the performance of victim services or technologies in the same cable, it is called crosstalk interference. Preventing crosstalk interference requires the careful manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and administration of loop cables. Crosstalk is sensitive to frequency, signal strength, and exposure. High frequency energy couples into other pairs more than low frequency energy because as the signal frequency increases, the crosstalk coupling loss between the pairs of a cable decreases. Hence, for two signals of equal strength, the higher the frequency, the greater the crosstalk noise. A strong signal will transfer more power into other pairs than will a weaker signal. The amount of crosstalk noise is directly proportional to the power of the disturbing signal. The stronger the disturbing signal, the greater the crosstalk noise. Thus, one of the most effective means of controlling crosstalk noise is to limit the signal energy that is applied to cable pairs. Signal power limitations for several DSL classes are provided in clause 5. Exposure is a measure of the proximity of metallic pairs at various points along a cable and the length over which pairs are in close proximity. The greater the exposure, the greater the total crosstalk noise. Since it is impossible to predict the exact amount of exposure between any two pairs in a cable, statistical exposure models are used for the crosstalk margin evaluations described in Annex A. In this standard, it is assumed that all loops in a binder are of same length; it is known that this could cause additional degradation. For example, different loop lengths can result from feeder-distribution cross-connection. Crosstalk noise that occurs when a receiver on a disturbed pair is located at the same end of the cable as the transmitter of a disturbing pair is called Near-End-Crosstalk (NEXT). Crosstalk noise that occurs when a receiver on a disturbed pair is located at the other end of the cable as the transmitter of the disturbing 8 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 pair is called Far-End-Crosstalk (FEXT). NEXT coupling is generally greater than FEXT coupling when transmission takes place in both directions in a binder and there is an overlap between the upstream and downstream signals. 4.2 Spectral compatibility In general, spectral compatibility is the capability of two loop transmission system technologies to coexist in the same cable and operate satisfactorily in the presence of crosstalk noise from each other. A loop transmission system technology is considered to be spectrally compatible with other loop transmission systems when: a) It meets the signal power limits, the deployment guidelines and other criteria for one or more of the Spectrum Management classes defined in clause 5 of this standard. Or b) It meets the criteria of the analytical method defined in Annex A of this standard. This standard does not explicitly define significant service degradation. 4.3 Spectrum management In this standard, the term spectrum management refers to processes that are intended to minimize the potential for crosstalk interference and maximize the utility of the frequency spectrum in multipair metallic loop cables. The spectrum management requirements and recommendations in this standard include signal power limitations, technology deployment guidelines, and a generic analytical method that can be used to define new DSL spectrum management classifications or determine the spectral compatibility of different technologies. The requirements and recommendations in this standard are intended to provide spectral compatibility with certain defined basis loop transmission systems and thereby maximize the use of the bandwidth provided by metallic loop cables. 4.3.1 1 Basis loop systems Basis systems, defined as loop transmission systems with which the DSL spectrum management classes 2 defined in this standard and other new loop transmission systems , are required to demonstrate spectral compatibility. The basis systems are systems that are currently deployed. It is not necessary, nor sufficient, for a system to be on the list of basis systems for the system to be compliant with this standard. The list of basis systems is a living list; new systems may be added to the list, and eventually systems may be retired from the list when the need to guard a system has passed its usefulness. To avoid an excessive impediment to potential new technologies and to simplify the Spectrum Management Standard, it is highly desirable to include in the list of basis systems only those systems that have the greatest total impact on the population of subscriber line users. To be included in the list of basis systems, the following factors shall apply: 1) It is highly preferred that the system be standardized by the ITU or an ANSI accredited standards organization or that a draft standard is expected to be approved by the time the forthcoming issue of the Spectrum Management is expected to be published. If an effort has been made to standardize the system and there is a clear reason why the system can not be standardized or completed in a timely manner, then a physical-layer specification shall be publicly available. ––––––– 1 Basis systems are not defined or intended for the purpose of resolving interference disputes. 2 This includes high bandwidth CPE-based systems. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 9 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 2) The specification for a non-standard system shall be stable, widely accepted by most of the industry, and shall specify all aspects necessary to determine spectral compatibility (e.g. transmitted signal PSD, modulation method, coding, bit-rate, start-up process, and margin to be achieved for certain reference loops and reference noise). 3) Preferably, a new basis system should not require changes to the existing Spectrum Management Classes to maintain spectral compatibility with the new basis system. 4) Preferably, a new basis system should not be adequately addressed by the existing systems on the basis system list. 5) New basis systems should demonstrate possible scenarios where the new system could be disturbed while other basis systems are not. In order to assure spectral compatibility with the anticipated mix of current and future technologies on loop 3 binder groups, this standard has defined a set of loop transmission basis systems as to which spectral compatibility shall be demonstrated: 4 - Voicegrade services . - Enhanced Business Services (P-Phone) based on xxx. - Digital Data Service (DDS) based on T1.410. - Basic Rate Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) based on T1.601. Note that this includes 2channel digital systems (UDC-2) based on ISDN technology. - High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) based on G.991.1, Annex A. - Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) based on T1.413-1998 with non-overlapped upstream/downstream mode. - RADSL based on Committee T1 Technical Report No. 59. - Splitterless ADSL based on BSR T1.419. G.992.2 with non-overlapped upstream/downstream mode - Repeatered T1 (1.544 Mbps) technology based on T1.403 - HDSL2 (DS1 payload on single pair) based on the BSR T1.418. - 2B1Q SDSL @ 400 kb/s, 1040 kb/s and 1552 kb/s. This set is defined to take into account: 1) voluntary DSL standards based on industry consensus and open specifications and 2) several legacy loop transmission systems. Spectral compatibility – generally in the same binder group - with the basis systems listed above shall be demonstrated by meeting all of the signal power limitations and other criteria for one of the DSL spectrum management classes defined in clause 5 (Method A). See Section 5.2 for further information regarding the spectral compatibility of basis systems. Voicegrade services Voicegrade services include speech, network signaling, data, and tone signals that use the frequency spectrum from 0 to 4 kHz. (See Annex A.) ––––––– 3 Very-high-speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) and G.SHDSL technology are currently in the standards development process. VDSL and G.SHDSL are expected to be added to the basis system list. In anticipation of this, some accommodation of VDSL and G.SHDSL has been made in the signal power limitations for the spectrum management classes defined in clause 5. 4 Voicegrade services include speech, data, and tone signals that use the frequency spectrum from 0 to 4 kHz. For more information, see Annex A. 10 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Enhanced Business Services (P-Phone) Enhanced Business Services use the frequency spectrum from 0 to 10 kHz and are used to transport speech signals in the same way as done by traditional voicegrade services. A digital signalling channel centered around 8 kHz allows the performance of all functions associated with the setting up and tearing down of voice calls without the use of high voltage signalling. Digital Data Services (DDS) Digital Data Services, based upon T1.410, operate at 64 kb/s and subrates of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 38.4, 56 kb/s. Secondary channel services are also available for all subrates. While all DDS subrates and subrates with secondary channels are basis systems, the DDS analytical evaluation procedure in Annex A focuses on 56 kb/s and 64 kb/s DDS in order to reduce the number of DDS evaluations that a new system must undergo. Since Type 1 Public Switched Digital Service (PSDS) uses the same physical layer as 56 kb/s DDS, any new technology that demonstrates compatibility with 56 kb/s DDS will also be compatible with Type 1 PSDS. Basic Rate ISDN (BRI) In the context of this standard, BRI represents a family of basis loop transmission systems that uses the transceiver technology described in T1.601. The family includes traditional BRI that uses the ISDN data link layer protocols described in T1.602 as well as other systems that have adapted the T1.601 layer 1 transceiver technology for use as: - a packet network access system (IDSL) - a point-to-point transport system sometimes referred to as a Universal Digital Channel (UDC). BRI, IDSL, and UDC are defined in this standard as systems that use the 2B1Q line code, operate at 80 kbaud for transmission at 160 kbps, and may be transported via DLC by using BRI termination extension (BRITE) devices. The entire BRI family is a basis system. The analytical method for demonstrating compatibility with BRI in Annex A does not differentiate between the members of the BRI family and adequately guards all members of the family. High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) HDSL systems are designed to transport 784 kbps over Carrier Serving Area (CSA) distances on a single non-loaded twisted pair. The most common application transports a 1.544 Mbps payload on two nonloaded twisted pairs but some applications may use a single pair. Some HDSL applications extend the reach by the use of intermediate repeaters. Basis HDSL systems are echo canceller hybrid systems that use the 2B1Q line code and operate at 392 kbaud. The analytical method for demonstrating compatibility with HDSL in Annex A does not differentiate between one pair and two pair applications. HDSL2 HDSL2 is a second generation HDSL loop transmission system that is currently in the standards development process. The system is designed to transport a 1.544 Mb/s payload on a single non-loaded twisted pair at Carrier Serving Area (CSA) distances. ADSL, RADSL, and Splitterless ADSL The basis asymmetrical DSL systems operate using different frequency bands (non-overlapped) for upstream and downstream operation. The analytical method for demonstrating compatibility with these systems in Annex A is described in terms of the relevant line code (i.e., DMT, CAP, or QAM). 2B1Q SDSL 2B1Q SDSL uses 4-PAM modulation. Symbol rate, baud rate, and power spectrum density at both HTUC and HTUR transceivers are the same. 2B1Q SDSL system may vary its data rate from 64 kb/s to 2320 kb/s, with granularity of data rate of greater than or equal to 8 kb/s. 2B1Q SDSL at 160kb/s and 784kb/s are represented by basic rate ISDN and HDSL, respectively. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 11 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 4.3.2 Legacy systems Newly deployed loop services and technologies may encounter a loop environment that includes one or more legacy systems. A legacy system is a loop service or technology that was defined many years ago and is nearing the end of its life cycle. The following services and technologies are legacy systems. However, this list may not be all inclusive: - 15 kHz Program Audio services - Type II PSDS - Type III PSDS - Local Area Data Channels - Data-Over-Voice services and technologies - Analog Carrier technologies The legacy systems listed above were not addressed during the development of this standard. 4.3.3 Signal power limitations (method A) Since strong signals transfer more power into other pairs than weaker signals, the most widely used and most successful method of controlling crosstalk interference and achieving spectral compatibility is through the use of signal power limitations. Signal power limitations specify the amplitude, frequency distribution, and total power of electrical signals at the point where the signal enters the subscriber loop cable. For all DSL spectrum management classes addressed in this standard, Clause 5 defines signal power limits. The requirements apply to signals transmitted by DSL transceiver units whether located in a Central Office (TU-C) or a remote terminal location (TU-R). The remote terminal location is usually on or near the customer premises. The set of spectrum management classes is a living list; new classes may be added to the list and eventually classes could be retired from the list when there is widespread agreement that a class is no longer desirable or useful. To simplify the Spectrum Management process and this Standard, it is desirable that the number of spectrum management classes be no larger than necessary. A new spectrum management class may be added if the following five conditions are satisfied: 1) The new class is fully specified. 2) The new class is spectrally compatible with all basis systems, per Annex B. 3) The spectral compatibility with well know non-basis systems that are members of the existing spectrum management classes has been investigated and the committee responsible for development of the standard agrees that the impacts are acceptable. 4) The committee responsible for development of the standard agrees that the new spectrum management class is needed. 5) Preferably, a new class should offer substantial benefits beyond the existing classes. example: For a) Have a deployment guideline (in 500-foot steps) more than 10% different from existing similar classes. b) Enable members of the class to achieve the same bit rate and loop reach as members of the existing classes while reducing the SNR margin impact of crosstalk to a guarded system by at least 10%, and causing no more crosstalk impact to all other guarded systems. 12 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 TU-C and TU-R equipment that meets the signal power limitations and other criteria for one of the DSL spectrum management classes defined in clause 5 is expected to achieve spectral compatibility – in the same binder group unless otherwise specified - with the basis transmission systems defined in this standard. The characterization of a transmitted signal by power level and frequency content is called the power spectral density (PSD) of the signal. The primary signal power requirements in this standard are specified through the use of PSD masks and templates. The PSD mask shows the maximum power boundary or limit, in dBm per Hz, for the transmitted signal. The use of the PSD masks and templates is described more fully in 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3. Transceiver unit – remote terminal end (TU-R) Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations contain mandatory signal power limits for several types of customer premises equipment (CPE) including voice, voiceband data, DDS subrates, public switched digital services (PSDS), ISDN, local area data channel (LADC), and DS1. Clause 5 of this standard defines signal power limits for several DSL spectrum management classifications that are not currently covered by Part 68. The TU-R equipment used with DSL systems is usually CPE. However, in some cases it may be network equipment. The TU-R signal power limits in clause 5 shall be applicable regardless of whether or not the TU-R is network equipment or CPE. Any TU-R that transmits a signal into a metallic loop cable shall meet the relevant upstream signal power limitations and other criteria associated with one of the DSL spectrum management classifications defined in section 5. Transceiver unit – central office end (TU-C) Historically, carriers have controlled the transmitted signal power of network elements through the development and use of voluntary industry standards related to particular technologies. Clause 5 of this standard defines signal power limits for several DSL spectrum management classifications. The DSL classifications defined in clause 5 are based on the industry’s current view of requirements for spectrum management. The TU-C is network equipment. Any TU-C that transmits a signal into a metallic loop cable shall meet the relevant downstream signal power limitations and other criteria associated with one of the DSL spectrum management classifications defined in section 5. 4.3.4 Technology deployment guidelines Some loop transmission system technologies can be deployed in a manner that substantially increases the likelihood of crosstalk interference. To prevent interference in such instances, it is necessary to adhere to certain technology deployment guidelines in addition to signal power limitations. Technology deployment guidelines, if applicable, have been provided along with the signal power limitations for each of the DSL spectrum management classes defined in clause 5. Any service or loop transmission system that meets the signal power limitations for one of the DSL spectrum management classes defined in this standard shall be deployed according to the relevant deployment guidelines that are specified for that DSL spectrum management class in clause 5. Deployment guidelines Deployment guidelines constrain the way loop transmission systems are operated so that the assumptions on which spectral compatibility was determined will remain valid. Deployment guidelines may include such things as loop reach guidelines or prohibitions against spectrum management class 5 systems using reverse upstream/downstream operation. If a DSL spectrum management class has applicable deployment guidelines, they shall be specified in clause 5. Binder Group Considerations Binder group integrity is not always maintained in the loop plant. Technologies that demonstrate spectral compatibility by using the analytical method in Annex A (Method B) shall not rely upon binder group This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 13 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 separation in order to achieve full compatibility with any basis transmission system. However, this standard does not preclude the use of binder group separation. 4.3.5 Analytical method of determining spectral compatibility (method B) It is recognized that future technologies may transmit signals that do not conform to the signal power specifications for one of the spectrum management classes defined in clause 5, but which might still be spectrally compatible with the basis systems listed in clause 4.3.1. In order to nurture innovation in the development of new technologies which further maximize the utility of the copper loop plant, an analytical method for evaluating new technologies is provided in Annex A. This method (referred to as Method B) involves the computation of signal to noise margins for basis systems, and provides an industry-approved method of determining the spectral compatibility of any loop transmission system with the basis loop transmission systems defined in this standard. For each of these basis systems, Annex A provides the specific NEXT margin formulas, evaluation loops, and defined crosstalk environments required by Method B. The analytical method in Annex A should be used to develop new signal power limits and deployment guidelines for new DSL spectrum management classes. It is expected that this analytical method will also be used to provide guidance during new system development. However, as noted in 4.3, such use could lead to the introduction of several new technologies that would be compatible with basis systems but not necessarily compatible with each other. Therefore, system developers are encouraged to bring new DSL technologies that do not fit into existing spectrum management classes into the formulating group for this standard, so that the creation of a new class and any associated deployment guidelines can be considered. Other processes, such as the disclosure of verifiable methods to assess spectral compatibility with the new technology, may also help avoid the uncoordinated introduction of new technologies that could result in crosstalk interference. The telephone loop plant consists of 12, 13, 25, 50, and 100 pair binder group cables. This standard employs a 50 pair binder group model for the analysis of spectral compatibility. Margin computations Margin computations determine the crosstalk margin in decibels (dB). Each basis system should have the –7 unless margin specified for that system in Annex A. The margin shall be calculated with BER ≤ 10 otherwise specified. Margin is a function of many variables including: a) Crosstalk coupling loss, b) Loss characteristics of loop cables, c) Characteristics of the disturbed signal, d) Receiver technology of the disturbed system, and e) Characteristics of the disturber signal. Annex A provides the margin formula and the information associated with item a) thorough d). The user will have to supply the information for item e). The configuration in Figure 1 shall be used when the effect of system B NEXT and FEXT interference into a system A downstream receiver is evaluated and system A has the longer loop reach. This simulation set-up assumes that all of the head-end transmitters (ATU-C, HTU-C, etc) of both systems are co-located at a central location and that the distance-limited system B does not use range-extending repeaters. It is also assumed that all of the system B upstream transmitters are co-located at the longest supported loop length. This gives a worst case view of the effect of system B interference upon the operation of system A. The first cable section is adjusted to cover the maximum reach distance of system B, and the second cable section is adjusted to cover the remaining length of any test loop under consideration. The system B FEXT noise generator shall generate FEXT noise equivalent to a system B output signal passed through the FEXT coupling loss, with coupling length equal to the first cable section, and through the 14 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 whole cable from the system B transmitter location to the system A receiver location (sum of first and second sections). The configuration in Figure 2 shall be used to simulate the effect of system B interference onto the upstream operation of system A. This simulation set-up assumes that all of the head-end receivers (ATU-C, HTU-C, etc) of both systems are co-located at a central location. In this case, the system B FEXT noise generator shall generate FEXT noise equivalent to a system B output signal passed through the FEXT coupling loss and through the cable section from the system B transmitter location to the system A receiver location (first cable section only). Evaluation loops For each basis system, Annex A provides a set of loops that shall be used for analytical evaluations. 5. Signal power limits and other criteria Crosstalk noise is controlled primarily through the use of signal power limits that consist of Power Spectral Density (PSD) limitations and total average power limitations. Additional criteria, such as transverse balance requirements and deployment guidelines, are also important. This clause provides all of these specifications for the DSL spectrum management classes. The conformance testing methodology in clause 6 shall be used to determine compliance with the requirements in this clause. DSL transmission systems that meet the PSD limitations, total average power limitations and transverse balance requirements for one of the DSL spectrum management classes defined in this clause shall be considered spectrally compatible with all basis systems if they are deployed according to the applicable deployment guidelines that are specified in this clause. The deployment guidelines for some DSL classes limit the distance that a system can operate at in order to ensure that crosstalk from systems in that class will not impair the basis systems. A multirate DSL system shall be considered spectrally compatible if it is deployed according to the applicable deployment guidelines associated with the class for which it is configured. 5.1 Short-term stationary systems Some types of DSL transmitters operate in transmission modes in which an “ON” condition (in which the transmitter generates a signal) alternates with an “OFF” condition (in which the transmitter is silent or generates only a pilot tone). Examples of such transmitters include burst transmission systems and systems that use quiescent modes to reduce power consumption during idle data periods. Such transmitters are referred to as “short-term stationary,” since during the ON condition the transmitted signal has the same effect as a stationary (or cyclo-stationary) signal when observed over an appropriately short time interval. Due to the relative frequency of ON/OFF and OFF/ON transitions in short-term stationary transmitters, additional conformance criteria are applied to these transmitters. Additionally, there shall not be any intentional synchronization of transmission bursts of short-term stationary systems. Clause 6.4 defines a test to determine whether short-term stationary conformance criteria shall be applied to a DUT and defines the short-term stationary conformance criteria. 5.2 Spectrum management classes 5.2.1 Spectrum management class 1 Spectrum management class 1 is intended for DSL transmission systems that operate in the frequency spectrum up to about 115 kHz, including most, but not all, T1.601 compliant systems. Spectrum management class 1 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 1 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in 6.1 using the PSD template described in Table 1 and Figure 3. The total average power into 135 Ohms This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 15 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 and below 115 kHz that is transmitted by the spectrum management class 1 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be 14.0 dBm or less. Spectrum management class 1 transverse balance requirement The transverse balance of spectrum management class 1 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 135-ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 1 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 1 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. Spectrum management class 1 deployment guidelines Non-repeatered loop transmission systems that meet the signal power and transverse balance requirements associated with Spectrum Management Class 1 may use any non-loaded loop facility and may be assigned to pairs that are in the same binder group as any of the basis systems defined in this standard. 5.2.2 Spectrum management class 2 Spectrum management class 2 is intended for DSL transmission systems that operate in the frequency spectrum from 0 to about 238 kHz. Spectrum management class 2 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 2 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using the PSD template described in Table 3 and Figure 4. The total average power below 238 kHz that is transmitted by Spectrum Management Class 2 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be 14.0 dBm or less. Spectrum management class 2 transverse balance requirement The transverse balance of spectrum management class 2 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 135-ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 2 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 2 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. Spectrum management class 2 deployment guidelines Spectrum management class 2 DSL transmission systems shall use non-loaded loop facilities. Class 2 systems are spectrally compatible with the basis systems in the same binder group for those loops with an equivalent working length of less than TBD kilofeet. To assure acceptable performance of basis systems, loop length guidelines may be needed for this spectrum management class. The specification of loop length guidelines for this class is expected to be provided in a future version of this standard. 16 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 5.2.3 Spectrum management class 3 Spectrum management class 3 is intended for DSL transmission systems that operate in the frequency spectrum up to about 370 kHz. Spectrum management class 3 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 3 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using the PSD template described in Table 4. At frequencies at or below 1.05 MHz, linear interpolation of the frequency and PSD entries of Table 4 is used to define the template. At frequencies above 1.05 MHz, the template is –143 -10log10(f1.5/1.134x1013). The template is shown graphically in Figure 5. The total average power below 370 kHz that is transmitted by spectrum management class 3 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be 14.0 dBm or less. Spectrum management class 3 transverse balance requirement The transverse balance of spectrum management class 3 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 135-ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 3 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 3 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. Spectrum management class 3 deployment guidelines Spectrum management class 3 DSL transmission systems shall use non-loaded loop facilities. Based upon a conservative model using the 1% Unger near-end crosstalk coupling model (see Figure A. 1), with 24 disturbers, 6 dB margin, co-located CPE, and the assumed acceptable performance objectives for the basis systems, Class 3 systems are spectrally compatible with the basis systems in the same binder 3 group for those loops with a working length of less than CSA reach. This is a provisional value and may be modified in a future version of this standard. 5.2.4 Spectrum management class 4 Spectrum management class 4 class is intended to include standard compliant HDSL2 equipment and other DSL transmission systems that have TU-C equipment that operates in the frequency spectrum up to about 440 kHz and TU-R equipment that operates in the frequency spectrum up to about 300 kHz. Spectrum management class 4 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 4 TU-C equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6.2.4 ––––––– 3 CSA-reach is defined as a loop distance that meets Carrier Serving Area (CSA) length guidelines but not the CSA restrictions on bridged tap and the number of different gauges. Thus, the working length of a CSA-reach loop is within CSA range (9 kft of 26 AWG or 12 kft of 24, 22, or 19 AWG) but the length of the bridged tap and the total cable length including bridged tap may exceed CSA guidelines. The working length of a CSA-reach multi-gauge cable that contains 26 AWG cable may not exceed 12 kft minus the length of the 26 AWG cable in kft divided by three [12 kft – (L26 ÷ 3)]. Deployment is limited here on the basis of crosstalk impact. Bridged tap has very little effect on the power of disturbing crosstalk. This is not the same as limiting the transmission range of a system based on performance, which can be noticeably affected by bridged tap. Similarly, multiple gauge changes have very little effect on crosstalk power. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 17 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 using the downstream PSD mask described in Table 5 and Figure 6. Spectrum management class 4 TUR equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6.2.4 using the upstream PSD mask described in Table 6 and Figure 7. The total average downstream power (into 135 Ohms) below 450 kHz that is transmitted by the spectrum management class 4 TU-C shall not exceed 17.3 dBm. The total average upstream power (into 135 Ohms) below 350 kHz that is transmitted by the spectrum management class 4 TU-R shall not exceed 17.0 dBm. Spectrum management class 4 transverse balance requirement The transverse balance of spectrum management class 4 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 135-ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 4 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 4 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. Spectrum management class 4 deployment guidelines Spectrum management class 4 DSL transmission systems shall use non-loaded loop facilities. Based upon a conservative model using the 1% Unger near-end crosstalk coupling model (see Figure A. 1), with 24 disturbers, 6 dB margin, co-located CPE, and the assumed acceptable performance objectives for the basis systems, Class 4 systems are spectrally compatible with the basis systems in the same binder 3 group for those loops with an equivalent working length of less than CSA reach. This is a provisional value and may be modified in a future version of this standard. 5.2.5 Spectrum management class 5 Spectrum management class 5 is intended for DSL transmission systems that have TU-C equipment that operates in the frequency spectrum from about 138 25 kHz to about 1104 kHz and TU-R equipment that operates in the frequency spectrum from about 25 kHz to about 138 kHz. Spectrum management class 5 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 5 TU-C equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using the reduced-NEXT downstream downstream PSD mask template defined in Table 7in Annex F of T1.413-1998 and TR-59. Spectrum management class 5 TU-R equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using the upstream PSD mask template defined in Table 11T1.413-1998 and TR-59. The total average downstream power between 138 25 kHz and 1104 kHz that is transmitted by the spectrum management class 5 TU-C shall not exceed 19.920.9 dBm. The total average upstream power below 138 kHz that is transmitted by the spectrum management class 5 TU-R shall not exceed 12.513 dBm. Spectrum management class 5 transverse balance requirement The transverse balance of spectrum management class 5 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 100 ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 5 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. 18 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 5 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. Spectrum management class 5 deployment guidelines Spectrum management class 5 DSL transmission systems shall use non-loaded loop facilities. Nonrepeatered spectrum management class 5 systems may be assigned to pairs that are in the same binder group as any of the basis systems. Spectrum management class 5 systems shall not be deployed in the following modes: - Overlapping downstream PSD mode defined in T1.413 that allows the TU-C to transmit significant downstream power in the 25 kHz to 138 kHz frequency band. - Power boost mode described in the first version of the ADSL standard (ANSI T1.413-1995). - Transceivers located at the customer end of the loop transmitting in the downstream frequency band (18825 - 1104 kHz). This does not preclude adjacent collocation configurations, but such configurations should use a dedicated binder. 