CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS MOBILIZATION A. Description Section 150 of the Michigan Department of Transportation 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: This item shall consist of preparatory work and operations, including, but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site. The establishment of the Contractor's offices, buildings, and other facilities to work on the project. Other work and operations that must be performed. Expenses incurred, prior to beginning work on the various contract items on the project site. Pre­construction costs, exclusive of bidding costs, which are necessary direct costs to the project rather than directly attributable to other pay items under the contract. B. Measure and Payment The completed work as measured for MOBILIZATION will be paid for at the contract unit price for the following contract item (pay item). Pay Item Pay Unit Mobilization, Max LS Mobilization will be measured as a lump sum. The pay item will state the maximum amount that can be bid. When the percentage of the original contract amount earned is less than 5 percent, the costs of project specific bonding, insurances and permits will be reimbursed when a paid invoice is received by the Engineer. The costs of these will then be subtracted from the total amount bid for Mobilization. Partial payments will be made in accordance with the Partial Payment Schedule shown below. The original contract amount is the total value of all contract items including the mobilization item. The percentage earned is exclusive of the mobilization item. The total sum of all payments for this item shall not exceed the original contract amount bid for Mobilization, regardless of the fact that the Contractor may have, for any reason, shut down his work on the project, moved equipment away from the project and then back again, or for additional quantities or items of work added to the contract. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit or preclude partial payments otherwise provided by the contract. 7­1 Partial Payment Schedule Percentage of Original Percentage of Bid Price Contract Amount Earned for Mobilization Allowed 5................................................................50 10..............................................................75 25............................................................100 When a pay item for mobilization is not included in the request for proposal, payment for any such work required is considered to have been included in payments made for other items of work. 7­2 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION MINOR TRAFFIC DEVICES A. General Description This section is added to provide modification to section 812 of the Michigan Department of Transportation 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction for the work required for Minor Traffic Devices, Plastic Drums, Type III Barricades, and Temporary Signing. B. Minor Traffic Control Devices Minor Traffic Control Devices shall be measured as a lump sum. The work of Minor Traffic Control Devices shall include the furnishing, installing, maintaining, moving, and removing of all Plastic Drums, High Intensity, Lighted. Minor Traffic Control Traffic Devices shall be placed in locations as required and as directed by the Engineer. It is anticipated that a maximum of __ Plastic Drums, high intensity, lighted, are required. The payment for Minor Traffic Control Devices shall be payment in full for all plant, equipment, materials and labor required for completion of the item as specified in Standard Specifications. Removal of damaged traffic control devices shall be included in this cost. Pay Item Pay Unit Minor Traffic Devices 7­3 LS END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL A. Description This work shall consist of backfilling trenches where called for on the plans with a porous bedding material in accordance with the typical trench sections shown on Standard Plan R­ 83­B Series. B. Material The porous materials for backfilling utility trenches shall be Granular Material Class IIA and shall meet the requirements specified in Subsection 902.08 of the 2012 Standard Specifications. See table 902­3 “Grading Requirements for Granular Materials (2012)" of the 2012 Standard Specifications for sieve analysis details. C. Construction Methods Backfill material shall be placed on sections of the utility only after such sections have been approved by the Engineer for backfilling. Backfill material shall be placed in layers not to exceed 12 inch in thickness unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the engineer that he can consistently attain the specified density on thicker lifts. Unless otherwise shown or specified in the Contract, compaction of all backfill material shall be by mechanical pneumatic or vibratory compaction equipment. Ponding and jetting methods will not be permitted, except by written permission of the City Engineer Backfill for the utility within the limits of the roadbed as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer shall be Granular Material as shown on the plans and shall be compacted to 95 percent of maximum unit weight. Backfill for the utility outside the limits of the roadbed shall be the material excavated from the utility trench, unless otherwise specified. Sound earth, free from large stones and lumps, shall be carefully placed under and around the pipe in layers. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted without displacing the sections, until the sewer is completely covered to a depth of at least 12 inch. The balance of the backfill shall be placed in layers and each layer thoroughly compacted by hand tamping or by approved mechanical methods. Any backfill material placed within 12 inch of the pipe shall not contain stones larger than 2 inch size. D. Measurement and Payment The completed work as measured for UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL will not be paid for separately. Payment for such work will be considered as having been included in the contract unit prices bid for pay items in the contract. 7­4 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND UNSUITABLE MATERIAL A. General The Contractor shall dispose of surplus and unsuitable material outside of the right­of­way of the Project area. The Contractor shall obtain and file with the Engineer, written permission from the owner of the property on which the material is to be placed. Surplus and unsuitable materials shall not be disposed of in any areas defined as wetlands or flood plains without obtaining permits from the regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over such land use. The Contractor shall be responsible for and obtain any necessary permits pertaining to compliance with the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act, for disposal areas. Cost of obtaining any permits relating to disposal sites shall be included in the unit bid price for Peat Excavation, Section 205 of the 2012 Standard Specifications. 7­5 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS TOPSOIL SURFACE, 4 INCH A. General Section 816 of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications shall be supplemented herein to further define the requirements for topsoil surface to be furnished and placed on the areas designated for turf establishment within the C.I.A. (Construction Influence Area). B. Specification for Topsoil Topsoil shall consist of friable soil, capable of generating acceptable plant growth, reasonably free of grass, roots, weeds, sticks, stones or other foreign materials. The topsoil material proposed for the project shall be approved by the Engineer prior to placement. Topsoil shall be placed 4 inches thick compacted in place. The United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) specification requirements for acceptable topsoil as applied in the Marquette area shall apply. Soil composition should contain an organic content of 2 to 6 percent and be classified as a loam or sandy loam as specified by the "Guide for U.S.D.A. Soil Textural Classification". C. Construction Methods It is expected that the Contractor will have to supplement the existing surface soil encountered on the project. The Contractor shall stockpile the surface soil stripped from the C.I.A. for future reuse. The Engineer will review the material for its suitability as approved topsoil. If topsoil material is required to supplement that salvaged from the C.I.A. or if insufficient topsoil is salvageable from the site the Contractor shall furnish material approved by the Engineer. D. Topsoil Source Approval The contractor shall furnish proposed topsoil material sources at the preconstruction conference for review by the Engineer. The sources will be reviewed by the Engineer for acceptability of use on the project for the turf growing application proposed. The Contractor is responsible for researching and acquiring rights to topsoil sources and the furnishing, hauling, and placement of the topsoil. E. Method of Measurement and Payment Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard for topsoil material required. The contract unit price will be payment in full for hauling, placing and compacting 7­6 of the material at the locations required. Pay Item Topsoil Surface, 4 Inch 7­7 Pay Unit Cyd CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS BORROW MATERIAL (WATER MAIN TRENCHES) A. General Under most phases of the work, earth excavated from the trench will be used for backfill. However, unstable materials such as peat or other organics, materials which contain large amounts of refuse, broken pavement, boulders, roots, stumps, or other debris, shall not be incorporated into the backfill. B. Construction When excavated material is determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable for backfilling, the Contractor shall bring in borrow material and dispose of the unsuitable material off­site. C. Materials Borrow material shall meet the requirements of the "Michigan Department of Transportation Granular Material Class IIIA" as specified in Section 902.08 of the Michigan Dept. of Transportation's 2012 Standard Specification for Constructions. D. Method of Measurement and Payment Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (loose measure) for borrow material required. The contract unit price will be payment in full for hauling, placing and compacting of the material at the locations required. Any soils hauled away from the site because of poor soil conditions will be considered incidental to the contract unit price for borrow. No payment for this item will be made when roadway excavation items are to be utilized in the trench limits. Pay Item Pay Unit Borrow Material Cyd END OF SECTION 7­8 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS BITUMINOUS MIXTURES A. Description This work shall consist of furnishing and placing bituminous base and surface course mixtures in accordance with the 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications, as applicable. B. Aggregate The aggregate used in the bituminous mixture shall meet the gradation and physical requirements specified in the 2012 Standard Specifications. C. Construction Requirements Surface preparation. Immediately prior to applying the paving mixture the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all vegetation, loose materials, dirt, mud, and other objectionable materials. All standing water shall be removed prior to applying the paving mixture. The Contractor will ensure that manhole, drainage structure, and water valve covers located in areas within the finished asphalt or concrete surface are ¼ inch below the finished paved surface. Covers out of ¼ inch tolerance (plus or minus ¼ inch) will be adjusted during or after the paving operations at the Contractor’s expense. No “dishing” of the asphalt will be allowed around the structure covers on the finished paved surface The seam where two passes join shall be neat appearing and uniform. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the seam is irregular, rough or elevated above the adjacent matt surface, the seam area will be repaired by the Contractor at the Contractor’ s expense. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the seam is not tight and uniform in appearance the seam will be repaired by the Contractor at the Contractor’s expense. All longitudinal joints shall be tapered overlapping longitudinal joints in lieu of a longitudinal vertical joint. The requirement that all lanes be resurfaced to within one load of the same point­of­ending at the completion of each day’s paving operations does not apply when a tapered overlapping longitudinal joint is used. Construct the tapered overlapping longitudinal joint by tapering the HMA mat at a slope no greater than 1:12 and extend the tapered portion beyond the normal lane width. Place a 0.5 to 1 inch notch at the top of the taper on all courses of paving. Construct the tapered portion of the mat using an approved strike­off device that will provide a uniform slope and will not restrict the main screed. Pave the adjacent lane within 24 hours, unless delayed by inclement weather. Apply bond coat to the surface of the taper before the adjacent lane is placed. 7­9 Final density requirements for the entire pavement, including the taper area, will remain unchanged. Compact the initial taper section as near to final density as possible. Apply a weighted roller, as wide as the taper, to the taper section of the pavement. All excess material that overruns in gutters shall be removed or squeegeed back as directed by the Engineer. All excess material shall be removed from the ends of the job site immediately. When needed, all joints, radii, ends and returns will be squeegeed to a uniform appearance as directed by the Engineer. All material tracked or lost past the ends of the job site shall be cleaned up before the paving crew leaves for the next location. D. Traffic Control The Contractor shall provide signs, barricades and flaggers necessary to control traffic around the area under construction. Application of the mixture shall be suspended early enough each day to permit traffic to safely travel over the completed work before dark. Any damage done by traffic to the asphalt surface shall be repaired by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Barricades, signs and other warning devices will be in accordance with the 2011 Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Device. A written traffic control plan or schematic shall be provided by the Contractor for the Engineer's approval prior to beginning the work. All materials, labor, equipment and appurtenances required for the control of traffic for asphalt placement shall be considered incidental to the asphalt placement unless otherwise noted in the plans or these specifications. E. Thickness Tolerance A depth tolerance not to exceed ¼ inch from the nominal thickness required (per plan) for the course specified under one pay item will be acceptable where the required nominal thickness is 2 inches or less. A tolerance not to exceed ½ inch from the nominal thickness required for the course or courses specified under one pay item will be acceptable where the required nominal thickness is equal to or over 2 ½ inches. Measurement will be based on the weight of the HMA and planimetric area of the paving limits. F. Notification Requirements The Contractor will make every effort to notify the property owner’s and/or tenants the day prior to placement of the HMA top course in the area under consideration. The Contractor will make every effort to contact the said property owner’s and/or tenants 24 hours prior to the placement of the HMA either by verbal, written communication, or a combination of both. “Police Order No Parking Signs” may be borrowed from the City of Marquette Public Works Department to further expedite and reinforce the temporary parking and street usage ban. All signage will be returned to promptly to the Public Works Department following the removal of the signage from the street area. Failure to do so will result in the Contractor being prohibited from further borrowing transactions. 7­10 G. Ride Quality Requirements (Cold Mill and Overlay, Crush & Shape and New Construction) The Contractor will perform all ride quality measurements. On cold mill and overlay projects this will include measurements on the original and final pavement surfaces. On crush & shape and new construction ride quality measurements are required on the final surface. The cost of performing these ride quality measurements will be included in the cost of other contract items and will not be paid for separately. These ride quality requirements must be met for the initial acceptance of warranted HMA pavement. The profiler to be used must be GM type rapid travel profiler, as stated in MTM 726­ Michigan Test Method for Determining Ride Quality Using a GM Type Rapid Travel Profilometer. The pavement ride quality, for each warranty lane, must meet the following criteria subsequent to the HMA overlay, 1. Each individual 264 foot segment of each lane must have an IRI value equal to or lower than the initial value prior to the overlay. 2. For cold mill and overlay projects the overall average for each lane must be improved by 30 percent from the initial IRI value. For crush & shape and new construction projects the IRI must be equal to or less than 100. a. Excluded Areas i. Areas surrounding manholes and utility and drainage structures will be designated at excluded areas. The excluded area will extend 10 feet on each side of the structure. ii. Areas where the new pavement must match grades of an existing feature (e.g. curb and gutter or an existing lane that will not be overlaid). iii. Major intersections (where traffic flow is maintained during construction). The excluded area will extend between the approach and the departure spring points of the intersection. iv. Existing defects in the pavement remaining (e.g. existing pot hole areas) after cold milling. b. The excluded areas will be identified in writing to the Engineer prior to measurement. 3. If corrective action is required repairs shall be made at the Contractors expense. This corrective action includes bump grinding by an approved method, mill and replace HMA pavement or other approved method. The Contractor will analyze the ride quality data and determine the area or areas needing correction. After corrective work the 7­11 Contractor shall again perform ride quality measurements. If ride quality criteria are not met additional corrective work and measurement may be required. 4. Condition Parameters: Condition parameters are used to measure the performance of the HMA pavement during the warranty term. Each condition parameter has a threshold level applied to each segment and a maximum number of defective segments allowed before corrective action (warranty work) is required. Definitions: Longitudinal Crack/Open Joint ­ A crack or open joint, at least five feet in length that is oriented primarily in the longitudinal direction versus the transverse direction. That is, the angle between the overall crack line and the centerline is less than 45 degrees. It can exist anywhere in the warranty lane; i.e., at the pavement centerline joint, wheel path, center of lane, lane/shoulder joint, or lane/approach joint. This does not include reflective cracking from underlying pavement. De­bonding ­ A physical separation of two HMA layers. De­bonding will be visually identified as shoving, or the loss of the new surface course. Surface potholes, regardless of depth, will be classified as de­bonding. Raveling ­ Surface disintegration, due to the loss of coarse or fine aggregate material, that occurs over an area or in a continuous longitudinal strip. Flushing ­ The accumulation of excess asphalt binder on the pavement surface that creates a shiny, reflective condition and becomes tacky to the touch at high temperatures. Rutting ­ A longitudinal surface depression in the wheel path. It may have associated transverse displacement or humping. 5. Warranty Requirements. Table 1 lists the allowable threshold limit for each condition parameter within each segment and the maximum number of allowable segments within a warranty lane for each condition parameter. If the threshold is exceeded for a condition parameter, for more than the maximum number of allowable segments, corrective action (warranty work) is required. The defective segments for surface distress may or may not be contiguous to necessitate corrective action. The maximum allowable number of defective segments for each condition parameter applies to each warranty lane in each travel direction. Each warranty lane shall be evaluated independent of adjacent warranty lanes. Any pavement surface requiring removal/replacement to correct deficiencies, for any condition parameter, shall be replaced full­width across the warranty lane. 6. Operational Time Period. Per the act of the City Commission, the time period between the milling and paving operations will be at a maximum of three weeks. This will allow ample time to adjust structures, repair curbing, and repair subbase if required. This requirement 7­12 will minimize the disruption to the public and minimize the potential for physical injury or vehicular damage. Failure to meet this requirement will result in liquidated damages for every day that exceeds the three week period. TABLE 1 ­ WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS FOR COLD MILLING & ONE COURSE HMA OVERLAY CONDITION PARAMETER THRESHOLD LIMITS PER SEGMENT (Segment Length = 60 feet) Longitudinal Cracking/ Open Joint 5% of segment length De­bonding 5% of segment length Raveling Flushing Rutting (3) 5% of segment length 5% of segment length Ave. rut depth = 1/4 inch (2) 2. The rut depth threshold applies to each wheel path independently. 3. The pavement surface will be evaluated for the presence of rutting on each warranty lane throughout the warranty period. The pavement surface will be measured beginning at the POB and every 20 feet thereafter to determine average rut depth to quantify rutting for a particular segment. Rut measurements will be done using a straight rigid device that is a minimum of 7 feet long and of sufficient stiffness that it will not deflect from its own weight, or a wire under sufficient tension to prevent sag when extended 7 feet. Measurements will be taken by placing this “straightedge” across the pavement surface perpendicular to the direction of travel. The straightedge shall contact the surface on at least two bearing points with one located on either side of the rut. The straightedge is properly located when sliding the straightedge along its axis does not change the location of the contact points. Rut depth is then measured at the point greatest perpendicular distance from the bottom of the straightedge to the bottom of the rut. Pay Item HMA, 5E1 HMA, 4E1 HMA, LVSP END OF SECTION 7­13 Pay Unit Ton Ton Ton CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION REMOVING PAVEMENT A. General The 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for construction is hereby modified to include removal of all bituminous pavements on this project regardless of thickness. Removal will be paid as “Earth Excavation” unless otherwise indicated on the plans. 7­14 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL STREET LIGHTING, CONDUITS, CONDUCTORS AND MISCELLANEOUS RELATED ITEMS A. General The work required for street lighting includes furnishing and placement of street light poles and fixtures approved by the Engineer, and furnishing and placing all other items of work included herein. The work includes street lights, street light bases, handholes, conduit, conductors, a pole mounted master control center, associated conductor connections, and all miscellaneous associated items required for the installation complete as detailed on the plans and in the specifications. All materials used shall bear the "UL" label, and shall be installed in strict accordance with the National Electrical Code, latest edition. B. Materials 1. Conduits Electrical conduit for street lighting shall consist of one (2 inch) schedule 40 PVC conduit, NEMA TC 2 or equal, approved by the City of Marquette Board of Light and Power. All 90 degree bends in conduit runs shall be rigid steel conduit. 2. Handholes Handholes shall be cast iron conforming with the design and dimensions as shown on the plans. Conduit knockouts shall be provided as required by the street lighting plan sheet drawings. Contractor shall provide suitable covers for any knockouts used. Handhole covers shall be heavy duty, and shall be marked as specified by the City of Marquette Board of Light and Power. The Contractor shall review the required markings with the Board of Light and Power and the Engineer, and make shop drawing submittals prior to making final orders for materials for the frames and covers. 3. Street Lights ­ Poles and Luminaries Street lights shall be installed as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. The pole material shall be of ASTM grade steel construction for the base, and steel construction for the pole shaft and shall be as detailed on the drawings. Light fixture poles shall be mounted 36 inches from the back of the curb to the 7­15 face of the pole. Finishing painting of poles shall be by the Contractor after shipment, with color matching existing street lighting poles installed in Downtown Marquette. The luminaire shall consist of two main components: a. the optical assembly and, b. the mechanical/electrical assembly. The luminaire shall be U.L. listed as suitable for wet locations at 40 degrees Celsius. Contractor shall provide 2 complete poles and fixture assemblies in addition to quantity indicated on drawings. The Contractor shall also furnish 2 additional optical (glass) reflector/refractors, and 2 additional ballast assemblies. 