SequelMed EPM --

Sequel Systems INC
324 South Service Road
Suite 119, Melville, NY 11747
Tel: 631.694.3600 Fax: 631.694.3636
SequelMed Release Notes
New Features/fixes
Formatting issues in E.O.B Elect view has been fixed.
“Status” column has been added in denial batch processing window under found data section.
User can also filter the data based upon this column.
New Features/fixes
Patient statements can now be configured to print by Visits. Using this feature statement will
print summarized information i.e. charges, balance etc. per visit instead of printing all the
charges of the visit. This feature requires configurations which can be done upon request.
User is now allowed to mark Followup Action\Reason profiles Active/In Active. Inactive
Actions\Reasons will not be available to assign in Patient\Plan Follow Up windows.
Spelling corrected for POWER OF ATTORNEY in Responsible Party selection drop down.
File\Directory Import option in Patient\Batch documents has been enhanced to provide following
options to user when loading images into SequelMed from disk.
Auto Trim
Check Barcode
Each Page is a separate document.
These options works the same way as already provided in document scanning window.
Check Date field has been added to Batch EOB window’s search criteria which can be used to find
the checks for the given date.
Paper Claim Form (CMS-1500) can now be configured to print Provider Signature in box 31
instead of name. This feature requires configurations which can be done upon request.
For the services performed at patient’s Home, Patient’s Home address will be reported as Service
Facility Location in EDI Claim files.
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Issue with fee calculation while Editing EMR Charges in Editing window has been fixed.
“Script” field has been added in EDI Code and Mapping profile as shown below. When applying
the Code, system will now also assign the Script to the Followup Visits if specified in the EDI Code
and Mapping profile.
Claim Submission history from EDI Simplified Clearinghouse is now directly integrated with
SequelMed Visit window. User can see all the details, as shown below, by hitting Visit Detail>History button under EDI Simplified Claim History Tab.
Issue with Accession number field value persistence upon changing provider has been fixed in
charge entry window.
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For electronic claim submission of practices with same NPI/Tax ID but different Name\Address,
SequelMed can be configured to report different practice loops in X12 837 file. This feature
requires configurations which can be done upon request.
Paper claims (CMS-1500 Form) can now be printed on Plain Paper along with all the formatting
and design. SequelMed can print the form in black & white along with the data. These forms can
also be saved in Patient’s documents as PDF. This feature requires configurations which can be
done upon request.
In a Denial Batch Administration, user is now allowed to Reopen a batch after it is marked as
Merge document feature has been added for Payment Batches. “Merge Docs” button is added in
Payment Batch Documents window. User can select multiple documents and use this button to
merge them into a single document.
Issue with missing information when printing statement from Patient->Statement menu has been
Amount column width has been increased Payment Ledgers report to show large figures.
New Features/fixes
Issue with viewing EOB\Reports in “EDI Reports Log” window has been fixed. It was a rare
scenario and was occurring in some cases when clicking “View RPT” button in “EDI Reports Log”
New Features/fixes
Issue with total charge calculation for “No Fault” claim forms has been fixed. SequelMed is now
correctly printing the sum of only those line items which are printed on the particular NF claim
form instead of sum of case’s total charges.
“History” button has been added in Practice, Location and Batch (Charge\Payment\Denial)
Profiles to track changes made by user.
For WC/NF claim printing, SequelMed can now be configured to print WCB Authorization, Rating
Code and License # even when Practice and Provider states are different. This feature requires
configurations which can be done upon request.
PS-4 WC Board form has been enhanced to print Referring Provider telephone number.
In patient detail window “Alt + A” short cut has been assigned to Patient Statement Messages.
Pressing this field combination will pop up patient statement messages from where user can
choose require message.
Field overlapping issue of Accession# & Case# in Charge Entry Window has been fixed.
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“Next Plan Fee Link” option has been added in Plan Fee Link (Profiles->Fee->Plan Fee Link). User
can set the End Date and next Plan fee link to be used for the fee.
Reference ID field length has been increased to show complete data Batch Payment Entry detail
Followup Action profile has been enhanced to assign color to Auto Actions. The chosen color will
be applied to Account # filed when the Auto Action gets executed.
A new column “Plan Type” has been added under Charge Listing window to identify Medical, WC,
or No Fault Visits.
A new option “Auto Writeoff” has been added in “Plan Fee Link Procedure Fee” as shown in image
below. If this option is checked and system is setup to calculate fee from the respective fee
profile, the plan amount exceeding the allowed amount will be written off at the time of charge
entry. The same option is also available in “Plan Fee Link, POS Procedure Fee”.
Location field has been added for Plan, Procedure Expected fee as shown in the image below.
Now SequelMed will calculate the expected fee based upon each location separately.
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A new feature to retry linking the line items in Batch EOB Line Item Not Found section is now
available. User can hit the “Re Link” button (as shown below) and SequelMed will look for the
corresponding charges and link them which were not linked during the initial ERA loading due to
any reason (Secondary ERA before Primary etc.)
A new feature is now available for posting Write Off1 amount in Batch Charge Payment. Using
this feature SequelMed will determine if the Write Off1 amount coming in the ERA is already
posted for the charge, it will inform the user (as shown below) and will ignore Write Off1 amount
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while posting to keep the amount balanced. The Write Off1 field will also be shown in yellow color
for quick indication. If the Write Off1 amount coming in the ERA is less than the already posted
Write Off, it will post the difference of these amounts. This feature requires configurations which
can be done upon request.
A similar feature is also available for the copay amount. SequelMed can also be configured to
transfer the Copay amount coming in the ERA to Patient or Insurance.
Copay amount coming in the ERA has been color coded to inform user if it is less, equal or
greater than the Charge Copay in EPM (as shown below).
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Provider name column has been added in Batch EOB Payment Entry Window.
In Claim Editing window “Plan type”, “Entry From” and “To Date” fields are added to search
In EPM security application, A new feature “ Copay transfer Mode” has been added under
EDI Remittance Code linking detail window. User can transfer Copay to Secondary Insurance or
transfer to Patient.
WC/NF submission window has been redesigned along with new feature to generate X12 837
format WC/NF claims for submission. “WCB EDI Only” and “WCB & Plan EDI” are combined under
“EDI” option as highlighted in the image below. “Paper Option will keep working as earlier.
“Form” selection to print claims on paper is also changed to a dropdown list.
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User can choose EDI option in WC/NF window and then choose the respective Vendor from upper
right corner. Selecting the vendor decides what will be the format of claim submission. User can
choose CSV vendor to generate a CSV file for iHCFA or can select 837 Vendor to electronically
submit the files in X12 837 format. All these vendor options require configurations and can be
done upon request.
While submitting electronically, user will still have the option to print a copy of the claim by
selecting the “Print” check box as shown below
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New Features/fixes
SequelMed now supports up to 12 ICD Codes for a Charge. For this purpose a button named
“More ICDs” has been added on Charge Entry and Charge Detail windows which will open a new
window to enter the ICDs. If user has entered 5 or more ICDs, the button text will appear in blue
as an indication of more than 4 ICDs exists for the charge. SequelMed supports reporting 12 ICDs
at visit level in X837 file when submitting medical claims electronically. At service line level the
first four ICDs of the charge will be referenced as per 5010 standards guide.
In Batch ->Payment ->Payment window (F9), upon changing batch#, Check# field will be
New Features/fixes
A new option named “ICD 10” has been added in WC/NF printing window. If claims are printed by
selecting ICD 10 “Yes” option, Sequelmed will print only those visits from the case that have ICD
10 codes. Printing by selecting “No” option will print only those visits that have ICD 9 codes.
Issue during payment posting from Batch->Payment->Payment window has been fixed. It was a
rare scenario and occurred when hitting “Payment” button.
New Features/fixes
“ICD 10” field length has been increased to accommodate 10 characters in Anesthesia Case
A new option “All” has been added to ICD search criteria in electronic claim submission window.
User can search claims using this option if vendor(s) accept single claim file containing both ICD9 and ICD-10 codes. User can also set default option for this criterion under “User Options”
(Settings->User Options).
WC/NF claim printing has been enhanced to exclude suspended visits when submitting WC/NF
A new check while doing charge entry is now available to alert the user to select patient’s plan, if
not already selected. System will show an information message when patient has active plan(s)
but no plan is selected for the charge. User will have the option to ignore this message and
continue charge entry. This option requires configurations which can be done upon request.
Issue with Payment Batches showing irrespective of user’s entity has been fixed.
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Issue with printing NDC number instead of CPT in WC/NF claims has been fixed. Same change
has been for CSV files for IHCFA.
Issue with saving Page # in Patient budget payment has been fixed.
Invalid License # printing issue has been fixed for NF claim printing.
Issue with Entered By search criteria has been fixed in Payment Ledger report (Report->Plan->
Payment Ledger).
Issue with formatting of coinsurance amount has been fixed in Electronic EOB.
New Features/fixes
A new choice named "Power of Attorney" has been added for “Relationship” field in Patient
Responsible Party search and detail window.
During ERA processing, if Date of Service is not available in the file at charge level, it will be
picked and set from claim level for all corresponding charges.
Claim forms in Paper Submission and WC/NF Submission windows can now be inactivated so they
don’t show up in the list under “Select Form”. This requires configurations and can be done upon
“Additional Info” field length has been increased to accommodate maximum of 4000 characters in
Plan Followup detail window.
“Comments” field length has been increased to accommodate maximum of 500 characters in Plan
Followup Call window.
“Patient_Class” column is now available to create filter(s) in Patient Followup window using
“Filter” button.
Electronic submission of WC Narrative in CSV format has been upgraded to comply with the latest
specs issued by iHCFA in 2015.
In Batch Statement window, user can now set Visit From/To Date to find and generate
statements for only those patient(s) which have statements pending for the gives DOS range.
Visits not falling under the given DOS range will not be included in the statement for the
“Balance” field is now available under Sort and Filter options in Patient Diagnosis Procedure
report (Plan->Diagnosis Procedure->By Patient).
“Receipt #” column has been added in Plan->Payment Ledger Report.
A new button named “Followup” has been added in Followup->Followup Letter Printing window.
User can select a record and hit this button to view followup detail.
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A new column named “Last DOS Days” has been added in “Found Data” grid of Patient Followup
search window. This column will show the number of days since patient’s last visit is in followup.
A new column named “Pended by” has been added in Pending Submit & Statement Pending
windows to show the user who marked the claim or statement pending.
“NPI” column has been added in referring Provider Search windows throughout EPM.
Accident Date will be show under Charge listing grid to distinguish accident date visits.
A new column named “Practice” has been added in found data grid of EDI360 Work Queue
“View Submit” button has been added in EDI360 Work Queue window.
Family Planning Indicator is now reporting in Electronic Claims files based upon flags set in
Diagnosis Profile\Vendor.
EOD From\To search criteria have been added in Plan ->Payment Ledger report.
“Payment Type” field length increased in Plan-> Payment Ledger report
A new field named “NF Provider Signature” has been added in Practice Profile. User can set a
provider in this field and system will print the available signatures of this provider on NF claim
forms when submitting NF claims for the practice.
SequelMed EPM is ICD-10 ready. ICD-10 code set claims can be submitted through Electronic or
Paper submission methods from EPM.
