r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Cytometry 33:267–279 (1998) Resolution of Dimly Fluorescent Particles: A Practical Measure of Fluorescence Sensitivity Eric S. Chase1 and Robert A. Hoffman2* 2Becton 1Cytek Development, Inc., Fremont, California Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, California Received 9 June 1998; Accepted 16 June 1998 Flow cytometry is usually used to analyze subpopulations of cells, not simply to measure the mean fluorescence level of a mixture. Thus, resolution or coefficient of variation (CV) of dimly stained populations is the most appropriate measure of fluorescence ‘‘sensitivity.’’ Methods used to measure sensitivity that are in routine use do not unambiguously and completely determine the ability of a flow cytometer to resolve dimly fluorescent populations from each other. Since fluorescence sensitivity depends on two factors, background light (B) and detection efficiency (Q, the detected photoelectrons per fluorochrome molecule on an analyzed particle), one cannot uniquely define the operating condition of a flow cytometer with just one of these factors. In general, it is not possible to define the ability of a flow cytometer to resolve dim subpopulations by using a single number such as ‘‘noise level’’ or ‘‘detection threshold’’—the description requires a ‘‘two-parameter’’ measure. A carefully characterized flow cytometer was used to determine the inherent fluorescent CV of dimly fluorescing beads. The fluorescence from the beads is also calibrated in terms of molecules of equivalent soluble fluorophore (MESF). The beads with known inherent CV and MESF provide a standard against which the instrument contribution to the CV of dim fluorescence can be measured. By measuring the standard deviation (SD) of the fluorescence histogram from unstained beads (noise) we obtain a second measure of instrument performance. The bead CV and noise SD are a sufficient pair of factors to determine the optical capability of a flow cytometer to resolve dim subpopulations of particles. It is also possible to use the measurements to calculate B and Q and use this information to predict the shapes of fluorescence histogram distributions of dim particles. Cytometry 33:267–279, 1998. r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Fluorescence sensitivity has two different definitions in the cytometry literature. One of the authors (3) has summarized the definitions as: fluorescent ‘‘sensitivity’’ for most of the applications for which cytometry is currently used. It is rare that one is trying to resolve a homogenous particle population from background. Unfortunately, the current methods (2,6) routinely used to assess the fluorescence ‘‘sensitivity’’ of a cytometer measure the detection threshold appropriate for definition 1 above. The threshold definition of ‘‘sensitivity’’ can fail to distinguish instruments with different ability to resolve dim subpopulations (3,8). In this report we focus on three essential characteristics of a measure of ‘‘sensitivity.’’ The measure should be able to 1) quantitatively measure and distinguish the ability to resolve dimly fluorescent subpopulations; 2) be practical to implement and use; and 3) be able to predict perfor- ‘‘1. Degree to which a flow cytometer can measure dimly stained particles and distinguish them from a particlefree background (threshold). Threshold is important when the mean fluorescence of a dimly fluorescent population is measured. The greater the number of particles analyzed, the more . . . precisely will the mean fluorescence be measured. 2. Degree to which a flow cytometer can distinguish unstained and dimly stained populations in a mixture of particles (resolution). Resolution is important for immunofluorescence analysis of subpopulations and is strongly affected by the measurement CVs for dim and unstained particles.’’ The ability of a cytometer to resolve subpopulations of dimly fluorescent particles is the appropriate definition of Key terms: particles; fluorescence sensitivity; CV; MESF; background light; optical efficiency *Correspondence to: Robert A. Hoffman, Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, 2350 Qume Drive, San Jose, CA 95131–1807. E-mail: bhoffman@bdis.com 268 CHASE AND HOFFMAN mance of an instrument and the effect of sensitivity differences on analytical results. Previous studies by Pinkel and Steen (4) and Steen (7) and by Gaucher et al. (1) provide a rigorous theoretical and empirical basis for thoroughly analyzing the fluorescence sensitivity of a flow cytometer. This report builds on their work, analyzes the factors that most affect practical measurement of Q and B, and describes simple methods for determining Q and B. A simple theoretical model is described that provides calculation of fluorescence histograms reflecting the effect of Q and B on the widths and overlap of fluorescence distributions. This report emphasizes practical issues and development of a generally useful method for estimating the essential factors, background light and efficiency of fluorochrome to photoelectron