4. Street Light Bases Street light bases shall be furnished and installed as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. The installation of rebar is incidental to the item of work. 5. Conductors Street light conductors shall be furnished and installed as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. 6. Branch Circuit Panelboards a. Lighting and Appliance Branch Circuit Panelboards: NEMA PBl; circuit breaker type. b. Enclosure: NEMA PB 1; Type 1. c. Cabinet Size: 6 inch deep; 14 inch wide or larger if required to fit all components inside. a. Provide flush surface cabinet front with concealed trim clamps, concealed hinge and finish lock all keyed alike. Finish in manufacturer's standard grey enamel. b. Provide panelboards with copper bus, ratings as scheduled on drawings. Provide copper ground bus in all panelboards. c. Minimum Integrated Short Circuit Rating: 10,000 amperes rms symmetrical for 240 volt panelboards. 14,000 amperes rms symmetrical for 480 volt panel boards. d. Molded Case Circuit Breakers: NEMA AB 1 FS W­C­375; bolt­on type thermal magnetic trip circuit breakers, with common trip handle for all poles. Provide circuit breakers UL listed as Type SWD for lighting circuits. 7­16 i. Install panelboards plumb, finishes in conformance with NEMA PB 1.1. j. Provide filler plates for unused spaces in panelboards. k. Provide typed circuit directory for each branch circuit panelboard. l. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: Inspect for physical damage, proper alignment, anchorage, and grounding. Check proper installation and tightness of connections for circuit breakers. m. Provide 2 sets of keys to Owner. n. Submit shop drawings for equipment and component devices. o. Include outline and support point dimensions, voltage, main bus ampacity, integrated short circuit ampere rating, circuit breaker arrangement and sizes. C. Construction Methods 1. General Within five days after completion of the conduit work, or of any portion where a working cable is installed, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a record of the length of the conduit lines as constructed, clearly showing any departures from the original plans. The lengths shall be measured from the inside walls of handholes and the center of pole bases, and cable poles. 2. Conduit Installation Conduit grades shall be staked at fifty foot intervals or less. Excavation below the bottom line of the trench shall be filled with Granular Material ­ Class II(free of stones), and tamped in place. Grade shall have a fall to the lowest handhole, or from the middle toward both holes, of not less than four (4) percent. Conduit runs shall be built in as straight a line as possible. Where sweeps are necessary, the radius of the sweep shall be as great as practicable. Unless otherwise specified on the plans, the radii of conduit bends shall not be less than the following: Minimum Size of Conduit Cable Without Lead Sheath mm 38 50 63 75 Inches 1 ­ 1/2 2 2 ­ 1/2 3 Radii of Conduit Bends Cable With Lead Sheath mm 250 300 375 450 7­17 Inches 10 12 15 18 mm 400 525 625 775 Inches 16 21 25 31 88 100 3 ­ 1/2 4 525 600 21 24 900 1000 36 40 The conduit trench shall be excavated to a depth sufficient to provide a minimum of 24 inches (unless otherwise specified) of earth cover over the finished conduit run. Typical depth and widths of excavations will be shown on the plans. The trench shall be graded to the handhole location so that the finished conduit runs will contain no pockets where water might accumulate, but will drain into a handhole. Backfill for trenches outside the roadbed shall be the material excavated therefrom unless it is unsuitable for backfill material as determined by the Engineer. If unsuitable, the trenches shall be backfilled with Granular Material ­ Class II. Backfill for trenches within the limits of the roadbed shall be granular material. Backfilling shall be as specified under the Standard Specifications. After the conduit runs are built, the Contractor shall pull a mandrel 12 inch long (shorter in conduit runs with bends) and ½ inch smaller diameter than the conduit, and a suitable swab or cleaning device designed to clear the conduit of small pebbles, etc. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to performing this phase of the work so that the work may be observed. A coupling shall be placed on the ends of all conduit terminations, and plugged with a suitable removable plug. 3. Handholes Handholes shall be furnished and installed by the contractor as shown on the plans. Where a hand hole is associated with a light standard, it shall be accurately located with respect to the light standard. The handhole shall be placed on a 15 inch layer of Granular Material ­ Class II unless otherwise specified on the plans. Heavy duty handholes shall be set on a concrete slab of the dimensions shown on the plans and open in the center for drainage and be designed for H­20 Loading. Unused conduit entrance holes, and conduit openings to be extended by others, shall be blanked off to prevent entrance of earth with suitable removable plugs of plastic, bituminized fiber, or other material approved by the Engineer. 4. Street Lights Street lights shall be installed by the Contractor as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. 5. Street Light Bases Street light bases shall be furnished and installed by the contractor as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. 6. Conductors Conductors shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. 7­18 7. Panelboards and Miscellaneous Hardware required for all connections of the conductors, mounting equipment, labeling, tagging, miscellaneous fittings for equipment and other miscellaneous items shall be furnished and installed by the contractor as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. 8. Electrical Identification Provide engraved, three layer laminated plastic, white letters on black background min. 6mm height, nameplates for all panelboards. Install nameplates parallel to equipment lines. Secure nameplates using screws, rivets or adhesive. Provide wire markers, split sleeve or tubing type, on each conductor in panelboard gutters, handholes, and at load connection identifying panelboard and circuit number. Also, provide color coded tape as specified on the drawings at panelboards, handholes, and load connections. D. Measurement and Payment "Conduit" of the number, size and type specified, will be measured in place by length in lineal feet of conduit placed, and will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot, which price shall be payment in full for furnishing the labor, materials and equipment, including excavation, backfilling, disposing of excess materials, and installing the conduit complete. Pavement, sidewalk, and/or curb and gutter removal and replacement, if required as determined by the Engineer or as shown on the plans, will be paid for separately. "Conduit Jacked in Place". A conduit of size and type specified will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot, which price shall be payment in full for furnishing the conduit, filling voids, and disposing of surplus materials, and installing the item complete as called for on the plans. "Handholes" will be measured as units and will be paid for at the contract unit price each, which price shall be payment in full for furnishing the labor, materials and equipment, including covers and fittings, excavations, backfilling, disposing of surplus materials and constructing the structure complete. Pavement, sidewalk and/or curb and gutter removal and replacement, if required as determined by the Engineer or as shown on the plans, will be paid for separately. "Adjusting Electrical Handhole" will be measured as units and will be paid for in accordance with the Standard Specifications. All materials for this item are included except that pavement, sidewalk, and/or curb and gutter replacement, if required as determined by the Engineer or as shown on the plans, will be paid for separately. "Removing Manhole or Handhole" will be measured as a unit, and will be paid for in accordance with the Standard Specifications. Backfilling with Granular Material Class II is to be included. Pavement, sidewalk, and/or curb and gutter removal and replacement, if required as determined by the Engineer or as shown on the plans, will be paid for separately. "Conduit Riser" or "Service Masts" shall be measured and paid for at the contract unit price, which price shall be payment in full for furnishing and installing the weatherhead, conduit, 7­19 bushing, fittings, ground rods, and stress cones as required to provide a riser complete and acceptable to the utility supplying power. "Replacing Frame and Cover and Adjusting Handhole" shall be measured as a unit. The contract unit price each shall be payment in full for all materials and labor required to adjust a new handhole frame and cover to the required grade in accordance with the Standard Specifications, and as shown on the plans. Pavement, sidewalk, and/or curb and gutter replacement, if required as determined by the Engineer or as shown on the plans, will be paid for separately. "Street Light Placement" shall be measured as a unit. The contract unit price each shall be payment in full for all materials and labor required to place a new street light pole, wiring in the pole, festoon if required, and miscellaneous appurtenances in the locations as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. "Street Light Furnished" shall be measured as a unit. The contract unit price each shall be payment in full for all new street light pole materials and miscellaneous appurtenances which will be provided to the Marquette Board of Light and Power. "Salvaged Street Light Placement" shall be measured as a unit. The contract unit price each shall be payment in full for all materials and labor required to place the salvaged street light pole, wiring in the pole, and miscellaneous appurtenances in the locations as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. "Street Light Bases" shall be measured as a unit. The contract unit price each shall be payment in full for all materials, steel rebar, and labor required to furnish and install new light pole bases as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. "Street Light Luminaire Placement" shall be measured as a unit. The contract unit price each shall be payment in full for all materials and labor required to place a new street light luminaire, wiring connections, and miscellaneous appurtenances in the locations as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. "Street Light Luminaire Furnished" shall be measured as a unit. The contract unit price each shall be payment in full for all new street light luminaire materials and miscellaneous appurtenances which will be provided to the Marquette Board of Light and Power. "Salvaged Street Light Luminaire Placement" shall be measured as a unit. The contract unit price each shall be payment in full for all materials and labor required to place the salvaged street light luminaire and miscellaneous appurtenances in the locations as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. "Conductors" of the number, size and type specified will be measured in place by length in lineal feet of conduit placed, and will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot, which price shall be payment in full for furnishing the labor, materials, and equipment, including excavation, backfilling, disposing of excess materials, and installing the conductors complete. 7­20 “Lighting Control Panel”, shall be measured and paid by each or as a lump sum item. Payment for these items shall be payment in full for furnishing the labor, materials and equipment necessary for construction of all control panels, steel arch frames and miscellaneous equipment and hardware required for all connections of the conductors, mounting equipment, labeling, tagging, miscellaneous fittings for equipment and other miscellaneous items required as detailed on the plans and as specified herein. Pay Item Pay Unit St. Ltg cables, 4­C#4 & 1­#6 Neutral Lighting Control Panel Light Standard Shaft, Install Light Standard Shaft, Furnish Luminaire Metal Halide, Install Luminaire Metal Halide, Furnish Handholes, Heavy Duty cover Conduit, Schedule 40 PVC, 2 Inch Conduit, Schedule 40 PVC, 4 Inch Foot Each Each Each Each Each Each Foot Foot END OF SECTION 7­21 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS LANDSCAPING ITEMS A. General This work includes constructing the items included in this specification at the locations indicated on the plans as indicated herein. This work will be done in accordance with Section 815 of the 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction with the omission of 815.03.J in its entirety and as herein specified. Landscaping items included in this contract, such as Topsoil, Seed and Sodding shall be constructed in accordance with Michigan Department of Transportation 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction. B. Materials 1. Tree Grates and Guards a. Grates shall be Neenah Model 8742­C radial patter in two sections or approved equal. Grates will be furnished from the factory with two coats of “Black Satin”, Corrosion­Resistant Primer for the prime coat and two coats of “Black Satin”, Corrosion­Resistant Primer for the finish coat. b. Guards will be hot rolled steel per the details on the plans and primed/painted black. 2. Irrigation Casing Piping a. Schedule 80 PVC pipe in the diameter indicated. 3. Irrigation Piping: a. Polyethylene piping rated at 100 psi in sizes as submitted and approved by 4. Underground Concrete Tree Frame shall be in accordance with the detail on the plans. 5. Sprinkler heads, valves and control systems will be as submitted and approved by the City Engineer. 6. Trees and shrubs will be as per the size and type indicated on the plans. 7. Plants will be as per the size and type indicated on the plans. Plants will be available from the Marquette County Conservation District sometime between early and mid­September for $0.65/each. This is a special rate made available to the City of Marquette. 7­22 The plants should/will be 3­4 months old and 2"­6" tall. Contact person is Sarah Janda, 226­2461, Marquette County Conservation District, 780 Commerce Drive, Marquette, MI. 8. Meter Pit for the irrigation system will be the size and type indicated on the plans and details. C. Construction Methods The Contractor shall prevent injury to healthy and live shrubs and trees on the project that are not required to be removed. Overhead branches shall be pruned and/or tied back for construction, as directed by the Engineer. Place irrigation casing piping 2.0 ft. below finished grade extended 24” beyond the curb/walk/paving, as indicated on the included drawing. These sleeves shall be placed between successive landscaping areas, as indicated on the plans. Irrigation piping of the size and type indicated shall be placed as indicated on the plans or as submitted by a licensed landscape engineer and approved by the City Engineer. D. Methods of Measurement and Payment The work of installing the landscape items shall be measured and paid using the following items: Pay Item Pay Unit Tree Grate and Concrete Frame Tree Guard Irrigation System Site Preparation Trees (by species) Shrubs (by species) Plants (by species) Native Species Planting Area Sodding, Class A Topsoil surface, Furnished, 4 inch Mulch, Shredded Bark Irrigation Meter Pit Ea Ea LS LS Ea Ea Ea Ea Syd Syd Cyd Ea Site Preparation: Measurement and payment for the “Site Preparation” shall be by the contract unit price lump sum in accordance with subsection 815 of the 2012 Standard Specification for Construction (MDOT). Site preparation shall include all topsoil, soil mixtures, excavation and backfilling required to prepare the plant site for placement of the ground cover item specified. 7­23 Trees and Shrubs: Measurement and payment for trees and shrubs shall be by the contract unit price each. Payment shall be full compensation for all labor, material and equipment to complete the work as per plan detail and 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction (MDOT). Plants: Measurement and payment for plants shall be by the contract unit price each or if planting areas are specified by the contract unit price for each planting area. Payment shall be full compensation for all labor, material and equipment to complete the work as per plan detail and 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction (MDOT). Watering: Watering will be incidental to the placement of the sod and or landscaping items in accordance with subsection 815 and 816 of the 2012 Standard Specification for Construction (MDOT). Completion of the mandatory waterings as specified by MDOT will be considered in the final acceptance of the project. Irrigation Meter Pit: Measurement and payment for the irrigation meter pit shall be by the contract unit price each. Payment shall be full compensation for all labor, material and equipment to complete the work as per plan detail. END OF SECTION 7­24 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION FOR BRICK PAVING WORK A. General Description Provide brick pavers and install as specified on plans. Brick pavers shall comply with the American Society for Testing and Materials, Designation C936­96; however, more stringent requirements take precedence over C936­96. Do no work during freezing weather or set on frozen subgrade or sub­base. Water, if required, must be provided by the contractor. In addition to furnishing and installing the paver block, this work shall consist of furnishing and installing the sand bed for the block and a crushed stone sub­ base. B. Materials 1. Brick Pavers These requirements are based on pavers as manufactured by Wausau Tile, P.O. Box 1520, Wausau, WI 54401. Equal products of other manufacturers complying with these drawings and specifications receiving prior approval by the Engineer will be accepted. For Terraces and Walks Shape to be ­ Holland ­ Red Range Dimension ­ 4 inch x 8 inch x 2 3/8 inch Weight – 8.6 lbs Strength – 8000 to 12000 psi 2. Sand Clean mason sand, from one (1) source. C. Preparation 1. Place and compact to 100% density, a crushed stone sub­base to provide a smooth uniform surface before placing the 2 inch of mason sand. 2. The contractor shall check subgrade as to soundness, elevation, outline, contour, etc. Discrepancies, irregularities, etc. shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. D. Installation 1. Installation to be performed by/or under supervision of persons with previous 7­25 experience in this field. Experience shall be defined as one who has previously installed a minimum of 500 square feet of brick pavers at any one particular installation. Qualifications must be approved by the Engineer. 2. 2 inch sand lift to be furnished and installed by this contractor. Prepare sand bed by level­screeding sand to proper height. Side guides (screeds) to be set at 2 inch below finished surface level and at proper pitch. Sand lift to be a uniform 2 inch thickness at all points. Sand must be smooth and without low spots. 3. Begin laying pavers from a convenient edge stepping first from an adjacent area and then from the laid blocks ­ not on the sand bed. Pavers are to be set hand tight. Snap chalk lines on sand bed to maintain proper line. Place whole pavers over entire area and then go back to make necessary paver cuts to finish areas. 4. Cut pavers with a mechanical shear machine. At out corners, cut or notch blocks to fit adjoining surfaces. Cut and install brick pavers as required at all perimeter areas. 5. Machine tamp to 2 inch screeded level with a rubber roller type vibrator. Vibrate to height of adjoining surfaces. 6. After vibration to proper levels and pitches has taken place, sweep a thin layer of clean mason sand into all joints, until joints are filled to within 15mm of surface. E. Test Reports 1. Tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C67 for clay brick. Only full sized paving units ­ not cubed portions shall be used in all testing procedures. Supplier of paving units shall provide certified laboratory test reports indicating compliance with specification requirements and batch identification. An absorption test of no more than 5% and a freeze­thaw test of 50 cycles shall also be certified. Test reports shall be filed for every 20,000 paving units delivered to the job site. Compression Strength ­ At the time of delivery to the worksite, the average compressive strength shall be not less than 8000 psi with no individual unit less than 7500 psi. Absorption ­ The average absorption shall be not greater than 5% when tested in accordance with ASTM C140­75. Durability ­ Freeze­Thaw Test for Clay Brick ­ When tested in accordance with Section of ASTM C67­73, specimens shall have no breakage and not greater than 1.0 percent loss in dry weight of any individual unit when subjected to 50 cycles of freezing and thawing. Length or width of pavers shall not differ by more than 1/16 inch from approved samples. Heights of pavers shall7­26 not differ by more than 1/16 inch from specified standard dimension. Test reports are to be filed with the Engineer. The cost of all testing shall be borne by the contractor. 2. If any test results in the non­compliance of any batch of brick pavers, all brick pavers from said batch shall be removed form the site and replaced, all at the expense of the contractor. F. Cleaning At the completion of work, remove rubbish, debris, dirt and equipment and excess material from site. Clean adjoining surfaces which were soiled by and during the course of this work. G. Guarantee 1. Finished area shall be free from bumps or depressions evenly graded to levels shown, and shall be guaranteed against defects of materials or workmanship for period of two years after substantial completion. 2. Material to equal or surpass the aforementioned ASTM Specifications: Section 2 ­ 2.1, 2.1.1 Section 2 ­ 2.2, 2.2.1 Section 3 ­ 3.2 Section 3 ­ 3.3 Section 5 ­ 5.2 H. Replacement 1. This Contractor to provide whole replacement brick pavers as follows: Color used for walk levels ­ 100 whole pavers. 2. Replacement pavers to be delivered by this contractor to the City of Marquette storage yard. Brick pavers to be signed for by City representative so designated by City. I. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurement and payment for brick pavers shall be at the contract unit price per square foot. Payment shall be full compensation for all mason sand, 21A stone, brick pavers, labor materials and equipment used in preparing sub­base and placement of brick pavers. Pay Item Pay Unit Brick Pavers Sft 7­27 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS UNIT MASONRY A. General Description Provide concrete masonry unit and stone veneer where shown on the drawings, as specified herein, as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Quality Assurance Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work on this Section. C. Submittals 1. Provide sample of Natural Stone Veneer International “Cambria”. 2. Provide sample of Natural Limestone Stone Coping. D. Product Handling n Materials shall be handled, stored, and protected in a manner to avoid chipping, breakage, contact with soil or contaminating material, and exposure to the elements. n Stone Veneer shall be delivered to the job site in air­dry condition. n Anchor bolts shall be kept free of rust. n Cementitious material shall be stored in a manner to prevent deterioration due to water damage or by contamination due to foreign materials. E. Concrete Masonry Units 1. Provide standard weight load­bearing concrete masonry units complying with ASTM C90, latest addition. F. Stone Veneer Stone veneer to be Natural Stone Veneers International “Cambria”. G. Reinforcements and Accessories 1. Horizontal concrete masonry reinforcements will be “Adjustable Econo­cavity Lock 7­28 II, AA580" as manufactured by AA Wire Products each 3rd row to be installed per Manufacturer’s printed instructions. Equal products of other manufacturers complying with these drawings and specifications receiving prior approval by the Engineer will be accepted. 2. Wall Ties: Where veneer is backed up with concrete masonry units, use 5 mm galvanized steel wire hook type box ties as recommended by AA Wire Products for use with A580 Reinforcing. H. Mortar 1. Cement: Type N Masonry cement by Huron or equal. 2. Aggregate: Clean, sharp, well graded masons sand conforming to ASTM C144. 3. Admixtures: Admixtures shall not be used unless specifically approved in writing by the Engineer. 4. Water: Provide fresh, clean, water free of amounts of minerals, acids, alkalis or organic materials that may be deleterious to mortar or any metal or other component of wall assembly. 5. Color: Tint mortar as directed by Owner. Provide field samples as necessary for approval. I Other Materials 1. Weep Holes ­ Provide #341 ½ inch O.D. plastic weep holes as manufactured by Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. Equal products of other manufacturers complying with these drawings and specifications receiving prior approval by the Engineer will be accepted. 