Diagnosis Profile:
ProfileCodingDiagnosis Profile under ICD Flag. Users will have the option to toggle
between ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes by clicking either ICD-9 or ICD-10 radio-button. Users
can then look up for these codes by using ICD, Diagnosis or Description fields as shown in
the image below:
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Visit\Charge Entry
Visit(s) may be created using either ICD-9 or ICD-10 diagnosis codes and SequelMed EPM
will automatically report the corresponding indicator (for ICD-9 or ICD-10) when
submitting electronically or printing using the revised CMS-1500 (version 02/12) or UB04
claim form
SequelMed EPM allows changing diagnosis codes from ICD-9 to ICD-10 and vice versa for
existing visits. This dual coding functionality will facilitate users to choose diagnosis coding
scheme depending upon the patient's insurance. If a payer still only accepts ICD-9 and
visit is created with ICD-10, user can update the charge(s) with ICD-9 codes and submit.
The same can be done for visits created using ICD-9.
SequelMed EPM also provides diagnosis code crosswalk that allows users to select an
approximate ICD-10 code for an ICD-9 code and vice versa.
This Crosswalk icon
has been provided in Charge Entry, Visit detail, Patient Plan Extra
info, Anesthesia Case, HL7 and EMR charge editing windows where user can enter an ICD
code and click
button to see the crosswalk available for that code as shown in the
following two images below:
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Users can then click
button to select the appropriate codes into the diagnosis
fields respectively as shown below:
Note: If the selected combination from the Cross-Walk (General Equivalence Mapping)
window exceeds the number of diagnosis codes remaining to enter for a charge,
SequelMed EPM will inform the user as follows to continue with selection
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While entering\updating a single charge in a visit, both ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes
cannot be entered at the same time. SequelMed will prompt message as shown below;
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Claim Editing
A new edit with code X008 is available in Plan Edit Link, as shown below, to validate visit(s) for
ICD Classification.
During claim editing, if a claim doesn’t have uniform diagnosis coding scheme, the edit will
trigger as shown below;
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Claim Submission
In Batch electronic submission window, a new criteria named ICD 10 is added. This option is
by default set to “No” which means when user will search the claims; all claims having
primary ICD in ICD-9 CM classification will be shown. User can change the option to “Yes” to
find all ICD-10 CM classification claims.
In order to submit a claim (paper or electronic), all codes must be in the same classification
i.e. either ICD-9 or ICD-10. If a claim doesn’t have uniform diagnosis coding scheme,
SequelMed EPM will inform the user as shown below;
(Paper Submission)
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(Electronic Submission)
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New Features/fixes
A new column has been added in Patient Followup bucket which shows days count of Patient’s
last visit.
New Features/fixes
Extra blank page printing and data formatting issues has been fixed for ERA View in E.O.B
Payment Window (F10).
A new field for Provider has been added on screen when making Advance Payment or Refund. By
default system will pull provider from patient demographic but user can change where required.
New Features/fixes
BCBS of MS’s guidelines for reporting Provider and CRNA electronically have been implemented
for Anesthesia Billing.
New Features/fixes
An automated batch service is now available to run Eligibility, at specified time daily, for patients
available in Claim Editing (F5) window. The eligibility status will be shown in a column under
Found data section of Claim Editing window. Also a new button named “Get Eligibility” has been
added in this window for user to run eligibility for selected records manually, where required. This
feature requires configurations which can be done upon request.
New Features/fixes
SequelMed can now be configured to generate WC/NF shipping labels for USPS. SequelMed can
also download proof of delivery documents from USPS automatically and link them with
respective WC/NF cases. This feature requires configurations which can be done upon request.
SequelMed batch eligibility service can now also be configured to run eligibility for claims in
Editing Window (F5).
New Features/fixes
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Barcode size issue when printing labels and letters has been fixed.
General Billing Guidelines of EMEDNY Claim Form EMEDNY-150003 have been implemented. The
paper Claim form for Medicaid as Secondary will report Primary Payer’s payment source
information in Box M and Box O. This feature requires configurations which can be done upon
1. Box M flags apply to fields 24J and 24K to indicate whether the member is covered by
Medicare and whether Medicare approved or denied payment as follows;
– No Medicare involvement – Source Code Indicator = 1
– Member has Medicare Part B; Medicare approved the service – Source Code Indicator = 2
– Member has Medicare Part B; Medicare denied payment – Source Code Indicator = 3
2. Box O Flags apply to fields 24L to indicate whether Primary payer is other than
– No Other Insurance involvement – Source Code Indicator = 1
– Member has Other Insurance coverage – Source Code Indicator = 2 + Type of coverage.
(CI, HM, FI, etc.)
3. Unlabeled Field 24K (Medicare Paid Amount) is used to indicate the Medicare Paid
Amount and must be completed if Box M in field 23B has an entry value of 2 or 3.
When Box M = 2
– When billing for the Medicare deductible, enter 0.00.
– When billing for the Medicare coinsurance, enter the Medicare Paid amount as the sum of
the Medicare paid amount and the Medicare deductible, if any.
When Box M=3
– Enter 0.00 to indicate that Medicare denied payment or did not cover the service.
– If none of the above situations are applicable, leave this field blank.
4. Unlabeled Field 24L (Other insurance Paid Amount)must be completed when Box O in
field 23B has entry value of 2
When Box O = 2
– If there is only one insurance carrier, enter the other insurance payment.
– If more than one insurance carrier contributes to payment of the claim, enter the total
amount paid by all other insurance carriers.
New Features/fixes
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Error in case of multiple State licenses while printing paper claim has been fixed.
Issue with Reason Codes Mapping in Batch charge Payment window has been fixed.
Date Range has been increased in Reports under Management AND EOB menu.
Bug (reversal Case) in Elect EOB has been fixed.
Now Supervising Provider will be cross over to Secondary Visit When Primary Visit has
Supervising Provider.
Row Count Feature added in EDI360 Work queue bucket.
Unlink feature has been added in E.O.B Payment (F10)->Line Item-> Batch charge Payment
New Features/fixes
Issue with Reason Codes in In Elect EOB has been fixed.
EPM UI has been enhanced to reflect windows theme styles for input fields and buttons.
Issue with leading “0” printing for zip codes has been fixed in XML statement printing.
While submitting secondary claims, “REF*2U*PI~” segment for secondary payer identification will
also be reported.
SequelMed Forms have been upgraded to support header/footer while importing documents into
SequelMed. This will require upgrading SequelMed Forms components and as with any windows
program it requires local administrator rights on user workstation.
New Features/fixes
A new feature has been added in SequelMed EPM to import PDF files as TIFF images. Using this
option, SequelMed can automatically convert the selected PDF file(s) to TIFF images when
importing under Patient\Charge Batch\Payment Batch\Denial Batch Document. This option
requires configuration which can be done upon request. PDF files having up to 100 pages are
Issue of Followup entry creation while importing Claim Status Response has been fixed.
New Features/fixes
“CPT” field in Panel billing->Procedure Group->Coding Relation tab is now allowed to accept up
to 10 character codes.
Issue with showing Payee Address in Batch E.O.B Payment detail window has been fixed.
“Patient Paid” column has been added in found data section of Patient Visits (Patient->Visits)
window to show amount paid by the patient.
“Comment” box in patient detail window has been enhanced to accept up to 4000 characters.
Upon focus this field will show scrollbar to navigate through the text entered.
Ledger dropdown in E.O.B Payment->Payment->Batch Charge Payment Detail window are now
sorted alphabetically.
“Check Date” column has been added in found data section of E.O.B Payment (F10) window.
A button named “Unlock” has been added in Security Application->User Detail window to unlock
the user session in database.
Issue in patient statements going out with credit balance charges has been fixed. Such charges
will not get included in statement.
A new edit is now available for Claim Editing to identify claims with future DOS.
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New Features/fixes
Issue with “Add to Remaining Location” button in Provider PIN window has been fixed. This
functionality was not working properly earlier in some cases.
Issue with ‘Window’ menu has been fixed to show all opened windows in SequelMed under this
Issue with opening visits from Batch Submit Log window is fixed.
New Features/fixes
SequelMed EPM can now be integrated with EDI360 clearing house. A new window has been
added under “Batch->EDI360 Work Queue” menu which shows the claims sent from EDI360
clearing house’s portal to work\correct in EPM. This option requires configuration which can be
done upon request.
A new option has been added for paper claims to print page numbering on the printed HCFA
forms. This option allows printing number of pages information in “#Page of #Total Pages”
format. This option requires configuration which can be done upon request.
Issue with batch statement printing, in case of large number of statements, has been fixed.
New Features/fixes
Lab Test Date field has been added in Batch->Charge->Charge Listing->Visit Detail->Addl Info
Last seen Date, Admission Date and Lab Test Date columns have been added in Batch->Charge>HL 7 EMR Charges, under Found Data section.
“Visit Statement Flag” and “Patient Statement Flag” columns have been added in Followup>Patient Followup Bucket->Filter under Find Criteria section.
Filtering and Sorting Options on right click menu are now available in Batch->Payment->E.O.B
Payment->Payment under Unpaid Charges Section.
‘History’ button has been added in Profile->Admin->Provider. Any change in data in Provider
Profile can be reviewed by clicking history Button.
Issue with charge transfer between Medical to WC/NF, WC/NF to Medical in Batch->Payment>Payment window has been fixed.
Patient age field in Reports->Schedule->Provider Appointment has been enhanced to show in
year/month/days format.
Duplicate ERA Issue has been fixed in Batch->Payment->EOB Payment.
New Features/fixes
When updating data in patient demographics window, SequelMed will automatically sync the
same information in all patient insurances (primary, secondary, tertiary etc.) where the
relationship is ‘SELF’. Previously only primary insurance information was being synced.
Patient DOB field has been added in Patient Followup detail window (Patient Followup->Detail).
Plan ID column has been added in Followup->Plan Followup window, under Found Data section.
Error upon deleting eligibility response has been fixed in Batch->EDI->Eligibility->Eligibility
Response window.
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Practice short name column has been added in Batch->Statement->Statement Printing, under
Found Data section.
Missing fields (Write Off 3 & 4 amounts, comments, ledgers) has been added in Batch Payment
Entry->Unpaid Charges->Payment window.
Separate XML tags for Ordering Provider and Supervising Provider has been added in XML for
Paper Claims.
A new functionality to view ERA in human readable format is now available in SequelMed. 'ERA
View’ button has been added in Batch EOB window. By clicking this button, user can view entire
ERA in human readable format and can also print this view on desired printer.
Split billing rules for Medicare has been upgraded to latest standards and requirements. A new
functionality to exclude any location from split billing has also been added to SequelMed.
Issue with changing trays when printing letters has been fixed.
‘Total Primary Charge’ and ‘EOD Fee’ tags have been added in batch statement XML file when
submitting statements.
Issue with validating Plan Id format from plan profile window has been fixed.
Patient Online Payment Report has added in Reports->Patient->Patient Online Payments. This
report can be used to reconcile online payments received via Payment Portal.
Issue while processing batch eligibility response file has been fixed.
While submitting claims electronically, CLIA# can now be reported at service line level in case the
procedure is performed by an outside reference lab. Referenced lab CLIA# field has been added
in Out Side Lab profile in SequelMed.
New Features/fixes
The SequelMed® EPM has been enhanced to electronically print provider’s signature on Worker’s
Compensation Forms. This feature requires configuration after which users will be printing out
signature-ready Worker’s Compensation claims.
New search filters based upon the referring provider have been added on various windows of EPM
and the column for Referring Provider has been added in the search result grid as well. The
windows enhanced for this feature are as under:
Batch  Charges  Charge Listing
Batch  Charges  Claim Resubmit
Followup  Plan Followup Bucket
Followup  Patient Followup Bucket
User can now enter ‘Accession Number’ directly from Charge Entry (F3) window as shown in the
screenshot below.
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New ‘MSG’ button has been added to ‘Charge Transfer’ while transferring multiple charge lines in
the Payment window. User can now add messages to any of the charge transfer actions.