conversion, that affect fluorescence sensitivity. Some theoretical rigor and complexity is neglected in order to focus on the essential issues in this paradigm shift in assessment of fluorescence sensitivity. COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS WORK Two previous reports by Gaucher et al. (1) and Steen (7) carefully characterized flow cytometers in terms of Q and B and discussed measures of sensitivity. Both investigations used dim light flashes from an LED to measure the optical noise contribution from photoelectron statistics. And both used fluorescein stained beads calibrated in terms of molecules of equivalent soluble fluorophore (MESF) to measure Q. Gaucher et al. also cross-calibrated stable fluorescent beads to their MESF calibrators as a secondary reference particle. The stable beads were very brightly fluorescent, however, and were not useful in measuring the effect of photoelectron statistics a low signal levels. Gaucher et al considered the intrinsic CV of the sample to be variable and unpredictable and do not seem to have considered using dimly fluorescent beads whose intrinsic CV was determined. Since the LED calibration method is not available on commercial instruments we have investigated using relatively uniform, dimly fluorescing beads as substitutes for LED flashes used by Gaucher et al. and Steen. Under practical conditions it is possible to use such beads as nearly ideal light sources and to obtain the same measurements of Q and B which Gaucher et al and Steen made. The practical issues that must be considered in using the beads are the bead intrinsic CV and the contribution of illumination variability to the CV. An upper limit to the intrinsic CV can be estimated by comparing bead CVs with the CVs from LED flashes. The contribution to the measured CV from illumination variability can be estimated from the CV obtained with uniform, brightly fluorescent beads where background light and photoelectron statistic contributions are minimal. Commercially available beads with sufficiently dim and uniform fluorescence can be used to make these measurements on typical benchtop flow cytometers. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS Fluorescent light generated from fluorochrome molecules produces photoelectrons in the detector—usually a photomultiplier (PMT). The photoelectrons are then processed by electronics and software to become linear fluorescence units in a histogram or dot plot. The signal processing may include transformation of the signal to a logarithmic scale. In a well designed cytometer, all the noise introduced in the processing of the fluorescence light is due to photoelectron statistics—the statistical fluctuations due to the random physical process of light-toelectron conversion. The theory described below applies to signal processing that uses pulse integration and baseline restoration. Ideal performance of the detectors and electronics is assumed and minor factors such as photomultiplier (PMT) dynode noise (1,7) are ignored. The theory will also be used to evaluate data from instruments that use peak detection of bandwidth limited pulses, which produce nearly the same result as pulse integration. The photoelectron generation follows Poisson statistics at the photocathode. If the average number of photoelectrons is n, then the standard deviation SDe at the photocathode is SDe 5 În (1) The signal processing converts photoelectrons to a linear channel in a histogram with a gain factor G. Note that the gain defined here includes all aspects of the signal conversion process not simply PMT and amplifier gain. In the process of amplification by the amount G, the noise is smoothed to a normal distribution with standard deviation still determined by the original Poisson statistics. SDp 5 G · În (2) We let F represent the number of fluorochrome molecules (usually expressed in MESF) and B the equivalent number of fluorochrome molecules required to produce background light. The conversion of fluorochrome molecules to photoelectrons is done with an efficiency, Q. Q has units of photoelectrons per fluorochrome molecule or MESF. The number of signal photoelectrons is Q 3 F, and the number of background photoelectrons is Q 3 B. The final measured signal has mean value of Signal 5 G 3 Q 3 F. (3) Steen (7) and Gaucher (1) describe the factors affecting variation in fluorescence signal measurements. The measured standard deviation due to photoelectron statistics in the process of optical detection is SDoptical 5 G · ÎQF 1 QB 5 GÎQ · ÎF 1 B (4) PRACTICAL MEASURES OF SENSITIVITY 269 FIG. 1. Compare log and linear displays of the same distributions. In each case the mean of the lowest population (noise distribution) is zero linear fluorescence units. The populations are calculated for particle MESF of 0 (noise), 500, 2,000, and 10,000. The background B is 200 MESF, and the efficiency Q is 0.01 photoelectrons/fluorochrome molecule. Perfect baseline restoration circuitry is assumed so that the mean channel of the noise distribution is zero in linear fluorescence units. Note the