5.2.6 Spectrum management class 6 Spectrum management class 6 is intended for DSL transmission systems that operate in the frequency spectrum up to about 10 - 20 MHz. Spectrum management class 6 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 6 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using a PSD template (or templates) that are TBDshall address both CO and remote deployments. The spectrum management class 6 PSD template should be based on emerging VDSL standards, which were not completed in time for this issue of this standard. Spectrum management class 6 should be frequency-division duplex (FDD), with distinct PSD templates for upstream and downstream transmission. There may also be distinct PSD templates for symmetric spectrum management class 6 systems and for asymmetric spectrum management class 6 systems. The total average power that is transmitted by spectrum management class 6 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be 11.5 dBm or less. Spectrum management class 6 transverse balance requirement The transverse balance of spectrum management class 6 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 100 ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 6 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. Above 3 MHz, the transverse balance requirements is TBDshall address both CO and remote deployments. Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 6 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 19 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Spectrum management class 6 deployment guidelines Spectrum management class 6 DSL transmission systems shall use non-loaded loop facilities. Unlike other DSLs, spectrum management class 6 systems were created to offer high bit rates over short ranges when deployed from remote fiber-fed terminals, pedestals, or cases. Deployment guidelines for spectrum management class 6 systems shall address both CO and remote deployments. Class 6 systems are spectrally compatible with the basis systems in the same binder group for those loops with an equivalent working length of less than TBD kilofeet. 5.2.7 Spectrum management class 7 Spectrum management class 7 is intended for DSL transmission systems that operate in the frequency spectrum from 0 to about 776kHz. Spectrum management class 7 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 7 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using the PSD template described in Table 8 and Figure 8. The total average power below 776kHz that is transmitted by spectrum management class 7 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be 14.0dBm or less. Spectrum management class 7 transverse balance requirement The transverse balance of spectrum management class 7 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 100 ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 7 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 7 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. Spectrum management class 7 deployment guidelines Spectrum management class 7 symmetric DSL transmission systems shall use non-loaded loop facilities. Non-repeatered class 7 symmetric DSL transmission systems are spectrally compatible with the basis systems in the same binder group for those loops with an equivalent working length of less than 7 kft (provisional). Note: The ITU-T currently has a project (G.shdsl) that addresses data rates similar to those intended for this class. It is expected that this class will be superceded by a newer one class that reflects the outcome of that effort. When the new class is defined in a future version of this standard, it is expected that any new deployments using this class (Class 7) will not be compliant with the new version of this standard. 5.2.8 Spectrum management class 8 Spectrum management class 8 is intended for DSL transmission systems that operate in the frequency spectrum from 0 to about 584kHz. Spectrum management class 8 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 8 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using the PSD template described in Table 9 and Figure 9. The total average power below 584kHz that is transmitted by the spectrum management class 8 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be 14.0dBm or less. 20 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Spectrum management class 8 transverse balance requirement. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 8 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 100 ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 8 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 8 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. Spectrum management class 8 deployment guidelines Spectrum management class 8 symmetric DSL transmission systems shall use non-loaded loop facilities. Non-repeatered class 8 symmetric DSL transmission systems are spectrally compatible with basis systems in the same binder group for those loops with an equivalent working length of less than TBD kft. 5.2.9 Spectrum management class 9 Spectrum management class 9 is intended for DSL transmission systems that have TU-C equipment that operates in the frequency spectrum from about 25 kHz to about 1104 kHz and TU-R equipment that operates in the frequency spectrum from about 25 kHz to about 138 kHz. Spectrum management class 9 PSD and total average power limitation Spectrum management class 9 TU-C equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using the downstream PSD template defined in Table 10. Spectrum management class 9 TU-R equipment shall meet the PSD conformance criteria in section 6 using the upstream PSD template defined in.Table 11. The total average downstream power between 25 kHz and 1104 kHz that is transmitted by the spectrum management class 9 TU-C shall not exceed 20.420.9 dBm. The total average upstream power below 138 kHz that is transmitted by the spectrum management class 9 TU-R shall not exceed 12.513 dBm. Spectrum management class 9 transverse balance requirement The transverse balance of spectrum management class 9 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and 100 ohm measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The transverse balance of spectrum management class 9 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall exceed the values in Table 2 over the entire range of frequencies between the upper and lower –20 dB points of the signal pass-band. Longitudinal Output Voltage The longitudinal output voltage of spectrum management class 9 TU-C and TU-R equipment shall be measured over the applicable frequency range using the procedures and measurement configuration specified in clause 6. The longitudinal output voltage in all 4 kHz frequency bands averaged over 1 second shall not exceed the values in Table 17 over the indicated range of frequencies. For this requirement, the operating band is the range of frequencies between the upper and lower –30 dB points of the signal pass-band. There is no requirement for frequencies below the operating band. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 21 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Spectrum management class 9 deployment guidelines Spectrum management class 9 DSL transmission systems shall use non-loaded loop facilities. Nonrepeatered spectrum management class 9 systems may be assigned to pairs that are in the same binder group as any of the basis systems. Spectrum management class 9 systems shall not be deployed in the following modes: - Power boost mode. - Transceivers located at the customer end of the loop transmitting in the downstream frequency band (138-1104 kHz). This does not preclude adjacent colocation configurations, but such configurations should use a dedicated binder. - Lines with equivalent working length greater than 13.5 kft. 5.3 Spectral Compatibility Limitations for Repeatered Systems T1 is spectrally compatible with the basis systems in the adjacent binder group for loops with a working length less than TBD kft. Repeatered HDSL is spectrally compatible with the basis systems in the same binder group for loops with a working length less than TBD kft. It is expected that a future version of this standard may provide additional specifications relating to repeatered systems. 6. Conformance testing methodology The conformance testing methodology in this clause shall be used to determine compliance with the signal power limitations and transverse balance requirements in clause 5. 6.1 General conformance criteria The conformance testing methodology is designed for the purpose of lab evaluation of the compliance of equipment to the SM classes defined in Section 5. As explained in clause 6.3 and Table 13, Table 14 and Table 15, PSDs are defined at a number of discrete points with resolution bandwidths as defined for each SM class and each frequency. Let the PSD template of a SM class be denoted as PT(n) in units of dBm/Hz, where 1 ≤ n ≤ N , let fr(n) denote the center frequency in kHz at which PT(n) is defined, and so fr(N) is the highest frequency for which the PSD template PT(N) is defined. Unless otherwise stated, fr(N) = 30 MHz. The points of PT(n) are in order of increasing frequency so that fr(n) monotonically increases with n. The resolution bandwidth is a function of the SM class and the frequency, and is denoted as BW (n) kHz at frequency fr(n) kHz for point n as defined in clause 6.3 and Table 13, Table 14 and Table 15. The PSD mask associated with a SM class is denoted as PM(n) dBm/Hz, and unless otherwise stated the PSD mask is equal to the PSD template plus 3.5 dB, so that PM(n) = PT(n) + 3.5 dB. The first step in the testing process is measurement of the transmitted PSD of the equipment under test, which is done with the procedure described in clause 6.3. The result of the PSD measurement, in units of dBm/Hz and at a center frequency of fr(n) kHz is denoted by Pa (n ) , and is recorded with resolution bandwidth BW (n) kHz as defined for the appropriate SM class in clause 6.3 and Table 13, Table 14 and Table 15. PSD conformance is achieved by meeting all the following conditions: a) For all n such that 1 ≤ n ≤ N , Pa (n ) ≤ PM (n ) , where PM (n ) is the PSD mask at frequency fr(n), and PM (n ) = PT (n ) + 3.5dB . b) For all integers m such that 1 ≤ m and such that M ≤ N (i.e., for all possible 100 kHz sliding 22 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 M 10 Pa (n ) 10 BW (n) P (n ) 10 10 T windows): 10 × log10 n = m M BW ( n) n=m ∑ ∑ ≤ 1 dB, where M is the maximum integer such that fr(M) < fr(m) + 100 kHz (the inequality is strict, so if BW(m) = 100 kHz, then M = m). In other words, the PSD power of each measured point in mw is divided by the PSD template in mw at that point; then summed and averaged over a bandwidth that is as close as possible to 100 kHz, and must be less than or equal to 1 dB in all 100 kHz sliding windows. c) The total power of the transmitted PSD shall be no greater than the total power limit for that SM class, as defined in clause 5. The transverse balance of the associated TU-C and TU-R shall be greater than or equal to the requirement for that SM class, as defined in clause 5. The conformance testing methodology is designed for the purpose of lab evaluation of the compliance of equipment to the SM classes defined in section 5. Its SM template defines a SM class, and the associated SM mask is the SM template plus 3.5 dB. The first step in the testing process is measurement of the transmitted PSD of the equipment under test. The appropriate termination impedance and resolution bandwidth will a function of the SM class, and therefore defined in sections 6.2 – 6.7. The result of the PSD measurement, in units of dBm/Hz and at a center frequency of n × BW , is denoted by Pa (n ) , where BWr is the resolution bandwidth in kHz for the SM class in question. The range of n is 1 ≤ n ≤ 30000 BWr . Conditions for compliance: Compliance is achieved by meeting the following conditions: 1 ≤ n ≤ 30000 BWr , Pa (n ) ≤ PM (n ) , where frequency n × BWr , and PM (n ) = PT (n ) + 3.5dB . a)For P (n ) is the PSD of the SM mask at 1 m + l −1 P (n ) a ≤ 1 dB for all 1 ≤ m ≤ 30000 BW − l + 1 and l = 100 BW . In other words, b) 10 × log10 × r r l ( ) P n T n =m the average over the measured PSD normalized by the template for the number of points equivalent to 100 kHz must be less than the 1 dB. ∑ c)The total power of the transmitted PSD shall be no greater than the total power limit for that SM class, as defined in sections 6.2-6.7. d)The transverse balance of the associated TU-C and TU-R shall be greater than or equal to the requirement for that SM class, as defined in section 5. NOTE: numerical values 100 kHz and 3.5 dB are TBD. 6.2 PSD conformance criteria unique to spectrum management classes 6.2.1 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 1 There are no specific PSD conformance criteria for Spectrum Management Class 1. 6.2.2 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 2 There are no specific PSD conformance criteria for Spectrum Management Class 2. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 23 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 6.2.3 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 3 There are no specific PSD conformance criteria for Spectrum Management Class 3. 6.2.4 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 4 The general PSD conformance criteria in section 6.1 do not apply to spectrum management class 4. A PSD mask is specified for the spectrum management class 4 instead of a PSD template. A member of spectrum management class 4 shall have a measured PSD that shall not exceed the PSD mask that is specified for spectrum management class 4 in Table 5 and Table 6 and Figure 6 and Figure 7 at any frequency. A member of spectrum management class 4 shall also meet the total average power limitations, transverse balance requirement, and deployment guidelines defined in 6.5 of this standard as well as meeting all other applicable requirements in this standard. 6.2.5 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 5 There are no specific PSD conformance criteria for spectrum management class 5. 6.2.6 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 6 There are no specific PSD conformance criteria for spectrum management class 6. 6.2.7 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 7 There are no specific PSD conformance criteria for spectrum management class 7. 6.2.8 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 8 There are no specific PSD conformance criteria for spectrum management class 8. 6.2.9 Specific conformance criteria for spectrum management class 9 There are no specific PSD conformance criteria for spectrum management class 9. 6.3 PSD and total average power measurement procedure The test methodology for measuring the PSD and the total average power of a device under test (DUT) are defined in this subsection. For each spectrum management class, there are two different transmit PSD test cases: a) Downstream (CO to Remote) transmission: the measured output of a central office transmission unit (TU-C). b) Upstream (Remote to CO) transmission: the measured output of a remote transmission unit (TUR). A DUT shall have total average power and PSD measured as described in this subsection in both the upstream case and the downstream case in order to determine compliance with the total average power, PSD conformance test, and other applicable conditions of a spectrum management class as defined in this standard. Unless otherwise stated, all specifications apply to both the upstream case and the downstream case. All measurements are performed directly at the transmitter output of the DUT with no additional attenuation. 6.3.1 Test circuit for PSD and total average power measurement A test setup as pictorially shown in Figure 10 shall be used for measuring total average power and PSD. An example of a specific embodiment of this test setup is the circuit in Figure 11. VOUT is connected to a high-impedance wideband rms voltmeter or spectrum analyzer. The PSD may be tested while line powered or locally powered as required by the intended application of the DUT. If the DUT is line powered then the test circuit shall contain provisions for DC power feed. If the DUT is not line powered then the DC power-feed circuitry may be omitted from the test circuit. For line powered applications, if the DUT is a TU-C the test shall be performed with the line power supply activated and an appropriate DC current sink (with high AC impedance) attached to the test circuit. If the DUT is a TU-R the test shall be performed with power (DC voltage) applied at the line interface (TIP/RING) by an external voltage source feeding through an AC blocking impedance. Note that the DC current source/sink must 24 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 present high impedance (at signal frequencies) to common ground. The test circuit contains provisions for transformer isolation for the measurement instrumentation. Transformer isolation of the instrumentation input prevents measurement errors from unintentional circuit paths through the common ground of the instrumentation and the DUT power feed circuitry. When the termination impedance of the test circuit seen by the DUT output meets the calibration requirements defined in 6.3.2 the test circuit will not introduce more than ± 0.25 dB error with respect to a perfect test load of exactly the specified resistance. The DUT shall be measured by equipment that is not synchronous with the transmitted symbols of the DUT, and there shall be no synchronization between the measurement equipment and the DUT. This is to avoid making an inaccurate measurement because of the effects of cyclostationarity. 6.3.2 Calibration of the test circuit and termination impedance The nominal termination impedance of the test circuit as seen by the DUT output shall be resistive with a resistance of R Ohms as specified in Table 12 for the appropriate spectrum management class. The minimum return loss with respect to the termination impedance R over the frequency band of 1 kHz to 5 MHz shall be 35 dB from 10 kHz to 2 MHz with a slope of 20 dB/decade below and above these corner frequencies for measuring a DUT for conformance with Spectrum Management Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The minimum return loss with respect to the termination impedance R over the frequency band of 1 kHz to 30 MHz shall be 35 dB from 10 kHz to 20 MHz with a slope of 20 dB/decade below and above these corner frequencies for measuring a DUT for conformance with spectrum management class 6. Note: 35 dB return loss will allow ±0.20 dB measurement error with respect to the nominal termination impedance value, R. 6.3.3 Operation of the DUT The DUT shall be tested while it transmits the maximum power, and the maximum PSD levels at all frequencies, at which it can transmit data when deployed. The DUT shall not have any power cutback enabled. The DUT shall be tested under steady state conditions, after all start-up and initialization procedures have been completed and while the DUT is transmitting data. To ensure that the DUT is in a steady-state condition, while undergoing test the DUT shall not have measured total average powers in any distinct 1.25 millisecond time intervals that differ by more than 8 dB. Although specific measurements of average power and PSD during start-up and other non-data transmission phases are not provided, a DUT that transmits inordinately high power or PSD levels during these phases may be considered to be in non-compliance with this standard. The DUT input shall consist of a pseudo-random uniformly distributed data sequence, and the DUT output shall be a fully modulated transmit signal with all overhead, framing, coding, scrambling, modulation, filtering and all other operations performed on the data stream that the modem would normally perform while transmitting data. 6.3.4 Total average power measurement procedure The average power of a DUT shall meet the total average power requirements as specified in Section 5 of this standard over the bandwidth specified in Section 5 of this standard for conformance with a spectrum management class. The total average power may be tested while line powered or locally powered as required by the intended application of the DUT. The total average power shall be measured and averaged over a time span of at least 10 seconds. 6.3.5 Power spectral density (PSD) measurement procedure PSD resolution bandwidth PSDs are recorded by averaging the observed output power of the DUT on each of a number of contiguous, regularly spaced, small frequency bands; with each frequency band having a defined resolution bandwidth. The PSD of a DUT that is measured for conformance with Spectrum Management Classes 1, 2, 3, or 4 shall be recorded with frequency spacing equal to the resolution bandwidths specified in Table 13 at all frequencies from 1 kHz to 30 MHz. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 25 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 The PSD of a DUT that is measured for conformance with spectrum management class 5 shall be recorded with frequency spacing equal to the resolution bandwidths specified in Table 14 at all frequencies from 1 kHz to 30 MHz. The PSD of a DUT that is measured for conformance with spectrum management class 6 shall be recorded with frequency spacing equal to the resolution bandwidths specified in Table 15 at all frequencies from 1 kHz to 30 MHz. PSD Measurement time duration Each frequency point (corresponding to a measurement in single resolution bandwidth) of a PSD shall be measured by averaging the power in the resolution bandwidth of that frequency point for a time period of at least 2.0 seconds. This requirement is equivalent to setting the sweep time for a single sweep of a spectrum analyzer for duration equal to at least 2.0 seconds per frequency point. Note: this requirement is based on a statistical derivation that showed that to measure the average power in a given resolution bandwidth within 0.1 dB accuracy with 99% confidence required observation of about 9,000 transmitted symbols, and the slowest common signal is an ADSL tone which is at a 4 kHz rate. Measuring an entire PSD for 2.0 seconds in all of each of the resolution bandwidths in Table 13, Table 14 and Table 15 requires a minimum observation time of 44 minutes. 6.4 Short-term stationary conformance criteria 6.4.1 Determination of whether to apply short-term stationary conformance criteria The short-term stationary conformance criteria in clause 6.4.2 through 6.4.4 shall be applied to a DUT if the total average power transmitted by the DUT in any two non-overlapping 1.25 millisecond time intervals separated by less than 60 seconds can differ by more than 8 dB. This includes variation due to the presence or absence of input data for transmission or the presence of specific input data sequences but does not include variations due to external stimuli such as the application of externally controlled power management, externally initiated retrain, or a change in crosstalk levels or loop conditions that causes automatic retrain. Equipment to which short-term stationary criteria are applied shall transmit at TBD dB below the SM mask. In addition, the short-term stationary transmitter shall continuously transmit in the ON condition for a minimum of 500 µsec. 6.4.2 Continuous mode for conformance testing Equipment to which short-term stationary conformance criteria are applied shall provide a test configuration in which the transmitter remains in the ON condition continuously. In the ON condition, the DUT shall transmit the maximum power and the maximum PSD levels at all frequencies, at which it can transmit data when deployed. The DUT shall not have any power cutback enabled. The DUT shall not have measured total average powers in any distinct 1.25 millisecond time intervals that differ by more than 8 dB, including variation due to the presence or absence of input data for transmission or the presence of specific input data sequences. 6.4.3 Frequency domain requirements Continuous mode testing Equipment to which short-term stationary conformance criteria are applied shall be tested in the continuous ON condition specified in clause 6.4.2 using the conformance testing methodology defined in clauses 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3. The PSD template used for testing conformance to a specific management class shall be the template specified for that class, attenuated by a dB value provided in based on the minimum percentage of time that the short-term stationary transmitter is on and transmitting full power in any 4 second sliding window. The attenuation specified in applies only to the inband frequencies defined for each management class in . Automatic power adaptation between the 0 dB and 3 dB attenuation values in based on momentary percentage of time that the short-term stationary transmitter is on and transmitting shall not be allowed. 26 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Short-term stationary mode testing Equipment to which short-term stationary conformance criteria are applied shall be tested with input conditions that generate the most frequent mode transitions permitted by the equipment. The conformance testing methodology shall be as defined in clauses 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 with the following exceptions: - The requirement in clause 6.3.3 that the DUT shall not have measured total average powers in any distinct 1.25 millisecond time intervals that differ by more than 8 dB shall be waived. - Each frequency point (corresponding to a measurement in single resolution bandwidth) of a PSD shall be measured by averaging the power in the resolution bandwidth of that frequency point for a time period of at least 4.0 seconds. This requirement is equivalent to setting the sweep time for a single sweep of a spectrum analyzer for duration equal to at least 4.0 seconds per frequency point. This requirement is used in place of the requirement in section - The equipment vendor shall identify the input conditions necessary to generate the mode transitions for this test. 6.4.4 Time domain requirements Equipment to which short-term stationary conformance criteria are applied shall transmit in the ON condition for a cumulative total of 10 40 milliseconds minimum in any 4 second period sliding window. In addition, the short-term stationary transmitter shall continuously transmit in the ON condition for a minimum of 500246 µsec. These requirements are. This requirement is intended to facilitate detection of crosstalk from short-term stationary equipment by other receivers within a defined time interval. 6.5 Transverse balance testing methodology Transverse balance is a comparison of the voltage of a transmitted metallic signal to the voltage of any resulting longitudinal signal. It is the ratio of the metallic voltage VM at any frequency (f) to the transverse voltage VL at frequency (f). The result in dB is expressed as: Transverse Balance M −L = 20 Log10 [VM (f ) VL (f )] where VM (f) = the metallic voltage applied across the tip and ring conductors of the port under test at any frequency (f) between F1 and F2 is from a balanced source with a metallic impedance ZM, and VL (f) = the resultant longitudinal voltage appearing across a longitudinal impedance ZL . The greater the VM to VL ratio, the better the transverse balance of the transceiver unit and the less likelihood that it will contribute to a crosstalk interference problem. When calibrating the testing arrangement, the source metallic voltage should equal VM volts for each DSL class when a metallic termination of ZM is substituted for the equipment under test. The metallic impedance (ZM) shall be either 100 or 135 ohms as specified in clause 5. The applicable ZL, ZM , F1, F2, and VM values for each DSL class are summarized in Table 16. The minimum transverse balance requirements for the TU-C and TU-R equipment under test shall be equaled or exceeded during all operating states and under all reasonable application of earth ground to the equipment for the range of applicable frequencies (from F1 to F2) at all 2-wire loop ports with all values of loop current that the port under test is capable of drawing when attached to the appropriate loop simulator circuit. The transverse balance testing methodology in TIA/EIA TSB31-B (or equivalent) shall be used to determine conformance with the transverse balance requirements as specified in clause 5 for each spectrum management DSL class. An illustrative test configuration for transverse balance conformance testing is shown in Figure 12. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 27 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 The equipment under test, at the CO end, must meet the transverse balance requirements in Table 16. The testing methods or equivalent are given in TIA/EIA TSB-31-B. Table 2 provides a template to be used for the transverse balance requirements for various frequency ranges;. tThe actual frequency range over which the requirements apply and to be included in testing is dependent on the system under test. Transverse balance testing shall only be performed over the range of frequencies included in the power spectral density (PSD) applicable to the equipment under test and actually used in data transmission. For that purpose, all of the signal pass-band shall be included, between the upper and lower –20 dB points. Transverse balance may be measured while the DUT is line powered or locally powered. If the DUT is line powered then the test circuit shall contain a dc voltage source. In such applications, if the DUT is a TU-C the test shall be performed with TU-C line power activated and an appropriate dc current sink (with high ac impedance) attached to the test circuit. If the DUT is a TU-R, the test shall be performed with the appropriate dc voltage source applied between the tip and ring conductors through an ac blocking impedance. The dc current source or sink must present high impedance (at signal frequencies) to common ground. In line powered applications, the test circuit shall contain provisions for isolation of the measurement instrumentation from unintentional circuit paths through the common ground of the instrumentation and the DUT power feed circuitry. 6.6 Longitudinal output voltage testing methodology Compliance with the limits as specified in clause 5 for each spectrum management DSL class is required with a longitudinal termination having an impedance equal to or greater than a 100 ohm resistor in series with a 0.15 uF capacitor. An illustrative test configuration for longitudinal output voltage limit conformance testing is shown in Figure 20 of T1.601. For direct use of that test configuration, the near end transmitter should be able to generate a signal in the absence of a signal from the far-end transceiver. The ground reference for these measurements shall be the building or green-wire ground of the DUT. 28 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table 1 - Spectrum management class 1 PSD template definition Frequency Range, f (Hz) 0< f ≤ 25000 Hz 25000< f ≤ 76000 Hz PSD Template (dBm/Hz) -32.5 f − 32.5 − 10.35 × log10 25000 76000< f ≤ 79000 Hz f − 76000 − 37.5 − 0.5 × 3000 79000 < f ≤ 85000 Hz 85000< f ≤ 100000 Hz 100000 < f ≤ 115000 Hz 115000 Hz < f ≤ 120000 Hz 120000 Hz < f ≤ 225000 Hz 225000 Hz < f ≤ 635000 Hz 635000 Hz < f f − 69000 − 38 − 19.6 × log10 10000 f − 85000 − 42 − 4 × 15000 f − 100000 − 46 − 7 × 15000 -53 f -53 − 55 × log10 120,000 f - 68 − 70 × log10 225,000 3 f 2 -143 - 10 log10 13 1.134 × 10 Table 2 - Minimum transverse balance template for the xTU-Crequirements Frequency band 200 Hz -12 kHz 12 kHz - 1544 kHz 1544 kHz - 3000 kHz Minimum transverse balance 40 dB 35 dB 30 dB This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 29 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table 3 - Spectrum management class 2 PSD template definition Frequency, f (kHz) PSD Template (dBm/Hz) 0 25 75 100 150 200 230 245 335 390 440 475 500 -36 -36 -36.5 -39 -45 -54 -64 -71 -72 -76 -83 -90 -98 3 f 2 -143 - 10 log10 13 1.134 × 10 500 < f Table 4- Spectrum management class 3 PSD template definition Frequency (khz) 0 50 125 210 310 370 550 670 750 980 1050 PSD template (dBm/Hz) -37 -37 -38 -41 -57 -73 -75 -85 -97 -98 -102.75 30 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table 5 - PSD mask definition for downstream transmission from a spectrum management class 4 TU-C Frequency (kHz) ≤1 2 12 190 236 Maximum Power (dBm/Hz) -54.2 -42.2 -39.2 -39.2 -46.2 Frequency (kHz) 280 375 400 440 600 Maximum Power (dBm/Hz) -35.7 -35.7 -40.2 -68.2 -76.2 Frequency (kHz) 1000 2000 ≥3000 Maximum Power (dBm/Hz) -89.2 -99.7 -108 Table 6 - PSD mask definition for upstream transmission from a spectrum management class 4 TU-C Frequency (kHz) ≤1 2 10 175 Maximum Power (dBm/Hz) -54.2 -42.1 -37.8 -37.8 Frequency (kHz) 220 255 276 300 Maximum Power (dBm/Hz) -34.4 -34.4 -41.1 -77.6 Frequency (kHz) 555 800 1400 ≥2000 Maximum Power (dBm/Hz) -102.6 -105.6 -108 -108 Table 7 - PSD template definition for downstream transmission from a spectrum management class 5 TU-C FREQUENCY BAND (Hz) 0<f<4 4000 < f < 25875 25875 <= f <= 81000 81000 < f <= 85000 85000 < f <=100000 100000 < f <=115000 115000 < f <= 120000 120000 < f < 138000 138000 <= f <= 1104000 1104000 < f <= 3093000 3093000 < f <= 4545000 4545000 < f <= 11040000 EQUATION FOR LINE (dBm/Hz) -101, with max power in the in 0-4 kHz band of +15 dBrn -96 + 21*log2(f/4000) -40 -38-19.6*log10((f-6900)/10000) -42-4*((f-85000)/15000) -46-7*((f-100000)/15000) -53 -72.5 +36*log2(f/80000) -40 -40-36*log2(f/1104000) –90 peak, with max power in the [f, f + 1 MHz] window of (–36.5 –36 × log2(f/1104) + 60) dBm -90 peak, with max power in the [f, f + 1 MHz] window of -50 dBm Table 8 - Spectrum management class 7 PSD template definition This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 31 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Frequency (Hz) 0 100,000 150,000 200,000 300,000 390,000 420,000 Power (dBm/Hz) -40 -40 -40.5 -41.5 -42 -42 -43 Frequency (Hz) 775,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 1,900,000 2,000,000 Power (dBm/Hz) -77 -77 -80 -86 -102 -104 -107 500,000 -51 > 2,000,000 3 f 2 -143 - 10 log10 13 . 1 134 10 × Table 9 - Spectrum management class 8 PSD template definition. Frequency (kHz) 0 60 200 250 Power (dBm/Hz) -39 -39 -40 -40.5 Frequency (kHz) 400 500 550 750 Power (dBm/Hz) -53 -66 -75 -76 315 -41 950 -84 Frequency (kHz) 1120 1500 2000 > 2000 Power (dBm/Hz) -95 -95 -107 3 f 2 -143 - 10 log10 13 . 