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NDC units can now be printed on Workers’ Compensation and No Fault Forms.
‘View Submit’ window has been upgraded; according to the new HCFA 1500-02/12 NUCC form.
By using the Documents Button on Submit Log, user can view and print the PWK attachment
documents associated with electronically submitted Batch. User can also reprint all the
documents PWK attachment documents associated with the Submit Batch through the new ‘Print
Batch’ feature.
Go to Batch  EDI  Submit Log: Select the electronic batch that contains the attachments and
by clicking ‘Documents’ button, get the list of attached documents. Now double click the desired
row to open the ‘Document Viewer’ and take the prints of all the documents by clicking the ‘Print
Batch’ button.
During electronic Claim submission, any vendor can be configured to report CLIA number.
The ‘Add to Remaining’ functionality has been enhanced, allowing the user to create new PIN
profiles with the existing profile information. The ‘Add to Remaining’ feature updates all the
information in the subsequent profiles with similar provider/location information.
While taking prints of ledgers through ‘Patient Ledger’ window  Print Report button, the
aggregate of Plan Amt., Patient Amt., and Plan Bal. columns will also be printed.
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The ‘Status’ column in ‘Patient Visits’ window has been moved to main display area, so that it can
be viewed without scrolling horizontally on the grid.
In ‘Charge Payment’ window from Batch  Payment  E.O.B. Payment F10  Payment Button,
user can print all the lines by right clicking any line and selecting the Print option from the Popup
Diagnosis codes can be searched using the ICD Flag criteria in Profiles  Coding  Diagnosis.
Default Ledgers have been provided on Batch Payment Entry. Selected Ledgers on this window
will apply during the ERA Payment Post Task when the corresponding payment ledger in Payment
Detail is empty.
New Features/fixes
Paper claim printing using the revised CMS-1500 Claim Form (version 02/12) is now available in
SequelMed EPM. For printing to new form, users can change the Form to CMS_1500_NUCC0212
in the Plan Profile.
SequelMed EPM has been upgraded to ICD-10-CM. The International Classification of Diseases,
Clinical Modification version ICD-10-CM is a modified version of the ICD-9-CM created by the
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National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS). User can now submit claims with ICD-10-CM code sets using both Electronic and Paper
submission methods.
User can now create claims using any of the ICD code set i.e. “ICD-10-CM or ICD-9-CM.”
All ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes are loaded under Profile->Coding->Diagnosis profile along
with existing ICD-9-CM codes.
Charges can be entered using either ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes and
SequelMed EPM will automatically report the corresponding indicator (for ICD-9-CM or
ICD-10-CM) when submitting electronically or printing using the revised CMS-1500 Claim
Form (version 02/12).
Once a visit or charge is created then diagnosis code set cannot be changed. Such as if a
visit is created with ICD-10-CM codes then ICD-9 codes cannot be updated. Similarly the
existing visits that have diagnosis codes of ICD-9 cannot be changed to ICD-10, however
can be changed with diagnosis code of same code set of ICD-9.
Feature of Crosswalk that allows the user to select a matching ICD-10-CM code for an ICD-9-CM
code and vice versa has been added. The Crosswalk feature is based on the General Equivalence
Mappings issued by NCHS. The Crosswalk tool allows the user to select a matching ICD-10-CM
code for an ICD-9-CM code and vice versa.
ILLUSTRATION on Crosswalk of ICD-10 and ICD-9
Crosswalk feature has been provided in Charge Entry, Visit detail, Patient Plan Extra info,
Anesthesia Case, EMR charge editing window where user can enter an ICD code and click
button where if crosswalk is available for that code, it will be displayed to the user to
make selection in General Equivalence Mapping window
General Equivalence Mapping will display the matching codes found against a diagnosis code
mentioned in its title.
There is either direct translation that points to single ICD-10-CM code. Then there are some
codes where multiple options of single ICD-10-CM codes are available. Further, there are
some ICD-9-CM Codes for which there are combinations of 2 or more ICD-10-CM codes.
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General Equivalence Mapping
The user can click
Charge Entry
button to enter the required codes into the diagnosis fields
When entering 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Diagnosis in a charge and the Selected diagnoses from
General Equivalence Mapping window are more than the available fields then a message will
display the ICD codes that can be entered in available fields and others will be ignored as
illustrated in the example below:
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Since, the ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM type change apply to the whole visit due to which
SequelMed EPM will not allow entering both ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes in a single Visit.
Similarly both ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes cannot be entered in a single Charge. This
implies at the time of saving your changes in charge. As shown below:
ICD-10 is not allowed when primary diagnosis is ICD-9
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ICD-9 is not allowed when primary diagnosis is ICD-10
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In EPM Security Application, PWK Attachment Type dropdown has been added in EDM -> Document Type
window to manage electronic claims reporting with attachments. This will allow users to select appropriate types
for documents to report two character qualifiers in Electronic claims.
EPM Security  EDM  Document Type
As per ANSI standards following Document Types can be used for reporting on Electronic Claims.
03–Report Justifying Treatment beyond
Utilization Guidelines
04–Drugs Administered
05–Treatment Diagnosis
06–Initial Assessment
07–Functional Goals
08–Plan of Treatment
09–Progress Report
10–Continued Treatment
11–Chemical Analysis
13–Certified Test Report
15–Justification for Admission
21–Recovery Plan
A3–Allergies/Sensitivities Document
A4–Autopsy Report
AM–Ambulance Certification
AS–Admission Summary
B3–Physician Order
B4–Referral Form
BR–Benchmark Testing Results
BT–Blanket Test Results
CB–Chiropractic Justification
CK–Consent Form(s)
D2–Drug Profile Document
DA–Dental Models
DB–Durable Medical Equipment
DG–Diagnostic Report
DJ–Discharge Monitoring Report
DS–Discharge Summary
EB–Explanation of Benefits (Coordination
of Benefits or Medicare Secondary Payer)
HC–Health Certificate
HR–Health Clinic Records
I5–Immunization Record
IR–State School Immunization Records
LA–Laboratory Results
M1–Medical Record Attachment
NN–Nursing Notes
OB–Operative Note
OC–Oxygen Content Averaging Report
OD–Orders and Treatments Document
OE–Objective Physical Examination (including
vital signs) Document
OX–Oxygen Therapy Certification
OZ–Support Data for Claim
P4–Pathology Report
P5–Patient Medical History Document
PE–Parenteral or Enteral Certification
PN–Physical Therapy Notes
PO–Prosthetics or Orthotic Certification
PQ–Paramedical Results
PY–Physician's Report
PZ–Physical Therapy Certification
RB–Radiology Films
RR–Radiology Reports
RT–Report of Tests and Analysis Report
RX–Renewable Oxygen Content Averaging
SG–Symptoms Document
V5–Death Notification
In EPM Security’s Electronic Vendor Profile, PWK Attachment Transmission dropdown has
been added to select appropriate transmission mode for reporting in electronic claims, under PWK
segment. Fax number field has also been added which will be printed on Coversheet when it is
printed with attachment claims.
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SequelMed EPM Security  Profile  Electronic Vendor
SequelMed EPM now support reporting PWK segment (Paper Work Attachment) during electronic Claim
Submission. Following is the work flow for reporting Paper Attachments.
In EPM Security application, user can assign appropriate PWK Attachment type to Document Types
so that those documents can be reported with their qualifier in PWK segment.
During Electronic Claim submission user can check the Attachment check box and click Submit button.
A two digit Document Type qualifier and an attachment control number will be reported in PWK
segment for each document.
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Documents attached with the visit(s) will be printed along with cover sheets separately in chronological
order. For example, if there are 4 different documents then 4 coversheets will be printed along with their
respective documents.
User can Fax the printed documents to the payer along with cover sheets.
History of attachment control numbers and the documents is recorded in Charge and Claim history
Added Active/Inactive filter option in Plan Address Find window of Patient Demographics.
During Claim Status request to Emdeon, Billing provider NPI and Name will be reported in NM1*41 Receiver
Information segment.
A new Menu roll for HL7 EMR charges can be assigned in SequelMed Security application.
ICN field size on ELECT EOB has been increased so that it prints with complete number.
Printer tray issue when submitting secondary paper claims has been fixed.
Issue with statement printer when submitting from Patient->Statement has been fixed.
Issue with ‘Patient Follow-up’ window column order upon screen resizing has been fixed.
Issue with changing “From” and “To” time duration in ‘Charge’ detail has been fixed.
Self-subscribed patient edit can now be configured per electronic Insurance to allow\disallow electronic
submission where insured is not “Self”.
During Claim submission, reports and ERAs transmission system uses default location of “C:\ELECT” for
placing EDI files. Now any Network path can be configurable as a default location for this purpose, you can
request Sequel for this change.
New Features/fixes
 Issue with printing HCFA claims on wrong printer tray has been fixed. This was happening only when
printing secondary claims with attached documents\EOBs.
 Memory usage during claim editing process has been optimized to fix out of memory issue when editing
large number of claims.
New Features/fixes
 During Electronic submission, a different modifier can be reported using the Plan Modifier regulation.
 All labels have been changed from ICD 9 to ICD.
New Features/fixes
 In Elect EOB View and in Secondary claims paper submission, Primary EOB print will show aggregated
total of the amounts that have reason code of “PR”.
 In Elect EOB View and in secondary claims paper submission, amount with reason codes PR will add
to Patient Total amount.
 EOB F10 window, Line Item detail will show Billed CPT and Billed Modifier if this information is received
in ERA file.
 NDC units from ADDL screen will be copied for secondary charge.
 Upon claim submission to Gateway the comments in Submit Log will read “Waiting for Acknowledgment
Reports”. Upon 999 is received the status from 999 file will be updated in comments for the submitted
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License, State, WCB Rate Code, and WCB Authorization Code have been added in CMS1500 and
PATIENT CLASS_NAME is added to Follow-Up Filter Criteria.
During Electronic Claim submission, Auto Accident claims will report Accident State in CLM 11 04
Payer Id field is added in Patient Demographics that will display payer id from Plan Profile and it will
allow user to enter plan using payer id.
Payment Receipt Report will show Practice and Location descriptions instead of their short names.
Upon printing the list from Claim Editing window using the Print to file feature, the exported file will
include Comments, Claim Comments, and reserved field 19 columns.
New Features/fixes
While processing ERA in EPM, up to 4 adjustment codes can now be mapped to Writeoff fields with
distinct ledgers.
HP 1A and HP 1B forms has been updated as per latest format provided by WCB.
HP J1 form can now be printed from within SequelMed EPM.
When printing HP 1A and 1B form, a new window will appear to take input for charge\dispute amounts.
These amounts will print on HP 1A/1B form accordingly.
HP 1A and 1B forms can now be reprinted from history.
Measurement code “Milligram” has been added in the Measurement Code drop down in Procedure
Changes in dialup script and phone number have been implemented for electronic Vendors for
Medicare Noridian to submit claims and download ERA files as per the new process.
New Features/fixes
Large screen resolutions support and windows resizing features are now available in SequelMed EPM.
Existing compact view of search\detail screens combined with these features provides the user a wider
and much better view of data. User will no longer have to scroll again and again and will get full glimpse
of data in first view. This also facilitates data entry where more area of input fields is now visible and
also action buttons are more organized.
Reviewing Reports in SequelMed EPM has never been as easy as now with large screen resolution
support and resizing capabilities. All the reports now open in full screen by default, showing maximum
data on screen, hence cutting the review time and adding to efficiency.
Document\Image viewer size has been increased to display maximum part of documents without
resizing the window manually. Toolbar icons have also been enhanced.
Speed of retrieving data and showing to user has been enhanced.