artifactual peak of the noise distribution on the log display due to the increasing bin width (in linear fluorescence units) of the log histogram channels. If we are measuring particle fluorescence, there is additional variation in the measurement due to the inherent variation of the number of fluorochrome molecules per particle, SDintrinsic, and uniformity of excitation illumination, SDillumination. The total measurement SD is tion. The mean of the distribution is given by Equation 3, and the standard deviation is given by Equation 5. The instrument contribution to the standard deviation includes only the factors due to photoelectron statistics, SDoptical, and uniformity of particle illumination, SDillumination. A simple spreadsheet is described in the Appendix that allows calculation of histogram distributions based on this model. SD 5 ÎSD 2 optical 2 2 1 SDinherent 1 SDillumination (5) The coefficient of variation, CV, of the final measurement is CV 5 SD/Signal 5 SD/(G 3 Q 3 F). (6) A simple model for calculating the fluorescence histogram distributions assumes a normal (Gaussian) distribu- DEFINITIONS OF ‘‘SENSITIVITY’’ COMPARED WITH THE MODEL The simple model for calculating fluorescence histograms assumes perfect instrument performance—including pulse integration and baseline restoration of any offset at the detector due to background light. Figure 1 shows the effect logarithmic and linear amplification have on identical distributions-i.e. with the same mean and stan- 270 CHASE AND HOFFMAN FIG. 2. Detection threshold definition of fluorescence sensitivity. The lowest population in each panel is from a non-fluorescent particle and is due only to background noise. The other three populations represent fluorescent populations with the low, middle and high fluorescent populations having the same MESF in each panel. Individual populations are shown on the left and the sum of individual distributions is shown on the right. The top and bottom panels are results with the same sensitivity defined by the mean or other metric of the noise (nonfluorescent particle) distribution. The noise distributions for the top and bottom panels are identical. dard deviation. Although the type of amplification does not affect the resolution of dim populations, the type of amplification does affect the shape of the distributions. In particular it is important to notice that the logarithmic display of the histogram has an apparent peak for the unstained particles even though the mean of the distribution is zero. This is due to the way data are binned in the log histogram channels. Larger channel numbers include a wider range of signal values. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate how commonly used definitions of sensitivity are not adequate to determine how well dimly fluorescent particles are resolved either from background (unstained particles) or one dimly fluorescent population from a second. The theoretical model is used to calculate histograms of non-fluorescent particles and three different populations of particles with different MESF values. Figure 2 illustrates the detection threshold (2,5,6) definition of ‘‘sensitivity’’. Figure 3 illustrates the ‘‘signal/ noise 5 1’’ definition used by Steen (7). Neither of these definitions that uses a single number or feature of the data to describe ‘‘sensitivity’’ can uniquely describe the ability of an instrument to resolve dimly fluorescent populations. Only a 2-dimensional characterization of ‘‘sensitivity’’ describes the full range of performance. To simplify slightly, if background is low, one can have good resolution of a dimly stained population from noise but unless the efficiency, Q, is also high the population that is resolved well from noise will not be well resolved from a slightly brighter population. As a practical example consider a hypothetical case where lymphocyte autofluorescence is 5,000 MESF. We could have a situation where the autofluorescence is well resolved from background noise, but where cells stained with 5,000 MESF (10,000 MESF total fluorescence) are not resolved from autofluorescence. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS Any routine method to measure Q and B must be rapid and sufficiently accurate to provide useful results. The most accurate determination of Q would use LED light pulses of varying intensities. However, most instruments are not equipped with LEDs able to generate variable intensity signals. In addition, the logarithmic amplifiers used to generate histograms may not have a uniform transfer function across the range of signal levels. Lastly, if dim distributions are truncated at histogram channel 0, incorrect CVs will be given by the analysis software. Any routine method to determine Q and B must minimize or eliminate these problems. PRACTICAL APPROACHES TO DETERMINE Q AND B It is possible to use fluorescent beads instead of LED light pulses to determine the photoelectrons/pulse. However, it must be verified that the measured CVs are primarily due to photoelectron statistics and are not broadened by background, intrinsic