TOMA OS-seq: A high efficiency targeted re-sequencing strategy for detecting gene amplifications, rearrangements, indels and point mutations in tumor DNA isolated from FFPE solid tumors and plasma. Yosr Bouhlal, Alexander McKenzie, Austin P. So. TOMA Biosciences Inc., Foster City, CA. Case 2: Plasma and core biopsy from esophagus (primary) A. ABSTRACT MiSeq 600V3 chemistry: 2x300 PE reads Input requirements: >10 ng Clinical sources: FFPE, plasma, FNA Time to result from sample receipt: 5 days (6 samples) Critical genetic errors, namely specific mutations, are required for the development and maintenance of cancer. Molecular diagnostics that leverage the breadth of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to identify this mutational landscape are therefore becoming an important clinical tool in the precision treatment of cancer. However, widespread adoption of NGS technologies in the clinic is hampered by the complexity of the NGS workflow, and the resulting limits in analytical capabilities arising from noise introduced by poor step-wise yields and bias from extensive application of PCR.
TOMA ALT QUAL GENE CHANGE 7 148504716 rs3217095 rs397889421 AG A 789.73 EZH2 3’-UTR truncation 22 42522613 rs1135840 COSM1599977 G C 151.03 CYP2D6 S435T 45% Alteration frequency 40% Ratio Case 1: Core needle biopsy from lung (metastatic colon) 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 1.0 10% 5% ERBB2 14.0 0% 0.0 Cancer type 12.0 ID REF ALT QUAL GENE CHANGE 10 50667105 rs2228529 COSM427630 T C 125.9 ERCC6 Q1413R 20 54961541 rs2273535 COSM3736282 A T 263.77 AURKA F31I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 10.0 Es POS - CNA data He 8.0 Deletion 6.0 4.0 B. H512890 TOMAseq Digital PCR 1.40 1.59 BRAF 1.05 0.85 CDK4 0.92 1.10 CDK6 1.36 1.35 EGFR 1.31 1.40 FGFR1 0.89 0.97 ERBB2 13.36 14.47 ERBB3 0.94 1.08 JAK2 0.95 0.98 MET 1.29 1.29 SRC 1.63 1.54 VEGFA 0.74 1.02 14.0 POS ID REF ALT QUAL GENE CHANGE 1 98348885 rs1801265 COSM3735989 G A 375.77 DPYD C29R 2 29416572 rs1670283 T C 821.77 ALK I1461V 10 43620335 rs17158558 COSM3997965 C T 450.77 RET R982C 10 50678717 rs2228526 COSM3751837 rs386561694 T C 121.84 ERCC6 M1097V 12.0 10.0 R2 = 0.9989 slope = 0.9251 8.0 ERCC1 2.0 1.0 0.0 FFPE 6.0 1.2 3.0 0.8 2.0 0.0 0.0 C. 1.6 4.0 0.8 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 1.2 12.0 2.0 1.6 14.0 CHR POS ID REF ALT QUAL GENE CHANGE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Amplinome Figure 2. Sequence analysis of DNA (30 ng) purified from fresh frozen core biopsy from lung. A. List of variants of putative significance called by TOMA OS-seq data analysis pipeline (left panel) with distribution of gene ratios called across the panel of 96 genes (right panel). ERBB2 (HER2) was identified as amplified at a p < 0.005. B. Comparison of ratio calls for 12 genes determined with TOMA OS-seq versus a CLIA validated ddPCR test (left panel) showing a high correlation (R2 = 0.999) between the two orthogonal methods (right panel). Method: A fresh fine needle biopsy from lung (right, lower lobe nodule) from a de-identified patient was stored in TOMA storage solution. DNA was then isolated using the Qiagen Blood and Tissue DNA purification kit as described by the manufacturer. Purified DNA was then sheared to 600 bp and processed using TOMA OS-seq. // TREATMENT OPTIMIZATION BY MOLECULAR ANALYSIS 3.0 CHR Ratio gene Multiple alterations B. 0.0 AURKA Amplification Ratio Ratio ad CHR cfDNA Mutation data op ha gu &n s( ec TC k( GA He TC ) ad GA &n pu ec b) k( TC Br Bla GA ea dd s ) t er (TC (M GA SK Br ) CC ea 2 st (TC 012) Lu GA ng pu sq b) u( TC GA ) NC Bla I-6 dd Lu 0 er ng (TC sq u( GA TC Bla ) GA dd er (TC pub) GA Bla pu b) dd er CC (M SK LE CC Sto 20 ma 14 