Hot Key indication on all search and detail windows has been changed from colored letters to
underscore letters.
Enhanced calendar control has been added to all date fields in search/detail windows.
When printing from Paper Submit window, WC/NF window or Statement, the extra step to select printer
from printer selection dialogue box has been removed. Now the prints will go to the printers specified in
system options.
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SequelMed Payment Portal is now completely integratable with SequelMed EPM to allow patient’s
portal account creation\management from within EPM. This includes;
 Setup patients to receive electronic statements along with email alerts.
 Share patient’s portal account with others (lawyer etc.)
 Get access to other patient’s account(s) (family members etc.)
Patients can also receive statements and alerts through email instead of paper and can make
payments online from SequelMed Payment Portal which will reflect in SequelMed EPM.
Profiles->Admin->Documents option have been added to import Practice\Provider\Location\Plan
specific documents. User can also view\import\scan\print these documents from respective profiles.
Patient messages have been enhanced to show alerts on payment windows. These alerts will be visible
under Batch->Payment->Payment and Visit Detail->Payment windows.
Claim Editing has been enhanced to show more meaningful edit messages to user for charge\visit level.
Also custom edits like “Ancillary Date Validity”, “Bundled Code/ Bundled Item or Service – Medicare
Only” and “Unlisted code” are added and the edit list is being revised regularly to add more useful edits.
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New Features/fixes
A new option for electronic claim submission is now available to stop reporting Location when NPI from
Location profile is same as of Billing Provider’s NPI. This option requires configuration which can be
done upon request.
A new option for electronic claim submission is available to stop reporting Taxonomy Code of Billing
and/or Rendering Provider for a specific insurance as per the Insurance requirements. This option
requires configuration which can be done upon request.
“Pay to Address” fields are now available in Location Profile. Location’s “Pay to Address”, if exists, will
override Practice’s “Pay to Address” when submitting claims electronically. Location’s “Pay to Address”
will have no effect on Provider Pin Profile settings. They will keep working as earlier.
A new tag named “primary_plan_writeoff” has been added in patient statement’s XML. This tag will
contain the amount which was written off for the primary charge item.
Under Ledger wise Payment Posting window, negative discount is now allowed on patient copay.
New Features/fixes
Payment posting from Patient-> Visits window has been enhanced to allow posting discount on patient
amount at visit level. User can select single or multiple visits and hit the newly added “Discount” button
on Patient Visits window. User will then be asked to provide the discount amount and upon hitting OK
button, SequelMed EPM will automatically distribute the given amount w.r.t patient amount for selected
visit(s) and apply the payment per line item.
Payment posting from Patient-> Visits->Payment window has also been enhanced to allow posting
discount on patient amount at visit level. User can select the visit row from the top section of Payment
screen and hit “Discount” button. User will then be asked to provide the discount amount and upon
hitting OK button, SequelMed EPM will automatically distribute the given amount w.r.t patient amount
for selected visit and apply the payment per line item.
New Features/fixes
While submitting UB04 claims on paper, if Provider Pin Profile exists where Facility information is
reporting from Bill to EIN section and both Office and Pay to Addresses exist, then Pay to Address will
be reported as a facility address.
While submitting secondary claims on paper, if primary ERA has multiple payment lines associated with
one charge item of a visit, all associated payment lines will be printed as an EOB attachment.
Rendering Provider can now be reported without NPI for professional claim submission. You can enter
0000000000 as an NPI in Provider Profile to do so.
Bill to Provider SSN option is now available in Provider profile in SequelMed EPM Security application.
You can use this option when provider is credentialed with all insurances under SSN instead of the
Practice or Billing Group EIN / Tax ID.
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Taxonomy Code edit “Missing Taxonomy Code”, for professional claim submission, can now be
configured to one of the following options. If you want to change your existing settings, it can be done
by Sequel upon request.
Must report Both Practice and Provider Taxonomy codes.
Must report Provider Taxonomy code only.
Must report Practice Taxonomy code only.
Report Practice\Provider Taxonomy code if available in Practice\Provider profile.
Claim balancing issue for Medicare Secondary Payer has been fixed
New Features/fixes
For the visits with place of service “12” (Patient Home), service facility location loop can now be
reported when submitting claims electronically. This feature requires configuration which can be done
by Sequel upon request.
For the ERAs where payee information does not match with Practice in SequelMed, system will
prompt the user to select the practice manually to load the check.
New Features/fixes
SequelMed Payment Portal has been integrated with SequelMed EPM. This will allow patient’s portal
account creation\management from within EPM which includes;
o Setup patients to receive electronic statements along with email alerts.
o Share patient’s portal account with others (lawyer etc.)
o Get access to other patient’s account(s) (family members etc.)
Patients can now make online credit card payments from SequelMed Payment Portal which will reflect
in SequelMed EPM.
Real time eligibility from Gateway can now be run directly from within EPM. This feature requires
configuration which can be done by Sequel upon request.
Plan eligibility can now be configured to update visit co pay in patient demographics based upon
service type. This feature requires configuration which can be done by Sequel upon request.
WC Condition Code field has been added in Visit Detail’s additional info tab. This field will be available
in XML for paper submission of Professional and Institutional claims.
Location information for MEDICAID vendors can now be reported in Professional 837 claim files. This
feature requires configuration which can be done by Sequel upon request.
In Elect EOB view and printing, amounts coming with rejection codes PR 122 and PR 49 will be added
to patient total.\
New Features/fixes
Description field has been added in ICD 9 find window when opened from charge entry window.
Description field has been added in Reason find window when opened from followup detail.
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Group Name field has been added in plan extra info window. This will get reported in SBR 04 in
electronic claim file.
AvailityBCBS Dialup command changes have been implemented.
NDC Units and charge’s additional information can now be entered when entering the charge. These
fields will be available on Charge Entry window if procedure has an NDC code in profile.
Right-Click Popup Menu for sorting and filtering the records has been provided in Patient Summary
Window-Scheduled appointments section.
New fields have been added in WC Case detail window for latest MMI form. Print form can be updated
upon request.
License# field has been added in xml for WCB NY printing.
New Features/fixes
Medicare AR and MEDICARE LA dialup process is acquired by Novitas Solutions. This Dialup process
has been implemented for these vendors for automated Claims submission, Reports and ERAs
Automated reports download process for vendor MCRSCAGPNET has been enhanced to process
reports coming in ZIP (compressed) format.
New Features/fixes
A new column named “Validation Msg.” has been added in Electronic Submit window to show the
reason, if any, why claim was not submitted. The same information will also be available under
“Submission Validation Msg” tab in visit detail window.
EDI XML Report for both 999 and 277 transactions coming in a single file can now be viewed from EDI
Reports Editor.
New Features/fixes
"To Entry Date" field has been added in search criteria of Batch EOB Payment (Batch  Payment 
E.O.B Payment) window.
"Ref Provider" label on "Patient Referral Management" window has been hyperlinked to view
referring provider detail or create new referring provider.
Cancelled visit will not be displayed in search result under “Find Case Visits” (Medical Case  All
Visits) Window.
"PATIENT_DOB" field has been added in patient statement's xml file.
A new option has been added in search criteria of “Patient List Report” to list Active\In Active\All
While viewing reports from “EDI Reports log”, PDF or XPS files will be opened in external viewer,
where available.
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While importing ERA into Batch EOB window, if charge reference number does not exist and there are
multiple payment lines with same CPT, DOS and Modifier then system will link one payment line and
remaining payment lines will appear in the line item, not in found section.
New Features/fixes
Following new fields are now available in xml for UB04 printing:
Location Name
Location Address
Location City
Location Zipcode
Location Zipcode Extension
Discharge Hour
In 837 Institutional Claims submission, Attending Provider will now be reported by default for
‘MEDICARE’ and ‘OTHER’ type vendors.
Vendors in SequelMed can now be configured to ignore Admission date validation with respect to Visit
Date, when submitting electronic claims.
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New Features/fixes
‘Payer Id’ field has been added in ‘Find Plan’ window from ‘Patient Demographics’ screen.
‘Auto Trim’ and ‘Supported size capability’ options have been added in ‘System Options -> Scanner
Options’ tab.
‘First Name’ field has been added in ‘Referring Provider Find Criteria’ window.
‘NPI’ field has been added in ‘Provider Find criteria’ window.
‘Account_Num’ column has been added in Excel when exporting data from Transaction by Entry Date
(Reports > Management > Transaction By > Entry Date) Report.
‘Work Tel Ext’ field has been added in ‘Daily Call Confirmation Report’.
‘Type 1 NPI EIN’ option is added in ‘Provider PIN Profile’ which can be used to report NPI from
Provider Profile with EIN as a Billing Provider.
Based upon CMS 837 specifications, CN1 segment has been removed in EDI version 5010 submission.
‘Referral Num’ field has been added in Visit Detail window. It will work as per following rules:
o If both ‘Referral Num’ and ‘PAN’ exist for a visit, they will be reported separately in electronic
o If ‘PAN’ and ‘Referring Provider’ exist for a visit, ‘PAN’ will be reported as ‘Referral Num’, if
‘Referring Provider’ does not exist then it will be reported as ‘PAN’.
‘Ref Provider Ordering’ checkbox has been replaced by ‘Ord Prov’ drop down in which following three
options are provided:
o Rendering Prov:
Reports ‘Rendering provider’ as ‘Ordering Provider’.
o Referring Prov:
Reports ‘Referring provider' as ‘Ordering Provider’.
o None:
‘Default Option’ - Ordering provider is not reported.
New Features/fixes
Insured Group from ‘Patient demographics > Insured Party Section’ can be reported in UB04 Paper
As per 837 5010 Implementation rules, in electronic submission, Admission and Discharge Dates will
be reported for Inpatient Facilities only.
A new field “Service Description” has been added in Charge Detail and in Procedure Profile. This can
be used to report\print procedure description in 5010 electronic\paper claims. Service Description
from charge detail will override Service Description from procedure detail window.
Following two new values have been added in ‘Plan Profile > Claim Flag’ that can be reported in Loop
2000B, SB09:
o Federal Employee Program
o Worker Compensation
In UB04 (paper\electronic) primary submission, secondary insured’s information can now be reported.
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New Features/fixes
‘Pay To Address’ (if exists) will be reported as ‘Billing Provider Address’ for 4010 claim submissions.
For MEDICAREFL; System has been enhanced to report some different number in ISA06 field in place
of default ‘User Id’; on Vendors requirements.
In 5010 claim submissions; ‘Charge Place of Service’ will be reported in SV1 segment when different
from ‘Location Place of Service’.
System has been enhanced to report ‘Attending Provider’ for MEDICARE plans Institutional claims.
HIGHMARK vendors automated dialup process has been changed as required; for EDI Version 5010.
New Features/fixes
‘Admit DX’ Code has been added on Batch  Medical Case  Hospital Case  Medical Case Window
and made available to be reported on UB 04 both Electronic and Paper submission.
Documents linking process has been enhanced by adding ‘Link to existing Batch’ and ‘Link to new
Batch’ features on ‘Batch Batch Admint Link Documents  Image View’ window.
‘Expected Amount’ and ‘Allowed Amount’ fields will also be loaded in ‘Charge’ when loading from
Batch  Charges  HL7 Charges window.
‘Patient Name’ and ‘Appointment Charges’ fields have been made to appear in ‘Bold’ font in both
‘Provider Appointment’ and ‘Resource Appointment’ reports.
In Batch Admin; shared Batch Categories for ‘Charge’, ’Payment’ and ‘Denial’ have been made Entity
Short Keys ‘Alt + 1’ and Alt + 2’ have been added for ‘Writeoff1’ and ‘Writeoff2’ respectively on Batch
 Payment  Payment window in ‘Payment’ section.