CVs, and illumination CVs. It is possible to correct the observed CVs for these factors, but this requires more calculations, and is not convenient. To provide a rapid method, it is desirable to run a bead sample that is bright enough so its CV is not increased by background light, but not bright enough such that its observed CV is broadened by illumination and/or instrinsic CVs. Figure 4 shows the theoretical effect of background and intrinsic plus illumination CVs on observed CVs. Beads with about 10,000 MESFs have an observed CV mostly PRACTICAL MEASURES OF SENSITIVITY 271 FIG. 3. Illustration of the definition of signal/noise 5 1 for fluorescence sensitivity. In the top and bottom panels the S/N 5 1 for a particle with MESF 5 100. In both cases the lowest peak in each case is from nonfluorescent (0 MESF) particles, and the low (200 MESF), middle (500 MESF) and high (9,600 MESF) fluorescence peaks in each panel have the same MESF. In the top panels B 5 900 MESF, Q 5 0.1 and G 5 0.5. In the lower panels B 5 2, Q 5 0.01, and G 5 5. FIG. 4. Calculated CVs as a function of mean equivalent soluble fluorochrome. The CV was calculated using typical values of Q 5 0.005, b 5 1,000, and CVinherent1illumination 5 3.0%. dominated by photoelectron statistics, and least affected by background and intrinsic plus illumination effects. To confirm the observed CV of the moderately bright bead is indeed dominated by photoelectron statistics, an extremely bright bead with a CV dominated by the intrinsic plus illumination CV should have a CV less than one third of the moderately bright bead. A blank bead should have a standard deviation less than one third of the CHASE AND HOFFMAN 272 moderately bright bead to ensure that the background CV can be ignored. Ideally, the moderately bright bead would have a known number of MESFs. However, beads with known MESFs may have intrinsic CVs large enough to broaden observed CVs. Consequently, a second bead with known MESFs can be used to convert the moderately bright bead mean into MESFs. So with one bead sample with a known MESF, one moderately bright bead sample with a low intrinsic CV, one blank bead sample, and one bright bead sample, it is possible determine the Q factor and verify the measurement is accurate. In the case where illumination and intrinsic CVs can be ignored, the standard deviation of a bead population is given by Equation 4). If the observed SD of the moderately bright bead is at least 3 times greater than the blank bead SD, and the observed CV of the moderately bright bead is 3 times greater than the bright bead, then the observed SD of the moderately bright bead is given approximately by SDparticle 5 G · ÎQF 5 GÎQ · ÎF (7) Using Equation 3 and 7, CVparticle 5 SDparticle/Mean 5 1/ÎQF and so and signal processing electronics from a FACScan. A green LED was mounted on a stage so that it could be moved different distances from the flow cell. The LED was driven by a square wave signal generator with a 3.0 µs duration. Laser power was 15 mW for all measurements. A constant amplitude square wave pulse from the pulse generator was used to drive an LED in the Forward Scatter channel to trigger the signal processing. Linear gain was used to record the mean and CV of the LED pulses obtained in the green fluorescence channel, designated FL1. A background distribution was obtained by triggering the instrument without any green LED output but with the laser on as if analyzing particles. Four different intensity fluorescein calibration beads with MESF range, 5,334–82,151 were run (Quantum 24 kit, Flow Cytometry Standards Corporation, San Juan, PR) to calibrate the means of the LED generated distributions in MESF. Background corrections were made to the observed LED distributions. The median (50% cumulative) channel of the background (blank bead) histogram channel was assumed to represent the mean of the background distribution, and this mean was subtracted from observed means to obtain a background corrected mean. The background standard deviation was obtained by assuming the distribution was normal and using the observed 50% and 90% cumulative distribution channels SDbackground 5 (8) · (90% Cumulative Ch 2 50% Cumulative Ch)/1.30. Equation 8 also applies if the measured CV has been corrected for factors other than the photoelectron statistics from the particle signal. When there is no particle signal F, the SD of the noise or blank bead distribution is Use of this equation assumes the median channel is greater than zero. The background SD was geometrically subtracted from the observed SD to obtain the background corrected SD. The corrected SD was divided by the corrected mean to obtain the background corrected CV. For LED flashes, this corrected CV was the photon statistical CV, since LED flashes have little or no illumination or intrinsic CV. The photoelectron statistical CVs were plotted against 1/ÎMean, and the best slope J was determined. J2 is a best fit measure of Channels/photoelectron. The MESF of the Quantum 24 beads was plotted against Mean, and the best slope K was determined. K