Version 9 Mechanical and Electrical Services Training Course Overviews ‘‘Delivering Excellence as Standard” view our literature view our videos 1 Mechanical & Electrical Services Training Course Overviews Management of Safe Systems of Work Authorising Engineer 5 Aeronautical Ground Lighting Petroleum Aeronautical Ground Lighting Authorised Person Authorised Person: Petroleum 16 Aeronautical Ground Lighting Technician Electrical Low Voltage Authorised Person Electrical Low Voltage Healthcare (HTM 06-02) 6 Authorised Person Electrical Low Voltage7 Competent Person Electrical Low Voltage 8 Competent Person Electrical Low Voltage Healthcare (HTM 06-02)9 16 Authorised Person MOD Hazardous Areas Ventilation 25 Authorised Person Refresher: Petroleum 25 Airfield Pavements Airfield Pavement Maintenance 17 Airfield Pavement Design 18 Airfield Pavement Management 18 Emergency First Aid at Work 26 26 30 31 32 WaterSafe Technical Route Rainwater / Greywater Harvesting 32 33 2 7 Other Company Information Confined Spaces Authorised Person: Confined Spaces Competent Person: Ventilation Plumbing Multi-skilling IOSH Working Safely IOSH Managing Safely Authorised Person: Ventilation Water Maintanance Health & Safety Electrical Installations Electrical (Hazardous Areas) Mechanical & Electrical Services Training Course Overviews 28 Training Facilities 34-35 Trainer Profiles 36-37 17th Edition Wiring Regulations City & Guilds 2382-15 19 28 Our Clients 38 Electrical High Voltage Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) City & Guilds 2377- 22 Authorised Person Refresher: Confined Spaces 19 Competent Person: Confined Spaces 29 Training Centres 39 Authorised Person High Voltage (Module 1) Operation and Safety Course 9 Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Management - City & Guilds 2377- 20 20 9 Fundamental Inspection and Electrical Testing - City & Guilds 2392-01 20 Initial Verification and Certification of Electrical Installations City & Guilds 2394-01 21 Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electrical Installations City & Guilds 2395-01 22 Design & Verifications of Electrical Installations - City & Guilds 2396 22 Domestic Commercial and Industrial Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation - City & Guilds 2919-01 22 Escape Lighting 23 Authorised Person High Voltage (Module 2) Healthcare Authorisation Course 8 Authorised Person High Voltage (Module 3) Senior Authorised Person 10 High Voltage Technical Awareness 10 High Voltage Maintenance 11 High Voltage Awareness for Site Managers 11 Mechanical / F-Gas Authorised Person Mechanical and Pressure Systems Competent/Skilled Person Mechanical and Pressure Systems 12 13 Introduction to Air Conditioning Systems 13 Handling ‘F’ Gases and ODS Substances Category 1 - City & Guilds 2079 14 Handling ‘F’Gases and ODS Substances Category 2 - City & Guilds 2079 14 Handling ‘F’ Gases and ODS Substances Category 3 - City & Guilds 2079 15 Handling ‘F’ Gases and ODS Substances Category 4 - City & Guilds 2079 15 2 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 Fire Alarms and Detection Systems 23 M&E Conversion Courses Mechanical to Electrical Conversion 24 Electrical to Mechanical Conversion 2 4 view our literature view our videos 3 General Company Overview PPL Training is a leading Facilities Management, Sustainable Building and Renewable Energy training company, delivering nationally recognised certificated training and assessment courses. Our training courses range from new entrant skills training to the up-skilling of existing qualifications in the areas of Electrical, Mechanical, Water Hygiene (Legionella), Renewable Energy (including Green Deal and Energy Assessing) and Health and Safety. Authorising Engineer We also offer specialist training courses for Authorised and Competent Persons in Mechanical, Electrical and Aeronautical Ground Lighting disciplines. The qualifications offered are from UKAS accredited awarding bodies such as City & Guilds, BPEC and NICEIC. We also run our own in-house PPL Training awareness courses, where the qualifications are not a mandatory requirement. Mechanical & Electrical Services Courses PPL Training offer Mechanical and Electrical Safe Systems of Work courses that provide high quality training for Authorised and Competent Persons, in order to meet the requirements of a wide range of industries and sectors; including commercial, Healthcare (NHS) and Ministry of Defence (MOD). PPL’s courses are delivered by lecturers with extensive and current experience of Authorised Person responsibilities, and in many cases are practising Authorising Engineers within Electrical and Mechanical disciplines. Our Mechanical and Electrical Safe Systems courses are offered at our York, Slough and Falkirk training centres but they can be delivered on site as bespoke events. We have modern training facilities in York and Slough that have practical assessment areas which include installations for Low Voltage, High Voltage, Aeronautical Ground Lighting, Pressure Systems, and F-Gas, allowing theory to be put into practice. We also offer a range of courses for Authorised Persons that work within the areas of Petroleum handling, Confined Spaces and Ventilation. We aim to provide a superb learning experience with innovative and interactive teaching methods, which give delegates the 4 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 Who should attend? Experienced engineering staff with responsibility for the implementation, administration, monitoring and management of engineering Safe Systems of Work and who are to be appointed as an Authorising Engineer. This may include the requirements for assessment and appointment of operational staff implementing and working with these systems. Purpose of the course To provide delegates with the background knowledge required to carry out Authorising Engineer duties in support of statutory health and safety compliance. This course could also be used to demonstrate meeting the competency requirements of mandatory standards (MOD’s JSP 375 Volume 3), guidance documents (Healthcare Technical Memorandum) HTM or company rules. best possible opportunity to enhance their knowledge in order to meet the needs of the modern day Authorised and Competent Persons. What is covered? •• Management of Safe Systems of Work •• Compliance and the Role of the Authorising Engineer •• Authorised Person selection, training and appointment Safety documentation – setting and maintaining standards •• Auditing and monitoring •• Incident investigation •• Maintaining competence •• Evening project exercise •• Course Duration A 2 day course. Starts at 09.00hrs and completing at 16.30hrs on day 2 Course Fees Without Accommodation £495+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. All courses deliver great value for money, but do not compromise on our desire for high standards with each course being accredited by City & Guilds. Local accommodation can be arranged for our courses at the cost of £95-£110+VAT per night. This includes bed, breakfast, 3 course evening meal and free internet access. We can also book a nights accommodation for the evening before your course is due to start. To discuss any of our safe systems of work training courses please contact: Email: Order Line: 01904 606090 For specific or technical enquiries contact: Caroline Archer, M&E Business Support Manager, e: t: 01904 606097 view our literature view our videos 5 Authorised Person Electrical Low Voltage Healthcare Who should attend? Experienced engineering staff with responsibility for the control, operation or maintenance of installed Low Voltage systems and who may be appointed as Authorised Person (Electrical Low Voltage). Purpose of the course Authorised Person Electrical Low Voltage What is covered? •• Requirements of Electricity at Work Who should attend? and protective devices Experienced engineering staff with responsibility for the control, operation or maintenance of installed Low Voltage systems and who may be appointed as Authorised Person (Electrical Low Voltage). testing electrical installations Purpose of the course Regulations •• Content of HTM 06-02 •• Low voltage equipment including switchgear •• Requirements of BS7671 with regards to To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to carry out Authorised Person duties and responsibilities in order to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. •• Operation and maintenance of standby The course is based on the content of HSG 85 Electricity at Work Safe Working Practices and the specific requirements of Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 06-02 Electrical Safety Guidance for Low Voltage Systems and meets the criteria laid out in Appendix 7 of HTM 06-02. •• Cable detection, location and identification •• Practical exercises in completion of Safety power supplies and equipment •• Roles and duties of personnel •• Working procedures to HTM 06-02 •• Monitoring and control of work undertaken by contractors Programmes and issue of Permits to Work and Certificates of Authorisation for Live Working •• Completion of logbooks and associated documentation Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 10.00hrs and finishing at 13.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,210+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to carry out Authorised Person duties and responsibilities in order to achieve compliance with Safety Rules and Procedures designed to meet the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. The course is based on the content of HSG 85 Electricity at Work Safe Working Practices. Documentation exercises can be industry specific in order to meet delegate’s needs and JSP 375 Volume 3 Chapter 3 is offered along with company specific Safety Rules and Procedures if required. Who should attend? Course Duration A 4 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 4 . Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,020+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. What is covered? •• Safe working practices with electricity •• Low voltage working procedures •• Receipt of safety documentation •• Practical exercises in isolation of low voltage Without Accommodation £430+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. documentation and hands on implementation Purpose of the course Course Fees power supplies and UPS equipment •• Roles and duties of personnel •• Low voltage working procedures •• Audit requirements •• Practical exercises in completion of safety •• Technical overview of electrical systems and A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 2. Slough 01753 325523 Regulations •• Safe working practices with electricity •• Operation and maintenance of standby Electrical staff with responsibility for the operation or maintenance of installed Low Voltage systems and who may be nominated as a Competent Person. Course Duration York 01904 606090 protective devices and photovoltaic’s •• Requirements of Electricity at Work Competent Person Electrical Low Voltage A bespoke course to enable delegates gain the knowledge required to carry out the role of Competent or Skilled Persons (Electrical) and can assist in demonstrating competence during formal appointment process. 6 What is covered? •• Low voltage equipment including switchgear, view our literature protection concepts •• Awareness of electrical dangers •• Requirements of Electricity at Work Regulations equipment Additional Information This course can be delivered on site at the client’s premises and will be tailored to meet the company specific Safety Rules and Procedures as required although courses to meet the specific requirements of MoD JSP 375 Volume 3 Chapter 3 are offered. view our videos 7 Competent Person Electrical Low Voltage Healthcare Who should attend? Electrical staff with responsibility for the operation or maintenance of installed Low Voltage systems and who may be nominated as a Competent Person within their organisation. Purpose of the course A bespoke course to enable delegates gain the knowledge required to carry out the role of Competent Persons (Electrical) and can assist in demonstrating competence during formal appointment process. The course meets the criteria contained in Appendix 7 of HTM 06-02. Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 2. Course Fees Without Accommodation £430+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Authorised Person High Voltage (Module 1) Operation and Safety Course What is covered? •• Technical overview of electrical systems and protection concepts •• Awareness of electrical dangers •• Requirements of Electricity at Work Regulations •• Content of HTM 06-02 •• Safe working practices with electricity •• Low voltage procedures for work on equipment made dead •• Receipt of Permit to Work •• Practical exercises in isolation of low voltage equipment •• Requirements for live testing and completion of self check form •• Testing of circuits prior to re-energisation Additional Information This course can be delivered on site at the client’s premises. Engineering staff with responsibility for the implementation and operation of electrical safe systems of work in MOD hazardous areas and who may be appointed as Authorised Person Electrical (Hazardous Areas). Purpose of the course To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to carry out Authorised Person duties and responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of JSP 375 and JSP 482 Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 3. Course Fees Without Accommodation £750+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. 8 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 Experienced engineering staff with responsibility for the control, operation or maintenance of installed HV systems and who may be appointed as Authorised Person (Electrical High Voltage). What is covered? •• Introduction to High Voltage distribution systems •• High voltage switchgear types and operation earthing •• Substation equipment and protection types •• Low Voltage distribution systems and Purpose of the course To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to carry out Authorised Person duties and responsibilities in order to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and MOD’s JSP 375 Vol 3 or company safety rules. equipment •• Requirements for safe operation of high voltage systems •• Roles and duties of the Authorised Person •• Safe working procedures, HSG 85 or JSP 375 Vol 3 or company safety rules •• Completion of safety documentation, Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 10.00hrs and finishing at 13.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,210+VAT per delegate. . including the issue of Permits to Work and Sanctions to Test •• Practical exercises in the operation and isolation of HV systems •• Introduction to protection systems •• Maintenance of HV asset Authorised Person High Voltage (Module 2) Healthcare Authorisation Course Authorised Person: MOD Hazardous Areas Who should attend? Who should attend? Who should attend? What is covered? •• Introduction to Hazardous Areas •• ATEX/DSEAR regulations, UK and European standards and MOD requirements •• Electrical equipment for hazardous areas •• Hazardous area classification •• MOD hazardous area working procedures JSP 375 Volume 3 and JSP 482. •• Requirements for implementation of safe systems of work •• Roles and duties of the Authorised Person Electrical •• Practical scenarios for working and testing in Explosive and Petroleum facilities •• Safety documentation, including the issue of Permits to Work and Sanctions to Test •• Co-ordination and liaison with the Hazardous Area Manager and AP Petroleum Experienced engineering staff with responsibility for the control, operation or maintenance of installed High Voltage systems and who may be appointed as Authorised Person (Electrical High Voltage). It is strongly recommended that delegates on this course will have already attended the PPL HV Operation and Safety Course or a recognised industry equivalent. Purpose of the course To assist delegates in gaining the additional knowledge required to carry out Authorised Person duties and responsibilities in order to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and the specific requirements of Health Technical Memorandum HTM 06-03 Electrical Safety Guidance for High Voltage Systems. What is covered? •• Electricity at Work Regulations •• Requirements for safe operation under HTM 06-03 •• High voltage distribution systems •• High voltage equipment including switchgear and protective devices •• Operation and maintenance of standby power supplies and equipment •• Roles and duties of the Authorised Person •• Safe working procedures •• Practical exercises in the completion of Safety Programmes and issue of Permits to Work and Sanctions to Test •• Completion of logbooks Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 10.00hrs and finishing at 13.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,210+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. view our literature view our videos 9 Authorised Person High Voltage (Module 3) Senior Authorised Person Who should attend? Experienced engineering staff with responsibility for the control, operation or maintenance of installed High Voltage (HV) systems who may be nominated for appointment as Senior Authorised Person (Electrical High Voltage). Alternatively existing HV APs requiring advanced or refresher training to control complex or critical HV systems. It is strongly recommended that delegates on this course will have already attended the PPL HV Operation and Safety Course or a recognised industry equivalent. Purpose of the course To assist delegates in gaining the additional knowledge required to carry out Authorised Person/Senior Authorised Person duties and responsibilities in order to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and implement mandatory standards (MOD’s JSP 375 Volume 3) or company electrical safety rules. Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,210+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. High Voltage Maintenance What is covered? •• Requirements for safe operation of HV •• High voltage distribution switchgear and equipment •• Low Voltage distribution systems and equipment •• High voltage working and Authorised Person requirements •• Roles and duties of the Authorised Person/ Senior Authorised Person •• Safe working procedures and safety documentation •• Operation and testing of protection systems •• Testing and commissioning •• Operation and maintenance of standby power systems including interlocks •• Maintaining competency and the audit process •• Practical exercises in the completion of Safety Programmes and issue of Permits to Work and Sanctions to Test Engineering staff who work within High Voltage environments, as either an Authorised Person, Competent Person or Engineers within this discipline. Purpose of the course To provide practical and theoretical awareness of some of the more technical aspects and use of HV systems and equipment. The aim of this course is to consolidate and enhance current knowledge and explore common engineering techniques. Slough 01753 325523 To assist delegates in gaining the additional knowledge required to carry out inspection and maintenance of HV Switchgear and associated systems. Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,210+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 10.00hrs and finishing at 13.00hrs on day 5. What is covered? •• Requirements for safe operation of HV •• Cables and testing •• Protection – schemes and methods •• Transformers •• Earthing •• Maintenance methods •• Switchgear and testing Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 3. Who should attend? Management staff who have responsibility for sites that contain high voltage electrical equipment. Purpose of the course To assist delegates in gaining an understanding of high voltage systems and equipment and also the safe systems of work involved in their control and operation. Course Fees Without Accommodation £430+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. What is covered? •• Electricity at Work Regulations requirements for maintenance •• Recommendations for keeping electrical switchgear safe in accordance with HSG 230 •• High voltage equipment including switchgear and protective devices •• Care and maintenance requirements for oil circuit breakers •• Care and maintenance requirements for non-oil circuit breakers •• Testing of earthing systems •• Maintenance of ancillary equipment •• Condition monitoring techniques including partial discharge testing and thermographic surveys •• Post maintenance checks including pressure testing •• Safe working procedures •• Practical exercises on HV assets •• Maintaining competency and the audit process •• Practical exercises in the completion of Safety Programmes and issue of Permits to Work and Sanctions to Test High Voltage Awareness for Site Managers Without Accommodation £750+VAT per delegate. With Accommodation £928+VAT per delegate. York 01904 606090 Purpose of the course A 5 day course, starting at 10.00hrs and finishing at 13.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees 10 Experienced staff who have responsibility for the safe operation and maintenance of High Voltage Switchgear. This course is particularly suitable for those who may be required to undertake inspection, maintenance and testing of HV equipment. Course Duration High Voltage Technical Awareness Who should attend? Who should attend? view our literature What is covered? •• Requirements of Electricity at Work Regulations •• Duty holders responsibilities •• Introduction to high voltage switchgear •• High voltage distribution systems •• Substation equipment and protection types •• Safe working procedures and guidance contained within HSG 85 •• Issue of safety documents •• Maintenance of high voltage assets Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 16.00hrs on day 2. view our videos 11 Authorised Person Mechanical and Pressure Systems Competent / Skilled Person Mechanical and Pressure Systems Who should attend? What is covered? Purpose of the course Mechanics & Thermodynamics •• Mechanical systems and components •• Requirements of Pressure Systems Safety Regulations •• Requirements of HASAWA 1974 and Delegated Legislation •• Safe systems of work associated with mechanical systems •• Isolation and task risk assessments •• Monitoring and Audit requirements •• Practical exercises in completion of safety documentation including hands on implementation Experienced engineering staff with responsibility for the implementation of risk management systems and procedures as an inherent part of, and in accordance with, their Organisation’s Safety Policy. Primarily, those with responsibility for the control, operation or maintenance of installed mechanical plant and who may be appointed as Authorised Person Mechanical or Pressure Systems. Additionally, those with overseeing and audit responsibilities within this area of specialisation should also attend. To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to carry out Authorised Person duties and responsibilities in order to achieve compliance with Safety Rules and Procedures designed to meet the requirements of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000. Course Structure & Content Many organisations have adopted JSP 375 Volume 3 Chapter 4 (or parts thereof) as the basis for a Safe System of Work as applied to mechanical systems. For practicable commonality this course is therefore based on the content of this document together with HSG 253 Safe Isolation of Equipment. However, practical documentation exercises within the course can be tailored to organisations specific requirements where delegate numbers support this. •• Fundamental principles of Applied Course Duration A 4 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 4. Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,020+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Who should attend? Mechanical staff with responsibility for the operation or maintenance of installed mechanical plant and who may be nominated as a Competent or Skilled Person within their organisation. Purpose of the course A bespoke course to enable delegates gain the knowledge required to carry out the role of Competent or Skilled Persons (Mechanical) and can assist in demonstrating competence during formal appointment process. What is covered? •• Technical overview of mechanical systems components •• Requirements of Pressure Systems Safety Regulations •• Safe systems of work associated with mechanical systems •• Receipt of safety documentation •• Practical exercises in isolation of mechanical Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 2. Course Fees Without Accommodation £430+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Additional Information This course can be delivered on site at the client’s premises. Many organisations have adopted JSP 375 Volume 3 Chapter 4 (or parts thereof) as the basis for a Safe System of Work as applied to mechanical systems. For practicable commonality this course is therefore based on the content of this document together with HSG 253 Safe Isolation of Equipment. However, practical documentation will be tailored to meet the company specific Safety Rules and Procedures as required. equipment Introduction to Air Conditioning Systems Who should attend? Course Duration Purpose of the course Course Fees Those staff who are involved with working on or overseeing work on Air Conditioning Systems. To assist delegates in gaining an understanding of Air Conditioning Systems and the processes involved. Will also promote the knowledge required to carry out or manage work on the various systems encountered. A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 16.30hrs on day 3. Without Accommodation £750+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. What is covered? ï •Introduction to basic mechanical and thermodynamic physics ï •Principles of air conditioning ï •Introduction to Psychrometry and use of Psychrometric charts ï •Air conditioning system components ï •Associated regulations ï •Types and practical use of measuring instruments ï •Balancing of air conditioning distribution systems 12 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 view our literature view our videos 13 Handling ‘F’ Gases and ODS Substances Category 1 - City & Guilds 2079 Who should attend? Candidates who work in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector and are required to handle fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances. Those attending the course should have an underpinning knowledge of the theory and practical elements of vapour compression refrigeration systems and its associated equipment. Purpose of the course The aim of the course is to provide the delegate with the knowledge and skills to work on the installation, service, maintenance, recovery and leak checking of stationary refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment that contain refrigerants classified as either fluorinated (F) gases or ozone depleting substances (ODS). Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 5. Handling ‘F’ Gases and ODS Substances Category 3 - City & Guilds 2079 What is covered? •• Basic systems, principles and units and how they relate to theory and thermodynamics of vapour compression cycles and refrigerants •• Cause and effects of global warming, climate change and ozone depletion •• Identification of air conditioning and heat pump components, functions and leakage risk •• Hazards and Safe working practices •• Construction and examination of pipe work •• Recovery of refrigerant and oil and prepare for disposal •• Pressure testing, evacuation and record completion •• Refrigerant charging, leak checking and record keeping •• Fabricate and fit mechanical and brazed joints Course Fees Without Accommodation £795+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Handling ‘F’ Gases and ODS Substances Category 2 - City & Guilds 2079 Who should attend? Candidates who work in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector and are required to handle fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances. Those attending the course should have an underpinning knowledge of the theory and practical elements of vapour compression refrigeration systems and its associated equipment. Purpose of the course See F-Gas Category 1 course outline above to see the purpose of the course. Successful candidates will be qualified to undertake all activities associated with installation, service and maintenance of equipment with a charge of less than 3kg, (6kg if hermetically sealed) and leak checking. 