Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust STRUCTURE TERMS OF REFERENCE SCHEME OF DELEGATION Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p1 of 24 Foreword The Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust (IFLT) is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and the principles of governance are not dissimilar to those in maintained schools. The Multi Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and the governance arrangements are set out in its governing documentation (the Articles of Association). The table below shows the structure of the MAT. Mission Statement To raise achievement and attainment for all member schools to a consistently high level, thereby making a positive difference to the education and lives of all children. “Stronger together for all our children” Five Members Steve Ward – Roger Jones – Peter Grindrod – Steve Gordon Peterborough Diocese Corporate position - Sue Parkinson Nine Directors HT RJ INIS HT SW F HT PG IJS SD SW RJ AW PG JM PR PB PB PR ECA LCLE CAA Local Governing Bodies FI FMJS Version One 1st Sept 2015 INIS IJS Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p2 of 24 The Member The Members will have limited but important powers under the Articles. These include the right to wind up the Multi Academy Trust (MAT), amend the Articles, change the name of the company, appoint other Members and appoint and remove one or more Directors, arrange an annual meeting once a year to submit annual accounts and business reports as prescribed in law. However, Members will not interfere with the day-to-day operation of the school or approach Directors or the Head Teacher on an individual basis in their role as a Member. There will be five members, one of which will be a Diocese Corporate Member. The remaining four members will be chosen taking into account their individual skills and the experience that they will bring to the Multi Academy Trust and where possible individuals that represent the three Local Governing Bodies (LGB) of the four member schools. It is an expectation that the fifth member will be associated closely with the local secondary school, Huxlow Science College as the primary schools in Finedon and Irthlingborough are its feeder schools. Eligibility criterion - Members • • • • • • High level of integrity and willingness to work as a corporate body Ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders and other associated bodies/organisations i.e. school Senior Leadership Team (SLT), Parents, local Governing Bodies, (GBs), the Diocese, Local Authorities (LAs) Ability to offer appropriate time, sometimes at short notice A desire to provide the very best of education for the children of Irthlingborough and Finedon A commitment to embrace the strategic vision, ethos and values of the Multi Academy Trust schools including the Christian values of Finedon Mulso CEVA Junior School Have knowledge and experience in one of the following areas:1) Business Management particularly Human Resource matters, Safety, Commissioning, Risk Management 2) Company finance and company accounts 3) School governance and education practices The Board of Directors The Board of Directors, on behalf of the Multi Academy Trust, is responsible for the conduct of the schools and for promoting high standards. It aims to ensure that pupils are attending a highly successful school which provides them with an outstanding education, supports their overall well-being and provides them with a successful transition to the next stage in their lives. In law, the Board of Directors is a corporate body, which means: • No Director can act on her/his own without proper authority from the full Board of Directors • All Board of Directors members carry equal responsibility for decisions made • Although appointed from different backgrounds and with different skills, the overriding concern of all Directors must be for the welfare of the MAT as a whole. Two Directors will be appointed on a ‘Foundation Style’ basis by the Diocese of Peterborough. The expectation is that the two Diocese appointed Directors will be different from the Diocese Corporate Member and will have some, or all, of the eligibility criterion listed below for Directors. In addition, every effort should be made to ensure there is, on the Board of Director’s, individuals who have formal qualifications in financial management/accountancy and business management. For future appointments there must be at least one Director who is associated closely with the Irthlingborough Schools and at least one closely associated with the Finedon Schools (in addition to the Head Teachers). Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p3 of 24 The Board of Directors must have a Chair and Vice Chair who will be appointed by the Board of Directors to serve a term of one year. All Board of Directors meetings must be clerked. Only when the Board of Directors has agreed the minutes of these meetings (or within a maximum period of 4 months after the meeting) will the minutes be issued. All minutes can be circulated except confidential matters relating to individual staff, pay or pupils, which will be printed on pink paper and will not be circulated outside of the Committee. In the event of a tied vote the Chair of the Board of Directors or Committee Chair respectively will have the casting vote. Eligibility Criterion for Directors Selecting Directors who are able to provide support for the strategic work of the Multi Academy Trust will be essential. It is important that all Directors appreciate that they are not in that role to support a single school, but rather to work for the good of all schools in the Multi Academy Trust equally. Directors must: • Have a high level of integrity and be willing to work as a corporate body • Be prepared and equipped to take their responsibilities seriously • Have the ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders and other associated bodies/organisations i.e. School Senior Leadership Team (SLT), Parents, Local Governing Bodies, the Diocese, Local Authorities (LAs). • Be able to offer appropriate time, sometimes at short notice • Be willing and able to monitor and review their own performance • Have a desire to provide the very best of education for the children of Irthlingborough and Finedon • Have a commitment to embrace the strategic vision, ethos and values of the Multi Academy Trust schools including the Christian values of Finedon Mulso CEVA Junior School • Experience of managing meetings • Knowledge of child safeguarding and wellbeing • Experience of Schools finance i.e. setting budgets, financial controls, monitoring procedures etc. • Human Resource and personnel management experience • Premises/Buildings management experience • Health and Safety at work and the management of Health and Safety experience • Selection and Recruitment including interviewing techniques experience • Complaint handling and appeals experience • Commitment to upholding the Christian distinct character of the Finedon Mulso CEVA Junior School All Directors are required to act in accordance with the Nolan Principles for conduct in public life: Selflessness The Board of Directors should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends. Integrity The Board of Directors should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties. Objectivity In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p4 of 24 Accountability Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office. Openness Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands. Honesty Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest. Management Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by management and example. The Role of the Board of Directors The Directors will set the strategic direction of the schools by: • Setting the vision, values, aims and objectives for the schools; • Agreeing the policy framework for achieving those aims and objective. Challenges and supports the school by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating: • The effectiveness of the schools in relation to external benchmarks; • The implementation and effectiveness of the policy framework; • The progress towards annual priorities as detailed in the strategic plan. Ensures accountability by: • Ratifying the annual evaluation of schools effectiveness; • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the performance of each school; • Responding to OFSTED and other commissioned reports, where necessary; • Ensuring parents and pupils are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate; • Making available information to the community. A key function of the Board of Directors is to appoint and performance manage the Head Teachers who, with the SLTs and staff, will deliver the vision (through the day-to-day leadership and management of the schools, implementation of the agreed policy framework and school improvement strategy, and delivery of the curriculum) and report appropriately to the Board of Directors. Terms of Reference for the Board of Directors Remit: • • • • • • • • • To agree constitutional matters, including procedures where the Board of Directors has discretion To recruit and appoint new Directors as vacancies arise, taking into account the role of the Members To hold at least 3 Board of Directors meetings per year To appoint or remove the Chair and Vice Chair To appoint or remove a Clerk to the Board of Directors To establish the Committees of the Board of Directors and their Terms of Reference To appoint a Chair of any Committee (if not delegated to the Committee itself) To appoint or remove a Clerk to each Committee To suspend a Director or member of the LGBs. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p5 of 24 • To decide which functions of the Board of Directors will be delegated to Committees, groups, Local Governing Bodies or individuals • To receive reports from any individual or Committee to whom a decision has been delegated and to consider if any further action by the Board of Directors is necessary • To approve the first formal budget plan of the financial year • To keep the Health and Safety Policy and its practice under review and make revisions where appropriate • To review and monitor the schools’ improvement plans • To agree effective OFSTED plans • To agree the setting of targets • To agree a programme of Director Monitoring Visits • To review the delegation arrangements annually • To ensure good governance at Board and LGB levels. At all times the Board of Directors must be conscious of and have due regard to the fact that Finedon Mulso Junior School is a Church of England Foundation. The commitment by the Directors to retaining and recognising this distinct characteristic is reflected in the Articles of Association and in this document. In the case of the Finedon Schools to ensure that any prospective Head Teacher or Head of School will foster and promote the ethos of the Church of England. Any appointment panel must include a majority of Foundation style Governors or Directors approved by the Diocese. (This is repeated at LGB level also). Quorum: A minimum of 4 Directors Frequency of meetings: 4 meetings per year and, as and when required The Role of Head Teachers in each School The Head Teacher, as the lead professional in each school, is responsible for its internal leadership, management and organisation, for advising the Board of Directors, and for implementing the actions in the strategic plan. The Head Teacher will be supported in the day-to-day leadership and management of the school by their respective Deputy Head and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the school’s local School Business Manager. Incorporated in the role of the Head Teacher and School Leaders in advising the Board of Directors are: • Formulating and reviewing the vision, values, aims and objectives for the schools, for modification and adoption by the Board of Directors • Formulating and reviewing policies for adoption by the Board of Directors • Reporting to the Board of Directors on progress, either at full Board of Directors meetings or at Committee meetings, three times per year. • Completing an annual evaluation of school effectiveness and associated strategic plans, for ratification by the Board of Directors • The Head Teacher of Head of School at Finedon Mulso Junior School must always commit fully to supporting the Church of England ethos within the school. To promote those ideals and to have due regard to advice and guidance from the Diocesan Board of Education and the National Society of the Church of England. The importance of section 48 inspections and promotion of the Christian ethos within schools will be an intractable element of this role. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p6 of 24 The Roles of the Accounting Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Director with Responsibility for Finance (Resource Committee) Accounting Officer (AC) The Funding Agreement requires the MAT to identify an Accounting Officer. This post confers responsibility for financial and administrative matters. Each Head Teacher will serve as the Accounting officer for a period of one year in turn. This is a vital role as the Accounting Officer is personally responsible to the Board of Directors for: • Ensuring regularity and propriety • Prudent and economical administration • Avoidance of waste and extravagance • Efficient and effective use of available Resource • The day-to-day organisation, staffing and management of the MAT The Accounting Officer may delegate or appoint others to assist in these responsibilities, for example to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the other Head Teachers. In accordance with this, the Head Teachers at each school will be delegated the authority for: • Approving new staff appointments with their schools, except for the Head Teacher post which must be approved by the Board of Directors • Authorising contracts up to £10,000 • In conjunction with the CFO, authorising contracts up to £50,000. Contracts above this amount must be approved by the Board of Directors and the EFA. • Signing checks in conjunction with another authorised signatory. Where a cheque is for an amount over £20,000, one of the signatories must be the school’s own Chair of the Local Governing Body who is also a Director of the MAT. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) The main responsibilities of the CFO are: • The day-to-day management of financial issues including the establishment and operation of a suitable accounting system • The management of the MAT’s financial position at a strategic and operational level within the framework for financial control determined by the Board of Directors • The maintenance of effective systems of internal control • Ensuring that the annual accounts are properly presented and adequately supported by the underlying books and records of the four schools and the MAT • The preparation of monthly management accounts • Ensuring forms and returns are sent to the Department for Education/Education Funding Agency (DfE/EFA) in line with the timetable in the DfE/EFA guidance and signing such forms as necessary The Director with responsibility for Finance (Resource Committee) The Board of Directors must monitor and check the operation of the financial management arrangements that have been established and are operated by the officers of the MAT. To do this they will appoint a member of the Board of Directors who will have specific responsibility for overseeing financial arrangements on their behalf. The Director with responsibility for finance will provide the Board of Directors with on-going assurance that: • The financial responsibilities of the Board of Directors are being properly discharged • Resource are being managed in an efficient, economical and effective manner • Sound systems of internal control are being maintained • Financial considerations are fully taken into account in reaching decisions. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p7 of 24 Delegation of the Board of Directors Functions A decision about the delegation of Board of Directors functions has been taken in the light of: • The requirement for the Board of Directors to fulfil a largely strategic function • The responsibility of each Head Teacher and SLT for the internal leadership, management and organisation of their school • The requirement for the Head Teachers to comply with any legal and reasonable direction of the Board of Directors in carrying out a function delegated by the Board of Directors. • To ensure that the Local Governing Bodies are responsible for ensuring that the strategic objectives are delivered in the local setting The Board of Directors has delegated its functions to 2 types of Committee, Standing and Routine, and to the Local Governing Bodies and Head Teachers in accordance with the following structure and Terms of Reference. The individual Committees are responsible for the functions that have been delegated to them by the full Board of Directors and operate under their own terms of reference. The Board of Directors will review the establishment, terms of reference, constitution and membership of Committees at least once a year (normally at the first ordinary meeting of the Full Board of Directors meeting in September). Each Committee must have a Chair and Vice Chair who will be elected at the September meeting of the full Board of Directors, to serve a term of one year. The Role of the Director responsible for Standards (Provision Committee) The Board of Directors must monitor and check the operation of the educational provision being made for all pupils in line with mission statement of the MAT. To do this they will appoint a member of the Board of Directors who will have specific responsibility for overseeing educational arrangements for and outcomes of the pupils within our MAT. The Director, through the Provision Committee, will ratify the annual evaluation of the quality of teaching and learning and ensure that the schools provides a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils and enables them to achieve their full educational potential. STANDING COMMITTEES There are 5 Standing Committees, namely: • The Staff Discipline Committee • The Staff Discipline Appeal Committee • The Exclusions Committee • Head Teacher’s Performance Management Committee • The Admissions Committee Standing Committees meet only when required. Their Terms of Reference are as follows: STAFF DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE Committee membership: Any three eligible Directors who are available within the required timescales. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p8 of 24 Terms of Reference Remit: The Committee will act in accordance with the MAT’s Disciplinary Policy and procedures, agreed by the full Governing Body and undertake any procedure/hearing which may result in an employee who works at the school having his/her contract of employment with the Board of Directors terminated, not renewed or be in receipt some other sanction in accordance with the disciplinary procedure. Scheme of Delegation: • The Board of Directors delegates its authority in respect of the Disciplinary Process, to the Head Teacher In all cases except where it has been impossible for the Head Teacher to remain untainted. Where this is not possible, the hearing will be before a Committee of Directors, with the case presented by the Head Teacher. • The Board of Directors delegates the decision to suspend staff in the circumstances which may be considered to be ‘Gross Misconduct’, or where a fair investigation may be prejudiced by their continued presence at work, to the Head Teacher. The removal of a suspension and reinstatement of a member of staff is delegated to the Head Teacher in consultation with the named Director. This delegation excludes members of staff who are part of the SLT, where agreement must be sought from the Chair of the Board of Directors. Wherever possible, the Chair/Vice Chair of the Board of Directors is to be notified prior to any suspension. STAFF DISCIPLINE APPEAL Committee membership: Any three eligible Directors who are available within the required timescales. The Head Teacher, Teachers and Directors employed to work in the school are not eligible to be a member. These Directors must not have sat on the originating Staff Discipline Committee. Terms of Reference Remit: The Committee will act in accordance with the MAT’s Disciplinary Policy and procedures agreed by the full Board of Directors and undertake any procedure/hearing relating to an appeal made against a decision taken by the Staff Discipline Committee. Quorum for above Committees: 3 members of Committee Frequency of meetings for above Committees: as and when required DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE Committee membership: Any three Directors or members of the relevant LGB who are available within the required timescales. Terms of Reference Remit: The Committee will act in accordance with statutory guidance, and the individual MAT’s Behaviour Policy agreed by the Board of Directors and undertake the functions of the Board of Directors in relation to excluded pupils. Quorum for above Committees: 3 members of Committee Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p9 of 24 Frequency of meetings for above Committees: as and when required. HEAD TEACHER PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT (CONFIDENTIAL) Committee membership: Three Directors, to be appointed annually by the full Board of Directors. Terms of Reference Remit: • • • • To complete the Head Teacher’s annual performance management review, with the support of an external adviser, and set appropriate targets allied to the school’s strategic plan. To agree appropriate professional development opportunities for the Head Teachers. To hold a midyear review with each Head Teacher to provide support and ensure progress to targets is appropriate. To make a report to the Resource Committee in respect of its findings and recommendations in relation to the Head Teachers’ salaries. Quorum for above Committees: 3 members of Committee Frequency of meetings for above Committees: twice a year ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE Committee membership: The relevant Head Teacher and at least two other Directors or members of the relevant LGB. Terms of Reference Remit: • • • • • • • • Review each school’s Admissions Policy, which will include the admissions criteria. To review admissions arrangements and to make recommendations for changes to the Board of Directors. Ensure that the timetable for the review of each policy provides adequate time for the statutory required annual consultation with the LA. Recommend to the Board of Directors for approval the final draft of the Admissions Policies. To determine within statutory provisions and the Board of Directors policy whether any child should be admitted to the school (cannot be delegated to an individual). Annually review the Independent Admissions Appeal Panel’s administrative procedures to ensure that these are meeting statutory requirements. Should these be found lacking or incorrect then the Directors of the schools are held to be (and named as) the responsible party: [although the decisions made by the Independent Admissions Appeal Panel remain completely independent of the school]. Where possible, contentious applications (both religious and other) will be decided by the Admissions Committee: however, this may be delegated to a sub-Committee of not less than 3 Directors where it is not practicable to deal with contentious applications in the Committee meetings. All members of the admissions Committee will be welcome at these sub-Committee meetings; the only requirement being to have not less than 3 Directors present. The Head Teacher will not be a member of the Appeals Panel. Finedon Mulso’s Admission Policy must be in line with guidance and advice from the Diocesan Board of Education. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p10 of 24 Quorum for above Committees: 4 members of Committee Frequency of meetings for above Committees: once a year ROUTINE COMMITTEES There are 2 routine Committees, namely: • The Resource Committee – incorporating Finance, Personnel, Estates, Premises, Health and Safety, Business Strategy and Succession Planning. A Chair will be elected annually. • The Provision Committee - Standards and Achievement, Performance Appraisal Targets, Behaviour, and Governance. A Chair will be elected annually. It will also be responsible for Curriculum, Quality of Teaching and Learning, children’s welfare, EYFS, Inclusion, Child Protection, Safeguarding and Quality Governance. A Chair will be elected annually. These Committees are the Routine Committees through which the work of the Board of Directors is accomplished. They meet regularly, as decided by the full Board of Directors and their meeting dates are published in advance. They may be called to an emergency meeting by either the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board of Directors or the Chair of the respective Committee. These responsibilities and actions required can be delegated to the LGBs. It is incumbent on the Board of Directors to ensure that these obligations are met. RESOURCE COMMITTEE Committee Membership: At least five Directors, including the Accounting Officer and the Directors with responsibility for finance, premises and Health and Safety. The CFO will be expected to attend but may not vote. This Committee may have assigned to it appropriate members of the SLT and/or Multi Academy Trust, to advise it on aspects of its remit. Other members of staff responsible for specific areas may be asked to attend meetings to discuss with, report to or advise the Committee on issues pertinent to their roles within the school. Staff attendees will not have voting rights. Quorum: Half Committee membership (rounded up to a full number or minimum of 3 appointed Committee members) Frequency of meetings: 4 meetings per year and, as and when required. FINANCE Terms of Reference Remit: To monitor and review expenditure on a regular basis and ensure compliance with the terms of the Funding Agreement, drawing any matters of concern to the attention of the Board of Directors by: • Ensuring that school budgets are prepared by the LGB based on priorities in the school’s Strategic Plan to present to the Board of Directors for adoption. • Preparing all company annual accounts and reporting. • Establishing and monitor appropriate policies and procedures for sound budgetary control. • Reporting regularly on each school's finances to the full Board of Directors. • Determining the financial delegation to be made to the Multi Academy Trust’s Chief Financial Officer, Head Teachers and/or the local School Business Managers Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p11 of 24 • • • • • • • • Responding to any issues arising from the audit of each school's accounts Ensuring that systems are in the place for to ensure the financial implications of staffing decisions are explicitly identified, understood, budgeted for and that any unbudgeted items are pre-approved by the Resource Committee Considering financial implications of recommendations by the Head Teachers Ensuring that the Board of Directors annually prepares and maintains a Register of Pecuniary Interests for Board of Directors and all staff Recommending to the Full Board of Directors the appointment or reappointment of the auditors of the Multi Academy Trust Ensuring that the funding formula delivers funding to each school according to the DfE entitlement Agreeing what level of funding is required for central services as a percentage of each schools’ funding Considering any exceptional costs that may require a form of pooled funding to meet individual school needs PERSONNEL Remit: To observe all statutory and contractual obligations related to the Employment and Appraisal of Staff by: • Reviewing and recommending staffing and employment policies to the full Board of Directors for acceptance, e.g. policies and procedures for selection and appointment of staff professional development and equal opportunities. • Having oversight of each school’s contracts of employment and staffing • Ensuring the selection and screening of staff complies with all regulations and good practice guidance • Monitoring the Multi Academy Trust’s Performance Management Policy to ensure statutory requirements are met • Monitoring the whole schools’ procedures for staff development • Monitoring the schools’ support for NQTs, new teachers and support staff • Approving the school's staffing structure • Ensuring that the financial implications of staffing decisions are explicitly identified, understood and budgeted for • Establishing disciplinary, grievance and capability policy and procedures and reviewing annually in light of changes to legislation • Ensuring that Head Teachers and Chairs of the LGB have Safer Recruiting accreditation. PAY AND REVIEW Remit: To review the Multi Academy Trust’s Pay Policies annually, to take account of statutory guidance, local and national developments and to make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors by: • Determining and ensuring that the aims of the Multi Academy Trust’s Pay Policies are met • Establishing the criteria and procedures for determining all discretionary elements of the pay policy • Ensuring the performance and pay of the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Teams and all staff are reviewed annually. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p12 of 24 PREMISES/HEALTH AND SAFETY Remit: To ensure that each school complies with all Health and Safety standards on school premises by: • Raising the profile and the importance of the built environment and its link to educational achievement • Ensuring the regular inspection of the premises to identify essential maintenance work, taking into account the Asset Management Plan • Oversee the drafting and recommendations of the Schools Accessibility Plans and Equality Duty • Overseeing the letting of contracts for maintenance, repairs and small improvement work, cleaning and grounds maintenance • Reporting an ongoing programme of repairs and maintenance • Considering the need for improvement/extension projects in order to enhance the delivery of the curriculum or to provide for increasing numbers of pupils • Monitoring and reviewing the Multi Academy Trust’s Health and Safety Policies, including regular risk assessment • Regularly reviewing Health and Safety issues associated with the buildings and sites • Monitoring and reviewing the arrangements for cleaning the building and maintaining the surrounding areas • Monitoring the work of the maintenance and Health and Safety groups • Monitoring the Multi Academy Trust’s energy needs • Responding to external inspection reports and delegating actions as far as required to either the Local Governing Body or Senior Leadership Team • Ensuring the insurance in place is appropriate for the needs of the estates and asset management plans • Monitoring the Multi Academy Trust and each school’s emergency policy and procedures (Critical Incident Management Plan/Recovery Plan) PROVISION COMMITTEE Membership: At least five Directors including the Director with responsibility for School Improvement and the Head Teachers. Other senior members of staff responsible for specific areas may be asked to attend meetings to discuss with, report to or advise the Committee on issues pertinent to their roles within the school. Staff attendees will not have voting rights. Quorum: Half Committee membership (rounded up to a full number) Frequency of meetings for above Committees: 4 meetings per year and as and when required Terms of Reference Remit: Ratifying the ongoing and annual evaluation of achievement by monitoring and comparing with a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and benchmarking to bring about improvements in performance by reviewing: • how well pupils make progress relative to their starting points and targets • how well gaps are narrowing between the performance of different groups of pupils • how well pupils learn, the quality of their work and the progress they are making • how well those with SEND (those classed s having Special Needs) are progressing • how well Pupil Premium pupils (those who qualify for free School meals) are progressing • the extent to which pupils develop reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p13 of 24 • • the standards attained by pupils by the time they leave school the implementation of the MAT’s Assessment Policy Ratifying the annual evaluation of the Quality of Teaching Remit: Ensuring that the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils and enables them to achieve their full educational potential by: • Monitoring school processes for improving the quality of teaching across each school at each Key Stage including EYFS • Monitoring the outcomes of programmes designed to maximise the effectiveness of curriculum leaders • Overseeing