is a best fit measure of the MESF/channel. Then according to Equation 8, the optical efficiency Q is Q 5 1/(CV2 p F). SDbackground 5 G · ÎQB 5 GÎQ · ÎB (9) Furthermore, the right side of the blank bead distribution can be used to determine the background standard deviation. Then according to Equation 9, the square of the ratio of the standard deviations times the MESF of the moderately bright bead will give B. B 5 (SDbackground/SDparticle)2 3 (MESFparticle), (10) Q 5 1/(CV2F) 5 1/(J2K) where SDbackground and SDparticle are measured in linear histogram channel numbers. This proposed method of determining Q and B avoids the use of LEDs, avoids the use of log gains, and avoids the use of truncated distributions to determine means or CVs. Using Equations 3, 8, and 9, B was determined from 2 B 5 (SDbackground ) p K/J2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Measuring Q and B with LED Light Flashes Measuring Q and B With Multiple Levels of Fluorescent Beads Q and B were determined using LED flashes on an experimental flow cytometer that used optics, flow cell, Five different intensity Rainbow beads (nos. 2–6) from a 7-bead kit (Catalog number RFP-30–5K, Spherotech Inc., PRACTICAL MEASURES OF SENSITIVITY Libertyville, IL) were run on an experimental flow cytometer using log or linear gain, and means and CVs were obtained in the green fluorescence channel, designated FL1. Four different intensity FCSC beads were run (Quantum 24 kit; MESF range, 5,334–82,151) to translate the means of the Spherotech bead distributions into MESFs. Spherotech bead no. 1 (nonfluorescent blank) was used to determine the background distribution. The observed CVs were then corrected for background broadening as described above. The background corrected CVs were then corrected for illumination and intrinsic broadening using 2 2 2 CVPhoton Statistical 5 CVBackground Corrected 2 CVIllumination1Instrinsic where the no. 8 Spherotech bead was used to estimate an upper limit on Illumination 1 Intrinsic CV. Again, the slope of the photon statistical CVs was plotted against 1/Sqrt(Mean), and the best slope J was determined. Q and B were then determined as described for the LED method. Excess background light was introduced into the optics using an incandescent lamp, and the Spherotech bead CVs were measured using log gain. Q and B were then determined as described above. A 0.5ND filter was placed in the emission path of the FL1 detector. Again, Spherotech bead CVs were measured using log gain. Q and B were again determined as described above. Measuring Q and B With a Minimal Bead Set—A Rapid Method Blank beads (Spherotech no. 1 Rainbow Bead), moderately bright beads (Spherotech no. 4 Rainbow Bead), bright beads (Spherotech no. 8 Rainbow Bead), and a bead with known MESFs (15,472 MESF bead in Quantum 24 set) was run. Linear gain was used and Forward Scatter was used as a trigger. A Forward Scatter gate was set around bead singlets. If the CV of the moderately bright bead was more than 3 times the CV of the bright bead, and the SD of the moderately bright bead was more than 3 times the SD of the blank bead, then the CV of the moderately bright bead was assumed to be dominated by photon statistics, and the observed CV was used to determined the number of photoelectrons per pulse using Photoelectrons 5 1/CV . 2 A 1-point calibration factor, MESF/channel, was determined from the bead with known MESF. The MESF of the moderately bright bead was determined by multiplying its mean channel by the calibration factor. The optical efficiency Q was then calculated from the photoelectrons and MESF corresponding to the moderately bright bead. Q 5 (Moderately Bright Photoelectrons)/ · (Moderately Bright MESF) 273 Then the 50% and 90% cumulative distribution channels were determined for the blank bead. The standard deviation was determined from SDbackground 5 (90% Channel 2 50% Channel)/1.30, assuming a normal distribution and a median channel greater than zero. The standard deviation of the Moderately Bright Bead was determined from SDbead 5 CV p Mean The background MESF was then determined from Equation 10. RESULTS Comparison of LED Flashes and Fluorescent Beads The observed CVs of the brightest Spherotech beads tended to be greater than the CVs of the LED pulses of the same signal level. The brightest Spherotech bead had an observed CV 5 3.05%, whereas an LED flash would have a 1.90% CV at this intensity. According to Equation 5, the geometrical difference is an estimate of the illumination plus intrinsic CV of the bright Spherotech bead. The estimated illumination plus intrinsic CV of 2.39% was used to correct the observed Spherotech bead CVs. Dimly fluorescent Spherotech Rainbow beads used to estimate Q (e.g. Rainbow bead no. 4) had CVs indistinguishable from LED pulses in our tests. Rainbow bead no. 4 gave a CV of 15%, the same as LED pulses. Figure 5 shows examples of the histograms used to estimate intrinsic bead CV and to calibrate Spherotech Rainbow beads and LED light pulses in units of fluorescein MESF. Figure 6 shows the corrected CVs obtained with