2. Control Joints ­ Provide QS Series rubber control joints, where shown on the drawings, as manufactured by Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. (1/2 inch o.c. min.) Verify exact location with Owner. Equal products of other manufacturers complying with these drawings and specifications receiving prior approval by the Engineer will be accepted. J. Preparation 1. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this section will be performed. Correct conditions are detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work. 2. Lay no masonry when temperature of outside air is 40 degrees F or colder. Protect from freezing for 72 hours minimum after laying. 3. Units with suction greater than 30 gm/min/sq. inc. may need to be wetted prior to laying to reduce initial rate of absorption to an acceptable level to achieve 7­29 proper bond of mortar to brick. 4. In general, units should be wetted on the day previous to laying so that they are sufficiently damp to allow mortar to remain plastic enough to permit units to be leveled and plumbed and not so wet to cause bleeding of mortar joints floating units. K. Installation 1. Mortar a. The measurement of materials for mortar shall be by volume or weight such that accuracy of the proportions can be controlled and accurately maintained, measurement of sand by shovel shall not be permitted. b. Proportions of material using Type N masonry cement shall be as follows: ­ Cement: One part by volume of 43 kg by weight. ­ Types hydrated lime: One part by volume or 18 kg by weight. ­ Masons sand: Not less than 4.5 nor more than 6.0 parts by volume measured damp and loose or not less than 164 kg of dry sand nor more than 218 kg of dry sand measured by weight. c. Mix mortar with the maximum amount of water consistent with workability to provide maximum tensile bond strength within the capacity of the mortar. d. All materials shall be mixed for a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes in a mechanical batch mixer. e. Mortar that has stiffened because of evaporation of water shall be retempered by adding water as frequently as needed to restore required consistency. Mortar shall be used and placed in final position within 2 hours after mixing. Mortar not used within 2 hours shall be discarded. 2. Laying a. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, make the work plumb, level and true to line, with square angles and corners. b. Use line blocks wherever possible. When it is absolutely necessary to use a line pin, fill the hole immediately after the pin is withdrawn. c. Use only C.M.U.’s and brick that are clean and free from dust and other foreign matter. d. Lay in running bond unless otherwise shown on the drawings. e. Head Joints: Regardless of thickness, completely fill with mortar. 7­30 f. Where units are accidentally moved or shifted, remove and lay again in fresh mortar. 3. Tooling a. All visible joints, both exterior and interior shall be tooled concave. b. Concealed joints may be struck flush, provided waste mortar does not clog vent of cavity spaces. 4. Pointing, Cleaning, and Protection a. At the completion of this portion of the work, visually inspect the work of this section and point, or cut out and repoint if necessary, all holes and defective joints. b. Thoroughly clean all brick surfaces to be left exposed in the finished work, removing all traces of mortar, grout and foreign matter. c. After all masonry work is complete the contractor shall apply 2 coats of “Graffiti Control WB” as manufactured by PROSOCO or approved equal to all exposed surfaces of concrete masonry units and stone masonry units. Product shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. L. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurement and payment for Stone Veneer will be by the square foot. 2. Measurement and payment for Stone Coping will be by each. 3. All masonry and accessories will be paid for under the following bid pay items: ­ ­ ­ 4. Payment shall be payment in full for all labor, equipment, and materials required to complete the work. Pay Item Pay Unit Stone Veneer Stone Coping Sft Each 7­31 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE A. General 1. Work included: All labor and materials to construct and install architectural precast concrete copings. 2. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work in this Section. 3. Fabricator Qualifications: Firm having a minimum of 5 years successful experience in fabrication of architectural precast concrete units, similar to members required for this project, will be acceptable. Fabricator must have sufficient production capacity to produce, transport, and deliver required units without causing delay in the work. B. Submittals 1. Product data and instructions for manufactured materials and products, include mix designs, certification, and laboratory test reports as required. Include water absorption test reports. 2. Shop Drawings showing complete information for fabricating and installing the work of this section including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Show layout, dimensions and identification of each precast unit. Include identification of caulked and grouted joints. b. Special reinforcement and lifting devices necessary for handling and erecting. c. Concrete mix design. d. Similar data required to fully describe the proposed method of fabricating, erecting and installing the work of this section. e. Provide 12 inch x 12 inch x 2 inch sample illustrating quality, color and texture of the surface. Precast will be colored to match masonry (UTAH RED SANDSTONE) which may require several submissions to achieve acceptable color match. 7­32 C. Product Handling 1. Deliver precast concrete units to project site in such quantities and at such times to assure continuity of installation. Store units at project site to prevent cracking, distorting, warping, staining, or other physical damage and so that markings are visible. Lift and support units only at designated lifted or supporting points as shown on final shop drawings. 2. Provide forms and form­facing materials of metal, plastic wood, and other acceptable material that is non­reactive with concrete and will produce required finish surfaces. D. Reinforcing Materials 1. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 60 deformed. 2. Epoxy­Coated Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A775 3. Galvanized Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A767, Class II (2.0 oz. Zinc psf), hot­dip galvanized after fabrication and bending. 4. Steel Wire: ASTM A82, plain, cold­drawn, steel. 5. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185. 6. Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric: ASTM A497. 7. Supports for Reinforcement: Provide supports for reinforcement including bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing. For exposed­to­view concrete surfaces, where legs of supports are in contact with forms, provide supports with legs that are plastic protected (CRSI, Class 1) or stainless steel protected (CRSI, Class 2). E. Concrete Materials 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or Type III, White. 2. Use only one brand, type, and source of supply of cement throughout the project. 3. Coarse Aggregate: Crushed Lime Stone conforming to ASTM C33 for “Severe Weathering Region”: hard durable, carefully selected and graded; free of material causing staining or reaction with cement and with less than 5% magnesium sulfate soundness loss. Use aggregate from same source as those used in Owner’s control sample. 4. Fine Aggregate for Facing Mixes: 2NS. 5. Water: Potable, free from foreign materials in amounts harmful to concrete and 7­33 embedded steel. 6. Air­Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. 7. Water­Reducing, Retarding, Accelerating Admixtures: ASTM C 494, types as selected by Fabricator and containing not more than 0.1 percent chloride ions. 8. Cement Grout: Portland cement and clean, natural sand, ASTM C404. Mix at ratio of 1.0 part cement to 3.0 parts sand, by volume, with minimum water required for placement and hydration. F. Proportioning and Design of Mixes 1. Prepare design mixes for each type of concrete required. 2. Design mixes may be prepared by independent testing facility or by qualified precast manufacturing plant personnel, at precast fabricator’s option. 3. Proportion mixes by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods, using materials to be employed on the project for each type of concrete required, complying with ACI 318. 4. Facing Mix: Standard­weight concrete consisting of specified portland cement, aggregates, admixtures and water to produce the following properties: ­ Compressive Strength: 3700 lbs/ft2 minimum at 28 days. ­ Total air content: Not less than 4 percent nor more than 6 percent. ­ Water Absorption: Not to exceed 5 to 6 percent by weight, except between 3 to 4 percent from sloping surfaces (sills). 5. Submit written reports to City Engineer of proposed mix for each type of concrete at least 15 days to start of precast unit production. Do not begin concrete production until Owner has reviewed mixes and evaluations. 6. Adjustments to Concrete Mixes: Mix design adjustments may be requested when characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant. Laboratory test data for revised mix designs and strength results must be submitted to and accepted by Owner before using in the Work. 7. Admixtures: Use air­entraining mixture in strict compliance with manufacturer’s directions. Admixtures to increase cement dispersion or provide increased workability for low­slump concrete may be used subject to Owner’s acceptance. 8. Use amounts as recommended by admixture manufacturer for climatic conditions prevailing at time of placing. Adjust quantities of admixtures as required to maintain quality control. G. Fabrication 1. General: Fabricate precast concrete units complying with manufacturing and 7­34 testing procedures, quality control recommendations, and following dimensional tolerances, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Forms: Accurately construct forms mortar­tight and of sufficient strength to withstand pressures due to concrete placing operations, temperature changes, and when prestressed, pretensioning and detensioning operations. Maintain form work to provide completed precast concrete units of shapes, lines, and dimensions indicated, within specified fabrication tolerances. 3. Dimensional Tolerances of Finished Units: Overall height and width measured at face adjacent to mold at time of casting: ­ 3m or less: Plus or minus 3mm. ­ 3m to 6m: Plus 3mm, minus 5mm. ­ Angular deviation of plane of side mold: 1mm per 75mm depth or 1.5mm total, whichever is greater. ­ Out of square (difference in length of two diagonal measurements): 3mm per 6 per or 6mm total, whichever is greater. ­ Thickness: Minus 3mm, plus 6mm. ­ Tolerances or other dimensions not otherwise indicated: Numerically greater of plus or minus 1.5mm per 3m, or plus or minus 3mm. 4. Fabricate units straight, smooth, and true to size and shape, with exposed edges and corners precise and square unless otherwise indicated. Precast units that are warped, cracked, broken, spalled, stained, or otherwise defective will not be acceptable. 5. Expansion Joints: Free of grout, mortar, or other obstructions to expansive movement, with expansion joint filler where indicated. 6. Copings: Every other joint between units, unless otherwise indicated. Align joints with vertical expansion joints in adjacent masonry. 7. Surface Finish: Smooth surface finish free of pockets, sand streaks, and honeycomb, with uniform color and texture to match Owner’s control sample. Color is to match sandstone. H. Installation 1. Do not install precast units until supporting masonry has attained allowable design compressive strength. 2. Install precast concrete members plumb, level, and in alignment within PCI MNL­ 117 and specified limits of erection tolerances. Provide temporary supports and bracing as required to maintain position, stability, and alignment as members are being permanently connected. Maintain horizontal and vertical joint alignment and uniform joint width as erection progress. 3. Accessories: Install clips, hangers, and other accessories required for erection of precast units to supporting members and backup materials. 7­35 4. Cleaning: Clean exposed facings to remove dirt and stains on units after erection and completion of joint treatments. Wash and rinse in accordance with precast manufacturer’s recommendations. Protect other work from damage due to cleaning operations. Do not use cleaning materials or processes that could change the character of exposed concrete finishes. I. Erection Tolerances 1. Warpage: Fabricate and install wall panels so that each panel after erection complies with following dimensional requirements: a. Bowing (concave or convex) of any part of a flat surface not to exceed length of bow/260, with a maximum of ¾ inch up to 30 feet. b. Maximum warpage of one corner out of plane of other three, the greater of 3/16 inch per foot distance from nearest adjacent corner, or 1/8 inch. 2. Tolerances for Location of Precast Units: Fabricate and erect precast units so that joints between panels meet the following: a. Face width of Joints: Plus or minus 3/16 inch. b. Joint taper: 3/16 inch per foot length, with maximum length of tapering in one direction of 10 feet. c. Step in face: 1/4 inch. d. Jog in alignment of edge: 1/4 inch. e. Alignment for exterior panels is outside face. f. Variation from plumb: Plus or minus 1/2 inch in any 36 foot run. g. Variation from level: Plus or minus 1/2 inch in any 36 foot run. J. Performance Requirements 1. Conduct inspections, perform testing, and make repairs or replace unsatisfactory precast units as required. Limitations as to amount of patching permitted are subject to acceptance by Owner. 2. In addition to above, in­place precast units may be rejected for the following: ­ Exceeding specified installation tolerances. ­ Damage during construction operations. ­ Surface finish deficiencies in exposed­to­view surfaces. K. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurement for this item will be by the foot. 2. Precast and all accessories will be paid for under the bid pay item “Stone Coping”. 7­36 3. Payment shall be payment in full for all labor, equipment, and materials required to complete the work. Pay Item Pay Unit Stone Coping Foot END OF SECTION 7­37 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION HEALTH AND SAFETY A. General Description This section covers the work, materials, and equipment necessary for the contractor to meet health and safety requirements during performance of the work. 1. Site Work Environment The area through the parking lot at the old Lakeshore Iron Works site has had “Environmental Site Assessments” completed with the following hazardous materials known present ”high metal concentrations”. No warranty, either expressed or implied, can be made that conditions observed at these sites are representative of all areas of the subject sites. Work at the site may expose the Contractor’s personnel to hazardous substances, health hazards or safety hazards. The Contractor is responsible for the safety and health of the Contractor’s employees, agent and/or subcontractor on or near the site. The Contractor, in conjunction with the owner and/or the consultant, is responsible for determining when impacted soil and/or water are encountered. In these instances, the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that its employees where appropriate personal protective equipment. Impacted soils which require excavation must be transported by the Contractor and stock piled on­site at the designated staging area. 2. Safety a. The Contractor will be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work as may be required by statute, law or a Site Health and Safety Plan. The Contractor will take all necessary precautions for the safety of, will provide the necessary equipment for the safety of, and will provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to all employees on the work site and other persons who may be affected thereby including safety precaution related to all the work and all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, and other property at the site or adjacent thereto. b. Chemical and/or laboratory analyses may have been performed on the waste, soil and/or groundwater in the work area. These analyses and other data representing site conditions are available for review at the office of the consultant. The consultant and owner do not imply that these test results or other information are representative, exhaustive, or comprehensive. The consultant and owner expressly disclaim any warranties as to the test data and other information. The Contractor assumes responsibility for obtaining and studying the results of all chemical analyses and measurements performed on waste, soil or groundwater in the area of investigation and the relationship between these analyses and 7­38 measurements and the work. c. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable federal, state and/or local regulations regarding worker safety and environmental protection as it pertains to the Work. If a conflict occurs between any of these requirements, the more stringent shall apply. B. Health and Safety Requirements 1. The Contractor shall ensure that all the Contractor’s personnel and subcontractor’s who may be exposed to hazardous substances, health hazards or safety hazards are thoroughly trained according to the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations specified in 29 CFR 1910.120, and are advised as to the potential risks in the work area. Training shall include but not be limited to, use of personal protective equipment (including respirators), documentation hazard recognition, safe operating procedures, and emergency response. At least one on­site employee shall hold a valid first aid and CPR certificate. 2. The consultant shall prepare, and the contractor shall abide by, a project­specific Site Health and Safety Plan. The plan will establish specific requirements to ensure worker protection when impacted soil and/or groundwater are encountered during completion of the work. 3. The Contractor shall designate a Site Safety Coordinator (SSC) to implement, monitor, and enforce the contractor’s specific safety programs, as well as the Site Health and Safety Plan. The SSC shall have a sound working knowledge of Federal and State occupational safety and health regulation. The contractors SSC may implement requirements in addition to those specified herein. The consultant is not responsible for enforcing or supervising the contractor’s work and/or safety programs. 4. Should any unforeseen or site specific safety regulated factor, hazard, or condition become evident during the performance of the work, the contractor shall take immediate and prudent action to establish and maintain safe working conditions and to safeguard site personnel, the public, and the environment. The contractor’s SSC shall also immediately inform the consultant of such condition(s). C. Measurement and Payment Payment for work satisfactorily completed under this section of the contract will be considered incidental to the work perfumed on one or more of the bid pay items. 7­39 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS DECONTAMINATION AND CONTAINERIZATION A. General This section covers the work, materials, and equipment necessary for the decontamination of the excavation equipment and tools used to handle impacted soil or groundwater. Also covered is the handling, containerization and transport of waste materials and the fluids generated by decontamination operations. B. Products 1. All equipment, materials and supplies for decontamination, wastewater/spoil handling, containerization, and transport shall be in good working condition prior to use in the work. The Contractor shall operate and maintain equipment in conformance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 2. The Contractor shall use containment and transport devices which limit the spread of suspect materials to non­impact areas of the work site. Also, a sufficient number of new or reconditioned, clean 210 L. Steel drums approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation or other waste containers as required by the work and approved by the consultant, shall be provided by the contractor for the use of the Contractor to collect and transport waste material, decontamination water and other similar materials/wastes to the designated on­site staging area. If reconditioned drums are used, documentation is required to support that the drums have been properly decontaminated prior to use. C. Execution 1. Procedures used for equipment decontamination shall follow ASTM D­5088­90 “Standard Practice for Decontamination of Field Equipment Used at Non­ Radioactive Waste Sites”. 2. Should equipment contamination be noticed either through qualitative or quantitative means, the equipment shall be further decontaminated until clean. Contractor shall provide decontamination solvents and containment systems as may be necessary to achieve compliance with this Section. 3. Decontamination water shall be handled in a manner to prevent spillage. 4. Drums and/or containment devices shall not be overfilled beyond the capacities recommended by the manufacturer. 5. All containment devices shall be labeled with the contents, source and date by the Contractor. 7­40 6. The containment devices shall be transported by the contractor to an on­site staging area designed by the consultant. 7. All waste materials generated by the Contractor and its subcontractors shall be containerized and/or stockpiled and labeled by the Contractor in manner consistent with all applicable environmental , safety and transportation requirements imposed by local, State off Michigan and any applicable Federal agency. The Contractor will be responsible for disposal. D. Measurement and Payment Payment for work satisfactorily completed under this section of the Contract will be considered incidental to the work performed. Waste material handling, stockpiling, containerization, storage and transport to an on­site area will be considered incidental to one or more of the pay items. 7­41 END OF SECTION 7­42 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS NON­HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED MATERIAL HANDLING AND DISPOSAL A. General This work shall consist of all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to handle, transport, and dispose of the non­hazardous contaminated material and shall include any and all laboratory testing required for the proper disposal of the material. B. Construction Methods The work shall be in accordance with the 1996 Standard Specifications for Construction, except as modified herein or as directed by the Engineer. 1. Excavation of Non­Hazardous Contaminated Material Non­hazardous contaminated material shall be excavated as shown on the design plans or as directed by the Engineer or representative. 2. Temporary Storage on Non­Hazardous Contaminated Material Excavated non­hazardous contaminated material which is to be temporarily stockpiled shall be placed on plastic sheeting or tarps having a minimum thickness of .15mm or in trucks, roll off boxes, or other containers such that no liquid may escape from the containment. At the end of each work day, the non­ hazardous contaminated material shall be covered securely with plastic sheeting of .15mm thickness or greater. 3. Sampling and Analysis on Non­Hazardous Contaminated Material The Contractor shall be responsible for all sampling and analysis required for disposal of non­hazardous contaminated material. The analysis required shall be dictated by the Type II disposal facility to be utilized for disposal. Should the results of the analysis show the material to be hazardous, as defined by Part 111, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Act, Act 451, PA 1994, the project engineer shall be notified immediately. The material shall then be disposed of as directed by the Engineer. 