1 134 10 × Table 10 – PSD template definition for downstream transmission from a spectrum management class 9 TU-C FREQUENCY BAND (kHz) 0<f<4 4 < f < 25.875 EQUATION FOR LINE (dBm/Hz) -101, with max power in the in 0-4 kHz band of +15 dBrn -96 + 21 × log2 (f/4) 25.875 < f < 1104 1104 < f < 3093 -40 -40 – 36 × log2(f/1104) 3093 < f < 4545 –90 peak, with max power in the [f, f + 1 MHz] window of (–36.5 –36 × log2(f/1104) + 60) dBm 4545 < f < 11040 -90 peak, with max power in the [f, f+1MHz] window of -50 dBm 32 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table 11 - PSD template definition for upstream transmission from a spectrum management class 9 or spectrum management class 5 TU-R FREQUENCY BAND (kHz) 0<f<4 4 < f < 25.875 EQUATION FOR LINE (dBm/Hz) -101, with max power in the in 0-4 kHz band of +15 dBrn -96 + 21.5 × log2(f/4) 25.875 < f < 138 138 < f < 307 -38 -38 – 48 × log2(f/138) 307 < f < 1221 1221 < f < 1630 -903.5 –90 peak, with max power in the [f, f + 1 MHz] window of (–90 – 48 × log2(f/1221) + 60) dBm 1630 < f < 11040 -90 peak, with max power in the [f, f+1MHz] window of -50 dBm Table 12 - Temination impedances Spectrum management class Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Termination impedance R (Ohms) 135 135 135 135 100 100 TBD135 135 100 Table 13 - Resolution bandwidth for measuring a DUT PSD for conformance with spectrum management classes 1, 2, 3, and 4. Frequency Region f <= 10 kHz 10 kHz <= f <= 3.1 MHz 3.1 MHz <= f <= 30 MHz resolution bandwidth 1 kHz 3 kHz 100 kHz Note: Values above 10 kHz are TBD Table 14 – Resolution bandwidth for measuring a DUT PSD for conformance with spectrum management class 5. Frequency Region f <= 10 kHz 10 kHz <= f <= 3.1 MHz 3.1 MHz <= f <= 30 MHz resolution bandwidth 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz Note: values above 10 kHz are TBD This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 33 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table 15 – Resolution bandwidth for measuring a DUT PSD for conformance with spectrum management class 6. Frequency Region f <= 10 kHz 10 kHz <= f <= 20 MHz 20 MHz <= f <= 30 MHz resolution bandwidth 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz Note: values above 10 kHz are TBD Table 16 – Summary of transverse balance testing criteria SMC 1 SMC 2 SMC 3 SMC 4 SMC 5 SMC 6 SMC 7 SMC 8 SMC 9 90 TBD 90 90 90 ZL 500/90 500/90 500/90 500/90 (1) (1) (1) (1) 135 135 135 100 TBD 135 135 100 ZM 135 VM 0.367 0.367 0.367 0.367 0.316 TBD 0.316 0.316 0.316 NOTES: Numbers in this table are under study. (1): The longitudinal impedance (ZL) shall be 500 ohms for frequencies from 200 Hz to 12 kHz and 90 ohms for frequencies above 12 kHz. Table 17 - Maximum longitudinal output voltage limit Applicable Frequency Range Maximum Longitudinal Output Voltage (rms) in all 4 kHz Frequency Bands averaged over 1 second Operating band -50 dBV From upper –30 dB frequency to 4X the upper -80 dBV -30 dB frequency – dB attenuation applied to PSD template for testing conformance of short-term stationary systems Minimum percentage P of time transmitting in any 4 second sliding window dDB attenuation applied to PSD template 100% ≥ P ≥ 10% 0.0 dB 10% > P ≥ 1% 3.0 dB 34 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 1% > P Not allowed This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 35 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 – Frequencies over which the dB attenuation specified in Table 14 is applied for each spectrum management class Management class Frequency range over which attenuation in Table 14 is applied SM class 1 200 Hz – 109 kHz SM class 2 200 Hz – 238 kHz SM class 3 200 Hz – 370 kHz SM class 4 200 Hz – 450 kHz SM class 5 4000 Hz – 3000 kHz SM class 6 TBD SM class 7 TBD 36 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 System A Transmitter First cable section + Second cable section + xTU-C System A Receiver xTU-R System B NEXT noise generator System B FEXT and AWGN noise generator Figure 1 – Configuration for evaluation of effect of NEXT and FEXT into downstream System A Receiver + + Test Loop xTU-C System A Transmitter xTU-R System B FEXT and AWGN noise generator System B NEXT noise generator Figure 2 – Configuration for evaluation of effect of NEXT and FEXT into upstream This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 37 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 -30 PSD Template (dBm/Hz) -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Frequency (kHz) Figure 3 - Spectrum management class 1 PSD template -30 -40 PSD (dBm/Hz) -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Frequency (kHz) Figure 4 - Spectrum management class 2 class PSD Template 38 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 -30 -40 PSD (dBm/Hz) -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Frequency (kHz) Figure 5 - Spectrum management class 3 PSD template -30 PSD (dBm/Hz) -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Frequency (kHz) Figure 6 - PSD mask for downstream transmission from a spectrum management class 4 TU-C This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 39 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 -30 P SD (dB m /Hz ) -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 0 100 20 0 300 40 0 5 00 600 Fr e q ue n c y (k H z) Figure 7 - PSD mask for upstream transmission from a spectrum management class 4 TU-R -40 PSD (dBm/Hz -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Frequency (kHz) Figure 8 - Spectrum management class 7 PSD template 40 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Figure 9 - Spectrum management class 8 PSD template 1 uF (min) V out Resistive Termination, R Ohms (ground isolated input) DC current sink Tip Return loss as per calibration of the test circuit Device under test (DUT) Ring 1 uF (min) Figure 10 - PSD and total average power measurement setup This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 41 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 1:1 (+/- 1%) Vout 20 mH (min) (To highimpedance load) 1 uF (min) Tip Return loss as per calibration of the the test circuit DC current sink R Device under test (DUT) Ring 1 uF (min) Figure 11 – Example PSD and total average power measurement setup T1 (2) 1:1 S3 S2 S1 20 pF (5) Tracking Generator EM Equipment Under Test VM (6) R2 (3) R3 (7) S2 R1 (1) S3 EL EL = longitudinal voltage Spectrum Analyzer (4) EM = metallic voltage 1- Combined resistance of R1and tracking generator output resistance shall equal EUT impedance (I.e., 100 or 135 ohms). 2- Use center-tapped 1:1 transformer (e.g., Midcom 671-5767 or equivalent. 3- R2 provides the desired longitudinal impedance using 90 ohm or 500 ohm metal film or other non-inductive resistor. 4- High impedance spectrum analyzer or frequency selective voltmeter. It may be unbalanced. 5- Differential trimmer capacitor, 2.4 to 24.5 pF, Johnson 189-0759-005 or equivalent. 6- Any high impedance balanced or floating voltmeter with adequate frequency response. It need not be frequency selective. 7- R3 provides the desired calibration impedance. Should be a 100 or 135 ohm metal film or other non-inductive resistor. Figure 12 - Illustrative test configuration for transverse balance conformance testing 42 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex A: Evaluation of interference from new technologies into existing technologies (normative) A.1 Goals and framework for evaluation The goal of spectral compatibility analysis described in this section is twofold: a) to provide tests to validate that new services technologies will not interfere with existing technologies, and b) to allow sufficient flexibility to nurture innovation in new subscriber line transmission technologies that further maximize the utility of the copper loop plant. To achieve both goals simultaneously, this section describes computations that may be performed on new signals to demonstrate spectral compatibility with existing technologies. The rates and reaches of basis systems in this annex are provided only for analytical evaluation of spectral compatibility with the basis systems. Fitting within the spectrum management class PSD masks of the main body of this standard provides a simplified test for spectral compatibility. However, this test alone would preclude large classes of new transmission schemes which are spectrally compatible, and would stifle creativity for providing copper access solutions. In order to nurture spectrally compatible innovation, this section describes a second, more complicated evaluation (Test #2) that may be used to demonstrate compatibility technology by technology with basis transmission technologies in the local loop. Test # 2 follows established industry practices for demonstrating compatibility of new technologies during the definition of a standard. These practices have been used successfully in the T1E1.4 working group for technical evaluation of services for HDSL, HDSL2, ADSL, and VDSL, and would be sufficient for demonstrating compatibility of new technologies. These analyses should be used to add to the spectrum management classes in this standard at later dates. When followed rigorously, such analyses may be used as the basis for agreement on spectral compatibility between parties sharing loop facilities, in the interim between updates of this standard. Such agreements would be entirely between the parties and are outside the scope of this standard. The use of information in this Annex should be limited to the analysis of new technologies and proposed Spectrum Management Classes. This Annex, including the definitions and performance criteria, does not and is not intended to define “Significant Degradation”. Nor should any expectation of actual performance be drawn or extrapolated from the information in this Annex. The adoption of a new Spectrum Management Class shall require the determination of spectral compatibility with all basis systems using the methods provided in this Annex. Furthermore, an analysis should be performed to determine the spectral compatibility of a proposed new Spectrum Management Class with existing transmission systems known to be representative of the existing Spectrum Management Classes. The number of Spectrum Management Classes should be the minimum necessary to serve the collective needs of the industry. For this reason, during the development of future updates to this standard, the removal certain Spectrum Management Classes should be considered when appropriate. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 43 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A.2 Analytical Method: Detailed crosstalk margin evaluations Detailed margin calculations are required to demonstrate spectral compatibility of new technologies outside of the established spectrum management categories. These calculations are described in this section and must be calculated for each technology that may be interfered with. Because some technologies are spectrally asymmetric, that is, use a different transmit spectrum in each direction, evaluations must be performed in both the upstream and downstream directions. The use of this section establishes non-interference with existing technologies by comparing the performance of existing technologies in the presence of the new technology with industry-standard reference performance levels in the presence of existing crosstalk. In this method, the established reference disturbers are replaced in equal number by the new technology under trial, and the performance margin of the technology being disturbed by the new technology is compared to the established reference case. Appropriate reference evaluation loops, specified herein, are used for both the reference and new technology disturber calculations. As noted in A1, the specified reference performance levels are not intended to be performance targets for systems in the real world; they are only useful for comparing the impacts on a basis technology due to crosstalk from a new technology and crosstalk from reference technologies. This analytical method evaluates the effect of crosstalk caused by metallic signals transmitted into the loop plant by a new technology and assumes that no longitudinal voltages are transmitted or result from inadequate transverse balance. This assumption is considered valid only if the new technology meets the transverse balance specifications in Table 16 and the longitudinal voltage limits in Table 17 using the testing methodologies for those parameters in Section 6. This section is organized as follows. The subsections of A.2 describe the general methodology and the specific margin calculations and methodology for a variety of technologies. Subsequent sections give the transmission and performance parameters, and reference performance levels associated with each existing technology. As new technologies become established, a subsection can be inserted into future versions of this standard detailing the established performance benchmarks and method for calculating compatibility with the new technology. There are four three types of margin computations described in this section: DFE-based PAM signals (e.g., 2B1Q ISDN and HDSL), DFE-based QAM/CAP signals and(e.g. CAP signals), DMT-based signals (e.g., T1.413-1995 ADSL), and linear-equalization based signals (e.g., T1). Which computation is used depends on the existing technology being affected, not the nature of the proposed technology. A.2.1 General Methodology The general model used for calculating both the reference performance levels and the performance of the existing system in the presence of the new technology is shown in Figure A. 2. Note that the crosstalk noise may be a mix of NEXT and FEXT from reference disturbers and/or new disturbers. When either NEXT or FEXT is made up of different overlapping noise spectra, each should be constructed independently of the other using the FSAN method. The NEXT may then be combined with the FEXT by a simple power sum. The simulation model for the downstream is shown in Figure A. 3. Note that the simulation model for the upstream is exactly analogous to Figure A. 3, but with FEXT and NEXT transposed in the diagram. The calculations to determine spectral compatibility with the basis systems proceed as follows: 1. For both upstream and downstream directions, calculate the reference performance levels for the basis system per Figure A. 2 and Figure A. 3, using only reference disturbers. When calculating the impact of the new technology on the basis system, the crosstalk noise from the new technology replaces the appropriate number of reference disturbers. 2. When calculating the effect of new technologies on basis system performance, relative margin calculations shall be performed. The same parameters used to calculate the reference performance levels are used to calculate performance in the presence of crosstalk noise from the new technology. Target loop length Z and target bit rate are input to the calculation and the resulting margin is output. 44 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 This new margin is compared with the margin used to obtain the target rates. If the new margin is no more than some delta below the target margin for both upstream and downstream calculations (the value of delta is TBD dB), then the new system is spectrally compatible with the basis system 3. If the upstream margin with the new system disturbers is below the target margin by some value greater than delta, then the new system shall be considered not spectrally compatible with the basis system under test, regardless of the outcome of the downstream calculation. 4. If the upstream margin passes the test but the downstream margin of the basis system is below the target margin by some value greater than delta, then a new test shall be performed as shown in Figure A. 4. Any reference disturbers are maintained on the Z kft. target loop, and the NEXT and FEXT levels they present are unchanged. However, the new system disturbers are moved 100 feet closer to the central office, so that they are on loops that are only Y = (Z – 0.1) kft. long. This reduces the new NEXT level received at the TU-R since it is attenuated by the (Z-Y) kft. between the new disturber and the TU-R, per Figure A. 5. The new FEXT level received by the TU-R is also reduced, since the new system downstream signal couples only along the Y kft portion of the loop, but is attenuated by the entire loop length Z. The margin calculations shall be repeated for the downstream in an iterative fashion, changingreducing the new loop length Y in increments of 100 feet but keeping Z constant, until the largest value of Y is found that allows the basis system to maintain a margin which is no more than delta below the target margin. The new system shall then be considered spectrally compatible with the basis system under test only when the new system is deployed on loops Y kft. long or less. The quantization step size for this process is 500 feet. This process is depicted in Figure A. 6. Note that it is to be performed for each combination of test loop and performance class indicated for each basis system in sections A3 and following. The new system shall then be considered spectrally compatible only when the new system is deployed on loops Y’ kft. long or less, where Y’ is the smallest value of Y, rounded to the nearest 500 foot increment, required for any loop/performance scenario of all basis systems. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 45 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A.2.2 DFE-based PAM signals (e.g., 2B1Q ISDN and HDSL) Margin for DFE-based PAM technologies is computed using an Optimal DFE calculation for PAM: fbaud Margin = 1 ⌠ fbaud ⌡0 10 ∗ log10(1 + f _ SNR (f ))df − SNR_req dB where f_SNR(f) is the folded received signal-to-noise ratio, defined as: 1 f _ SNR (f ) = ∑ n = −2 S(f + fbaud × n ) | H (f + fbaud × n ) |2 N (f + fbaud × n ) 2 and S(f) is the desired signal’s (e.g., ISDN or HDSL) transmit power spectral density, |H(f)| is the magnitude squared of the wireline loop transfer function, and N(f) is the total noise power spectral density (crosstalk plus background noise) computed as described above. SNR folding, calculated out to 4 times the Nyquist rate (twice the baud rate) is sufficient for all current xDSL signals. If future signals use more bandwidth, they may require expansion of the range of n in the summation. The C code in Table A.1 computes the optimal DFE SNR for PAM signals, from the given two arrays containing received signal and received noise power spectral densities. By using the following code and subtracting the required SNR from the result, one can compute PAM DFE margins as described above. A.2.3 DFE-based QAM/CAP signals Margin for DFE-base CAP/QAM technologies is computed using an Optimal DFE calculation for QAM: Margin = f +fbaud / 2 1 ⌠c 10 ∗ log10(1 + f _ SNR (f ))df − SNR _ req dB fbaud ⌡fc −fbaud / 2 where f_SNR(f) is the folded received signal-to-noise ratio, defined as: 3 f _ SNR (f ) = ∑ n =0 S(f + fbaud × n ) | H (f + fbaud × n ) |2 N (f + fbaud × n ) 2 and S(f) is the desired signal’s transmit power spectral density, |H(f)| is the magnitude squared of the wireline loop transfer function, and N(f) is the total noise power spectral density computed as described above. One important difference from the PAM calculation is that for QAM/CAP, S(f) = 0 for f < 0. As in the PAM case, SNR folding is calculated out to 4 times the Nyquist rate, yet for QAM this is 4 times the baud rate. As for PAM, future signals that use more bandwidth may require expansion of the range of n in the summation. Unlike PAM signals, it is important that the region of folding be sufficient to include any offset for the carrier frequency of the QAM/CAP signal. This may be included either by changing the limits of integration or by changing the limits on n in the SNR folding summation to adequately span the frequencies used by the signal. The C code in Table A. 2 computes the optimal DFE SNR for QAM/CAP signals, given two arrays containing received signal and received noise power spectral densities. By using the code in Table A. 2 and subtracting the required SNR from the result, one can compute QAM/CAP DFE margins as described above. A.2.4 DMT margin computations DMT systems allocate bits to individual carriers based on the Shannon capacity of the tones. Margin for 46 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 these systems is determined by the determining the Shannon capacity (minus appropriate SNR gap, and plus coding gain), and then degrading the SNR at all frequencies until the capacity is equal to the desired data rate. Capacity at an individual frequency is given by: S ( f ) | H ( f ) |2 C(f ) = log 21 + Γ N f ( ) 2 where S(f) is the received signal power spectral density at frequency f, |H(f)| is the magnitude squared of the wireline loop transfer function, N(f) is the noise power spectral density at the receiver, as before, and Γ is the effective SNR gap, as above. For coded systems, SNR gap is defined as (9.75 - (effective coding gain)) dB. For the purposes of margin calculations, the effective SNR gap is increased by the desired margin, and is defined as Γ = 9.75 - (effective coding gain) + Margin (dB). Total capacity for the DMT system is then computed by integrating C(f) across the frequency band used by the DMT system. Some DMT systems have a minimum number of bits per tone (such as T1.413-1995, T1.413-1998, and ITU-T G.992.2, all of which support a minimum of 2 bits/tone (MINBITS=2)). In calculations for these systems, C(f) must be further limited not to exceed the prescribed maximum. When computing DMT capacity, the resulting integration is conditional at each frequency: C= ∫DMT bandwidth C' (f )df , where C’(f) = min(C(f), MAXBITS) if C(F)>MINBITS , and C’(f) = 0 if C(f)<MINBITS, and DMT bandwidth is the frequency range used by the data carrying tones of the desired DMT signal. It is worth noting that implemented DMT systems go through a process of bit loading and adjustment of powers to each of the tones. However, studies have shown that margins achieved by such algorithms closely match those achieved by the less implementation dependent capacity calculation shown here. The Matlab-code in Table A.3 and Table A. 4 computes DMT margins. A.2.5 Margin computations for linear equalization systems (e.g., T1) To be added later. A.3 Compatibility with voicegrade services and technologies A.3.1 Description of voicegrade services and technologies Voicegrade services and technologies use the frequency spectrum from 0 to 4 kHz and often employ various types of dc and ac signaling. There are several types of voicegrade signals and the impact of crosstalk interference varies depending upon the type of disturbed signal. For example, voice systems are concerned about the subjective effects of background noise during silent intervals when no speech is present, whereas analog voiceband data systems are concerned about the signal-to-noise ratio during data transmission. Voicegrade services and technologies transmit signals that can be placed into one of five general categories: – speech signals – single and dual tone signals – low frequency signals – digital data – analog data. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 47 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A.3.1.1 Speech signals Speech signals include live voice as well as recorded announcements. Most of the speech energy is in the frequency range from 200 to 3400 Hz. The most sensitive speech receiver is the human ear. It has been found that background noise during silent intervals when no speech is present is the most disturbing noise to the average listener. Background noise is measured with a C-message weighting filter that simulates the effects of the average human ear with a 500-type telephone set. A background noise level of 20 dBrnC or less is considered to be acceptable. A.3.1.2 Single and dual tone signals Single and dual frequency tones are used as network control and addressing signals, call progress signals, and alerting signals. Network control and addressing signals include dual-tone Multi-frequency (DTMF) signaling, multi-frequency (MF) signaling, single frequency (SF) signaling, and coin deposit signals. Call progress signals include dial tone, busy tone, reorder tone, audible ring, special information tones, and receiver off-hook tone. Call waiting tone is an example of a single frequency alerting tone that is used with a supplemental feature on analog access lines. Single and dual-tone signals range in frequency from 440 Hz to 2600 Hz and require signal-to-noise ratios on the order of 16 to 28 dB for reliable detection. A.3.1.3 Low frequency (< 100 Hz) signals Ringing, maintenance signals, and subvoice data systems are examples of signals that use low (< 100 Hz) frequencies. The actual frequency range of the various signals is from about 17 to 83 Hz. These signals have a relatively high tolerance for noise compared to other voicegrade signals. A.3.1.4 Digital data Digital data subrates use voiceband frequencies. The lowest digital data rates are entirely within the voiceband. Digital data at 2.4 kb/s has nulls at 0 and 2.4 kHz with maximum power at 1.2 kHz. Digital data at 3.2 kb/s has nulls at 0 and 3.2 kHz with maximum power at 1.6 kHz. Digital data rates at 4.8 kb/s and above use bandwidths that are wider than the 4 kHz voiceband. For example, the 4.8 kb/s digital data signal has nulls at 0 and 4.8 kHz with energy concentrated at 2.4 kHz. The maximum loop loss for digital data services is 31 dB between 135-ohm terminations at the frequency that represents one-half of the data rate. The minimum signal-to-noise ratio that provides acceptable performance is 20 dB. A.3.1.5 Analog data Several types of analog data are used in the loop environment. The most common types are: – Low-speed frequency shift keying (FSK) associated with supplemental network features such as Calling Number Delivery, Calling Name Delivery, and Visual Message Waiting Indicator. – Customer data using one of the ITU-T standards such as V.34 or V.90. The network-originated FSK data messages associated with network supplemental features on analog access lines generally require a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 25 dB. V.34 modems require a signal to noise ratio of 39 dB. V.90 modems are the most sensitive voiceband data modems requiring a 50 dB signal-to-noise ratio to operate at the maximum speed. The high signal-to-noise ratio makes the V.90 modem the most sensitive of all of the voicegrade technologies. A.3.2 Voicegrade evaluation Because of the subjective effects of speech crosstalk, particularly intelligible crosstalk, special consideration must be given to crosstalk between loops that carry speech signals. In addition, voiceband signals that have narrow spectral characteristics also require complicated evaluations to determine the subjective effects of single frequency crosstalk interference on a human listener. This standard does not 48 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 provide guidance for evaluating the subjective effects of speech crosstalk or single frequency interference. This standard assumes that the transmission system under evaluation is a DSL system that has spectral energy that is dispersed across a portion of the voiceband and that the crosstalk noise from such a system will have a Gaussian noise distribution. The voicegrade spectral compatibility evaluation assumes that the V.90 modem is the victim technology. If the DSL system under evaluation passes this evaluation, then it is unlikely that crosstalk interference problems will result with the other, more robust, types of voicegrade systems. It is convenient to evaluate V.90 performance in terms of the total crosstalk noise power that occurs in the frequency band from 0 to 4 kHz. A.3.2.1 Evaluation loop The loop used for voicegrade evaluations shall be 15 kft of 26-gauge cable. This loop has a resistance of 1250 ohms and a 1 kHz loss of 7 dB when terminated at each end with 900 ohms. A.3.2.2 Reference crosstalk environment Spectral compatibility evaluations that use the V.90 modem as the victim technology shall assume fortynine disturbers in a 50-pair binder group. A piece-wise linear crosstalk model is used for evaluations (see Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5). A simplified 49-disturber model that has 67 dB of loss at 20 kHz and a linear (log-log) slope of –4 dB per decade can be expressed as: NEXT49 = 10 log10[(f) 2/5 8 ÷ 2.11 x 10 ] where (f ) is in Hz from 200 to 20,000. A.3.2.3 Crosstalk noise and peak power levels computation Evaluations shall be performed in both the upstream and downstream directions. The DSL system under evaluation shall be considered spectrally compatible with the V.90 modem, and voicegrade services and technologies in general, if the NEXT caused by 49-disturbers in the same binder group meets the voiceband NEXT PSD and total voiceband NEXT noise objective. The DSL system under evaluation shall be considered spectrally compatible with voicegrade services and technologies in general, if the NEXT caused by 49-disturbers in the same binder group meets the voiceband NEXT PSD requirement and total voiceband NEXT noise requirement. A. Voiceband NEXT PSD The NEXT PSD at any frequency from 200 to 4,000 Hz caused by 49-disturbers on a victim pair in the same binder group shall not exceed –97.5 dBm. To determine compliance, the 200 to 4,000 Hz PSD of the system under evaluation is passed through the 49-disturber crosstalk model. The resultant NEXT power level for each frequency is compared to the requirement. PSDD(f) + 10 log10[(f ) 2/5 8 ÷ 2.11 x 10 ] ≤ – 97.5 dBm/Hz The voiceband NEXT PSD requirement is met by any DSL system that has a transmit PSD is less than -29 dBm/Hz across the frequency band from 200 to 4000 Hz. If the voiceband NEXT PSD requirement is not met, the system under evaluation has failed to demonstrate spectral compatibility with the V.90 modem, and voicegrade systems in general. A. Total voiceband NEXT noise limit The total NEXT noise on a victim pair caused by 49-disturbers in the same binder group should not exceed –75 dBm (15 dBrn). To determine compliance, the 200 to 4,000 Hz PSD of the system under evaluation is passed through the 49-disturber crosstalk model at each frequency and the NEXT noise at This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 49 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 each frequency is then summed on a power basis. The resulting total voiceband NEXT noise is then compared to the requirement. 4000 10 log10 ∫ PSDD (f ) × [(f ) 2/5 200 ] ÷ 2.11× 108 df ≤ −75dBm ; where the PSD is expressed in linear units (e.g., mw/Hz). This objective is met by any DSL system that has a transmit PSD that is less than –41 dBm/Hz across the frequency band from 200 to 4000 Hz. If the NEXT power level objective of ≤ -75 dBm is not met, the system under evaluation has failed to demonstrate spectral compatibility with the V.90 modem. In order to demonstrate spectral compatibility with voicegrade systems in general, the total NEXT noise in the frequency band from 1 to 4000 Hz on a victim pair caused by 49-disturbers in the same binder group shall not exceed –66 dBm (24 dBrn). This requirement is met by any DSL system that has a transmit PSD less than –32 dBm/Hz across the frequency band from 200 to 4000 Hz. A.3.3 Spectral compatibility of voicegrade systems with basis systems The FCC has adopted rules and regulations in Part 68 for CPE in order to protect the network from harm. One of the harms recognized by the FCC is crosstalk interference. The FCC has adopted signal power limitations and longitudinal balance limitations to prevent crosstalk interference from being caused by voicegrade CPE. CPE that meets the voice or voiceband data signal power limitations in Part 68 will have spectral compatibility with all of the basis loop transmission systems listed in 4.3. Likewise, network equipment that meets the encoded analog content specifications in Part 68 will have spectral compatibility with all of the basis loop transmission systems listed in 4.3. A.4 Compatibility with Enhanced Business Services A.4.1 Description of Enhanced Business Services Enhanced Business Services use the frequency spectrum from 0 to 10 kHz and are used to transport speech signals in the same way as done by traditional voicegrade services. A signalling channel is also present that allows to perform all functions associated with the setting up and tearing down of voice calls without the use of high voltage signalling. A.4.1.1 Speech signals The speech signals are carried in the 0 to 4 kHz band in the same way as done by voicegrade services described in section A.3. Compatibility with speech signals must be assessed in the same manner as described in section A.3. A.4.1.2 Signalling functions Signalling functions required to set up or tear down a call, and also to transmit information required to implement service features such as Caller Id Display are transported over a digital signalling channel. Data transmission over that channel is performed by modulating an 8-kHz carrier. 50 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A.4.2 Enhanced Business Service Evaluation Because the impact of the DSL system under evaluation on the speech signal of the victim Enhanced Business Service line has been evaluated following the criteria for voicegrade services evaluation, only the impact on the signalling channel needs to be assessed. A.4.2.1 Reference crosstalk environment Spectral compatibility evaluations that use the Enhanced Business Services as the victim technology shall assume forty-nine disturbers of the DSL system under evaluation in a 50-pair binder group. A piece-wise linear crosstalk model is used for evaluations (see Figure A.1). A simplified 49-disturber model that has 66 dB of loss at 20 kHz and a linear (log-log) slope of –4 dB per decade can be expressed as: NEXT49 = 10 log10[(f) 2/5 8 ÷ 2.11 x 10 ] where (f ) is in Hz from 200 to 20,000. A.4.2.2 Crosstalk noise and peak power levels computation Evaluations shall be performed in both the upstream and downstream directions if the DSL system under evaluation uses different PSD masks for each direction. Otherwise, only one direction suffices. The DSL system under evaluation shall be considered spectrally compatible with the Enhanced Business Services, if the NEXT caused by 49-disturbers in the same binder group meets the signalling band NEXT PSD and if the voicegrade requirements of section A.3 are met. A. Signalling Band NEXT PSD The NEXT PSD at any frequency from 6,000 to 10,000 Hz caused by 49-disturbers on a victim pair in the same binder group shall not exceed –96.0 dBm/Hz. To determine compliance, the 6,000 to 10,000 Hz PSD of the system under evaluation is passed through the 49-disturber crosstalk model. The resultant NEXT power level for each frequency is compared to the requirement. PSDD(f) + 10 log10[(f ) 2/5 8 ÷ 2.11 x 10 ] ≤ – 96.0 dBm per Hz The signalling band NEXT PSD requirement is met by any DSL system that has a transmit PSD less than -29 dBm/Hz across the frequency band from 6,000 to 10,000 Hz. If the signalling band NEXT PSD requirement is not met, the system under evaluation has failed to demonstrate spectral compatibility with Enhanced Business Services. A.4.2.3 Spectral compatibility of Enhanced Business Services with basis systems The FCC has adopted rules and regulations in Part 68 for CPE in order to protect the network from harm. One of the harms recognized by the FCC is crosstalk interference. The FCC has adopted signal power limitations and longitudinal balance limitations to prevent crosstalk interference from being caused by voicegrade CPE. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 51 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 CPE that meets the voice or voiceband data signal power limitations in Part 68 will have spectral compatibility with all of the basis loop transmission systems listed in 4.3. Likewise, network equipment that meets the encoded analog content specifications in Part 68 will have spectral compatibility with all of the basis loop transmission systems listed in 4.3. A.5 Compatibility with T1.410 ANSI T1.410-1992 (alternatively known as the Digital Data System or DDS) operates at rates from 2.4 kb/s to 64 kb/s, symmetrically, using simplex transmission over two non-loaded wire pairs. It is the primary means for low rate connections for Frame Relay service, and is still quite popular, with over 200,000 new installations each year. While 56 or 64 kb/s service is primarily used for Frame Relay, there still is a significant deployment of subrate (2.4, 4.8 or 9.6 kb/s) service for automated teller machines and lottery networks. T1.410 uses 50% duty-cycle AMI transmission, similar to that of T1. The main lobe of the transmitted spectrum lies in the frequencies between 0 and the signaling rate, with the peak at ½ the bit rate. As st specified in the standard, the transmit filter is 1 order, with a 3 dB point at 1.3 times the signaling rate (at rates below 19.2 kb/s, some additional filtering is present.) Maximum transmit power is 6 dBm into 135 Ohms, except at the 9.6 kb/s rate, where the transmitted power is limited to 0 dBm (both number computed for equal-probable 0s and 1s, since T1.410 does not employ data-randomizing scramblers). For single channel service up to 56 kb/s, the signaling rate is the same as the service rate. For a service rate of 64 kb/s, the signaling rate is 72 kb/s. Optionally, at rates of 56 kb/s and below, a secondary channel is present, which increases the signaling rate by approximately 30%. T1.410 specifies that transceivers operate on loops where the insertion loss at the 1/2 the signaling frequency is 34 dB. Additional loop deployment practices limit the length of bridged taps that can be present on the line. At rates below 19.2 kb/s, single and total bridged tap lengths are limited to 6 kft. At rates of 19.2 kb/s and above, the total bridged tap length is limited to 2.5 kft with no single bridged tap exceeding 2.0 kft. A.5.1 Computation of DDS Performance – Margin Computation for AMI Transceivers DDS uses AMI transmission with a 50% duty cycle. Historically, the receivers have used a rather simple rd structure, which incorporates a linear equalizer with only a single zero, and a 3 order lowpass filter (See [1]). The optimal (from a minimum mean squared error perspective) linear receiver for a 50% duty cycle pulse can be obtained through the procedure described in [2]. For DDS, the resulting equalized channel resembles a 60% raised cosine channel, which rolls off much faster than the third order lowpass filter suggested in [1]. Since bipolar violations are used as control codes, the DDS receiver is not able to fully exploit the correlation in the AMI signal for maximum performance. To derive the optimum receiver margin, we assume a 2 level signal, and then increase the required SNR to compensate for the power difference between the AMI and 2 level signals. (In fact, the result is nearly the same as we get if the correlation is taken into account.) Starting from the work in [1], we can obtain MSE = fbaud / 2 1 M (f ) df , fbaud −fbaud / 2 M (f )L(f ) + 1 ∫ where L(f) is defined as: L(f ) = ∞ ∑ n = −∞ G(f −fbaud ×n )H (f − fbaud ×n 2 N (fifbaud × n ) 52 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 and M(f) is spectrum of the message sequence (sin 2 shaped for AMI.) G(f) represents the transmitted pulse shape; for AMI this includes the 50% duty cycle and any other filtering (1st order for DDS). H(f) is the channel response, and N(f) is the noise spectrum. When M(f) is a constant (M0), this can be reduced to the familiar margin equation for linear equalization: fbaud / 2 1 1 M arg indB = −10∗ log10 df / 2 − fbaud f _ SNT ( f ) + 1 fbaud ∫ − SNR _ reqdB and f_SNR, the folded SNR is given by f _ SNR = ∞ ∑ M0 G(f − fbaud × n )H (f − fbaud × n ) N (f − fbaud × n ) n = −∞ = ∞ ∑ n = −∞ 2 S(f − fbaud × n ) H (f − fbaud × n ) N (f − fbaud × n ) 2 . To account for the transmit power increase caused by the AMI correlation, we increase the required SNR by 3 dB (the power difference for a ternary signal compared to a binary signal with the same level -7 separation.) Then for a 10 error rate, the SNR_Required for a pseudo-optimum AMI receiver is approximately 17.3 dB. Since actual receivers have additional impairments (mis-equalization, timing jitter, etc.), the actual required SNR is often higher than the 17.3 dB listed here. In addition, since the actual receive filters don’t roll off as fast at the optimal receiver, additional noise power may reach the decision device, reducing the actual SNR from that theoretically calculated. These conditions noted, we present the optimal calculation as the basis for the relative performance measures to be used in this section. A.5.2 Evaluation loops The maximum metallic loop loss for T1.410 is 34 dB at ½ the signaling frequency (Nyquist frequency.) Loop loss shall be calculated assuming 135-ohm terminations. Because DDS transceivers use linear equalization, both upstream and downstream scenarios use the worst case loops listed below: For the 56 kHz signaling rate, the Nyquist frequency is 28 kHz. ANSI T1.601 test loop 6 is representative of a worst case loop, and is used for 56 kb/s evaluation. For the 72 kHz signaling rate, the Nyquist frequency is 36 kHz. ANSI T1.601 test loop 10 is representative of a worst case loop, and is used for 64 kb/s evaluation. For the 9.6 kHz signaling rate, the Nyquist frequency is 4.8 kHz. 27 kft of 26 AWG is representative of a 34 dB loop, and is used for 9.6 kb/s evaluation. A.5.3 Reference crosstalk environment T1.410 is deployed today in the same loop plant with T1.601 ISDN. ISDN is the worst existing disturber for DDS. To assess the effect of crosstalk from new technologies on DDS, a relative comparison will be made with ISDN crosstalk. If a new technology produces the same or higher margins than that obtained with ISDN crosstalk, then it is deemed compatible with DDS. The SM class 1 template will represent ISDN crosstalk. Since DDS only transmits on 1 of 2 pairs in use, spectral compatibility studies that use DDS as the disturber technology should assume 24 disturbing DDS systems in a 50-pair binder group. The reference crosstalk environment against which new technologies will be compared is 49 Spectrum Management Class 1 disturbers. The two-piece Unger model for NEXT described in Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5 is to be used for crosstalk into DDS due to the low frequency nature of the signal. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 53 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A.5.4 Margin computation DDS relative margin is computed as described above (A.4.1) for AMI signals. For the new technology to be considered spectrally compatible with DDS, the following scenarios must produce margins no lower than that computed using the same loop and noise-coupling models with 49 spectrum management class 1 disturbers: a) 49 new technology NEXT/FEXT b) 24 SM class 1 NEXT/FEXT + 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT. DDS evaluations at 9.6 kb/s and 64 kb/s should be sufficient to ensure spectral compatibility with all DDS rates. Required SNR (SNR_req) for DDS is 17.3 dB. The transmit signal spectrum used in the calculation is that of a 50% duty cycle bipolar signal, balanced about DC (50% positive pulses, 50% negative pulses) and passed through a 1 pole filter with 3 dB point at 1.3 times the signaling rate. Transmitted power is 6 dBm for 56/64 kb/s, and 0 dBm for 9.6 kb/s. A frequency resolution of approximately 100 Hz (FDELTA=100 Hz) should be used for 56/64 kb/s DDS margin calculations and 20 Hz for 9.6 kb/s DDS margin calculations due to the narrow bandwidth of the signal. A.6 Compatibility with ISDN DSL Using the transmit spectrum for ISDN described in Annex B of T1.413-1995, spectral compatibility with ISDN is verified by performing an Optimal DFE margin calculation for DFE-based PAM signals to determine ISDN margin in the presence of the proposed signal. The remainder of this section defines the test parameters. A.6.1 Evaluation loops Upstream Direction: Since ISDN DSL uses spectrally symmetric echo-canceled transmission, in the upstream a worst-case near-end crosstalk event would occur when the ISDN loop is longest and the new technology is crosstalking into the ISDN signal. ANSI T1.601 Loop 1 (18 kft comprised of 16.5 kft 26AWG and 1.5 kft 24AWG) should be used for this test. Downstream Direction: Evaluation should be performed on the shorter of either (a) the longest single length of 26 AWG copper that the proposed technology will run on, or (b) ANSI T1.601 Loop 1 (as for the upstream). A.6.2 Reference Crosstalk environment The reference crosstalk environment against which new technologies will be compared is: 49 Spectrum Management Class 1 template (self-NEXT) disturbers. The two-piece Unger model for NEXT described in Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5 is to be used for crosstalk into ISDN due to the low frequency nature of the ISDN signal. A.6.3 Margin Computation ISDN DSL margin is computed as described for DFE-based PAM signals. The computed margin for ISDN against the proposed technology as a disturber should be compared against a calculation using the same loop and noise coupling models for: a) 49 new technology NEXT/FEXT, or b) 24 SM class 1 Template NEXT/FEXT + 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Spectral compatibility requires that computations for the maximum allowable numbers of the proposed technology (based on self-crosstalk limitations) disturbing ISDN produce no lower ISDN margins than 49 54 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 ISDN DSL NEXT. Required SNR (SNR_req) for ISDN is 21.4 dB. The baud rate for the 2B1Q ISDN signal is 80 kHz. Model resolution of approximately 100 Hz (FDELTA=100 Hz) should be used for ISDN margin calculations due to the narrow bandwidth of the signal. A.7 Compatibility with HDSL Using the transmit spectrum for HDSL described in Annex B of T1.413-1995, spectral compatibility with HDSL is verified by performing an Optimal DFE margin calculation for DFE-based PAM signals to determine HDSL margin in the presence of the proposed signal. The remainder of this section defines the test parameters. A.7.1 Evaluation loops Upstream Direction: In practice, CSA4 has been shown to be a greater impediment to HDSL transmission than the longest loops (CSA6 and CSA8). CSA4 should be used for margin evaluation. Downstream Direction: Evaluation should be performed on the shorter of either (a) the longest single length of 26 AWG copper that the proposed technology will run on, or (b) CSA4. A.7.2 Reference crosstalk environment The reference crosstalk environment against which new technologies will be compared is: 49 SM class 3 template disturbers. Either the simplified T1E1 NEXT model or the two-piece Unger model may be used for crosstalk evaluation. See Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5. A.7.3 Margin computation HDSL margin is computed as described for DFE-based PAM signals. The computed margin for HDSL against the proposed technology as a disturber should be compared against a calculation using the same loop and noise-coupling models for a) 49 new technology NEXT/FEXT, or b) 24 SM class 3 template NEXT/FEXT + 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Spectral compatibility requires that computations for the maximum allowable numbers of the proposed technology (based on self-crosstalk limitations) disturbing HDSL produce no lower HDSL margins than 49 SM class 3 template NEXT. The baud rate for the HDSL signal is 392 kHz. Required SNR (SNR_req) for HDSL is 21.4 dB. Model resolution of at least 500 Hz (FDELTA <= 500) should be used for the HDSL margin calculations. A.8 Compatibility with ADSL and RADSL technologies ADSL compatibility is inherently more complicated than for fixed-rate technologies. Compatibility with ADSL must consider performance levels at different loop reaches, as appropriate to the deployment reach of the technology being evaluated as a disturber to ADSL. This section addresses T1.413-1998, CAP/QAM RADSL and ITU Recommendations G.992.1 and G.992.2. A.8.1 Evaluation loops and performance levels 4 performance classes of ADSL are determined: a) 5440 kb/s downstream, 640 kb/s upstream at reaches up to 9 kft 26 AWG (Loop CSA 6). This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 55 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 b) 1720 kb/s downstream, 176 kb/s upstream at reaches up to 13.5 kft 26 AWG (ANSI T1.601 Loop 7) c) 1720 kb/s downstream, TBD kb/s upstream at reaches up to 12 kft 26 AWG. d) 256 kb/s downstream, 96 kb/s upstream on T1.601 Loop 1 and on T1.601 Loop 2. Downstream evaluation loops: For the downstream direction, evaluation will be on the shorter of either the longest reach of the proposed system, or the reach of the desired ADSL performance level. In the case where the evaluation is limited by the reach of the proposed system, the performance level required of ADSL will be the next longer reach level (e.g., if the proposed system reaches 10 kft on 26 AWG, then the performance level should be 1720 kb/s downstream, 400 kb/s upstream). In these cases, performance at the limited reach is compared with margins given by the reference crosstalk environment at the targeted reach of the desired performance level (in the example, at 12 kft 26 AWG). Upstream evaluation loops: For the upstream direction, evaluation needs to consider all four performance levels, regardless of the reach of the technology being evaluated. In practice, however, meeting level 1, the moremost stringent of the three should be sufficient. A.8.2 Reference crosstalk environments Downstream: Performance Class 1: (5440/640 kb/s, CSA reach): 20 SM class 3 template NEXT/FEXT disturbers. Performance Classes 2&3: (1720/176 kb/s, 13.5 kft reach): 24 SM class 3 template NEXT/FEXT disturbers. Performance class 4: (256/96 kb/s, T1.601 loops 1 & 2): 10 Spectrum Management Class 1 NEXT/FEXT disturbers. Upstream: Performance classes 1, 2 &3: 20 SM class 3 template NEXT/FEXT disturbers: 10 Performance class 4: Spectrum Management Class 1 template NEXT/FEXT disturbers Either the simplified T1E1 NEXT model or the two-piece Unger model may be used for crosstalk evaluation. See Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5. A.8.3 Margin computation T1.413-1998, G.992.1, and G.992.2 ADSL Margins are computed as described for DMT signals. CAP/QAM RADSL margins are computed as described for CAP/QAM DFE signal. For the purposes of these evaluations, the ADSL or RADSL transmitted PSD (and baud rates for RADSL) defined in the relevant standards or recommendations, should be used for the ADSL or RADSL signals. Evaluations will be performed for each type of ADSL (T1.413-1998, (non-overlapped upstream/downstream spectra with the reduced NEXT transmit spectra of annex F), G.992.1 (also with non-overlapped upstream/downstream spectra), G.992.2, and CAP/QAM, according to the parameters within the relevant standards). The data rates and noise models from A.7.2 are used in the formulas in the formulas from A.2. No additional overhead is added to these rates; the results are relative, not absolute. In order to reduce the sensitivity of this procedure to model accuracy, the computed margin for ADSL or RADSL with the proposed new technology as a crosstalker should be compared against a calculation using the same models for the reference crosstalkers for each performance/reach class, rather than against a particular fixed minimum specified performance margin; e.g., 6 dB. Downstream Performance class 1: a) 20 new technology NEXT/FEXT, or 56 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 b) 10 SM class 3 template NEXT/FEXT + 10 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Performance classes 2 & 3: a) 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT, or b) 12 Spectrum Management Class 1 template NEXT/FEXT + 12 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Performance class 4: a) 10 new technology NEXT/FEXT, or b) 5 Spectrum Management Class 1 template NEXT/FEXT + 5 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Upstream Performance classes 1, 2, &3: a) 20 new technology NEXT/FEXT, or b) 10 SM class 3 template NEXT/FEXT + 10 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Performance class 4: a) 10 new technology NEXT/FEXT, or b) 5 Spectrum Management Class 1 template NEXT/FEXT + 5 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Spectral compatibility requires that computations for the same number of disturbers as in the reference case (up to the maximum allowable number of the proposed technology based on self-crosstalk limitations) disturbing ADSL produce no lower ADSL margins than the reference cases. Model resolution of at least 4 times the tone spacing of the DMT signal should be used for ADSL margin calculations. A.8.4 Compatibility with RADSL Single carrier RADSL per TR-59 uses the same FDD PSD as ADSL per T1.413 Issue 2. This same PSD mask is defined in asymmetric SM Class 5. The spectral compatibility conditions for ADSL are defined in Section A.7. Since both RADSL and ADSL use the same PSD, the spectral compatibility conditions for the two systems are equivalent. To quantify the spectral compatibility into the upstream and downstream channels of single-carrier RADSL, the DFE equations of section A.2.2 are applied to each of the test conditions. Table A. 6 and Table A. 7 provide the spectral compatibility conditions of other services into RADSL. A.9 Compatibility with HDSL2 Using the transmit spectrum for HDSL2 (PSD Mask 1) described in BSR T1.418, spectral compatibility with HDSL2 is verified by performing an Optimal DFE Margin calculation for DFE-based PAM signals to determine HDSL2 margin in the presence of the proposed signal. The remainder of this section defines the test parameters. A.9.1 Evaluation loops If the new technology is proposed for operation on loops of CSA length or longer, CSA 6 should be used for margin evaluation. If the new technology is proposed for use only on loops that are shorter than CSA length, evaluation should be performed using CSA 6, with appropriate adjustments of the new technology NEXT/FEXT to account for the difference in lengths (for an illustration, see Figure A. 5). Only the new technology NEXT/FEXT is applied at its shorter length; the other (reference) disturbers are applied at CSA length. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 57 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A.9.2 Reference crosstalk environment The reference crosstalk environment against which new technologies will be compared is: Downstream: 24 T1 template disturbers (defined in Annex B of T1.413-1995) and 24 SM class 4 template disturbers. Upstream: 24 SM class 3 template disturbers and 24 SM class 5 template disturbers. The simplified T1E1 NEXT model should be used for crosstalk coupling. See Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5. A.9.3 Margin computation HDSL2 margin is computed as described for DFE-based PAM signals. The HDSL2 margin with the proposed technology as a disturber should be compared against calculations under the reference crosstalk scenarios, with the same loop and noise coupling models used in each case. The following crosstalk combinations, using the loop topologies described in Section A.9.1, should all be used to compute margins with the proposed technology as a disturber: Downstream: (a) 49 new technology NEXT/FEXT, (b) 24 T1 template NEXT/FEXT + 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT, (c) 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT + 24 SM class 4 template NEXT/FEXT, and (d) 12 T1 template NEXT/FEXT + 12 SM class 4 template NEXT/FEXT + 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Upstream: (a) 49 new technology NEXT/FEXT, (b) 24 SM class 3 template NEXT/FEXT + 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT, (c) 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT + 24 SM class 5 template NEXT/FEXT, and (d) 12 SM class 3 template NEXT/FEXT + 12 SM class 5 template NEXT/FEXT + 24 new technology NEXT/FEXT. Spectral compatibility requires that the computed HDSL2 margin, using each of the eight test crosstalk combinations specified above, is not more than HDSL2_delta dB lower than the HDSL2 margin for the corresponding reference case. The values of HDSL2_delta for the various test crosstalk combinations shall be as specified in Table A. 8. The comparisons shall be done under the following conditions: • Required SNR (SNR_req) for HDSL2 is 27.7 dB – 5.1 dB for coding gain (i.e. 22.6 dB). • Model resolution of at least 500 Hz (FDELTA <= 500) should be used for the HDSL2 margin calculations. • Noise floor is –140 dBm/Hz. • FSAN combination method for mixed disturbers. • The simplified T1E1 NEXT model is used for the noise-coupling model. 58 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A.10 Compatibility with 2B1Q SDSL Using the transmit spectrum described in section A.10.4.1, spectral compatibility with 2B1Q SDSL is verified by performing an optimal DFE calculation for DFE-based PAM signals to determine SDSL margin in the presence of the proposed signal. A.10.1 Evaluation loops and performance levels Three performance classes of 2B1Q SDSL are determined: 1. 2B1Q SDSL at 400kb/s at reaches up to TBDkft. 2. 2B1Q SDSL at 1040kb/s at reaches up to TBDkft. 3. 2B1Q SDSL at 1552kb/s at reaches up to TBDkft. Evaluation needs to consider all three performance classes regardless of downstream or upstream direction. A.10.2 Reference crosstalk environment The reference crosstalk environment against which new technologies will be compared is: a. 49 SM class 2 template disturbers for 2B1Q SDSL at 400kb/s. b. 49 SM class 8 template disturbers for 2B1Q SDSL at 1040kb/s. c. 49 SM class 7 template disturbers for 2B1Q SDSL at 1552kb/s. Either the simplified T1E1 NEXT model or the two-piece Unger model may be used for crosstalk evaluation. See Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5. A.10.3 Margin computation 2B1Q SDSL margin is computed as described for DFE-based PAM signals. The computed margin for 2B1Q SDSL against the proposed technology as a disturber should be compared against a calculation using the same loop and noise coupling models for a. 49 new technology NEXT, or b. 24 reference disturbers + 24 new technology NEXT. Spectral compatibility requires that computations for the maximum allowable numbers of the proposed technology (based on self-crosstalk limitations) disturbing 2B1Q SDSL produces no lower 2B1Q SDSL margins than 49 SDSL SELF NEXT by 0.6dB. Required SNR for SDSL is 21.4dB. Model resolution of at least 500 Hz should be used for the 2B1Q SDSL margin calculation. A.10.4 2B1Q SDSL Technology Specification 2B1Q SDSL uses 4-PAM modulation. Symbol rate, baud rate, and power spectrum density at both HTUC and HTUR transceivers are the same. Coding is optional. 2B1Q SDSL system may vary its data rate from 64kb/s to 2320kb/s. The granularity of data rate is not specified, but is expected to be in the range of 8kb/s and 64kb/s. The startup process is specified in ITU G.991.1. A.10.4.1 Power Spectrum Density The power spectrum density of 2B1Q of SDSL systems at HTUC or HTUR can be approximated by th filtering a square pulse at the symbol rate followed by a 4 order Butterworth filter at 240/392 of the symbol rate. It is described by: This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 59 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 2 f sin f sym 2.7 × 2.7 1 × SDSLu ( f ) = 135 × f sym f f sym f 1+ 240 f sym 392 8 . where fsym is the symbol rate. The PSD of 2B1Q SDSL at several data rates are plotted in Figure A. 7 and Figure A. 8. The actual PSD may differ from this template specification. However, it shall comply with the spectrum management class (SMC) templates. Table A. 9 shows the spectrum management classes that 2B1Q SDSL shall comply with. A.10.4.2 Performance Performance of 2B1Q SDSL at 160kbps is covered by basic rate ISDN, and performance of 2B1Q SDSL at 784kb/s is covered by HDSL. Performance in this section does not apply to 2B1Q SDSL at these two data rates. At a given data rate, performance of 2B1Q SDSL is specified as a target reach on a test loop in the -7 presence of crosstalk noise. At the target reach, SDSL transceivers shall achieve 10 bit error ratio (BER) -7 with 3dB of noise margin. The required SNR at 10 bit error ratio for 4-PAM signal with 0dB of noise margin is 21.4dB. This section describes the test loop, test setup, crosstalk noise, and reach target. A. Test loops Test loop lengths are in kilofeet units of Equivalent Working Length (e.g., 26AWG, with no bridge taps). Test loops are given in Table A. 10. The parameters for the loop model are generated using the curve fit documented in section B. and Table B. 2 of this standard. A. Test Setup Test setup is the same as for the HDSL2 noise impairment test given in BSR T1.418. A. Crosstalk noise The simplified 49 disturber NEXT model is used and is expressed by NEXT49 = 8.818 × 10 −14 × (n / 49) 0.6 × f 3/ 2 where n is the number of disturbers. See Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5. The crosstalk noise for 2B1Q SDSL at both HTUC and HTUR is specified as 49 SELF NEXT (n=49). The PSD used for producing NEXT noise is specified in Section A.10.4.1. A. Reach target 2B1Q SDSL shall have the target reach specified in Table A. 10 in the presence of crosstalk source specified in Section A. A.10.4.3 Return loss The minimum return loss with respect to 135Ω over a frequency band of 1kHz to 1MHz shall be 12dB from 40kHz to fsym/2, with a slope of 20dB/decade below 40kHz and above fsym/2. An example of minimum 60 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 return loss for 784kbps system is shown is Figure A. 9. A.10.4.4 Longitudinal Balance 2B1Q SDSL system shall meet the following longitudinal requirement: • 40dB between 20KHz and fsym/2, with a slope of –20dB/decade below 20kHz and above fsym/2. The requirement for784kbps system as an example is shown in Figure A. 10. A.11 Combination of crosstalk sources: composite crosstalk model See Section B.4.3. A.12 Customer end-point separation It is often the case that TU-Rs are in separate locations, and in this case the NEXT from a remote upstream transmitter is attenuated by a length of cable before it couples into a remote downstream receiver. To account for this customer end-point separation, calculations of remote receiver performance shall it is reasonable to assume that attenuate the NEXT from remote transmitters is attenuated by a 150foot section of 24 AWG cable before this NEXT couples into the remote receiver. Furthermore, Thethis model assumes used to derive this attenuation is only valid when the transmission paths closest to TU-Rs are over distinct cable sheaths. Therefore thisthe customer end-point separation is not cumulative, and instead it is equal to a fixed 150-foot length between the disturbed receiver and every crosstalker. Numerous and detailed calculations during the course of this standards development have indicated that utilizing this customer end-point separation model does not change compatibility results much from the case of a simplified zero end-point separation (collocated customer end-points). Therefore, the simplified zero end-point separation model shall be used. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 61 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table A.1 - Code for DFE PAM SNR computation /* OPTIMAL DFE PAM SNR computation */ float pamsnr ( float *signal, /* array of received signal psd samples (resolution = FDELTA Hz)*/ float *noise, /* array of received noise psd samples (resolution = FDELTA Hz) */ int baud, /* PAM baud rate expressed in units of FDELTA (frequency resolution) */ int end, /* Maximum number of frequency samples */ int in_dB) /* FLAG: 1 = PSDs given in deciBels, 0 = PSDs given in linear units */ { int i,cnt; float snr,temp; temp = 0; i = 0; cnt = 0; while(i<end && i < baud) { if( in_dB == 1 ) { if (2*baud-i) < end){ temp += log(pow(10.0, 0.1*(signal[i]-noise[i]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[baud-i]-noise[baud-i]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[i+baud]-noise[i+baud}))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[2*baud-i]-noise[2*baud-i]))+ +1.0); ) else if (i+baud < end){ temp += log(pow(10.0, 0.1*(signal[i]-noise[i]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[baud-i]-noise[baud-i]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[i+baud]-noise[i+baud]))+ +1.0); } else if (baud-i < end) { temp += log(pow(10.0, 0.1*(signal[i]-noise[i]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[baud-i]-noise[baud-i]))+ +1.0); } else { temp += log(pow(10.0, 0.1*(signal[i]-noise[i]))+1.0); } } else { if (2*baud-i < end { temp += log(signal[i]/noise[i]+signal[baud-i] / noise[baud-i] +signal[i+baud]/noise[i+baud] + signal[2*baud-i]/noise[2*baud-i] +1.0); } else if (i+baud < end){ temp += log(signal[i]/noise[i]+signal[baud-i] / noise[baud-i] + signal[i+baud]/noise[i+baud] +1.0); } else if (baud-i < end){ temp += log(signal[i]/noise[i]+signal[baud-i] / noise[baud-i]+1.0); } else { temp += log(signal[i]/noise[i] +1.0); } } cnt ++; i++; } temp /= (float) cnt; snr=10.0*temp*log10(exp(1.)); return(snr); /* dB */ } 62 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table A. 2 - Code for DFE QAM/CAP computation /* OPTIMAL DFE QAM/CAP SNR computation */ float qamsnr ( float *signal, /* array of received signal psd samples (resolution = FDELTA Hz)*/ float *noise, /* array of received noise psd samples (resolution = FDELTA Hz) */ int baud, /* PAM baud rate expressed in units of FDELTA (frequency resolution) */ int end, /* Maximum number of frequency samples */ int in_dB) /* FLAG: 1 = PSDs given in deciBels, 0 = PSDs given in linear units */ { int i,cnt; float snr,temp; temp = 0; i = 0; cnt = 0; while(i<end && i < baud) { if( in_dB == 1 ) { if (i+3*baud < end) { temp += log(pow(10.0, 0.1*(signal[i]-noise[i]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[i+baud]-noise[i+baud]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[i+2*baud]-noise[i+3*baud]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[i+3*baud]-noise[i+3*baud]))+ +1.0); } else if (i+2*baud < end){ temp += log(pow(10.0, 0.1*(signal[i]-noise[i]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[i+baud]-noise[i+baud]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[i+2*baud]-noise[i+2*baud]))+ +1.0); } else if (i+baud < end) { temp += log(pow(10.0, 0.1*(signal[i]-noise[i]))+ pow(10.0,0.1*(signal[i+baud]-noise[i+baud]))+ +1.0); } else { temp += log(pow(10.0, 0.1*(signal[i]-noise[i]))+1.0); } } else { if (i+2*baud < end){ temp += log(signal[i]/noise[i] + signal[i+baud]/noise[i+baud]+ signal[i+2*baud]/noise[i+2*baud] +1.0); } else if (i+baud < end){ temp +=log(signal[i]/noise[i] + signal[i+baud]/noise[i+baud]+1.0); } else { temp += log(signal[i]/noise[i] +1.0); } } cnt ++; i++; } temp /= (float) cnt; snr=10.0*temp*log10(exp(1.)); return(snr); /* dB */} This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 63 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table A.3 - Matlab code to set-up ADSL margin computation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------% ADSL_margin.m % This program shows how to set up the various parameters required to compute % the DMT margin as per the spectrum management standard. % Define_Xmit_PSD, Define_Loop_Function and Define_NEXTFEXT_Noise are user % supplied functions % Emphasis has been put on code portability rather than code efficiency % set the direction, bit rate and loop length of the ADSL system Direction = 'DN'; % either UP or DN BitRate = 5184e3; % in bps LoopLength = 9000; % in feet % assumes that all signal computations are in the linear domain for the margin % computation. This parameter should not be changed in_dB = 0; % set up the number of carriers and specifies the xmit PSD. % The Xmit PSD will be the template corresponding to SMC5. if (strcmp(upper(Direction),'DN')) % carriers 33 to 255 CarrierStart = 33; CarrierEnd = 255; Carriers = [CarrierStart:CarrierEnd]; XmitPsd='SMC5-DN'; elseif (strcmp(upper(Direction),'UP')) % carriers 6 to 31 CarrierStart = 6; CarrierEnd = 31; Carriers = [CarrierStart:CarrierEnd]; XmitPsd='SMC5-UP'; else error(['Invalid direction,' direction]) end; % set up the Coding gain, min and max number of bits per carrier, number of bits % per symbol and frequency separation of the ADSL carriers CODING_GAIN = 3.0; MINBITS = 2; MAXBITS = 14; CarrierSpacing=4312.5;% Hz takes into account cyclic prefix NPointsPerCarrier=4; % number of frequency points per carrier BitsPerSymbol= BitRate/(4000/ NPointsPerCarrier); % baud rate is 4000 symbols/second Deltaf=CarrierSpacing/NPointsPerCarrier; % define frequency vector using NPointsPerCarrier frequency points distributed % uniformly over each carrier if (rem(NPointsPerCarrier,2)==0) % check remainder of a division by 2 % NPointsPerCarrier is even StartFreq=CarrierStart*CarrierSpacing - (NPointsPerCarrier-1)*Deltaf/2; EndFreq = CarrierEnd*CarrierSpacing + (NPointsPerCarrier-1)*Deltaf/2; else % NPointsPerCarrier is odd StartFreq=CarrierStart*CarrierSpacing - (NPointsPerCarrier-1)/2*Deltaf ; EndFreq = CarrierEnd*CarrierSpacing + (NPointsPerCarrier-1)/2*Deltaf ; end; Freq=StartFreq:Deltaf:EndFreq; % define Xmit PSD % psd_xmit is a vector that contains the value of the PSD corresponding % to each frequency point defined in Freq. The units should be watts/Hz % i.e. 10*log10(psd_xmit)+30 is in dBm/Hz. % The Xmit PSD of ADSL should be the template of SMC5 either UP or DN % i.e. -40dBm/Hz for example in the passband of the downstream direction psd_xmit = Define_Xmit_PSD(Freq,XmitPsd) 64 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 % define cable function % loop is a vector that contains the magnitude squared of the insertion loss % corresponding to each frequency point defined in Freq. The loop function % should be on a linear scale. % The termination impedance should be 100 ohms. % See B.3.1.7 for insertion loss % See table B.2 and B.6 for example cable parameters loop = Define_Loop_Function(Freq,AWG26_length,termination_impedance) % signal PSD is xmit PSD attenuated by loop signal = psd_xmit .* loop; % background noise at -140 dBm/Hz converted to a linear scale of Watts/Hz Background_Noise = 1e-3.*(10.^(-140/10)); % NEXTFEXTNoise is a vector that contains the value of the NEXT plus FEXT PSD % corresponding to each frequency point defined in Freq. The units should be watts/Hz % see section 5.2 and associated tables and figures for a description of the SM classes. NEXTFEXTNoise = Define_NEXTFEXT_Noise(Freq,etc,...) % noise = NEXT + FEXT + Background noise noise = NEXTFEXTNoise + Background_Noise; [snr_margin resolution]= dmtmrgnTA3(signal, in_dB, CODING_GAIN, MINBITS, MAXBITS); noise, BitsPerSymbol, 1,length(Freq), % display the results used in the margin computation fout=1; % redirect to std output fprintf(fout,'\nADSL PARAMETERS: C.G.: %ddB Carriers: %d-%d MinBits: %d MaxBits: %d',CODING_GAIN,Carriers(1),Carriers(length(Carriers)),MINBITS,MAXBITS); fprintf(fout,'\nSIMULATION PARAMETERS:'); fprintf(fout,'\nNPointsPerCarrier: %d Freq. Resolution: %5.2f Hz',NPointsPerCarrier,Deltaf); fprintf(fout,'\nADSL Direction: %s BitRate: %dbps LoopLength: %dfeet',Direction,BitRate ,LoopLength ); fprintf(fout,'\nADSL MARGIN (resolution: %3.2fdB) : %2.1fdB\n',resolution,snr_margin); This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 65 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table A. 4 -- Matlab Code to compute a DMT margin function [snr_margin, MARGIN_STEP]= dmtmrgnTA3(signal, noise, rate, f_start, f_end, in_dB, CODING_GAIN, MINBITS, MAXBITS) % signal -> psd of signal % noise -> psd of noise % rate -> # bits per symbol % f_start -> index of starting freq. % f_end -> inded of ending freq. % in_dB = 1 if PSD is in dB or in_dB = 0 if PSD is in linear units % CODING_GAIN -> self explanatory % MINBITS -> min number of bits per carrier % MAXBITS -> max number of bits per carrier % snr_margin <- computed DMT margin with a resolution of MARGIN_STEP % % % % % % % % % % % Assumes that the margin is MAXIMUM_VALUE - MARGIN_STEP Starts a brute force search from this point downward Computes the capacity and compares to the target bit per symbol rate If not enough, decrease the margin by MARGIN_STEP if enough, then has found the correct margin In case the margin is greater than MAXIMUM_VALUE - MARGIN_STEP, will add 10 dB to MAXIMUM_VALUE until finds an initial guess that is larger than the margin and proceeds as above. Emphasis has been put on code portability rather than code efficiency. To achieve greater speed, one can vectorize the various loops and use a root finding algorithm such as, for example, fzero in matlab MAXIMUM_VALUE =7.1; % resolution of the margin computation will affect the speed MARGIN_STEP = 0.1; SNRGAP = 9.75 - CODING_GAIN; snr_margin = MAXIMUM_VALUE; firstpass = 1; totcap = 0; while (totcap < rate) snr_margin = snr_margin - MARGIN_STEP; % compute capacity totcap = 0; for j = f_start:1:f_end, if (in_dB) snr = signal(j) - noise(j); else snr = 10*log10(signal(j) / noise(j)); end; delcap = log(1.