the LED flashes and the Spherotech beads using Log and Linear Gain. The slopes J from this graph were used with the calibration factor (K 5 66.2 MESF/channel) determined using Quantum 24 beads to calculate Q as described earlier. Standard deviations of the background distributions were used to calculate B. Comparison of Methods on a Single Flow Cytometer The moderately bright bead (Spherotech no. 4) gave a CV of 15.2% with linear gain. The SD of this bead was 29 channels, whereas the SD of the blank bead (Spherotech no. 1) was 8.2 channels. Since the SD of the moderately bright bead was 3.53 the blank bead SD, background broadening of the CV could be ignored for the rapid method. The CV of the bright bead (Spherotech no. 8) was 3.0%. Because the CV of the moderately bright bead was 5.0 times the bright bead, illumination plus intrinsic broadening of the CV could be ignored for the rapid method. The photoelectrons/pulse was calculated as 43.3. The MESF of the moderately bright bead was calculated as 11,400, giving a Q of 0.0038. B was calculated from the data to be 925 MESF. 274 CHASE AND HOFFMAN FIG. 5. Raw data histograms for LED flashes, Spherotech Rainbow beads or FCSC Quantum 24 FITC beads. Bead data were acquired with both linear and logarithmic amplification. Maximum instrument gain was used for linear histogram display. The square of the ratio of the blank SD to the moderately bright bead SD was 0.0077. This times the moderately bright bead MESF gave B 5 925. A similar analysis was performed for the log data. Results from the LED method, rapid method, and multiple bead method are shown in Table 1. To confirm the accuracy of the B estimate, the baseline restorer circuitry was disabled, and the mean of the background was measured using an electronic trigger. This gave B 5 962. A 0.50ND filter was placed between the collection lens and the PMT. This should reduce the optical efficiency, but should not affect the background. Using log amplification, the rapid method gave Q 5 0.00078 and B 5 1,047 MESF; the multiple bead method gave Q 5 0.00086 and B 5 1,476 MESF. Both the rapid and multiple bead methods gave a reduced Q, however, the multiple bead method came closest to the expected value of 0.00090. A low-intensity incandescent lamp was placed near the PMT housing. This should increase the background, but not affect the optical efficiency. Using log amplification, the rapid method gave Q 5 0.0022 and B 5 2,138 MESF; the multiple bead method gave Q 5 0.0031 and B 5 3,753 MESF. This indicates the rapid and multiple bead methods can distinguish changes in optical efficiency from changes in optical background. Because the rapid method made no corrections for background broadening, the photon statistical CV was overestimated, and the Q was underestimated. Overall, the results tend to indicate the rapid method is sensitive to changes in optical efficiency and optical background, but not as accurate as the multiple bead method. The data suggests some of the inaccuracy of determining the optical background is due to using log amplification. Determination of Q and B on Multiple Flow Cytometers Using the Rapid Method The rapid method was used to measure Q and B on several instruments using linear gain. Results are shown in Table 2. Use of Q and B to Predict Analytical Performance Figure 7 shows Blank Beads and dim Spherotech no. 2 beads (1,505 MESF) acquired on FACScan 81169 and FACSCalibur E0634. There is better resolution of the dim beads on the cytometer with the higher Q value. The panels to the right show model results for the corresponding experimental data. The mean of the noise distribution was modeled as equal to the standard deviation—an empirically derived approximation based on investigation of the peak detection electronics response to calibrated noise sources (data not shown). As a measure of the resolution of the noise and dim fluorescence peaks, we defined an overlap ratio as Overlap Ratio 5 (10% Cumulative Dim Bead Channel)/ · (90% Cumulative Noise Channel). PRACTICAL MEASURES OF SENSITIVITY 275 FIG. 6. A: Corrected CV’s for LED light flashes and Spherotech Rainbow beads versus Mean Channel using data acquired with linear amplification. B: Corrected CV’s for Spherotech Rainbow beads versus Mean Channel using data acquired with logarithmic amplification. Table 1 Multiple Method Results Method Rapid Rapid Multiple LED Multiple bead Multiple bead Q 0.0024 0.0038 0.0033 0.0027 0.0028 B 1,586 925 1,010 806 1,508 Table 2 Multiple Instrument Results Amplifier Log Linear Linear Linear Log The overlap ratio gives a measure of the ability of a cytometer to resolve dim populations from noise. A larger Overlap Ratio means the peaks in the histogram are better resolved. Instrument FACSorty B0375 FACSCalibury E0344 FACSCalibur E0634 FACScany 81871 FACScan 81169 Q 0.0052 0.0088 0.015 0.011 0.0059 B 1,016 1,300 895 994 1,042 The overlap ratio was determined on 5 instruments using Spherotech no. 2 beads as the dim bead. Because the flow cytometers used in these experiments used peak detection rather than pulse integration, the