14 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 Who should attend? Candidates who work in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector and are required to handle fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances. Those attending the course should have an underpinning knowledge of the theory and practical elements of vapour compression refrigeration systems and its associated equipment. Purpose of the course Candidates who work in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector and are required to handle fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances. Those attending the course should have an underpinning knowledge of the theory and practical elements of vapour compression refrigeration systems and its associated equipment. •• See F-Gas Category 1 course outline above to see what is covered •• This course looks into compression refrigeration systems with a charge of less than 3kg Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees Without Accommodation £720+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Candidates who work in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector using fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances. Those attending the course should have an underpinning knowledge of the theory and practical elements of vapour compression refrigeration systems and its associated equipment. Purpose of the course The aim of the course is to provide the delegate with the knowledge required to undertake leak checking of stationary refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment that contains refrigerants classified as either fluorinated (F) gases or ozone depleting substances (ODS). Successful candidates will be qualified to undertake leakage checking and record keeping. Both of these courses include practical hot works, therefore able to register with ACRIB. These courses also meets the recovery, storage and transportation of recovered refrigerants. •• Recovery of refrigerant and oil and prepare for disposal Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 16.30hrs on day 2. Course Fees Without Accommodation £315+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. What is covered? •• Basic standard units and thermodynamics principles of vapour compression cycle •• Cause and effects of global warming and climate change •• Identification of air conditioning and heat pump components, functions and leakage risk. •• Hazards and Safe working practices for leak checking of stationary refrigerant, air conditioning and heat pump systems •• Cause and effect of ozone depletion •• Undertake leak checking and record keeping Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 14.30hrs on day 2. Course Fees Without Accommodation £345+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. PPE will be required. Holders of this qualification will be climate change •• Hazards and Safe working practices for the Handling ‘F’ Gases and ODS Substances Category 4 - City & Guilds 2079 Who should attend? What is covered? What is covered? •• Cause and effects of ozone depletion •• Cause and effects of global warming, view our literature view our videos 15 Aeronautical Ground Lighting Authorised Person Who should attend? Engineering staff with responsibility for the control, operation or maintenance of installed AGL systems and who may be appointed as Authorised Person (Electrical) (AGL). Suitable for either MOD Airfields or Civil Airports. Purpose of the course To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to carry out Authorised Person duties and responsibilities in order to achieve compliance with Safety Rules and Procedures designed to meet the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. It aims to assist in meeting the competency requirements identified in BS EN 61821:2011 – Electrical Installations for Lighting and Beaconing of Aerodromes – Maintenance of Aeronautical Ground Lighting Constant Current Series Circuits. Airfield Pavement Maintenance What is covered? •• AGL series circuits and system components •• Requirements for AGL electrical circuits •• Statutory requirements for electrical systems •• Typical application of safety rules and procedures JSP 375 Vol 3 or individual airport rules •• Safe systems of work as applied to AGL circuits •• Practical identification of circuits and safe isolation exercises •• Completion of safety documentation and hands on implementation Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 16.00hrs on day 3. Course Fees Without Accommodation £750+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Who should attend? Those currently involved at graduate or technician level in the maintenance of airfield pavements or anyone transferring from the highways sector, general civil engineering or other related discipline. Purpose of the course Serves both as a refresher and update for those already involved in the maintenance of airfield pavements and also as a primer for others not currently working on airfields. Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 3. Course Fees Prices available on application. What is covered? •• Fundamental serviceability requirements of airfield pavements •• Strength classification systems •• Civilian and military standards •• Common rigid, flexible and composite construction types including characteristics of concrete and bituminous mixtures and component pavement layers •• Common defects, causes and repair solutions •• Surface treatments, pavement marking systems and joint sealants •• ‘In-pavement’ components such as drainage, airfield lighting and utilities •• CAA and MoD requirements for pavement inspections •• Practical exercise at an airfield is arranged wherever possible Aeronautical Ground Lighting Technician Course Who should attend? Engineering staff with responsibility for the operation, installation or maintenance of AGL systems. This course is suitable for Airfield Electricians or Technicians working on either Civil Airports or MOD Airfields. Purpose of the course To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to carry out the installation and maintenance of AGL systems and equipment in accordance with either CAP 168 or MADS requirements. The course is designed to develop both technical knowledge and practical application across the full range of AGL services. It also aims to assist in meeting the competency requirements identified in BS EN 61821:2011 – Electrical Installations for Lighting and Beaconing of Aerodromes – Maintenance of Aeronautical Ground Lighting Constant Current Series Circuits. 16 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 What is covered? •• AGL systems as a visual aid •• Circuits and equipment •• Maintenance standards and procedures •• Airside Asset Management •• Constant Current Regulators •• Typical application of AGL safe working practices •• AGL control systems •• Installation and commissioning •• Testing and fault finding •• Practical exercises Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 10.00hrs and finishing at 13.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,210+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. view our literature view our videos 17 17th Edition Wiring Regulations City & Guilds 2382-15 Airfield Pavement Design Who should attend? Graduates and other practising engineers wishing to enhance their skillset in a consulting or contracting environment. Purpose of the course Can be taken alone or as an adjunct to our other airfield pavement courses, the course provides both an introduction to the history and development of pavement design principally in the UK and USA, together with an overview of pavement evaluation methods practised around the world today. Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 2. What is covered? •• Empirical and empirical/analytical evaluation methods •• UK civilian and military geometrical and functional requirements (CAP168 and MADS) and current ICAO Standards •• Aircraft load characteristics via ACN/PCN system or actual undercarriage loads •• BAA Design Guide for Heavy Aircraft Loading methodology and UK Defence Infrastructure organisation guide to design, DMG 27 •• Examples of pavement thickness design for new and strengthened pavement structures •• Reference to layered elastic and finite element methods are covered but a working knowledge of computational mechanics is not required Course Fees Prices available on application. TM Those involved in the management of airfield pavements, in either a civilian and military context. Note: The course recognises alternative commercial software packages and other low cost solutions to pavement management but focuses on MicroPAVERTM Provides knowledge on how to use MicroPAVERTM’s standard and customised management reports, both GIS and alphanumeric together with its condition prediction and budgetary functionality. This course covers the requirements of BS7671:2011 (2011) known as the 17th Edition Wiring Regulations, which came into effect on 1st January 2012. Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 16.00hrs on day 3. What is covered? •• The terminology used for electrical installations Management System This course is designed for current PAT operatives wishing to gain a formal qualification or for new entrants to Portable Appliance Testing. ‘from scratch’ Purpose of the course What is covered? •• Reasons for having a Pavement •• Construction of a database for your airfield •• Asset inventory and condition records •• Inspection methodology based on ASTM D •• Options for use of ruggedised tablet PC’s •• Defect identification and classification for both rigid and flexible pavements •• Practical site exercise on defect identification wherever practicable PAT is the issue of electrical safety certificates for individual appliances and other electrical equipment. After successful completion of this course, the operative will be able to issue test certificates on a commercial basis, providing they use PAT equipment suitable for purpose and which hold a current calibration certificate. Course Duration Course Fees Prices available on application. Course Duration Purpose of the course Who should attend? 