+10.^((snr - snr_margin - SNRGAP)/10))/log(2); if (delcap > MAXBITS) delcap = MAXBITS; end; if (delcap < MINBITS) delcap = 0; end; totcap = totcap + delcap; end; if ((totcap > rate) & (firstpass == 1)) snr_margin = snr_margin +10; totcap = 0; else firstpass = 0; end; end; 66 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table A. 5 – Data Points for Unger NEXT Model (see Figure A. 1) No. of Disturbers 1 10 49 0.2 88 80 74 2 82 75 70 Frequency in kHz 20 200 76 61 70 56 66 52 2000 46 42 38 Table A. 6 – Spectral Compatibility into downstream single-carrier RADSL Crosstalk Condition Distance (26 AWG wire) Downstream Frequency Band Symbol Rate DFE Margin Table A. 7 – Spectral Compatibility into upstream single-carrier RADSL Crosstalk Condition Distance (26 AWG wire) Downstream Frequency Band Symbol Rate DFE Margin Table A. 8 - HDSL2_delta (in dB) for various test crosstalk combinations (a) (b) (c) (d) Downstream 49 New Technology 24 T1 + 24 New 24 New + 24 SMC 4 12 T1 + 12 SMC 4 + 24 New Upstream 49 New Technology 24 SMC 3 + 24 New 24 New + 24 SMC 5 12 SMC 3 + 12 SMC 5 + 24 New 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.4 Table A. 9 - 2B1Q SDSL data rate and associated spectrum management classes 2B1Q SDSL data rate (kbps) Data rate ≤ 288kbps 288 < data rate ≤ 528 528 < data rate ≤ 784 784 < data rate ≤ 1168 1168 < data rate ≤ 1552 SMC 1 2 3 8 7 Table A. 10 -– 2B1Q SDSL reach target at sample data rates SDSL data rate (kb/s) 400 1040 1552 Reach target (kft, EWL) 13.0 9.0 7.0 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 67 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 90 1 Simplified Model for 49 Disturbers (57 dB at 80 kHz; -15 dB/Decade) 10 80 -6 1% NEXT Loss - dB 49 70 -5 Number of Disturbers -4 -15 60 -15 -14 slope 50 -15 40 20000 Hz 30 100 1000 10000 slope 100000 1000000 Frequency - Hz Notes: 1. Terminated with cable characteristic impedance Z0 at each frequency 2. NEXT disturbers in the same cable binder unit of 50 pairs 3. See Table A. 5 for data points of Unger NEXT model Figure A. 1 – Unger NEXT model and simplified NEXT model of 1% NEXT for 18kft of 22GA PIC 68 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Ref-C Ref-R TU-C TU-R New-C New-R Z kft, 26 gauge Figure A. 2 – Crosstalk into a Basis System: NEXT and FEXT Reference FEXT Reference NEXT + TU-C Z kft New FEXT + TU-R New NEXT Figure A. 3 – Simulation Model for Reference and New Crosstalk into Downstream Receiver Ref.-C Ref. -R TU-C TU-R New-C New-R Z-Y kft Y kft Z kft Figure A. 4 – Crosstalk into Basis System: NEXT & FEXT with reduced new loop length This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 69 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Reference FEXT Z kft Coupling TU-C + New FEXT Y kft Coupling Reference NEXT Y kft + Z-Y kft + TU-R New NEXT Figure A. 5 – Simulation Model for Self- and New Crosstalk into Downstream Receiver with reduced new loop length 70 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Reference disturbers, test loop, and basis system performance class New system is not compatible with basis system and not spectrally compatible in general No 2. Upstream: replace appropriate reference disturbers with new techology disturbers 1. Calculate reference performance level of basis system, up & downstream 3. Calculate new upstream performance level of basis system New level > (ref. level - delta)? Yes 6. Go to new loop/ performance scenario 8. Go to new basis system No All loop/performance level scenarios for this basis system calculated? No 4. Downstream: replace appropriate reference disturbers with new techology disturbers Yes All basis systems calculated? Yes New level > (ref. level - delta)? 5. Calculate new downstream performance level of basis system No 6. Move new TU-R interferer 500 feet closer to CO 7. Note total new distance Y between CO and new TU-R interferer Yes New system is considered spectrally compatible If steps 6 and 7are employed for any loop/ performance scenario, the new system is considered spectrally compatible only when deployed on loops Y' or shorter, where Y' is the smallest value of Y required for any loop/ performance scenario of all basis systems. Figure A. 6 - Process flow for spectral compatibility calculations This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 71 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Figure A. 7 – 2B1Q SDSL PSD at several data rates Figure A. 8 - 2B1Q SDSL PSD at several data rates 72 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Figure A. 9 - Minimum return loss for 784kbps system Figure A. 10 - Longitudinal balance for 784kbps system This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 73 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex B: Loop Information (informative) B.1 General B.1.1 The loop environment There are 700 million metallic twisted pair cables delivering communications services to customers around the world. It is predicted that most of this embedded base of copper wire will eventually be replaced with wider bandwidth transmission media such as optical fiber and coaxial cable. However, 4) twisted pair copper wire will be the main method of delivery for several years to come . Recent years have seen the increase in demand for customer information bandwidth escalate dramatically from 3 kHz analog voice services to digital services requiring several megabits per second. Advances in integrated circuit density, digital signal processing techniques and information compression algorithms are resulting in the introduction of ever higher bandwidth twisted pair transmission systems that can transport these new services. These new systems must fit into a outside loop transmission environment with several existing transmission systems and other systems that may be introduced later. For the voice frequency services the twisting of the wire pairs and construction of the cables such that no two pairs traveled together for very long, helped to control crosstalk coupling. Interference between pairs was held to acceptable levels. As signal bandwidth increases, the crosstalk coupling between pairs increases at the same time as the transmission loss increases making the circuits more susceptible to interference. Interference can come from other transmission systems of the same kind or from different type systems that overlap the signal spectrum. The 1.5Mb/s T1 line system was originally developed for application in the intra-office cable plant whose construction is very carefully controlled. To control crosstalk interference between T1 systems, T1 signals in the two directions were placed on separate pairs located in different binder groups that had shields between them. T1 repeaters were spaced and placed to minimize differences in signal levels. When T1 systems began to be deployed in the customer outside loop plant, the situation became much more challenging. As will be described later, the loop plant is designed and constructed to deliver voice services to customers at acceptable quality and minimum cost. In recent years, many T1 lines have been deployed in the outside plant to deliver 1.5 Mb/s services to business customers. The engineering design and construction of these lines is a challenge in minimizing interference and cost. Over the years several high bandwidth analog carrier systems were also deployed in the outside plant with mixed results for compatibility and interference. The use of the loop plant to transport high rate digital signals was not envisioned at the beginning. Indeed, for over 100 years the loop plant has been optimized for the reliable delivery of voice frequency services at lowest cost and acceptable quality. In the last several years, the design of new loop plant has been modified slightly to ease the introduction of digital transmission. As newer digital transmission systems have been developed for the loop plant, each one has been subjected to hard scrutiny for potential interference with like systems. ISDN Basic Access digital subscriber line (DSL) systems had to account for other DSLs in the cable and existing systems like T1 lines and Digital Data Service (DDS). In turn, high-bit-rate DSL (HDSL) had to show compatibility with DSL, T1 and DDS. Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) had to account for all of the above. Development and deployment of these new transmission systems is very costly in time and money. It would be very desirable to predict how a system will perform before it is actually built. Testing a system ––––––– 4) As will be discussed later, not all telephony wire is made up of twisted pairs. Some single-pair aerial/overhead drop wire uses parallel/flat/non-twisted conductors for lengths up to 700 feet. Also, not all of the wire is copper. Copperclad steel and copper-cadmium mixes are used where strength is needed in drop cables. 74 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 against all reasonable cases of interferers on all reasonable loop configurations is not feasible. To test the performance of a system and the mutual interference with other systems, a combination of analysis, simulation, laboratory and field testing is done. Analysis and computer simulation are the first steps in developing new systems. Needed are accurate models for: the transmission systems (the new proposed system as well as the other possible conflicting systems), the primary transmission constants of the cables, and the crosstalk coupling for the frequency spectrum, representative set(s) of test loop topologies, a reasonable set of interferer systems (types and numbers and combinations), broadband background (thermal) noise models, impulse noise models, etc. B.1.1.1 Background noise According to a recent Bellcore study, the residence background noise level in the band of interest could be at a level of around -140 dBm/Hz. This background noise level is higher than that achievable by a receiver front end electronic circuit. On the other hand, attention still has to be paid to make the receiver front end electronic circuit noise level below the assumed -140 dBm/Hz level. B.1.1.2 Impulse noise Impulse noise is of major concern for higher speed twisted wire pair type systems, especially due to the higher subscriber loop loss. Compared with the very weak received signal, a majority of impulses collected by the same Bellcore study would cause receiver detection error. It has been shown that forward error correction coding is effective at minimizing the impact of impulse noise. The effect of impulse noise needs to be included in transmission performance simulation. Forward error correction codes are typically used to handle impulse noise. Section tbd and Appendix tbd describe the results of field measurements of impulse noise. B.1.1.3 Radio frequency interference (RFI) In addition to coupling within a cable, radio frequency interference (RFI) also becomes a concern as the signal frequency increases, the wavelength shortens and approaches the dimensions of the cable structure components, and overlaps radio services. Radio frequency energy may radiate from a wire pair and interfere with radio services (egress). Radio frequency energy may enter a wire pair and interfere with the wire pair transmission system (ingress). Modern wire pair systems operate with signals in a "metallic" mode where currents in the two conductors are equal and opposite in direction thus tending to reduce radiation either entering or exiting. Currents that travel on both conductors in the same direction are said to be in a "longitudinal" mode. These longitudinal currents are much more likely to radiate. External radio frequency fields tend to couple to the pair in the longitudinal mode. The balance of the individual wire pair conductors and the connecting circuitry relative to the environment determines the conversion of the normal metallic signal conduction to longitudinal currents and the conversion of longitudinal currents to metallic signals. B.1.1.4 Structural cable faults Structural cable faults (degraded splices, shorts, opens, grounds, crossed pairs, conductor pair reversals, … do occur and will prevent a transmission system from working. Such mechanical cable faults are beyond the scope of this effort. B.1.1.5 The loop environment Early digital twisted pair transmission systems needed to have cables with very simple make-ups. T1 carrier system was originally intended for the interoffice cable plant to replace the loaded cable voicefrequency pairs. Interoffice voice-frequency cable used only one gauge of wire. No bridged taps were allowed. The T1 repeater spacing matched that of the loading coils starting at 3000 feet and at intervals of 6000 feet afterwards to take advantage of the loading coil mounting locations between central offices. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 75 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 When T1 carrier began to be deployed in the subscriber loop plant for connections to Digital Loop Carrier systems and for high-capacity digital services to business customers, it encountered a much tougher environment in terms of cable makeup. Repeater spacing had to be reduced to 4000 or 3000 feet. Bridged taps had to be removed. Modern digital twisted pair transmission systems are intended to deliver digital information to average households and businesses through the copper loop plant as it exists without modifying the makeup. Depending on the desired information rate and noise environment, the serving distance from a central office (CO) or a remote terminal (RT) could be different. To have a low overall cost, the deployment procedure for a new digital transmission system should be as simple as possible. In other words, it would be ideal if the system terminals could simply be installed on the selected loop and turned on. Additional engineering work such as field trips and loop qualification should be avoided. From the telephone company point of view, a service using the transmission system as a delivery vehicle should be prequalified for a known type of loop plant, such as resistance design range, CSA, etc. Any loop qualification should be on a bulk area basis, not for each individual loop. B.1.1.6 Telephone cable and subscriber loop structures This section describes the nature of the structure of the outside loop plant in the US. 5) A subscriber loop consists of sections (typically 500 feet long) of copper twisted pairs of different gauges. A section of a subscriber loop could be aerial (hung on poles), buried (directly in the ground), or underground (pulled inside protective conduit). Electrical joints, called splices, for cable sections could be made on a telephone pole for aerial cables or in a manhole for underground cables. These splices are not soldered as in most electronic circuits, but are made with some form of compression technique. For many years the most common splice was made by stripping the insulation from the wire ends, hand twisting the bare wire ends together and covering the splice with tape. Modern splices use connectors which use a hand compression tool to generate the force to penetrate the insulation and make a solid connection. Properly performed, the compression splice results in a metal to metal connection that is impervious to liquid or gas. Twisted pair cables have large cross sections near the central office. There could be 12, 13, 25, 50 or 100 10, 25 or up to 50 pairs in a cable binder group and up to 50 binder groups per cable. Binder groups are combined to form cables of from 50 pairs to several thousand pairs. Cables share a common electrical and physical structure, with metallic electrical sheathing and plastic covering. Cables intended for application near the customer premises may have fewer pairs. Functionally, a subscriber loop can be divided into portions that belong to feeder cable, distribution cable, 6) and drop wire . Wiring inside the customer premises that connects to the drop wire at the network 7) customer interface does not count as part of the network loop . The interface between the network loop and the customer premises wiring is usually made as close as practical to the point of entry to the premises. For large multi-tenant buildings and campuses, the network may provide cabling past the minimum point of entry if permitted by state regulations. Feeder cables provide links from a central office to a concentrated customer area. Distribution cables then carry on from feeder cables to potential customer sites. Since the loop plant construction is completed before customer service requests, distribution cables are usually made available to all existing and potential customer sites. Hence, it is a common practice to connect a twisted pair from a feeder cable with more than one distribution cable to maximize the probability of reaching a potential customer. These multiple connections from a feeder or a distribution cable to more than one customer location are called "bridged taps." At any one time only one customer is ––––––– 5) As noted elsewhere, an exception to twisted pair cable is single-pair aerial drop wire. 6) The term "drop" refers to the drop downward from a pole to a house. Today, most "drop" wires in new construction are buried. 7) Of course, any significant lengths of customer premises wiring were included before a transmission system terminal would obviously contribute to transmission effects. Customer premises wiring can vary from a few feet to thousands of feet in length. The analysis here assumes that the terminal is at the interface. 76 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 8) connected and the other taps are left open . As customers connect and disconnect service, these bridged tap appearances allow the operating company flexibility in the use of the wire. At voice frequency the transmission effects of bridged taps are relatively small and can be controlled within acceptable limits by design. The loop plant design rules, such as Resistance Design and CSA, limit the total bridged tap length to minimize adverse effects, mainly loss and spectrum distortion, on POTS transmission. From a transmission line point of view, these bridged taps are open open-ended shunts. Above the voice band the transmission effects become more significant as the frequency increases and the signal wavelengths approach the tap lengths. Connection points between feeder cables and distribution cables are commonly located in cabinets, called Feeder Distribution Interfaces (FDI). Connection points in distribution cables are commonly in pedestals for underground cables or terminals for aerial cables. Single aerial drop wires often consist of parallel copper-clad steel wires, sometimes called "flat pairs." For new construction in recent years, multiple (2, 4 or 6) twisted copper pairs are being used, and are buried if possible. The drop wire is usually short and has a proportionately small effect on the loop transmission characteristics except for potential radiation effects. A typical rule of thumb was to allow the drop wiring to be less than 700 feet or 25 ohms in resistance. The loop and drop wire potentially could pick up other high frequency radiation noises. It could also could radiate signals to other high frequency electronic devices. B.1.2 Loop plant design rules: resistance design Most of the embedded outside loop plant in the US has been constructed using the guidelines called Resistance Design or one of its variations. POTS loop plant design must accomplish three goals: ensure that there is sufficient direct current flow from the network battery plant to operate station sets, allow dc/low-frequency call process signaling (dialing, ringing), and limit transmission loss and frequency roll-off to acceptable levels. As mentioned, telephone cables are designed with different gauges of wire from 26 AWG (thin, with higher resistance) to 19 AWG (thicker with lower resistance). These different gauges are designed to have close to the same capacitance between conductors per unit length (nominal 0.083 (µf/mile). It happens that limiting the maximum dc resistance also controls the maximum voice frequency loss and roll off with frequency. 9) For modern switching systems a maximum loop resistance (DC resistance) of 1500 ohms meets powering, signaling and transmission objectives. The maximum transmission loss at 1004 Hz is about 9 dB with a roll-off of 6 dB at 2804 Hz. From survey data, the average loop has a dc resistance of 600 ohms with 4 dB of loss at 1 kHz. Since distances from a central office to each customer are different, distribution cables of different gauges are utilized to keep the amount of copper (and dollars) used to a minimum while meeting design guidelines. To reduce overall loop resistance the end sections of a long subscriber loop tend to have coarser twisted pairs, whereas finer gauge twisted pairs are used closer to the central office in order to reduce the diameter of cables in crowded ducts and minimize cost. However, some customers are so far away from the central office that a direct implementation of twisted pair cables would result in a dc resistance much higher than the specified 1500 ohms and hence a poor ––––––– 8) Of course, old fashioned party lines had all the customers on the line tied to the same loop back to the Central Office. 9) Different types of switching equipment have different dc loop resistance limits, depending on the battery feed voltage, the feed resistance, the typical set resistance and the desired minimum current. Step-by-step (SXS) switches with nominal 48 volt dc batteries (and a 41.5 volt emergency minimum) typically have a 1300 ohm design limit to achieve a minimum of 23 mAdc through a rotary dial 500-type station set with about 150 ohm dc resistance. Thus, references are common to "1300 ohm Resistance Design" even though SXS switches have been retired in all major operating companies. Newer electronic switches typically have a 1500-ohm loop design limit from a nominal 52-volt battery, for a minimum of 20 mAdc through 400 ohm-dc Touchtone station sets. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 77 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 voice channel service quality. A procedure of installing loading coils and coarser gauge cables has been used to extend the central office serving distances for the voice channel. Inductive loading results in a loop with reduced loss within the voice band for a given gauge of cable and acts as a low pass filter above 10) 11) 3000 Hz. .The original rule for loading cable was 18 kft working length excluding any bridged taps. Under the current rules, loading coils are installed for cables with a total length exceeding 15 kft including bridged taps. For the most common loading plan, called "H88" with 88mH inductors, the first loading coil is installed at 3 kft from the central office. Loading coils are installed every 6 kft thereafter. There may be no bridged taps between loading coils. Bridged taps on the end sections at the central office and customer ends may be left connected, up to a total tap length of 6 kft. B.1.3 Loop plant design rules: carrier serving area (CSA) DLC systems were originally developed to serve POTS customers beyond the Resistance Design range. Early DLC systems are based on copper twisted pairs using the 1.5 Mb/s T-carrier, T1-Line technology. Twenty-four voice channels are carried on one T1-line by use of time division multiplex. With the use of outside plant digital repeaters/regenerators it is possible to reach out 100 miles. Fiber based DLC systems are now more popular. Depending on the cost of DLC electronics, it becomes more economical to serve customers with DLC systems beyond a certain distance. This "prove in" distance has been decreasing as DLC electronics costs have come down. The concept of Carrier Serving Area (CSA) engineering guidelines was originally developed in the early 1980's to support 56 kb/s Digital Data Service (DDS) delivery to customers served by DLC systems. The concept was then revised very slightly and has been used as the guide for voice grade special services and POTS deployment from the DLC remote terminal. A CSA is roughly defined as a serving distance of 9 kft for 26 gauge loops and 12 kft for 24 gauge loops from a DLC remote terminal the term is also applied to loops that originate from a central office as well if they meet CSA guidelines. Short loops around a central office may be consistent with CSA rules even though constructed using Resistance Design rules. A recent (1991) survey shows that over 60% of DLC loops meet the CSA guidelines. (References in this document to "CSA" loops or "CSA-type" loops mean wire pairs that meet CSA design guidelines whether they originate from a central office or from a network remote terminal site.) As the operating company have deployed DLC systems CSA rules have proven a useful rule of thumb for HDSL system deployment. They were also chosen as the loop reach target for 6Mb/s ADSL-3 systems. Carrier serving area wire pairs from the remote terminal of a DLC system to the network interface on the customer's premises are expected to meet the following design guidelines. a) Non-loaded cable only b) Multi-gauge cable is restricted to two gauges (excluding short cable sections used for stubbing or fusing). c) Total bridged tap length may not exceed 2.5 kft. No single bridged tap may exceed 2.0 kft. d) The amount of 26 gauge cable (used alone or in combination with another gauge cable) may not exceed a total length of 9 kft including bridged tap. e) For single gauge or multi-gauge cables containing only 19, 22 or 24 gauge cable, the total cable length including bridged tap may not exceed 12 kft. f) The total cable length including bridged tap of a multi-gauge cable that contains 26 gauge cable may not exceed ––––––– 10) Transmission analysis shows that loss is minimum for certain ratios of resistance, conductance, capacitance and inductance. Normal cable has a small inductance relative to resistance and capacitance. Lumped inductive loading achieves close to the ratios for minimum cable loss within the voice band.) 11) The length of the cable that connects directly from the network to the customer, excluding any bridged taps, is called the "working length." The working length of the cable corresponds to the dc resistance path from the network battery to the customer interface. Bridged taps are open-circuited to dc flow.) 78 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 12 − 3(L26 ) kft 9 − LBTAP where L26 is the total length of 26 gauge cable in the cable (excluding any 26 gauge bridged tap) and LBTAP is the total length of bridged tap in the cable. All lengths are in kilofeet (kft). The limits defined above are the maximum permissible outer bounds for a CSA. Nothing in the CSA concept prohibits the restriction of CSA cables to shorter lengths. CSA guidelines do not include central office wiring on the switch side of the protector frame, drop wire or customer building wiring. Detailed statistics for central office wiring or customer premises are not available. Central office cabling is typically 24 or 26 gauge and may be up to 1 kft long. Customer premises wiring is typically 26 gauge and may be up to 1kft or more. In some installations, some drop and wiring inside the customer premises may be part of the network. Although not a transmission requirement, it is suggested that no more than two gauges of cable be used. Note: all wire gauge references in this document are American Wire Gauge (AWG). B.1.4 Distribution area (DA) A CSA is often further divided into 1 to 6 Distribution Areas (DA). A DA is characterized by a single Feeder Distribution Interface (FDI) where cross-connects are located. A DA typically serves about 500 customers. The cable pair group from a RT to all DAs could have different service capacity than that of all DAs combined. Distribution cables emanating from an FDI usually have a 1.5 to 2 pairs for all potential customer living units. On the other hand, cable pairs from RT to FDI are installed based on the number of real customer lines with a smaller spare ratio. This strategy is aimed at an overall minimized installation 12) cost. The average serving distance of each DA is usually significantly shorter than that of a CSA. A recent (1991) survey shows that most DA distribution loops are less than 6 to 8 kft in length (26 and 24 gauge respectively) or about 2/3 of the maximum CSA lengths. B.1.5 Loop statistics The Resistance Design and Carrier Serving Area design do not define how much of each type of cabling is actually used. Major surveys of loop topology in the old Bell System were conducted in 1976 and 1983. B.2 AWG and metric cable: diameters and DC resistance and capacitance Test loop sets have been developed for AWG and metric cables by T1E1.4 and ETSI for ISDN DSLs, HDSL, ADSL and VDSL. It is sometimes useful for interested parties who are familiar with one set of cables, but not the other, to make a rough judgment on which cable in one set compares to which cable in the other set, if any. One can get into the right ballpark or at least out of the wrong one, by comparing conductor diameters and diameters, DC (0 Hz) resistance and DC capacitance and insulation materials. Table B.1 summarizes this data for the most common types of metric and AWG telephony cables. Nontelephony 18 and 20 AWG gauges are also included for comparison because their conductor diameters are close to 0.8mm and 1.00 mm metric cables. Attenuation versus frequency data (say at 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz and 30 MHz) would allow further contrasts and comparisons. Polyethylene is the most common insulation for feeder and distribution cables. Polyethylene is a very good dielectric whose properties change very little with frequency. PVC is the most common insulation for single-pair, overhead/aerial drop wires exposed to the external environment. PVC dielectric properties vary much more with frequency than those of polyethylene. Only AWG 26 PIC and metric 0.40 PE are really close in transmission characteristics. ––––––– 12) However, the maximum serving distance of a DA might still be very close to that of a CSA. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 79 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 B.3 Cable primary constants (RLGC) characterization It is not feasible to perform laboratory or field tests to represent all likely environments that a transmission system will encounter. Computer simulation provides a means to test schemes against anything that can be quantified numerically. Fundamental to the simulation of wire systems are accurate models of the transmission characteristics of the wire itself versus frequency and temperature. The primary constants of resistance (R, ohms/km), inductance (L µH/km), capacitance (C, nF/km), and conductance (G, mho/km) are used to model most transmission lines. Secondary parameters such as impedance, attenuation and phase or the chain parameters ABCD may be calculated from the primary constants. These "constants" actually vary in value with frequency, temperature and humidity. To a first order, signal attenuation increases as the square root of the frequency. Variation of the "constants" and inductive reactance becoming larger with frequency relative to resistance and capacitance result in the actual attenuation versus frequency curve being more complex. Chain parameters ABCD allow cascading of models of two port electronic devices such as wire pairs. Complex loop topologies with changes of gauge and bridged taps can be constructed with ABCD matrices. See Figure B.1. The existing primary constant RLCG models of the common AWG PIC cables were based on careful measurements and curve-fitting in the early 1970s. They were believed to be valid to 10 MHz and to represent nominal values for expected manufacturing variations. VDSL and newer proposed schemes may well have spectral components to 30 MHz. It is vital to have models that reflect the transmission behavior of the cables in the real world to the frequency and temperature ranges needed. The primary constant data can be presented in either as R, G, C and G values versus frequency or as parameters to equations that have been curve fitted to measured data. (See T1E1.4/96-015.) B.3.1 Transmission-Line Characterization This section directly addresses the transmission characteristics of twisted-pair phone lines. Most twisted-pair phone lines can be well-modeled for transmission at frequencies up to at least f<30 MHz by using what is known as two-port modeling or “ABCD” theory. Such ABCD theory is well covered in basic electromagnetic texts, but is often not in a form convenient for use in DSLs. Werner presented essential results of such translation to DSLs in a 1991 JSAC paper “The HDSL Environment” (August 1991) and this section essentially repeats that effect, but provides more detail along with updates based on various studies in standards bodies that have led to DSL characterization to at least 30 MHz. Section B.3.1.1 first describes ABCD modeling in general before Section B.3.1.2 specializes to the case of twisted-pair transmission lines. Section B.3.1.5 considers the special case of bridge taps before Section B.3.1.6 shows how to compute the transfer characteristics of a subscriber loop consisting of many sections. Section B.3.1.7 shows how to measure RLCG parameters for loop characterization as well as lists models for several popular twisted-pair types. B.3.1.1 “ABCD” modeling Figure B. 2 shows a general two-port linear circuit. There is a voltage at each port and a current on the upper path on each port. The voltages and currents will depend on the source (port 1) and load (port 2) impedances and voltage source(s), but nevertheless always relate to each other by the matrix relationship: V1 = AV2 + BI 2 V1 A B V2 V or ⋅ = Φ ⋅ 2 = I1 = CV2 + DI 2 I1 C D I 2 I2 where Φ is a 2 × 2 matrix (nonsingular in all but trivial situations not of interest) of 4 possibly frequencydependent parameters, A, B, C, and D, which all depend only on the network and not on external connections. The quantities have circuit definitions as in the table below: 80 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A open-load voltage ratio B shorted-load impedance C open-load admittance D shorted-load current ratio The transformation is reversed by Φ −1 so that V2 1 = I − AD BC 2 D − C − B V1 −1 V1 ⋅ = Φ ⋅ I . A I1 1 When Φ = I , that is an identity, the network is a trivial connection of the upper path and lower path across the network, essentially meaning there is no network. A relationship of interest is the ratio V T (f ) = 2 V1 where the frequency dependence is shown explicitly for T(f), but not for the other voltages to simplify V notation. This ratio depends on the load impedance attached at port 2, or the ratio ZL = Z 2 = 2 I2 T (f ) = 1 A+B = ZL ZL A ⋅ ZL + B can be related to a transfer function H (f ) between an input voltage supply VS (with finite internal impedance ZS ) to the output voltage VL = V2 (across a load ZL = Z 2 ). VL (f ) V (f ) V (f ) Z1 = H (f ) = L ⋅ 2 = ⋅ T (f ) , V2 (f ) VS (f ) Z1 + ZS VS (f ) V where Z1 = 1 is the input impedance of the terminated two-port. Z1 must be computed as in the I1 second equation below and is the ratio of input voltage to current when load ZL is attached at the output. A cascade of two-ports has a two-port matrix that is the product, in order, of the two ports V1 VN VN = Φ1 ⋅ Φ 2...