arrangements for intervention to support student progress • Ensuring that focused professional development opportunities are available to all staff • Ensuring that professional development is linked directly to the outcomes of appraisal • Ensuring that the views of parents are sought systematically and any issues addressed • Ensuring that underperformance is addressed through the agreed procedures • Ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils within the school's curriculum offer • Annually reviewing the appropriateness of the curriculum offer in the light of statutory requirements, the achievement profile of pupils and best practice in similar schools nationally • Reviewing and overseeing the approval of the policy documents identified in the schools’ monitoring schedule • Ensuring that the schools meet the needs of the range of pupils at the schools (in particular the needs of SEND pupils) and promotes their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) by: o Ensuring that the Safeguarding Policy reflects and meets statutory requirements o Overseeing arrangements for intervention to support pupils at risk of underachieving • Monitoring and reviewing the schools’ policies with regard to school uniform (including the rights of children to wear dress and symbols which are related to religion) • Monitoring all exclusions and ensuring that provision for excluded pupils meets statutory requirements. • Monitoring student attendance and ensuring arrangements meet statutory requirements • Monitoring the delivery of PSHE, collective worship, relationships and sex education • Monitoring arrangements for Section 48 inspections • Liaising with members of the School Council, as appropriate • Ensuring that arrangements for reporting to parents meet statutory requirements • Monitoring provision designed to develop pupils’ social and cultural development through enrichment activities • Overseeing and authorising the arrangements for school visits in line with MAT policy and legal requirements In addition it will: • Consider all curricular issues which have implications for staffing and finance and make recommendations to the Resource Committee. • Ensure Good Governance practices are in place. • Oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a monitoring role in specific areas of provision, e.g. SEND • Evaluating the implementation of the Multi Academy Trust Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy by the Local Governing Bodies and Senior Leadership Team. Frequency of meetings: 3 times per year and as and when required. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p14 of 24 LOCAL GOVERNING BODIES and LGB COMMITTEES (LGB) General Each school in Irthlingborough and the two schools combined in Finedon will have a Local Governing Body (LGB). These LGB will be directly responsible for the delivery of and the impact of the strategic policies and procedures on the individual schools. The LGBs will have tasks and responsibilities delegated to them to ensure that the strategic aims, the mandatory obligations the education provision expectations and the financial constraints of the Multi Academy Trust are met. Members of the LGB will be invited to attend Directors meetings as appropriate. The Irthlingborough Nursery and Infant and the Irthlingborough Junior Schools will each have a minimum of two elected parent representatives and two staff members, one of whom will be the Head Teacher. The LGBs will consist of the Head Teacher, 1 elected member of the school staff, 2 elected parents and at least 3 co-opted governors (Min of 7 governors). The Finedon schools will have two LGBs which will meet as one LGB. The Infant School will have the Head Teacher, 1 elected staff member, 1 elected parent member and 2 community members. The Finedon Junior School will have 3 Foundation style governors, 1 elected Parent governor, 1 elected Staff governor. The Head Teacher or Head of School will, if ever there is the need for a separate LGB meeting to consider faith issues pertinent for an Anglican VA style school, be ex officio. If no current member meets the Diocesan criteria then the Diocese may appoint additional member to that Local Governing Body to more than 50% of the total membership. The Chair of each Local Governing Body will be approved by the Board of Directors. It is expected that the Chair will have a direct link with the specific school or location to ensure that the local interests and concerns are always reflected at Board level. At Finedon the Chair and Vice Chair will always be drawn from the two Local Governing Bodies. The LGBs may from time to time invite those with a specific interest or area of expertise to attend a particular meeting. Consideration will also be given to inviting stakeholder representatives to become members of a Committee, providing that a majority of members are governors. The members may determine that some or all of the members who are not LGB members may have voting rights. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS The Local Governing Body can appoint Associate Members to serve on one or more Committees and attend full Local Governing Body meetings. The definition of Associate Member is wide pupils and school staff and people who want to contribute specifically on issues related to their area of expertise (for instance, finance) can be appointed as associate members. Associate Members are appointed as members of any Committees established by the Local Governing Body They are appointed for a period of between one and four years and can be reappointed at the end of their term of office. Associate Members are not Local Governing Body Members. DELEGATION PLAN Functions/Duties retained by the Board of Directors (not delegated to Local Governing Bodies): • • Strategic direction of the MAT Accountability for the effectiveness of the MAT and all outcomes Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p15 of 24 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Enlisting where necessary professional specialist business support Enlisting where necessary appropriate teaching and leadership support Establish and maintain a business commercial risk assessment register The MAT company accounts All company statutory and mandatory obligations Recruitment of Head Teachers Note: - In the case of the Finedon Mulso CEVA Junior School to ensure that any prospective Head Teacher or Head of School will foster and promote the ethos of the Church of England. Any appointment panel must include a majority of Foundation Style governors or Directors approved by the Diocese. Appointment of the LGB members Approval of LGB Chairs Appointment of LGB co-opted members Approval of schools’ budgets Overall responsibility for the effective monitoring and management of the MAT’s finances Governor training and development Approval and management of all statutory policies and procedures Press management Schools education provision improvement support. Approval of schools curriculum provision Safeguarding and Child Protection accountability Accountability for Health and Safety legislation i.e. COSHH, hazard identification and Risk Assessments, Accountably for all relevant business mandatory legislation and school governor regulations Attend parent exclusions hearings. Form an appeals panel when required for stage 3 of complaints procedure Duties and responsibilities delegated to the LGBs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Develop the schools’ vision and ethos Undertake succession planning for the school Contribute to the School Development Plan (SDP) Comply with the LGB Terms of Reference Preparation of and presentation of proposed annual budgets Preparation of 3yr budget forecasts and presentation to Board of Directors Management and monitoring of the school budget Preparation of financial information and reports to Board of Directors as requested Management of school premises, grounds and assets in accordance with approved budget Management of lettings Recruitment and management of school staff both teaching and support staff (other than Head Teacher) Performance Management of all staff both teaching and support staff (other than Head Teacher) Monitoring of teaching and learning in the school Monitoring standards in accordance with the MAT’s