5340 and DIO Practitioner Guide 06/11 Purpose of the course This course is designed for electrically trained engineers and craftsmen to attain a benchmark qualification relating to the IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Wiring Regulations. A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 2 A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 2. 18 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 •• The assessment of the installation that has to be carried out •• Protection against electric shock •• Protection against short-circuit currents •• Isolation and switching •• Protection against overloads •• Sizing conductors for the above •• Selection and erection of equipment •• Sizing of earthing and protective conductors •• Outline of the rules for inspection and testing Assessments Online, multiple choice, City & Guilds EVOLVE examination on the final day. There is no practical element for this course. Course Fees Without Accommodation £475+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) City & Guilds 2377-10 Airfield Pavement Management with MicroPAVER Who should attend? Who should attend? What is covered? •• Equipment construction •• Inspection •• Combined inspection and testing •• Recording and use of instruments •• Equipment •• Visual inspection •• Class one tests •• Class 2 tests •• Insulation tests •• Continuity and Functionality tests Course Fees With Accommodation £395+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Assessments Practical and online multiple choice test (QCA level 3). The online examination consists of 30 multiple-choice questions and lasts for 1 hour. view our literature view our videos 19 Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Management City & Guilds 2377- 20 Who should attend? Duty holders responsible for the management of PAT Testing and the retention of its paperwork. Staff that need to take into account the risks of electrical equipment for the purposes of Risk assessments for businesses. Purpose of the course To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to carry out safe processing of Electrical appliance testing and the management of test paperwork. The selection of appropriate equipment for the job and its working environment, through the use of Risk Assessments. This is in line with the Code of practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment, IET. Course Duration A 1 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 16.00hrs on day 3 What is covered? •• Awareness of Risk Assessments •• Awareness of Statutory and Non Statutory Documentation •• Awareness of assessing work tools and environments for their suitability at work •• Management and control of Registers and Test paperwork •• Reviewing and analysing test paperwork •• Regulating Users of equipment and the use of Faulty equipment registers •• Maintenance and calibration of PAT Testers •• Awareness of New, third party and hired equipment Course Fees Without Accommodation £225+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. The course is aimed at practising electricians who have not carried out inspection and testing since qualifying or who require some update training before going on to achieve the City & Guilds 2394 and 2395. Purpose of the course This qualification prepares candidates for the initial verification of electrical installations. Candidates will be able to gain the fundamental knowledge and understanding required to be able to carry out complete the Electrical Installation Certificate and associated schedules and also the Minor Works Certificate. There are three outcomes to this course including 1. Preparation for initial inspection and testing, 2. Inspection and 3. Testing Course Duration A 4 day course, starting at 09.00 hrs and completing at 16.30 hrs on day 4. 20 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 Who should attend? What is covered? The course is aimed at practising electricians who have not carried out inspection and testing since qualifying or who require some update of training before going on to other City & Guilds qualifications. •• Understand the requirements for completing Purpose of the course •• Understand the differences between period This qualification prepares candidates for the initial verification of electrical installations. Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 16.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees Without Accommodation £785+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. safe isolation •• Understand the requirements for inspecting, testing and recording •• Understand the requirements for completing periodic inspections inspection and initial verification •• Understand the requirements for the safe testing •• Understand the requirements for testing before circuits are energised •• Understand the requirements for testing energised installations •• Understand and interpret test results •• Understand the requirements for the completion of electrical installation condition reports and associated documentation This course includes an online exam consisting of 40 questions in 1 hour 20 mins, as well as 4 practical assessments taking 4 hours in total. Fundamental Inspection & Testing City & Guilds 2392-01 Who should attend? Initial Verification & Certification of Electrical Installations - City & Guilds 2394–01 Periodic Inspection, Testing & Certification of Electrical Installations - City & Guilds 2395-01 What is covered? •• Safe isolation of electrical circuits and installations •• Fundamental requirements for inspecting, testing and recording of installations •• Requirements for completing an initial verification •• Understanding of requirements for testing before circuits are energised •• Testing of energised installations •• Interpretation of test results •• Requirements for completion of Electrical Installation Certificate •• Practical testing exercises and assessment Course Fees With Accommodation £720+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Who should attend? This course is aimed at practising electricians who have not carried out periodic inspection and testing but have experience in inspection and testing. The qualification is not suitable for those with limited experience of initial inspection of electrical installations. Purpose of the course The qualification prepares candidates for the periodic inspection of electrical installations. Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees Without Accommodation £785+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. What is covered? •• The requirements for completing the safe isolation of electrical circuits and installations •• Understand the requirements for inspecting, testing and recording circuit condition •• Understand the requirements for completing the periodic inspection of electrical installations •• Understand the requirements for the safe testing of electrical installations which have been placed in service •• Understand the requirements for testing before circuits are energised •• Understand the requirements for testing energised installations •• Understand and interpret test results •• Understand the requirements for the completion of electrical installation condition reports and associated documentation After the completion of C&G 2394 and C&G 2395, there is a 2 hour City & Guilds written exam which takes place on a pre-determined date, set by CIty & Guilds, which normally takes place on a Wednesday or Thursday evening. view our literature view our videos 21 Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation - City & Guilds 2919-01 Who should attend? Escape Lighting What is covered? Experienced Electrical Staff with the responsibility of installing Vehicle Charging Equipment •• Introduction, BS7671 section 722 and the Purpose of the course earthing, protection, labelling and practical exercises •• On street, commercial and industrial situations •• Inspection, testing, fault finding and maintenance •• Certification and notification to DNO •• Practical assessment and online exam The qualification allows attendees to take advantage of the surge of interest in domestic, and commercial electric vehicles and install dwelling and on street charging points. Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 5. IET Code of Practice •• Modes of charging, EVSE, restrictions •• Installation practices, risk assessment, Course Fees Without Accommodation £425+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Who should attend? What is covered? Electrical staff who have the responsibility for carrying out planned maintenance of emergency lighting installations at their place of work. ï •Introduction to types of emergency lighting Purpose of the course ï •Battery types and charging systems ï •Maintenance and testing of installations in To assist delegates in gaining the knowledge required to maintain self-contained and central battery systems and completion of certification documents in accordance with BS5266. Assessments and requirements of BS5266 ï •Design of emergency lighting systems ï •Commissioning requirements and measurement of performance accordance with British Standards ï •Installation and certification ï •Practical design exercise and measurement of lighting levels Practical design exercise and measurement of lighting levels. Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 16.00hrs on day 2. Course Fees Design & Verification of Electrical Installations City & Guilds 2396-01 Who should attend? Experienced electrical professionals, consultants and electrical engineers who work in the electrical contracting field, and who have responsibility for the design, specification, installation and testing of electrical installations. Purpose of the course This course provides participants with all the necessary skills and knowledge to design electrical installations. The ability to design is required before new installations are constructed and also when additions or alterations to existing installations are required. The course is intended for candidates who have already attended the 17th Edition (C&G 2382) and Inspection and Testing (2391/2394/2395) courses. The C&G 2396 develops the knowledge and skills candidates have gained from these courses. 22 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 What is covered? •• Design of electrical installations including all necessary calculations •• Design, verification and inspection of electrical installations in compliance with current safety legislation and BS7671 •• Verification that designs comply with relevant regulations •• Conduct of an initial verification of a new electrical installation •• Guidance and support to assist completion of a 40 hour design project Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 5. Course Fees Without Accommodation £760+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Without Accommodation £415+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Fire Alarms and Detection Systems Who should attend? Electrical staff who have responsibility for carrying out planned maintenance of emergency lighting and fire alarm installations at their place of work. Purpose of the course To provide you with an understanding of BS5839 part 1 and 6 and know how to implement them in a domestic or non-domestic installation. Course Duration A 1 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs. view our literature What is covered? •• The legislation surrounding BS5839 •• Detection systems •• Design considerations •• Cables and power supplies •• Risk assessments •• Commissioning and maintenance •• Certification Course Fees Without Accommodation £225+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. view our videos 23 Electrical to Mechanical Conversion Who should attend? Staff working within an M&E environment that would benefit from increased awareness of Mechanical principles and practices as part of their current role. It is also a good foundation course for those likely to undertake other Mechanical courses. Purpose of the course To provide delegates with a basic knowledge of Mechanical principles and concepts as well as an understanding of Mechanical Plant operation and isolation requirements of Plant and Pressure Systems for mechanical work. Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 5. Authorised Person: Petroleum What is covered? •• Key aspects of UK Legislation •• Fundamental mechanical principles including heat transfer, fuels and combustion •• Pumps, systems and components including valve types and heat exchangers •• Refrigeration and air conditioning systems •• Pressure plant including steam •• Hot water plant and water treatment •• Compressed air plant and hydraulic systems •• Plant operating procedures – start up and shut down •• Fire protection and shutdown systems associated with mechanical installations •• Maintenance procedures including safe systems of work for isolations, confined spaces, hot work and lifting operations •• Practical consolidation exercises Without Accommodation £1,060+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Mechanical to Electrical Conversion Staff working within an M&E environment that would benefit from increased awareness of electrical principles and practices as part of their current role. It is also a good foundation course for those likely to undertake other electrical courses. Purpose of the course To provide delegates with a basic knowledge of electrical theory and concepts as well as an understanding of electrical machine operation and isolation requirements of electrical plant for mechanical work. Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 5. 24 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 Engineering staff with responsibility for the safe handling of petroleum and who may be appointed as Authorised Person (Petroleum). Purpose of the course The course is designed to introduce delegates who have been selected for appointment as Authorised Person (Petroleum) to the requirements of safe working on Petroleum Installations ensuring that Safe Systems of Work are implemented, managed and controlled by competent persons. Course Duration A 4 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 4. Course Fees Without Accommodation £1,020+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Foundation Course Fees Who should attend? Who should attend? •• Understand the current Health & Safety legislation in respect to petroleum installations •• Introduction to Petroleum Products, Characteristics & Classification •• Hazards & Risks Associated with Petroleum Product & Infrastructure •• Overview of Petroleum Systems & Installations •• Introduction to Chapter 5 Safety Rules & Procedures, Roles & Duties •• Electrical Work in Petroleum Areas •• Isolation Methodology •• Testing & Safety Equipment •• Personal Protective Equipment & Respiratory Protective Equipment •• Assessing & Appointing AP’s •• Auditing & Monitoring Authorised Person Refresher: Petroleum What is covered? •• Requirements of Electricity at Work Regulations and dangers of electricity •• Electrical safe systems of work including practical isolation exercises •• Electrical circuit theory and practical use of measuring instruments •• Low voltage equipment including switchgear and protective devices •• Requirements of BS7671:2008 (2011) •• Single and three phase motors and associated starters •• Soft start and inverter drives •• Battery systems •• Photovoltaic energy sources and inverters •• Practical connection and verification of motor cabling •• Practical exercises in testing of circuits •• Exercises in basic electrical fault finding What is covered? Who should attend? Engineering staff with responsibility for the safe handling of petroleum and who may be appointed as Authorised Person (Petroleum). Delegates must have previously completed the Authorised Person: Petroleum Course. Purpose of the course The course is designed to refresh delegates who have been previously trained and appointed as an Authorised Person (Petroleum) to the requirements of safe working on Petroleum Installations ensuring that Safe Systems of Work are implemented, managed and controlled by competent persons. Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 3. view our literature Course Fees Without Accommodation £750+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. What is covered? •• Current Health & Safety legislation in respect to petroleum installations •• Petroleum Products, Characteristics & Classification •• Hazards & Risks Associated with Petroleum Product & Infrastructure •• Petroleum Systems & Installations •• Electrical Work in Petroleum Areas •• Isolation Methodology •• Test & Safety Equipment •• Personal Protective Equipment & Respiratory Protective Equipment view our videos 25 IOSH Working Safely Who should attend? This course is aimed at all employees and is designed to improve the safety culture within an organisation. It focuses on how individual actions contribute to health and safety in the workplace. Purpose of the course This course focuses on why health and safety is important, and how you can make a real difference to the wellbeing of yourself and others through changing your behaviour. Course Duration A 1 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs. Emergency First Aid at Work What is covered? •• Identifying hazards and risks in the workplace •• Accidents and their causes •• Identifying and controlling common hazards, such as fire, electricity, chemicals and work equipment •• Improving safety performance •• Protecting our environment IOSH Working Safely is assessed by a multiple choice exam and a short practical assessment. You will complete the assessment at the end of your course. Course Fees Without Accommodation £150+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. IOSH Managing Safely Who should attend? The course is intended for line managers requiring a broad-based knowledge of health and safety and safe systems of work. It is also suitable for those who do not wish to progress to the level of professional qualification, but would benefit from attending an accredited health and safety management course. An awareness of health and safety issues would be an advantage but is not essential. Purpose of the course This course aims to introduce managers, at all levels, to the different aspects of managing safety and health in the workplace. Course Duration A 4 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 4. 