4. Disposal of Non­Hazardous Contaminated Material Disposal of non­hazardous contaminated material shall be at a licensed Type II Sanitary Landfill. The Contractor shall submit at the preconstruction meeting the name of the Type II Landfill to be used for disposal, the sampling and analysis requirements of the landfill, and verification that use of the proposed landfill will meet the requirements of the County solid waste plan. The proposed landfill must be acceptable to the City of Marquette and therefore approval must be obtained from the Engineer prior to commencing disposal operations. Prior to 7­43 obtaining approval for disposal for the City of Marquette, the Contractor shall provide a copy of the laboratory analysis to the Engineer. Following disposal and prior to approval of payment the Contractor shall provide the Engineer landfill receipts for all non­hazardous contaminated material disposed of. C. Measurement and Payment The completed work as measured for Non­Hazardous Contaminated Material Handling and Disposal will be paid for at the contract unit price for the following contract item (pay item): Non­Hazardous Contaminated Material Handling and Disposal will be measured by volume in cubic meters, loose measure. Prior to payment the Engineer shall be given receipts from the disposal facility for the number of cubic feet disposed of at the facility. Payment shall include costs for materials, labor, and equipment needed for storage, loading, transportation, testing and disposal of the non­hazardous contaminated material. Disposal costs shall include all documentation required by the landfill. Payment for excavation on non­hazardous contaminated materials shall be included with the related items of work. Delays in testing and disposal of non­hazardous contaminated materials that are not the fault of the Contractor may be considered valid reasons for extension of time. However, these delays and the resultant extensions of time will not be considered valid reasons for additional payment. Should the material test hazardous, payment for disposal of hazardous material shall be as per section 1.09.07 Extra and Force Account Work as per the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction. Hauling shall be by a licensed hazardous waste hauler and disposal shall be at a licensed disposal facility. Prequalification is waived. Pay Item Pay Unit Non­Hazardous Contaminated Material END OF SECTION 7­44 Cft CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE RETAINING WALL A. General Section 706 of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction is amended as follows: In addition to the requirements in the standard specification, the following items shall be included under this section: steel reinforcing, as shown on the plans; fabric and pea gravel as shown on the plans; weep holes, as shown on the plans; and concrete retaining wall (concrete grade S2) as shown on the plans. B. Materials All materials will conform to the provisions of MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction. C. Installation 1. All construction shall conform to the provisions of MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for construction. 2. Installation to be performed by/or under supervision of persons with previous experience in this field. Experience shall be defined as one who has previously installed concrete retaining walls for a period of 10 years of more. Qualifications must be approved by the Engineer. 3. All concrete that is exposed to view after completion of construction shall have a rubbed surface finish. D. Measurement and Payment for Concrete Retaining Wall Concrete retaining wall shall be paid on a square foot basis for all wall placement to the line and grade as shown on the plans. Payment shall be payment in full for all labor, equipment and materials (including foundation excavation, granular class III material backfill, steel reinforcement and all other materials) required to complete the work. Pay Item Pay Unit Retaining Wall, Concrete 7­45 Sft END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION REMOVAL OF EXISTING SIGNS A. General Description Existing traffic signs along the project shall be maintained as much as possible during the construction period. When it becomes necessary to remove the sign, the sign shall be carefully removed and protected by the contractor for reuse by the City of Marquette. Elements to support the sign removed by the contractor shall become the property of the Contractor. The Contractor will deliver the salvaged signs and coordinate with the Public Works Department on the drop off location. Payment for removing signs shall be by each sign and shall be full compensation for all labor, tools, equipment and materials needed to complete the work. Pay Item Pay Unit Sign, Remove Ea END OF SECTION 7­46 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION REMOVING SIDEWALK A. General Description Section 204 of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction for the item of removing sidewalk is modified as follows: Removing concrete driveways will be paid as removing sidewalk. Pay Item Pay Unit Sidewalk, Remove Syd END OF SECTION 7­47 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A. General This section is added to section 208 of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction. B. Scope of work The Contractor shall be responsible for all erosion and sedimentation control measures as required to prevent erosion of slopes and to prevent sediment from entering existing streams, ponds, or storm sewers. This shall apply not only to public rights­of­way, but also private properties adjacent to or downstream of the construction influence area (CIA). Soil erosion and sediment control measures shall include silt fence, culvert sediment traps, excavated sediment traps, sand bags, and other such effective measures necessary to control erosion or as may be directed by the engineer. The project contains a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan. The Contractor shall use this plan as a guide to minimum requirements. In addition to the measures listed above and shown on the plans, the Contractor shall stage his work so as to minimize the potential for erosion and sedimentation. For example: Graveling and permanent restoration work shall closely follow the grading operation. If an area is subject to erosion, the contractor shall take immediate steps to prevent sediment from leaving the construction area. Stockpiles of soils prone to erosion that will be stored in the right of way will be required to have tarp coverage. In addition the uphill end of the stockpile shall be sand bagged on the uphill end in an arc to divert any concentrated flows. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to monitor the National Weather Services predictions and to avoid working an area subject to erosion if weather conditions are predicted to include moderate to heavy precipitation. The Contractor shall have on staff a certified storm water operator and report weekly on the status of soil control measures and proposed activities for the following week. C. Measurement and Payment Payment shall be made for the item of soil erosion and sedimentation control on a lump sum basis. The Contractor shall include all costs for construction and maintenance for erosion control measures in the item of soil erosion and sedimentation control. If at any time the potential for erosion or sedimentation loss exists the City Engineer may stop work until the condition is corrected. Failure to make these corrections after repeated 7­48 discussions will result in the City of Marquette Public Works Department doing these repairs with the cost of making such repairs being deducted from the contract. Partial payments will be made on a percentage of plan erosion control measures placed. Pay Item Pay Unit Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control END OF SECTION 7­49 LS CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION POLE HOLDING A. General Description Contractor shall be responsible for holding poles that may need to be supported during work. 1. Construction Methods Contractor shall hold utility poles that may need support during work. Contractor shall develop a means and methods procedure for holding poles and have it approved by the Marquette Board of Light and Power prior to starting work. Contractor shall coordinate his work with the Marquette Board of Light and Power. 2. Measurement and Payment Will be paid for by each. Work includes all material, equipment and labor to perform this work for the required time each pole is to be held. Pay Item Pay Unit Pole Holding Ea 7­50 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION MAIL BOX POSTS A. Description Relocating of mailbox shall be done at the direction of the City Engineer or when accessibility to a mailbox is cut off. B. Construction Methods This work consists of removing existing mailbox supports and mailboxes and relocating them during construction staging. Existing newspaper boxes and supports that interfere with construction shall be removed and stored for the property owners’ future installation. The contractor shall maintain serviceability of the existing mail boxes and support during all stages of construction. Temporary location of mailbox, if required, shall be approved by the City of Marquette Engineer and the Postmaster prior to work. A new post shall be installed at the permanent location after construction activities are completed. The existing mailbox shall be attached securely to the post and the existing support shall be disposed of at the property owners’ option. Mailbox posts shall be set in the ground so that the top shall be approximately 48 inch above the surface of the shoulder of the road or mailbox turnout. The exact height will be determined by the City Engineer. The posts shall be sawed so that the top of the post is level. C. Materials Posts used for mailbox posts shall be manufactured from the following species: Red Oak, Hard Maple, Red Maple, White Ash, White­Heartwood Beech, Yellow Birch, Northern White Cedar, (Red Pine, Eastern White Pine, Northern white Pine; No. 1 or better), Douglas­fir; No. 2 or better, southern Pine Species; No. 2 or better. Mailbox box posts shall be 72 inch long and shall either be a nominal 4 inch square cross section or a round cross section having a minimum diameter of 4 ½ inch. Post shall be treated according to AWPA Standards C1 and C2 and ASTM D 1760. The contractor is advised that the V­Loc mailbox post, as produced by Foresight Products, Inc. 10780 Irma Drive, Northglenn, Colorado, 80233 also of P.O. Box 626, Leland, Michigan 49654, is an acceptable alternate to the wood mailbox post illustrated on Standard Plan R74­ C, “Bumper and Parking Rails, and Misc. Wood Posts”. D. Measurement and Payment 7­51 Payment for post, mailbox included removing and relocating the existing support during construction activities, maintaining serviceability, placing a new post (standard) at the permanent location after construction activities are completed, removing the mailbox from the old support and attaching it firmly to the new post, and disposing of the old support. Payment to remove, and store the existing newspaper boxes and supports are included in the item Posts, Mailbox and will not be paid for separately. The contractor shall give the affected property owner the option of disposing of the old support. CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION MODULAR RETAINING WALL A. General Information The retaining wall system utilized on this project shall be of gravity design. The system used shall be the “Keystone Retaining Wall System”, the “Rockwood Classic Retaining Wall System”, or the “Stonewall Select Retaining Wall System” utilizing the standard block system with straight split face units or approved equal. The units shall be self draining and shall form a mortarless, interlocking network. The “Geogrid” system will be incorporated as reinforcement. Units shall be colored with the color selected by the Engineer from at least 6 different manufacturer’s colors. Samples shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer. B. Installation Locations and height of retaining walls shall be as directed by the Engineer and as shown on the construction plans. The bottom of the first row of retaining wall blocks shall be installed 7 ¼ inch below finished grade on a 6 inch thick bed of crushed stone upon which the subsoil has been compacted to at least 95% of maximum density (modified proctor method). A minimum of 12 inch of granular material shall be placed behind the units to allow for adequate drainage. The cap blocks shall be bonded to the top course with keystone kapseal or approved equal. C. Payment All other items necessary to complete the retaining wall including excavation and granular material shall be considered included in the work item. Pay Item Pay Unit Retaining Wall, Modular END OF SECTION 7­52 Sft CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS RAILINGS A. General The work included in this Supplemental Specification includes the materials, equipment and labor to install the Pedestrian Railings of the types detailed on the plans and as specified herein. Pedestrian Railings include all handrails, anchor bolts, paint and related materials and parts necessary to complete or fasten each item detailed. B. Materials Shop drawings shall be submitted for all steel fabrications included in this project. All steel and steel assemblies shall be clean and free from rust. All shall be shop primed. 1. Steel A. Handrails and other steel included in this work shall be constructed of minimum A­36 steel to conform to the details shown on the plans or as on approved shop drawings as submitted by the Contractor. Grind all exposed welds smooth for shop priming. 2. Paint A. Samples shall be submitted by the Contractor for the finish specified on the type of material on which the finish is to be used. Samples shall be mixed and adjusted, as directed, to reach desired coloring. Only compatible coating systems will be permitted for all coats. B. The following paint finished are required for this work: a. First Coat: Benjamin­Moore’s Iron Clad Retard­X Inhibitive Latex Primer (163), or approved alternate. b. Second Coat: Benjamin­Moore’s Alkyd Dulamel (207), or approved alternate. c. Third Coat: Benjamin­Moore’s Alkyd Dulamel (207), or approved alternate. 7­53 C. Film thickness shall conform to manufacturer’s recommendations. 3. Other Materials a. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor s subject to the approval of the Engineer. C. Construction Methods Installation shall conform to the plans for each type of rail noted. All welds shall be performed using certified welders only. Welds shall be ground smooth for painting and where required for proper fit of other material. Work shall be performed by an adequate number of skilled workers, thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work in this section. Mix and prepare paint materials in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations producing a mixture a uniform density. When materials are not in use, store in tightly covered containers, remove films which may have formed on the surface and strain the materials, if necessary prior to use. An adequate number of properly trained, skilled workers who are familiar with this specification shall be used. Prepare surfaces in accordance with paint manufacturer’s recommendations, removing and protruding nails and patching holes, as approved by the Engineer. Remove items which are in place and are not scheduled to receive paint, reinstalling the items by using properly trained workers following the completion of painting. The cleaning and painting should be scheduled such that dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall onto newly painted surfaces. For application of the approved paint, use only equipment recommended for application of the particular paint and approved by the Engineer. Touch­up shop applied prime coats which have been damaged and touch­up bare areas prior to start of finish coats application and soon after surface preparation has been completed. Additional coats shall not be applied until the completed coat has been inspected and approved. Sand and dust between coats, as necessary, to remove defects visible to the unaided eye from a distance of five feet. All materials shall be applied uniformly, free of runs, sags, wrinkles, streaks, shiners and brush marks. Reductions in viscosity shall be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s label directions. All sufficient drying time between coats, modifying the period recommended by the manufacturer to suit adverse weather conditions. Solvent­thinned paints will not be permitted when the ambient air temperature is below 50 degrees F, unless permitted by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. Oil­base and oleo­esinous type paint will be considered dry when the paint feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate pressure of the thumb, and when the application of another coat of paint does not cause 7­54 lifting or loss of adhesion of the undercoat. Spray applications shall be limited to metal framework and similar surfaces where hand brush work would be inferior, as approved by the Engineer. In this case, apply each coat to provide the hiding equivalent to brush coats. Doubling back with spray equipment to build up film thickness will not be permitted. When work is completed, match the approved samples as to texture, color and overage. Remove, refinish or repaint work not in compliance with the specified requirements. D. Measurement and Payment Payment for this item shall include all work to provide the pedestrian and hand railings, attachments, painting and hardware installed at the locations called for on the plan sheets. Pay Item Pay Unit Pedestrian Guardrail 7­55 Foot END OF SECTION 7­56 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION REHABILITATION OF SANITARY SEWER A. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ­ PIPE REHABILITATION USING A SLIP LINING PROCESS 1. Work Included The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials necessary to complete the lining of sanitary sewers as stipulated herein and as shown on the Contract Drawings. As becomes applicable to this specific Contract, the work shall include the preparation of the construction site, including a thorough cleaning and television inspection before and after the lining; flow control bypass pumping; protection of existing conditions during installation work; reinstatement of all laterals; unloading; hauling; distributing and installation; testing of all pipe. 2. Intent of Specification It is the intent of this Specification to provide for the reconstruction of sanitary sewers by the installation of a pipe liner into the existing sewer line. When installed, the pipe liner shall extend over the length of the pipe between manholes in a continuous, tight fitting, watertight pipe­within­a­pipe. The lining system proposed by the Contractor shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. The system shall be installed using “Trenchless Technology”, no excavation of the main will be required. Sanitary laterals will be replaced by use of the open cut method. B. Quality Assurance 1. Codes and Standards Work performed under this Section shall conform to the Drawings and Specifications and shall comply with all standards, rules and regulations, laws and ordinances of the Owner and all other authorities having jurisdiction, as amended. That which is necessary to make the work comply with the above requirements shall be provided without additional cost to the Owner. C. Submittal 1. Materials List After the award of the contract and before any sewer system materials are delivered to the job site, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a complete list of all materials proposed to be furnished and installed. Submittal shall show manufacture’s name and catalog number for each item, furnish complete catalog cuts and technical data, and furnish the manufacture’s recommendations as to method of installation. 2. Upon approval of the Engineer, the manufacture’s recommendations shall become the basis for acceptance or rejections of actual methods of installation used in the work. 7­57 3. The Contractor shall not permit any sewer lining component to be brought onto the job site until it has been approved by the City Engineer. D. Product Handling 1. Active Sewers Maintain in operating condition all active sanitary and storm sewers encountered in the sewer lining installation. 2. Connections to Existing Sewers and Manholes The Contractor shall make all required connections to existing sewers and manholes and carry out such work in accordance with local standards and requirements and as directed by the Engineer. Extreme care to prevent debris from entering existing sewers to by lined shall be exercised. E. Pipe Lining Materials 1. The liner shall be fabricated to a size which, when installed, will neatly fit the internal circumference of the conduit specified by the Engineer. Allowance for circumferential expansion during installation shall be made. 2. The minimum length shall be of a distance to span the distance from the inlet to the outlet of the respective pipe to be lined. The Contractor shall verify the lengths in the field before insertion of the liner. The minimum thickness shall be SAR 32.5, which shall be verified by the design calculations of a professional engineer. The Contractor shall furnish, prior to use of the materials, satisfactory written certification of his compliance with the manufacture’s standards for all materials and conformance with the methods of the manufacturer. F. EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. Inspection a. Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspect the area for present existing conditions. b. Verify that the sewer liner is to be installed in the strict accordance with all pertinent codes and regulations, the original design, the referenced standards and the manufacturer’s recommendations. 2. Discrepancies a. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Engineer. b. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. G. Field Measurements 7­58 Make all necessary measurements in the field to ensure precise fit of items in accordance with the Drawings. H. Inspection of Pipe Liner 1. Approvals No pipe shall be lined without prior notification of the City Engineer or the Engineer’s representative. Each pipe liner shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer or the engineer’s representative immediately before it is installed, and defective liner will be rejected. I. Installation of Pipe Liner 1. Installation Procedures The following installation procedures shall be adhered to unless otherwise approved by the Owner’s representative. a. Safety: The Contractor shall carry out his operations in strict accordance with all OSHA and manufacturer’s safety requirements. Particular attention is drawn to those safety requirements involving working with hazardous/combustible materials, scaffolding, and entering confined spaces. b. Cleaning of Sewer Line: It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to remove all internal debris from the sewer line. c. Inspection of Pipe Lines: Inspection of pipelines shall be performed by experienced personnel trained in locating breaks, obstacles, and service connections by closed circuit television. The interior of the pipeline shall be carefully inspected to determine the locations of any conditions which may prevent the proper installation of the liner into the pipeline, and it shall be noted so that these conditions can be corrected. A video tape and suitable log shall be kept for later reference by the Owner. d. Bypassing Flow: The Contractor, when required, shall provide for the flow around the section of pipe designated for the liner. The bypass shall be made by plugging the line at an existing upstream manhole and pumping the flow into a downstream manhole or adjacent system. The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow. e. Line Obstructions: It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clear the line of obstructions or collapsed pipe that will prevent the insertion of the liner. If inspection reveals an obstruction that cannot be removed by conventional sewer cleaning equipment, then the Contractor shall make a point repair excavation to uncover and remove or repair the obstruction. Such excavation shall be approved in writing by the Owner’s representative prior to the commencement of the work and shall be 7­59 considered as a separate pay item. 2. Installation of Pipe Liner The method of installation shall be compatible with the manufacturer’s recommended practices. For the pipe liner, the installation shall be as follows: a. The liner pipe shall be inserted into the sewer through existing manholes, without modification of the manholes. b. After insertion is completed, the Contractor shall have equipment capable of delivering a heat source through the lining section to uniformly raise the temperature to effect forming of the liner pipe. This temperature shall be determined by the system employed. c. The heat source shall be fitted with suitable monitors to gauge the steam temperature at the input and exhaust ends of the liner. Another device such as thermocouple shall be placed between the liner and the pipe invert at the remote manhole to determine the temperature of the liner material during forming. Heat monitoring methods and forming period shall be recommended by the liner manufacturer. d. The liner pipe shall be expanded until it is pressed tightly against the existing pipe walls. e. If the liner fails to install properly, the Contractor shall remove the failed liner and replace it with a new liner. This work shall be performed without additional cost to the Owner. f. After the liner has been formed, the ends of the liner shall be cut away at both manholes. g. When the installation is complete, the liner pipe shall be continuous over the entire length of run between two manholes and be as free as commercially practical from visual defects such as foreign inclusions and pin holes. It shall also meet the leakage requirements or pressure test specified below. h. Any defects which will affect in the foreseeable future or the warrant period, the integrity or strength of the liner pipe shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense. Allowance shall be given for excess pipe (rib) when the cross­sectional area has been reduced due to offset joints, partial collapse, out­of­round sections, etc. 3. Sealing Manholes If, due to broken or offset pipe at the manhole wall, the pipe liner fails to make a tight seal, the Contractor shall apply a seal at that point. The seal shall be of a resin mixture compatible with the liner pipe material. 