requirements. Monitor Safeguarding in the school and compliance with Child Protection Monitor the use of Pupil Premium (PP) funding and the outcomes Prepare reports on monitoring as required by the Board of Directors Implementing all relevant policies and procedures Represent Governance at any Ofsted Visits Advising Board of Directors on school specific elements of policies and procedures Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p16 of 24 • • • • • School complaint management (stages 1 and2 of the complaints procedure) attendance monitoring. Collaborate with other MAT schools for continuous improvement. Work with the MAT on matters regarding member training and ‘good governance’ Be a critical friend to the Head Teacher and support the SLT in managing the school The LGB Chair will be delegated the powers to act in cases if emergency as outlined in the governors handbook Local Governor Body Responsibilities and Committee Terms of Reference Local Governing Body meetings will be open to the public with minutes available except for Part II business. In the event of a tied vote the Chair or Acting Chair/Vice Chair will have a second or casting vote. The Local Governing Body should therefore ensure that decisions to delegate specific responsibilities are properly recorded. The Local Governing Body will: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hold at least three meetings per year Elect a Chair and Vice Chair (The appointed chair must be approved by the MAT before the following meeting Advise all parents of any parent member vacancies, all staff of staff member vacancies and to appoint community members. Set dates of meetings for the year ahead Liaise with member school regarding term dates for the academic year Receive Head Teacher Reports Review and monitor national test results Monitor exclusions Monitor attendance of governors/staff/members Adopt and monitor the MAT Freedom of Information Policy/Data Protection Policy Agree Curriculum plans in consultation with the MAT Provision Committee Set performance targets in consultation with the MAT Provision Committee If required, consider the suspension of a member Provide induction for new LGB members as per the MAT LGB Induction Policy Encourage LGB members to visit school and to adopt and monitor the MAT ‘LGB Member’s Visits Policy’. Note: LGBs will be expected to contribute to the visits policy. Adopt the MAT’s procedures for dealing with complaints from parents/carers. Review, approve and monitor the School Development Plan. (This will need to be endorsed by the MAT Provision Committee Annually elect LGB members for the following responsibilities:o Literacy, Numeracy, Equalities, SEND, Looked After Children (Children in Care), Child Protection and Health and Safety Maintain and update annually a file of pecuniary interest declarations Adopt and monitor the MAT LGB members’ expenses policy Adopt and monitor the delivery of the MAT Curriculum Policy together with any individual schools variations. Review annually the delegation of functions and Committee structure Organise support and training for LGB members To receive an annual report on Safeguarding Publish the following information online o Details of the school’s “premium” allocation o Details of the school’s curriculum Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p17 of 24 o o o o The school’s admission arrangements The school’s policies on behaviour, charging, and SEND provision. The school’s Ofsted report and the DfE Performance Tables A statement of the school’s ethos and values DELEGATION OF FUNCTIONS A Local Governing Body can delegate any of its functions to a Committee, a member or the Head Teacher, subject to prescribed restrictions. The Local Governing Body must review the delegation of functions annually. The Local Governing Body will remain accountable for any decisions taken, including those relating to functions delegated to a Committee or individual. The Local Governing Body cannot delegate any functions relating to: • the appointment or removal of the Chair and Vice Chair; • the suspension of Members; • the delegation of functions; • the establishment of Committees. Any individual or Committee to whom a function has been delegated must report to the Local Governing Body in respect of any action taken or decision made. The Local Governing Body can still perform functions it has delegated: this enables the Local Governing Body to take decisions on matters that are discussed at meetings on functions that have been delegated. For instance, the Local Governing Body can decide to move (“vire”) money from one budget heading to another in light of changing circumstances, even if the function of approving and monitoring the budget has been delegated to a Committee. COMMITTEES OF LOCAL GOVERNING BODIES Establishment of Committees The membership of any Committee may include Associate Members, provided that a majority of members of the Committee are members. Each Committee must have a Chair, who is either appointed by the Local Governing Body or elected by the Committee. The Local Governing Body may remove the Chair of Committee from office at any time. The Head Teacher of the school cannot be appointed as Clerk to a Committee. The Local Governing Body can appoint a member to Clerk one or more Committees. If the Clerk, if one has been appointed, does not attend a Committee meeting, then the members present at the meeting can appoint a Member of the Committee (other than the Head Teacher) to act as Clerk for that meeting. Right of persons to attend meetings of Committees Members of Committees, the LGB Chair, the Head Teacher if not a member of the Committee and the Clerk to the Committee have the right to attend Committee meetings. In addition, the Local Governing Body or the Committee can allow any other person to attend their meetings. Associate Members may be excluded from any part of a Committee meeting when the item of business concerns an individual or member of staff. Meetings of Committees Committee meetings are convened by the Clerk to the Committee (if one has been appointed), who takes directions from the Local Governing Body and the Chair of the Committee. In the absence of an appointed Clerk, the Chair of the Committee, in conjunction with the Head Teacher, will set the agenda and a member of the Committee will be chosen to take minutes who is not a staff member/Head Teacher. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p18 of 24 Notice of Committee meetings The Clerk(if one has been appointed) or Chair the Committee must give each member and Associate Member who is a member of the Committee and the Head Teacher (if not a member) written notice of a meeting, a copy of the agenda and any papers to be considered at the meeting at least seven clear days before the meeting. If the Chair of the Committee considers that there are matters that demand urgent consideration he or she can determine a shorter period of notice. Quorum The quorum for any Committee meeting and for any vote must be three members who are members of the Committee (or more) as determined by the Committee. Voting Every question to be decided at a Committee meeting must be determined by a majority of votes of those members and Associate Members present and voting. If there is an equal number of votes, the Chair (or the person acting as chair), provided that he or she is a member, has a second (or casting) vote. The Committee can only vote if the majority of the Committee members present are members. Associate Members The Local Governing Body can give limited voting rights to Associate Members on Committees at the time of appointment. Associate Members cannot be given voting rights if they have not reached the age of 18 at the time of their appointment. Associate Members may not vote on any decision concerning admissions, discipline, election or appointment of members, the budget and financial commitments of the Local Governing Body. Minutes of Committee meetings Minutes must be drawn up by the Clerk or the nominated minute taker and signed by the Chair after approval at the next meeting of the Committee. The Committee must make available for inspection to any interested person a copy of the agenda, signed minutes and reports or papers considered at the meeting as soon