⋅ Φ N −1 ⋅ = Φ ⋅ , I1 IN IN allowing for the calculation of transfer functions, and insertion losses of more complicated networks as long as a two-port model can be found for each subsection in the cascade. The inverse is found by reversing the order and taking the product of the inverse matrices. The input impedance of the two-port is B V AZL + B ZL . Z1 = 1 = = D I1 CZL + D C+ ZL A+ Two-port networks are very useful in the analysis of twisted-pair transmission lines as in the next several sections. In these sections, the transmission line is modeled as a cascade of two ports that are characterized by resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance per unit length, and by the length of the transmission-line segment. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 81 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 B.3.1.2 Transmission-line RLCG characterization The two-port characterization of a transmission line derives from the per-unit length two-port model in Figure B.3. The R, L, C, and G parameters represent resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance per unit length of the transmission line. A segment of transmission line can be viewed as a cascade of such sections that are infinitesimally small in length. At any point x, the two-port voltages and currents relate through the differential equations dV = (R + jωL ) ⋅ I dx dI − = (G + jωC ) ⋅ V dx − at any given frequency ω = 2πf . V and I are phasor quantities representing peak amplitudes of sinusoids at frequency f (or amplitudes of the complex exponential e j 2πft ). The R, L, C, and G parameters themselves can vary with frequency, but are presumed constant with respect to length at any given frequency in the analysis to follow. This set of differential equations is equivalent to the pair of second-order differential equations d 2V dx 2 d 2I = γ 2 ⋅V , 2 = γ ⋅I dx 2 where γ = α + jβ = (R + jωL ) ⋅ (G + jωC ) = Z ⋅Y is the frequency-dependent propagation constant for the twisted pair, and characterizes the segment of transmission line. The impedance per unit length, Z, and the admittance per unit length, Y, are also defined in Figure B.3. The attenuation constant is α and the phase constant is β. The attenuation constant is very important for twisted-pair. As can be inferred from equations to come, the attenuation of a twisted-pair is approximated by 8.668 α dB per unit length at the frequency of interest. The phase constant is related to speed of propagation on the twisted pair: At each frequency ω = 2πf , a sinusoid propagates on the twisted pair with phase given by θ(ω, x ) = ωt − βx and has envelope amplitude attenuated as e −αx . The wavelength is the length (at fixed frequency and time) over which the sinusoid undergoes a full cycle and is thus given by λ= 2π . β Remembering that β is tacitly a function of frequency, different frequencies thus have different wavelengths. The sinusoidal wave at frequency appears to propagate along the twisted pair at phase velocity vp = ω , β and the phase delay per unit length at this same frequency is τ p = 1v = β ω . When β is a linear function p of frequency, the channel is said to have linear phase and the phase velocity and delay are constant over all frequencies. An example is the case where R=G=0, and then β = ω LC - and (when L and C are 82 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 constant with respect to frequency) means that all frequencies move at the same phase velocity . Such a transmission line is said to be dispersionless. Note that it is possible to subtract out vp = 1 LC the linear (proportional) part of β without introducing error to the time domain response of a cable pair only when there is no reflected wave being propagated along the pair. Such a condition (no reflection) occurs only when the impedance of the load is matched to the characteristic impedance of the cable pair. This may be particularly important when modeling bridged taps. In practical DSLs, dispersionless transmission never occurs and different frequencies travel with different velocities, leading to dispersion of signal energy (and to the intersymbol interference). For a dispersive transmission line, it is of interest to investigate the speed at which a group of frequencies centered around propagates. To understand this concept of “group” or “envelope” velocity, suppose one investigates the differing speeds of the two frequencies ω ± ∆ω where the offset or difference is small and the corresponding values of β ± ∆β , but both have the same amplitude. The resultant sum waveform is A cos[(ω + ∆w )t − (β + ∆β)x ] + A cos[(ω − ∆w )t − (β − ∆β)x ] = 2 A cos[∆w ⋅ t − ∆β ⋅ x ]⋅ cos[ωt − βx ] , the right side this equation is an “envelope-modulated” sinusoid, a product of two sinusoids. When the phase velocity is constant and there is no dispersion, the phase velocity of the first term on the is the same as that of the second term, and the phase velocity equals the group velocity. However, when phase velocity is not constant, the first term moves at a different (often much slower) speed given by ∆ω / ∆β . This slower speed is the group velocity and in general computed by the inverse of the group delay τg = dβ dω or . Group delay in essence measures the spread in delay between the fastest and slowest moving frequencies in the immediate vicinity of ω . The greater the group delay, the greater the dispersion in the transmission line. The solution to the set of differential equations is easily modeled as the sum of two opposite-direction voltage/current waves: V (x ) = V0+ ⋅ e − γx + V0− ⋅ e γx I (x ) = I0+ ⋅ e − γx + I 0− ⋅ e γx . By insertion of either of these solutions into the appropriate first-order voltage/current differential equations, the ratio of the positive-going voltage to the positive-going current, as well as the (negative of the) ratio of the negative-going voltage to the negative-going current is equal to a constant characteristic impedance of the transmission line V+ V− Z0 = 0 = − 0 = I0+ I0− R + jωL Z . = G + j ωC Y One easily verifies that the R, L, C, and G parameters are equal to R = ℜ{γ ⋅ Z0 } 1 ℑ{γ ⋅ Z0 } ω 1 γ C = ℑ . ω Z0 L= γ G = ℜ Z0 For twisted-pair transmission and DSLs, it is rare that any of these 4 parameters are zero and so simplifications in textbooks or other developments that lead to so-called “lossless transmission lines” or This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 83 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 “dispersion-less” transmission are not of interest for DSLs. Furthermore, these parameters are frequencydependent for transmission lines and are best determined by measurement as in section B. A segment of transmission line of length d has solution VL = Vd and I L = Id and thus VL = V (d ) = V0+ ⋅ e − γd + V0− ⋅ e γd I L = I (d ) = I 0+ ⋅ e − γd + I 0− ⋅ e γd . Since the two voltage waves in each direction are related to the same-direction current waves by the common ratio Z0 , one can solve the above two equations for V0+ and V0− to get: V0+ = 21 (VL + IL ⋅ Z0 ) ⋅ e γd V0− = 21 (VL − I L ⋅ Z0 ) ⋅ e − γd . By substituting these constants back into the solution in general and evaluating for the voltage and currents at x=0 in terms of those at x=d , one obtains the following two-port representation Z0 ⋅ sinh(γd ) cosh(γd ) V (0 ) V (d ) . = 1 ⋅ sinh(γd ) cosh(γd ) ⋅ I (0 ) Z I (d ) 0 The ABCD entries can be read from the matrix, or equivalently, can be computed from the R, L, C, G values through in relations for γ and for Z0 . Then, for a given length of transmission line d, the engineer may model that transmission line as a single “lumped” two-port, replacing the distributed model in Figure B.3. Knowing the load impedance so that V (d ) / I (d ) = ZL , the insertion loss then becomes T = 1 Z0 cosh(γd ) + ZL ⋅ sinh(γd ) = sech(γd ) 1 + Z0 tanh(γd ) L Z . The input impedance of the two-port is V(0)/I(0) or Z + Z0 ⋅ tanh(γd ) Z1 = Z0 ⋅ L . Z0 + ZL ⋅ tanh(γd ) The input impedance of a very long line reduces to Z1 = Z0 , since tanh(γd ) → 1 for large d. The transfer function in any case becomes H= Z0 ⋅ sech(γd ) Z1 T = . Z0 Z Z1 + ZS ZS ⋅ Z + tanh(γd ) + Z0 ⋅ 1 + Z0 ⋅ tanh(γd ) L L Thus, this type of model applies to the upper example in Figure B.5. Note also there the two-port models that characterize the source and load. Thus, general principle of multiplying matrices when cascading two-ports can be directly applied. If several transmission line segments with different R, L, C, and G were cascaded, then each would have its own two-port model. This situation corresponds to connection of twisted pairs (splicing) with different gauges. B.3.1.3 Power for transmission lines A sinusoid at any frequency on a transmission line represented by the phasor voltage V and phasor current I has average (rms) power 84 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 P (f ) = [ ] 1 ℜ VI * 2 . Figure B.4 shows a simple phase circuit having input current I and voltage V across a load with impedance ZL = RL + jX L . From basic circuit theory, a sinusoidal current with peak amplitude I delivers power 2 [ ] V 2 P (f ) = 21 I RL = 21 RL = 21 ℜ VI * ZL , thus providing interpretation for the relation in the previous equation. Maximum power is transferred from the power supply to the load when the source impedance is the conjugate of the load impedance in Figure B.4, ZS,opt = ZL* = RL − jX L . This corresponds to one-half the total power of the source being dissipated in the load. An example of the use of this maximum-powertransfer result is when one investigates the termination of a twisted-pair transmission line. To transfer maximum power from the line to the load, the load impedance should be designed to be the conjugate of the line impedance viewed going back into the line. When the line is long, this impedance will be the characteristic impedance of the line itself, meaning the best loading is ZL,opt ≅ Z0* , meaning half the power in the line is transferred to the load (with the other half dissipated within the line itself). Similarly, the optimum driving impedance is the conjugate of the line impedance, which again for long lines is the characteristic impedance, so ZS,opt = ZL,opt ≅ Z0* . Again, half the source power will be delivered to the line. For a lossless transmission line, the half of the source power delivered to the line is the same half of power delivered to the load. At higher frequencies, all transmission lines become lossless and so the best load and source impedances become resistive and equal to the (real) characteristic impedance of the line. The condition for maximum power transfer is not the same condition for elimination of reflections (see next subsection) unless the line is lossless. B.3.1.4 Reflection coefficients When the load impedance is equal to the characteristic impedance (and not the conjugate of the characteristic impedance), the negative-going wave constant V0− = 0 in the above equations. There is then no reflected wave and all the above relationships simplify somewhat. In practice, such matching is not likely to occur, and the solution for the differential equation at x=d has general ratio of positive-going wave to negative-going wave as V − ⋅ e − γd Z − Z0 . ρ= 0 = L + γd Z V0 ⋅ e L + Z0 This reflection coefficient is clearly zero when the transmission line is “matched” or terminated in its own impedance, ZL = Z0 . The return loss is defined as the inverse of the reflection coefficient for any interface to a two-port, and usually expressed as a positive quantity in decibels. This situation prevents “bouncing” of signals on a transmission line and thus reduces the dispersion (relative delay) of signals on the line. In this case of ZL = Z0 , the input impedance is then also Z1 = Z0 . When the transmission line impedance is approximately real, then the situation of no bouncing corresponds also to maximum energy transfer in section B.3.1.3 from the line into the matched load. However, when (as usual for twisted pairs), the line characteristic impedance is complex, then maximum energy transfer occurs when the load is the This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 85 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 conjugate of the characteristic impedance, and thus elimination of bouncing does not guarantee maximum energy transfer for lossy lines. On many lines as the frequency increases, the R and G terms become negligible and so for these frequencies, maximum energy transfer and elimination of bouncing occur when the load impedance is matched to ZL = Z0 ≈ L . C A similar source reflection coefficient can be written as ρS = ZS − Z 0 . ZS + Z 0 This source reflection coefficient measures the reflected positive-going wave amplitude with respect to a negative-going wave that flows into the source impedance. The return loss at the interface to between the source and line is therefore the inverse (in dB) of the source reflection coefficient. Note that the source impedance that leads to maximum power transfer into the line ZS = Z1* again is not necessarily the same as that leading to no reflection at the source end. A wave launched from a source will traverse the loop with phase and group velocities, will be reflected at one end, reflected again at the source end, and so on. This series of reflections leads to a transient on the loop, unless the loop is terminated in a load impedance equal to the characteristic impedance of the line. Again when the line can be approximated over the used frequency range as lossless, and thus having real characteristic impedance, then the maximum energy transfer and reduction of bouncing objectives coincide. Formally the return loss of a transmission line is the inverse ratio of reflected power to incident power on the load (or next section of circuitry). This return loss is simply the square of the reflection coefficient, thus 1 return loss = 10 log10 ρ 2 dB. B.3.1.5 Characterization of a bridge-tap section – a three-port For modeling of loops, a bridge-tap is a three-port section, but one of the ports appears as a load impedance to the line, between the two sections on each side of the bridge tap. Such a situation can be modeled by the two-port with ABCD matrix shown in the last example of Figure B.5. The impedance of the tap section Zt is computed according to the formula above for the input impedance of a section of transmission line terminated with an open circuit ( ZL = ∞ ), which simplifies to Zt = Z0t ⋅ cosh(γd ) . sinh(γd ) If the tap were not terminated in an open circuit, then the general formula for the input impedance Z1 (above)of the section should be used. Circuits with bridge-taps on bridge-taps have an impedance that is calculated by working backwards from all open taps to points of the taps, modeled as the two-tap section’s impedances in parallel. The resultant impedance then becomes a termination (load) impedance for the next section working backwards towards the main transmission pair of interest. While perhaps tedious, the calculation process is straightforward and recursive. B.3.1.6 Computation of transfer function The computation of the transfer functions for twisted-pair transmission lines with multiple sections then simply becomes a process of multiplying in cascade the corresponding two-port ABCD matrices for each section. Some examples are provided in Figure B.5, with the corresponding two-port matrices below each example. The matrices are multiplied left to right in the natural order of appearance in the figure. That is the overall two port is just 86 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Φ = Φ 0 ⋅ Φ1 ⋅ ⋅ Φ N where the source voltage divider is modeled by the two-port 1 ZS Φ0 = . 0 1 The final output voltage and current are related by the usual VL = IL ⋅ Z L , which allows the transfer function to be computed from the ratio V H= L . VS In the upper example of Figure B.5, a simple section of twisted pair with characteristic impedance Z0 and propagation constant γ is modeled by the cascade of a two-port matrix description Φ1 for a length d and the source two-port matrix Φ 0 . This upper example is straightforward application of the two-port theory. The lower example additionally has a bridge-tap section with Z02 and γ 2 of length d 2 and a second section of the transmission line with yet a third characteristic impedance and propagation constant. The two sections of transmission line are modeled as usual, where the impedance and propagation constant can be computed for each frequency from the known R, L, C, G parameters for each section. The bridgetap section is modeled as a parallel (shunt) impedance that is computed according to the formula for an open-ended transmission line of length d 2 (if the tap were terminated, the impedance shown need only be replaced by the more general expression for the inverse of the input impedance of that section). The overall two-port matrix is simply the product of the 4 two-port matrices shown. A variety of simplifications are sometimes studied assuming each section is very long and so appears to be terminated in its own characteristic impedance, leading to expressions for the transfer function and input impedance in various situations. While sometimes useful for interpretation, with modern day signal processing analysis tools (for instance, matlab, etc.), it is often easier to compute the transfer function without simplifying assumptions and then analyze the corresponding results. B.3.1.7 Relationship of transfer function and “insertion loss” Transmission engineers sometimes also directly measure the transfer characteristics of a transmission line at several frequencies. It is hard to measure the transfer function directly because of loading effects, but it is possible to measure easily the insertion loss, from which the transfer function can be computed if load and source impedances for the measurement are known. The insertion loss is computed using a configuration in Figure B.4 by first measuring the voltage Vno , and then inserting the transmission line at the point where Vno was measured initially and again measuring VL , the voltage across the load with the line inserted. Thus the insertion loss is TIL (f ) = VL (f ) . Vno (f ) The desired transfer function is instead H = VL / VS so V V ZL ⋅ TIL (f ) H (f ) = no ⋅ L = VS Vno ZS + ZL . Note that when Z1 = ZL , meaning the line is terminated in its own impedance as often in practice, then the equation can be rewritten in terms of the T(f) as V V Z1 ⋅ T (f ) , H (f ) = 1 ⋅ L = VS V1 ZS + Z1 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 87 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 which also then shows that in the matched-termination case, T (f ) = TIL (f ) . In most cases of interest in DSL, the line is long and so the source impedance is matched to the characteristic impedance (which equals the input impedance of the line when the line is long) and all impedances are real over the higher frequencies used for DSL transmission. In this case, the transfer function is simply 6 dB lower than the insertion loss. A program that computes transfer functions of twisted pairs using two-port theory is on the second author’s worldwide web page at A crucial point of note: When the transfer function is computed for a circuit using RLCG parameters, then the insertion loss may be computed from the transfer function and is roughly 6 dB higher under the approximations above. The insertion point is exactly the point at which a transmit power constraint applies. Thus for instance, input voltage levels computed from a power constraint for a DSL (for instance, in performance calculation or SNR computation) undergo a channel that is the insertion loss, and not the transfer function. A common mistake is to compute data rates and performance as if the transmit power were 6 dB lower by incorrectly using the transfer function instead of the insertion loss. Transmission lines are characterized in this Appendix by 4 parameters, the Resistance R in Ohms/km, the Inductance L in Henrys/km, the Capacitance C in Farads/km, and the Conductance G in Mhos/km. The RLCG parameters in this appendix were provided by the following measurement and curve-fitting procedures: B. Measurement Procedure The open-circuit impedance, ZOC , and short-circuit impedance, ZSC , for a length, l , of twisted-pair transmission line are measured versus frequency. An l=10 m length is used for measurements below 2 MHz and an l=1 m length is used for measurements between 2 MHz and 30 MHz. The characteristic impedance and propagation constant are computed from the measured impedance according to: characteristic impedance: Z0 = ZOC ⋅ ZSC propagation constant: ZSC 1 γ = tanh −1 ZOC l From the characteristic impedance and propagation constant, RLCG can be computed as: R = ℜ(γZ0 ) L= 1 ℑ(γZ0 ) ω C= 1 ω γ ℑ Z0 γ G = ℜ Z0 B. . Curve-fitting Because of error in practical measurements of the impedance, the RLCG values may not follow smooth curves with frequency so parameterized (smooth) models of RLCG are then fit to the measured values. The models are: 88 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 1 R (f ) = 1 4r4 OC + aC ⋅ f 2 + 1 4r4 OS + aS ⋅ f 2 where r0C is the copper DC resistance and r0s is (any) steel DC resistance, while ac and as are constants characterizing the rise of resistance with frequency in the “skin effect.” l 0 + l ∞ f fm L(f ) = b 1 + f fm b where l0 and I ∞ are the low-frequency and high-frequency inductance, respectively and b is a parameter chosen to characterize the transition between low and high frequencies in the measured inductance values. C ( f ) = c ∞ + c0 ⋅ f − ce where c ∞ is the “contact” capacitance and c0 and ce are constants chosen to fit the measurements. G(f ) = g 0 ⋅ f + ge where g0 and ge are constants chosen to fit the measurements. Further information on smoothing of test measurements is found in ASTM D 4566. B.3.2 TP1 TP1 is representative of .4 mm or 26-gauge phone-line twisted pair. The specific cable measured was provided by Bell South to BT and measurements were validated by GTE to produce an acceptable fit between measured responses and projected insertion loss as computed from the parameters in Table B. 2 using methods in B.3.1.7. The primary constants produced using the parameters are given in Table B.3. Measurements by Bellcore, whose results are listed in Table B.4 and Table B.5, have indicated that their results for 26-AWG PIC lines have found strong agreement with the values in the model of this document. B.3.3 TP2 TP2 is representative of .5 mm or 24-gauge phone-line twisted pair. Parameters found in Table B.6 computed using methods in B.3.1.7. Primary constants are found in Table B.7. Measurements by Bellcore, whose results are listed in Table B.8 have indicated that their results for 24-AWG PIC lines are in strong agreement with the values in the model of this document. B.3.4 22-Gauge Phone-Line Twisted Pair Measurements by Bellcore for 22-gauge twisted pair are found in Table B.9. B.3.5 TP3 TP3 is representative of DW10 Reinforced cable with .5 mm copper PVC-insulated conductors, PVCinsulated steel strength member, and Polyethylene sheath. Parameters computed using methods in B.3.1.7 are found in Table B.10. Primary constants are found in Table B.11. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 89 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 B.3.6 FP FP is representative of ETSI 1.14 mm flat (no twists) phone-line twisted pair. Parameters computed using methods in B.3.1.7 are found in Table B.12. Primary constants are found in Table B.13. B.3.7 Category-5 Twisted Pair Table B.14 gives parameters and Table B.15 gives primary constants computed using methods in 3.1.7 for cables that meet or exceed EIA/TIA Category 5 twisted-pair specifications. B.3.8 Two-Pair Twisted Drop Bellcore measured a two-pair twisted service drop cable where the tip and ring are twisted for each pair, and the two pairs are then twisted together. The conductor gauge is 22 AWG, and the tested cable was of length 228.6 m = 750 ft. The values for R, L, C and α are averaged over the two pairs since they exhibited a high degree of symmetry. The measurements were made with an HP-3577A Network Analyzer connected to an HP-356711A SParameter test set. Measurements at equally spaced log frequencies between 772 kHz and 40 MHz were obtained. C and α were directly measured with the network analyzer. The short and open complex impedances, Zsc and Zoc of the drop cable were also measured with the network analyzer, and the characteristic impedance, Z0 , calculated in the usual fashion. It was not feasible to obtain accurate measurements of the conductance G due to a lack of a precise measurement of impedance angle. This is a result of measurement equipment limitations and the transformer baluns used to perform the impedance conversion. Additionally, the drop wire jackets directly contact the pair insulation, hence altering the effective dielectric constant and tan delta. Moreover, the capacitance is not flat over the entire frequency range. Fortunately, at high frequencies, G is of little importance for transmission. Using the relationship Z0 = L , C which holds when G<< ω C and R<< ω L, the inductance values are calculated. Using the relationship α = 4.34 ∗ R / Z0 the resistance values over the range 0.772 - 40 MHz are evaluated. Results are given in Table B.16. B.3.9 Two-Pair Quaded Drop Bellcore measured a two-pair quaded service drop cable where the four conductors comprising the two pairs are twisted together as a unit. The conductor gauge is 22-AWG, and the tested cable was of length 228.6 m = 750 ft. Test equipment, measurement setup and the equations used to perform the calculations are identical to those used in B.3.8 on Two-Pair twisted drop. Results are found in Table B.17. B.3.10 Flat-Pair Drop Bellcore measured a flat-pair service drop cable where the tip and ring conductors of a single pair are parallel. The conductor gauge is 18-1/2 AWG, and the tested cable was of length 291 m = 954 ft. 90 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Test equipment, measurement setup and the equations used to perform the calculations are identical to those used in B.3.8 on Two-Pair twisted drop. Results are found in Table B.18. B.3.11 Additional Models For additional models for European and other types of cable, see ETSI STC TMC6 Permanent Document # TM6(97)02. B.4 Cable crosstalk models Accurate models of crosstalk coupling between pairs in typical cable structures are as vital as the primary RLGC constant models to system simulation. For the DSL family of transmission systems the limiting factor on loop range has been crosstalk coupling of signal energy from like or unlike transmission systems on other pairs in the cable and not from the end-to-end attenuation of the signal. The current crosstalk models were developed in the 1980s based on computer simulations of the physical structure of the cables and later compared with measurements. Quantitative crosstalk models for less than full binder groups or small cables are not available. B.4.1 Near end crosstalk, NEXT Telephone twisted pairs are organized in binder groups of 12, 13, 25, 50 and 100 10, 25, or 50 pairs. Many binder groups share a common physical and electrical shield in a cable. Due to capacitive and inductive coupling, there is crosstalk between each twisted pair even though pairs are well insulated at DC. The crosstalk in voice frequency band is minimal, i.e. one can hardly hear the voice energy from an adjacent pair because the crosstalk loss is usually more than 80 dB, compared with a voice channel loss of less than 20 dB. In general the effect of cable crosstalk is minimized not only by the use of good insulation material between pairs but also by adapting different twist distances among different pairs in a binder group. The binder groups are also twisted such that no two groups are adjacent for long runs. For digital communication via digital subscriber line technology, where the signal bandwidth reaches into the MHz range, the crosstalk is a limiting factor to the achievable throughput. Near-end-crosstalk (NEXT) is defined as the crosstalk effect between transmit and receive pairs at the same end of a cable section. In other words, NEXT is a measure of the crosstalk effect between a transmitter and a receiver at the same end of a twisted pair cable. See Figure B.6. NEXT is usually considered for full duplex digital subscriber line systems such as DSL and HDSL where the transmit and receive spectra at each end are the same (or overlap). NEXT is strongest on the cable at the point where the transmitter of the crosstalking signal puts the signal on the pair. Any receivers near to this transmitter will receive NEXT as well as the intended signal. The NEXT path attenuates the unintended signal greatly, but the relevant issue is the signal to noise ratio between the intended signal and the NEXT. Therefore, NEXT becomes a problem if the intended signal is attenuated enough. Symmetrical systems such as the ISDN DSL have transmitters at both ends of every pair on which it is installed. The worst case NEXT is then usually the NEXT produced by a binder group full of similar collocated transceivers. The NEXT received from similar systems, i.e. DSL to DSL, HDSL to HDSL, or T1 to T1, in this way is called “self-NEXT.” For DSL and HDSL, full duplex communication on a single pair is achieved by the use of the echo cancellation technique. This requires transmit and receive signal paths be as fully separated as practical 13) with signal processing techniques even though transmit and receive signals share the same frequency spectra. However, transmit signals in other adjacent pairs are not available to the particular receiver. ––––––– 13) Two-to-four-wire hybrid circuits that act as balanced bridge networks perform the first level of separation between transmit and receive signals. Ten to twenty dB of isolation can be achieved with active and passive analog compromise balance impedance networks. Digital echo cancellers can provide 30 to 40 dB of additional isolation.) This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 91 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Thus, any energy coupled into a pair used by a transmission system can not be effectively removed from the received signal. For the T1 line system, bipolar (AMI) encoding of the 1.544 Mb/s signal results in a transmitted in a transmitted spectrum centered on 772 kHz. This 772 kHz signal is much higher in frequency than voice signals and crosstalk coupling is much higher. For T-carrier or T1 system, the full duplex communication is based on two separate twisted pairs. In the interoffice cable plant, special cables are used with a shield between the binder groups. T1 signals going in one direction from all T1 systems are placed in single binder groups. All signals going the other direction are in the other binder group with the shield between them. This binder group separation of transmit and receive pairs and shielding greatly reduce, but does not eliminate, the NEXT effects. In the outside customer loop plant, the special cables are not readily available. Binder group separation is practiced as much as possible for T1 in the loop plant. Shorter repeater spacing and very careful attention to placing of repeaters relative to other T1 systems helps compensate somewhat for the much more severe crosstalk environment in the loop plant. For ADSL systems using FDM to separate the upstream and downstream transmissions, there is no selfNEXT to limit transmission range, as is the case for DSL and HDSL. For EC-based ADSL systems using echo cancellation with overlapping downstream and upstream spectra, there will be self-NEXT in the overlap region. Analyses indicate that self-NEXT will not be a limiting factor for EC-based ADSL loop range, but compared to non-overlapped systems (e.g., FDM), overlapped systems would cause substantially more crosstalk into ADSL upstream and downstream transmissions on other pairs. There could be 1225 different NEXT values at a particular frequency for a 50 pair binder group, assuming pair-to-pair NEXT is symmetrical. The measured NEXT can be approximated with a gamma or a truncated Normal distribution on log scale. The truncated Normal distribution has a better physical meaning since the number of NEXT pairs is limited. In practice, we might be concerned about NEXT from more than one disturber. We need to calculate a power sum for multiple disturbers. We have 50, 3.16 × 15 11 10 and 4.1 × 10 different power sum NEXT values for 49 disturbers, 24 disturbers, and 10 disturbers respectively in a 50 pair binder group. The manipulation of large numbers of power sums for 24 and 10 disturbers is not easy. Hence, a direct computer simulation approach has been used in the past. NEXT is dependent on frequency as well as on the relative location of the pairs in the binder group. However, location is not relevant for a full binder group. Cables differ from one another with respect to NEXT due to the cable design and manufacturing variations. The NEXT loss at any given frequency, is usually stated as the power sum of crosstalk from signals in all other pairs of the cable binder group. The NEXT model used for studies such as the one reported here is stated as expected 1% worst case power sum crosstalk loss as a function of frequency. This means that on the average, 1% of the cables tested have power sum crosstalk loss worse (less) than the model at the given frequency. Such a model is a smooth curve Vs frequency, in which the loss decreases at about 15 dB per decade of frequency. Individual pair-to-pair loss on a single sample of cable is not a simple curve, and individual pairs generally exhibit different loss Vs frequency curves. The power sum loss for less than a full binder group depends on the distribution of the pairs on which the crosstalking signal appears. Measurements for a 25-pair binder group of a 24-AWG PIC cable are given in Figure B.7: The study of transmission issues related to T1 systems established a first step in dealing with NEXT modeling for simulations. The study not only tried to model NEXT loss with mean and standard deviation but also initiated the use of 1% worst case NEXT value for overall system requirements. The reason is -6 that people were expecting better than 95% satisfactory T1 service at an error ratio of less than 10 . The use of the 1% worst case for transmission engineering would allow multiple spans of T1 systems in an end-to-end service connection and also provide room for some unforeseen impairments. The same better than 95% satisfactory service objective also applies to other digital subscriber line systems such as DSL, HDSL, and ADSL. The 1% worst case NEXT model has also been used for DSL and HDSL simulation studies and test procedures. The piece-wise linear (log-log scale) NEXT models used for DSL and HDSL have loss values of 57 dB, 61 dB, and 67 dB for 49 disturbers, 10 disturbers, and 1 disturber, respectively, at a frequency of 80 kHz. A simplified 49 disturber NEXT model that has 57 dB of loss at 80 kHz and a linear (log-log scale) slope of -15 dB/decade has been most frequently used by ANSI T1E1.4 and can be expressed by 92 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 NEXT49 = x n × f 3 / 2 where x n = 8.818 × 10 −14 × (n 49 )0.6 and n is the number of disturbers. Experimental results for a 25-pair binder group of a 24-AWG PIC cable, support this model. In Figure B.8, those results are shown fitted to the model. The difference between the fitted results and the ANSI model can be explained as the difference between a 50-pair binder group of 22-AWG PIC cable (ANSI model) and a 25-pair binder group of 24-AWG PIC cable. B.4.2 Far end crosstalk, FEXT Far-end crosstalk (FEXT) is defined as the effect of crosstalk due to adjacent transmitters. In other words, FEXT is due to crosstalk from adjacent transmitters at the transmitter end that couples to the receiver of another system. See Figure B.9. FEXT loss is similar but not equal to the combination of NEXT and the subscriber loop channel losses over the coupling length. FEXT was also considered during T1 transmission engineering efforts but was classified as a minor factor compared with NEXT. The effect of FEXT for DSL and HDSL is very small and, hence, has been omitted in test procedures. The effect of ADSL system self-FEXT can not be simply ignored. At high frequencies and for upstream transmitter disturbers on short loops, ADSL self-FEXT noise power can exceed that of HDSL NEXT and white background noise combined. A simplified FEXT model has been most frequently used by ANSI T1E1.4 and is expressed by 2 FEXT49 = Hchannel (f ) × klf 2 Where Hchannel (f ) is the channel transfer function, k = 8 × 10 × (n 49 )0.6 , n = number of disturbers, l = the loop length in feet, and f = frequency in Hz. Experimental results for a 25-pair binder group of a 24AWG PIC cable, support this model. In Figure B.10, those results are shown fitted to the model. The difference between the fitted results and the ANSI model can be explained as the difference between a 50-pair binder group of 22-AWG PIC cable (ANSI model) and a 25-pair binder group of 24-AWG PIC cable. 