Address Via Bottesini, 18, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Mobile +393398694203
Nationality Italian
Date of birth 22/12/1983
Gender Male
Dates 01/07/2008 - 31/12/2008
Occupation or position held Assistant Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities Software design and development for the CASCADAS european project
Name and address of employer Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Type of business or sector Computer Science
Dates 01/01/2009 - 12/2011
Occupation or position held PhD Student
Main activities and responsibilities Research activity in the field of software architecture for highly distributed, adaptive and evolvable software systems
Name and address of employer Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Type of business or sector Computer Science
Dates 09/2008 - 02/2009
Occupation or position held Teaching Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities Tutoring for students during C programming laboratories
Name and address of employer Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Type of business or sector Teaching
Dates 03/2009 - 07/2009
Occupation or position held Teaching Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer for javascript and other web-related technologies
Name and address of employer Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Type of business or sector Teaching
Dates 09/2009 - 02/2010
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Marco Funaro
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Occupation or position held Teaching Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities Tutoring for students during C programming laboratories
Name and address of employer Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Type of business or sector Teaching
Dates 03/2010 - 07/2010
Occupation or position held Teaching Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer for Javascript and other web-related technologies
Name and address of employer Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Type of business or sector Education
Dates 11/2010 - 02/2011
Occupation or position held Teaching Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer for algorithms and data structures course
Name and address of employer Politecnico di Milano
32, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Type of business or sector Education
Dates 09/1998 - 06/2002
Title of qualification awarded Diploma Degree
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered basics of mathematics, physics, european literature, latin language and literature, history and philosophy
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Liceo Scientifico Galilelo Galilei (High School)
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 88046 Lamezia Terme (Italy)
Dates 09/2005 - 04/2008
Title of qualification awarded Master (Laurea) degree
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Advanced techniques to comprehend, design and develop conceptually and technologically complex software systems
Politecnico di Milano (Technical University)
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Dates 09/2002 - 09/2005
Title of qualification awarded Bachelor (Laurea) degree
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered
- Mathematics, Physics
- Foundations of electronic and automatic control engineering
- Practical and theoretic computer science
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Politecnico di Milano (Technical University)
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
Dates 01/2009 - 12/2011
Title of qualification awarded Ph. D.
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Advanced research skills in the software engineering field with particular emphasis on pervasive and adaptive systems
Politecnico di Milano (Technical University)
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 20132 Milano (Italy)
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Marco Funaro
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Mother tongue(s) Italian
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Listening Reading
Spoken interaction Spoken production
W r i t i n g
English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences Very good skills for teamwork coming from past experiences both in academic projects and in event organization
Organisational skills and competences Good autonomy in organize both my work and other people's work
Technical skills and competences High learning rate for new technologies due to a broad and solid theoretical backgroud
Known programming languages:
- Java (senior developer)
- Python
Several small experiences with:
- Erlang
- Scala
- C#
- Javascript
Known Operating Systems:
- Linux (several distributions)
- Windows systems (XP- VIsta-7)
- Mac OS X
Specialization skills:
- software engineering
- distributed systems
Computer skills and competences Deep knowledge of the office suite and other editing system like Latex
Artistic skills and competences High interest in literature and, lately, in exploring and understanding the communicational potential of of new media.
Driving licence(s) B
M. Caporuscio, M. Funaro, and C. Ghezzi. Restful service architectures for pervasive networking environments. In E. Wilde and C. Pautasso, editors, REST: From Research to Practice. Springer,
M. Caporuscio, M. Funaro and C. Ghezzi - Architectural Issues of Adaptive Pervasive Systems - book chapter in Festschrift for Manfred Nagl
M. Funaro, D. Braga, A. Campi, and C Ghezzi - A Hybrid Approach (Syntactic and Textual) to Clone
Detection - In proceedings of International Workshop on Software Clones 2010 - Cape Town
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Marco Funaro
M. Caporuscio, M. Funaro and C. Ghezzi - Resource-oriented Middleware Abstractions For Pervasive
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Computing - To appear in proceedings of International Conference on Software Science, Technology, and Engineering 2012
M. Caporuscio, M. Funaro and C. Ghezzi - PACE: A data-flow coordination language for asynchronous network-based applications - To appear in proceedings of Software Composition 2012
Advanced Courses Attended:
LDP980 - Languages and Design Patterns course held by professor Judith Bishop at Politecnico di
Milano, Italy during March 2009
(grade A)
Advanced Software Architecture course held by professor Nenad Medvidovic at Politecnico di Milano,
Italy during July 2010 (grade A)
2nd Summer School on Service and Software Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering at
Heraklion, Greece 28/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
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Marco Funaro
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