as is reasonably practicable. Information relating to a named person or any other matter that the Committee considers confidential does not have to be made available for inspection. Committee Terms of Reference - General Requirements Membership • • • • • Not less than four members appointed by the Local Governing Body plus any Associate Members appointed by the Local Governing Body to the Committee . The Committee may make recommendations to the Local Governing Body for co-option of nonmember members. The Committee Chair should be appointed at the beginning of each school year by the Local Governing Body or by the Committee and shall not be a member of staff at the school or an Associate member or a non-member member. The Chair of the Local Governing Body can be an ex-officio member of each Committee and may attend each Committee meeting and vote because s/he has chosen to be a member. The Head Teacher may attend meetings but may not vote unless s/he has chosen to be a member. Disqualification Any member of staff other than the Head Teacher, when the subject for consideration is the pay, performance or discipline of any other member of staff. The Head Teacher or any member may not attend when he/she is the subject under discussion or there is a perceived conflict of interest. Quorum: Three members who are appointed members of the Committee. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p19 of 24 Meetings • • • • • • At least three times in each school year prior to ordinary full Local Governing Body meetings. (Quorum is three members who are appointed to the Committee Committee meetings will not be open to the public but minutes are available except for Part II Minutes. In the absence of the Chair, the Committee shall choose an acting Chair for that meeting from among their number. In the event of a tied vote the Chair or acting Chair shall have a second or casting vote. It is advisable that each Committee shall be clerked by the Clerk to the Local Governing Body. In the absence of the Clerk the Committee shall choose a Clerk for that meeting from among their number (someone who is not a member of staff at the school). The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the full Local Governing Body and will be presented at that meeting by the Chair (or in his/her absence another member of the Committee ). LGB Resource Committee Terms of Reference Membership • • • • • Not less than four members appointed by the Local Governing Body plus any Associate Members appointed by the Local Governing Body to the Committee. The Committee may make recommendations to the Local Governing Body for co-option of non-member members. The Committee Chair should be appointed at the beginning of each school year by the Local Governing Body or by the Committee and shall not be a member of staff at the school or an Associate Member or a non-member member. The Chair of Local Governing Body can be an ex-officio member of each Committee and may attend each Committee meeting and vote because s/he has chosen to be a member. The Head Teacher may attend meetings but may not vote unless s/he has chosen to be a member. Disqualification The Head Teacher or any member may not attend when s/he is the subject under discussion or there is a perceived conflict of interest. Quorum: Three members who are appointed members of the Committee. Meetings • • • • • • At least four times in each school year prior to ordinary full Local Governing Body meetings. Committee meetings will not be open to the public but minutes are available except for Confidential Minutes. In the absence of the Chair, the Committee shall choose an acting Chair for that meeting from among their number. In the event of a tied vote the Chair or Acting Chair shall have a second or casting vote. It is advisable that each Committee shall be clerked by the Clerk to Local Governing Body. In the absence of the Clerk the Committee shall choose a Clerk for that meeting from among their number (someone who is not a member of staff at the school). The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the full Local Governing Body and will be presented at that meeting by the Chair (or in his/her absence another member of the Committee ). Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p20 of 24 Specific Terms To ensure that the school LGB supports the MAT in being complaint in all areas of Resource Management: o Finance o Premises o Health and Safety o Personnel and Pay Review PREMISES FOCUS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • To provide support and guidance for the Local Governing Body and the Head Teacher on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds, including Health and Safety. To keep abreast of new legislation. To ensure safe working practices for site staff including training. To inspect the premises and grounds termly and to review the Asset Management Plan in order to prepare a list of priorities for maintenance and development. To advise on the relative funding priorities necessary for security, maintenance, repairs and redecoration, and to approve the costs and arrangements within the budget allocation. The Head Teacher is authorised to commit expenditure without the prior approval of the Committee in any emergency where delay would result in further damage, or present a risk to the health and safety of pupils or staff. In this event the Head Teacher would normally be expected to consult the Committee Chair at the earliest opportunity. To oversee the preparation and implementation of contracts. To ensure that the Local Governing Body's responsibilities regarding litter, refuse and dog excrement are discharged according to Section 89 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, so far as is practicable. To adopt the lettings and charges policy as agreed with the MAT and to monitor its implementation. To establish and keep under review an Accessibility Plan which will be reported on at each Resource Committee meeting. To ensure any necessary liaison with the MAT regarding premises issues. To adopt and monitor the MAT Health and Safety policy as adapted for the school. In consultation with the Head Teacher to oversee any premises related funding bid. To oversee the arrangements for Educational Visits including the appointment of a Named Coordinator. PERSONNEL and PAY FOCUS • • • • • • • In consultation with the Head Teacher and the MAT, determine the staffing structure of the school. To ensure the Head Teacher and the Chair of the Local Governing Body is Safer Recruiting trained by an accredited body. To oversee the appointment procedure for all staff ensuring these are made in line with MAT policy. To adopt and monitor compliance of the MAT’s Pay Policy. To adopt the MAT’s Appraisal policies, to ensure that they are followed and that information is provided to the Pay Committee of the Board of directors for dealing with staff discipline and grievances and ensure that staff are informed of these. To adopt and monitor compliance of the MAT’s Equality Duty Policy To adopt and monitor the MAT’s procedures for allegation of abuse against school staff policy. FINANCE FOCUS Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p21 of 24 1. To adopt and ensure compliance with the MAT’s Financial Management Policy. 2. To ensure that the school maintains compliance with all the requirements of Academies Financial Handbook (this will be overseen by the MAT’s CFO). 3. The provide guidance and assistance to the Head Teacher and LGB Members in all matters relating to budgeting and finance, and to clearly define financial responsibilities in conjunction with the MAT Chief Financial Officer CFO 4. To review budget monitoring reports which contain detailed statements of income and expenditure, detailed budgets and other evidence of delegated financial control, ensuring that full explanations are available. Note. All financial reporting will be presented in accordance with the MAT financial reporting documents and procedures. LGB will liaise closely with the MAT Resource Committee and the CFO. 5. Report on the school’s finances at full Local Governing Body meetings. 6. To ensure that a recovery plan, agreed by the MAT, is put into place where a budget has gone into a deficit position or that there is a plan to spend surpluses. 