2 -20 The simplified FEXT model assumes the channel transfer function and length of the coupling path match those of the disturbed system or more simply that the disturber system FEXT sources (transmitters) are co-located with the transmitter of the disturbed system. In the upstream direction, this underestimates the FEXT where the disturbers are closer to the central office than the victim signal transmitter. B.4.3 Method for combining crosstalk contributions from unlike types of disturber B.4.3.1 Base models for NEXT and FEXT The modelling of interference contributions to an access DSL system due to crosstalk from other DSL systems in the same cable is a fundamental part of spectral compatibility studies. The widely accepted base models due to work by Werner and others for near end crosstalk (NEXT) and far end crosstalk (FEXT) which are commonly used (see B.4.2) for this modelling are of the form: Next [f , n ] = S[f ] X N f 3 2 n 0.6 Fext [f , n, l ] = S[f ] H 2 [f ] X F f 2 l n 0.6 These expressions are for that interference power likely to be exceeded in 1% or less of cases where f is frequency, n is the number of disturbing systems, l is the length of the cable, XN and XF are scalar constants, S[f ] is the PSD of the interfering systems and H[f ] is the pair signal transfer function. There is an implicit assumption in these models that all the pairs involved are in the same binder group of the same cable and have a common length and also that all the interferers are of the same type. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 93 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 0.6 There is a counter-intuitive aspect of these models relating to the n term. Intuitively it would be expected for the interference power to be proportional to the number of disturbers (since the disturbers 0.6 are independent) but instead there is the n factor. This is due to the fact that the quantity being dealt with is not an average value or an expectation of any sort, but a 1% worst case. If the proximity of pairs in a cable segment is maintained along its length, certain pairs (usually the proximate ones) contribute much more to the interference in a given pair than others do. When there are few interferers (n small) if a single member is one of the proximate pairs the contribution to interference is disproportionately increased. For this reason the model has to be biased for small numbers of interferers and this is the reason for the exponent of n being less than unity. A difficulty arises when modelling complex access network scenarios though, where there may be many types of interferer. Suppose for example that the NEXT from n1 systems of spectrum S1[f ] and n2 systems of spectrum S2[f ] is considered. The obvious way of extending the model to cope with this is to add the crosstalk power contributions according to the base model for each: Next [f ] = S1[f ] X N f 3 2 n10.6 + S2 [f ] X N f 3 2 n20.6 The difficulty here is that each term in this expression is pessimistic enough for the 1% worst case, but their joint probability is much lower, so the combined model is excessively pessimistic. This can be seen by taking this expression and allowing S2[f ] = S1[f ] (the interferers have become of the same type). In this case the expression can be simplified to: Next [f ] = S1[f ] X N f 3 2 (n 0.6 1 + n20.6 ) whereas the base model would in this case predict the lesser interference of: Next [f ] = S1 [f ] X N f 3 2 (n1 + n 2 )0.6 This appendix describes the recommended method for calculation of NEXT and FEXT contributions from groups of unlike disturbers. The method avoids making an over pessimistic calculation of total crosstalk contribution which arises when assuming that all sub-groups of n interfering systems are using the worst n pairs in a multi-pair cable. It does so without treating any sub-group differently so that there is only one way of making the computation. The computation is such that in various limiting or trivial cases it converges asymptotically to the base model for the reduced state. Also it never predicts a lower crosstalk level when more disturbers are added. The method is equally applicable to the calculation of NEXT and FEXT models. B.4.3.2 Combining crosstalk from mixed disturber types Instead of directly adding the crosstalk power terms, each term is first arbitrarily raised to the power 1/0.6 before carrying out the summation. Then, after the summation, the resultant expression is raised to the power 0.6. There is no simple physical justification for this process but it has been shown both analytically below and elsewhere by means of Monte Carlo simulations that the method has many sound and realistic properties. B.4.3.3 Application to two NEXT terms Take the example from B.4.3.1. The combined NEXT power would take the form: 1 1 3 3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 2 2 Next [f ] = S1[f ] X N f n1 + S2 [f ] X N f n2 0.6 The first sound property is that if either inner term vanishes the model returns to the base model. Suppose for example that S2≡0 or n2=0. In this case the second term would vanish. This would leave the 94 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 two arbitrarily introduced exponents acting on a single expression, so that they cancel out, returning the expression to the base model. The second sound property arises when S2≡S1. In this case the common factors S1[f ] XN f taken out of the two inner terms, and further brought outside the enclosing brackets, leaving: Next [f ] = S1[f ] X N f 3 2 3/2 can be 0.6 1 0.6 10.6 0 . 6 0 . 6 n1 + n2 ( ) ( ) This in turn quickly collapses to: Next [f ] = S1 [f ] X N f 3 2 (n1 + n 2 )0.6 which is identical to the base model for the case of n1+n2 identical disturbers. The same process can be applied to collections of more than two interference contributions. B.4.3.4 Application to FEXT terms The same process can also be applied to collections of FEXT interferers. Take the case of three sources of FEXT at a given receiver. In this case there are n1 systems of spectrum S1[f ] at range l1, a further n2 systems of spectrum S2[f ] at range l2 and yet another n3 systems of spectrum S3[f ] at range l3. The expected crosstalk is built in exactly the same way as before, taking the base model for each source, raising it to power 1/0.6, adding these expressions, and raising the sum to power 0.6: 0.6 1 1 S1[f ] H12 [f ] X F f 2 l1 n10.6 0.6 + S2 [f ] H 22 [f ] X F f 2 l 2 n20.6 0.6 Fext [f ] = 1 2 0.6 0.6 2 [ ] + S [ f ] H f X f l n F 3 3 3 3 ( ) ( ( ) ) In this case it is assumed that H1[f ] is the transfer function of the length l1 etc. Even in this more complex case the same sound properties appear. The first sound property is that if any of the inner terms vanishes the model returns to the simpler case until when there is only one inner term left it returns to the base model. For FEXT though there are many more ways in which a term can disappear. Instead of just S2≡0 or n2=0 there are also the possibilities l2=0 2 and l2→∞. The latter arises because the product l2 H2 [f ]→0 as l2→∞. In any of these cases the second term would vanish, and the equation is exactly as it would appear if the second crosstalk subgroup had not been considered in the first place. If in addition the third term disappears, for example because n3=0, the resulting equation is easily reduced to the base model for just the first subgroup of interferers. The second sound property arises when for example S2≡S1 and l2=l1. This means that the first two terms actually relate to identical system types causing FEXT at the same location. As l2=l1 it can be assumed 2 1/0.6 2 2 2 that H2 [f ]≡H1 [f ]. In this case the common factors (S1[f ] H1 [f ] XF f l1) can be taken out of the first two inner terms, leaving the expression: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1 1 1 Fext [f ] = S1[f ] H12 [f ] X F f 2 l1 0.6 n10.6 0.6 + n20.6 0.6 + S3 [f ] H32 [f ] X F f 2 l3 n30.6 0.6 0 .6 The exponents around n1 and n2 now collapse to yield the sum n1+n2 which can then be taken back inside the common factor to yield: This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 95 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 0.6 1 1 2 0.6 0.6 2 0.6 0.6 2 2 [ ] [ ] Fext [f ] = S1[f ] H1 f X F f l1 (n1 + n2 ) + S3 [f ] H3 f X F f l3 n3 ( ) ( ) This is exactly the form that would be obtained if the new method were applied to the simplified modelling situation (of an increased number of identical disturbers at the same location) in the first place. In addition if the terms subscripted with 3 were to vanish, for example because n3=0, then the expression would further simplify to the base model for the remaining interferers. B.4.3.5 Crosstalk is non-decreasing It will be apparent that the exponentiation operations, which are applied in this process, are applied to quantities of dimension power. This means of course that they are applied to real positive functions. After exponentiation the functions are still real and positive. As adding more disturbers is modelled by adding together these real positive functions and then applying a monotonic mapping to the sum (the subsequent exponentiation with exponent 0.6) it follows that adding more disturbers always increases the crosstalk. B.4.3.6 All disturbers are treated equally It should be apparent from the absolute symmetry of the method that all disturbers are treated equally. It does not matter what order the disturbers are taken in the resulting expression is the same. B.4.3.7 Adding NEXT and FEXT The method should be separately applied to the NEXT terms and the FEXT terms to arrive at separate NEXT and FEXT disturbance power spectra. These power spectra should then be added. The method should not itself be used for adding NEXT to FEXT. This is because it is perfectly feasible for the same proximate disturbing pair to contribute both NEXT and FEXT powers from different disturbing transceivers, whereas it cannot contribute two lots of NEXT or two lots of FEXT from different disturbing transceivers. 96 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.1 – American wire gauge (AWG) and metric wire Metric & AWG Wire Gauges: R & C (0Hz/DC, 20deg C or 70deg F) mm (0.253) 0.30 PE 0.32 PE AWG 30 Ω/km 677 494 409 Ω/mi 1090 792 658 Ω/kft NOTES 206 150 125 0.40 PE (0.405) (0.455) 50 26 PIC 15.94 mil 51.6 40.0 25 MAT 80.5 83.0 64.3 280 273 213 451 439 343 84.4 83.1 64.9 Metro. Area Trans., PIC 50.9 55 50 51.6 82.0 88.5 64.4 83.0 181 179 179 172 291 288 288 276 55.1 55.6 54.5 52.3 40 45 22 PIC 25.35 mil 51.6 64.4 72.4 83.0 123 113 108 198 182 174 37.5 34.5 32.9 40 64.4 90 145 27.5 40 64.4 69 66.6 111 107 21.0 20.3 for comparison, not telephony 51.1 40 51.6 72-118 82.3 55.5 64.4 55 83.0 53.8 116-19 141 89.3 88.5 86.6 227 16.9 16.8 16.4 35.89 43 PVC, copperclad steel, parallel 22.7 36.5 66.3 12.6 PVC, copper &cadmium 67.4 12.8 for comparison, not telephony 28 mils nF/km nF/mi 10.03 mil 40 64.4 40 64.4 12.64 mil 40 64.4 0.50 DW10 0.50 DUG 0.50 PE (0.511) 24 PIC 20.10 mil 0.60 PE 0.63 PE (0.644) 0.70 PE 0.80 PE (0.812) 20 31.96 mil 0.90 DW12 0.90 PE (0.912) 19 PIC 1) (0.965) 18 ½ 1.0 DW8 (1.024) 18 40.3 mil 41.2 41.9 Loss DW1 28.0 45.1 63.5 102 19.4 PVC, copper & cadmium DW3 24.4 39.3 266 428 81.0 PVC, copperclad steel DW5 29.3 47.2 258 415 78.6 PVC, copperclad steel DW6 27.9 44.9 200 322 61.0 PVC, copperclad steel NOTES: ( ) = AWG conductor diameter → (mm) = not a normal metric size PE = metric Polyethylene insulated cable PIC = AWG Polyethylene insulated cable, sometimes called "plastic insulated cable" as contrasted to older pulp or paper insulated cable. PVC = Polyvinyl chloride insulated cable DW = European drop wire, overhead/aerial DUG = European underground drop cable 1) F Drop Wire, AT-8668, aerial, parallel (flat, not twisted) 18 ½ AWG copperclad steel conductors, solid black PVC insulation, oval cross section, conductor diameter = 0.038 inch, 43 ohm/kft = 227 ohm/mi, C = 0.116 µf/mi dry, C = 0.190 µf/mi wet (US Drop wire limits: 700 feet or 25 ohms) Attenuation/Loss at 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz, 30 MHz: FUTURE? Table B. 2 - Cable model parameters for TP1 (0.4 mm or 26-gauge twisted pair) Resistance r0c r0s ac This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. ax 97 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 (value) Inductance 286.17578 Ω/km l0 ∞ Ω/km l∞ 0.14769620 b 0.0 fm (value) 488.95186 µH/km c0 0.92930728 806.33863 kHz Capacitance 675.36888 µH/km c∞ (value) Conductance 49 nF/km g0 0.0 nF/km ge 0.0 (value) 43 nS/km .70 ce Table B.3 - Primary constants for TP1 (0.4 mm or 26-gauge twisted pair) Frequency (Hz) 5000 10000 20000 50000 100000 1.e6 10.e6 10.5e6 30.e6 Resistance Ω/km) (Ω 286.21516 286.3332 286.8039 290.03566 300.77488 626.85069 1.9606119e3 2.0090081e3 3.3955368e3 Inductance (H/km) 673.7277e-6 672.26817e-6 669.55152e-6 662.28605e-6 651.94136e-6 572.86886e-6 505.33352e-6 504.66857e-6 495.20494e-6 Capacitance (F/km) 49.e-9 49.e-9 49.e-9 49.e-9 49.e-9 49.e-9 49.e-9 49.e-9 49.e-9 Conductance (S/km) 16.701192e-6 27.131166e-6 44.074709e-6 83.70424e-6 135.97794e-6 681.50407e-6 3.4156114e-3 3.5342801e-3 7.3697598e-3 98 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.4 - Cable parameters for 26-AWG PIC air core MHz R G L C α β (Ω Ω/Km) (µ µS/Km) (mH/Km) (nF/Km) (dB/Km) (rad/Km) Ω) Z0 (Ω 0.304 0.327 0.357 0.388 0.418 0.456 0.496 0.534 0.582 0.633 0.682 0.743 0.809 0.871 0.949 1.033 1.112 1.212 1.319 1.421 1.548 1.684 1.814 1.977 2.151 2.317 2.525 2.748 2.959 3.225 3.509 3.78 7.874 8.58 9.337 10.06 10.96 11.92 12.84 14 15.23 16.4 17.87 19.45 354.02 358.78 364.39 372.51 380.64 392.35 405.63 420.44 440.01 462.03 485.14 512.91 542.09 568.12 596.53 622.32 643.03 665.05 687.17 709.85 741.08 776.22 809.18 844.21 873.33 898.41 936.27 978.03 1014.30 1051.68 1094.11 1135.57 1610.79 1679.19 1747.18 1809.56 1883.19 1959.05 2030.18 2113.47 2204.55 2285.22 2381.34 2484.60 108.05 107.71 107.37 107.07 106.84 106.59 106.35 106.16 105.94 105.72 105.53 105.32 105.09 104.90 104.67 104.43 104.22 103.98 103.73 103.51 103.25 102.98 102.76 102.49 102.22 101.99 101.71 101.44 101.21 100.94 100.67 100.44 98.30 98.07 97.84 97.66 97.44 97.23 97.06 96.86 96.66 96.50 96.32 96.14 95 103 112 123 133 145 158 170 186 203 218 238 258 278 303 329 354 385 419 451 492 535 576 628 683 736 803 874 942 1026 1118 1205 2529 2758 3003 3238 3532 3846 4148 4524 4926 5313 5793 6309 0.579 0.579 0.577 0.576 0.576 0.575 0.574 0.573 0.571 0.569 0.568 0.565 0.562 0.559 0.556 0.552 0.550 0.547 0.544 0.542 0.539 0.536 0.534 0.531 0.528 0.526 0.523 0.521 0.519 0.516 0.514 0.512 0.494 0.492 0.490 0.489 0.487 0.485 0.484 0.483 0.481 0.480 0.479 0.477 49.61 49.87 50.09 50.29 50.46 50.60 50.71 50.82 50.89 50.92 50.96 50.93 50.88 50.83 50.74 50.64 50.60 50.55 50.53 50.56 50.56 50.56 50.57 50.54 50.53 50.56 50.59 50.60 50.63 50.65 50.68 50.73 51.11 51.15 51.19 51.25 51.29 51.34 51.40 51.44 51.48 51.55 51.58 51.62 14.26 14.50 14.78 15.16 15.52 16.04 16.63 17.27 18.11 19.06 20.05 21.25 22.50 23.63 24.87 26.01 26.94 27.93 28.94 29.97 31.37 32.95 34.43 36.03 37.38 38.56 40.30 42.23 43.91 45.67 47.66 49.59 72.20 75.49 78.77 81.79 85.37 89.07 92.53 96.60 101.05 105.00 109.73 114.80 10.23 11.05 12.05 13.13 14.16 15.44 16.80 18.10 19.71 21.41 23.04 25.04 27.16 29.18 31.67 34.32 36.86 40.03 43.44 46.71 50.78 55.11 59.24 64.34 69.81 75.08 81.63 88.62 95.29 103.60 112.51 121.02 248.56 270.44 293.84 316.25 344.13 373.99 402.58 438.13 476.19 512.65 557.99 606.52 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 99 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.4 (concluded) MHz 20.95 22.83 24.84 26.76 29.16 31.73 34.17 37.24 40 R G L C α β (Ω Ω/Km) (µ µS/Km) (mH/Km) (nF/Km) (dB/Km) (rad/Km) 2577.25 6803 0.476 51.69 119.36 653.04 2691.58 7419 0.475 51.72 125.00 710.86 2811.07 8079 0.474 51.76 130.90 772.74 2915.22 8711 0.473 51.82 136.07 832.08 3058.27 9499 0.472 51.85 143.12 905.83 3189.29 10343 0.470 51.89 149.65 984.79 3320.49 11153 0.470 51.94 156.16 1060.47 3469.12 12160 0.469 51.98 163.58 1154.59 3606.84 13077 0.468 52.03 170.45 1240.11 Ω) Z0 (Ω 95.99 95.82 95.65 95.52 95.36 95.21 95.09 94.95 94.83 Table B.5– Cable parameters for 26-AWG filled PIC MHz 0.304 0.327 0.357 0.388 0.418 0.456 0.496 0.534 0.582 0.633 0.682 0.743 0.809 0.871 0.949 1.033 1.112 1.212 1.319 1.421 1.548 1.684 1.814 1.977 2.151 2.317 2.525 2.748 R G L C α β Z0 (ohm/Km) (µ µS/Km) (mH/Km) (nF/Km) (dB/Km) (rad/Km) (ohms) 397.8 48.3 0.685 46.44 14.267 10.767 121.409 398.7 52 0.682 46.77 14.376 11.618 120.79 399.5 56 0.68 47.09 14.488 12.677 120.134 400.3 60.2 0.677 47.38 14.592 13.813 119.54 401.6 64.9 0.676 47.64 14.701 14.902 119.076 403.9 69.7 0.674 47.9 14.854 16.259 118.579 407.3 75.1 0.672 48.15 15.042 17.715 118.127 413.9 80.8 0.671 48.37 15.336 19.112 117.77 423.1 86.9 0.67 48.59 15.734 20.851 117.386 437.7 93.6 0.668 48.78 16.328 22.712 117.032 454.6 101 0.667 48.95 17.005 24.487 116.751 478.8 108 0.665 49.07 17.959 26.678 116.446 506.4 117 0.663 49.14 19.045 29 116.164 533.3 125 0.661 49.18 20.1 31.197 115.937 565.9 135 0.658 49.15 21.376 33.902 115.689 595.1 145 0.654 49.08 22.528 36.772 115.457 616.4 156 0.652 49.05 23.378 39.512 115.27 635.4 168 0.649 48.98 24.153 42.923 115.064 649.9 181 0.646 48.95 24.758 46.595 114.871 665 195 0.644 48.97 25.376 50.143 114.713 688.1 209 0.643 48.99 26.309 54.578 114.539 721.9 226 0.641 49 27.65 59.311 114.374 758 243 0.639 48.99 29.074 63.801 114.239 796 261 0.637 48.93 30.583 69.341 114.089 821.3 281 0.634 48.86 31.607 75.261 113.947 840 302 0.633 48.86 32.377 80.973 113.83 871.4 326 0.632 48.85 33.646 88.12 113.699 913.4 351 0.63 48.82 35.321 95.73 113.575 100 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.5 (concluded) MHz 2.959 3.225 3.509 3.78 4.119 4.482 4.827 5.26 5.724 6.165 6.718 7.31 7.874 8.58 9.337 10.06 10.96 11.92 12.84 14 15.23 16.4 17.87 19.45 20.95 22.83 24.84 26.76 29.16 31.73 34.17 37.24 40 R G L C α β Z0 (ohm/Km) (µ µS/Km) (mH/Km) (nF/Km) (dB/Km) (rad/Km) (ohms) 948.7 377 0.628 48.81 36.73 102.987 113.472 979.9 406 0.627 48.77 38.004 112.019 113.358 1018 436 0.625 48.75 39.56 121.726 113.248 1057 471 0.624 48.75 41.111 131.005 113.158 1100 506 0.623 48.72 42.837 142.545 113.056 1153 545 0.621 48.69 44.956 154.887 112.959 1196 586 0.62 48.68 46.712 166.675 112.879 1243 630 0.619 48.66 48.622 181.378 112.789 1300 679 0.618 48.63 50.907 197.094 112.702 1347 730 0.617 48.62 52.81 212.146 112.631 1403 786 0.616 48.6 55.087 230.88 112.551 1467 846 0.614 48.57 57.697 250.927 112.473 1519 909 0.614 48.57 59.805 270.094 112.41 1581 980 0.613 48.54 62.34 293.981 112.338 1650 1054 0.612 48.52 65.163 319.541 112.269 1712 1134 0.611 48.52 67.691 344.03 112.212 1785 1222 0.61 48.5 70.701 374.474 112.148 1872 1312 0.609 48.48 74.235 407.112 112.086 1943 1415 0.608 48.48 77.176 438.268 112.035 2024 1522 0.608 48.46 80.519 477.129 111.978 2129 1637 0.607 48.43 84.794 518.684 111.923 2206 1763 0.606 48.44 87.994 558.535 111.877 2307 1894 0.605 48.42 92.156 608.048 111.826 2431 2042 0.605 48.4 97.247 661.129 111.776 2513 2196 0.604 48.4 100.693 711.891 111.736 2636 2363 0.603 48.38 105.808 774.997 111.69 2759 2545 0.603 48.36 110.912 842.743 111.646 2886 2734 0.603 48.37 116.164 907.614 111.609 2996 2947 0.602 48.35 120.82 988.173 111.568 3149 3170 0.601 48.33 127.189 1074.618 111.529 3301 3411 0.601 48.35 133.523 1157.406 111.496 3470 3673 0.6 48.33 140.573 1260.329 111.46 3671 3946 0.6 48.34 148.837 1353.774 111.429 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 101 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.6 – Cable model parameters for TP2 (0.5 mm or 24-gauge twisted pair) Resistance r0c r0s ac ac (value) Inductance 174.55888 Ohms/km l0 ∞ Ohms/km l∞ 0.053073481 b 0.0 fm (value) Capacitance 617.29539 µH/km c∞ 478.97099 µH/km c0 1.1529766 ce 553.760 kHz (value) Conductance 50 nF/km g0 0.0 nF/km ge 0.0 (value) 234.87476 fMho/km 1.38 Table B.7 – Primary constants for TP2 (0.5 mm or 24-gauge twisted pair) Frequency (Hz) 5000 10000 20000 50000 100000 1.e6 10.e6 30.e6 Resistance Ω/km) (Ω 174.62121 174.8078 175.54826 180.48643 195.44702 482.06141 1.5178833e3 2.6289488e3 Inductance (H/km) 616.69018e-6 615.95674e-6 614.35345e-6 609.15855e-6 600.41634e-6 525.43983e-6 483.72215e-6 480.34357e-6 Capacitance (F/km) 50.e-9 50.e-9 50.e-9 50.e-9 50.e-9 50.e-9 50.e-9 50.e-9 Conductance (S/km) 29.882364e-9 77.774343e-9 202.42201e-9 716.82799e-9 1.8656765e-6 44.754463e-6 1.0735848e-3 4.8894913e-3 102 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.8 – Cable parameters for 24-AWG PIC air core MHz R G L C α β Z0 Ω) (Ω Ω/Km) (µ µS/Km) (mH/Km) (nF/Km) (dB/Km) (rad/Km) (Ω 0.304 269.87 98 0.581 51.3 11.05 10.42 106.39 0.327 280.59 105 0.578 51.22 11.51 11.19 106.24 0.357 291.94 115 0.574 51.13 12.01 12.14 105.99 0.388 302.05 125 0.57 51.07 12.46 13.16 105.67 0.418 310.67 134 0.567 51.09 12.86 14.14 105.35 0.456 321.11 146 0.563 51.12 13.34 15.36 104.96 0.496 333.53 159 0.559 51.19 13.92 16.67 104.53 0.534 346.45 172 0.556 51.29 14.51 17.92 104.16 0.582 362.84 188 0.552 51.36 15.27 19.47 103.71 0.633 378.68 204 0.548 51.41 16.01 21.12 103.27 0.682 391.83 220 0.545 51.45 16.63 22.68 102.89 0.743 405.72 240 0.54 51.48 17.29 24.63 102.46 0.809 420.66 262 0.537 51.53 18.01 26.71 102.03 0.871 436.52 282 0.534 51.62 18.76 28.72 101.69 0.949 455.25 308 0.53 51.66 19.64 31.2 101.29 1.033 472.06 335 0.526 51.69 20.45 33.85 100.92 1.112 487.37 362 0.524 51.74 21.18 36.38 100.62 1.212 507.85 394 0.521 51.78 22.15 39.54 100.28 1.319 527.94 429 0.518 51.8 23.11 42.91 99.96 1.421 545.55 463 0.515 51.84 23.95 46.14 99.7 1.548 568.5 504 0.513 51.86 25.03 50.15 99.42 1.684 590.64 549 0.51 51.87 26.09 54.44 99.16 1.814 611.79 592 0.508 51.9 27.09 58.54 98.95 1.977 636.98 645 0.506 51.9 28.28 63.65 98.72 2.151 662.83 702 0.504 51.9 29.5 69.11 98.51 2.317 686.62 756 0.502 51.92 30.62 74.34 98.35 2.525 715.83 823 0.5 51.9 32 80.84 98.17 2.748 744.89 896 0.498 51.88 33.37 87.78 98 2.959 772.18 965 0.497 51.9 34.65 94.44 97.87 3.225 804.85 1051 0.495 51.87 36.19 102.72 97.73 3.509 838.52 1143 0.494 51.84 37.77 111.57 97.61 3.78 869.26 1231 0.493 51.84 39.21 120.05 97.51 4.119 905.99 1341 0.492 51.81 40.93 130.59 97.41 4.482 944.23 1458 0.49 51.77 42.73 141.86 97.31 4.827 978.86 1570 0.489 51.77 44.35 152.67 97.24 5.26 1021.06 1709 0.488 51.72 46.33 166.1 97.16 5.724 1064.19 1859 0.487 51.68 48.35 180.48 97.1 6.165 1104.2 2002 0.487 51.67 50.22 194.25 97.05 6.718 1152.18 2179 0.486 51.63 52.47 211.37 96.99 7.31 1201.2 2369 0.485 51.58 54.77 229.7 96.95 7.874 1246.16 2551 0.484 51.57 56.88 247.25 96.91 8.58 1300.4 2778 0.484 51.52 59.43 269.08 96.88 9.337 1356.48 3020 0.483 51.47 62.06 292.44 96.85 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 103 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.8 (concluded) MHz R (Ω Ω/Km) 10.06 1407.6 10.96 1469.55 11.92 1533.1 12.84 1591.69 14 1662.07 15.23 1735.64 16.4 1802.69 17.87 1886.11 19.45 1973.16 20.95 2049.06 22.83 2145.43 24.84 2251.42 26.76 2338.22 29.16 2453.81 31.73 2573.37 34.17 2678.96 37.24 2816.8 40 2935 G (µ µS/Km) 3252 3540 3849 4144 4512 4905 5282 5750 6251 6732 7329 7968 8581 9342 10157 10938 11909 12792 L C α β Z0 Ω) (mH/Km) (nF/Km) (dB/Km) (rad/Km) (Ω 0.482 51.46 64.46 314.84 96.82 0.482 51.41 67.37 342.67 96.8 0.481 51.37 70.36 372.47 96.78 0.481 51.35 73.12 401.04 96.77 0.48 51.3 76.44 436.54 96.76 0.48 51.26 79.91 474.55 96.75 0.48 51.25 83.08 510.99 96.75 0.479 51.2 87.03 556.28 96.74 0.479 51.15 91.14 604.76 96.74 0.479 51.14 94.75 651.24 96.74 0.478 51.09 99.32 709.04 96.75 0.478 51.05 104.34 770.89 96.75 0.478 51.04 108.48 830.23 96.76 0.477 51 113.98 903.98 96.76 0.477 50.95 119.68 982.89 96.77 0.477 50.94 124.73 1058.57 96.78 0.477 50.9 131.31 1152.64 96.79 0.477 50.9 136.97 1238.16 96.79 104 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.9 – Cable parameters for 22-AWG PIC air core MHz R G L C α β (Ω Ω/Km) (µ µS/Km) (mH/Km) (nF/Km) (dB/Km) (rad/Km) 0.304 197.3 96 0.537 50.27 8.33 9.92 0.327 202.3 104 0.537 50.33 8.55 10.69 0.357 207.61 113 0.536 50.41 8.79 11.65 0.388 214 123 0.534 50.51 9.09 12.67 0.418 220.28 133 0.533 50.64 9.38 13.64 0.456 227.97 145 0.531 50.76 9.74 14.86 0.496 236.78 159 0.528 50.89 10.16 16.15 0.534 246.08 171 0.527 51.03 10.59 17.39 0.582 258.3 187 0.524 51.15 11.16 18.93 0.633 271.25 204 0.521 51.27 11.76 20.56 0.682 285.09 220 0.519 51.38 12.41 22.13 0.743 301.4 240 0.516 51.45 13.17 24.06 0.809 317.76 262 0.513 51.51 13.93 26.11 0.871 333.2 282 0.51 51.56 14.66 28.07 0.949 349.26 308 0.507 51.58 15.42 30.5 1.033 363.23 335 0.504 51.59 16.09 33.09 1.112 374.44 361 0.502 51.64 16.64 35.58 1.212 386.35 394 0.499 51.67 17.23 38.68 1.319 399.1 429 0.497 51.72 17.85 42.01 1.421 412.51 462 0.495 51.79 18.5 45.21 1.548 431.41 504 0.493 51.83 19.4 49.19 1.684 452.73 549 0.491 51.86 20.42 53.43 1.814 471.26 592 0.49 51.89 21.3 57.47 1.977 492.08 645 0.488 51.89 22.3 62.49 2.151 508.82 701 0.486 51.89 23.11 67.88 2.317 525.41 756 0.485 51.93 23.91 73.06 2.525 552.67 824 0.483 51.94 25.21 79.49 2.748 580.94 896 0.482 51.92 26.55 86.35 2.959 602.38 965 0.481 51.92 27.57 92.89 3.225 621.3 1052 0.479 51.9 28.5 101.06 3.509 650.94 1144 0.478 51.9 29.91 109.84 3.78 679.27 1233 0.477 51.9 31.25 118.21 4.119 704.13 1342 0.476 51.87 32.45 128.6 4.482 733.72 1460 0.475 51.85 33.87 139.78 4.827 765.09 1573 0.475 51.85 35.36 150.44 5.26 795.07 1713 0.474 51.82 36.8 163.73 5.724 835.86 1862 0.473 51.78 38.74 177.94 6.165 861.63 2006 0.472 51.78 39.99 191.54 6.718 900.91 2184 0.471 51.75 41.87 208.49 7.31 937.53 2375 0.471 51.71 43.63 226.63 7.874 974.62 2558 0.47 51.71 45.41 243.97 8.58 1016.13 2786 0.47 51.67 47.41 265.58 9.337 1057.87 3029 0.469 51.63 49.42 288.69 10.06 1097.92 3262 0.469 51.63 51.35 310.85 Z0 (Ω Ω) 103.38 103.28 103.08 102.83 102.57 102.25 101.89 101.58 101.21 100.83 100.52 100.15 99.79 99.5 99.16 98.84 98.58 98.29 98.02 97.8 97.56 97.34 97.15 96.96 96.78 96.63 96.48 96.33 96.22 96.1 95.99 95.9 95.81 95.73 95.67 95.6 95.54 95.5 95.45 95.41 95.37 95.34 95.31 95.29 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 105 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.9(concluded) MHz R (Ω Ω/Km) 10.96 1145.72 11.92 1191.83 12.84 1236.98 14 1290.75 15.23 1349.41 16.4 1403.08 17.87 1464.42 19.45 1534.46 20.95 1591.96 22.83 1668.08 24.84 1737.61 26.76 1808.44 29.16 1889.94 31.73 1994.92 34.17 2070.38 37.24 2175.93 40 2278.32 G (µ µS/Km) 3552 3862 4159 4529 4925 5304 5775 6280 6763 7364 8008 8624 9391 10212 10999 11977 12866 L C α β (mH/Km) (nF/Km) (dB/Km) (rad/Km) 0.468 51.59 53.66 338.4 0.468 51.55 55.9 367.9 0.468 51.54 58.08 396.17 0.467 51.51 60.69 431.33 0.467 51.47 63.54 468.97 0.467 51.46 66.14 505.05 0.466 51.42 69.14 549.89 0.466 51.38 72.54 597.91 0.466 51.38 75.36 643.91 0.465 51.34 79.08 701.15 0.465 51.3 82.51 762.44 0.465 51.3 85.99 821.18 0.465 51.26 90.02 894.26 0.465 51.23 95.14 972.48 0.465 51.23 98.9 1047.44 0.464 51.19 104.11 1140.68 0.464 51.19 109.13 1225.38 Z0 (Ω Ω) 95.27 95.26 95.24 95.23 95.23 95.22 95.22 95.21 95.21 95.21 95.22 95.22 95.22 95.23 95.23 95.24 95.25 Table B.10 – Cable model parameters for TP3 (DW10 reinforced .5 mm copper PVC-insulated steel strength member, polyethelene sheath) Resistance r0c r0s ac ax (value) Inductance 180.93 Ohms/km l0 ∞ Ohms/km l∞ .0497223 b 0 fm (value) Capacitance 728.87 µH/km c∞ 543.43 µH/km c0 .75577086 ce 718888 Hz. (value) Conductance 51 nF/km g0 63.8 nF/km ge .11584622 (value) 89 nMho/km .856 106 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.11 – Primary constants for TP3 (DW10 reinforced .5 mm copper PVC-insulated steel strength member, polyethelene sheath) Frequency (Hz) 5000 10000 20000 50000 100000 1.5e6 10.e6 30.e6 Resistance Ω/km) (Ω 180.98245 181.13951 181.76372 185.96294 199.01927 579.72026 1.493348e3 2.5864318e3 Inductance (H/km) 724.62777e-6 721.81902e-6 717.26896e-6 707.04768e-6 694.78496e-6 611.02577e-6 565.7413e-6 553.86667e-6 Capacitance (F/km) 74.722723e-9 72.886768e-9 71.192474e-9 69.151688e-9 67.745589e-9 63.21713e-9 60.79255e-9 59.613734e-9 Conductance (S/km) 130.65969e-6 236.50605e-6 428.0977e-6 938.00385e-6 1.6978732e-3 17.246997e-3 87.504681e-3 224.11821e-3 Table B.12 – Cable model parameters for FP (1.14 mm flat cable) Resistance r0c r0s ac ax (value) Inductance 41.16 Ohms/km l0 ∞ Ohms/km .001218 b 0 fm (value) Capacitance 1000 µH/km c∞ 911 µH/km c0 1.195 ce 174.2 kHz (value) Conductance 22.68 nF/km g0 31.78 nF/km ge .1109 (value) 53 nMho/km .88 l∞ Table B.13 – Primary constants for FP (1.14 mm flat cable) Frequency (Hz) 5000 10000 20000 50000 100000 1.e6 10.e6 30.e6 Resistance Ω/km) (Ω 41.268736 41.589888 42.805363 49.316246 62.284991 186.92411 590.76171 1.023223e3 Inductance (H/km) 998.73982e-6 997.16583e-6 993.76481e-6 983.62766e-6 969.66713e-6 920.40732e-6 911.20963e-6 910.69563e-6 Capacitance (F/km) 35.041871e-9 34.127572e-9 33.280903e-9 32.257008e-9 31.548702e-9 29.550852e-9 28.003118e-9 27.392833e-9 Conductance (S/km) 95.360709e-6 175.49949e-6 322.98493e-6 723.38496e-6 1.3312998e-3 10.098942e-3 76.608308e-3 201.43854e-3 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 107 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.14 – Cable model parameters for category 5 twisted pair Resistance r0c r0s ac ax (value) Inductance 176.6 Ohms/km l0 ∞ Ohms/km l∞ .0500079494 b 0.0 fm (value) Capacitance 1090.8 µH/km c∞ 504.5 µH/km c0 0.705 ce 32570 kHz (value) Conductance 48.55 nF/km g0 0.0 nF/km 0.0 (value) 1.47653 nS/km .91 ge Table B.15 – Primary constants for category 5 twisted pair Frequency (Hz) 5000 10000 20000 50000 100000 1.e6 10.e6 30.e6 Resistance Ω/km) (Ω 176.656720 176.826554 177.501041 182.020084 195.898798 475.172462 1.4954809e3 2.5901370e3 Inductance (H/km) 967.308142e-6 913.078780e-6 847.551900e-6 753.691218e-6 687.417012e-6 552.634084e-6 514.663928e-6 509.228994e-6 Capacitance (F/km) 48.55e-9 48.55e-9 48.55e-9 48.55e-9 48.55e-9 48.55e-9 48.55e-9 48.55e-9 Conductance (S/km) 3.430086e-6 6.445287e-6 12.110988e-6 27.880784e-6 52.389261e-6 425.835904e-6 3.461324e-3 9.406382e-3 108 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.16 – Cable parameters, two-pair twisted drop MHz R (Ω Ω//Kft) L (mH/Kft) C (nF/Kft) α (dB/Kft) (ohm) 0.772 0.819094 0.869062 0.922077 0.978327 1.038008 1.101329 1.168514 1.239797 1.315428 1.395673 1.480813 1.571148 1.666992 1.768684 1.876579 1.991056 2.112517 2.241387 2.378118 2.523191 2.677113 2.840425 3.0137 3.197545 3.392605 3.599564 3.819149 4.052129 4.299321 4.561593 4.839864 5.13511 5.448368 5.780735 6.133378 6.507533 6.904512 7.325709 7.772599 8.246752 8.749829 112.6412 116.4074 120.112 124.0752 128.3016 132.5838 137.0843 142.5063 147.1853 151.9907 157.6941 163.022 168.7727 174.1886 180.6494 187.1776 194.3419 201.1778 209.5537 216.4363 223.9826 232.2693 240.6053 250.1631 259.1278 268.8572 279.5037 290.5045 300.6599 311.7282 323.8352 336.0791 349.7153 363.3367 377.6032 393.3168 407.97 426.5291 443.104 461.1752 479.3825 499.3066 0.143576 0.141203 0.140489 0.140184 0.139989 0.139838 0.139706 0.139581 0.139459 0.139336 0.13921 0.137695 0.138949 0.138813 0.138676 0.138536 0.138396 0.138254 0.138115 0.137974 0.137835 0.137699 0.137566 0.137436 0.137309 0.137186 0.137066 0.13695 0.136837 0.136727 0.13662 0.136515 0.136413 0.136312 0.136212 0.136114 0.135994 0.135918 0.135701 0.135721 0.135621 0.13552 14.15747 13.94644 13.89817 13.88958 13.89123 13.89671 13.90334 13.91021 13.91676 13.92271 13.92782 13.79328 13.93559 13.93821 13.94017 13.94142 13.94219 13.94235 13.94233 13.94175 13.94097 13.94009 13.93908 13.9381 13.93699 13.93593 13.93491 13.9339 13.93283 13.93179 13.93077 13.92969 13.92858 13.92734 13.92597 13.92445 13.92044 13.92074 13.90626 13.91594 13.91307 13.90983 4.85443771 5.02088326 5.18481854 5.36006449 5.54683894 5.73618274 5.93512422 6.17415048 6.38116738 6.59381465 6.84559689 7.0812544 7.3354461 7.57525379 7.86066953 8.14921318 8.46564642 8.7679671 9.13761936 9.44235495 9.77621976 10.142589 10.5113113 10.9336262 11.3302283 11.7604684 12.2310533 12.7173706 13.1668983 13.6566036 14.1920396 14.7337063 15.3366472 15.939193 16.5702788 17.2651257 17.9136803 18.7340146 19.4674802 20.266952 21.072676 21.9541433 100.7043 100.6214 100.5408 100.4626 100.3867 100.313 100.2415 100.172 100.1046 100.0391 99.97558 99.91388 99.85398 99.79583 99.73937 99.68456 99.63135 99.5797 99.52955 99.48086 99.43359 99.3877 99.34315 99.2999 99.25792 99.21715 99.17758 99.13916 99.10186 99.06565 99.0305 98.99637 98.96324 98.93107 98.89984 98.86953 98.84009 98.81152 98.78378 98.75685 98.7307 98.70532 Z0 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 109 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.16 (concluded) MHz R (Ω Ω//Kft) L (mH/Kft) C (nF/Kft) α (dB/Kft) (ohm) 9.283595 9.849923 10.4508 11.08833 11.76475 12.48244 13.2439 14.05182 14.90903 15.81852 16.7835 17.80735 18.89365 20.04622 21.2691 22.56658 23.94321 25.40382 26.95353 28.59778 30.34234 32.19331 34.1572 36.2409 38.4517 40 518.4216 539.9883 562.2894 586.0891 610.2553 635.0644 662.0816 691.5593 720.1421 749.6236 783.4812 817.8867 851.7503 890.3597 925.5264 969.5871 1010.435 1060.989 1104.402 1152.924 1191.673 1244.775 1319.738 1367.755 1441.865 1488.43 0.135417 0.135312 0.135205 0.135096 0.134984 0.13487 0.134752 0.134631 0.134508 0.134382 0.134252 0.13412 0.133985 0.133846 0.133706 0.133561 0.133416 0.133265 0.133115 0.132962 0.132811 0.132654 0.132489 0.132332 0.132167 0.132058 13.90623 13.9022 13.89775 13.89286 13.88752 13.88174 13.87545 13.86865 13.86144 13.85377 13.84553 13.83685 13.82779 13.81817 13.80831 13.79778 13.78702 13.77562 13.76416 13.75225 13.74044 13.72787 13.71443 13.70164 13.68794 13.67882 22.8003059 23.7545736 24.7414418 25.7945582 26.8641089 27.962258 29.1579437 30.462329 31.7276262 33.0328382 34.5312289 36.0541353 37.5534985 39.2624684 40.819977 42.7701295 44.5789511 46.816403 48.7392081 50.8878273 52.6053964 54.9569524 58.2741802 60.4020976 63.682754 65.7446239 98.68068 98.65676 98.63353 98.61098 98.58909 98.56784 98.54721 98.52718 98.50774 98.48886 98.47053 98.45274 98.43547 98.4187 98.40242 98.38661 98.37127 98.35637 98.34191 98.32787 98.31424 98.30101 98.28816 98.27569 98.26358 98.25571 Z0 110 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.17 – Cable parameters, two-pair quad drop MHz 0.772 0.82 0.87 0.923 0.979 1.038 1.103 1.169 1.241 1.317 1.396 1.483 1.572 1.668 1.771 1.877 1.993 2.114 2.243 2.381 2.523 2.68 2.843 3.016 3.201 3.393 3.604 3.822 4.055 4.304 4.562 4.845 5.139 5.453 5.788 6.133 6.515 6.91 7.331 7.782 8.247 8.76 9.291 R (Ω Ω//Kft) Pair 1 125.4 130.1 135 139.5 143.4 148.3 