‘Chart #’ field has been made available in ‘Patient Demographic Sheet’ print.
Search Criteria entered in ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ fields on ‘Select Patient Responsible Party’
window will auto populate on ‘New Patient Responsible Party’ window on clicking ‘New’ button.
Claim File Nomenclature for following Vendors have been updated as per EDI Version 5010 as stated
Vendor Name
Claim File Names
‘EPSDT’ Flag and related Flag value has been made available to be reported on CMS-1500 and UB 04
Paper submissions.
‘Value Code 4’ and ‘Value Code 4 Amount’ fields have been added in ‘Medical Case  Case Addl
Window’ to be reported in both Electronic Claims submission and UB 04 Paper Submissions.
On ‘Provider PIN’ window, ‘Add to Remaining Locations’ button functionality has been enhanced for
‘Pay To Address’ fields too.
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Reporting of ‘Rendering provider’ loop in 5010 electronic claim submission will be done as per
following rule:
o ‘Rendering Provider’ loop will only be reported when Provider’s NPI is different than Billing
Provider’s NPI.
Reporting of ‘Service Location’ loop in 5010 electronic submission will be done as per following rules:
o ‘Service Location’ will be reported if ‘Location Address’ and ‘Billing Provider Address’ are
o On client’s request, above listed rule can be switched off for Reporting of ‘Service Location’ in
all scenarios.
New Features/fixes
In ‘Patient demographics > Insured Party Section’, ‘Group’ field has been added in XML to be reported
in UB04.
Reporting of Admission and Discharge Dates (in 837-P)has been enhanced as below:
o Its reporting has been made flag based, by default Flag’s value is Null.
o By default this will report for POS codes 21, 32, 34, 51, 52, 61, 65, 81.
o To report it otherwise Flag needs to be set as ‘Yes’.
‘Procedure Description’ reporting has been enhanced as below:
o If Procedure Description in procedure field exists in Charge Detail then it will be reported.
o If Procedure Description in procedure field exists in Procedure Profile it will be reported.
‘Remaining Patient Amount’ will be reported in ‘AMT*EAF’ segment in both 837-P and 837-I electronic
Secondary Claims submission as below:
o Reporting for Claim or Charge level will be managed through Flag: If Flag Value = Yes then
Claim Level Reporting and If Flag Value = No then Charge Level Reporting.
o By default ‘zero’ charge amount will be reported but can be opted to stop reporting using
another flag ‘SUPPRESS_AMT_ZERO_FLAG’.
In ‘Plan Profile > Claim Flag’ drop down following additional values added to be reported in Loop
2000B, SB09:
o Federal Employee Prog
o Worker Compensation
Dialup Process for vendor ‘Highmark Blue Shield’ has been modified by making it similar to version
Primary Claims submission with Secondary payer information has been updated as below:
o In Electronic Claims Submission (837- I); to report Secondary Insurance information in ‘Primary
Claims > Sequel_Electronic_Vendor’ set Secondary_plan_info to ‘Y’.
o In Paper Claims Submission; if Secondary Insurance is ‘Active’ it will be reported in UB04.
New Features/fixes
'Pay to Address' will be reported in ‘Patient Statements’ when pay to address is different than Practice
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New Features/fixes
EDI transactions processing have been enhanced; both 4010 and 5010 versions are supported now;
‘Claim Submission’, ‘Eligibility Verification’, ‘Claim Status verification’, ’Electronic Remittance Advice’
all type of transactions have been enhanced for 5010 version.[How To]
'Pay to Address' can now be reported in both electronic and paper claims. [How To]
‘Procedure Description’ can be reported in electronic claims based upon vendor requirements. [How
Support for ‘Special Program Codes’ 01, 07, 08 has been made version centric (will be reported only in
4010 version only).
New field for ‘EPSDT’ has been added in ‘Visit Detail > Addl Info’ for reporting ‘Early and Periodic
Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment’. [How to]
New Features/fixes
SeqelMed can automatically enter, based upon system wide setting, visit’s Date of Service in
Admission Date field in visit and medical case for Medicare plans.
When loading ERA from Batch EOB Payment window, if secondary plan is inactive but should be billed
as per the ERA file, SequelMed will check if date of service is before the plan’s expiration date, it will
bill to secondary plan.
New Features/fixes
5010 compliant 837 Professional claim file can now be generated from Electronic Submit F7 window for
New Electronic Vendor GatewayEDI, for Institutional/Hospital Claims submission, has been added.
SequelMed can now report Practice Taxonomy code in 837 electronic Claim file, loop 2010AA when
rendering provider loop is suppressed by setting loop_2310B to No in provider Pin Profile.
SequelMed can now report both formats of 9 digit and 5 digit zip codes in 837 electronic Claim file
based upon vendor settings.
Other Insured Date of Birth will not be reported in 837 electronic Claim file when it is missing from
Patient Demographics (Insured section).
For secondary claims electronic submission to BCBS vendors, system can report ICN/DCN in loop
2300 from Primary Visit’s Addl Info Tab.
In Secondary claims submission the corresponding qualifier for the selected Claim Flag from its
Parent/primary visit’s plan profile will be reported in Other Subscriber Segment SBR element 09 in loop
For secondary claims electronic submission, if the payer is MEDICARE (Selected Claim flag in Plan
profile is Medicare) then Medicare Secondary Plan Type will be submitted from Patient
Demographics, Extra Info profile of the secondary Payer of that visit. If Medicare Secondary Type is
missing then system will cause rejection message. This feature has been added for electronic vendors
Gateway, Capario, Claim Logic, and Availity. The Medicare Secondary Plan Type will be submitted
in loop 2000B loop segment SBR element 05.
For electronic Vendors GatewayEDI and Claim Logic system will report NDC when available in
Procedure Profile and Test results when available in Charge Profile (addl window).
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For secondary claims electronic submission to vendors Claim Logic and MVP, System will report
Allowed amount in AMT*AAE segment from payment entered in primary visit
Referring Provider from Visit Detail can be reported as Ordering Provider when the flag Ref Provider
as Ordering is check marked.
For vendor MEDICAID MI DEG (Data Exchange Gateway) system will report 5468 in 837 electronic
Claim submission, segment GS 02 (Sender ID)
For electronic Vendor Medicaid fractional monetary amounts of co-insurance, deductible, and write-off
will be reported without preceding 0 from the decimal point. i.e. (system will report .5 instead of 0.5).
For electronic Vendor BCBSNY Print functionality has been provided for submission level rejections in
electronic submit F7 window.
835 electronic Remittance File containing PLB segment with multiple Write-off records along with
reference numbers will be retrieved at the time the ERA file is processed into SequelMed EPM. From
EOB F10 window, user can double click the check record to open the Batch Payment window which will
list down the write of records.
During processing of 835 electronic Remittance file into SequelMed EPM, If 6th element exist in SVC
segment then system will read CPT code from 6th element instead of 1st element of the SVC segment.
Issue with changing location from visit detail after EOD has been fixed.
New Features/fixes
Link Document profile and import functionality for SequelMed EHR is now available
under Batch Administration in EPM.
New Features/fixes
Issue while importing large Tif files from terminal server drive has been fixed.
Managed Care functionality is now working when entering charges from EMR Charge
Editing window.
In Electronic EOB if visit or charge contains PR -122 code, it’s amount will be added to
Patient Responsibility.
Searching based upon Account # is now available in batch statement window.
Online payment through credit card is now available in EPM.
Patient Chart# and SSN fields are now available in XML file for statement.
Issue with sort order of modifiers, when applied from fee schedule has been fixed.
Issue with patient phone extension in XML Patient Ledger screen has been fixed.
Practice\ Location information based upon 2310B loop option from provider PIN profile
in NM1*82 segment is now working for ENS and UNIVERA vendors.
CLIA # can now be reported in electronic claims for Availity.
New Features/fixes
Automated claim submission to iHCFA is now available in SequelMed.
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New Features/fixes
Purchase Amount and Outside Laboratory information is now being sent for both Paper
and Electronic claim submission.
Charges in patient statement can now be searched based upon
Issue with Pending statement, when doing "Set Flag" has been fixed.
A new column "Patient Payment" is now available in Charge Batch->Detail->Batch
Charges window.
Issue with filters on right click in payment->payment window has been fixed.
New Features/fixes
Issue with empty SSN field in patient responsible party window has been fixed.
Unit field for charge entry now allows 4 digit entries.
Total Charges column is now populating in CSV file for iHCFA WC submission.
Document printing speed has been improved.
Statement print will not be generated for patients where e-Statement is checked but
statement will be processed and will be available in patient portal.
Issue with insured last name in electronic claim submission has been fixed.
“Send to EMR” button is now available in patient detail window to update the data in
EMR in case of interface setup.
Medicaid Arkansas electronic claim submission has been automated.
Special handling flag has been added for Medicaid electronic claims.
New Features/fixes
SequelMed now supports printing WC OT/PT form from Batch WC/NF window
New Features/fixes
HP1 form is now printing supervising provider information.
As per CMS guidelines for Medicare claims now for Radiology professional billing it is
also required to report the location where Radiologist is sitting. This location can be
selected at Charge level (Charge Detail window) in Reading Location field from all
available locations of Location Profile. This charge level location is not Practice specific.
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As per BCBS Oregon’s requirements leading zero’s are removed from all monitory
amounts reported in electronic claim file.
For Medicaid WA claim file’s extension is changed to dat as per Medicaid WA
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New Features/fixes
Compliant with Windows Vista, Windows 7 and 64-bit windows operating systems
Fee columns, from EMR, are available in EMR Charge Editing screen under Found Data
Search by Clinical Visit# is available in document imaging window when opened from EMR
Charge Editing screen->Visit Detail->Documents
New report for End of Day Summary by Charge Location By Aging is available in Reports>E.O.D
New Features/fixes
Issue with Panel Billing in charge entry screen has been fixed.
New Features/fixes
Secondary UB claims can now be submitted electronically.
Multiple filters (using Ctrl or Shift key) can be selected in Daily Roster ->Status Filter
Application Security has been implemented on Block\Unblock buttons in scheduling
Issue of plan name getting empty upon Set Flag in charge detail has been fixed.
PAN# from Managed Care is now populating in charge detail for both ‘Visit’ and ‘Charge’
type Managed Care profiles.
Electronic submission issue for Medicaid of Alabama has been fixed.
Accession# field is available for charge entry.
New Features/fixes
For secondary paper claims (UB/HCFA), charge amount can be printed as Allowed Amount
or Primary’s Billed Amount based upon plan’s “Secondary Billed Allowed” option from plan
profile->claim options.
Add to remaining location (Provider Pin screen), will now updated following fields too:
a. Group NPI
b. Bill to EIN
c. Taxonomy
d. Zip Code Extension
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New Features/fixes
“Pr Visit#” check box is added on Charge Listing screen (Batch->Charges->Charge
Listing). If this check box is checked and user hits ‘Find’ button, SequelMed will search
and display the primary visits only.
In Referral Management, user can select 'ALL' in 'Ref Provider' field to make the referral
work with any referring provider at charge entry level for the particular patient.
For C-4 NARR claim submission, if the length of data is more than the allowed field length
(as specified in C-4 NARR EDI specifications), SequelMed will split the data based upon
white spaces to put it in Line1\Line2 w.r.t allowed field length. This change is done both
for Paper and Electronic claims.
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New Features/fixes
User can input Supervising Provider information for WC case (Batch->Paper->WC/NF
Printing->WC/NF button->New tab). Also new WC Forms (Initial Report, Progress Report,
Narrative Report) are available to print Supervising Provider information. Once you update
SequelMed, please open a ticket to let us know and we will load these forms for you in
your system.