7. The preparation and reporting of an annual budget for Local Governing Body and MAT approval. 8. The preparation and reporting upon a 3 year financial plan to be presented to a full meeting of the Local Governing Body (prior to approval by the board of Directors). 9. IN conjunction with the Head Teacher and CFO, to review tenders received for contracts, up to the value of £50,000, agree on which supplier and make recommendations to the full Local Governing Body. Tenders above £50,000 must be approved by the Board of Directors and the EFA. 10. To authorise expenditure as per limits set out in the school’s financial procedures as agreed by the MAT. 11. To receive requests for authorisation to vire expenditure between budget headings as per limits set out in the school’s financial procedures and approved by the MAT. 12. To approve, after due consideration of costs and quality issues, the continuation (or cessation) of contracts, annually and report to the full Local Governing Body and MAT for approval. . 13. To review these Terms of Reference annually and propose any amendments to the MAT Board. 14. To contribute to the School Development Plan. 15. To review any Internal Audit reports and comment to the full Local Governing Body meetings on recommendations. To ensure full implementation of audit recommendations given by the MAT Auditor and implement the action plan. 16. To review debts and approve any debts written off. The Local Governing Body should adopt and monitor compliance with the MAT’s policy on the action to be taken with regard to chasing arrears and write offs. 17. To be aware of and encourage use of the MAT’s Whistle Blowing Policy. 18. To oversee the finances and management of the school’s extended services 19. To oversee and monitor ring fenced funding. e.g. PP, PE and Sport Grant, 1:1, and High Needs funding 20. To ensure Best Value 21. To ensure the school maintains an up to date asset register. 22. To ensure all expenses are signed off by the Line Manager; in the case of the Head Teacher these should be signed off by the Chair of the Local Governing Body. 23. To annually review the MAT member Allowances/Expenses Policy and ensure it operates at local level. LGB - Provision Committee Terms of Reference Membership • Not less than four members appointed by the Local Governing Body plus any Associate Members appointed by the Local Governing Body to the Committee. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p22 of 24 • • • • • The Committee may make recommendations to the Local Governing Body for co-option of nonmember members. The Committee Chair should be appointed at the beginning of each school year by the Local Governing Body or by the Committee and shall not be a member of staff at the school or an Associate member or a non-governor member. The Chair of the Local Governing Body can be an ex-officio member of each Committee and may attend each Committee meeting and vote because s/he has chosen to be a member. The Head Teacher may attend meetings but may not vote unless s/he has chosen to be a Director. When SEND is an agenda item, the SENDCo, Family Support Worker and any other person deemed appropriate should be invited to attend. Disqualification Any member of staff other than the Head Teacher and School Business Manager, when the subject for consideration is the pay, performance or discipline of any other member of staff. The Head Teacher or any member may not attend when he/she is the subject under discussion or there is a perceived conflict of interest. Quorum: Three members who are appointed to the Committee. Meetings • • • • • At least three times in each school year prior to ordinary full Local Governing Body meetings. Committee meetings will not be open to the public but minutes are available except for Confidential Minutes. In the absence of the Chair, the Committee shall choose an acting Chair for that meeting from among their number. In the event of a tied vote the Chair or acting Chair shall have a second or casting vote. It is advisable that each Committee shall be clerked by the Clerk to Local Governing Body. In the absence of the Clerk the Committee shall choose a Clerk for that meeting from among their number. The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the full Local Governing Body and will be presented at that meeting by the Chair (or in his/her absence another member of the Committee ). Specific Terms of Reference • To adopt and monitor compliance with the MAT’s Curriculum Policy together with any approved school specific additions. • In collaboration with staff, to provide information about how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced when requested by the MAT provisions Committee • To adopt and monitor compliance with the MAT’s policies for Collective Worship and Sex Education. • To ensure that the requirements of children with SEND are met, as laid out in the Code of Practice. • To monitor a review the progress of SEND children, holding the school to account for their progress. • To ensure that all Safeguarding/Child Protection protocols are met. • To ensure the Single Central record is up-to-date. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p23 of 24 • • • • • • • • • To monitor and review the information about school performance, holding the school to account for the progress of all groups of children, and report according to statutory and MAT requirements. LGB members with work closely with the MAT Provision Committee on regarding performance standards. To adopt all MAT policies including Behaviour (Infant and Junior specific) and Safety, Safeguarding and Child Protection, Pupil Premium, and SEND, and to monitor their implementation. To monitor the progress of Premium children and report as required to the MAT Provision Committee To provide information to the Resource Committee on interventions so that spending and value for money can be tracked. To monitoring, holding the school to account for the impact, the spending of ring fenced sums for such things as PP, PE and Sport, 1:1, and High Needs funding. To advise the Resource Committee on the relative funding priorities necessary to deliver the curriculum. To monitor educational visits on an annual basis to ensure they enhance the curriculum. To prepare and publish the School Prospectus. To ensure the school’s website meets requirements. Election of Parent and Staff Members Parent members can self-nominate themselves for election and a vote will only be required if the number of qualified nominees is greater than the number of vacancies. Election procedures • When there is a vacancy or prospective vacancy for a parent or staff governor, every teacher or support staff member employed to work at the school must be given the opportunity of participating in the appropriate elections. The Head Teacher or Head of School should write to all parents inviting applications for the parent governance role as a member of the LGB. • The first step is for the Head Teacher to write to all relevant people to invite nominations, enclosing a sheet setting out the qualifications to serve as a member and a nomination form. The letter will indicate the closing date for receipt of nominations, which must be not less than 14 days. • Staff who are nominated for election must be employed to work at the school either as teachers or support staff on the closing date for nominations. Parents must have a child at school. • The nomination form invites candidates to give brief biographical details to go out with the ballot forms; the Head Teacher or Head of School may set a reasonable limit on the number of words allowed. • Where the number of nominations received is the same as or less than the number of vacancies, candidates will be elected unopposed. If there are more nominations than vacancies, it will be necessary to arrange a ballot. • The Head Teacher or Head of School will ensure that all ballots are conducted fairly and that multiple votes cannot be cast by a single person. • The votes shall be counted by the Head Teacher or Head of School and a simple majority system shall apply. • The successful candidate will then be informed. • The term of office will be for two years. Version One 1st Sept 2015 Irthlingborough and Finedon Learning Multi Academy Trust p24 of 24