153 158.1 163.8 170.3 176.3 180.7 187.2 193.5 200.4 207.1 214 221.6 229.6 237.2 245.6 254.9 263.5 273.1 283.3 293.1 303.9 314.7 326.9 338.9 351.8 364.6 377.6 391.6 407 424.1 439.6 456.8 474.7 494.7 513.7 533.8 553.8 Pair 2 129.2 134.7 139.9 145.4 149 154.1 158.3 164.2 170.3 176.6 182.6 188.3 194.3 202.3 209.2 215.6 223 232.1 239.2 248.3 257.7 267.4 276.3 287.4 297.2 307.7 318.5 331.8 343.3 355.5 370.7 384.7 400.6 413.7 429.1 445.9 463.9 482.3 501.6 520.4 542.6 565.7 594.5 L (mH/Kft) Pair 1 0.156 0.14 0.145 0.146 0.146 0.146 0.146 0.142 0.146 0.146 0.146 0.146 0.146 0.146 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.142 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 Pair 2 0.178 0.141 0.148 0.149 0.15 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.148 0.153 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.15 0.149 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 C (nF/Kft) Pair 1 12.53 11.28 11.67 11.75 11.79 11.81 11.82 11.5 11.84 11.84 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.85 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.77 11.79 11.83 11.83 11.83 Pair 2 13.69 10.83 11.38 11.51 11.57 11.6 11.62 11.63 11.43 11.75 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.65 11.59 11.46 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 α (dB/Kft) Pair 1 4.879 5.065 5.259 5.439 5.592 5.786 5.971 6.174 6.402 6.658 6.896 7.07 7.33 7.579 7.851 8.118 8.39 8.691 9.01 9.312 9.642 10.01 10.35 10.74 11.14 11.53 11.96 12.39 12.87 13.34 13.85 14.36 14.88 15.43 16.04 16.72 17.34 18.02 18.73 19.52 20.27 21.07 21.87 Pair 2 4.923 5.132 5.331 5.54 5.676 5.87 6.031 6.256 6.487 6.729 6.957 7.175 7.404 7.71 7.969 8.214 8.497 8.843 9.116 9.46 9.819 10.19 10.53 10.95 11.32 11.72 12.13 12.64 13.08 13.54 14.12 14.66 15.26 15.76 16.35 16.99 17.68 18.38 19.11 19.83 20.67 21.55 22.65 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. Z0 (ohms) Pair 1 Pair 2 111.5 113.9 111.5 113.9 111.4 113.9 111.3 113.9 111.3 113.9 111.2 113.9 111.2 113.9 111.1 113.9 111.1 113.9 111 113.9 111 113.9 110.9 113.9 110.9 113.9 110.8 113.9 110.8 113.9 110.7 113.9 110.7 113.9 110.6 113.9 110.6 113.9 110.6 113.9 110.5 113.9 110.5 113.9 110.5 113.9 110.4 113.9 110.4 113.9 110.4 113.9 110.3 113.9 110.3 113.9 110.3 113.9 110.2 113.9 110.2 113.9 110.2 113.9 110.2 113.9 110.1 113.9 110.1 113.9 110.1 113.9 110.1 113.9 110 113.9 110 113.9 110 113.9 110 113.9 109.9 113.9 109.9 113.9 111 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.17 (concluded) MHz 9.857 10.46 11.09 11.78 12.49 13.25 14.07 14.91 15.84 16.8 17.82 18.92 20.05 21.29 22.58 23.96 25.43 26.95 28.63 30.37 32.22 34.2 36.24 38.5 40 R (Ω Ω//Kft) Pair 1 578.8 596.9 620.5 646.7 672.1 701.4 728.4 757.8 789.1 821.2 854.9 892.9 925.2 964.6 1012 1053 1104 1142 1194 1229 1306 1352 1395 1482 1530 Pair 2 610.9 635.1 661.2 685.5 712.6 740.6 772.8 804.1 837.8 872.1 906.3 945.9 991.2 1028 1078 1120 1169 1226 1283 1319 1378 1439 1507 1555 1622 L (mH/Kft) Pair 1 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.142 Pair 2 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.151 C (nF/Kft) Pair 1 11.83 11.83 11.83 11.83 11.83 11.83 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 Pair 2 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 α (dB/Kft) Pair 1 22.85 23.57 24.51 25.55 26.55 27.72 28.79 29.95 31.2 32.47 33.81 35.32 36.6 38.16 40.03 41.66 43.69 45.19 47.26 48.65 51.71 53.53 55.26 58.69 60.6 Pair 2 23.28 24.2 25.19 26.12 27.15 28.22 29.44 30.64 31.92 33.23 34.53 36.04 37.77 39.18 41.08 42.67 44.56 46.71 48.9 50.26 52.49 54.83 57.4 59.24 61.81 112 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. Z0 (ohms) Pair 1 Pair 2 109.9 113.9 109.9 113.9 109.9 113.9 109.9 113.9 109.8 113.9 109.8 113.9 109.8 113.9 109.8 113.9 109.8 113.9 109.8 113.9 109.7 113.9 109.7 113.9 109.7 113.9 109.7 113.9 109.7 113.9 109.7 113.9 109.7 113.9 109.7 113.9 109.6 113.9 109.6 113.9 109.6 113.9 109.6 113.9 109.6 113.9 109.6 113.9 109.6 113.9 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.18 – Cable parameters, flat-pair Drop MHz 0.772 0.82 0.87 0.923 0.979 1.038 1.103 1.169 1.241 1.317 1.396 1.483 1.572 1.668 1.771 1.877 1.993 2.114 2.243 2.381 2.523 2.68 2.843 3.016 3.201 3.393 3.604 3.822 4.055 4.304 4.562 4.845 5.139 5.453 5.788 6.133 6.515 6.91 7.331 7.782 8.247 8.76 9.291 9.857 R (Ω Ω//Kft) 170.5 173.7 177.6 182.4 188 194.5 201.8 209.9 219 228.9 239.8 251.5 264.2 277.8 292.3 307.8 324.2 341.6 359.9 379.1 399.4 420.6 442.8 466 490.1 515.3 541.4 568.5 596.6 625.7 655.8 686.9 719.1 752.2 786.3 821.4 857.5 894.7 932.8 972 1012 1053 1095 1139 L C α (mH/Kft) (nF/Kft) (dB/Kft) 0.129 0.13 0.131 0.132 0.133 0.135 0.136 0.138 0.139 0.141 0.142 0.144 0.145 0.147 0.148 0.149 0.151 0.152 0.153 0.155 0.156 0.157 0.158 0.159 0.16 0.161 0.162 0.163 0.164 0.165 0.166 0.167 0.168 0.169 0.169 0.17 0.171 0.171 0.172 0.173 0.173 0.174 0.175 0.175 10.5 10.43 10.39 10.36 10.34 10.33 10.33 10.32 10.33 10.34 10.35 10.36 10.38 10.39 10.41 10.42 10.43 10.45 10.46 10.47 10.49 10.49 10.5 10.51 10.52 10.52 10.53 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.55 10.55 10.55 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 6.681 6.76 6.87 7.012 7.185 7.389 7.625 7.892 8.19 8.519 8.88 9.273 9.696 10.15 10.64 11.16 11.7 12.28 12.9 13.54 14.21 14.92 15.66 16.43 17.23 18.06 18.92 19.81 20.74 21.69 22.68 23.7 24.75 25.83 26.95 28.09 29.27 30.47 31.71 32.98 34.28 35.62 36.98 38.38 Z0 (ohms) 110.8 111.5 112.2 112.9 113.6 114.2 114.8 115.5 116.1 116.6 117.2 117.7 118.3 118.8 119.3 119.7 120.2 120.7 121.1 121.5 121.9 122.3 122.7 123.1 123.5 123.8 124.2 124.5 124.9 125.2 125.5 125.8 126.1 126.4 126.6 126.9 127.2 127.4 127.7 127.9 128.1 128.3 128.6 128.8 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 113 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Table B.18 (concluded) MHz R (Ω Ω//Kft) 10.46 11.09 11.78 12.49 13.25 14.07 14.91 15.84 16.8 17.82 18.92 20.05 21.29 22.58 23.96 25.43 26.95 28.63 30.37 32.22 34.2 36.24 38.5 40 1183 1228 1274 1322 1370 1419 1469 1521 1573 1626 1680 1736 1792 1849 1908 1967 2027 2089 2151 2214 2279 2344 2410 2455 L C α (mH/Kft) (nF/Kft) (dB/Kft) 0.176 0.176 0.177 0.177 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.179 0.179 0.18 0.18 0.181 0.181 0.181 0.182 0.182 0.182 0.182 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.184 0.184 0.184 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.55 10.55 10.55 10.54 10.55 10.55 10.54 10.55 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.52 10.51 10.52 10.51 10.5 39.8 41.26 42.75 44.27 45.82 47.41 49.02 50.67 52.34 54.05 55.79 57.57 59.37 61.2 63.07 64.96 66.89 68.85 70.84 72.86 74.92 77 79.12 80.55 Z0 (ohms) 129 129.2 129.4 129.6 129.7 129.9 130.1 130.2 130.4 130.6 130.7 130.9 131 131.1 131.3 131.4 131.5 131.7 131.8 131.9 132 132.1 132.2 132.3 114 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Z in = AZ L + B CZL + D Zout = DZS + B CZS + A Vin = VS Z in ZS + Z in Vout = VL = VS Pin = ZL AZ L + B + CZS ZL + DZS 1 1 | Vin |2 Re 2 Z in Pout = 1 1 | Vout |2 Re 2 ZL Vout ZL = Vin AZ L + B Loop Insertion Loss = Z L + ZS AZ L + B + CZS ZL + DZS Mean Squared Loss (MSL) = 1 N Pout (fi ) ∑ N i =1 Pin (fi ) Figure B.1 – Loop ABCD parameters, impedance and voltages This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 115 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 I1 ZS Vs I2 + V1 – + – A B C D Source + V2=VL – ZL Load Two-port Network Figure B. 2 – Two-port network model. I(x) I(x+dx) + V(x) – Rdx Ldx Cdx Gdx + V(x+dx) – Z = R + jωL Y = G + jωC Two-port Network Figure B.3 – Incremental section of twisted-pair transmission line. ZS = RS + jX S + – VS + V I ZL = RL + jX L – Figure B.4 – Simple load circuit for power analysis. 116 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Source ZS VS + Line Length d Z0 , γ + – VL ZL – 1 ZS Φ0 = 0 1 Load cosh(γd ) Z0 ⋅ sinh(γd ) Φ1 = 1 ⋅ sinh(γd ) cosh( γd ) Z0 Source ZS VS + – Line Length d2 Z02 , γ2 + VL Line Length d3 Z03 , γ3 Line Length d1 Z01 , γ1 1 ZS Φ0 = 0 1 cosh(γ1d1) Z01 ⋅ sinh(γ1d1) Φ1 = 1 ⋅ sinh(γ1d1) cosh(γ1d1) Z01 1 0 Φ 2 = 1 ⋅ tanh(γ d ) 1 2 2 Z02 ZL – cosh(γ 3d3 ) Z01 ⋅ sinh(γ 3d3 ) Φ 3 = 1 ⋅ sinh(γ 3d3 ) cosh(γ 3d3 ) Z03 Load Figure B.5 – Examples of two-port cascades for twisted-pair transmission line configurations Same Binder Group Transmit NEXT Receive Figure B.6 – Near end crosstalk (NEXT) This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 117 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 P air1 P air2 P air3 P air4 P air5 P air6 P air7 P air8 P air9 P air10 P air11 P air12 P air13 P air14 P air15 P air16 P air17 P air18 P air19 P air20 P air21 P air22 P air23 P air24 P air25 1% C ase N EXT PO W ER SU M LO SS(dB ) 1000 FT,24 AW G PIC 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.1 1 10 100 FR EQ U EN CY(M H z) Figure B.7 – NEXT power sum losses for 25 pairs of PIC cable binder group 1% N E X T P O W E R S U M LO S S 1000 FT,24 A W G P IC 70 60 .3 - 40M H z fit 50 AN SI 40 1.5 - 30M H z fit 30 20 10 0 0.1 1 10 100 FR E Q U E N C Y (M H z) Figure B.8 – Comparison of ANSI NEXT with Measured NEXT 118 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Same Binder Group Transmit FEXT Receive Figure B.9 – Far end crosstalk (FEXT) 1% FE X T P O W E R S U M LO S S 1000 FT,24 A W G P IC 70 60 50 40 .3 -40M H z fit 30 AN SI 20 1.5 -30M H z fit 10 0 0.1 1 10 100 FR E Q U E N C Y (M H z) Figure B.10 – Comparison of ANSI FEXT with Measured FEXT This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 119 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex C: Probability of error estimation (Informative) As in all digital transmission, the most common measure of DSL performance is the probability of error. Usually, probability of bit error is desired, but sometimes probability of symbol error is also of interest. In either case, the engineer attempts to measure the probability of error by observation of a system’s performance – this is usually achieved with transmission hardware through the use of a BERT. Typically, the bert allows a test engineer to select one of a number of different bit streams (typically various lengths of pseudorandom patterns). The bert essentially synchronizes to the receiver output bit pattern and compares it to the input pattern, while counting the number of error positions. The number of errors accumulated is periodically divided by the total number of bits measured to estimate the probability of bit error. As time increases, this average bit error rate should converge to the actual system value (when the system is not time-varying). A reset button allows bit error counts to be restarted at zero when necessary. In general, bit error rate measurements become more reliable with time. The designer then needs to know how long the bit error rate needs to be observed before any derived bit error rate is sufficiently accurate. This is a basic statistical problem that involves measurement of a distribution. Let us suppose that bit (or symbol) errors are made with some unknown, but fixed, probability p. One measures p by th counting errors in successive observations of the channel output. Let the k experiment be denoted by pk where error measured ( p ) 1 . pk = 0 no error measured (1 − p ) Then, an estimate of the probability of error, based on N independent measurements, is pˆ (N ) = 1 N −1 ⋅ ∑ pk . N k =0 This estimate has an average value E [pˆ (N )] = p and a variance about this average of σˆ 2p = var [pˆ (N )] = p (1 − p ) ≈ p . N N Clearly, this estimate converges to the true probability of error as N gets large. However, N can be much larger than sometimes expected. For instance, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. -7 Thus, for a system where p=10 , for the probability of error estimate deviation from to have a standard deviation of 10% of the value of p , then 10 −8 = 10 −7 N or N = 10 9 . In fact, a single standard deviation may not be sufficient to guarantee good accuracy of measured probability of error. The distribution of the random variable pˆ (N ) has a binomial distribution given by N f pˆ (k ) = Pr {N ⋅ pˆ (N ) = k } = (1 − p )N −k p k . k The test engineer desires to ensure that the probability of error estimate deviates less than an amount p ε= from the true value with a high degree of confidence. Let us say that we desire (1 − δ ) (equal say L 90%) confidence that the measurement deviates less than ε from the true value. Corresponding to this 120 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 value of ε is a range of values for the index k (ε ) such that the estimate is close enough, mathematically stated precisely as { } N Pr pˆ (N ) − p < ε > 1 − δ= ∑ (1 − p )N −k p k . k (ε ) k Clearly, just to have a non-trivial set for k (ε ) , then N ≥ L / p . Evaluation of the sum can be excessively intensive and so a rough use of the central limit theorem is applied to the distribution to say that for large N , the distribution is approximately Gaussian and so The probability is then approximated by { } Pr pˆ (N ) − p < ε ≈ p ⌠L −p ⌡ L 1 2π − e x2 2p L Np = 1− δ , dx = 1 − 2Q L or then Np δ = . Q L 2 For 90% confidence, δ = .1 that the error is less than p/L%, then the above equation produces N≥ 14.8 ⋅ L2 , p so, for instance, 10% accuracy at p = 1 e −7 , requires that nearly 3 billion bits be tested. Thus, at a speed of 10 Mbps, this takes about 300 seconds, or approximately 5 minutes. For 1 Mbps transmission, the test would require 3.5 hours. The measurement time can be reduced most easily by reducing L to 2, which corresponds to only about a .2 dB SNR difference. Even then, 1 Mbps DSL transmission at 1e-7 error rate may take 2 minutes for a measurement, while a lower speed of 100 kbps would take 20 minutes. Such measurement intervals are typical in, for instance, performance comparision tests sponsored by standards groups like ANSI. C.1 Effect of input bit sequence Clearly, the input bit sequence will need to be periodic for any practical implementation of a bert. The period of this sequence should be such that it exceeds the memory of the transmission system significantly. Such sequence length is necessary to ensure that all possible channel output conditions are excited. Given that DSL transmission systems may have long memory, a 24-bit pseudorandom pattern is 24 most likely used (with a period of 2 -1 bits and running through all 24-bit sequences once and only once per period. Some sequences with lengths greater than 24 will not have equal likelihood of occurrence and can bias probability of error measurements, but this effect is usually presumed small by DSL engineers. C.2 Period of injected “Gaussian” noise ANSI T1E1.4 studies note that most commercial line simulators make use of pseudorandom noise in generating Gaussian noise measuring DSL performance. An unfortunate consequence is that the peak noise samples generated do not accurately follow the Gaussian distribution tails, thus biasing probability of error measurements in an optimistic direction. Typically, line simulators generate noise by using some internal analog noise source and adding digitally generated noise to it. If the period of the latter digital “Gaussian” noise is M, then the peak value of the noise in a set of M samples is also Gaussian with mean This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 121 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 1 µ = 1 − Q Mσ and variance µ2 σ 2peak 2 ( M − 1) ⋅ 2πσ 2 ⋅ e σ = M3 . 7 To eliminate an optimistic bias, the tester would need M>10 , which complicates line simulator design. For the more typical value of M=8192, the bias is optimistic by 2.4 dB (see also [17]), meaning that lab measurements for M = 8192 are then optimistic by 2.4 dB and should be reduced by such for field performance. C.3 dB margin and importance sampling To avoid long measurement times, importance sampling is a method used by test engineers to test only the worst-case situations by increasing the occurrence of peak noise samples with respect to Gaussian noise. Such importance sampling must be very carefully applied for informative results. However, DSL engineers use a form of importance sampling in the concept of margin. Recalling that DSLs are specified -7 to have a probability of bit error of 10 with a 6 dB margin. This means that the actual probability of error -24 would be below 10 , requiring centuries of measurement time. Instead, testing is executed with noise increased by 6 dB so that reasonable measurement times can be used. The margin concept is one mechanism for importance sampling. DSL engineers, however, prefer the supposed practical interpretation that unforeseen noise disturbances of a temporarily nature will not cause an error with such a large margin, although justification for such unforeseen noises at a level of 6 dB is difficult (either the noise change is much smaller for crosstalk changes or much larger for impulse or temporary RF disturbances). 122 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex D: Additional spectrum management topics currently under study by the formulating committee of this standard (informative) The formulating committee of this standard has considered several additional topics for which specific requirements or recommendations could not be finalized in the short time available for the development of the first edition of this standard. These topics include, but are not limited to, the following items which the formulating committee feels are important and should be addressed in future editions of this standard: - Spectrum management guidelines associated with remotely deployed TU-C equipment, such as ADSL ATU-C implementations that are collocated with a digital loop carrier remote terminal some distance from, the Central Office. - Spectrum management guidelines associated with repeatered DSL applications such as mid-span ISDN or HDSL repeater implementations. - Revision of non-DSL out-of-band metallic and longitudinal signal power limits to provide an adequate level of protection for DSL systems. - Addition of VDSL to the basis systems list. When VDSL is standardized, it is expected to be added to the basis systems list along with information for the analytical method. When it is standardized, it is to be spectrally compatible. - Possible extension of the Spectrum Management Class 5 upstream band to lower frequencies. - Methods for optimizing PSDs, maximizing throughput and binder group capacity. - Trade-offs between loop length guidelines and spectral characteristics. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 123 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex E: Time varying, user data-dependent crosstalk from T1 and DDS services (informative) Both T1 AMI and 56 kbps DDS are well established and growing services in North America. Thus, it is important that the effects of these services on other services are properly considered. Specifications for T1 AMI can be found in ANSI T1.403-1992. Specifications for DDS can be found in ANSI T1.410-1992 and AT&T Technical Reference PUB 54075. Neither T1 nor DDS include scrambling of user data. As a consequence, both the spectral behavior and the time domain behavior of T1 and DDS line signals are highly dependent on the user data being transmitted at any moment. This behavior thus manifests itself in the crosstalk interference of T1 and DDS into other services. Such behavior strongly contrasts with traditional stationary crosstalk models used to analyze and test subscriber loop technologies. T1 and DDS services host many types of user data and protocols. A consequence is that user data content and data patterns cannot be predicted nor controlled and it should be assumed that any pattern can be transmitted, that the duration of a pattern is indeterminable and that changes from one pattern to another can occur at any moment. Examples include bursts of “random” user data followed by idle periods consisting of HDLC flags or ONEs. One consequence of data dependency is that the transmit power spectral density (PSD) and the signal energy in a given frequency band can vary greatly as user data patterns change. The time duration of each PSD variant is caused solely by the time changes of user data content, and thus the time duration of each PSD variant may vary from less than a millisecond to many hours. Changes from one PSD to any other may occur at any moment. An option for scrambling is defined in T1.410. Currently, however, it is not widely used. Figure E. 1 and Figure E. 2 show examples of stationary PSD variants for T1 and DDS. Figure E. 3 and Figure E. 4 show examples of how the power in frequency bands can vary with time. (It is cautioned that these are but examples and are not inclusive of all possible PSD variants. Note also that other DDS data rates exist.) Several conclusions may be drawn regarding crosstalk from DDS and T1: 1) Crosstalk can exceed that commonly modeled based on a random data assumption for T1 and ISDN in certain frequency bands by as much as 20 dB. 2) Crosstalk should be considered to be time varying. The time duration and time change of each PSD variant is not predictable nor controllable. It is caused by user data content. 3) Crosstalk in a wide band (for example, tens of kilohertz) can change at least 25 dB . 4) Crosstalk in a narrow band (for example 3 kHz) can change at least 45 dB. 5) The above affects all frequency bands from near DC to the highest range of T1. 124 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 1/8 O N E s A ll Z E R O s Q R R S “R an d om ” D ata -2 5 -3 5 dB -4 5 -5 5 T 1 P ow er Spectral D en sity V ariations A ll O N E s -9 5 dB m /H z 20 kH z 12 0 kH z 22 0 kH z 32 0 kH z 42 0 kH z 52 0 kH z 62 0 kH z 72 0 kH z 82 0 kH z 92 0 kH z 10 20 kH z Figure E. 1 – Examples of T1 power spectral density variations D D S P ow er Spec tral D e nsity V ariations -25 dB m /H z -35 dB m /H z -45 dB m /H z 20 47 R a ndom , all O N E s, H D L C flag patterns -55 dB m /H z -65 dB m /H z -75 dB m /H z 20 kHz 120 kHz 220 kHz 32 0 kHz 42 0 kHz 52 0 kHz 62 0 kHz 72 0 kHz 82 0 kHz 92 0 kHz Figure E. 2 – Examples of DDS power spectral density variations This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 125 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Data Dependent Power Change in the 20 - 420 kHz Band 5 Random Data Level 0 -5 -10 dB -15 -20 Any Duration Any Duration All ONEs Level -25 -30 Time Figure E. 3 – Data dependent power changes in a wide band due to T1 data patterns Data Dependent Power Change in a Narrow Band at 193 kHz -30 ZEROs Data Level -40 -50 dBm/Hz -60 Random Data Level -70 ONEs Data Level -80 -90 Time Figure E. 4 – Data dependent power changes in a narrow band due to T1 data patterns 126 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex F: Non-continuous CO signaling events (informative) F.1 Ringing Ringing in North America is an AC voltage superimposed on a DC bias. Many installations in the US use non-sinusoidal 20 Hz ringing with a nominal rms. 90 volts at the ringing source. Other frequencies in use 14) range from 16 2/3 to 66 2/3 with voltages from 85 to 135 . One ANSI standard sets the maximum 15) voltage limit to 150V rms and notes cases where it can attain 175V rms. Ringing is a non-continuous disturber. At the beginning of each ringing burst there is a transition from -48Volt battery feed to -48-Volt with superimposed AC ringing. Nominal interrupts are 2 seconds on and 4 seconds off. Custom ringing cadences with multiple ringing, such as triple cadences, are common. The ringing waveform is ideally a sine wave with its axis of symmetry shifted -48-Volts from zero. The ringing burst can be characterized in terms of 100's of milliseconds as shown in Figure F. 1. In this depiction, the sine wave starts and stops in unity with the DC bias and represents the best case relative to instantaneous power changes as a result of ring application and trip. Elements of synchronization are related to the application of ringing in many applications, such as the use of a common ringing bus serving hundreds of lines. Central office implementations, in many cases, simultaneously ring multiple lines with concurrent cadence. As such, the application and withdraw of ringing is generally without regard to the phase angle of AC energy. The peak voltage when ringing is tripped can be the sum of the DC and greatest AC or approximately 170 volts as shown in Figure F. 2. In its worst case, a generated ringing waveform is a trapezoidal shape, which means it has higher frequency components occurring at 25 mS intervals. Transient energies often result from gap switching in the ringing generator as shown in Figure F. 3. Various forms of ringing cadence exist as noted above such as "triple," "double," "long/short," "coded," 16) and "teen ringing. For example, triple ringing bursts three times within 1800 mS as shown in Figure F. 4. These have the effect of increasing random, ring application and removal impulse effects as shown above. Telephone Switching systems typically have the capability of ringing as many as one-fourth of the connected lines. Accordingly, in the worst case, an average of 6 of the 25 pairs in a binder group could be in some phase of ringing application or removal. F.2 Supervision (hook flash) As shown in Figure F. 5, the DC potential is applied to the customer loop through a battery-feed device consisting of two inductive coils in series with tip and ring. An idle circuit is nominally 48 Volts with no current flowing. During service initiation, the customer closes the loop and a transient voltage migration occurs within the cable pair of greater than 40 volts, that is, it drops to 6 volts across the telephone set. ––––––– 14) GTE Customer Handbook - 500, Issue 1, 1972 15) T1.401-1993, "Interface Between Carriers and Customer Installations--Analog Voicegrade Switched Access Lines Using Loop-Start and Ground-Start Signaling." 16) ANSI T1.401.02-1995, "Interface between Carriers and Customer Installations--Analog Voicegrade Switched Access Lines with Distinctive Alerting Features." This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 127 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 A sudden voltage change in the presence of distributed capacitance can couple as not all of it gets cancelled out. A wave front of the sudden change in loop voltage is unbounded and currently unrestricted. POTS filters for DSL are only on the pair connected to and adjacent pairs are susceptible to the type of inductive kick as described above. This exists throughout the network today. F.3 Dial Pulse These are periodic transitions from on-hook to off-hook in order to convey numeric values typically at 10 pulses per second in North America. Usually, 40 ms make (close) versus 60 ms break (open) as there is less time required to build the magnetic flux versus lose it. As soon as the dial on the phone is turned, all of the resistance in the circuit (all the handset circuitry) is shunted. There is a solid short in the circuit in order to get ready to go to maximum current. The shorter the loop the higher the current but the less the cross talk potential. This is just the opposite of longer loops. These phenomena exist on short and longer loops. 128 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 -138 V nominal peak 90 Vac rms. 4200 mS 1800 mS Figure F. 1 – Standard ringing potential with best case start/end 20Hz or 50 mS Peak to Peak ~170V worst case - 90Vrms ac 2 - 48Vdc 0 + 48Vdc Figure F. 2 – Standard ringing potential worst case start/end This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 129 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 The phase at the transition edge of ringing can be > 500Hz infinity Time i+2 Time i < .5 mS 25 mS 1 mS Time i+1 Figure F. 3 – Ringing waveforms (worst case generalization) 1800 mS Figure F. 4 – Triple ringing interval 48Vdc Figure F. 5 – Simple battery feed arrangement 130 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex G: ADSL Calculated Capacities (informative) The following assumptions were used in the analysis: • DMT performance computations were performed using following ADSL parameters. − Effective Coding Gain 3 dB − Required Margin 6 dB − Downstream: tone 33 to 255, including pilot-tone carrying data − Upstream: tone 6 to 31, including pilot-tone carrying data − Minimum number of bits per carrier: 2 − Maximum number of bits per carrier: 14 • The DMT capacity calculated was adjusted to remove cyclic prefix and sync-symbol by multiplying with a factor 512/(512+32) * 68/69). No rounding-down to 32 kbps multiples. • Both NEXT and FEXT was included in the evaluations. • A white noise of -140 dBm/Hz was added to all cases to model the line background noise. • ATU-C and disturbers were assumed to be co-located. • ATU-R and disturbers were assumed to be co-located. • All evaluations were performed using 26awg loops at varying lengths. • HDSL, HDSL2, and T1 were assumed to be repeatered. Only TU-R NEXT and TU-C FEXT is considered for ATU-R downstream evaluations and repeatered NEXT / FEXT affects are not considered. • T1 disturber was assumed to be in adjacent binder with 15.5 dB reduction. • DDS 64K PSD defined by ANSI T1.410-1992 • ISDN PSD defined by ANSI T1.413-1998 • HDSL PSD defined by Spectrum Management Class 3 • HDSL2 PSD defined by Spectrum Management Class 4 • ADSL PSD defined by Spectrum Management Class 5 • EC ADSL PSD defined by ANSI T1.413-1998 • T1 PSD defined by ANSI T1.413-1998 The above assumptions reflect a worst-case engineering model of conditions that approximately represent less than or equal to 1% of the anticipated real-life loop plant. Due to the numerous unknowns including actual deployment distributions, RFI interference, loop plant parameters, and inter-loop interference, the exact percentage of lines seeing conditions equal to or worse than this model are not predicted. ADSL calculated capacities shown in Table G. 1 are not intended to be performance target rates for systems in This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 131 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 the real world. Table G. 1 – ADSL Calculated Capacity Basis System ADSL Down ADSL Down ADSL Down ADSL Down ADSL Down ADSL Down ADSL Up ADSL Up ADSL Up ADSL Up ADSL Up ADSL Up Loop Length # Dist. DDS 64K 26 AWG 9 20 6868 12 24 2461 13.5 24 1354 15.6 10 614 16 10 504 17.7 10 233 9 20 1127 12 20 832 13.5 20 677 15.6 10 523 16 10 483 17.7 10 285 Calculated Capacity ISDN HDSL HDSL2 ADSL EC ADSL T1 8558 3660 2110 992 796 227 1026 725 571 421 383 155 5292 360 0 0 0 0 651 317 186 104 88 48 6760 2493 1269 346 196 0 743 422 259 160 140 72 6429 3101 1945 927 766 226 1302 1170 1086 971 944 801 6429 3114 1945 927 766 226 736 416 254 157 137 71 2444 1021 626 350 298 122 1435 1382 1305 1190 1157 1007 132 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex H: Technology Effects Of and On Legacy Systems (informative) H.1 T1 Carrier In order to assure compatibility with T1, spectrum management class 5 DSL transmission systems and T1 systems should be assigned to pairs that are in different binder groups whenever possible. H.1.1 Margin computations for linear equalization systems (e.g., T1) To be added later. H.1.2 Compatibility with AMI T1 The test for compatibility with repeatered AMI T1 assumes the following: - The repeater section is operating with 3 dB of margin, - The margin, after taking the proposed DSL system into account, must be at least 2.0 dB - The loss of the first repeater section out of an office is assumed to be 22.5 dB at 772 kHz. - The loss of subsequent sections is assumed to be 32 dB at 772 kHz. Power summing margins, to obtain the 2.0 dB of margin, yields a required minimum margin, due to the DSL system(s) alone, of 9.0 dB. It has been found empirically that, on a repeater span having a loss of 22.5 dB at 772 kHz, the maximum -7 noise that can be tolerated at the repeater input, while maintaining a BER of 10 , is -27.5 dBm. The maximum noise due to DSL system(s) on the first repeater section out of an office, then, shall be equal to or less than –36.5 dBm (-27.5 – 9.0). Similarly, the maximum noise for a 32 dB span is -40.5 dBm. The maximum noise due to DSL system(s) for subsequent repeater sections, then, shall be equal to or less than –49.5 dBm (-40.5 – 9.0). When evaluating the noise coupled into the repeater, the following equation, developed via curve-fitting, shall be used to model the repeater input filtering. Gain(dB ) = a5 f 5 + a 4 f 4 + a 3 f 3 + a 2 f 2 + a1f + a0 where f is in MHz and the coefficients for both the 22.5 and 32 dB sections are shown in Table H. 1. Defining C(f) as the 1% Unger two-piece model (see Figure A. 1 and Table A. 5) and Gain(f) as given above, the following conditions for compatibility with T1 carrier must be met: 1.544MHz End Section (22.5dB ) : ∫ PSDDisturber ∗ C(f ) ∗ Gain(f )df ≤ −36.5dBm 0 1.544MHz Mid − Span Section (32dB ) : ∫ PSDDisturber ∗ C(f ) ∗ Gain(f )df ≤ −49.5dBm 0 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 133 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 H.1.2.1 Evaluation Loops To be added H.1.2.2 Reference crosstalk environments To be added H.1.2.3 Margin computation To be added Table H. 1: Coefficients for T1 repeater input filtering gain equation Coefficient Value for 22.5 dB section Value for 32 dB section A0 -12.91476008173899 -21.84038057235726 A1 15.74168401196194 40.22938541210919 A2 20.75952294972729 -2.99965401635352 A3 -36.60781681972960 -31.38386179570797 A4 13.09484055899603 18.63736172126514 A5 -0.91231176505002 -3.26384215013252 134 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex I: C-code Table I. 1: C-code for DMT margin computation float dmtmrgn( float *signal, /* array of received signal psd samples (resolution = FDELTA Hz)*/ float *noise, /* array of received noise psd samples (resolution = FDELTA Hz) */ int rate, /* desired bit rate, expressed in units of bits per second per FDELTA ) */ int start, /* start of DMT bandwidth (sample number) */ int end, /* end of DMT bandwidth (sample number) */ int in_dB) /* FLAG: 1 = PSDs given in deciBels, 0 = PSDs given in linear units */ { int float float float j, firstpass; snr; snr_margin ; delcap, totcap ; snr_margin = MAXIMUM_VALUE; firstpass = 1; snr_margin += MARGIN_STEP; do { snr_margin -= MARGIN_STEP; /* Compute capacity */ totcap = 0.; for (j = start; j < end; j++) { if (in_dB) snr = sig[j]-noise[j]; else snr = 10.*log10(sig[j]/noise[j]); delcap = log(1. + pow(10., .1*(snr -snr_margin-SNRGAP))) / log(2); if (delcap > MAXBITS) delcap = MAXBITS; if (delcap < MINBITS) delcap = 0; totcap += delcap; } if (totcap > rate && firstpass) { snr_margin +=10.; totcap=0.; } else firstpass = 0; } while (totcap < rate); return (snr_margin); } SNRGAP, MAXBITS, MINBITS, are all adjusted based on the DMT system being evaluated. MAXIMUM_VALUE and MARGIN_STEP are control how fast and how accurately the routine computes margin. MAXIMUM_VALUE is the maximum margin of interest, the integration begins there. MARGIN_STEP defines the accuracy of the result. This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature. 135 T1E1.4/2000-002R2 DRAFT ANSI T1.XXX-2000 Annex J: Informative references (informative) [1] B. J. Dunbar, et. al., “Dataport – Channel Units for Digital Data System 56-kb/s Rate”, BSTJ, vol 61 no. 9, November 1982. [2] T. Berger & D. W. Tufts, “Optimum Pulse Amplitude Modulation Part I: Transmitter – Receiver Design and Bounds from Information Theory,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-13, no. 2, April 1967. [3] Committee T1 Technical Report No. 28, High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Lines (HDSL) [4] GTE Customer Handbook - 500, Issue 1, 1972 [5] Transmission Systems for Communications, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Fifth Edition, 1982. [6] ASTM D 4566, Standard Test Methods for Electrical Performance of Insulations and Jackets for Telecommunications Wire and Cable, 1994. 136 This is a draft document and thus, is still dynamic in nature.