CHASE AND HOFFMAN 276 FIG. 7. Comparison of fluorescence histograms from instruments with different measured Q and B values. Data were acquired using linear amplification and are displayed as linear channel numbers. Corresponding calculated histograms are shown in the panels on the right. histogram of a noise distribution had a non-zero mean. The Noise MESF (equivalent to the detection threshold in some definitions of ‘‘sensitivity’’) was determined on several cytometers using (50% Cumulative Distribution Noise Channel)/ · (Mean Channel of MESF Calibration bead) p MESF value of Calibration bead As shown in Figure 8, Q was well correlated with the Overlap Ratio, but the Noise MESF was not well correlated with the Overlap Ratio. The value of Q was a good predictor of the ability of an instrument to resolve a dimly fluorescent particle from background noise, but the Noise MESF provided almost no information on the ability to resolve these distributions. Figure 9 compares experimental fluorescence distributions of Spherotech Rainbow beads with model calculations. The FL1 (green fluorescence) data are from a normally operating experimental flow cytometer (upper panel A) or from the same instrument with a neutral density filter in front of the PMT (upper panel B). The measured reduction in signal intensity with the neutral density filter in place was a factor of 3.7. The efficiency, Q, and background, B were determined for the unperturbed condition to be Q 5 0.0028 and B 5 1,508 MESF. For the unperturbed condition these values of Q and B were used to calculate the background (noise) histogram distribution and histograms of populations with MESF values assigned to the Spherotech beads through cross calibration to FCSC Quantum 24 beads. The calculated model data are shown in the corresponding lower left panel. For the perturbed condition with 3.7-fold reduction in light reaching the PMT, the model was recalculated with both Q and B reduced by a factor of 3.7. Results are shown in the lower right panel. The observed histograms and histograms calculated from the simple model compare well at least to the level of visual inspection. Considering that the logarithmic amplifier used to acquire the data is not perfect and the theoretical model does not take into account any differences between pulse integration and bandwidth limited peak detection, the agreement is very encouraging. Quantitative use of this or a more sophisticated model should be useful for determining errors in analyzing dim and poorly resolved subpopulations and could possibly provide more accurate answers for such data. PRACTICAL MEASURES OF SENSITIVITY FIG. 8. A: Overlap Ratio versus optical efficiency, Q, for 5 cytometers of Table 2. B: Noise MESF versus Overlap Ratio for the same 5 cytometers. DISCUSSION We have described an approach to determine the fundamental factors, Q and B, that affect the ability of a flow cytometer to resolve subpopulations of dimly fluorescing particles. The approach chosen uses commercially available particles and requires no special apparatus or any alteration to the normal operation of a flow cytometer. Although the method may use data acquired with logarithmic amplification, it is preferable to avoid potential errors introduce by log amplifiers and collect the data with linear amplification. Changes in PMT voltage between that needed for linear and log amplification should introduce minor, if any, change in the CVs of the distributions. Spherotech Rainbow beads were chosen for the experiments for convenience, but beads from other manufacturers may work as well. The primary requirements are adequately uniform fluorescence at a low enough fluorescence level for the instrument type being evaluated. We did not attempt to carefully evaluate the factors that affected Q in the instruments tested in this study. Laser power and laser focus spot size were the same in all the instruments we tested as were the specifications for the speed of particles through the laser beam, light collection optics, filters, and PMTs. The greatest variability was 277 probably in the subtle differences in optical alignment and photocathode efficiency of the PMTs. In our experience, PMT photocathode sensitivity can vary by as much as a factor of three for a given type of PMT. Side window PMTs used in our instruments also have variable sensitivity across the photocathode, which allows for some variability in sensitivity due to location of the light beam on the photocathode. Variation of Q by a factor of 3 in the small number of instruments surveyed was not surprising. Sources of background light could in general include luminescence of optical components, Raman scatter, and fluorochrome in the sample stream. Raman scatter from the 488-nm laser excitation we used is primarily at 585 nm and should not be detected in the 515–545-nm pass band of the filter used for green fluorescence. We did not intentionally have fluorescent material in our samples other than particles, but unbound fluorescent reagent (e.g., unbound fluorescent antibody) will be a serious source of