ch (TC ) Liv GA er (TC ) O GA Sto varia n ma (TC ) ch GA (TC ) GA Pr os pu ta b) te Me (M lan IC om H ) a( TC Lu GA ng Liv ) ad er en (A o( MC Ov TC ) aria GA n( pu TC b) Lu ng GA ad pu en b) Sa o( rco TC ma GA ) (M Sa S KC rco C) ma (TC Ce rvic GA al ) (TC Ute GA rin Ute ) e( rin TC e( GA TC ) GA Pr os tate pub) (TC AC GA yC Lu ) (M ng SK ad CC en ) o( Br oa AC d) C Pa (T nc rea CGA ) s PC (TCG PG A GB (TC ) M (TC GA ) GA 20 GB 13 M (TC ) GA AM ) L( TC pR Co GA CC lor ec (TC ) tal GA (TC ) Co G Ap lor ec ub tal (TC ) Gli GA om ) a( TC GA ) A. Figure 1. Outline of the TOMA OS-seq protocol. A. OS-seq probes are designed to tile across a region of interest (ROI) on either strand, and are extended upon hybridization to each strand. Overlapping reads generated from each strand encompassing the ROI are sequenced to provide a composite of the mutational landscape for each ROI. B. The TOMA OS-seq protocol leverages highly modularized and streamlined steps with defined procedural QC points for the conversion of purified DNA to a sequence-able library within 24 hrs. Data Analysis: Fastq files were aligned to GRCh37.p13 using BWA-MEM 0.7.1. Variants were called using GATK 2.3.9-lite under GATK standard practices. VCFs were then annotated using Variation Reporter version ( to identify putative variants of significance. A custom python script was used to determine gene amplification status by aggregating per base coverage metrics (Picard HS metrics) across each gene versus a reference sample to generate gene ratios. REF 2.0 TOMA OS-seq B. ID CCND1 2.0 A. POS 3.0 To address these deficiencies, we introduce TOMA OS-Seq, a complete targeted resequencing workflow designed specifically for the requirements of the clinical laboratory. Based on oligoselective sequencing (OS-seq), a panel of 96 genes - each with diagnostic or prognostic value can be sequenced end-to-end from as little as 1 ng of input material, enabling the analysis of DNA purified from fine-needle aspirates and plasma. Utilizing a minimal number of high efficiency processing steps to create a targeted library, this simple workflow minimizes the requirement for PCR amplification, preserving the quantitative relationship among the loci interrogated in the original sample. TOMA OS-Seq is therefore capable of detecting copy number alterations, in addition to rearrangements/fusions, insertions/deletions, and single nucleotide variants. CHR 1.0 0.0 cfDNA Figure 3. Sequence analysis of cell-free DNA purified from plasma (A&C) and FFPE FNA (B). A. Analysis of DNA (14 ng) purified from plasma following post-radiative treatment with putative variants of significance (upper) and observed distribution of gene ratios across panel of 96 genes (lower left), identifying CCND1 as amplified at a p < 0.005. Interrogation of the TCGA dataset ( revealed the highest incidence of CCND1 amplifications in esophageal cancer (lower right). B. Analysis of DNA (66 ng) purified from fixed relapsed primary tumor tissue and sheared to 600 bp, with list of putative variants of significance (left panel) and distribution of gene ratios (right panel), identifying ERCC1 as amplified at a p < 0.005. C. Analysis of DNA (230 ng) from purified from plasma prior to tumor resection, indicating no discernable variants and amplifications within the circulating DNA. Method: Two aliquots of blood per draw from a research donor diagnosed with esophageal cancer were collected in 10 mL Streck tubes and processed into plasma using a double centrifugation method. Cell-free DNA was isolated using the Qiagen CNA purification kit as described by the manufacturer. FFPE primary tissue was purified as described above. Purified DNA (as indicated) was processed using TOMA OS-seq.