26 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 Who should attend? This course is aimed at individuals who work in low risk environments that present very few hazards. Employers should carry out an assessment of first aid needs to determine the number of staff required to be qualified in Emergency First Aid at Work. Purpose of the course This course will provide the basic skills and knowledge to undertake emergency first aid at work and is designed for smaller workplaces that present fewer health & safety risks. Course Duration A 1 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs. Certification All delegates will be continuously assessed during the course by the trainer and on successful completion will be awarded both an A4 certificate and a small laminated mini certificate from our training partner Davis Training & Consultancy. What is covered? •• Health and safety first aid regulations and the role of an emergency first aider at work •• Duties of employers and the legal framework •• First aid equipment and hygiene procedures •• Record keeping •• Managing an emergency including acting safely, promptly and effectively with emergencies •• The priorities of first aid •• The primary survey of a casualty •• The secondary survey of a casualty •• The unconscious casualty •• The casualty who is not breathing normally •• Choking •• Shock •• Heart attack •• Common workplace injuries including bleeding, fractures, burns, scalds and eye injuries Course Fees Without Accommodation £150+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. What is covered? •• Assessing and controlling risks •• Understanding your responsibilities •• Managing common hazards: fire, electricity, noise, manual handling, chemicals & substance and DSE •• Investigating accidents and incidents •• Measuring health and safety performance •• Protecting our environment IOSH Managing Safely is assessed by a multiple choice exam and a short practical assessment. You will complete the assessment at the end of your course. Course Fees Without Accommodation £500+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. view our literature view our videos 27 Authorised Person Refresher: Confined Spaces Authorised Person Confined Spaces Who should attend? Engineering staff with the responsibility for the implementation and operation of safe systems of work in Confined Space areas and who may be appointed as Authorised Person (Confined Spaces). Purpose of the course This course aimed at delegates who have been selected for training to become an Authorised Person (Confined Spaces) with responsibilities to implement, manage and control all aspects of confined space operations ensuring that a safe system of work is in place prior to any confined space activities being permitted. Where applicable, the course content follows the advice given in the Safe Work in Confined Spaces; Confined Spaces Regulations 1997, Approved Code of Practice, Regulations and Guidance L101, MoD Chapter 6 and NHS HTM’s / Procedures for Confined Spaces. Course Duration What is covered? •• Understand the current Health & Safety legislation in respect to confined spaces. •• Identifying hazards and risks associated with confined spaces and implementation of control measures. •• Categories of confined spaces, records and registers. •• Understand safe systems of work and complete safety documentation including Permits to Work. •• Understand the minimum safety equipment requirements and procedures utilised for safe entry and egress. •• Understand the responsibilities for individuals within the work team, training and fitness requirements. •• Understand the actions and reporting procedures needed in respect to response to emergencies. •• Carry out a practical entry into confined spaces using EBA & SCBA. Course Fees A 4 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 4. Without Accommodation £1,020+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. All of these courses are Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Compliant (lasting for 3 years or MMO/AE discretion) Who should attend? What is covered? Delegates must have previously completed the Authorised Person: Confined Spaces Course. •• The current Health & Safety legislation in Purpose of the course spaces and implementation of appropriate control measures. •• Categories of confined spaces, records and registers. •• Safe systems of work associated with confined space entry and complete safety documentation including Permits to work. •• The minimum safety equipment requirements and procedures to be utilised for safe entry and egress. •• The responsibilities for individuals within the work team, training and fitness requirements. This course aimed at delegates who have previously been trained and appointed an Authorised Person (Confined Spaces) and has or currently has responsibilities to implement, manage and control all aspects of confined space operations ensuring that a safe system of work is in place prior to any confined space activities are permitted. Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 3. respect to confined spaces. •• Hazards and risks associated with confined Course Fees Without Accommodation £750+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. Competent Person Confined Spaces Who should attend? Engineering staff with the responsibility for carrying out work within Confined Spaces who may be appointed as Competent Person (Confined Spaces) or the Person in Charge. Purpose of the course What is covered? •• Health & Safety Legislation •• Identifying & Classifying Confined Spaces •• Hazards & Risks Associated with Confined Space Working •• Problem Atmospheres (Gases & Gas Monitoring) This course is aimed at operatives who require training for entry into Medium Risk confined spaces where the use of continuous gas monitoring and Escape Breathing Apparatus (EBA) is required as part of a control measure based on a risk assessment. •• Work Team Roles & Duties •• First Aid, Medical & Training Requirements •• Generic Safe Systems of Work •• Introduction to Confined Space Equipment •• Introduction to Escape Breathing Apparatus •• Use of Confined Space Equipment & Course Duration •• Written Assessment A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 2. Practical Entry and Exit with EBA Course Fees Without Accommodation £430+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. 28 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 view our literature view our videos 29 Authorised Person Ventilation Who should attend? This course is aimed at managers, technical staff and consultants, who need an understanding of how to manage ventilation systems used in the Healthcare environment contained in HTM 03-01, with a view to undertake the role of Authorised Person (Ventilation). Purpose of the course To provide attendees with the necessary information to enable them to understand the duties responsibilities of the nominated Authorised Person (Ventilation) as detailed within HTM 03-01, and other associated guidance. Course Duration A 5 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 3. What is covered? •• Understand the standards of design & installation of ventilation systems •• Identify the principal Health & Safety issues associated with ventilation systems of all types installed in hospital premises. And legislation applicable to ventilation systems •• List statutory comfort standards requirements & sources of Department of Health & industry guidance. 30 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 Competent Person Ventilation •• Identify the need for and probable location of smoke & fire dampers, function, pressure stabilisation methods •• Understand the function of a Vapour Compression Refrigeration system, and its relationship to an Air Conditioning system. •• Understand the function of system heat exchangers, types of cooling & heating battery coils, verification of performance. •• Understand the need for humidification & de-humidification, types of humidifiers typical problems associated with humidifiers and how to overcome them. •• Anti-Legionella precautions within ventilation and air conditioning systems •• Understand the principles of psychrometry and its use for the resolution of operational problems. •• Carry out Air Handling Unit inspection audits and identify construction and maintenance issues. •• Verify critical system airflow and pressures use appropriate instruments and calculations using criteria for determining the appropriate ventilation rates. •• Carry out the necessary steps required for a Safe System of Work. Course Fees This course is only available as a onsite course. Price available on application. Who should attend? This course is aimed at managers, technical staff and consultants, who need an understanding about the practical aspects of the maintenance and measurement of hospital ventilation systems, which is intended for maintenance personnel nominated for the role of Competent Person (Ventilation), as defined in HTM 03-01. Purpose of the course To provide attendees with the necessary information to enable them to understand the duties and responsibilities of the nominated Competent Person (Ventilation) as detailed within HTM 03-01, and other associated guidance. Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 3. What is covered? •• Types & purposes of ventilation systems LEVs, Split Systems Air Handling units -advantages, disadvantages, principal components and the criteria for determining the appropriate ventilation rates. •• List statutory comfort standards requirements & sources of Department of Health & industry guidance. view our literature •• Identifying the need for and probable location of smoke & fire dampers, function, pressure stabilisation methods •• Identifying the essential components of an Air Conditioning System. •• Identifying appropriate filter grades for given applications primary, secondary, ULPA and HEPA systems, their function, appropriate use and change criteria •• Understand the need for humidification & de-humidification, types of humidifiers typical problems associated with humidifiers and how to overcome them. •• Anti-Legionella precautions within ventilation and air conditioning systems. •• Describe the function of control systems within ventilation systems. •• Carry out AHU audits & identify construction and maintenance issues. •• Verify critical system airflow and pressures. •• Permit to work system. Course Fees This course is only available as a onsite course. Price available on application. view our videos 31 Plumbing Multi-skilling Who should attend? Maintenance staff with the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of water systems in accordance with the requirements of UK Water Regulations. Purpose of the course This course will allow maintainence staff to gain the practical skills and knowledge necessary to repair and maintain copper and plastic pipes and fittings in hot and cold water / plumbing systems. The workshop will also give you the skills to service and repair WC’s and washbasins. Course Duration A 2 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 2. Rainwater and Greywater Harvesting What is covered? •• Understand WRAS (Water Regulations) •• Legal responsibilities to which the operative is bound regarding: Waste, Misuse, Contamination, Undue Consumption and Erroneous Measurement. •• Pipe work - Plastic & Copper Supplies Jointing and Repair methodology. •• White Goods - Wash hand basins. [Pedestal and wall hung], Urinals, Sparge Pipes and Auto Cisterns. •• W.C - low level, close coupled and hideaway •• Brassware - dripping taps: re-washer, repair, replace. •• Thermostatic Mixing Valves - Checking, setting, maintenance. Course Fees Without Accommodation £410+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. WaterSafe - Qualification Pathway Background WaterSafe is the new national plumbing assurance scheme jointly developed by the water industry and the plumbing sector. WaterSafe has been developed as a nationally recognisable brand, bringing together seven existing Approved Contractor schemes in the plumbing sector, as well as water companies and the key plumbing industry bodies. Purpose WaterSafe will enable experienced workers (5 years+) without plumbing qualifications to achieve the recognition they deserve. By achieving the qualification and also completing a WaterSafe initial assessment will allow an individual to register with WaterSafe. 32 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 What is covered? •• Installation Commissioning •• WC’s and Urinals •• Apply Safe Health and Safety and Working Practices •• Safe Customer Care and Site Preparation •• Safe Cold Water Systems •• Safe Installation of Sanitation Systems •• Water Supply ‘Water Fittings’ Regulations and Water Byelaws in the UK •• The installation, commissioning and safety aspects of hot water systems for domestic use Who should attend? The course is aimed at maintenance staff who require a better understanding of the design, iinstallation and maintenance of Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater recycling systems. Purpose of the course This course covers all the underpinning knowledge and practical demonstration required to install Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Recycling (Water Reuse) systems including domestic and commercial applications; and how we can reduce water consumption through the use of these 2 technologies. The course will also build on your previous experience, giving you all the additional technical knowledge you need to install a variety of different Rainwater & Greywater Harvesting System types. Rainwater Harvesting is the accumulation and deposition of rainwater for reuse before it reaches the aquifer. Uses include water for the garden, water for livestock, water for irrigation, and indoor heating for houses. Course Duration A 3 day course, starting at 09.00hrs and finishing at 17.00hrs on day 3. sustainable homes •• Assessment •• Direct and indirect Rainwater & Greywater Harvesting Systems •• Specification of appropriate Rainwater & Greywater Harvesting Systems Course Fees Without Accommodation £525+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. We also run a wide range of Legionella Courses including a Legionella New Entrant Risk Assessor Course for Facilities staff Call us on 01904 606090 for details Without Accommodation £1,495+VAT per delegate. Local Accommodation is available at a rate of £95-£110+VAT per night. commissioning •• Rainwater Harvesting calculations and sizing •• Systems & Components •• Water Quality Standards and their categories •• Installation & Commissioning procedures •• Maintenance and fault finding •• Resources, external bodies and the code for Greywater Harvesting is wastewater generated from wash hand basins, showers and baths, which can be recycled for uses such as toilet flushing, landscape irrigation and constructed wetlands. Course Fees What is covered? •• Rainwater & Greywater Harvesting overview •• Legislation surrounding these technologies •• Health & Safety, installation and view our literature view our videos 33 Training Facilities Training Facilities PPL Training York Head Office Slough Training Centre Airfield Lighting (AGL) Equipment Airfield Lighting (AGL) Area Classroom Facilities Workshop Facilities Classroom Facilities Cooling Tower Demonstration Area Electrical Installations High Voltage Equipment Legionella Risk Assessment Area Legionella Testing Equipment Low Voltage Equipment Electrical Installations Classroom Mechanical & Pressure System Area Standby Generation 34 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 view our literature view our videos 35 WaterProfiles Hygiene (Legionella) Trainer Profiles Trainer Gary Cooper Mechancial & Electrical Director Andy Cresswell Senior Training Consultant A qualified and multi-skilled mechanical engineer, with over 30 years experience in military and industrial environments. Gary has extensive experience of safe systems of work and is an effective communicator, with the ability to interact at all levels, Gary adopts a common sense approach to the practical implementation of Mechanical systems legislation. Andy is a Mechanical Engineer with over 30 years experience,- 23 years working in various roles within Industry and 12 years as a trainer. Andy’s specialist areas include F-Gas / Refrigeration, electrical / mechanical and also renewable technologies. Steve Martin Electrical Business Manager Jon Oliver Associate Training Consultant A professional engineer with considerable experience of the management, installation, operation and maintenance of electrical and airfield engineering systems. Steve has delivered training events overseas in Hong Kong, Nepal, Gibraltar, Cyprus and Belize and is a contributor to Defence Infrastructure Organisation’s Electrical Working Group and Chair of the IET’s Aeronautical Ground Lighting Competency and Safety Working Group. Jon is a practical, hands on marine and mechanical engineer. He has over 30 years of seagoing experience inclusive of having held full responsibility for the safe management, operation and maintenance of a wide range of power & process plant whilst operating within a hazardous environment. Graham Taylor Senior Training Consultant John Barling Associate Training Consultant Graham is a Senior Electrical Training Consultant with over 36 years experience in the electrical industry and over 5 years electrical teaching and training experience. Graham joined PPL Training in 2013 and specialises in Electrical High and Low Voltage training courses, including electrical installations and Authorised Person for the Commercial, Healthcare and Defence sectors. A Chartered Civil Engineer with over 40 years’ experience in both Local Government and in the commercial sector with airport operator BAA and latterly with his own consultancy, InfraPave. John has wide experience as a facilities maintenance manager, designer and troubleshooter of airfield pavements both in the UK and overseas. Steve Danby Senior Training Consultant Tim Robinson Associate Training Consultant Steve is a Senior Electrical Training Consultant with over 26 years experience in the electrical industry and over 14 years electrical teaching and training experience. An experienced and versatile Building Services Engineer, Tim has worked at senior levels within the NHS and for the BBC. He has a broad knowledge of mechanical and electrical systems, including design, installation, operations and maintenance. As an Authorising Engineer he was responsible for auditing and providing specialist expert advice in the provision and operation of medical decontamination equipment. Steve specialises in Electrical High and Low Voltage training courses, including electrical installations and Authorised Person for the Commercial, Healthcare and Defence sectors. . 36 York 01904 606090 Water Hygiene (Legionella) Trainer Profiles Trainer Profiles Slough 01753 325523 . view our literature view our videos 37 Our Clients Our Training Centres York Training Centre White Rose Close Ings Lane Ings Lane Opus Ave Great North Way White Rose Way Opus Avenue, York Business Park, York, YO26 6BL Slough Training Centre Other Training Courses from PPL Training.. Bestobell Road Berkshire Avenue PPL offer a full range of courses in: Altona Way •• Legionella Prevention & Control •• Airfield Lighting •• Healthcare Estates •• Sustainable Building / Insulation •• Renewable Energy •• Energy Assessing Farnham Road Buckingham Avenue SLOUGH Farnham Road Leigh Road Bath Road Malton Avenue Yarmouth Road Berwick Avenue London Road PPL offer onsite training throughout the UK at your companies premises. HEATHROW AIRPORT Please visit the PPL website or call 01904 606090 for further information. 468 Malton Avenue, Slough Trading Estate, Slough, SL1 4QU 38 York 01904 606090 Slough 01753 325523 view our literature view our videos 39 “Delivering Excellence as Standard” Our Mechanical & Electrical Training Locations York Training Centre Opus Avenue, York Business Park, Nether Poppleton, York YO26 6BL Slough Training Centre 468 Malton Avenue, Slough Trading Estate, Slough, SL1 4QU Falkirk Training Centre Best Western Hotel, Camelon Road Falkirk, Stirlingshire, FK1 5RY Bespoke Training Courses We can also run bespoke training courses throughout the UK at a location of your choice 01904 606090 01753 325523 view our literature view our videos 42