7­60 4. Service Connections a. The Contractor shall make every effort to maintain service usage throughout the duration of the project. In the event that a service will be temporarily out of service, the maximum amount of time of no service shall be 12 hours for any property served by the sewer. The Contractor shall be required to notify the City and all affected properties whose service laterals will be out of commission and to advise against water usage until the sewer main is back in service. Such notification shall be provided to the City of Marquette Public Works Department at least 72 hours prior to service disconnecting. b. Public Notification ­ A public notification program shall be implemented, and shall as a minimum, require the Contractor to be responsible for contacting each home or business connected to the sanitary sewer and informing them of the work to be conducted, and when the sewer will be off­line. The Contractor shall also provide the following: ­ Written notice to be delivered to each home or business describing the work, schedule, how it affects them, and the local telephone number of the contractor they can call to discuss the project or any problems which could arise. ­ Personal contact and attempted written notice the day prior to the beginning of work being conducted on the section relative to the residents affected. ­ Personal contact with any home or business which cannot be reconnected within the time stated in the written notice. 5. Testing The Contractor shall provide liner specimens for testing to the Owner after installation. All expenses for the testing of these specimens will be paid by the Owner. The cost of re­tests made necessary by the failure of the samples of specimens to meet the specified requirements shall be paid for by the Contractor. Testing the water tightness of the liner shall be gauged by hydrostatic pressure of the equivalent to the maximum depth of the existing sewer pipe being lined. The test shall last for a minimum of 2 hours and shall show no signs of leakage. As part of the testing requirement, upon completion of the installation, a visual inspection shall be performed of the pipe liner in place via a closed circuit television camera. A video tape (VHS) of the inspection shall be provided to the Owner. 6. Clean­up a. The Contractor shall restore or replace all removed or damaged paving, curbing, sidewalks, gutters, shrubbery, fences, sod or other disturbed surfaces or structures in a condition equal to that before the work began, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and shall furnish all labor and 7­61 material incidental thereto. b. Surplus liner material, tools and temporary structures shall be removed by the Contractor. All dirt, rubbish, and excess earth from operation shall be legally disposed of by the Contractor, and the construction site shall be left clean to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 7. Warranty The Contractor shall Warrant all work to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from the date of final completion of all construction. 8. Patents The Contractor shall Warrant and save harmless the Owner and his City Engineer or the Engineer’s representatives against claims for patent infringement and any loss thereof. J. Measurement and Payment Rehabilitation of the existing sanitary sewer by means of slip lining or other approved methods will be paid for by the lineal meter. Payment shall be made in full for all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the job. Under this contract the work for sewer rehabilitation will be paid for under the item of work “Pipe Lining, Sanitary Sewer”. Pay Item Pay Unit Pipe Lining, Sanitary Sewer END OF SECTION 7­62 Foot CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS INTEGRAL COLORED BITUMEN CONCRETE A. Description This work shall consist of furnishing and placing bituminous surface course mixture in accordance with the 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications, as applicable, with modification to the aggregates and bituminous mixture compositions specified herein. Modification of the bituminous mixture will be per the manufacturers specifications in order to obtain the desired colored effect. B. Materials 1. Aggregates The aggregate used in the bituminous mixture shall meet the gradation and physical requirements specified in the 2012 Standard Specifications with any exceptions and additions specified herein. Colored aggregates may be used in conjunction with the inorganic pigments to enhance the desired colored effect of the bituminous mixture per the manufactures specifications. 2. Asphalt Colorant Inorganic pigments such as iron oxide, chrome oxide, titanium dioxide and mixed phased pigments are especially suitable for coloring bituminous mixes. Due to the use of dark road bitumen only the iron oxide red and perhaps, chrome oxide green are suitable as pigments. This project will require the use of the iron oxide red to obtain the desired colored effect. Manufacturers of the colorant required for this project are “Asphacolor” by the ASPHACOLOR CORPORATION, “ Bayferrox 130 C” by BAYER CHEMICALS, or approved equal. Mixing of the colorant into the bituminous mixture will be done in strict accordance with the manufactures specifications. C. Mixing Notice Because of the variety of asphalt mix designs in different areas of the country it is not possible to specify an exact mixing formula for optimum use of the bituminous colorant. Contact will be made with the manufacturer of the colorant product by the Contractor of the hot mix plant to obtain advice on the mixing formula required to obtain the desired color of the bitumen concrete. D. Coverage and Preparation of Pavement Surfaces It is recommended that bitumen concrete colorant, when mixed with hot asphalt, be installed in at least one inch layers. Existing asphalt should be prepared in a matter consistent with preparing of asphalt for an overlay. Old asphalt should be cleaned and a tack coat should be applied prior to installation. Newly placed asphalt (base course) should have a tack coat applied over it prior to installation to inhibit greater bonding. Pavement surface 7­63 temperatures should be 50° F (10°C) and rising before application of the final mixed produce is initiated. E. Cure Time Cure time is a factor of traffic and current weather conditions. The same procedures that are used for standard hot mix overlays should be observed. As with standard asphalt hot mix applications the pavement will fade from a shinny dark surface to a lighter duller surface. The original color hue will be dark and shinny and will fade into a beautiful earthtone surface within a one month time period. F. Measurement and Payment Integral Colored Bitumen Concrete shall be paid on a per ton basis. Payment shall be payment in full for all labor, equipment and materials that are required to produce the desired final product and required to complete the work. Pay Item Pay Unit Integral Colored, Bitum Concrete END OF SECTION 7­64 Ton CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL PIPE GASKETS A. Description This work shall consist of furnishing and placing special gaskets for all watermain piping and fittings used for this project. B. Materials The gaskets required will be either Nitrile (NBR), fluoro carbon gaskets or an approved equal as required by the Engineer. C. Measurement and Payment Payment shall be made in full for all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the job. Under this contract the work for installing the special gaskets will be included with the water main piping or water main fittings. 7­65 END OF SECTION 7­66 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION A. Description Contractor shall be responsible for designating centrally located areas for garbage collection agreed upon by engineer and with assisting residents in getting their garbage to this location. The Contractor may be required to transport the garbage to the collection point for the residents. Garbage collection will still occur on the normally scheduled day for the given neighborhood. Written notification as to the location of the garbage pick up shall be given to Waste Management, the residents and the Municipal Service Center. All trash incorrectly placed and not picked up by the collection shall become the property and responsibility of the Contractor. Garbage collection will not have a separate pay item. It shall be considered part of project clean­up. END OF SECTION 7­67 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION PAVEMENT MARKING, INLAY COLD PLASTIC A. General This Item shall consist of furnishing and installing the inlay cold plastic pavement markings at the locations shown on the plans. B. Materials Select marking material from the Qualified Products List. D. Construction The inlay method involves pressing the marking material into the new warm (138° F to 167° F) bituminous pavement with a finishing roller. When marking by inlay application method for cold plastic, the material is required to withstand the pressure of 5 to 10 ton tandem rollers used to embed the material into the new bituminous surface. The inlay application method does not require the application of contact cement on the pavement surface. Transverse and all special markings shall be placed and rolled at least once with a 200 lb minimum roller prior to the finish rolling. Additional rolling is not required for longitudinal applications when the equipment installing the line is equipped with a roller. The placed line shall not vary in width more than 1/8 of an inch. Pavement markings which become deformed during the inlay process, due to shifting, turning, or twisting, shall be replaced at the contractor’s expense. The marking material will be installed full width. The fabrication of markings by the use of other partial material sections shall not be allowed. G. Measurement This Item will be measured by each marking as called out on the plans. H. Payment The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all submittals, labor, materials, traffic control, mobilization, freight, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placement of the symbol, complete in place. The skips in dashed lines are not included in the measurement. 7­68 Pay Item Pay Unit Pavt Mrkg, Inlay Cold Plastic, Lt Turn Arrow Sym Each Pavt Mrkg, Inlay Cold Plastic, Only Each Pavt Mrkg, Inlay Cold Plastic, Thru and Rt Turn Arrow Sym Each Pavt Mrkg, Inlay Cold Plastic, 12 Inch, Crosswalk, Ladder Hatching Foot Pavt Mrkg, Inlay Cold Plastic, 24 Inch, Stop Bar Foot END OF SECTION 7­69 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT A. General This Item shall consist of furnishing and installing geogrid reinforcement in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the plans. B. Materials Structural Soil Reinforcement Geogrid – The geogrid shall be integrally formed and employed as a single layer having the following characteristics (ALL VALUES ARE MINUMUM AVERAGE ROLL VALUES UNLESS A RANGE OR CHARACTERISTIC IS INDICATED): Property Test Method Aperture Stability Modulus Kinney ­ 01 at 20 cm­kg Rib Shape Observation Rib Thickness Callipered Nominal Aperture Size I.D. Callipered Junction Efficiency GRI­GG2­87 Flexural Rigidity ASTM D1388­ 96 Minimum True Initial Modulus in Use ASTM D6637­ 01 ­ MD ­ CMD Units Type 1 Type 2 cm­kg/deg 3.2 6.5 N/A Rectangular or Square Rectangular or Square in 0.03 0.05 (mm) (0.76) (1.27) in 1.0 to 1.5 1.0 to 1.5 (mm) (25 to 33) (25 to 33) % 93 93 mg­cm 250,000 750,000 lb/ft 17,140 27,420 (kN/m) (250) (410) lb/ft 27,420 44,550 (kN/m) (400) (620) C. Submittals 1. The Contractor shall submit 3 sets of detailed design calculations, construction drawings, and shop drawings for approval at least 20 days prior to the beginning of construction. 7­70 The calculations and drawings shall be prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State. Upon approval, the Engineer will make available 1 set of the drawings to the Contractor. The Contractor shall obtain the approved drawings prior to commencing construction. 2.Submit geogrid product data sheet and certification from the Manufacturer that the geogrid product supplied meets the requirements of the characteristics table above. 3. Submit geogrid product samples approximately 4 inches by 7 inches or larger and consisting of at least 4 entire apertures. 4. Submit Manufacturer's installation instructions and general recommendations. E. Storage and Protection 1. Prevent excessive mud, wet concrete, epoxy , or other deleterious materials from coming in contact with and affixing to the geogrid materials. 2. Store at temperatures above ­20 degrees F (­29 degrees C). 3. Rolled materials may be laid flat or stood on end. F. Construction Methods The sub grade shall be prepared as indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The geogrid shall be installed in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the plans. The geogrid shall be oriented such that the roll length runs parallel to the road direction. Geogrid sections shall be overlapped as indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Minimum overlap shall be one (1) foot in both directions. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, plastic ties shall be used at overlaps. The transverse spacing of the ties shall be 4 to 5 feet and the longitudinal tie spacing shall be 10 to 20 feet, as approved by ­the Engineer. Placement of the geogrid around corners may require cutting and diagonal lapping. The geogrid shall be pinned at the beginning of the backfilling section but will be left free to stretch or relieve tension throughout the remainder of the work area. Fill material shall be placed in lift thicknesses and compacted as shown on the plans. Tracked construction equipment shall operate on the grid with a minimum fill cover of six (6) inches. Turning of equipment shall be gradual and kept to a minimum to avoid damage to the geogrid. Rubber­tired equipment may operate directly on the grid at speeds less than five (5) miles per hour if the underlying material is capable of supporting the loads. Sections of geogrid which are damaged by construction activity shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. All repaired sections shall contain a minimum 3 foot lap in all directions. G. Measurement This Item will be measured by the square yard of surface area as shown on the plans. No measurement will be made for lapping of material. 7­71 H. Payment The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid for "Geogrid Reinforcement". This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all submittals, labor, quality assurance, materials, freight, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placement of the grid, complete in place. Pay Item Pay Unit Geogrid Reinforcement Square Yard END OF SECTION 7­72 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION STAMPED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (LANDSCAPE) A. General This Section includes cement concrete pavement imprinted as follows: 1. Colored stamped textured concrete. Cobblestone Random Interlocking Pattern and cobblestone Stacked Bond. B. Submittals 1. Product Data: For each type of manufactured material and product indicated. 2. Design Mixes: For each colored stamped concrete pavement mix. Include alternative mix designs when characteristics of materials, project conditions, weather, test results or other circumstances warrant adjustment. 3. Material Certificates: Signed by manufacturers certifying that each of the following materials complies with requirements: a. Cementitious materials and aggregates b. Steel reinforcement and reinforcement accessories. c. Admixtures. d. Applied finish materials. e. Curing compounds. C. Quality Assurance 1. Installer Qualifications: An experience installer who has completed stamped cement concrete pavement similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in­service performance. Installers on site foreman must have 5 years experience in the above qualifications. 2. Ready­Mixed Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer of ready­mixed concrete products complying with ASTM C 94 requirements for production facilities and equipment. a. Manufacturer must be certified according to the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association’s “Certification Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities Quality Control Manual.” 7­73 3. Source Limitations: Obtain each type or class of cementitious material of the same brand from the same manufacturer’s plant and each aggregate from one source. 4. Comply with ACI 301, “Specification for Structural Concrete,” unless modified by the requirements of the Contract Documents. 5. Concrete Testing Service: testing to be performed by owner’s representatives. 6. Field­Constructed Mockups: Prior to installation of colored concrete and stamped concrete paving and curb work, erect sample panels in place to further verify selections made for color and textural characteristics, under sample submittals to represent completed concrete paving work for qualities of appearance, materials and construction; build mock­ups to comply with the following requirements. Cast a minimum of 8’ x 8’ Mockup to demonstrate typical joints, surface finish, texture, color and standard of workmanship. The cost for four (4) mockups shall be included in the price bid for decorative concrete. a. Build mockup in the location and of the size indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by City Engineer. b. Notify City Engineer seven days in advance of dates and times when mockup will be constructed. c. Obtain City Engineer’s approval of mockup before starting construction. d. Maintain mockup during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. e. The City intends to use mockups for park bench pads and will direct contractor as to the location of mockups. Pre­installation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements and the following: Before installing Portland cement concrete paving, meet with representative of authorities having jurisdiction, OWNER, ENGINEER, consultants, independent testing agency, and other concerned entities to review requirements. Notify participants at least three (3) working days before conference. D. Materials And Products 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering stamped cement concrete pavement systems that may be incorporated into the work are: a. Increte systems or Scofield Company. b. Equal Products pre­approved by the Engineer: It shall be the contractor/manufacturer to provide data and samples required to 7­74 prove that a product/system is equal in quality and color to the Increte System or Scofield Company. The Engineer shall have the final decision if a product is approved. 2. Form Materials: Plywood, metal, metal­framed plywood, or other approved panel­type materials to provide full­depth, continuous, true and smooth exposed surfaces. a. 3. Use flexible or curved forms that will provide uniform curvature for curves of a radius of 100 feet or less. Steel Reinforcement Materials a. Reinforcing Bars: ASTMS A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, deformed. b. Steel Bar Mats: ASTM A 184/A 184M: with ASTMS A 615/A 615M, grade 60, deformed bars, assembled with clips. c. Joint Dowel Bars: Plain steel bars, ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60. Cut bars true to length with ends square and free of burrs. d. Bar Supports: Bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcing bars, welded wire fabric, and dowels in place. Manufacture bar supports according to CRSI’s “Manual of Standard Practice” from steel wire plastic, or precast concrete or fiber­reinforced concrete of greater compressive strength than concrete. 4. Concrete Materials a. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II b. Fly Ash: AASTM C 618. Type I. c. Aggregate: ASTM C 33, uniformly graded with coarse aggregate as follows: i. Class 4S ii. Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size: ¾ inch. d. Water: Potable and complying with ASTM C 94. 5. Admixtures certified by manufacturer to contain not more than 0.1 percent water­ soluble chloride ions by mass of cement and to be compatible with other admixtures. Do not use admixtures containing calcium chloride. a. Air­Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. b. Water­Reducing Admixture: ASTMS C 494, Type A. c. Water­Reducing and Accelerating Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type E. 7­75 d. Water­Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type D. 6. Color Materials 7. 8. a. Decorative Concrete Dry­Shake Color hardener as manufactured by Increte Systems/Decorative Concrete Resources or equal: Packaged dry combination of materials consisting of portland cement graded quartz aggregate, coloring pigments, and placticizing admixture. Use coloring pigments that are finely ground nonfading mineral exides interground with cement. Color to be tile as manufactured by Increte Systems. Recommended coverage 60 lbs./100 sq. ft. b. Release Agent: Dry shake powder to facilitate release of imprinting tools as manufactured by Increte Systems or equal. Color as selected by ENGINEER as manufactured by Increte Systems/Decorative Concrete Resources. c. Concrete Integral Color: Pre­weighed and packaged dry high grade coloring pigment meeting ASTM C979. Color to be C­22 Coral Red for the Cobblestone Random Interlocking Pattern and C­27 Westwood Brown for the Cobblestone Staked Bond as manufactured by Scofield or equal. Imprinting Tools a. Manufacturer: Scofield. b. Mat Tools: Tools shall be high quality resilient mats reproduced from castings of natural materials and providing uniform control of joint depth. c. Patterns to be Cobblestone Stacked Bond and Cobblestone Random Interlocking Pattern. Curing and Sealing Materials a. b. 9. Ultra Grip or Shur­Grip: Provide “Shur­Grip” as manufactured by Increte Systems or equal. Shur­Grip shall be added at one pound per five gallons of sealer or coating. Related Materials a. 10. Sealer: Provide “Clear Seal” as manufactured by Increte Systems or equal. Sealer shall be solvent based with acrylic resins. No curing compound sealers shall be used. Joint­Filler Strips: ASTM D 1751, asphalt­saturated cellulosic fiber, or ASTM D 1752, cork or self­expanding cork. Concrete Mixes 7­76 a. Prepare design mixes, proportioned according to ACI 211.1 and ACI 301, for each type and strength of normal­weight concrete determined by either laboratory trial mix or field test data bases. b. Use a qualified independent testing agency for preparing and reporting proposed mix designs for the laboratory trial mix basis. c. Proportion mixes to provide concrete with the following properties: d. i. Compressive Strength (28 Days): 3500 psi. ii. Maximum Water­cementitious Materials Ratio: 0.45. iii. Maximum Slump: 4 inches. Cementitious Materials: Limit percentage, by weight, of cementitious materials other than portland cement in concrete as follows: i. e. 11. Fly Ash: 10 percent. Add air­entraining admixture at manufacturer’s prescribed rate to result in concrete at point of placement having an air content not exceeding 6.0 percent. Concrete Mixing a. Ready­Mixed Concrete: Comply with ASTM C 94. i. When air temperature is between 85 and 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time from 1 ½ hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. D. Execution And Preparation 1. Pre­Pour Preparation a. Lay Out: Carefully lay out form work and joints, taking into consideration pattern, intended aesthetics, and construction sequence. Lay out along lines of patterns to run across the normal line of sight (except where otherwise shown on Drawings). b. Proof­roll prepared subbase surface to check for unstable areas and to verify need for additional compaction. Proceed with pavement work only after noncomplying conditions have been corrected and subgrade is ready to receive pavement. c. Remove loose material from compacted subbase surface immediately before placing concrete. d. Protect adjacent construction from discoloration and spillage during application of color hardeners, release agents, curing compounds, and sealers. 7­77 2. 3. Edge Forms and Screed Construction a. Set, brace, and secure edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed guides for pavement to required lines, grades, and elevations. Install forms to allow continuous progress of work and so forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after placing concrete. b. Clean forms after each use and coat with form­release agent to ensure separation from concrete without damage. Steel Reinforcement a. 4. Comply with CRSI’s “Manual of Standard Practice” for fabricating reinforcement and with recommendations in CRSI’s “Placing Reinforcing Bars” for placing and supporting reinforcement. Joints a. General: Construct joints and tool edgings true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete Construct transverse joints at right angles to centerline, unless otherwise indicated. b. Construction Joints: Set construction joints at side and end terminations of pavement and at locations where pavement operations are stopped for more than one­half hour, unless pavement terminates at isolation joints. c. i. Continue reinforcement across construction joints, unless otherwise indicated. Do not continue reinforcement through sides of strip pavement, unless otherwise indicated. ii. Use bonding agent at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. Isolation Joints: Form isolation joints of preformed joint­filer strips abutting concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, walks, other fixed objects and where indicated. i. Locate expansion joints at intervals of 50 feet, unless otherwise indicated. ii. Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint, terminating flush with finished concrete surface, unless otherwise indicated. iii. Furnish joint fillers in one­piece lengths for full width being placed where possible. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint­filler sections together. iv. Protect top edge of joint filler during concrete placement with metal, plastic, or other temporary preformed cap. Removed protective cap after concrete has been placed on both sides of joint. 7­78 d. Dowel Joints: Install dowel sleeves and dowels or dowel bar and support assemblies at joints where indicated. i. e. Contraction Joints: Form weakened­plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one­fourth of the concrete thickness, as follows: i. f. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond­rimmed blades. Cut 1/8­ inch­side joints into concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface and before concrete develops random contraction cracks. Saw cut at 3ft.­8in. Square pattern perpendicular to the architecture as indicated in the plans and details. All form alignment shall be set to this grid pattern. Edging: Tool edges of pavement and joints in concrete after initial floating with an edging tool to the following radius. Repeat tooling of edges after applying surface finishes. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surface. i. 5. Use dowel sleeves or lubricate or asphalt­coat one­half of dowel length to prevent concrete from bonding to one side of joint. Radius: ¼ inch. Concrete Placement a. Remove snow, ice, or frost from subbase surface and reinforcement before placing concrete. Do not place concrete on frozen surfaces. b. Moisten subbase to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes or other structures until they are at the required finish elevation and alignment. c. Comply with recommendations in ACI 304R for measuring, mixing, transporting, and placing concrete. d. Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between transverse joints. Do not push or drag concrete into place or use vibrators to move concrete into place. e. Consolidate concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment. Use equipment and procedures to consolidate concrete according to recommendations in ACI 309R. f. Screed paved surfaces with a straightedge and strike off. Start initial floating using bull floats or darbies to forma uniform and open­textured surface plane before excess moisture or bleedwater appears on the surface. 7­79 i. g. Cold­Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 306.1. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures. i. h. Do not further disturb concrete surfaces before starting finishing operations or spreading dryshake surface treatments. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators, unless otherwise specified and approved in mix designs. Hot­Weather Placement: Place concrete according to recommendations in ACI 305R and as follows when hot­weather conditions exist: i. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature below 90 deg F at time of placement. Mixing water may be chilled or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor’s option. ii. Cover steel reinforcement with water­soaked burlap so steel temperature will not exceed ambient air temperature immediately before embedding in concrete. iii. Fog­spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade moisture uniform without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas. 6. Initial Concrete Finishing a. General: Wetting concrete surfaces during screeding, initial floating, or finishing operations is prohibited. b. Float Finish: Begin the second floating operation when bleedwater sheen has disappeared and the concrete surface has stiffened sufficiently to permit operations. Finish surfaces to true planes. Cut down high spots and fill low spots. Immediately refloat surface to uniform granular texture. c. Colored Dry­Shake Hardener Finish: After initial floating, apply colored dry­shake material to plastic concrete surfaces according to manufacturer’s written instructions and as follows: i. Uniformly apply at a rate of 60 lb/ 100 sq. ft. unless greater amount is recommended by manufacturer to match pavement color. ii. Distribute approximately two­thirds of colored dry­shake material and embed by floating. Follow with a second application of 7­80 colored dry­shake material distributed at right angles to the first to ensure uniform color, and embed by floating. d. Colored­Powder Release Agent: Uniformly distribute onto color­ hardened and still­plastic concrete at a rate of 1 to 2 lb/100 sq. ft. 7. Stamping a. While initially finished concrete is plastic, accurately align and place stamp "skins" or semi rigid mats in sequence and changing direction of pattern to avoid visible repeats of pattern over entire area. Uniformly load mats and press into concrete to produce required imprint pattern and depth of imprint on concrete surface. Remove stamp mats immediately. Hand stamp edges and surfaces unable to be imprinted by stamp mats, including step risers and treads. b. Remove unembedded release agent as directed by manufacturer. High pressure wash surface and joint patterns, taking care not to damage stamped concrete. Control, collect and legally dispose of runoff. 8. Concrete Protection, Curing, and Sealing a. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold­ weather protection, and follow recommendations in ACI 305R for hot­ weather protection during curing. b. Evaporation Retarder: Apply evaporation retarder to concrete surfaces if hot, dry, or windy conditions cause moisture loss approaching 0.2 lb/sq. ft. x h before and during initial finishing operations. Apply according to manufacturer’s written instructions after placing and screeding and during initial floating operations. c. Sealer: Apply uniformly in two coats in continuous operations according to manufacturer’s written instructions. Allow first coat to dry before applying a second coat. 9. Pavement Tolerances a. Complying with the following tolerances: i. Elevation: ¼ inch. ii. Thickness: Plus 3/8 inch, minus ¼ inch. iii. Surface: Gap below 10­foot­long, unleveled straightedge not to exceed ¼ inch. iv. Lateral Alignment and Spacing of Dowels: 1 inch. v. Vertical Alignment of Dowels: ¼ inch. 7­81 vi. Alignment of Dowel­Bar End Relative to Line Perpendicular to Pavement Edge: Length of dowel ¼ inch per 12 inches. 10. vii. Joint Spacing: 3 inches. viii. Contraction Joint Depth: Plus ¼ inch, no minus. ix. Joint Width: Plus 1/8 inch, no minus. Removal and Protection a. Remove and replace pavement that does not comply with requirements in this Section. b. Protect pavement from damage. Do not permit construction traffic on concrete pavement. Exclude other traffic from pavement for at least 28 days after placement. c. Maintain pavement free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material. Sweep pavement not more than two days before date scheduled for Substantial Completion inspections. E. PAYMENT Payment shall include full payment for all work described in this Section. This price shall be for full compensation for furnishing all submittals, labor, quality assurance, mock ups materials, stamping, coloring, finishing, addition of Shur­Grip, steel reinforcement, weather protection, freight, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placing the “Stamped Cement Concrete pavement”. Payment shall be made on the following basis: Pay Item Pay Unit Colored, Conc, Stamp, 4 Inch Colored, Conc, Stamp, 6 Inch 7­82 Sft Sft END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE A. General The purpose of this supplemental specification for construction in the public right­of­way is to ensure pedestrian safety and access. This work under this contract shall be completed so as to maintain uninterrupted pedestrian traffic to all residential and business establishments within the construction influence area (C.I.A.). In the event the sidewalk or roadway at the entrance or fronting the establishment is removed, access shall be maintained so as to safely maintain pedestrian traffic in both directions. B. Maintenance and Accessibility · · An accessible pedestrian corridor shall connect with facilities throughout the project. Equipment, debris, construction materials or vehicles shall not obstruct the corridor except for those times excavation is required for construction of the utility. At such times an alternate route will be maintained for access. C. Construction of Barricades and Fencing · · Barricades and/or fencing that are impenetrable shall be used to separate pedestrians from hazards on all sides of the excavations that may be exposed to pedestrians. Caution tape shall NOT be used by itself to delineate the path of travel or create a barricade. D. Surfacing of Pedestrian Corridors · · · During construction, tripping hazards and barriers for pedestrians must be removed to maintain the pedestrian corridor. Any change of level along the pedestrian corridor that exceeds ½ inch in height, must be beveled at 45 degrees. Closed trenches, areas of removed sidewalk or ramps, etc. shall have a smoothly finished, firm walking surface made even with the surrounding walkway or created walkway. If at any time hazardous conditions exist the City Engineer may stop work until the situation is made safe for pedestrian access. Failure to make safe these areas after repeated discussion will result in the city of Marquette Public Works Department doing these repairs with the cost of making such repairs being deducted from the contract. 7­83 The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer, for approval, a plan and procedure for maintaining uninterrupted pedestrian traffic before beginning construction. Measurement and payment shall be made under the pay item “Pedestrian Traffic Maintenance” as a lump sum item. Pay Item Pay Unit Pedestrian Traffic Maintenance END OF SECTION 7­84 LS CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS STREAM BED COBBLES A. General This work shall consist of supplying and placing cobble material to line the bottom of the proposed channel, in accordance with the typical section shown on the plans. B. Material Stream Bed Cobbles shall consist of unbroken clean natural granite aggregates, free of deleterious materials, and shall meet the following gradation requirements: Material: Stream Bed Cobbles Sieve Analysis (ASTM C136)* Total Percent Passing _ 8” 6” 4” 80­95% 60­70% 50% 1 ½” 1" ½” 45­50% 15­30% 3/8" No.4 0­4% Physical Properties Crushed Loss No.30 No.100 Mat’l by wash 100% 0% 1% * Stream bed cobbles may be created by a 50% mixture of rounded stones evenly sized from 2” to 8” size with a 50% mixture of MDOT 6A stone. Contractor shall provide a sieve analysis of the 6A stone and arrange for the visual inspection of 2” to 8” material by the Engineer for approval. C. Construction Methods The material shall be placed to a uniform depth as shown on the plans and typical section and shall be compacted to provide a tightly integrated bottom cobble layer for the proposed channel. D. Measurement and Payment The completed work, as measured for Stream Bed Cobbles, shall be by the Square Yard for material of the depth indicated on the plans. Payment shall include the placement of fabric under the Cobble material. Pay Item Pay Unit Stream Bed Cobbles Syd 7­85 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION STORM WATER TREATMENT UNIT A. General This work includes furnishing and installing two, underground storm water treatment units complete with bypass manhole system as shown on the plans and specified herein. B. Materials The storm water treatment unit #1 shall be an underground unit meeting the following requirements. 1. Capable of handling a minimum of 2.8 cfs of storm water flow, without releasing previously captured pollutants. 2. Contain a sump with a minimum size of 1.2 cyd. 3. Unit must be capable of removing all floating litter. 4. System must be designed to bypass a flow over 2.8 cfs and not release already captured pollutants. 5. The unit shall contain oil absorbent material capable of capturing 80% of a 5mg/L concentration of oil and grease annually from runoff. 6. Shall be designed to handle H20 traffic and earth loadings. 7. Treatment unit shall not have a height greater than 8’ including sediment storage area. 8. Direct easy access opening of at least 3 square feet shall be supplied for clean out of sediment, floatables and oil and grease. 9. Treatment unit shall remove at least 85% of particle size 150 micron at 50% peak operating flow. Stormwater Treatment Unit shall be Vortechs System Model 2000 as manufactured by Vortechnics or Engineer approved equal. The storm water treatment unit #2 shall be an underground unit meeting the following requirements. 1. Capable of handling a minimum of 11 cfs of storm water flow, without releasing previously captured pollutants. 2. Contain a sump with a minimum size of 4 cyd. 3. Unit must be capable of removing all floating litter. 4. System must be designed to bypass a flow over 11 cfs and not release already captured pollutants. 5. The unit shall contain oil absorbent material capable of capturing 80% of a 5mg/L concentration of oil and grease annually from runoff. 7­86 6. Shall be designed to handle H20 traffic and earth loadings. 7. Treatment unit shall not have a height greater than 8’ including sediment storage area. 8. Direct easy access opening of at least 3 square feet shall be supplied for clean out of sediment, floatables and oil and grease. 9. Treatment unit shall remove at least 85% of particle size 150 micron at 50% peak operating flow. Stormwater Treatment Unit shall be Vortechs System Model 7000 as manufactured by Vortechnics or Engineer approved equal. C. Construction Methods Units shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. The unit shall be backfilled in accordance with Section 403 of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications of Construction Class III granular backfill. D. Measurement and Payment Payment for this item will be considered payment for each unit and accompanying manhole bypass system installed in accordance with the plans and specifications. Each unit includes (2) manholes, pipe, excavation, installation, storm sewer connections, backfill and compaction. Pay Item Pay Unit Storm Water Treatment Unit 7­87 Each END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION DEWATERING (WELL POINT SYSTEM) A. DESCRIPTION 1. Scope of Work This Section includes all dewatering work for construction of all related items for excavation, backfill, embankment, sewer, water main, sanitary sewer and all other utilities, complete with design of dewatering systems, construction and operation of dewatering systems, abandonment of dewatering systems, protection of personnel and structures, environmental protection and restoration. B. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Design of Dewatering Construction The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete design of all structures and methods proposed for dewatering the project site, including the implementation of all materials, tools and equipment proposed for use in the work. Temporary wiring associated with the dewatering shall comply with applicable portions of the National Electrical Code. 2. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies a. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control All dewatering systems design and construction shall conform to the provisions of the "Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act of the State of Michigan Act 347; PA of Michigan; 1972." Where applicable, the Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits and inspections for dewatering construction in accordance with the provisions of PA 347, State of Michigan, 1972, and all local government agencies having jurisdiction. No additional claim for compensation shall be allowed because of the Contractor's failure to obtain or pay for such permits and inspections. b. Federal, State and Local Regulations. Dewatering operations shall conform to the requirements of all federal, state, and local agencies having jurisdiction. C. JOB CONDITIONS. 7­88 1. Protection. The Contractor shall take all steps necessary, during the work of this Section, to protect surrounding property and adjacent buildings, private water supplies, roads, drains, sewers, structures and appurtenances. Adequate measures shall be taken to protect such property and construction from the effects of the dewatering operations. D. EXECUTION 1. CONTRACTOR'S VERIFICATION a. Existing Drainage Conditions Prior to beginning any work, the Contractor shall field verify the location, type and capacity of all existing drainage facilities and conditions which will affect the work of this Section. No allowances shall be made for conditions found during the progress of the dewatering operations because of the Contractor's failure to verify such conditions. b. Existing Structures and Utilities The Contractor shall make field verification of all existing structures and utilities at the site of the work which are scheduled to remain and which may be affected by the work of this Section. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to existing structures and/or utilities caused because of his work and shall repair such damage at his expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer. E. PERFORMANCE 1. Drainage of Excavations The Contractor shall maintain all excavation work free of water during and until completion of the work. All dewatering west of station 11+50 shall be discharged into the sanitary sewer near station 4 + 50. All dewatering west of Station 11+50 shall be done on the south side of the utilities being placed. The maximum length of the trench to be dewatered will be 300 feet or as detailed in Chapter 5.03 in Construction Phasing. Dewatering elsewhere in the project shall discharged as described throughout the rest of this special provision. No unit of work shall be constructed under a wet trench bottom except as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Provide and maintain adequate dewatering equipment to remove and dispose of all surface or groundwater entering excavations trenches or other parts of the work. Each excavation shall be kept dry during subgrade preparation and continually thereafter until the construction is complete. All excavations which extend down to or below the static groundwater elevation shall be dewatered by lowering and maintaining the groundwater level beneath such excavations at a distance of not less 12 inches below the bottom of the excavation or as directed by the engineer. Drainage system methods shall not cause any damage to wells or adjacent property. All outlet drainage piping and conduit shall be kept and free from sediment. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the condition of all pipes, conduits and structures which he may use for drainage. 7­89 2. Dewatering Sumps and Pump Wells Sumps and pump wells used as part of the dewatering system shall be strongly sheathed and braced to protect the construction while in use. Tops of well casings must be covered to prevent animals and debris from entering and shall be 2 to 3 feet above ground. Sumps and wells, when abandoned, shall backfilled and compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 3. Drilling Methods used in drilling wells associated with dewatering systems shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be acceptable to the Engineer. Drilling methods shall insure proper placement of well materials and shall not involve displacement of earth formations. Drilling shall be done with first class equipment of proper type and in good condition, acceptable to the Engineer. 4. Pumping Equipment for pumping and pumping methods associated with dewatering systems shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be acceptable to the Engineer. The Contractor shall construct or furnish adequate discharge piping to conduct and dispose of the water so as to prevent damage to existing structures or property. Pumping equipment shall be first class, acceptable to the Engineer, of proper type and size for the work and in good condition. The Contractor shall provide all anchors and supports for pumping equipment. 5. Filling and Grading Upon completion of dewatering work for the project, abandon and/or fill all holes, trenches, ditches and other earth excavations created by the work of this Section and not scheduled to remain. Do all filling, backfilling and grading to restore excavations and earth banks to the lines and levels indicated on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. All earth fills shall be compacted to a density equal to that of the surrounding undisturbed earth or as specified. F. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The pay item "Dewatering (Well Point System)" shall be paid for by lineal feet and shall be measured per length of right­of­way width. Therefore, there will be no duplicate payment for dewatering of different utilities running parallel to each other, but rather one payment made for dewatering all utilities as necessary per width of the entire right­of­way. Payment at the contract unit price shall be full compensation for all tools, materials, equipment, labor, and all other included items of work required to install, maintain, operate and the removal of the dewatering system and operations. Pay Item Pay Unit Dewatering (Well Point System) 7­90 Foot END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION POLYETHYLENE WRAP FOR WATER MAIN A. GENERAL This Item shall consist of furnishing and installing polyethylene wrap around the water main and its appurtenances as described herein. B. MATERIALS 1. POLYETHYLENE WRAP Poly­wrap shall be continuous tubing formed from 8­mil (0.2­mm) thick virgin colored polyethylene, in accordance with AWWAC105. Minimum polyethylene tube size shall be as follows: Minimum Polyethylene Width Inch Nominal Pipe Flat Tube Diameter Inch 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 14 16 20 24 27 30 34 37 Adhesive tape shall be a general­purpose polyethylene adhesive tape, 2­inches (50­mm) wide and at least 8 mil (0.2mm) thick. 2. MASTIC AND TAPE A. B. Mastic and tape shall be compatible in all respects. Mastic shall be Protecto­Wrap Co. "CA­160 Mastic," Tapecoat Co. "TCMastic," or equal. C. Pipeline tape shall have 6­mil (0.15­mm) polyethylene backing and approximately 0.030 inch (0.8mm) of butyl­base mastic adhesive. Polyken "930­35," Protecto­Wrap Co. "310," Tapecoat Co. "Type TC," or equal. 7­91 F. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 1. Wrapping of Underground Pipe Ductile­iron pipe to be installed in a trench shall be protected in the following manner. Each pipe joint shall be covered with an eight (8) mil thick polyethylene sleeve that is two (2) feet longer than the pipe joint. The sleeve shall cover the full length of the pipe joint, lap over one (1) foot on each end of the adjoining pipe joints, and be secured with a minimum of two circumferential turns of pressure sensitive polyvinyl tape. Excess material should be neatly drawn up around the pipe barrel, folded into an overlap on top of the Pipe, and held in place by means of pieces of pressure sensitive tape at approximately five­foot intervals. After assembling the joint, the polywrap tube from the previously installed pipe shall be pulled over the joint and secured by the Contractor. The polywrap tube from the new joint shall be pulled over the first tube and secured by the Contractor to provide a double seal. Cast­iron and Ductile­iron fittings and valves shall be completely wrapped in eight (8) mil thick polyethylene film with a minimum of one (1) foot overlap on each end and appropriately taped. Laps shall cover joints with adjoining pipe joints or fittings when installed. Fire Hydrant barrel from the surface to the valve shall be wrapped as specified herein. Any damaged areas in the polyethylene film shall be repaired by covering the area with a sheet of polyethylene film large enough to lap over the damaged area one (1 ') foot minimum in any direction and appropriately taped. Extreme care shall be taken at service tap locations to insure that the tape extends beyond the corporation and onto the service line pipe one foot. Prior to placing pipe in the trench, a cushion of approved materials shall be placed in the trench as detailed in the MDOT Road & Bridge Standard Plans, R­83­B, "Utility Trenches”. Backfill material shall be carefully placed on the pipe so as to avoid any damage to the polyethylene sleeve. The contractor shall use care to protect and preserve the polyethylene wrap around ductile iron water mains when installing service corporations. The required method is to wrap pipe tape around the pipe over the polywrap in the area to be tapped. The tap is to be made through the tape and polywrap. It is not necessary to remove and replace poly wrap. All exposed pipe, the corporation, and the first three feet of the service shall be wrapped and taped to achieve a complete seal. In addition, a sand envelope shall extend over and around the connection to a depth of eight (8) inches above the main. 2. Protective Coating on Joints All bolts and nuts destined for underground service on valves, fire hydrants, cast­iron mechanical joint fittings, pipe joints, and other ferrous metal appurtenances shall be packed in an approved protective coating material after installation. After the joint has been made and bolts drawn to the proper tension, the joint including glands, flanges, bolt heads, bolts and nuts shall be covered in a protective coating material to a minimum thickness of ½ inch over all surfaces. Such protective coating shall be 7­92 incidental to wrapping the piping with polyethylene wrap. Talcote shall not be used. Asphaltic material such as Coating and wrapping of joints will be considered incidental to the installation, and no separate payment will be made for this item. G. MEASUREMENT This Item will be measured by the lineal foot of water main piping as shown on the plans. No measurement will be made for lapping of material. H. PAYMENT The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid for "Polyethylene Pipe Wrap". This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all submittals, labor, quality assurance, materials, freight, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placement of the wrapping and protective coating of all water main, fittings, etc. Pay Item Pay Unit Polythylene Pipe Wrap 7­93 Foot END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION BYPASSING EXISTING SANITARY SEWAGE FLOWS A. DESCRIPTION The work under this section consists of providing all planning, coordination, and operations pertaining to the bypass pumping and/or bypass line installation of sewage flows around those portions of the sewage facilities to be rehabilitated, reconstructed or realigned. The existing flows include those from any upstream collection system components that contribute to the subject sanitary sewer mains or manhole facilities. Emergency contingency plans will be submitted to the Engineer for approval. B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS The sewage flows shall be bypassed around that section(s) of pipe designated for rehabilitation, reconstruction or realigned on an as­required basis. The Contractor shall ensure the pumps and bypass lines are of appropriate capacity and size to accommodate the anticipated sewage flows during the duration of all operations requiring such bypass. The estimated domestic flow data for each run will be provided by the Waste Water Department located off of U.S. 41 in south Marquette. However, the Contractor is cautioned that these estimated flows do not include contributions from any infiltration or inflow that may exist at the time of the Work. The Contractor’s pumping system capacity shall make appropriate allowances for such additional flows. The Contractor shall notify the occupants of any affected structure or affected area, in writing, at least 48­hours in advance, of any scheduled sanitary sewer service interruption. Services affected shall not be interrupted more than eight (8) consecutive hours or more than once in a twenty­four­ (24) hour period. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor allow the discharge of sewage into the existing storm drain system or onto the ground. No excavation will be permitted to facilitate this Work, except as indicated on the Drawings. Prior to construction, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a plan detailing the scheduled deployment of pumps and/or bypass piping and other equipment necessary to maintain sewage flows during construction. The pumping system shall be such that the hydraulic gradient both upstream and downstream of the piping being bypassed will not reach elevations that will cause damage to the properties being served. This will require that the Contractor closely calculate the elevation of the upstream head needed to actuate the pumping cycle and the rate of discharge flow from the pumps. The Contractor will keep in close contract with the City of Marquette Wastewater Plant for monitoring of all 7­94 upstream system pumping facilities that may be affected due to a shut down of a sanitary force main system. The Contractor shall be liable for all damages which result from sewage flows not properly maintained during the progress of the Work, including all damages to private or public property which occur as a direct or indirect result of inadequate control of the sewage flow while the sewage bypass operation is ongoing. The Contractor is reminded that after­hours pumping will require additional sound proofing so as to minimize noise levels. C. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION METHODS ­ SITE SPECIFIC Bypass line installation will include the installation of a tapping­in­valve on each side of the “Line Stops” and the installation of eight (8) inch ductile iron piping, fittings, etc., that will be required to bypass the proposed realignment of the sanitary sewer force main. Upon completion of the lowering of the sanitary sewer force main the tapping­in­valves will be closed and a plugged. A emergency contingency plan will be submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer in case of a construction mishap that would require the immediate removal of sewage either in the excavation site or at the sewage lift station wet well. Materials, sewer vac trucking and personnel will be available on site to respond and implement the contingency plan. D. MEASUREMENT Bypass of existing sewage flows will be paid for on a lump sum basis. E. PAYMENT Payment shall include full payment for all Work described in this Section. This price shall be for full compensation for furnishing all submittals, labor, quality assurance, materials, freight, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in bypassing the existing sanitary sewer force main. Coordination with the Waste Water Department will be incidental to this item of work as well as the submitting of the emergency contingency plan. Payment for all materials, equipment, personnel, etc., to have on site and implement if necessary, the emergency contingency plan will be incidental with the payment of the “Bypassing Existing Sanitary Sewage Flows” pay item. Payment shall be made on the following basis: Pay Item Pay Unit Bypassing Existing Sanitary Sewage Flows 7­95 Lump Sum END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION LINE STOPPING A. GENERAL Provide line stops on existing water mains and/or force mains in the locations identified in the specifications and as shown on the Drawings to provide temporary hydraulic isolation of flow and pressure in the piping system. B. SUBMITTALS 1. Product Data: a. Name, address and phone number of subcontractor (as applicable) proposed to perform the line stopping work. b. Written procedures intended to be used for line stopping work. c. Product data on the line stop fitting(s) equipment and devices intended for use in completing the line stop work. d. Submit in accordance with Chapter 5 Special Provision Section 5.19. C. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Experience Requirements: CONTRACTOR or subcontractor performing the line stop work shall have not less than five (5) years experience in performing line stops with not less than ten (10) line stop installations successfully completed in that time period. CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER with documentation certifying said experience. 2. Manufacturer Representative: Installation of line stops will require the manufacturer’s representative to be present at the site during the placement of said lines stops. 3. Responsibility: CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for determining the type, size, outer diameter of pipeline to be line stopped. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring compatibility between the line stop fittings and the existing pipeline. 4. Definition of successful shutdown: 7­96 A satisfactory shutdown of a water main, force main, or pipeline shall be accomplished by the line stopping process. Said process is defined as one which allows the required work (interconnection of new water mains or force mains to the existing pipeline) to be performed. A satisfactory shutdown does not require a drip tight shutdown. A satisfactory shutdown is defined as a shutdown that allows a rate of leakage out of the water main or force main that does not exceed the rate of 5 gallons per minute and which allows the interconnection of new water mains or force mains to be connected to the existing pipeline. The Contractor will have a set plan of action to deal with any sewage that may leak through the line stop. Plan of action will include alternate ways of sewage removal from the excavation site. At no time will sewage be allowed to enter Lake Superior. D. PRODUCTS 1. Tie­ins to certain wastewater force mains within the project must be accomplished by first hydraulically isolating the flow and pressure in the piping system. For CONTRACTOR’S information, the existing force mains intended to be line stopped under this project operate at normal internal pressures of less than 24 psig CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install line stops on the pipelines in the locations shown on the Drawings. Said line stops shall be performed with the force mains in­service and shall not require draining of the force main. Line stops shall also permit the installation of new valves, fittings, and additional piping on the non­pressure side of the line stop. 2. Existing Pipe Materials: At the location(s) where the line stops are to be made, the materials and class of pipe line being line stopped are unknown to OWNER. Contractor is further advised that the condition and degree of tuberculation of the internal and external surfaces pipe lines in question are unknown to OWNER. Prior to initiating the line stopping work, CONTRACTOR shall perform exploratory excavations of the pipe line to be line stopped, to verify the pipeline data. At the time of initiating the line stop work, CONTRACTOR shall have on­site and be prepared to install the fittings for fitting both class AB and CD cast iron or ductile iron pipe plus that required of various PVC pipe types. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall have on­site and be prepared to install the line stop fittings to fit one size larger and one nominal size small than the size line stop shown on the Drawings. 3. Number of Line Stops: Unless otherwise indicated within the specifications or on the Drawings, furnish and install a single line stop fitting. Just prior to initiating the line stop work, CONTRACTOR shall close the nearest adjacent valve on both side of the line stop, so that the line stop is required to withstand flows having velocities of less than 0.5 feet per second. 4. All lines stop fittings shall be shop coated carbon steel split sleeves with a female closure flange securely attached by studs and nuts or welding to the nozzle of the upper half of the sleeve. The line stop fitting for mains up to and including 8­inch diameter shall be constructed of Type 304 stainless steel and having a minimum 16 gauge wall thickness. The saddle bolts and nuts utilized on the line stop fitting shall be of high­strength cast or ductile iron conforming to AWWA C111. The flange bolts and nuts utilized on the line stop fitting shall be of zinc­coated carbon steel meeting ASTM A­307, Grade B. 7­97 5. The full encirclement saddle gasket for the line stop fitting shall be of an elastomeric compound that is compatible with the fluid within the pipeline and which can perform its sealing function over a range of –40 degrees F to 150 degrees F. E. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Line stops shall be completed during the day of the week and the time of day permitted by OWNER. CONTRACTOR is advised that overtime labor costs for performing line stops during overtime hours shall be included in the lump sum bid price. All line stops shall be performed in one trip. Repeated return trips required for any reason on the part of CONTRACTOR or his/her subcontractor shall be provided at no additional cost to OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall excavate for, expose, and clean the pipeline to be line stopped. CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient clearances to install the line stopping equipment and to provide a safe working condition. CONTRACTOR shall install line stop in the location shown on the Drawings, but may make minor OWNER­authorized adjustments to the location to avoid pipe joints, corporation stops, air release valves, repair sleeves and other irregularities that may interfere with the work. CONTRACTOR shall provide concrete reaction blocks or timber blocks under the line stop fitting as needed to perform the work. The line stop shall be placed in the top vertical position unless site conflicts prohibit such a location. Prior to assembly around a water main or sewage force main, the line stop’s gasket sealing surfaces shall be thoroughly coated with Permatex No. 2 sealing compound. All fasteners shall be tightened in accordance with the fitting manufacturer’s instructions. The line stop cutting equipment shall be thoroughly disinfected prior to starting the pressure tap. The line stop sealing element shall be free from cuts, nicks, or other surface defects that could prevent a satisfactory shutdown of the water main. After assembly, the line stop fitting and valve shall be pressure tested to 140 psi. The pressure plug on the line stop may be either the expanded rubber stopper type, the cup type plugging head or the steel wedge stopper and when lowered into the main, shall seal itself against the interior of the pipe to shutdown passage of flow. CONTRACTOR shall provide pressure equalization and purge fittings for blow down and re­ pressurization. Said fittings shall be provided at not less than 18­inches away from the edges of the line stop fitting. Upon completion of the line stop and new valves, fittings and tie­ins, remove the tapping machine, and furnish and install a closure plug then a permanent blind flange on the line stop fitting. Backfill the line stop excavated area. E. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 7­98 Line Stop installation will be incidental with the item of work, “____________________” This will be for full compensation for furnishing all submittals, labor, quality assurance, materials, freight, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placement of the Line Stops in relation for lowering the sanitary force main. END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION REMOVING UNENCASED RAILWAY TRACK A. General Description The unencased railway track along the abandoned railroad right­of­way between Union Street right­of­way extended and Hawley Street shall be removed in its entirety. All materials to be salvaged such as; ties and rails shall be safely stockpiled on railroad property and/or as directed by the city engineer on the nearby City of Marquette property on the Old Cliff Dow Site. Wisconsin Central Ltd. will furnish a person to act as a consultant to advise the contractor on removal procedures. Failure to follow proper procedures during the removal process which results in damage of the material being salvaged will result in the contractor being required to replace, repair or reimburse the owner for the item damaged. Items not planned to be salvaged shall become the property of the contractor and removed from the site. More information concerning track removal can be obtained from Mr. Ralph Spakowicz at (715) 345­2516 or Mr. Scott Woodward at (906) 630­5562. 1. Measurement and Payment “Track, Unencased Railway, Remove” shall be paid by the foot. Such payment shall be payment in full for removal and salvage of the ties and rails and removal and disposal of other incidental items. Pay Item Pay Unit Track, Unencased Railway, Remove 7­99 Foot END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS MISCELLANEOUS METALS A. General Work included: All miscellaneous metal work includes handrails, anchor bolts, signs, etc. required for completion of project. Provide all required miscellaneous metal and steel work not specified under other sections of these Specifications. Include materials and parts necessary to complete or fasten each item, even though not definitely shown or specified. B. Quality Assurance 1. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. 2. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS “Standard Qualification Procedures”. 3. Use clean steel free from rust. 4. Shop prime all steel and steel assemblies. 5. Shop Drawings: Submit for all steel fabrications. C. Materials 1. Handrails and beam connections to be constructed of A­36 or better steel to conform to the details shown on the Drawings or as on approved shop drawings as submitted by the Contractor. Grind all exposed welds smooth for shop priming. 2. Other Steel: Fabricate from A­36 or better steel to conform to details. D. Installation 1. Use certified welders, only. 2. Grind welds where required for proper fit of other material. E. Measurement and Payment 7­100 1. All items in this section will be paid for under the Lump Sum bid pay item “Welcome Sign”. 2. Payment shall be payment in full for all labor, equipment, and materials required to complete the work. END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS SEALANTS AND CAULKING A. General 1. Work included: Throughout work, seal and caulk joints as shown on drawings and elsewhere as required to provide a positive barrier against passage of moisture. 2. Use adequate number of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. 3. Samples: Submit range of standard colors for each sealant. B. Sealants 1. Sealant material for moisture barrier to be Tremco Dimeric 511 or equal. 2. Use only those backup materials which are specifically recommended for this installation by the manufacturer of the sealant used, which are non­absorbent, and which are non­staining. 3. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the contractor subject to approval of the Owner. C. Preparation 1. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of the Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 2. Concrete and Masonry Surfaces: a. Install only on surfaces which are dry, sound and well brushed, wiping free from dust. b. At open joints, remove dust by mechanically blown compressed air if so required. c. To remove oil and grease, use sandblasting or wire brushing. 7­101 d. Where surfaces have been treated, remove the surface treatment by sandblasting or wire brushing. e. Remove latence and mortar from joint cavities. D. Installation of Backup Material 1. When using backup of tube or rod stock, avoid lengthwise stretching of the material. Do not twist or braid hose or rod backup stock. 2. Installation Tool: a. For installation of backup material, provide a blunt­surfaced tool of wood or plastic, having shoulders designed to ride on the adjacent finished surface and a protrusion of the required dimensions to assure uniform depth of backup material below the sealant. b. Do not, under any circumstance, use a screwdriver or similar tool for this purpose. c. Using the approved tool, smoothly and uniformly place the backup material to the depth indicated on the drawings or otherwise required, compressing the backup material 25% to 50% and securing a positive fit. 3. Prior to start of installation in each joint, verify the joint type according to details on the Drawings, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer, and verify that the required proportion of width of joint to depth of joint has been secured. 4. Apply sealant under pressure with power actuated hand gun or manually­ operated hand gun, or by other appropriate means. Use guns with nozzle of proper size, and providing sufficient pressure to completely fill the joints as designed. 5. Thoroughly and completely mask joints where the appearance of primer or sealant on adjacent surfaces would be objectionable. 6. Install the sealant in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, thoroughly filling joints to the recommended depth. 7. Tool joints to a concave profile or as shown on the drawings. 8. Remove masking tape immediately after joints have been tooled. Clean adjacent surfaces free from sealant as the installation progresses, using solvent or cleaning agent recommended by the manufacturer of the sealant used. 9. Upon completion of the work of this Section, promptly remove from the job site all debris, empty containers, and surplus material derived from this portion of the work. E. Measurement and Payment Payment for work satisfactorily completed under this section of the contract will be considered incidental to the work performed on one or more of the pay items. 7­102 END OF SECTION 7­103 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS PAINTING A. General 1. Work included: Paint and finish the surfaces listed on the Painting Schedule in Part 3 of this Section, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. This includes painting of all existing surfaces affected by project work. 2. “Paint”, as used herein, means coating systems materials including primers, emulsions, epoxy, enamels, stains, sealers, fillers, and other applied materials whether used as prime, intermediate or finish coats. B. Quality Assurance 1. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. 2. Paint Coordination a. Provide finish coats which are compatible with the prime coats actually used. b. Review other Sections of these Specifications as required, verifying the prime coats to be used and assuring compatibility of the total coating system for various substrata. c Upon request, furnish information on the characteristics of the specific finish materials to assure that compatible prime coats are used. d. Provide barrier coats over noncompatible primers, or remove the primer and reprime as required. e. Notify the Owner in writing of anticipated problems in using the specified coating systems over prime coatings supplied under other Sections. 3. Workmanship a. All materials shall be applied free from runs, sags, wrinkles, streaks, shiners and brush marks. b. All materials shall be applied uniformly. If any reduction of the coatings’ viscosity is necessary, it shall be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s label directions. 4. Do not apply solvent­thinned paints when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and the surrounding air temperatures are below 50 degrees F, unless otherwise permitted by the manufacturer’s printed instructions or as approved by Owner. 7­104 5. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. C. Submittals 1. Contractor shall submit samples of the complete range of colors available for the finish specified within 14 days of Contract Date. 2. Manufacturer’s specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements. 3. Where tinting to match is requested or required, Contractor shall submit samples on the type of material on which the stain will be used. Contractor shall mix and adjust stain color as directed by Owner and resubmit samples until approved by the Owner. Approved sample will become the standard for the work. D. Extra Stock Upon completion of the work of this Section, deliver to the Owner leftover stock of each color type, and gloss of paint used in the Work, tightly sealing each container, and clearly labeling with the contents and location where used. E. Materials 1. The painting Schedule in this Section is based, in general, on products of the Benjamin Moore Company. Equal products of Sherwin­Williams, Glidden or other manufacturers approved in advance by Owner, may be substituted in accordance with provisions of contract. 2. Where products are proposed other than those specified by name and number in the Painting Schedule, provide under the product data submittal required by this Section a new painting schedule compiled in the same format used for the Painting Schedule included in this Section. 3. A maximum of 5 colors will be selected with different colors used for trim, recess panels, etc. 4. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Owner. F. Application Equipment 1. For application of the approved paint, use only such equipment as is recommended for application of the particular paint, and as approved by the Engineer. 7­105 2. Prior to use of application equipment, verify that the proposed equipment is actually compatible with the material to be applied, and that integrity of the finish will not be jeopardized by use of the proposed equipment. 3. Film thickness to conform to manufacturers recommendations. G. Preparation 1. Mix and prepare materials in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations as approved by the Owner. 2. When materials are not in use, store in tightly covered containers. 3. Maintain containers used in storage, mixing and application of paint in a clean condition, free from foreign materials and residue. 4. Stir materials before application, producing a mixture of uniform density. 5. Do not stir into the material any film which may form on the surface, but remove the film and, if necessary, strain the material before using. 6. Do not shake material unless specifically recommended by the manufacturer. H. Surface Preparation 1. Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in strict accordance with the paint manufacturer’s recommendations as approved by the Engineer. 