GCSE Sciences Revision Information

Revising for Science Exams in the Summer:
First identify your course
GCSE Science
Command words in examination questions
Sometimes, questions in the examination papers that you sit use words like
“How…?” and “Why….?”, but most of the time you’ll find other words used in
the questions. It’s important that you understand what these “command
words” in the questions are asking you to do. So, here’s a guide to what these
words mean. You can then work out how to make sure that you answer the
question correctly.
Preparing for the Exam
Science Core and Additional:
www.samlearning.com – revision tasks have been set for
ALL students specific to their courses.
www.ocr.org.uk (search for Gateway Science or Additional
Science for past papers) Questions are reused: if you
have done all of the past papers and looked at the
markscheme you will have seen most questions in the
summer exams!
Biology, Chemistry, Physics:
Extended writing questions
The 6‐mark extended writing questions will require longer
answers than most of the questions on the paper.
It should come as no surprise, therefore, that they are unlikely
to have command words such as “State…” or “Give a reason…”.
It is more likely that these questions will use the command
words “Describe…”, “Discuss…”, “Evaluate…” or “Explain...”
The very best way to answer these is to write 6 short sentences.
Use no connectives, that way you can’t make an error with a
comma or a semicolon. Us a capitol letter and a full stop for
every short sentence.
www.samlearning.com – revision tasks have been set for
ALL students specific to their courses.
www.ocr.org.uk (search for Gateway Biology, Chemistry,
Physics for past papers)
eduvee has broken the GCSE biology syllabus into bitesize
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questions to help him boost his GCSE grade!
GCSE Answers www.gcse.com/
Award winning site offering useful advice to students in the
form of tutorials, exam techniques and handy tips.
Just speak to your Science Teacher.
Hundreds of students are already getting
extra help, and you can too!