Unique numbers are assigned to the file names attached with electronic C4 file for
submission to iHCFA.
Multipage attachments are converted to single page files to be submitted electronically to
WC Board along with the claim.
'NONE' is printing instead of 'No' in field 11 (Insured Policy Group or FECA Number) of
HCFA form when printing using NPI XML HCFA form.
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New Features/fixes
NPI added in Referring provider find criteria.
Taxonomy code added in referring provider.
NEIC (commercial) Eligibility moved to new connection type.
NEIC claim status in production with Internet.
UB04 module added, clients need to buy this option if interested.
Warehouse patients and visits can be seen and restored. Only clients who have purchased
Warehouse option can do this.
NY Workers Compensation Electronic testing setup.
No Fault and Workers Compensation case print can also be saved as PDF file in patient
Ability to Export documents from patient documents.
Followup Save bug has been fixed. In some cases it was not saving properly.
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New Features/fixes
In Security application Patient Comment Linking and Write Off Ledger Linking window has
been consolidated into one simplified window.
Two new Types, Co Insurance and Follow-up were added.
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Enhancement to Provider Pin Profile – NPI field has moved from EIN section of the window
and is shared between Provider Pin & EIN. This allows the submission of the Provider NPI
rather than the Practice NPI.
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EDI 2310B loopReporting rendering provider with or without EIN/ SSN
No = Rendering provider not reported
Yes = Rendering provider is reported with EIN /SSN
No Ref = Rendering provider is reported without EIN/SSN
Two new fields have been added to Procedure profile for NDC Billing/ Reporting:
1. Measurement code- to specify physical measurement.
2. NDC Unit Price.
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In Charge Detail window a new button has been added – Addl. In the new window of Charge Addl
the following can be entered:
1. NDC Units charged.
2. Enter up to two test results – required on service lines which bill/report the following:
Concentration, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Epoetin Starting Dosage, Creatin, and Oxygen
“Call Sequel” message during submission due to missing plan address zip code in Plan profile has
been corrected.
In SequelMed forms, fields can now be deleted.
In Follow-up the Remit Bucket History has been corrected.
New NF3 form for NYS is available with Provider Signature for NYS
(Provider signature should be supplied to Sequel before use.)
In this release Service Exception Code will also be reported for NEIC
The following Service exception codes are available in Visit Detail and goes out electronically if
1. Immediate/Urgent Care.
2. Services Rendered in a Retroactive Period.
3. Emergency Care.
4. Client as Temporary Medicaid.
5. Request from County for Second Opinion to Recipient
can Work.
6. Request for Override Pending.
7. Special Handling.
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To report units less than 1 – (Paper Submission Only)
Charge the procedure. Then go to charge detail change the # of units to zero click the Addl button, enter
the value (less than 1) in NDC unit and click save (Do Not recalculate.)
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New Features/Fixes
NPI implementation for Location; now if NPI will is available in Location Profile it will be reported
in claim file.
For NEIC vendor Payer address along with City, State and Zip code will be reported.
For MVP and CHPHP vendors NPI was not being reported for Ref. Provider, this has been fixed.
NPI was not being reported for Supervising Provider and Ordering Provider, this issue has been
Patient Messages are now available for all practices; if patient is master indexed in multiple
practices, checking Master Index checkbox will show patient messages not only for the practice
for which the patient is selected but all practices in which patient is master indexed.
New Features/Fixes
NPI Implemented for Proxy Med
BCBS of Georgia has been migrated to Anthem Georgia
Field of EDI Seg is added in Charge Detail Window. This field will be used to report additional EDI
Segments in claim file e.g. Test Results. Please make sure use this filed ONLY when advised by
our EDI department.
Extended Zip Code added for Provider Profile in Security application.
Electronic Vendor updated in Security application two comment fields added:
All Modifier print on NPI HCFA
In Batch PaymentPayment Window:
Payment can be applied for Multiple Practices if your system is setup with Practice as optional.
If all visits have statement flag unchecked visits will not appear in batch statement printing.
Any denials from electronic EOB will generate $0 Ledger, at time of loading of file.
Ledger detail Remit Code field added.
Plan family Column added to Patient plan window from Charge Entry.
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New Features/Fixes
Added Profile Group in Security application for Appointment Reason and Letter security.
This will be added to Security Group in April release.
Added EDI Remittance Code Linking in Security application(ProfileElectronic Remittance
Code Linking). This has Patient Comment Linking and Writeoff Ledger Linking.
Extended Zip Codes are now supported for all vendors.
For Medicare it is required in Location and Practice profile.
For other carriers it is optional and can be enforced if requested.
In case a charge is cancelled, SequelMed can put in a –ve charge for the same amount
instead of writing off or discounting. This is basically another option for cancelling a
charge. This is optional and can be enforced if requested.
Entry Date is fixed in Revenue by Provider report.
In HL7 EMR Charges, search criteria is expanded to include HL7 Account#
Following new Sequel Edits are created:
Admit Date > DOS
Self Only (If patient has Medicare and Self is not selected under Insured)
Fee = 0
Chart# is added in Find Criteria in Charge Listing
Charge# is added in Find Criteria in Charge Listing
Two new Auto Actions have been added:
Yes Patient Statement (will check Statement checkbox in Patient Registration)
No Patient Statement (will un-check Statement checkbox in Patient Registration)
Yes Statement (will check Statement checkbox in Visit Detail)
No Statement (will un-check Statement checkbox in Visit Detail)
Next Action is added in Follow up Action profile (Follow up ProfileAction)
 If any Auto Action is selected which requires Ledger, user can put the comments in which
then get associated with Ledger. Print on Statement checkbox can be checked to print those
comments on patient statement.
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Following columns are added in Line Item Charges Found:
Claim (amount)
Late Filing
Late Filing is added in Line Item Detail
Raised letter hyper links have been added for Remit Codes in Line Item Detail & FollowUP.
Auto gapped secondary claims payments are linked based upon primary billed for
Electronic EOB
Report in Electronic Remittance Line Item window now include Late Filing Charge amount.
In Batch payment Entry:
Support for PLB segment is added.
Payer and payee information is available.
Column level sums are added in Batch Charge Payment window
Remit Code column added in Unpaid Charges in Batch Charge Payment window.
Line Item button is added in Batch Charge Payment window.
Two more tabs are added in Visit Detail window.
Addl Info
Claim Editing Msg.
DCN / ICN and frequency Code fields has been added & Claim Editing Msg tab added in
Visit Detail window.
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NDC field has been added in Procedure Profile. This goes out in electronic claims to:
Modifiers field has been added to put multiple modifiers in which automatically populate in
Charge Entry window. (Modifiers can added consecutively without and spaces or
delimiters, for example, 26TC)
Following new EDI direct vendors are added:
Blue Shield
Provider PIN profile , Zip Code field. extra space bug fixed for EDI.
Changes for WPS applied across all states.
TrailBlazer changes have been applied for:
Medicare New Mexico
Medicare Colorodo
Loop 2310B option has been added in Provider PIN profile.
Extended Zip Code field has been added in Provider PIN profile.
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The following options have been added to both Anesthesia Link and Anesthesia Case.
These options will allow clients to enter the carrier specific rules in the anesthesia link and
to enter all pertinent information in the Anesthesia Case window. SequelMed will bill the
anesthesia procedures per the guidelines entered in the Anesthesia Link.
Added: Physical Status Modifier Units – When the Physical status is selected in the
Anesthesia Case Window, the Physical Status Modifier will automatically be billed. This will
increase both the charge and remittal units by the number of units entered in the field.
When all physical status modifiers are equal to zero, then the physical status will not be
billed out.
Added: Combine Attending and CRNA – Sequel will automatically combine both the
attending and CRNA charge on one line including modifiers (first attending then CNRAs)
Added: Extreme Age – The system will automatically bill out extreme age either by
adding the CPT code entered in the field and/or adding the modifier and units entered in
the Anesthesia Link. The criteria is based on over 70 or under 1.
Added: Emergency – When the Emergency box is selected in the Anesthesia Case Window
the CPT code and/or modifier and units entered in the Anesthesia Link will be billed.
Added: Hypotension – When the Hypotension box is selected in the Anesthesia Case
Window the CPT code entered in the Anesthesia Link will be billed.
Added: Hypothermia – When the Hypothermia box is selected in the Anesthesia Case
Window the CPT code entered in the Anesthesia Link will be billed.
Anesthesia Medical Case Window  Concurrency Data Tab
The following fields were added:
Procedure Type: This field can be used to track the time the patient is in each area (Pre
Op, OR etc.). In addition, a flag can be set in the Procedure Type Profile not to include a
certain procedures time in the time calculation.
Room: OR Suite
Comments: Place to put notes.
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New Features/Fixes
Noridian Medicare NPI based claims can now be sent out electronically.
Primary NPI based claims for Gateway can be sent out electronically.
Electronic EOB PR code greater that 3 goes to patient responsibility.
Facility ID XML tag is added in Claim XML. Tag name is <FACILITY_ID>. This gets
populated from Mammography certification field in location profile (in security application)
and if empty then gets populated from provider PIN.
Extended zip codes are now supported for electronic Medicare providers.
COBC IDs are supported for Medicare primary.
In Provider profile, individual PIN and Group number did not print, they are now printing.
New Features/Fixes
Group NPI in Provider Profiles of Security (not the SequelMed Application). If billing under
Provider EIN and the Group NPI entered it will override Practice NPI.
Error when attempting to Enter Advanced Payment after retrieving patient account
through Charge Listing fixed.
Open and All in Patient Statement is now working correctly.
Error in finding paper claims by entering practice name in find criteria section is fixed.
Problem in auto claim submission for electronic claims is now fixed.
New Features/Fixes
Depending on you and payers' readiness, you have the option to start sending your claims
with NPI at your discretion. You can accomplish this by checking the "NPI Only" or "NPIPIN
or PIN" checkbox in the Security Application for the appropriate Electronic Vendor.
Taxonomy codes have added in Provider, Location and Practice profiles.
NDC field added in Procedure Profile and are submitted electronically for all Medicaid and
Emdeon vendors.
Modifier bug is fixed in NPI_XML_HCFA
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Location now always prints even if Location and Practice addresses are the same.
Individual and Group PINs now print even if the numbers are the same.
In Security application now you can link your Tax ID with your Electronic Vendor. (please
consult with Sequel’s EDI support department before doing so).
There is now an appreciable speed enhancement in Claim Editing, Electronic Submission
and finding Paper Claims.
Claim Statement Printing has been added to Batch Statements for printing of individual
visit statements and will only print in XML statement.
Claim Statement checkbox has been added to Statement Group. Claim statement does not
follow the cycle dates indicated in statement group/s.
Statement Flag if turned off in Visit Detail, statement for that particular visit will not print
(in XML format).
Auto Action statement Yes and statement No will work on account level. New Auto Action
visit statement Yes and visit statement No will work on visit level.
Following new EDI direct vendors are added.
Note: Noridian vendor testing for NPI is in progress. They have extended the date.
EOD --> Charge Fee Audit
Recall letters & printing fixed
XML button fix in patient ledger
Anesthesia Expected Fee fixed
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Patient List report added Statement (Y/N) column
NPI HCFA secondary fix
Menu Bar and Window Changes:
Patient Menu windows are directly related to the Patient Account
Buttons have been changed and/or added in Patient Registration to replace Windows
formally located in the Patient Menu
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Buttons are no longer located in Patient Summary
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Batch Menus are now grouped by their specific function
Design Menu no longer a part of Main Menu Bar
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Profile Menus are now grouped by their specific function
Design now added to Profiles Menu
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FTP Vendor has been moved from Design to the Security Application
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Several new Shortcut ICONS have been added to the Tool Bar for quicker navigation to
the different windows of the SequelMed Application. These Icons are grouped by their
specific function
Note: There were no changes made to the Hot Keys they remain the same.