2. Remove removable items which are in place and are not scheduled to receive paint finish or provide surface­applied protection prior to surface preparation and painting operations. 3. Following completion of painting in each space or area, reinstall the removed items by using workmen who are skilled in the necessary trades. 4. Schedule the cleaning and painting so that dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall onto wet newly painted surfaces. 5. Remove any protruding nails, etc. and patch holes prior to beginning painting. 6. On new galvanized metal, thoroughly and aggressively clean with mineral spirits. On existing/weathered galvanized metal and new galvanized metal, remove all rust by sanding and spot prime immediately with Iron Clad Retardo Rust Inhibitive Paint (163). 7. Allow pressure treated wood member to weather 30 days before applying paint stain. I. Paint Application 7­106 1. Touch­up shop applied prime coats which have been damaged and touch­up bare areas prior to start of finish coat application. 2. The prime coat should be applied soon after surface preparation has been completed, to prevent contamination of the substrate. 3. On all fencing and trim, finish all sides. 4. Allow sufficient drying time between coats, modifying the period as recommended by the material manufacturer to suit adverse weather conditions. 5. Consider oil­base and oleo­esinous type paint as dry for recoating when the paint feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate pressure of the thumb, and when the application of another coat of paint does not cause lifting or loss of adhesion of the undercoat. 6. Brush and work the brush coats onto the surface in an even film. Cloudiness, spotting, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness and other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. 7. Except as specifically otherwise approved by the Engineer, confine spray application to metal framework and similar surface where hand brush work should be inferior. 8. Where spray application is used, apply each coat to provide the hiding equivalent of brush coats. Do not double back with spray equipment to build up film thickness of two coats in one pass. 9. For completed work, match the approved samples as to texture, color and coverage. Remove refinish or repaint work not in compliance with the specified requirements. J. Painting Schedule 1. Provide the following paint finishes as based on the products of the Benjamin­ Moore Company (unless noted otherwise). 2. Wood Fence/Trim a. First Coat: Sikkens CETOL 1 stain or equal, color cedar tone clear. b. Second Coat: Sikkens CETOL 23 stain, color cedar tone clear. c. Third Coat: Sikkens CETOL 23 stain or equal, color cedar tone clear. 3. Ferrous Metal a. First Coat: Iron Clad Retard­X Rust Inhibitive Latex Primer (163). b. Second Coat: (Moore’s Alkyd Dulamel (207)). c. Third Coad: (Moore’s Alkyd Dulamel (207)). K. Measurement and Payment 7­107 Payment for work satisfactorily completed under this section of the contract will be considered incidental to bid pay items “Cedar Fence” and “Welcome Sign”. END OF SECTION 7­108 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS A. General Asbestos containing materials were identified in several buildings scheduled for demolition. Prior to demolition activities, all identified asbestos containing materials, with the exception of roofing materials, will be abated under a separate contract managed by the City of Marquette. Contractor will be responsible for removal of asbestos containing roofing materials from the Wagner Building and Mattson Park Storage Building prior to demolition. Abatement of asbestos containing roofing materials must be conducted in accordance with applicable Local, State, and Federal regulations including Michigan Administrative Code R 325.51302 Part 602, which adopts the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR 1926.1101 Asbestos Standards for Construction. Prior to initiation of abatement activities, contractor will provide the City Engineer or his representative with the documentation certifying abatement sub­contractor’s qualifications. Documentation, including air monitoring records and asbestos waste disposal manifests, will be supplied by the Contractor to the City Engineer or his representative following project completion. B. Measurement and Payment Payment for work satisfactorily completed under this section of the contract will be considered incidental to bid pay items for the building demolition . 7­109 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION A. DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of all work, materials and equipment requited in the excavation of all suitable and unsuitable materials to the limits as shown on the drawings within the construction limits except for material already covered by contract removal pay items. Excavation also includes existing pavement, regardless of depth, all miscellaneous building debris, piping, conduit, structures and any unsuitable materials encountered when trenching for utilities. Such suitable materials shall include MDOT Granular Class III Material or better and unsuitable materials shall include in addition to the Interim 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction, Section 205.03C, fly ash and other undesirable fill materials which may have been placed within the construction limits of this project in prior years. Determination of unsuitable materials shall be made by the Engineer. The work included in "Unclassified Excavation" shall be performed in accordance with Section 205 of the Interim 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction with the exceptions and additions specified herein. B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Excavation limits will be from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of unsuitable material and within the right­of­way. All excavation shall not be less than five (5') feet below the bottom of existing pavement or as otherwise directed by the Engineer and as called out on the typical cross sections. The Contractor shall take extreme precautionary measures when removing material along the existing gas main, gas laterals, underground telephone and cable lines and any unforeseen underground utility encountered during excavation, these utilities will not be relocated or will temporary facilities be provided before or after the start of construction. The Contractor shall hand­dig around these above mentioned utilities under all circumstances. C. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for the following items of work shall be as follows: The completed work for "Unclassified Excavation" shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. Payment shall include excavation of all suitable and unsuitable materials (excluding contaminated materials), handling, hauling and disposal. The limits of the "Unclassified Excavation" will be determined by cross­sectional measurements. Payment shall also include all hand­digging required around existing gas mains, gas laterals, underground telephone and cable and any unforeseen underground utilities encountered during excavation or trenching. 7­110 Pay Item Pay Unit Unclassified Excavation Cyd Work for backfilling shall be measured and paid for separately at the contract unit price for modified subbse, modified embankment, embankment, aggregate base and bituminous pavement work items. Backfill material shall meet MDOT Granular Class III Material or better or as called out on the plans. 7­111 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION EMBANKMENT, MODIFIED A. GENERAL This work shall consist of all work, materials, and equipment required in the backfilling of excavated areas within the construction limits. The work included in "Embankment, Modified" shall be performed in accordance with Section 205 of the Interim 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction with the exceptions and additions specified herein. B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Construction methods shall be performed in accordance with Section 205 of the Interim 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. However, all embankment from the bottomof unsuitable material or bottom of excavation up to the bottom of subbase, bottom of proposed sidewalk, or bottom of topsoil surface for the entire construction project shall be MDOT Granular Class III Material or better. Bedding of all proposed and existing utilities throughout the entire project shall follow standard plan R­83­B. C. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for the following items of work shall be as follows: The completed work for "Embankment, Modified" shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. Pay Item Pay Unit Embankment ­ Modified END OF SECTION 7­112 Cyd CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION CONTRACTORS WHEN WORKING NEAR NATURAL GAS FACILITIES SEMCO ENERGY GAS COMPANY 1. Contractor shall use nylon straps to support SEMCOENERGY pipelines at a minimum spacing of twenty (20) feet. Chains or cables are not allowed to support natural gas pipelines. 2. When encountered and supported, SEMCOENERGY pipelines will be relocated in its original trench line location, at a depth of 36” to 60” in depth depending on depth requirements at that location. Tracer wire must be placed 6” above the pipe. (To prevent damage to plastic pipeline from lightning strike). 3. Any pipe trenches that cross or at driveways where undisturbed soils and disturbed soils meet shall be backfilled using MDOT Class II sand backfill that is compacted to 95% density. (Over and Under Gas Lines to prevent shear off). 4. When natural gas lines are adjacent to manholes or drainage structures, the Natural Gas Lines will be wrapped with “rock shield or approved material” to protect from abrasion. “Rock shield or approved material” will be provided by SEMCOENERGY upon request from the contractor. 5. When blasting around natural gas facilities (mains and service) are planned, SEMCOENERGY will survey the area in question for leaks (before and after blasting). Also if blasting is performed in close proximity to SEMCOENERGY facilities (will be determined by SEMCOENERGY Engineering), all natural gas facilities will be exposed by the Contractor doing the work and then inspected by SEMCOENERGY. The Contractor will be responsible for exposing, shielding, backfilling and compacting (with sand) all SEMCOENERGY Natural Gas facilities prior to blasting. Once blasting has been completed, the Natural gas facilities will be resurveyed for leaks. Contractor will expose the natural gas facilities for inspection if deemed necessary by SEMCOENERGY after blasting. 6. Contractor shall immediately alert SEMCOENERGY if tracer wire, coating or test stations are damaged during construction so that SEMCOENERGY can make repairs when tracer wire, coating or test stations are still exposed. (Not buried) If buried the contractor will be charge time and material for repairs. 7. As per Public Act 53 of 1974, The Contractor shall call Miss Dig (800­4827171) a minimum of three (3) full working days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holiday prior to beginning each excavation in area where public utilities have not been previously located. 7­113 8. SEMCOENERGY Northern Division Contact Personnel Office (800) 624­2019 Val Lindsay, Operations Technician II, ext. 5908 Robert Bortolameolli, Operation Maintenance Foreman, ext. 5911 Mark Kachur, Manager, ext. 5906 Jan Dobson, Operation Administration Assistant, ext. 5902 In case of emergency contact SEMCOENERGY Gas Dispatch at (888) 427­1427 END OF SECTION 7­114 CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION PRV MANHOLE, ” PRV A. General This item covers the construction of a 6' diameter manhole and installation of a pressure regulating valve of the size shown on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer. The installation may include a bypass line with low flow pressure regulator, if so called for on the plans. B. Materials Materials for use in constructing the pressure regulating manhole shall include the following: Main Line Pressure Regulating Valves. The main line valve shall be a Cla­Valve Model 90G­01YCSB with flanged ends, of the size indicated on the plans. The valve shall be fusion­bonded epoxy coated inside and out in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C550, and shall be ordered pre­set to the delivery pressure determined by the Engineer. Bypass (Low Flow) Pressure Regulating Valves. Bypass valves shall be Cla­Valve Model 90G­01AJ valves of the size indicated on the plans. These valves shall be fusion­bonded epoxy coated inside and out, shall have screwed ends, and shall be ordered pre­set to the same delivery pressure determined by the Engineer. Precast Manhole. Precast manhole sections shall conform to ASTM C478, the Michigan Department of Transportation Standard Details I­1E, and the details shown on the City Engineer's Standard Detail for a 6' diameter manhole. The contractor may order the manhole riser with wall adapter sleeves cast in place at the factory, or may order the riser with "dog­house" style cutouts of the size indicated on the plans. Wall Sleeves shall be similar to the Clow model F­1429 Mechanical Joint Adapter Sleeve, of length as required on the plans and of the required diameter for the watermain shown on the plans. They shall be furnished with studs and mechanical joint retainer glands. 1. Gauge cocks shall be of red brass with a female 3/8" NPT thread for connecting a pressure gauge. 2. Concrete shall be MDOT grade 35S. 3. Aggregate shall be MDOT 6A Coarse Aggregate. 7­115 4. Bypass Piping. Piping for bypass lines shall be Schedule 40 IPS size red brass pipe per ASTM Standard B43, and shall be threaded for iron pipe size fittings. 5. Tappings Saddles. Tapping saddles for bypass lines shall be Rockwell Model 313 service saddles, or an approved equal. 6. Ball Valves. Ball valves for bypass lines shall be bronze bodied valves with teflon seals and stainless steel balls and stems, similar to Milwaukee Valve Company Model BA­100 valves with screwed ends. C. Construction Methods The manhole shall be constructed by placing the base to the required line and grade as shown on the plans. Pipe laying operations may proceed either with or without the manhole riser section in place, depending upon the style of riser being used. If the precast manhole riser has "doghouse" cut­outs, they shall be centered over the water main, so that the wall sleeves may be installed and the cutouts closed with concrete per City Engineer's Standard. If the manhole has factory cast wall sleeves, the bottom and riser shall be carefully set to line and grade so that the water main will be centered in the wall sleeves. Flange connections at the pressure regulator valve will be made up without stressing or distorting the pipe or valve. Manhole cover and sump orientation shall be as shown on the standard detail drawing. D. Method of Measurement and Payment PRV Manhole, 12” PRV the nominal watermain size specified shall be measured and paid for by the unit EACH. Payment shall be full compensate­on for all labor, plant, material, and equipment to construct the manhole and install the pressure regulating valve and associated items, as shown within the pay limits in the plan details, including bypass piping and low flow pressure regulator if called for. Excavation and backfilling shall be included in the payment. Manhole covers, gate valves, and fittings and pipe shown outside the pay limits on the standard detail shall be paid as separate items. Pay Item Pay Unit PRV Manhole, __” PRV Each 7­116 END OF SECTION CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION SIDEWALK RAMP, ADA A. General Section 803, “Concrete Sidewalk, Sidewalk Ramps, and Steps” of the 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for construction is hereby modified to include the following: This work shall consist of furnishing all material, equipment, tools and labor necessary for the placement of concrete sidewalk ramps with detectable warning surfaces complete and ready for service at location(s) specified in the contract documents, construction plans or as directed by the Engineer. All work shall be in accordance with the details and standards as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) or any amendments thereto. B. Construction Requirements The detectable warning surface shall be ADA compliant 12 inch by 12 inch warning pavers with brick red color or approved equal as manufactured by Wausau Tile Inc., Tile Tech Pavers, Hanover Architectural Products, Industrial Construction Services, ADA Solutions, or approved equal. Tiles can be replacement wet set or cast in place. Pattern and dimensions of the detectable warning surface shall incorporate an “in­line” dome pattern of truncated domes 0.2” in height, 0.9”diameter at the base and 0.45” diameter at top of dome. Domes should be spaced no greater than 2 ⅜” from center to center. The field area of the detectable warning surface should consist of raised points no greater than 0.045”, to create a non­slip surface for wheelchair safety. The pavers will be 2 ¾” in thickness. Overall dimensions of the detectable warning surface shall be in accordance with the details and standards as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) or any amendments thereto. Sidewalk Ramps shall be 6” thick. The finished surface of the curb ramp and transition slope ramps shall be uniformly profiled to match the adjoining surfaces without lips or obstructions and shall drain completely. The location and orientation of the curb ramps shall be constructed as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) or any amendments thereto. Where a curb ramp is constructed within the existing curb, combination curb and gutter and/or sidewalk, the existing curb or combination curb and gutter shall be removed to the nearest joint beyond the curb transitions or to the extent that no remaining section of curb or curb and gutter is less than 5’ long. The existing sidewalk shall be removed to the nearest joint beyond the 7­117 transition slope ramps or walk around or to the extent that no remaining section of sidewalk is less than 5’ long. Detectable warning surface shall extend the full width of the curb ramp or landing and in the direction of travel 30” from the back of curb. The detectable warning surface shall not be installed on the transition slope ramps. The detectable warning surface shall be located so that the edge nearest the curb line is 6” from the back of curb unless noted in the contract documents. Domes shall be aligned on a square grid, aligned in rows parallel and perpendicular to the predominant direction of travel. The domes must be not skewed diagonally to the direction of travel. All detectable warning pavers will be set in the concrete using thin mortar set installation. The Contractor and material manufacturer shall jointly warrant the installed detectable warning surface to last no less than two years without losing more than one percent of the truncated domes due to delaminating as a result of product failure. Product failure will include all spalling, pop outs, cracking, scaling, improper subgrade compaction, and loss of original coloring. C. Measurement and Payment Sidewalk Ramps, ADA will be measured in square feet of finished surface and detectable warning surface, complete­in­place, and paid for at the contract unit price per square foot. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing and installing a curb ramp with detectable warning surface pavers, including but not limited to, layout, excavation, bedding, concrete, detectable warning surface, surface preparation, saw­cutting, surface sealant, repairs and cleaning of the adjoining areas disturbed by the installation, and all other labor, tools, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Pay Item Pay Unit Sidewalk Ramp, ADA END OF SECTION 7­118 Sft CITY OF MARQUETTE CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS RECYCLED ASPHLAT SHINGLES IN HMA MIXTURES A. Description Section 501 of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction is revised to include the following requirements for the use of Recycle Asphalt Shingles (RAS) and will be allowed in the HMA specified for the project provided. B. Material Requirements Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles (RAS) are allowed in hot mix asphalt (HMA) up to a maximum of 5 percent of the total weight of the mixture. RAS can be used for all lifts provided all specifications for HMA are met. Only RAS from manufactured shingle waste or post­ consumer asphalt shingles as defined by AASHTO MP 15 shall be allowed. The RAS shall not contain deleterious materials such as metals, glass, rubber, soil, brick, tars, paper, wood, and plastic and shall not exceed 0.5 percent by mass as determined by material retained on the #4 sieve. Deleterious material will be determined by the amount retained on the #4 sieve from a 500g­700g RAS sample. The Contractor shall pick and weigh the amount retained on the #4 sieve and provide the results to the City Engineer. The Contractor shall submit a mix design in accordance with Section 501 of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction. The shingle aggregate gradation and specific gravity shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C136 and ASTM 2726. The AC content of the RAS utilized in the Contractor RAS mix design shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D2172. The Contractor shall determine the percent contribution of binder from RAS and the percentage of virgin effective binder in the HMA in accordance with ASTM D2172 and per the current Michigan Department of Transportation HMA Production Manual. At least 60% of blended binder content shall be virgin effective binder for leveling course applications and 65% of blended binder content shall be virgin effective content for top course applications. When RAS is used along with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), the binder replaced by the RAP will be considered as a part of the maximum allowed content of replaced binder. 7­119 The Contractor may uniformly blend sand or fine aggregate with RAS in stockpiles if needed to keep the processed material workable. The sand or fine aggregate added must be considered in the final gradation of the new HMA. HMA with RAS shall be tested for acceptance in accordance with Section 501 of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction. RAS samples collected and analyzed, for the purpose of identifying properties of RAS as defined in this specification, shall be representative of the RAS that will be used in the HMA production for this project. All RAS shall be added by a dedicated feed bin when the HMA is produced. C. Quality Control The Contractor shall have an approved Quality Control Plan (QCP) that details how the RAS will be processed and controlled. When the Contractor intends to use RAS from a RAS Supplier, that supplier’s QCP shall be submitted by the Contractor. The Engineer will, in writing, suspend the work wholly or in part, for failure to comply with the approved QCP. The QCP shall be submitted with the Contractor’s HMA mix design and shall address the following: RAS Processing Techniques: Hand sorting of deleterious material prior to grinding is required. B. Determination and Control of RAS Asphalt Binder Content (AC) shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D2172, provided a RAS AC content correction factor is determined through correlation testing per the current Michigan Department of Transportation HMA Production Manual. C. Control of RAS Gradation (ASTM C136): Frequency: 1/1000 tons of processed RAS material (minimum three tests) D. Process Control Charts shall be maintained for RAS binder content during addition of any RAS material to the stockpile. The Contractor shall maintain separate control charts for each RAS stockpile. The control charts shall be displayed and shall be made available to the Engineer upon request. E. Asbestos content of RAS: Frequency: 1/1000 tons of processed RAS material (minimum three tests). The Contractor shall provide asbestos test results certifying compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) requirements. The Contractor’s Project Safety Management Plan shall include a hazard assessment and safety considerations for the RAS processing and construction operations. G. Deleterious Material: Frequency: 1/1000 tons of RAS material (minimum three tests) 7­120 The processed RAS shall be ground to meet the following requirements. Sieve Size Percent Passing by Mass Sieve Size ½ in. #4 Percent Passing 100 90 Min. The aggregate and binder obtained from the processed RAS shall be uniform in all the measured parameters in accordance with the following: UNIFORMITY* Parameter Standard Deviation Binder Content – 3.5 Max Percent Passing #200 ­ 6.0 *Uniformity is the Maximum allowable Standard Deviation of test results of processed RAS. The Contractor/RAS Supplier shall allow representatives from the City of Marquette to visit the RAS production and/or shipping site during normal business hours to observe the quality control activities. Access to the site shall be provided within 24 hours of notice from the Engineer. The Engineer may require addition testing to assess the QC activities. D. Measurement and Payment Pay Item HMA (as specified) Pay Unit ton END OF SECTION 7­121