background light when particles or cells are not washed from a staining solution. A final, subtle but important source of background light can come from spectral overlap of ‘‘out of band’’ fluorochromes used in multicolor staining. For example, a particle double stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and phycoerythrin (PE) will have FITC fluorescence in the detector used for (PE). Although electronic subtraction of the overlapping spectral signal can compensate for the average FITC signal that is detected in the yellow fluorescence detector used for PE, the noise in the PE measurement will be increased due to increased FITC background light during the measurement of the particle. When the Q and B factors are known for an instrument it is possible to predict histogram distributions for dim signals. Even the simple model use in this work was able to predict the shape and approximate degree of overlap of particle distributions. The additional information about the fluorescence histograms provided by knowledge of Q and B should be valuable in improving models and algorithms for analyzing data from dimly fluorescing samples. CONCLUSIONS We have shown that dim, uniformly fluorescent beads can be used to measure the optical efficiency Q and background light B in a flow cytometer. When the brightness level of the beads is matched to instruments such that the primary contribution to the fluorescence CV of the bead is due to photoelectron statistics, a simple method that ignores other instrumental factors is possible. In the present study we have examined the green fluorescence channel of benchtop flow cytometers that are widely used. The same approach described here can be used for other types of flow cytometers and other fluorescence detection channels. The method should also be applicable to scan- 278 CHASE AND HOFFMAN FIG. 9. Compare experimental data with theory. Green fluorescence (FL1) histograms of Spherotech Rainbow beads were obtained for a normally operating instrument (panel A) and the same instrument with a neutral density filter in the FL1 optics path (panel B). The efficiency, Q, and background, B, were determined for the unperturbed condition to be Q 5 0.0028 and B 5 1508 MESF. Predicted Q for the perturbed instrument was 0.00076, and perturbed B 5 1508 MESF. These Q and B values along with know MESF per particle were used to calculate the corresponding histograms shown in the lower panels. ning cytometers and may be of use in quantitative image analysis. Sample Spreadsheet for Histogram Calculations* APPENDIX: SPREADSHEET MODEL FOR FLUORESCENCE DISTRIBUTION HISTOGRAMS To model the fluorescence histograms resulting from various values of F, Q and B a spreadsheet program was written for Microsoft EXCEL. Mean and standard deviation for the probability distribution were calculated from equations 3) and 4) above. In order to plot log histograms as log channel number, the primary independent value column in the spreadsheet was log channel number. A second column of corresponding linear channel numbers was calculated, and the linear channel numbers were used as input to the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution. Events per channel were calculated as the cumulative probability for linear values from the previous channel linear value to the linear value for the channel being calculated. In order to plot histograms in terms of MESF, a spreadsheet column was calculated for MESF corresponding to the linear channel value. Spreadsheet was tested with Microsoft EXCEL versions 5.0 and 97. A sample spreadsheet and the relevant functions are shown below. For the example shown, MESF/particle F 5 0, Background B 5 30 MESF, Q 5 0.030, Gain 5 1.667, scale 5 2,400, and 64 channels/decade. Row n 0 A Log CH # B Lin Value C MESF/ lin_value D Events/ channel E Cumulative 1 0 0.00 20.00 1785.511 2 1 1.04 20.73 18.40127 0.743963 3 2 1.07 21.49 18.76081 0.75163 4 3 1.11 22.28 19.10367 0.759447 5 4 1.15 23.10 19.42688 0.767407 6 5 1.20 23.94 19.72728 0.775501 7 6 1.24 24.82 20.00152 0.783721 0.5 *Lin Value 5 EXP(LN(10)*An/channels_per_decade), note lin value 5 0.0000001 for log ch 0. MESF/Linvalue 5 LogCH#/((photoelectrons/MESF)*Gain) For log channel 0, events/channel 5 Scale*(NORMDIST(B1,mean,SD,TRUE)). For log channels other than 0, events/channel 5 Scale*(NORMDIST(Bn,mean,SD,TRUE) 2 NORMDIST(B(n 2 1), mean,SD,TRUE)). Cumulative 5 NORMDIST(Bn, mean,SD,TRUE) Definition of function NORMDIST: Returns the normal cumulative distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation. PRACTICAL MEASURES OF SENSITIVITY Syntax: NORMDIST(x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative), where X is the value for which you want the distribution. Mean is the arithmetic mean of the distribution. Standard_dev is the standard deviation of the distribution. Cumulative is a logical value that determines the form of the function. If cumulative is TRUE, NORMDIST returns the cumulative distribution function; if FALSE, it returns the probability mass function. 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