Known Issue/s:
On some workstations/servers some or all toolbar icons are not visible, instead user may see a cross
mark in place of an icon. To know what a toolbar button does, just hover the mouse on that button
and you can see the tool tip text which will tell a user what that button is for.
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Version 7.50
New Features/Fixes
Added NPI in Provider, Practice and Referring Provider Profiles
Provider Profiles – will replace individual provider pin
Practice Profiles – will replace group pin
NPI Paper Submission – NPI number will only print on the New Claim Form Type of NPI_XML.
That form type must be assigned to the Plan.
New NPI fields will be added in Claim XML
NPI effect on Electronic Submission
Sequel EDI department will do the set-up and testing with the Vendor when the Vendor is ready
to accept NPI electronically. We already completed our testing to facilitate.
All secondary claims can go electronically
Bulk electronic claim Submission, no re find
NEIC claims, EOB, and Reports can go through the web or dialup.
In the submit log there are two new buttons Visit Log & View Log
Charge Detail  History - View Claim – Will display the View Log file for submission selected., as
EDI Vendor will be ASP client specific.
Claim Status through NEIC in Real-time over the web.
Auto action added AUTO CLAIM STATUS
Any claims go to Follow-Up will be assigned to action AUTO CLAIM STATUS, which will be linked
with auto action AUTO CLAIM STATUS
SequelMed now has integrated “Megas Alpha II Claimstaker” replacing “Unicor Med Alpha II
Claimstaker provides more coding and technical edits and the ability to create Macro’s. The
Macro’s are created in Security>Profiles>Claim Edit Type.
Payment & EOB Posting:
Enhancement in Allowed amounts
Allowed = Plan Pay + Co-pay + Co-Ins + Patient Responsibility
Expected = Plan Paid
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EDI EOB enhancement
# of units & modifiers have been added to the coding window so that multiple units of a
procedure can be billed automatically
For RIS based results, user now has the power to index the documents to the corresponding
patients automatically.
SequelMed Transcription is fully compatible with both individual RIS vendors as well as Hospital
RIS systems. With Hospital RIS systems we capture hospital case # and based upon that we can
select correct location, provider, admission date, discharge date, ICD and referring provider for
charge entry.
Automated Click Once application installation
No need to install Oracle client or maintain TNS names.
This is based upon Click Once functionality of .NET Framework 2.0
Designed to address the difficulties of installing/updating a typical client server application.
Easy deployment and updates
ClaimStaker installation is machine specific based upon number of licenses purchased
ClaimStaker updates are available quarterly and can be downloaded and applied by clients
Macros are machine specific
New Features/Fixes
Miscellaneous Information
Zip codes can be added anywhere in application to pull up city/state
Wherever you can print a letter you can now print labels
XML/XSLT based printing of Refund checks
EDI Vendors are now alphabetized wherever applicable
Secondary EOB’s will now print with the Practice and Vendor name
Cancelled charges will now use a reversal write off ledger
History added for cancelled charges
C4 field #9 extended
A number of additional XML tags have been added to XML claim and XML statement files. Further
information is available upon request.
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1) NPI field added in Provider profile
2) Refund address fields added to Plan address
Patient Demographics
1) LMP field added in Extra Info window within Patient Demographics
2) When entering a secondary plan, the Relationship of the Insured Party defaults to ‘
1) Scheduling Year field has been extended to show the last digit of the year
2) Cut/Paste option in Scheduler changed to only cut/paste first patient in a overbooked
appointment slot
3) Scheduling Reasons can now be made ‘Inactive’
Charge Batch Administration
1) Batch Category field added within the details of the batch; Home key driven field
2) Batch Status field will display additional status options (based on parameters set in Security
Application). The default status options are defined as follows:
a. Completed: The batch status will change to 'Completed' automatically if the user
recalculates the batch and the top parameters match the data entered below; If the status
of the batch is left as 'Open' or 'In Process', and the top parameters match the data
entered below, then the batch status will change to 'Completed' when the nightly process
b. Info Requested: The batch status will remain open indefinitely if the user changes the
status to 'Info Requested' and will not close when the nightly process runs.
c. In Process: The batch can be tagged as 'In Process' if it is being worked on (maybe the
batch is pending review by a senior biller). If the status of the batch is left as 'In Process',
and the top parameters match the data entered below, then the batch status will change
to 'Completed' when the nightly process runs.
d. Open: The batch status defaults to 'Open' when it is created; if the batch is left with a
status of 'Open' and all of the top parameters match the data entered below, the status
will change to 'Completed' when the nightly process runs.
e. Pending: The pending status is used when the user is not done entering all of the
information in the batch and wants the batch to stay open when the nightly process runs
so that he/she can finish at another time.
Biller field is now home key driven
Action/Reason field added within the Documents window
Comments field is now multi-line within the Documents window
When working off a document in the batch > Charge Entry > Patient Find > Practice name will
default in the Practice field
7) History button added in Documents window
Charge Entry
1) Added Select All option in Last Visit window
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Claim Editing
1) Bad address will/can be checked at the time of Claim Editing (based on the parameters set in the
Plan Edit Link)
2) Additional Batch Status’ will appear in Batch Status column in Claim Editing (and will/will not
move through the Editor based on the parameters set in the Security Application)
3) Claim Editing now runs Sequel Edits and Unicor edits at the same time
Charge Listing
1) Assistant Provider field added to search parameters
2) Extended the width of the Visit # column
Payment Batch Administration
1) Batch Category field added within the details of the batch; Home key driven field
2) Batch Status field will display additional status options (based on parameters set in Security
Payment Window
1) Remit code field added
2) Denial Button added (works in conjunction with Remit code to move the denial into the follow up
EOB Payments
Vendor column added under found data
Deductible field added in payment details
Co insurance field added in payment details
Copay field added in payment details
Denial Batch Administration
1) Batch Category field added within the details of the batch; Home key driven field
2) Batch Status field will display additional status options (based on parameters set in Security
Follow Up
Added # of Statements column in Patient Follow Up window
HCFA 3 can be printed from Details > Reprint Claim button
Remit code column added under Found Data (only in Plan Follow Up)
Remit code field added in Details window
Enhanced speed performance
Document Follow Up Bucket window created; hosts all of the documents that have been assigned
an Action/Reason.
7) Added a field in Remittance Code and Reason Mapping to associate a Script
Anesthesia Case
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1) When starting a new case the cursor now defaults to Account #
Visit Detail
1) Added a Visit View button for viewing the Visit/Charges/Ledgers
2) Medicaid Exception Code field added
Charge Detail
1) Charge # field added (for ERA’s)
2) Deductible field added
Security Application
1) Added option to change password for EDI vendor added flag for deductible and co insurance
patient amount
2) Added Batch Status menu
3) Added Batch Category menu
4) Added additional options in Application security
5) Added XSL Loader menu for refund checks
Moved Plan Category report to EOD drop-down menu
Added Self-Pay patients to Plan Aging based on DOS
EOD Summary by Charge Location by Aging > added Charge Adjustment information
EOD Charges can be locked (based on system options)
Added From/To DOB fields in Patient List report
Added Revenue by Location report
Bugs Fixes
$0.00 payments can now be posted in Payment window
Description now saves in Document Type window (Security Application)
All reports display correct names
Follow Up Call window freeze-fixed
DOB of insured party no longer allows invalid data
Scroll bar was missing in certain windows-fixed
SequelMed Direct Vendor List
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Medicare SCA
BCBS (Anthem)
BCBS (Anthem)
BCBS (Anthem)
BCBS (Anthem)
BCBS (Anthem)
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Upstate Medicare
GHI Medicare
Preferred Care
BCBS (Anthem)
BCBS ( HighMark)
All IBC Plans
DMERC Region A
Railroad Medicare
New Features/Fixes
1) EDI changes have been made which will enable clients to send Medicaid NY electronically.
2) Following tags are added in XML file for XML Statements
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3) Vertical scroll bar is added in find window of Scheduling--->Create--->Resource schedule
4) In Plan > AR by DOS > Category Summary, problem of showing duplicate categories in Category
Summary has been fixed
5) Medicare Sec field is added in Patient Detail - > Extra Info
New Features/Fixes
1) In Payment Batch Administration, now user cannot close a batch until Copay Amount is equal to
Copay Payment.
2) In Charge Payment Batch Administration, now user cannot close a batch until Patient\Copay
Amount is equal to Patient\Copay Payment.
3) Plan Category Analysis Report > Groupings by Provider and Practice report was printing extra
page with each print, it’s fixed now and report is printing with accurate layout without any
additional page.
4) In Payment Batch Administration, now Deposit/Assigned Date cannot be of future and Check
Date can be of 2 weeks in future from current date.
5) In Charge Entry, now user can add new Referral Provider by clicking on the Referral Provider
field and inserting new record using New button.
6) In Batch > Payment > Payment limit of Check# field is extended to accept 30 characters.
7) In Batch > Payment > Payment Batch Administration > Find > Details > Ledger > Copay was
being reflected as Patient Payments, it’s fixed and Copay\patient payments are showing
appropriate values accurately.
8) PAN field was being disappeared in Panel Billing Groups, its fixed now and working appropriately.
New Features/Fixes
1) EDI option is added for new XML claims in paper submit window. It creates an xml file for all
claims being submitted and saves it in local EDI folder.
2) Provider field is added in Find Criteria and Found Data section of Statement Printing window.
3) Resubmission of multiple claims is now allowed in Followup.
4) Negative ledger entries for plan were not shown in Patient Ledger, now it’s allowed and ledger
shows –ve amounts too. Also the amount\date format problems in ledger XML are fixed.
5) On changing selected patient by changing the visit# in Batch->Payment->Payment, title bar was
not showing the changed patient as selected patient and the previously selected patient was
retained. Its fixed and changed patient becomes the active patient.
6) DB error (“ORA-984 Column Not Allowed Here”) on creating budget is fixed
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7) On entering a new patient from Scheduler with master index and different location\provider for
the new practice, “Invalid datawindow row/column” error was raised, which is fixed.
8) After sorting, if a check number is selected and document is opened, first document in the batch
was being opened. It’s fixed now system now automatically opens the selected document.
9) On doing “Set flag” claim history record was not visible from charge detail, it’ fixed and history
record is visible from charge detail.
10) In Batch > Payment > Payment;$0 payments were not shown in ledger. It’s allowed now, $0
payments are shown in ledger when all other amounts are $0 too.
11) Value in Medical Record# field in patient demographics was not being removed once it’s entered.
It’s fixed and value can be modified\removed.
12) Problem in search using entry date in find criteria in Management->Revenue->By Provider is
13) More hotkeys are added on different windows for user accessibility.
14) HotKeys and shortcut key combinations fixed. (for additional documentation regarding fixes
please contact your account manager)
15) Select Patient button added in Patient Inquiry Window
16) Coding feature added in Charge Batch Administration
17) Payment Ledger report has groupings
18) Scheduler gives you a warning when you try and schedule a patient that belongs to a different
19) When Master Indexing cell phone # and bad address where not working. Fixed in this update.
20) Procedure Analysis by EOD Monthly: fields that did not belong were removed.
21) Can print HCFA3 from Visits window
22) Added the work NONE for Medicare claims in field 11
New Features/Fixes
User defined filters are provided for sending Print\Fax from transcription. A filter can be attached
with any number of transcription locations and after the documents are successfully imported in
the system, they are printed\faxed as defined in the filter. User is able to see the history and
resend the print\fax.
User defined file name format are provided in transcription module. A file name format can be
attached with any number of transcription locations and at the time of fetching transcription
documents systems automatically processes them w.r.t assigned file name format.
In addition to already available XML HCFA, another simplified XML structure with more fields added
is provided for HCFA forms. Number of Line Items and Diagnosis codes to print on forms can be
customized. System keeps complete history and forms can be viewed\reprinted form the history.
Following new fields are added XML Statements under <Patient> tag
a. statement_group
b. insurance_current_amt_due
c. insurance_above_30
d. insurance_above_60
e. insurance_above_90
f. insurance_above_120
g. insurance_total_bal
h. patient_last_payment_date
i. practice_address2
j. statement_patient_zipcode_ext
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k. patient_zipcode_ext
l. practice_zipcode_ext
m. provider
n. provider_qualification
o. provider_speciality
p. provider_first_name
q. provider_last_name
r. provider_mi
s. statement_msg_level
File name field is added in FTP Vendor profile to specify the user-defined name for XML EDI file for
Statement, Letter, and Followup.
In image viewer (Patient\Batch Documents), on deleting a document or finding a document with no
search result, the previous image was being displayed until user finds a new record again. It’s fixed
and working fine.
Attachments were not being printed in XML WC\NF forms if documents were attached with the
Visits. Its fixed and working fine.
Amount fields were not rounded to two decimal places in EOD Procedure Analysis by Provider
Report. Its fixed and working fine.
New Features/Fixes
Fax Settings in user option is made invisible if the user logged in to the system doesn’t have rights
to send faxes.
10) Coding (Transcription\Charge Batch Documents) window is made more user friendly. New row is
inserted if no row exists, field traversal is made easier, no need to delete blank rows to go to
different document.
11) Caption for modifiers is changed from MD1\MD2 to Mod1\Mod2 respectively in coding window
(Transcription\Charge Batch Documents).
12) Warning message is added if user tries to save both Charge Batch\Payment Batch numbers at the
same time in System Options.
13) “First find a patient” message in Scheduling-> Charts is fixed if user presses Alt + F.
14) Missing short keys are added in
a. Patient document -> Annotation -> Stamp
b. Patient document window -> Zoom -> Customize Zoom
c. Batch -> Documents ->Import Dir -> Unknown Patient
d. Batch ->Documents ->Import File -> Unknown Patient.
New Features
SequelMed® Fax option is added in Batch->Fax menu and Reports->Print Dialog. It’s a
comprehensive module to send faxes both from client\server side.
Enhanced audit trail for patient and plan (Patient->Detail->History button) is provided.
Patient\Plan entries, deletion of records and changes in individual fields are all being tracked now.
Coding window in Transcription\Charge Batch Administration is provided to save CPT codes,
Modifiers and corresponding ICD’s in the coding bucket, to be used for charge entry later on.
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Charge Entry option in Transcription menu is provided to jump directly to charge entry window to
do entries against selected patient. Also added menu option in Charge Batch Administration to go
directly to Anesthesia Case Entry
Patient Eligibility checking is provided via Sequel’s transaction server. Both individual (Patient>Eligibility) and Batch (Batch->Eligibility- Eligibility Inquiry) are supported.
Enhanced interface with menu\toolbar for viewing history of submitted XML claim forms is
Management->WC\NF button->History button).
Saving of SequelMed Form’s data in XML form (in c:\elect folder) from Followup  Followup
Letter Printing\Patient Letters etc. and sending them to Vendor through FTP is provided.
“Select Pat” button in patient inquiry screen is provided to select the currently highlighted
Entity Type field is added in provider profile (Profiles->Provider)
Calculator icon is added in main toolbar to launch the calculator program
Audit trail is provided in following windows
 Profiles-->Insurance --> Insurance
 Profiles-->Insurance --> Plan
 Profiles-->Insurance --> Plan Address
 Profiles-->Insurance --> Plan Category
 Profiles-->Insurance --> Electronic Submit Insurance
 Profiles-->Insurance --> Electronic Eligibility Insurance
 Profiles-->Insurance --> Electronic Claim Status Insurance
 Profiles-->Insurance -- > Plan Edit Link
 Profiles-->Coding --> Diagnosis
 Profiles-->Coding --> Modifier
 Profiles-->Coding --> Place of Service
 Profiles-->Coding --> Type of Service
 Profiles-->Patient Profiles --> Employer
 Profiles-->Patient Profiles --> Lawer
 Profiles-->Patient Profiles --> School
 Profiles-->Patient Profiles --> Patient Class
 Profiles-->Laboratory
Problem Fixed
Charges for inactive providers were allowed, it’s restricted now and charge entry cannot be done
for inactive provider.
Retrieval arguments error was being generated in Batch->WC\NF Printing->WC\NF->Case>Documents->Import File. Its fixed and working fine now.
New Features
1) EDI setting are modified.
Problems Fixed
SequelMed was exiting abnormally if spell check is applied on a blank document in
Transcription\SequelMed forms, its fixed and working fine.
In System Options->Scanner Options Tab, alert is added if the specified device doesn’t support
the defined settings.
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New Features
Inclusion/modification of new/existing EDI setting according to new requirements by insurance
Problems Fixed
Find criteria panel was not visible in Batch->Payment->E.O.B Payment->Line Item->Line Item
Charges Found Tab->Detail->Link. It’s visible now and working fine.
Problems Fixed
Preceding zeros were being eliminated in telephone extension field of practice profile (Profile>Practice->Detail). The problem is fixed; now extension up to six digits with preceding zero can
be saved.
“Divide by Zero” error message, when printing a multi page document from patient documents, is
Wrong number of pages in title bar of document viewer (Patient Documents, Charge\Payment
Batch Documents) is fixed.
Calculation of #Hour field in Batch->Denial Batch->Detail is fixed. Previously it was showing
minutes instead of hours.
Field width of Writeoff amounts in Batch->Payment->Payment is increased to show 7 digit
amount value including 2 decimal fraction.
Extra page printing from Batch->Refund Processing->Print Check is fixed, previously it was
printing additional blank sheet with each print request.
In case of more than 6 line items, a new XML WC\NF form was being printed instead of printing
on “Additional Sheet” from. It is fixed and now incase of more than 6 line items all additional
records are printed on additional sheet.
Abnormal termination of SequelMed on clicking ReCalc Fee button (Visit Details -> ReCalc Fee) is
EOB page number was not saved when doing payment posting from Batch->Payment-Payment.
It’s fixed. Now Page number is saved with each ledger entry and is displayed in Ledger Detail
window in Page# field.
Document scanned from patient documents (Patient->Detail->Docs) were not being listed in the
Patient Document window. It’s fixed and all documents scanned\imported are being attached
properly and visible in Patient Document window
When inserting new record from Batch->Medical Case ->Anesthesia Case->Detail->New, error
was being raised. It’s fixed and new charges can be entered now.
Formula for calculating BD% in EOD Summary By Charge Location\Provider\Practice By Aging
reports is modified, included Collection Writeoff and Collection Discount in calculations.
When printing the report, Management>Transaction by>Entry Date group by Provider, a blank
pages in-between every page of the report was printed. It’s fixed and now only the report pages
are printed.
New Features
Denial Batch Administration
Audit Trail in Patient profiles
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XML WC\NF Printing with\without additional print template and EDI
XML WC\NF History View\Reprint
FTP Vendor\Claim Form w.r.t Entity (Design->Claim Form \ FTP Vendor)
Patient Age Calculation in Patient Registration (Years-Months-Days)
Effective Date in Extra Info (Patient Registration)
Added separate field for finding resource & provider in Batch Slot Utility
“Print on Statement” option on System Option window
Problems Fixed
Goto Page# option in Image Viewer and automatic scrolling to specified page# in ledger details
Page count problem in title bar of visit detail documents
Attachment checkbox problem in visit detail documents
Synced printing logic from Page Menu \ Main Menu and Printer Icon in Image Viewer
Provided multiple selection in Medical Case -> Anesthesia Case
Synchronized window color scheme in following menus
Followup->Plan Followup->Detail ->Claim Status is
Followup->Plan Followup->Detail ->Script Hist
Followup -> EDI->Claim Status Mapping->Detail
Medical Case -> Anesthesia Case ->Concurrency Data Tab
New Features
SequelMed Auto Update
Audit Trail of profiles in security application
XML based HCFA claim form printing\history\view
Generic plan address for HCFA claim printing
Barcode printing in header\footer in forms
Currency\Phone Format for fields in forms
Twain driver interface display for scanning
FTP settings\uploading for XML statements\followup
Find criteria (scheduled\canceled etc) in charts
Auto elimination of printer(s) entries from user setting on deleting printer from OS
New fields added in XML in patient\plan followup\XML statements
Patient ledger XML template
Printer\scanner\margins settings in registry
Margins setting tree view in user options
Letter printer settings in user options
XML statements printing with acrobat reader
Selection of range of records with Shift key in transcription\batch statement\paper submit etc.
Multiple deletion in fee profile
Document deletion in transcription
Sorting option in left panes of charts\DMS windows
Document deletion synchronization from batch to patient documents and vise-versa
Added CPT in find criteria of charge listing
Added from\to submit date in find criteria of claim resubmit
Problems Fixed
Navigation directly to the page (on which check is present) from payment ledger detail
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In patient demographic, printing of “Other” in relationship (patient responsible party) on selecting
Patient age restriction to 150 years (maximum) and DOB greater than current date checks, in
patient registration
Magnifying glass auto refreshing on page navigation in DMS
“Plan” field replacement with “Insurance” in find criteria of referring provider
Practice zipcode field problem (preceding zeros) in security application
Set focus to transcription window on open
Save changes alert on changing record\exit in transcription documents
Browse button for backup folder in transcription location
Disable delete button if no document is available in transcription documents
Repetition of records in document drop down in transcription documents
Skipping of prints in statement printing
Zipcode\Cell# printing on patient registration form
Patient registration without SSN#
Cell# tab order on patient registration form
String blank message in batch statement printing
Patient ledger window size\position w.r.t 800X600 resolution
Auto selection of Plan Paid field in Batch -> Payment -> Payment screen
Report printing of patient ledger
Default new record without clicking the ‘New’ button in Patient Message on changing the patient
Missing icon to identify ledger modification in Batch > Payment > Payment
Screen freeze in FollowUp (Followup > Call)
Missing Help button on patient ledger\payment screens
Charge Detail window display size problem
Batch -> Report Batch Printing window display problem
Credit Card Number Display problem in ledger entry\detail
Print Page Label Change in DMS Menu
Resizing of DMS windows (having two panes)
Schenck Statement find criteria problem
Printer dropdown scrollbars on statement\paper submit etc. windows
Masking of FTP password in XML EDI Vendor
Caption change in EOB Payment from "Insurance" to "Practice"
Priority field max length limit (3 digits max) in Profile->Referring Provider
Error message "Expecting 6, got 4 retrieval arguments” in Patient Detail->Plan Address
License # field limit (5 characters max) in Profile->Patient->Lawyer
Calculation of "Paid per Case" and "Paid per Visit" in Reports->Hospital Case Management->Case
Find criteria problem in Reports->patient->Patient Financial Report
“From EOD” find criteria in Reports -> EOD Summary By Charge Location
New ledger account creation in security application
Spelling mistake of "Bad Debit" in reports
The EOD Preview Report for Ins Amt Received and Pat Amt Received Totals
Outstanding Issues
Nested tables in forms
Fixed length tables in forms
FTP connection dependency on Internet speed
Application hanging on printer error
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